Vorccaat ky Weather Bnrenii. NET PRESS RUNi New Harea AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION OF THE EVENING HBR.VLD - Showers today; Sunday fair, for the month of June, 1927 shifting winds. 4 , 9 9 0 a* ot0 C„nn. PRICE THREE CENTS Classilled Advertising on page 8 MANCHESTER, CONN.,.SATURDAY, JULY 23, 1927. VOL. XLI.i NO. 251. <5 > - Crosses 83 Times U. S. Sleuth Home Sacco And Vanzetti i- PRINCE CAROL TOLD AVAL CUT PARLEY At the age of 85 The face of W. E. Francis Hyde, H. Moran, chief of Foodless Seven Pays whose home is the BY BROTHER NOT TO the U. S. Secret U BRITAIN Service, this. He wide world, has was photographed crossed the ocean Boston Mass Julv 23.— NicoloAhind closed doors. To this proced- as he returned ^ Vanzetti, ^ ure, Sacco and Vanzetti objected 83 times. This COME TO RUMANIA I Sacco and . Bartolomeo from abroad on and started the hunger strike as a ! still in apparently good health, to- picture of him was On Brink of Disaster, Con­ the liner Beren- protest. TIBER WOLF j dav started the seventh day of their Yesterday Gov. Fuller visited the taken as he finish­ garia. Moran trav­ ! hunger strike in Charlestown states two men at states prison. He also ed the last voyage, Tells Reporter He Will Start ference Rescued By Ac­ els secretly. His visited Celestino Madeiros, Wren- reaching N e w tham bank robber and murderer ALL IS READY KlU^BOY AS name wasn t on ' ‘’^CoUvicted of murder and sentenc- York on the Ber- ! ed to die in the electric chair, the who had confessed to the murders j the passenger list. engaria. No Political Disturbance; tion of Cabinet— two Italian radicals -will, unless for which Sacco and Vanzetti were j Gov. Alvan T. Fuller intervenes, convicted. What the conversation between FOR NEH BOUT n MES ZOO I meet their fate the week of August To Attend Memorial Serv­ To Return to Geneva. the condemned men and the gov­ 110 at which time a respite granted FAVOR AIRPORT i them by the chief executive will ex- ernor consisted of was not revealed TROUBLE BREWING but it was known that Vanzetti m m SAYS ices For Father In Paris greatly offended the governor by London. July 2 3.— The tri-partite Two and a Half Year Old Son I The hunger strike which ^ his vitrolic tirade in condemnation naval ronfercncc at Geneva is sav­ 'started was in protest agam^ tne FOR MANCHESTER of the later’s investigation policy. Tomorrow. ed, at least temporarily, and the i methods followed by Gov. Fuller AGAIN IN THE FIFTH j Of Menagerie Owner At­ in investigating their cases. The It was expected today that the gov­ ne.aotiations there for further lim­ Tunney and His ,-overnor had appointed a special ernor would again visit Vanzetti to complete the discussion which was itation of naval armaments will he advisory committee to assist Paris. July 23.— Prince Carol tacked By Animal— Fath­ terminated yesterday by the pres­ which worked independent of his Meet Promoter to Com­ may consider himself the rightful )'c.';umed. , Many Expressions of Inter-1 sure of official business on the Voters Want to Know the This was deeided today at the . , II ,ii investigation. The hearings by t^he executive. King Carol If of Rumania but he longest vahinet counc-il held sine? er Kills Beast. est Aroused By Herald [governor and committee were____ told the International News Ser­ the anxious days of the coal strike “Why” of Court Appeal plete Details— To Be Held la.st year. The minister sat for more vice today that he will not “initiate than four hours to hear the reports any political disturbance in Ru­ Red Bank. N. J., July 23. Articles; Question of Area I STATE PAYS TOWN PRINCE OF WALES and Who Authorized It. In Chicago, Sept 15 or 22 of Viscount Cecil and \V. C. Bridge- mania.’’ He did not say however, man. first lord of the admiralty on Tommy Holton. 2 1-2 years old, the what his course might be if ire sup­ the difficulties which have been en­ son of' Oliver W. Holton, owner of New York, July 23.— Just before countered at the Geneva confer­ the Twin Brook Zoo at Middletown, jMuch comment is being heard lo­ OFF FOR CANADA Louis Lane, collector of taxes in porters in Rumania raised a de­ 4 CENTS FOR ROAD noon today Gene Tunney. heavy­ ence. N. J., died this afternoon at the cally on the subject of an airport the Fifth School District, previous mand for !iis return. To Resume I’arley Articles setting Woodley hospital from wounds re- for l.Ianchester. weight champion, and Billy Gibson, Prince Carol received today a It was decided that t iscttiriL to his defeat at the annual meet­ forth tlie views of Senator Robert his manager, were to meet in con­ mc.ssage u. l;is bvo.t.- r. Prince Cecil and 2,1 r. Bridgcman. who hau ceived yesterday when he was at-j ing last month, is authority for the ference with Tex Rickard in Madi­ returned to London to report on tacked by a huge timber wolf that J. Smith and Scott H. Simon in fa-j Boards Liner at Southamp­ statement that here is a petition in Nicholas, a member of the ''egency vor of local action, which appeared' Bought For Highway But Not the conference, will return to Gene­ had escaped from his father’s zoo. son Square Garden to discuss possi- Ceil .oil, I'-plying to Pr-'r.e Carols in The Herald during the past day | circulation in the district calling va almost immediately to resume Springs on Boy i ble locations and dates for the sec- message suggesting that he would, The wolf sprang on the boy once, or two, followed by editorial refer-; Used So Willington Is Re­ ton— To Spend Vacation for a special district meeting to see like i'. a.'. ;i.d tlie funenl ei Iving their labors, and that they will re­ ences to tlie subject, have helped , u ! ond title fight in September be- turn with the Cabinet's full appro'- was driven off by a maid, and then what is to he done about the pav-1 = Ferdinand, l^rince Nicholas in a got into the house, seized the child ervstalize opinion. ; , „ ,, , ... ,, , I tween Tunney and Jack Dempsey, courteous message said that it is ;sl of the linos which they hare tak­ As a result, the view is being | On Alberta Ranch. ment of the bills that were con-| and dragged him out of doors again. imbursed. traded in the building of the new i Dempsey was not to be present “too soon’’ to arrange for even the en hitherto. freely expressed in many quarters , The maid. Mrs. Alma Mazza, res­ temporary return of Prince Carol. Little real apprehension had been that Manchester can serve itself no ; school. The court before which the! but he had assured Rickard previ- expressed here that the conference cued the child a second time after Message Satisfactoi-y better than by investigating airport I London, July 23.— England’s case was tried gave judgment in I ouslv that anv arrangements were had collapsed. This fear was exclud­ she had stunned the wolf with a Hartford, Conn., July 2 3.— State favor of Mr. Loomis and Amie De-| satisfactory to him. Prince Carol said he considered blow from a shotgun butt. The possibilities without delay. most noted and most active travel­ ed bv the fact that preparations for Location and Area. grants to towns in lieu of taxes on mars to recover about $1,200 on | the message from his brother satis­ child’s father later found the ani­ One Ret]uest Bremier Baldwin's departure for Two of the points whicli bring land owned by the state will amount er— the Prince of Wale— left to­ their rlaim.s. but the notice of an factory and that he i.s sure everyone Canada with the Prince of Wales to­ mal near the house and shot it. forth comment are tho.se of the best day on another jaunt overseas appeal to the supreme court of tliis! Jack made only one request. in Rumania realized the deep de­ Nearly a year ago an Italian leo;;- this year to $11,712, it is shown in ".Make it as late as you possibly morrow have continued to go for­ local location for an air port, and Accompanied by his brother, I state taken by Frederick R. Mann-! sire he had to attend the funeral. ward, but it was thought that ditli- ard escaped from the Holton col­ a certification made today by Tax ing. clerk of the district, will not! can, Tex,” he suggested. "I want “I have not proclaimed myself the area which would be required. Prince George, and Premier Stan­ eulties might arise within the Cabi­ lection of wil'd animals, and after Mr. Simon’s suggestion Thursday Commissioner 'William H. Blodgett make it possible to have the su-1 three or four weeks for a vacation king,” Prince Carol told the Inter­ ley Baldwin, be is going to Canada net itself. terrorizing Gloucester and Ocean evening in The Herald has brought to Comptroller Frederick M. Sal­ preme court review the evidence j in California. I won’t need more national News Servi e today. “If my Tlio.se i(t Parley counties was caught in a trap in a for a tour which is designed to than two weeks of steady training forth many words of approval, mon. The amount is an increase befor.i October, when tlie court dear friends consider me king, I Today's council was held in the chicken yard near Toms River and j Reference was made in Mr. Sim­ strengthen the bonds between the again comes in. This means that for this next one for I have been cannot help that.” Prt'iuier's room in the House of killed. on's letter to government require- over last year of $2,359 while sev- dominion and the mother country. there will be no payments made, working hard for four months and Referring to the letter King Fer­ Tne Twill Brook zoo occupies Commons. Premier Baldwin piesid­ nients