BANKS are open Monday to Friday, mostly from 08.30 – 13.00 and 14.15 – 15.15. To enter the bank you must pass through double doors. The first door must be closed before you can open the second door.

BEACHES There are plenty of beaches around the lake, and most of them are public. Beware that the water in gets quite deep quite fast, so keep an eye on small children and it’s not that warm in October….In many places by the beach you can rent windsurfers, water bikes etc.

BOATS are a popular way of transportation at Lake Garda. If you are in good time, try the most scenic transportation. There are several boats sailing between the villages by the lake. The faster a route, generally the more expensive.

CREDIT CARDS can be used almost everywhere either as payment, or you can draw cash from the cash machines by the banks. Remember you pay a fee to the bank when using the cash machine. If you use checks you must remember your passport as personal identification.

CURRENCY The currency in is Euro.

DOCTORS If you need a doctor you can ask the reception staff for assistance or look in on the phone book for “Unita Sanitaria Locale”. Remember to bring insurance and personal identification.

ELECTRICITY is 220V. Sometimes you might need an adapter which can be borrowed from the reception (a deposit must be paid).

EMERGENCIES By accidents which require immediate help, call 118. By theft requiring police attention, call 112. And if you need the traffic police call 113.

MARKETS Subject to changes there are mostly small markets at these villages around Lake Garda: Mondays: Peschiera – Tuesdays: Desenzano – Limone (first and third week of the month) Wednesdays: Arco (first and third week of the month) – – Riva (second and fourth week of the month) Thursdays: Fridays: Garda – Saturdays: - Salo

NEWSPAPERS can be bought at many small stores, including also English newspapers. Beware that you buy the most recent issue.

NIGHTLIFE Especially on the southern bank of the lake, the nightlife is very attractive. Behave well and watch out for those very generously poured drinks!

OPENING HOURS are very varied from store to store. In a tourist area some stores are almost open 24 hours a day. Most stores are open from 09.00 – 12.00 and again from 15.00 – 19.00. On Sunday and Wednesday afternoon are normally closed at the southern end of the lake.

PHARMACY is called ”Farmacia” and are marked by a green or a red cross. Normal opening times are from 08.30 – 13.00 and 15.00 – 19.00 Monday to Friday. There is always one pharmacy open 24 hours a day – which one is announced on the front door of every pharmacy.

POST OFFICE is open Monday to Friday 08.30 – 13.00 and in larger towns also in the afternoons. Saturday 08.30 – 12.00, Sundays closed.

RESTAURANTS It is hard to recommend any special ones as each place has it’s own specialty. The Italian kitchen is rich on pizza, pasta, ravioli, lasagne and also fish. “Bon Appetit”

SHOPPING Traditionally tourists buy alcohol, leather, gold/silver and tobacco. The area is dominated by tourists which effects the prices.

STAMPS are called “francobolli” and can be purchased from post offices and tobacco stores. Expect your postcards to be about one week underway. If you want it to arrive sooner, try putting it in an envelope before posting it.

SUN The sun may not be as warm as during the summer but it’s still recommended that you use sun tan lotion. If the weather is warm, remember to drink a lot of water.

TAP WATER It is not considered a problem drinking water from the tap at Lake Garda, but if you want to be on the safe side we recommend that you drink bottled water only. If you choose to drink it, it is at your own risk.

TELEPHONES Remember to dial your national code if you’re calling home from a cell phone. Instead of calling from the hotel phones, we recommend using the orange phone booths as they are cheaper. You can use coins or buy a phone card in a tobacco store for the phone booths.

TIPS are commonly given at restaurants, depending on the service. Usual amount given is about 10% or up to the next fiver or tenner.

WEATHER The climate at Lake Garda is mild, and in October the temperatures are usually from 15 – 22 degrees.