No. 472

The weekly newsletter for The Junior King’s School, Canterbury 10 May 2019

From the Head The school summer Fête was hugely successful and a large amount was raised for charity. My thanks to Mrs Anstey-Watson for leading it, to all the staff for their hard work, to the pupils for their infectious enthusiasm in running their stalls, and to our parents for supporting this wonderful and enjoyable event. We were delighted to raise an enormous £5092.83, which I am told is a record! We had a very special, inspirational and joyfully uplifting start to the week with our Boarders performing their song from their Gospel singing workshop on Congratulations to Oscar, Jessica and Sofiya who have all qualified for the IAPS Na- Sunday afternoon. They also tional Swimming Finals on the 8th June. We wish them all the best, and look forward entertained everyone at the summer to hearing how they get on swimming in the Olympic Pool at the London Aquatics Fête in the afternoon. Centre. It was a pleasure to welcome Bozidar Vukotic, guest cellist, who led our strings workshop on Thursday and offered excellent advice to all our From the Pool & the Piste players. He also dazzled us with a stunning cello performance of a On Saturday Oleg, 8L, represented the South East of England at the English Insititute Tarantella dance. of in . From an original entry of over 300 of the best U14 fencers in There is much to celebrate and, in February, 61 qualified for the Finals. assembly we congratulated our In the group stages Oleg, won 4 out of 6 bouts and progressed through to the knockout swimmers who are all National IAPS rounds. A convincing victory in the first round of the knockouts set up matches swimming qualifiers. We all wish against two England Internationals on the way to the quarter finals. Oleg, who only Oscar, Jess and Sofiya all the very best started fencing in Year 6, won both matches eventually being defeated by the eventual on Saturday 8th June at Olympic Park. runner up. With a final position of 6th in Great Britain, he achieved automatic On Saturday, we look forward to qualification for next year’s tournament and, still only 12, was the youngest competitor hosting the Festival of Speech and to make the quarter finals. In the Under 18 Boys event, George Yeh, OJKS and now at Drama with pupils taking part from all the Senior School, finished 3rd. over Kent and I look forward to seeing many of our families there.

E-Safety Presentation As you may have seen in the printed calendar, on Monday 13th May there will be an E- Safety presentation for parents in the Recital Room at 8.15am. Coffee will be available from 8am.

The Junior King’s School, Sturry, Canterbury, Kent CT2 OAY — T: 01227 714000 — : @JuniorKingsSch The Week — No. 472 10 May 2019

Mental Health Week Take a look at the Next week is Mental Health Awareness Week, and the school will be marking activities on offer! this with ‘Chill-Out’ Sessions being held by various staff members throughout the week. Have a look at the options available to you and think about which Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday sessions you might like to attend.

Junior King’s Junior House Junior House Meditation Colouring Dog Walk Summer Fête Lego Story-time 12:30 13:00 13:00 12:50 13:00 Monday’s Fête was a most enjoyable and worthwhile event. The sun kept a low profile (!) but the rain stayed away and the orchard buzzed with busy children, Weaving Quick Walk Weaving Boom-Box running their stalls. There were also 12:30 13:20 12:30 14:45 cream teas, crafts, plants, cakes, bric-a- brac, books and toys galore and we were entertained by musicians, gospel singers Action Songs Colouring and maypole dancers. An amazing total of £5092.83 was raised and this will be 13:00 12:30 donated to Farms for City Children. Thank you to all those who supported the event by donating, making, attending, helping and buying! Noticeboard

Congratulations to Victoria Glaister, OJKS, who has been selected to represent the England U18 Hockey Team and was awarded her first ‘cap’ against Scotland last weekend, when she played in a two-match series, winning both games 4-0 and 4-1. As a pupil at JKS she was part of the U11 team that won the National IAPS Finals in 2012 and represented the school at the U13 National IAPS and Schools Finals in 2014. We wish her all the very best for the rest of the season; there is a possibility she will be selected for the Belgium fixtures which are due to played at Polo Farm, later this year. We will keep you posted…