varying from square landing ! enty-four towns will benefit as com­ The premier is accompanied by according ' to authorities on the the Sharkey fight got a lot of rest dinand left urging Prince Carol not ing and Sir Austen Chamberlain nearly 200 acres of the heavily area of 1200 feet to 2,500 feet, and pared with fifty-five a year ago. Mrs. Baldwin. There are thirty question living inside and outside off me. I will be back around the to attempt a return to Bucharest, foreign secretary, the Earl of Bal­ wooded 2 3 0-acre estate owned by second week in August.” in certain instances less area. The Middletown will receive the larg­ members of the party in all. of the district. j the ])rince said. “I think my father four, Winston Churchill, chancel­ the Holtons. The zoo itself is en­ It is almost ceriain now tliat the ^ j would no nothing to upset “A " rating field in the eyes of the est amount, $1,378 including pay­ Board Steamer It i.s to learn just wluit this ap­ lor of the exchequer and a majority closed by a nine-foot barbed wire The Prince of Wales and his com­ government must liave, in addition ments for land occupied by the Con- peal means as far as tlic payment ^title affra} vill be staged in C ! Rm-jj^uian harmony. I personally of the Cabinet Iteing present. De­ fence with two gates, which are panions left Waterloo station at ten ; of tlie bills is concerned tliat the i go in Soldiers Memorial fctadiiim to other basic requirements,U dh’cctioirs 2,500 I necticut State Hospital, Long Lane will never initiate any political dis­ spite the length of the sitting, it is| kept closed except when opened to feet of landing area in a o’clock for Southampton to board | meeting is to be called. In other j which seals 120,000. It will be turbance in my country.” Within the Farm and Dart Island park. iiiicierstoonunderstood that uiai i discussion u s was stiili l let persons in and out with clear approaches, the field to the Canadian Pacific liner Empress j words as one expressed it, it is to! made a spectacle calculated to draw Prince Carol intends to attend unfinished when tlie meeting broke I enclosure are paddocks, runs, cages be in good condition for landing at Must Ray 4 Cents of Austria. The liner sailed at j be an “enlightenment” meeting. It patronage from all over the middle , j,. and buildings housing 400 animals, A little strip of land in Willing- west at prices that will set a new i up. berau.se various ministers had all times, or it must have landing one'o’clock. j is recalled when the annual meet­ in the Rumanian tdiiirch in political engagements in the coun­ birds and reptiles. The zoo is a strips permitting landing in at ton, less than one-tenth of an acre The suited upon the liner occu- j ing was held that the mating was record. Rickard expects tn liaul in | bought for highway purposes but Paris tomorrow. try. hobby of Mr. Holton, and a year least eight directions, the landing pied by the two membcr.s of the ! somwhat slowed up when the re­ mere than •'52.000,090 on tins one. j No ofiRial communique was is- ago iie exhibited some of_the ani­ not used, will not that town exactly royal family and the premier have i Rickard's Ri-asoiis j strips-not to cross or converge at ports of the district officers were ' ( AROL IN P.UH.S mals at Atlantic City. four cents in reimbursement for loss been newly decorated and were' Rickard is moving out for sever-, ,^uod. hut it was stated authoiita- angles of less than 4 5 degrees, nor called for and Clerk and Treasurer ; Bucharest. July 2:!.— M'ith The Holton home, an imposing of taxes. Other small payments in­ banked with flowers. j al reasons. He doesn t think New ; the livolv that the Cabinet approved tba any one of the landing strips to be Frederick R. Manning told the j funeral of King Ferdinand only 2 1 stucco structure, stands about 500 clude 21 cents to New Milford. 11 'To liive on Rjiiuli York can stand two big heavy- j attitude of the delegates and their less than 2,500 feet in length, with meeting that it would not be an ex­ ! hours away, it was made certain to- cents to Salem, 31 cents to Wind­ The Prince of Wales is going to weight .shows so cl‘.'.se toceiher. or. return to Geneva, it is understood, vards back from the State highway appropriate margins and clear ap- act report as tlie books of the dis­ iday that former (Town Prince Carol however, that further discu.ssion of I between Rcdbank and Middletown, jiroaches. Government ratings for ham and $1 to Hartford. his ranch in Alberta where the j trict were “empoiinded.” it is ad­ that” with the facilities provided year premier will spend a brief holiday. | I will not attend the final rites. He (ietails are required aud that t.ie I concealed from the road by trees. | fields are as follows: The increase in total this mitted by several who attended the here and the big expense he will The heir to the throne had din- ! (is still in Paris and has been refus­ ministers will confer over the weel^- I It is outside the fence surrounding “X"— 2,500 feet of landing area. is accounted for largely liy addi­ meeting that they did not fully un­ incur, he can break even by liold- ner with his parents, Kin,g George I ed permission to enter Rumania for end with experts of the committee I the zoo and about a quarter of a j “B"— 2,000 feet of landing area. tions to state owned forest lands. derstand what the word “empound- ing the September fight in the funeral service, and Queen I\Iary in Buckingham | of imperial defense. I mile by a wooded road to the west I <‘C”— 2,000 feet of landing area. No reimbursements for loss _ of ed” meant at the ti.me and this is kee Stadium at prices dictated b\ Alexander of Jugo-Siavia, Palace last night. The king ajd I gate of the animal inclosure. 1 “D"— 1,200 f et of landing area. taxes are made on state buildings one of the reasons that the meeting the New \ork Boxing Commission. J king of Rii- queen were at the station to say “B"— 1,200 feet of landing area. nor on land considered of benefit to The stadium did 'practically a I mania, is due here today from Bel- goodbye. is being called. BUD STILLMAN STEALS “B"— (Fields with less than the town, such as state capitol Those of a legal mnid claim that capacity business last Tliuisda> I grade. 1,200 feet.) grounds and educational institu­ ■ the bo-ok^ will still be “empound- night and the net receipts fell be­ Rests in State Airport Needs Space. Itions. I ed” when the special meeting is low $1,000,000. Chicago offers the Ferdinand's bedy .still rested in MOTHER FEWER OUT OF JOBS According to information which ' SHOOTS AT OFFICER called. There are some who are an- possibility of a “gate” totaling more state today in the great cream and Mr. Simon has at hand, the govern-! I ------; xious to know what right there was than twice as miic.n a* the Demp- gold ball room of Cotroceni Pal­ ment specifies that each airport | j Stamford, Conn., July 23.— Mo-- j-qj- fip clerk to falce an appeal to sey-Sharkey light. ace ou the outskirts of the city and Takes Her Away For Weddin.'. IN STATE THIS WEEK g c n m e x s t e a l c a r shall be large enough for absolute : I torcycle Officer Bernard Hagen r''-1 the siiiircme court on the question .Monster Arena again thousands of men and women In Old Flivver— Is Heir to satct>' of operation, easy of ap- i The Chicago Stadium seats more thronged the castle grounds, filing Middletown, Conn., July 23. I ceived a hot reply when he stoppeil, ;,nd just what was said in that ap- Millions. ; proach from all directions, and, . ! an automobile on the Westover road i peal. persons than the I’hiladelphia Ses- silently into the great hall and past State Bureaus Place 492 Out of quicklv reached from the centers o f! State police reported toda> „i,imlnpar Iipvp pavlv todnv to inquire! yir. Manning will be able to an- qui-Centennial Stadium where the body for the last glimpse of the 857 Who Applied For Em­ population. It should be planned’ had been found of three automobile! near ?^eie eail_j_ toda>_ Dempsey and Tunney placed to sovereign they loved so well. Grand Ansc. Queiicc, July 23.— ’ thieves who, at the poipt of gun-, after its occupants. When Hagen i ewer these questions, a Manningite Bud Siilliuan, serious young iieir *o ployment. to allow for future rapid increase in drew up alongside the machiuj' claims, as he has not as yet pei- gross receipts of $1,800,000. Not A heavy guard of soldiers was aeronautics. L'ltiraately an air­ took Carlos French Stoddard’s car only does the Chicago arena have on duty not so much to preservt the Stillman millions, broke by away from him and abandoned it at which bore a Rhode Island license. ; fected his points on which the case .-^hcer iniiiotuosity tliroush the bar- Hartford, Conn., July 23.— Few-, port will become a place for takin,;; some,body in the back seat opene l ^ ip going up to the supreme court, a larger capacity out Rickard will order, for the crowd-was well be­ 1 er applications for employment j on and dischnr.ging of passengers Wethersfield. Centerbrook police, be permitted to charge from $40 to haved, as to marshal the people in liers I'ai.sed h.'>' the lamiB' of lii.s notified of the theft, fired on the tire, shooting three times. Hagc;i i but the action so far has been ono liancic. i>cna Wilson, and in a rat­ were made to the five free employ- mail, express and freight. It will $50 for ringside seats of which line and keep them moving past the 1 three men as they passed througli gave chase and returned the fire! tling liivvcr bore away the eigli- ment bureaus conducted by ihe: (Continued on Page 2) there will be about 25,000. bier. that place but failed to score. but his quarry escaped. 