Development of a Distributed Design System For

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Development of a Distributed Design System For DEVELOPMENT OF A DISTRIBUTED DESIGN SYSTEM FOR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT DESIGN USING VAX 1117 50 AND SCALDSYSTEM COMPUTERS A Thesf-s Presented to The FacuJ.ty of the Col.1.ege of Engineering and Technology Ohfo University In Partial. of the Requttements for the Degree Master of Science Robert Stratton,, TI -4L March, 1986 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I wou1.d Iike to thank my advl.sor, Dr. Harold KJ.ock not only for his support of this thesi.~,but for his interest in and support of my graduate work altogether. My thanks to the members of my committee: Dr. Janusz Starzyk and Dr. Robert Curt!.s who helped to form my earliest interest in VLSI deslgn (whj.c.h launched this thesis), and t.o Dr. Israel Uri.el.1, for his interest and val.uab1.e sugges- t l.ons . I wou1.d also I.lke to express my!.on here for the help given to me by my mother and father, who have al-ways belleved j.n me. And final.l.y, my deepest gratitude goes to my wife, Kfm, whose support has meant everything to me. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS i LIST OF FIGURES CHAPTER 1 : INTRODUCTION CHAPTER 2: AN INTRODUCTION TO THE UNIX SYSTEM 2.1 A Short View of rhe Hi-story of UNIX 2.2 Conventions Used In Thfs Thesis 2.3 The UNIX File System 9 2.4 UNIX System I/O 2.5 The UNIX Command Intetpreter(SheJ.1.) CHAPTER 3: VAX AND SCALDSYSTEX DESIGN ENVIRONMENTS 17 3.1 SCALDsystem Resources 3.1.1 Hardware Resources 3.1.2 The System and F3.l.e System Layouts 20 3.1.3 SCALDsystem Integrated Cj.rcuf.t Software 26 3.2 VAX System Resources 3.2.1 Hardware Resources 3.2.2 The Operating System and File System Layouts 35 3.2.3 Integrated Circuit Design Software 41 CHAPTER 4: VAX/SCALDSYSTEM COMMUNICATIONS 4 5 4.1 Communi.catj.ons the Tip Program 4 5 4.2 UNIX Terminal. Processes 5 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) Page 4.3 Design Database Compatibf3.j.ty 63 4.3.1 The CIF and CAESAR Database Formats 66 4.3.2 Data Transferral.: SCALDsystem To VAX System 4.3.3 Data Transferral.: VAX System To SCALDsystem CHAPTER 5 : SCALDSYSTEM PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT 5.1 The Drc/Extract Command Fi1.e 5 .4 Modff icaffons on the hpf il.ter program 5.5 The Stanford Ce1.3. Library 5.6 The Lyout Li.brary CHAPTER 6: DESIGN EXAMPLES 6.1 Ffnl.te State Machine Example 6.2 RAM Subsystem Example 6.3 Scale Program Example CHAPTER 7: CONCLUSION 7.1 Beneftts of a Dfstributed Design System 7.2 Recommendations and Suggested Improvements CHAPTER 8: BIBLIOGRAPHY APPENDICES APPENDIX A: UNIX CSH COMMAND SUMMARY TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) Page APPENDICES (continued) A.2 Pre-def ined and Environment Variables A .3 Command Interpretatton A.4 Expressions A.5 Substitutions APPENDIX B: SCALDSYSTEM PROGRAM AND FILE LISTINGS B.l SCALDsystem Program L$.stl.ngs B .2 SCALDsystem Fi1.e Listi.ngs B.3 VAX System Program Li.stings B.4 VAX System Fi1.e Li.sti.ngs B.5 ??].ow Charts APPENDIX C: USING THE HP PEN PLOTTERS C.l Plotting on the HP7470 C.2 on the HP75xx Serl-es of P3.otters C .3 SCALDsystem Setups APPENDIX D: SCALDSYSTEM MAINTENANCE D.l Shutttng the System Down (the right way D.2 What To Do When Things Go Wrong D.3 Backing Up the Sysrem LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE Page 2.1 A sample UNIX di.rectory hierarchy 11 3.1 0rganj.zati.on of des software under /uO 2 7 3.2 Organlzat-.ion of design sof tware under /usr (SCALDsystem) Organization of design software under /usr (VAXsystem) Communj cat. tons using the tip program Terminal. initializat3.on events Movl-ng files from the SCALDsystem to the VAX system Preparing design files for the SCALDsystem Ll.ght confroJ.ler state transition table FSM description for the peg program Lfght- fsm layout RAMPAIR 1.ogj.c RAMPAIR layout ADDRESS logic ADDRESS layout SHREG log3.c SHREG layout INTERFACEPAIR 1ogj.c INTERFACEPAIR layour LIST OF FIGURES (conti.nued) FIGURE Page 6.13 2-bit MEMORY 1.ogf.c 134 6.14 2-bit NEMORY 1.ayout 135 6.15 MEMORY layout 136 6.16 SCALE example 138 Flowchart of FSCKFILEFX 255 Fl-owchart of hpl 257 Flowchart of