teach the faithful, reach lost, and care for all. Forming servants in Jesus Christ who CONCORDIA THEOLOGICAL QUARTERLY CONCORDIA THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY THEOLOGICAL CONCORDIA CONCORDIA Fort Wayne, IN 46825-4996 Fort Wayne, 6600 North Clinton Street THEOLOGICAL QUARTERLY Volume 81 Number 3–4 July/October 2017 REFORMATION 500 ANNIVERSARY ISSUE The Ninety-Five Theses Cameron A. MacKenzie Luther on Galatians as the Banner of the July/Oct 2017 Reformation Naomichi Masaki Pfarramt, Geography, and the Order of the Church Mark D. Nispel Luther’s Use of Apologetics Adam S. Francisco Antichrist in the Scriptures and Lutheran Confessions 81:3–4 Charles A. Gieschen ORGANIZATION Berne, IN 46711 NON-PROFIT NON-PROFIT Permit No. 43 Will the Real Martin Luther Stand Up? U.S. Postage PAID David P. Scaer Luther Lessons for the Present Crisis Peter J. Scaer The Great Litany Benjamin T. G. Mayes US ISSN 0038-8610 Concordia Theological Quarterly Concordia Theological Quarterly, a continuation of The Springfielder, is a theological journal of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, published for its ministerium by the faculty of Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Indiana. Editor: David P. Scaer (
[email protected]) Associate Editor: Charles A. Gieschen (
[email protected]) Assistant Editor: Benjamin T.G. Mayes (
[email protected]) Book Review Editor: Peter J. Scaer (
[email protected]) Members of the Editorial Committee James G. Bushur, Paul J. Grime, John G. Nordling, and Lawrence R. Rast Jr. Editorial Assistant: Eamonn M. Ferguson The Faculty James G. Bushur Naomichi Masaki David P. Scaer Carl C. Fickenscher II Benjamin T.G.