1 teen-year-uld Cinderella of the State Department of Labor during | (Continued on Page 2) Tunnev and Dempsey will be City Crowded Peasants from the outlying dis north woods. She is in the home I the week ended yesterday, than in ; -■$> matched'over the ten-round route of his part-!!':' today, lodged under ; any week this year, according to [ as they were in Philadelphia, the tricts of the kingdom continue tc tiic i)rot','Ction of Mrs. Anne I Commissioner Harry E. Mackenzie. Illinois boxing law limiting bouts pour into Buchc.rest and it is evi­ dent that the funeral will be wit­ 'grquharl Siillman. 1 There were 857 applicants in- By Cliff Knight to that length. Lena's familv had raised all man-1 eluding 549 men and 308 women. A Midsummer Day’s Dream of Manchester Doings Rickard announced that re.sard- nessed by the greatest crowd evei seen in Bucharst. icr of difficulties, religious and ■ Jobs were found for 204 men and less of the location the title fight 28 8women, a total of 492. will take place either on September Little five-year-old Michael, th( Dih.srwisc. boy kin,g of Rumania, is kept ir Nothing daunted. Bud cranked up j With one or two exceptions, pre- 15 or 22. seclusion under guard. The chile hislis old flivver and headedheadeq ior;viousfor vi iveekly totals of applicants [.atiiqiie, wlicre Lena has been liv- this vcai liave been aboi e 1,000. ^ YP

ICCNCHESrrER (CONN.) BT^ING HERALD. SAttJRDAY, 3TDLY 23, 1927, p a g e t w o ranch. Private Jarvis was the win­ ner over Sergeafit Finnegan by • plantations in Vernon and in El­ TOWN INTERESTED NIANTIC CAMPERS few seconds, the time being 1:57, lington. Governor’s Day, Thursday, at Camp Woodstock. Corporal Finn finished, flrflt but Summer School Closes was disqualified when he failed to The summer school classes that 4,- READY FOR HOME include his raincoat. R o c k y i l l e have been held in the basement and IN RIVER aE A N U P At Officers Mess last night, th€ on the grounds of the Union Con­ three colored waiters on Caterer Max Walker’s staff contributed gregational church for the past / three weeks came to a close last ev­ 9 r several vocal numbers that wept ening. There has been large at­ Yale Professor Makes Sur­ Due in Manchester at 11:35 over big. Tasillo’s orchestral part ST. GEORGE LODGE tendances at the school and. the of the regimental band also enter­ work has been much enjoyed by vey of Sewage Disposal tained. dn all, it was the liveliest those who have attended the O f Honoi? Po p s A Few. Tomorrow Morning— In­ meal of the two weeks. Incidentally PLANS CONVENTION school. , „ ^ Warrant Officer Tasillo had for Taking Out Bough Spots Here— The Conditions. guests today in addition to his wife Men in the employ of the Con­ spection Today. and daughter, Mrs. Edward Elliott necticut company have been at Jr., and daughter Edwina of Man­ work for the past week at different chester. Mrs. Elliott’s husband Manchester is more than likely to )ohn Alley to Be Made State points along the line of the Con­ (By Herald Reporter) plays in Tasillo’ s orchestra, hut not be asked to take a part In the clean­ In the regimental band. necticut company between Manches­ Camp Trumbull, Niantic, July 23 ter and Rockville. They are taking ing up of its streams, now polluted Lieutenant Russell B. Hatha­ President— Meet In For­ out some of the rough spots that by sewage and waste from different — Having concluded its strenuous way of the Howitzer Company is have developed in the rails of the mills along its streams and special two week’s program of outdoor Officer of the Day today. company between the two places. attention will be given to the Hock- military life at noon today, the esters’ Hall Nearly Complete.d anum. 169th Infantry, C. N. G. will make The work of building a partition Dr. D. C. Y. Moore, chairman of ready this afternoon for breaking camp. Baggage will be loaded TROUBLE BREWING Special to The Herald. on the second floor of the Memorial the board of health, today made it building, to be made into a library known that Professor Scott of Yale and at 8 o’clock tomorrow niom- Rockville, July 23. for the superior court has been hat- made a survey m Manche.ster ing the soldier boys will entrain at The annual state convention of about completed and is presenting sometime ago regarding the dispos­ the depot here for home. The train AGAIN IN THE FffTH the American Order of St. George a much improved appearance. It al of the sewage at both ends of the taking the troops back home will .be in two sections; the first leav­ vv-ill be held in this city on Tues- is supplying a long felt want in tha town and at that lime the .septic (Continued from page 1) August 9, in Foresters Hall. building. The light in the place tank that was in use in the Eighth ing at 8 o’clock and the second fif­ General Kitchner Lodge of this will hardly be sufficient without the School and Utilities District was not teen minutes later. The Manchester soldiers will be on the second sec­ a formal notice of the intention to ;ity is to be highly honored as John aid of artificial lights to work large enough to take care of the in­ take an appeal, which makes it pos­ Alley, a past president of the lodge creased amount of sewage that was tion which is due In Hartford at the new library. 11:15 and in Manchester at 11:35. sible to later set forth the points of snd'a very faithful and conscien- Flag Pole Exercises being turned into the tank. It was law to which the exception is tak­ :ious worker for the good of the The exercises in connection with T h e large enough when the tank was The troops will march to the ar­ l&TH/e/VfS' 6^ ?(PANK'Coupon mory on Main street from where en. order' will be named as state presi­ the raising of the flag recently pur­ \CECit£AM[ first built but the OrfpTd Soap Co. From other sources it is learned chased for the Rockville City hospi­ was not at that time connected they will be dismissed. dent. The boys of the local lodge Formal inspection of the entirlj ' that Arthur Manning who presided are making elaborate plans for the tal, will be held on the hospital U p P E TAucTK/^cS’ Q v e C. with the sewer and. there have been rounds on Prospect street Sunday camp this morning brought the an-1 at the last meeting as moderator is rvent and nothing will be too good many other additions. nualf encampment ^ ______programI to an •______of­ giving moreT^orliamAn- attention to parliamen­ :or the visitors who arrive in Rock- afternoon. TR5 CooNseLOf?5HAi/E A Pay This is being taken care of as in Inconnection with the exercises ficial close. This afternoon Com­ tary law and any attempt to Intro­ rillo on that day. W it h Th e /ounc; t-'Aov 1/fsrTor?.?. the building of the new trunk line pany G of Manchester is due to play duce motions that are not consid­ there will also be presented an en­ sewer which takes in the section in Commencing at 8 o’clock in the grossed list of all of those individ­ either Company C of Willimantic ered in order by the chair will not morning, the committee will be on the Homestead Park territory and or Company F of Hartford for the be entertained. There are some in uals or organizations that contrib­ part of the land that extends to the hand to serve breakfast to the vis­ uted towards the purchase of the regimental championship, the district who have taken a itors. The morning session will be south of Middle Turnpike the offi­ and honor won last July by the pleasure in trying to annoy the flag, presented. cers of the Eighth District have called to order at » o’clock by the Leaves Old Stand fighting G boys at the expense of moderator in his rulings or have State President Walter Dugmore made provisions for a larger tank the Howitzer Company. presented “ joke” motions, which It was a general surprise to most to be used. 'When both are oper­ and important matters will be dis people of Rockville last evening to The fifteen days of outdoor life will not again be allowed. ating the water that will be allowed has done the soldier boys a world The meeting may not be held as posed of. learn that Henry Bingheimer was to flow through them into the Hock- At 1;30 this session will close the purchaser of the so-called Rob­ of good and the only regretful fact jg also being raised by some anum rivev will be pretty well _ A I -W-! 