Sports Results Tuesday 7th May Boys’ 1st XI v The New Beacon New Beacon won by 9 wickets

Thursday 24th May Girls’ Cricket U9A v Ashford School Junior King’s won 255 - 252

The Junior King’s School, Sturry, Canterbury, Kent CT2 OAY — T: 01227 714000 — : @JuniorKingsSch

The Week — No. 472 10 May 2019

The Junior King’s School, Sturry, Canterbury, Kent CT2 OAY — T: 01227 714000 — : @JuniorKingsSch

The Week — No. 472 10 May 2019

The Junior King’s School, Sturry, Canterbury, Kent CT2 OAY — T: 01227 714000 — : @JuniorKingsSch

The Week — No. 472 10 May 2019

The Junior King’s School, Sturry, Canterbury, Kent CT2 OAY — T: 01227 714000 — : @JuniorKingsSch

The Week — No. 472 10 May 2019

Wellies! The children of Pilgrims’ Way Primary School are in need of second-hand wellington Junior House boots for outdoor play and Forest School. Stars of the Week! If you have any children’s wellington boots that are no longer needed, please send them into school. We will re-home them! 3AW: James 3L: Bea 4C: Tom 4M: Lydia 4W: Hannah

Dear parents, You may have heard your child recently mention ‘Meat Free Mondays’. This is a fantastic initiative which we are exploring on the back of our Lenten environmental campaign. The statistics around the meat industry, intensive farming and pollution are incredible. In regards to our health, meat consumption is also something which benefits from real consideration. As a school, we are provided with phenomenal meals which we all enjoy. Next Monday, we will be trialling a day when we go without meat. For some pupils, they won’t even notice the absence of meat! For others, I hope that we have done our best as a school to teach the children why this is something to be considered and why there is a global campaign encouraging ‘Meat Free Mondays’. The boarders will enjoy fish in the evening and I hope this will soften the potential blow! Day pupils who only have one meal in school each day may also wish to make the whole of their day meat-free. If the day is received well then it may become a regular thing. Do be encouraged to check out the website and please do send any feedback my way. Yours Rev Rob Tugwell

The Junior King’s School, Sturry, Canterbury, Kent CT2 OAY — T: 01227 714000 — : @JuniorKingsSch

The Week — No. 472 10 May 2019

The Junior King’s School, Sturry, Canterbury, Kent CT2 OAY — T: 01227 714000 — : @JuniorKingsSch

The Week — No. 472 10 May 2019

Thank you to everyone who joined us at the Summer Fair on Monday and in particular, for your very generous donations for our stationery stall. We did tremendously well! The children enjoyed a fabulous day, learning about the origins of May Day, making a headdress and we all joined in for a Maypole dance.

We said a fond farewell to our lovely little visitors this week. They have been a delight for all of us here and we have made the most of their stay.

Nursery children have been very industrious this week. We have been creating models of a creature we have been learning In Year 1, we have been busy planting beans as part of our about. Mrs Nugent gave us some pairs of tights, then we Gardens and Growing topic. We each put a bean in a pot and followed instructions, cutting them in to short, medium and long have been watching their progress as they germinate. Some lengths from the toe. We then had to mix seeds into compost. have grown more than others and we are learning what the We took it in turns to stir the seed mix thoroughly, before plants need to thrive: soil, light and water. The beans nearest teaming up to help one-another pour it into the tights! We the window seem to be growing more quickly than those we pressed as much of the mixture in as possible, before tying knots have kept out of the light. We are measuring the plants in the end. And then…guess what? We watered our compost regularly and keeping a diary to record their progress. We want and seed-filled tights. I wonder if you can guess what creature to grow them so tall that they grow their own beans and we can we have been making? Watch this space for an update! eat our very own produce!

