United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 5,711,839 Dronzek, Jr
USOO571 1839A United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 5,711,839 Dronzek, Jr. 45 Date of Patent: Jan. 27, 1998 54 PROCESS FOR THE PRODUCTION OF IN 5.242,650 9/1993 Rackovan et al. ....... 264/509 LINE GRAWURE-PRNTED INMOLD 5,344,305 9/1994 McKillip ................................. 42.5/503 LABELED BLOW MOLDED CONTAINERS 5,435,963 7/1995 Rackovan et al. ...................... 264/509 75 Inventor: Peter J. Dronzek, Jr., Thornwood, N.Y. FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS 0281701 9/1988 European Pat. Off.. 73) Assignee: NorthStar Print Group, Watertown, 1807766 6/1969 Germany. Wis. WO9309925 5/1993 WIPO 21 Appl. No.: 909,663 Primary Examiner Merrick Dixon Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Hedman, Gibson & Costigan, 22 Filed: Aug. 12, 1997 PC. Related U.S. Application Data 57 ABSTRACT 63 Continuation of Ser. No. 527,751, Sep. 13, 1995, abandoned, Polymeric sheets or rolls suitable for in-line gravure printing and forming at high rates of production of in-mold labeled (51 int. Cl. B32B 3100 plastic containers comprise a polymeric transparent, trans 52 U.S. Cl. ............... 156/277; 156/244.11: 156/244.16; lucent or contact clear substrate having a thickness in the 264/132; 264/159; 264/239 range of 0.002 to 0.008 inches which is reverse gravure 58 Field of Search ................................ 264/132, 516, printed and gravure overcoated on the container-facing side 264/509, 510, 159, 513, 171,210.5, 235.6, with a heat activatable adhesive and gravure coated on the 244.11, 346, 151, 169,239, 241, DIG. 1; opposite side with an antistatic coating.
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