4.V. /•k-n/'io r\TVl ATI ______t a 'U and the members will be served ertson property on Market street. in connection with the encampment' the legal side of the matter, which with an elaborate chicken dinner at T f CASTlSefuN 0((UMCoi?fS cleared up. is that it cannot be for a longer per­ is to the effect that no action taken Mr Bingheimer has conducted a In the case of the brook that the Rockville House, with Mr. and meat market on the opposite side FAVOp WITH f\ FEU/SeLtCTiOf/S iod. It will be a “ blue” train that while a matter is in the hands of flows from Parkorvillage and which will carry the men back ^to their the court can be changed to the det­ of Market street which has been carries with it the waste from the occupied for at least forty years as homes tomorrow and will be a riment of the person either on trial a meat market by different persons. off . . X ^ paper mills in that section there striking contrast from the load full or having matters of trial pending. It is understood that Mr. Bing­ must be a reclaiming process of the of happy men that came here a From all indications there will heimer made the purchase in order waste that goes into the stream. week ago last Sunday. Evidence of be outside help needed In the way to be assured a home for his own This furnishes at times an odor that the benefits derived from the out­ of extra police protection at the is not pleasing, but has no real door military training could be business. ' little school house cn the knoll on Woman Faints M o N c re s danger in the carrying of germs seen yesterday in the rythm with Keeney street wnen the meeting A frail and rather small woman other than providing a breeding which the regiment passed in its convenes. was coming east on Main street and place for mosquitoes. final review. was about to make a turn into In the case of the South Man­ It is expected that there will be Market street on its west side about chester Sanitary and Sewer District considerable rowdyism raised in HOP AGAIN POSTPONED 3 o’clock yesterday afternoon when which carries its sewage to the west camp tonight, it being the final she suddenly started to turn as part of the town, where provisions night of camp and no chance of any Southampton, Eng., July 23. though she was spinning. She drop­ had been made to have it empty in­ more fatigue duty for anyone Bed weather today compelled Cap­ ped her hand back, her purse and to filter beds before it again was al­ caught raising minor disturbances. tain Frank T. Courtney, British air then fell suddenly backwards, hit­ lowed to come to the surface and Anyone who gets a good night s ace, to postpone his hop-off from the' Calshot naval air depot for a ting the walk and laying there un­ f?p4r*peiPiai^ -O a h p ^ o^ td ca- enter the Hockanum, it has been sleep tonight can consider himself til Letter Carrier Plunder ran found that the beds are not a suc­ lucky. , ^ , trans-Atlantic flight. across the street and picked her up. cess. The gum from the washing In the sham battle yesterday She was in a dazed condition and of silk, the dyestuffs that are also morning between the first and sec­ was taken by Charles Connors to used and turned through the sewer ond battalions as they returned Dr. John Flaherty’s office, but soon form a crust, and the beds fill up from bivouac. Private Charles Sunday Dinner KITTEN KIDNAPPED, Thompson of Company C, Willi­ recovered and insisted that she be BOLTON BASEBALL TEAM FAVOR AIRPORT making necessary the opening of allowed to make her trip to Dobson- the gates and allowing the sewage mantic, succeeded in capturing an TURKEY OR CHICKEN enemy machine gun nest single ville by trolley, giving her name as POLICE POWERLESS to run directly Into the Hockanum $1.00 Mrs. Allen of that place. DEPENDS ON HAYMAKER FOR MANCHESTER without going through a filtering handed after killing the officer in Notes process. Officials of the. South charge. His feat drew considera­ BLUE PLATE SPECIAL Mrs F. H. Holt of Union street Manchester Sanitary and Sewer ble praise from CokiLel D. Gordon (Continued from page 1) Captors Catch Cat Crying Hunter, commander cf the regi- 60c Walter Dugmore and Mrs. D. W. Williams of Hart District have been experimenting Not That It Beats Up Oppo­ “Catnip! Catnip!”—Kiddies ment. ^ State President ford left this week for a stay at be to the airway what the railway for some time with different Open 0:30 a. m. to 12 Midnight. nents, But Has Own Scheme Kali Kops. Prior to the engagement the Weekapaug Inn, Weekapaug, R. !• terminal is to the railway.! Each methods to clear up the trouble be­ Howitzer company’s second platoon Mrs. Chapdelaine as host and host­ Mrs. tN'ainwright will substitute at fore the water that Is used in the For Lost Balls. airport must be constructed under 1 Complaint was made to the police under Lieutenant Walter Tedford, ess. the organ at the Union Congrega' conditions peculiap to its own lo- manufacturing process in the mills Waranoke Restaurant hate last night that a passing au­ staged a spirited race in striking 801 Main. St. Immediately after dinner, the tional church during Mrs. Holt’ s ab Among the important items in cnlity. along the stream, especially the silk tents and rolling packs in breaking members will again assemble in tomobile picked up a kitten and mills, can be redeemed before it In front of the Clock. SGncc. the equipment of the Bolton base­ The field should be firm, approxi­ had “ kidnapped” it. Would the bivouac at Fred Stone’s Red Star Foresters Hall where the meetin Mr. and Mrs. Henry Chamberlin ball team is a scythe. mately level, though not necessari­ enters the sewer will open, for Important business of Boston, Mass., have returnee^ to police try and capture the person Baseball teams carry bat^, balls, ly so, well drained, and without who had played this mean trick on and installation of officers, at their home after several days visit gloves, protectors and scorebooks. “ hazards,” meaning any obstacles which time Mr. Alley will receive with Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Coveney Once in a while, if the team is af­ or condition that render operation pussy? fluent enough a first aid kit is car­ Now the police are willing to help the highest honor of the state or­ of Village street. of airplanes dangerous. in all matters. In fact, they tried ganization. F. H. Holt and daughter Mar­ ried. The Bolton team carries no If no site can be found to fulfill CONTINUOUS first aid kit. But it carries a last night to find the number claim­ The Grand Lodge lias made no jorie of Union street are spending the highest requirements the needs ed to be hanging on the rear of the mistake in selecting him for this a two weeks’ vacation at the gey tll6. can be met by a field permitting the car in which the pet cat was carried From 2:15 to 10:30 very important office as he has had Springs House, Block Island. Spectators at the game between laying out of r.t least two landing TODAY Bolton and Manchester Green in av;ay. but the index furnished by excellent experience, having held Miss Ruth Denzler of New Haven strips 100 or more feet wide, the the state was found to be a rather DOUBLE FEATURE BILL many other offices In the grand is the guest of her grandparents, Bolton yesterday evening were angle of crossing or converging to complex matter and before the STATE! lodge, and for the past year has Mr. and Mrs. Edward Denzler, Sr., surprised to see such a tool along I be not less than 45 degrees. The' with the bats near the Bolton owner’s name could be found there served as grand vice president. of "Ward street. I landing strips, whether runways or was not ample time to get gua' ds Peter B. Kyne Story BEN LYON in John Alley is chairman of the David Sykes of Elm street was in team’s “ dugout” - • natural surfaces, must permit safe out on the bridge in Hartford or committee in charge of the event "Worcester on Friday on a business They wondered -vfrhat it was for. ; under ordinary weather have notification sent to the sur­ “DANCE MAGIC” They wore soon enlightened, f ^ , which would include “The Understanding Heart and is being assistecf by the follow­ trip. rounding towns and cities. ing past presidents; Howard Hew­ The many friends of Mrs. Thomas uucjuLoiie-of the tii^ balls jiisappeared from i oyorrse rainfall.rainraii. The ine fieldiicia should&uuuiu Looks as though owner of the sight In the lo n ^ ra ss in the out- , » ^t least 100 feet | itt, Joseph :Moss, John Williams, Hewitt of Grand street, will be pet cat will have to adopt another A V ONE DAY ONLY SUNDAY Fred Nutland, John Hewitt and field. -J J between the outer edges of the pleased to hear she is able to be One of t^i^jjBolton players grab­ kitten. Reginald Kent. out again after her recent illness. landing strips and the boundaries THE STORY OF WOMEN^OUT rr?SEARCH OF THEIRHEIR LOST YOUT YOUTH Joins Research bed the-scythe, set to work mowing Mrs. Walter Dunn of Snipsic the grass around the place where of the field. Dr. Charles J. Stucky, who for street is spending several days with’ Runway 100 Feet Wide. COURT UTIGANT NOT the ball was last seen— and in a The width of runways Is fixed at May McAvoy in ‘‘MATINEE LADIES” the past few years, has been a friends in Sufiield. minute or two had found the ball. .member of the Yale School of Mrs. Carl Johnson of Norwich 100 feet and upwards. One hun­ Medicine faculty, and who has and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Ericson and dred feet is the minimum ,and 300 i ORIGINAL GYPSY SMITH been the guest of his mother, Mrs. daughter Gladys of Greenville have feet would be ideal. The margin ' Agnes Stucky of East Main street returned home after several days between the edge of a runway and MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY for several weeks, left this week for LOCAL LODGE ORGANIZER the nearest field boundary should News dispatches have reached visit with Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph be not less than 100 feet, more if I Manchester concerning the suit lot j i where he will join Anderson of McLean street. the Research of Scott and Bowne. possible. Obstacles near a run­ ' divorce against one Gypsy Pat; | Wilfred Lutz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Smith, evangelist, in Bridgeport, Dr. Stucky is a graduate of St. William Lutz of Hale street has re­ ELECTED TO NEH| OFFICE way , reduce the available area of Bernard’s Parochial school and the the runway