The Junior King’s School, Sturry, Canterbury, Kent CT2 OAY — T: 01227 714000 — : @JuniorKingsSch

The Week — No. 472 10 May 2019

We are very excited in the Willows class. Our topic on Virtually all our learning has revolved around our ducklings in Year 2 changes continues and we now have butterfly cocoons. this week! Even our maths lessons centred on their needs. We We are just waiting for beautiful butterflies to emerge. We learned about capacity and our activity was to fill various containers have been using our child-initiated play activities to learn with enough water for a paddle or a swim. Duckling requests were as much as we can about what’s going to happen next. We posted around the playground and we had to work as fast as we have been learning about metamorphosis and watched a could in teams to find the right sized containers, then carefully slow-motion film which tells the story of how caterpillars measure out the exact amount of water. Ducklings asked for a paddle transform themselves into butterflies. We set out our very in as little as 75ml, but one even wanted a 2.5ltr pond! own life-cycle of a butterfly in the form of a time-line and of course, we are still enjoying the story about ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’!

Pre-Prep Notice Board  Monday 13th and Thursday 16th May – Parents’ Evenings – If you haven’t already signed up, you will find the appointment sheets on the noticeboard by the photocopier or you can talk directly with Mrs Nugent, if your child is in the Nursery.  Wednesday 15th May – International Day – Mrs McConkey has sent you all an e-mail outlining International Day. If you think you can help us with activities and/or our international feast, please to let us know.  Saturday 18th May – Open Morning – Junior King’s School will be hosting an Open Morning from 10.00am next Saturday. If you know of anyone who you think might be interested in sending their child to our Nursery, the Pre-Prep or the Prep school, do let them know and we will look forward to welcoming them then.

The Junior King’s School, Sturry, Canterbury, Kent CT2 OAY — T: 01227 714000 — : @JuniorKingsSch

The Week — No. 472 10 May 2019

The Junior King’s School, Sturry, Canterbury, Kent CT2 OAY — T: 01227 714000 — : @JuniorKingsSch

The Week — No. 472 10 May 2019

Calendar Saturday May 11th No Saturday School Kent Festival of Speech & Drama

Sunday May 12th 19:00 Boarders return

Monday May 13th Mental Health Awareness Week ‘Meet-Free Monday’ 08:15 E-Safety Presentation to Parents in the Recital Room 13:45 Boys’ Cricket: U9 House Matches (Round 1) 16:00 Pre-Prep Parents’ Evening - Part 1 16:30 Boys’ & Girls’ : U13 (H) v Wellesley House 18:00 Chapel Choir Recital followed by barbecue

Tuesday May 14th Year 4 ‘Victorian Morning’ 15:00 Girls’ Tennis: U13 (H) v King’s Canterbury 17:00 Year 7 Parents’ Evening in the Barn

Wednesday May 15th Pre-Prep International Day 08:30 PAUSE 14:00 Boys’ Cricket: 1st XI (A) v St Lawrence 14:00 Boys’ Cricket: 2nd XI (A) v St Lawrence at ’s 14:00 Boys’ Cricket: 3rd XI (H) v St Lawrence 14:00 Boys’ Cricket: Colts A & B (H) v Kent College Junior School 14:00 Boys’ Cricket: Colts C & D (A) v Kent College Junior School 14:15 Girls’ Cricket: U11B (A) v Northbourne Park 14:15 Girls’ Cricket: U11A & C (H) v St Edmund’s 14:15 Girls’ Cricket: U11D - CANCELLED 14:15 Rounders: U13A & B (A) v St Edmund’s

Thursday May 16th 13:45 Girls’ Cricket: U9A, B & C (H) v St Lawrence 14:15 Boys’ Cricket: U9A & B (A) v Wellesley House 15:00 Boys’ Cricket: U11 House Matches (Round 1) 16:00 Pre-Prep Parents’ Evening - Part 2

Friday May 17th 08:20 Friends’ Coffee Morning

The Junior King’s School, Sturry, Canterbury, Kent CT2 OAY — T: 01227 714000 — : @JuniorKingsSch

The Week — No. 459 11 April 2019

The Junior King’s School, Sturry, Canterbury, Kent CT2 OAY — T: 01227 714000 — : @JuniorKingsSch The Week — No. 472 10 May 2019

The Junior King’s School, Sturry, Canterbury, Kent CT2 OAY — T: 01227 714000 — : @JuniorKingsSch