VALID2VAX 25 8 Flowchart of VAX2VALID (SCALDsysrem) 260 Flowchart. of SCALE Flowchart of VALIDCOM FJ-owchart of VAX2VALID (VAX system) CHAPTER 1 : INTRODUCTION The work done in thls thesi.s was moti.vated by a need to deve1.o~ a distr.i.buted computer system for the design of 1.ntegrated ci.rcu3.t~. a VAX 11/750 mjnicomputer and a workstation for the computer-ai.ded desi-gn (CAD) of eJ.ectri.ca1. and Integrated cl.rcui.ts were avaiJ.ab3.e for thfs design work. When used as separate design stations, each of these computers lacked fac5.1.3.ti.e~ essent IaJ. to the design process were provided by the other. As an exampJ.e, the software too1.s .Instal.l.ed on the VAX system cover a wide range of operati.ons from rhe J.ayout through and on to the p1.otting of the design. TJnfortunatel.~, the hardware needed for design 1.ayout 3.s not ava5.1.abl.e for the system. However, the recent1.y-purchased CAD workstation (hereafter referred to as the SCALDsystern) supports an exce1.J.ent 1.ayout program for 5.ntegrated ci.rcuj.ts, but i.s Jacktng in areas of software support necessary for the compJ.ete verift- cati-on of desi-gns. By software which a3.1.ows these two systems to communicate and process each system's design inEormatj.on the desi-gner may take advantage of the VAX system's PLA generators and s.tmuJ.atlon software wh1l.e actual 1.y construct lng the integrated ci-rcuit with SCALDsystemls Interact ive 1-ayout editor. This t-hesi s wi 1 J descrj-be the software created for this purpose and the soft- ware whl,ch was created or modified for the purpose of upgrading the design facI.lj.ties on the SCALDsystem. The work described herein 1.s for the deveJ.opment of integrated circuit designs and it. 1.s assumed that the reader has a basic knowledge of this subject. In addition to describing the tool-s and methods used to deveJ.op software for these rwo systems, this thesis also serves as a reference manual. for any further deve1.opment or design work which may be done i.n the future. Many of the topi.cs which have been covered or not covered at al.1. in available reference material were unearthed through months of experimenrati.on and a large number of phone cal.1.s. The chapters wh3.c.h foI.1.o~ are organi.zed so that the first-time as well. as the experienced user may benefit from the, since much of the deve- loped so£tware has an Intimate re1.ationship with the UNIX operacing system, th1.s aspect is covered 1.n some amount of detail., providing a basis for an understanding of the rest of the thes-ls. The appendices also cover related material. which was fe1.t to be va1.uabl.e but was not suitab1.e for p3.a- cement Cn the mai.n chapters. The fol.l.owjng paragraphs sum- maze the content of 6he chapters foJ.1.o~and present the I.ogi.ca1. constructi.on of the thesis i.tse1.f. The second chapter introduces the UNIX operattng system which j.s common to both the VAX and the SCALDsystem. Th3.s material. is intended for those who are not with ti7.i.s operating system, a baslc coverage of the topics and syntax which appears throughout the thesi-s. The third chapter exami.nes destgn software avaj.l.ab1.e on each of the two systems. The design software and j.ts orga- nization w1.thin the UNIX system (partI.cuJ.ar1.y .important in the SCALDsystem's case) is revi.ewed and functional. descrip- tions of the deslgn too1.s related to this thests project are provided. Chapter four presents the deve1.opment of an RS232 com- muni.catl.ons 1.I.nk between the VAX and SCALDsystem t operation and the terml.nal of the UNIX systems whtch support 1.t. The i.ssues of data base compatabi.1.I.t.y are examined and those programs process desfgn data for transmfssion between systems are dj.scussed. Chapter ftve examlnes the modifications made to SCALDsystem software. This i.ncl.udes modifl.cat1.ons of the SCALDsystem software, the Drc/Extracr command fil-e, and the LED techno.l.ogy f1l.e. Also covered are the i.nstaJ.1.a- tion and use of the Stanford cel.1. J.i.brary for destgn deve- lopment and the J.yout 1.ibrary for the s11nulati.on of integrated cl rcui.t destgns. Chapter si.x presents three examp1.e~ of desi-gns created usfng the software developed for the two systems.
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