by a distance of seven and Zion’s Herald, one of the lead- turned from Camp Woodstock ing religious periodicals of the east MANCHESTER’S KIDDIE REVUE Rockville High school. His many times the heigth of the obstacle. where he has been spending the Apparently the government is not has called to the attention of its; ~ friends in this city wislr him suc­ past two weeks. Mrs. Margaret Hannon Named readers the fact that this person iz \ 150 MANCHESTER CHILDREN 150 cess in his new work. He^ attended arbitrary as to the dimensions of an Ellery Kington, son of Mr. and National Monitor of Daugh­ aviation field to such extent as to not the famous Gipsy Smith, Eng- j tj 'he Pennsylvania State University, Mrs. Sam Kington of Hale street and Yale Medical School and has ters of Isabella. impede localities not having ex­ lish evangelist, hut Is a man in A M USICAL COMEDY SHOW has returned from a two weeks stay tremely large space available. Un­ has taken this name and Is trading lE been an instructor in several col- at Camp Woodstock. on it. The article follows: | ^ ’eaes and schools. Mrs. Margaret Hannon of New der its “ F” rating the government Dr. and Mrs. A. P. Schreiter and stitpulates: “ Fields not having the “ Gipsy Smith, the world famous SINGING, DANCING AND TALKING Hold Picnic daughter Theodora Jean of Bristol Britain, daughter of Mrs. Jane Price of Laurel street, this place, minimum dimensions of an “ E” rat­ revivalist, is not the man who was | Alden Skinner Camp Auxiliary v:ere the guests of the former’.z recently sued for divorce by his SPECIAL SCENERY AND COSTUMES with members of the l«cal camp was elected as monitor, a newly ing (1200 feet) but from which sisters, Mrs. Mary Handel of Pros­ flying operations are nevertheless wife in Bridgeport, acco^rding to a and their families, also memoers pect street and Mrs. Herman Back formed office of the National body statement issued last week from YOU’LL BE SURPRISED AT WHAT THESE CHILDREN CAN DO. of the local G. A. R.. held a ne- of the Daughters of Isabella at the taking place, shall receive the rat­ ofen of Ward street on Thursday. ing of “ F” if request for rating is the evangelist’s American head­ lightfui picnic at tne home of Mr. Miss Eleanor Dunn of Snipsic national convention of that order quarters in Chicago. The defendant ADMISSION! held in Fort Wayne, Ind. made.” and Mrs. Joseph Willeke at Vernon street is spending several days with in the suit is ‘Gipsy Pat Smith,’ an­ FEATURE PICTURE this afternoon. Mrs. Hannon has been active In Matinee and Evenlnj relatives in Hartford. TIRE STRIKES BACK. other evangelist, regarding whom Children 10c The partv left by automobile The Ladies’ Liedertafel Society the work of the oraer in her home the statement says: ‘It is an out­ from Town Hall at 1:15 and a very city, in the state and national bod­ Putnam, Conn., July 23.— You Adults 23c and 35c will hold its annual picnic at Capi can’t kick a tire when its down and rage that another man should call CONWAY TEARLE in ‘‘Moulders of Men” Enjoyable, time was had by all pre^- tol P.zrk, Hartford, on July 27. ies and v'&s the organizer of the himself Gipsy Pat Smith, a najne St. Margaret Circle of this place, get away with it. Losing his tern- snt. There we'-e many features dur­ :\!cm’ners will leave this city on the per, Fred Briere, truckman, leveled i so near that of our Gipsy Smith ing the art' "noon. including races, which honored her by uamin.g the 10:07 trolley on that morning. a lusty blow at the tire he was that the public fails to distinguish.’ MUSIC BY THE STATE THEATER JUNIOR ORCHESTR^ cames and other sports. circle for her. The original Gipsy Smith is at pres­ Mi$s Mildred Jelipek of the local She was advan"‘ d at the c /n en - changing causing, the large tube to At fi o'clock a salad supper in- telephone exchange is enjoying her explode, hurling him ten feet and ent conducting a series of meetings Eludin;: mauv other good things was tion just closed irom inner guard annual vacation. breaking his leg. in England.” served. Mr. and Mrs. '.-Viilol-e^ prov­ David Sykes, Clarence Cady, to the position of monitor. ed ideal host .and uo.stess. ana v. eie SKETCHES BX BB8SBX Tony IMifflit and Fred Ertcl spent SYNOPSIS BY BBAUCHBH given a vote of thanks and i'j n,'iv.,d Friday in Worcester, Mass. many verbal bouQuetj from those The Luther League of the First THE BOOK OF, KNOWLEDGE: (37) The Philippines present. The followin.g c.ommittee Evangelical Church chartered two to whom much credit i.s due fol­ busses for their trip to Riverside '.-k' u'jy.'nsi lows: Chairman, Mrs. Nellie Usher, on Thursday night. The outing Mrs. Hazel Edwards, Mr.s. Mattie was one of the. best ever enjoyed Degenkolbe, Mrs. Bessie Bl:ss and .f-J: by the league. Mrs. Laura Kreh. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Seidel and Ladies’ Aid Society Robert Rueger of W’est Road, wilL The Ladies’ Aid Society of the spend the week-end at Block Island. Methodist Church enjc-ye-l its .an­ A ball game of much interest nual outing at Lake Wau.gumbaug on Thursday afternoon. The mem­ will be played Sunday at 3:1.5 day bers left the church shortly after light saving time betweep the Rock­ dinner. There were twenty-two ville Y. P. A.’s and the Brightwoods 4 members in the party. Sports were of Springfield, Mass. enjoyed and at 6 o’clock a basket Sunday Services lunch was served. The members Christian Science service held at left for home in the early evening, 10:45 a. m. Subjec'!: Truth. Union Congregational church. thanking Mrs. Bodman for her kind “ J hospitality. Rev. Charles McKinley will preach fT Certificates Monday Sunday morning at 10:30 a. m Methodist Episcopal church. Rev. A representative of the State The United States paid Spain $20,OC»,000 for tto ‘C Board of Education, who issues J. Garfield Sallis will preach. The There are many high mountaimt- in the Philippine Leonard Wood Is gov­ sermon topic will be, “ To. Him That The United States has Philippines after Admiral *>®w®y^had de^royed work certificates for those who Islands, with about fifty volcanoes, of which twenty are ernor general of the Spanfih fleet at M anila In FHIplnoe. under • tiave not as yet reached the age and Hath.” There will be a brief vesper announced that indepen­ service in the evening. alive. Mayon, pictured above, le.one of the most beau­ Philippines. Since 1898 Emilio Aguinaldo carried school grade that will allow them when the United States dence will be granted V to enter work, will be in Rockville The First Evangelical Lutheran tiful volcanoes In th» world— -The town at the foot of when the people are pre­ Agulnaldb w as captured In 1901 and fite followers gavo. church, Rev. John F. Bauchmans Mayon le Ug*epi. »lsnd of Luion. Earthquakes are acquired the islands up, ; (To Bq.Continued) Monday when certificates will be pared for it. Many Fili­ Issued allowing the school children Subject for the English service at there has been constant frequent.’ pinos want it now._____ :o work during the summer months. 10:00 a. m. Is “ The Potter and the •BrwE*. ThfBt


confident of the head of this Phllls-!- tine. “ This Is the victory. . . . even out faith.” The odds are all with God’s man. It puts punch into life The Evening Herald to believe that one is cooperating with the eternal and Infinite forces of the living God. Such a faith often Sunday School Lessons does for a young person what a col­ I’m All lege education fails to do. by Wilfiam T. Ellis. Nobody who saw and heard that ST. MARY’S EPISCOPAL. For Every Age, Creed and Nationality. battle in the 'Valley of Elah could Parlor Suites Chairs- SOUTH METHODIST EPISCOPAL have any doub^ as to its meaning. Rev. J. Stnart Neill. By his heathen gods, Goliath curs­ Rugs Rev. Joseph Cooper, Pastor ed the youth whom he despised. But Breakfast Suites The union services of Center Sunday, July 2 4th— Services as David’s reply, which contains the Rugs Mixed Congregational and South Metho­ follows: whole of the Lesson’s message, was, dist, will be held at the South Meth­ 9:30 a. m.— Church school. Gen­ BOASTFUL GIANT LOST HEAD “ Thou comest to me with a Mirrors Bargains odist church. The morning pro­ eral session. sword, and with a spear and with gram Is as follows; (Classes are omitted until Sep­ a shield: but I come to thee In the 10:30 a. m.— Ministry of the tember.) name of the Lord of hosts, the God Refrigerators Baby Carriages chime. (Men's Bible Class omitted . 'il TO YOUTH WITH STOUT HEART of the armies of Israel whom thou 10:45 a. m.— Morning worship the first Sunday in September.) hast defied. Tables Oil Stoves Up Hammocks at which service the Rev. James J. 10:45 a. m.— Morning prayer and “ This day will the Lord deliver Dunlap, D. D. of Hartford will sermon. The rector will preach. - Lindbergh, David had an innate world’s largest builder of gear-shift trucks! sense of what was fitting: so he de- Special Trade-In Values Each is mounted on the famous Chevro­ clin jd to fight in the other man’s armor and in the other man’s way. and Special Prices^ ^ at these Low Prices l.Ton Track. f UNION SERVICES mmI He possessed that first quality of We’ll take your old tires in trade j-TonTr*ck_ ^ Chuii* with Cab OiVJ »680 ^'T^h'KiBodr *755 genius, a consciousness of his own on a new set of Firestones. with Body Alienees/. 0.6. s of the S personality and powers. How many S*Toa Truck . >495 - - 395 Ftort, MichicoK fresh, fine spirits we have all seen Call today! Quick Service! Check Chevrolet DeUvered Prices I CENTER CONGREGATIONAL | lose themselves in Saul’s armor of No delays! TW t the lowMC h«idUn« KMii fin»oan« ch«riM s and E conventionality! I SOUTH METHODIST CHURCHES | “ There is nothing so great as sim­ ple naturalness” . General Dawes S at the = once said: unconsciously summing = South Methodist Church i up the lesson of David’s course in refusing Saul’s armor. In a world I SUNDAY, 10:45 o’ctock | full of echoes and imitations, It is S Preacher, E refreshing to study the story of a HOUSER’S i DR. JAMES J. DUNLOP | shepherd boy who was content to H. A. STEPHENS 5 of the Fourth Congregationah Church = conduct himself as a shepherd boy, SERVICE STATION AND GARAGE 5 of Hartford. 5 and not as a general or king. Lind­ CENTER AND KNOX STS., SOUTH MANCHBSTER bergh’s refusal to Join a colonel’s Bill Streeter Dave Housen S Music by the Vested Choir. S uniform at Washington was an ex­ S Everyone Welcome. | pression of the same trait. We fill North Main and North School Streets. PHONE 15 E E our houses with standardized furni­ ! n ! V\ O R 1 n • I A R ( - 1 S [ R r I D i. H llllllHlllllilllllHIIIIIIIIIilllllllllllllilillllllllliililllllllllllllUUiliiJiuiiiiiuiuiiiiiil. ture; we eat standardized, advertls- MANCHESTER (CONN.) EVENING HERALD. SATURDAY, JULY 23, 192T. p a g e FOUK

AN IDEAL PLACE TO SPEND proposed to fly to Europe from the mensurately to the welcomes that THE DAY. iRanrljeBtrf Hub of the Universe. To none of he has extended to representatives of that continent. £ttetting Ufralb them had it occurred that he couH When the weather is hot. carry no truiy American message Yet it Is doubtful if there is. tick­ And you’re perspiring a lot. PUBLISHED BY to Europe that did not emanate et tape enough in any European in iE And you wish for a spot where it’s THE HERALD PRINTING CO. from the shadow of the Sacred Cod. capital, and there are certainly not cool, MONDAY’S SPECIAL Founded by Elwood A Ela enough telephone books, to make It Hickeys’ Grove is the place. Oct, 1. 1881 And of course it would have been By RODNEY DUTCHEB Of beauty and space Every Evening Except Sunday* r.nd impossiblly. ill-befitting for Boston possible to salute Grover in kind, And there’s a l. ..ys a breeze as a Holidays. Entered at the Post OIBce at Man­ to clamor for such distinction. So in after the New York fashion. New York, July 23.— A Shetland Washington, July 23.— The Kel­ rule. chester as Second Class Mall Matter. all the hurly-burly of the n^w phase Really, we think Grover had bet­ pony has appeared on the tenement logg’s Going to Resign Club, which Take a Rockville bound car. cluttered streets of the East Side. It’s not very far, SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By Mall of flying Boston has sat, in chill ter stay at home; his going abroad used to meet every Tuesday night, six dollars a year, sixty cents a A former hurdy-gurdy man saved now holds only monthly sessions, Three minutes from Old Depot month tor shorter periods. but magnificent dignity, forgotten is sure to put several friendly na­ his pennies, bought the pony, By carrier, eighteen cent* n weelt. and it Is rumored that they soon Square. Wrought Iron Single copLea three centa though not forgetting. tions to a lot of mental anguish. brought it to the Ghetto gamins, will be stretched out to one meeting I bet you will say. SPECIAL ADVERTISING REPRE­ To make matters worse, Lind­ and a ride of one block may be en­ every six weeks. When the grove you survey. SENTATIVE. Hamllton-Ue Llsser. It’s an Ideal spot, I declare! bergh, starting his all-America joyed for two pennies, with extra The secretary of state has been a Inc.. 285 Madison Avenue. New York rides in proportion.' Most of the sad disappointment to some of the You can cheer, you can sing, and 612 North Michigan Avenue. tour in New England, did not real­ NEW ENGLAND ASKS Chicago. youngsters had never seen a pony most accomplished rumor mongers You can drink at the spring, The Manchester Evening Herald la ize that it was quite out of the ques­ before. of Washington wno, as everyone And the view up the lake’s very on sale In New York City at Schultz’s tion to do the thing rightly in any PEOPLE TO PURCHASE The only pigs, cows and sheep knows, are the most profliclent in fine. Smokers News Stand. Sl.xth Avenue and 42nd. To make your happiness complete other way than by flying straight they have ever beheld are those in the world. sttreet and 42nd. Street entrance of the Central Park zoo. There the The trouble seems to be that al­ When you’re ready to eat Grand Central Station. to the city of the Cabots and Low­ GOODS MADE AT HOME There’s tables at which you may “International News Service has the farm animals are corraled in a lit­ though Mr. Kellogg had at one time exclusive rights to use for republlca- ells first of all, but must needs stop tle space labeled Murphy's farm. decided to resign this summer, he dine. tlon In any form all news dispatches in this outland of Connecticut and Having never been beyond Brook­ has now changed his mind 'and de­ And then at the end of a perfect credited to or not otherwise credit­ Concord, N. H.— In a bid for lyn, the youngsters grow ” p with day, ed In this paper. It Is also exclusively even honor Providence with his more extensive home consumption cided to stick. strange ideas concerning forms and Thru the oaks and the pines you entitled to use for repubilcatlon all presence before taking slightest of products manufactured in this At the time when Kellogg foreign the local or undated news published barnyards. Their pets are, for the policies and the state department may rove, herein.” note of the seat of New England state, garment and dresa ^oods To add to your pleasure manufacturers are introducing to most part, stray cats that leave were targets for so much sniping culture. their kittens upon fire escapes. In that the attack .’•esembled a bar­ By the way of good measure. SATURDAY, JULY 23, 1927 the farm population, which is large There’s a ball field Surely there is no community in in New Hampshire, samples of the recent years charity organizations rage, Mr. Kellogg became sick, tired have given thousands of youngsters and disgusted. He was the most ir­ That goes with the grove. all America which could be more work done in the large industrial — Tom Hickey. cities. Other New England states their first glance at hillsides during ritable man in Washington. The ash-tray shortage is happily overcome INCONSIDERATE sensitive to such slights, and where country trips. Some families have It was during his hour of trial will make the same effort. in this Monday special. Here is a smoker Whatever necessity there may bs at the same time sorrow for the Farming and textile manufacture become sufficiently prosperous to that Mr. Kellogg decided he’d show for the Eighth District school com­ crudity of the offenders could be are two of New Hampshire’s chief send their offspring to summer ’em and— after his policies had If you want to spend a pleasant stood the strain and emerged more priced low enough so that you can have plen­ mittee to provide more housing for more profound. Yet Boston, it industries, yet, statistics have re­ camps. They return dazed by this evening go to Hickey’s Grove— hire first contact with nature. or less triumphant— walk out on must be said, possesses, as well as vealed that the masses- devoted to a boat and go out rowing on the old ty of them handy for brid.ge parties, etc. ■pupils in its district, the course of each line know much less about the show some time this summer. Union Lake. The water up at the that body in ordering the Manches­ refined sensibilities, still something the products of the other than had It is said on good authority that Grove is nice and clear. People Made of wrought iron, ju.st_as sketched,, fin­ ter Public Library out of the Rob­ of the hero spirit that produced tea been generally expected. While con­ Mr. Kellogg confided as much to get a wrong impression of the lake On Friday nights a little place some of his friends. ished in smooti;, dull black with red enamel­ ertson school building on six weeks parties and Paul Reveres. She suming each others products, it has in McDougall street, the most /vil- in looking at it from North School been found that little or no atten­ Finally Mr. Kellogg got pretty street.— adv. ed dish. Limited number. Cash and carry. notice will not strike most of the swallowed the lump in her throat, lagy” spot In Greenwich 'Village, well out of the woods. Nicaragua tion had been paid to the source of hangs out a sign which reads: residents of the district or of the put on her frock coat, and derby supply, that is. whether it was lo-i was pacified, armed conflict was Regular $1.25, and did the magnificent of Lindy, “ Friday poet's night— Many promi­ avoided with Mexico, and the Chi­ town as being nearly so much in cal or out of the state. nent poets will be present— Re­ keeping with a helpful community just as if she had never been snub­ Hosiery and shoes are also man­ nese situation was handled in a LEHIGH COAL freshments served.” way that satisfied most Americans. spirit as with one of roughshod in­ bed. Ata boy. Beans! ufactured in large quantities here, In the hallway loiter a few of but to the revelation of many it Next on the program was the naval and difference to fairness and courtesy. those batik-garbed, sleazy damsels and after that Mr. Kellogg ivas e.x- was found that some of these were who look more like the cartoons of It is a matter of a fortnight or THE WORM WINS better known in distant lands than pected to make his bow. “ Bohemians” than the cartoons But it now appears that Mr. Kel­ TRUCKING WATKINS BROTHERS more since it was reported that the “ Worm K. O.’s Fly.” There's a at home. themselves. Their bobbed hair has In a campaign tempered by ap­ logg is likely to be with us for some committee would oust the Library headline that will live long after been allowed to grow till it touches time to come. His critics have stop­ stove ... I ...... $15.50 peal to state pride, the home pro­ their shoulders and they pose from the school building, but it was the heralding of the victory of Ref­ ducts are being placed before the ped hurling raspberry tarts at the Chestnut ...... $15.25 not until the middle of the present eree over Sharkey has been forgot­ against the walls while tourists nape of his neck and Mr. Kellogg Egg ...... $15.00 farm women in a series of fifty fresh from the busses get a thrill. week that official notice was served ten. Heavyweight championships style shows, under the auspices of is riding high. He is in compara­ Pea ...... $12.00 Inside, young men sit about tables, tively good health and in very good on the Library directors that they change almost as often as the cham­ the Home Demonstration Depart­ playing the strange game of being ment of the University of New humor. He realizes that the secre­ If paid in 10 days after delivery would have to vacate before Sep­ pions fight, or once every few years. poets. They are consciously on dis­ taryship isn’t half bad if they’ll Hampshire with the U. S. Depart­ play and play up to their parts. tember 1. It -will be a long, long time, how­ ment of Agriculture co-operating. only let a fellow alone, and with At the shows, shoes, hose, dress­ During the course of the evening this realization has come the con­ g The Manchester Public Library ever, before the feather fly again some are encouraged to recite their HARRY E. SEAMAN has the temerity to enter the ring es, underwear, and coats, all either viction that it might be too early has been housed in the Robertson manufactured by New Hampshire verse. Little encouragement is to deprive the country of his serv­ school building ever since that with the night crawler. The Isaak firms or made for the department needed. They would be quite an­ ices for awhile yet. Walton League has crushed, slap­ from New Hampshire-made ma*^?r- noyed if overlooked. Prohibition and Business structure was erected. It has grown Most of their poetry is rather ARTESI.4N WELI.S to be an Institution of real import­ ped down, annihilated that, element lals, are shown on living models to Your correspondent sat in a law­ audiences of farm women. bad; that which is good shows Drilled Any Diameter— The unparalleled prosperity of the last five years would nev­ ance to the town, but especially is in its own membership that dared marked resemblance to the work of yer’s office the other day. In came a book agent, peddling legal tomes. er have been known had not the saloon been made an outlaw. it of the greatest usefulness in its to flaunt the artificial lure as the others. A very few, who are still Any Depth Any Place young enough tu be blind to the The lawyer said he wasn’t interest­ There is more to back this statement than mere sentiment. present location, since it serves the insignia of angling chivalry and to ed and the agent remarked that I hoist it on the staff above the cur­ poseurs, actually show promise. Charles F. Volkert double purpose of a public and a there seemed to be few law books One of the undisputed benefits of prohibition. is that the vilinear design of Lumbricus. in the office. school Library. It is asking pretty The real poets are not hung in American people are Six Billion Dollars a year better off than President Coolidge, practical ad­ I “ Don’t you know,” demanded the Blast Hole Drilling close to the impossible of its direc­ windows in Manhattan. if they had not adopted the Eighteenth Amendment. Herbert vocate and employer of the earth­ lawyer, “ that the lawyers in 'Wash­ Test Drilling for Foundation tors to expect them to be able to s Edgar Arlington Robinson, who" ington don’t practice law. Don’t Hoover declares that since prohibition, general, bank deposits worm as trout bait, has been elect­ has been hailed as the nation’s best, Water Systems provide a new home for the institu­ you know that they all make their have increased from eleven billion to twenty-five billion dollars. ed honorary president of the Soyth The night when last I saw my lad lives a secluded life upon an out- living by lobbying?” Pumps for All Purposes. tion in six weeks. His eyes were bright and wet. of-town farm. He is one of the Dakota division of the League, an-l “ Yes,” replied the book agent, I No sudden emergency has arisen He took my two hands in his own, quietest men to found, seeming­ ' Tel. 1375-5. B. C. Forbes, editor of Wall Street magazine says there is has the job, onorous as it no doubt “ but I’ve been here three weeks iWith relation to the housing of “ ’Tis well,” says he, "we’re met. ly very timid and aloof. and you’re the first one who has HIGHLAND PARK P. O. no other reason for the bubbling prosperity of America than will be. And in announcing the elec­ Asthore machree! the likes o’ me Eighth district pupils; there has Edna St. Vincent Millay is on a been frank enough to admit it.” prohibition which releases the pay envelope for home better­ tion the national headquarters of I hid ye now forget.” . farm in the north when not at her bean no increase in registration be­ After the agent had left, the law­ ment. the League puts the final and ever­ home In Cherry Lane. Her house, yer explained further: • yond what was to have been antici­ Ah, sure the same’s a thriffin’.thing, by the way, is perhaps the narrovr- lasting stamp of approval orn the “ There are 5000 lawyers in the pated a year ago or two years ago. ’Tis more I’^d do for him! est in New York, rising three stor­ capitol and probably less than 400 I Want To Buy V vX vv V\vvvvvv time honored Waltonian habit of Yet this determination to throw the I mind the night I promisjid well. ies with a width of nut a few yards. of them really go into court to try worm-fishing, in these words: Away cn Ballindim.— | Robinson Jeffers spends most of Library out in the street comes cases. The rest of them are just A CONFECTIONERY OR “ T ’.e action by the Dakota Wal- An’ every little while or so the year at Carmel. Oilif. Dorothy lobbyists. without warning, practically out of I thry forgetrin’ Jim. | Parker is to be found in the the­ CONFECTIONERY AND tonians Is taken as complete ap­ “ Most of them 'practice' before General a clear sky. And the Library is of — Moira O'Neill: FoSrgettin’. atrical belt, or among the writers the departments aud the federal TOBACCO STORE proval of 'the eariy-season Presiden­ necessity totally unprepared to and newspaper folk who gather at commissions, but the way it’s car­ tial method of taking trout with the Algonquin hotel for lunch. ^ell located. GEO. A . JOHNSON Auto Repairing and meet the crisis thus thrust upon it ried on today, that’s plain lobbying the worm instead of with the more James Rorty writes advertising and not tne practice of law. Many All communications confiden­ and which would appear to be born copy for Bruce Darton when not Overhauling esthetic fly. The league is devoted lawyers here are i erely the paid tial. of an illy considered whim. wooing the muse. Robert Frost representatives of business inter­ Civil Engineer and Surveyor SHELDON’S GARAGE to the practice of the highest refine­ ATHOIIMseldom leaves New' England. ests of the country. Rear of 2 5 Hollister Street. With adequate notice the town Address Joe, ment of fishing and shooting meth­ Helene Mullins bobs up publicly might and probably would make “ People think of lobbyists mere- Tel. 299. South Manchester Phone 2 3 28-2 KesideniM 2328-3 ods. Let not tlie sun go down ui>on noT^ and then at Sam Schwartz’ 1 iy as fellows who try to wrangle 191 Farmington Ave., Hartford provision for the housing of its Li­ “ Black Knight.” Genevieve Tag­ “ The practice of true sportsman­ your wrath.— Ephesians iv:26. legislation out of congress— or try brary. But no money has been pro­ gart spends summers on a Connec­ to prevent it— but that’s a small ship is not dependent upon any giv­ vided for the building, purchase or A temperate anger has virtue in ticut farm and teaches, • w'rltes part of the game.” en kind of lure so much as it Is up­ books reviews and poetry In New even the rental of a new home, and it.— Haliburton. on the inherent sportsmanship of York. Leonora Speyer, being weal­ Hunting from alrpianes doubtless none can be provided in the ridicu­ thy enough to afford poetry, lives the angler in returning small fishes will be one of the next achieve­ lously short time permitted by the in Washington Square and leads ments of aeronautics, if it’s not be­ to the water and in taking no more the intellectual salon set of the city. ^he QreatJievr austere action of the school com­ ing done already. than he requires, leaving the rest These are the real poets, who do mittee. DAILY ALMANAC The army airship TC-5, flying re­ for other anglers.” not pose for the tourists and each The latter body is doubtless act­ cently from Langley field to Lake- After this we shall no longer hide Feast day of St. Apollinaris, ’other. hurst, spotted several herds of deer, ing, according to its lights, for the GILBERT SWAN. our diminished head when the dude bishop and martyr of the first cen­ in a forest near Lakehurst. The good of the school children; but its deer ran in fright at the noise of angler asks us what flies we use tury. lights do not, in this instance, shine Anniversary of the death of St. the motor, but a lone bear was ob­ fCHR.YSLER and w’e are forced to reply Standards brilliantly. There is the gravest of Bridget of Sweden. The Kalamazoo gent who shot his served to stand up on its hind legs “ Worms.” We’ll use bedbugs If we and gaze pensively and bravely un­ doubt, for example, whether its at­ Bloomers first worn by women at son-in-law for a rabbit may have of Performance want to, and can afford a trip on a known the boy pretty well, at that. til the ship was out of sight. tempt to oust the Library at all ball in Lowell, Mass., 18 51. Sound steamer to get them— and possesses the slightest quality of le­ defy criticism. New Quality gality. The space occupied by the li­ brary in the Robertson school Warm Weather Hints N e w V a lu e building was granted by decision of NEW CAUSE CELEBRE the voters of the district. The voters Despite his name it is probable N e w L u xu ry have never revoked that decision. that Brazil will not be inclined to 2a:i(3Kt For the school committee to attempt regard Eugene Dieudonne as suffi­ The buying public, always eager to award recognition W ciently a gift of God to keep him outstanding achievement, has been most emphatic in to do so is to attempt to abrogate CSOO’D tD 'EA if any way can be found legally to its acclaim o f the great new Chrysler “62”. a definite right, duly and formally T b-srS /ue created by the superior power of turn him over to the French gov­ Sensational Features For it has immediately recognized that no six of ernment. DLeudonne, said to be the its price gives such performance, economy, riding eue, the district electorate. It is extreme­ of Q ^lity and Value ly probable that if it should como last living member of the most no­ safety, comfort, beauty, luxury—plus razny extraordinary 62 smd mtrt milts mm ktmr mitb txttp- features heretofore found only in cars o f far higher price. to a showdown- ^le Library direc­ torious apache gang that ever in­ titmal smtttbmtss tors could stand pat and refuse to fested Paris in pre-war days— that 5 /* 2^ mUts mm b tu r im 7)4 stemmds Never before was such phenomenal value packed into a recognize the right of the school of Jules Bonnot, "demon chauffeur" 3 2 mtlts St thtgmJUm car o f this price, the result o f Chrysler Standardized Q i^ - — escaped from Devi! Island, the ■ T-btmrimg ermmtsbmft committee to oust them. iHvmr-strmt pisttms ity—extending its benefits to four great cars, speciiyuig It would be most regrettable, felon colony off the coast of. French Impmlst memtrmliztr uniformity in high-grade materials, setting new uose however, if any such squabble Guiana, in company with six other Tbtrm tstatie btmt etmSrol limits o f precision, cutting down costs but always nistng convicts, last December, and after Emgime mtttmud im rmhhtr quality to higher levels. should arise. It is not in that way Ltmg, rotmy hmdies that civic interests are advanced. immense hardships all byt one of AUstrimgnhrs See the results o f these advantages in the great, new C h y What does seem reasonable Is for the party, who was drowned, made Mmximmm drMmg visUm tier “62” for yourself. Drive it. Put it to any test, w * their way to Para. Dieudonne was SmddU’ Sprimg temS emsbitms the school committee to reconsider Fine moomir upbtlsttrimg know you will marvel at its performance, its comfort its action, bring the whole question recently identified and arrested. Low-summg grmci and charm of appearance and appointment totally un­ before a special district meeting if Now it appears that there is no JmMrtetiy U ^ U d imstrumstmt pmmd approached and unrivaled at its price. extradition treaty between France Light comtnl tm sUerimg wheel necessary, and let the voters deter­ Hydrmulk ^ w h td hrmkts ______— pnees — Tttirmg ter, ti| and Brazil and the Supreme Feder­ (w iA rmmUe met), ttiT S l Jm itt rm l. mine whether or not the Library is Remd Itvtlixtrs fr m t mmd rtmr, etc^ tie. LendM Sttsu, $i39r, / *• ^ Pff'***; al Tribunal of the latter country is Chrjtltr dudert *n m m fodtmm te extend tie eeneentenee V <»»* to be required to vacate its room in Adt ehemt C h eer’s nUrmtSve pUn ^ '■ ^ O iry jlM h*Ted>« sd «0 0 «^ the Robertson school; and, if so, considering whether or not the procecdott asaiest theft o f the Feoco Systeoi o f mu&beiiiips give the Library authorities a de­ criminal refugee can be denied cent amount of time in which to sanctuary. * 1 0 9 5 turn themselves and to find a prop­ Meantime there is a« huge pother A AND er home elsewhere for the valuable in France over the case, where it ' to H295 H i Is estimated in certain quarters Institution they represent. f . 9. h. Detroit that Dieudonne was "railroaded,” socyloBctcLm a BOSTON DISSE.MBLES that he was not a Bonnot apache at all, and that his case is something Boston dissembled. Boston greet- o - i x s c e i .o K t :h e ^ TtoiTF-feoM 'ed Lindbergh with every evidenco like that of Sacco and Yansetti. Be­ of cordiality. Boston even permitted cause the same prison is involved Itself the extraordinary luxury of a that held Captain Dreyfus for so yip-yip-yow. Boston actually beam­ long, the present one is being call­ ed upon Lindy; not contenting it­ ed a new Dreyfus case in France. .UTTUE, O self with the calm and kindly albeit dlgnlfiedly reserved smile which Is STAY HOME g X i - 1 Its usual uttermost for those born Now what can Europe do by way George S. Smifh beyond the limits of the metropoli­ of politely turning the tables on it* tan district. While all the time Bos­ Grover Whalen? Grover is to sail SO BisseU Sto Phone 060-2 So. Manchestf ton was conscious of a deep abiding for the other side presently, and hurt. Not one single sea-going avia­ surely Europe will nt^ think ofluch CHRYSLER MODEL NUMBERS MEAN MILES P ,E R HOUR tor o£ the lot had even bo much as a thing as not welcoming him com- i ... ■■ ; r \



(By United Press) Women July 23. 1917. Sure An' It Takes Russians retreat on 50-mile Do Kou front as German-Austrian army pushes back disorganized forc­ es; counter revolution in Rus­ sian feared. French hold German crown Beat the Records Of Men prince’s army attacking on the o Chemln des Dames., <*i ^ July 24, 1917. Still Young at 94 French recapture all portions An' What Land But Quid Ire­ of first line trenches on Case­ Why wear down your strength, Local Woman, 75 Years of Age, mates and California Plateaux. Ten American officers, back land Could Produce the Has Her Godmother Living With Her, from western front, say German your vitality and your good nature line is now Impregnable. i Woman? Uliss Elizabeth A woman 75 years of age rarely has a g^mother liv­ ------^------

Gray, at 94 Years of Age years old when she would stand up for a child being bap­ ironing board? ^ I tized, that would make the godmother 90 if she were MOTORISTS SUGGEST

Is Older Than Town's Old­ Mrs. Sarah J. Hadden of 101 Laurel street, who is SPEED UNIT SIGNS You owe it to yourself to see what the COFFIELD IRONER 75 years old, has a godmother who is livmg. She is her est Man— Her Interesting aunt. Miss Elizabeth Gray, who is now in,her 94th yeai will do for you. Take advantage of our July offer on this Ironer and banish the hard work of hand and expects to live a long time yet. , oo Think Local Attitude on Rate Life Story. Miss Gray will be 94 years old on December 28. Of Travel Should Be Made ironing. $110.00 $5.00 Down $8.75 Monthly Clearer. Sells Regularly for $122.50 The eternal feminine will not be Local motorists who have read of outdone. particularly because of the fact that several timei bigger than the looms the large number of arrests made It is natural that whatever men the landlords were usually English which we see in the silk mills here. by the police for speeding on Cen­ The Manchester Electric Co. do, women will try to do something lords who lived outside of the coun­ Before weaving, however, the ter street and on other roads lead­ greater. In some cases the wom­ try and did nothing but collect the children had to serve their “ appren­ ing into the center of Manchester Tel. 1700 en accomplish their objects and the U 861OvX MainiTJLalll Street.oticcu ^ rent. ticeship” by weaving bobbins for have suggested that the town erect woman in this story has done just the filling. The warp was supplied: E.vhorbitant Rents. 4 suitable signs at these entrances that thing. , but the yarn was brought to the giving the speed limit to be observ­ Last week The Herald told of a The irony of the situation there country houses unwound and had to was seen in the practice of ed on city streets. Manchester man, 89 years old, who be rewound on to bobbins which Motorists who have been arraign­ turned to Boston Thursday after An old bachelor says that women is without a doubt the oldest man Englishmen in extorting from their are given to smail talk in large tenants rents which were exorbitant would fit the shuttle on the hand ed in court have said that they spending several days in town. in this town. He is the oldest man loom. —Photo by Elite were ignorant of the speed limit Several from this town -went to quantities. but he is. not the oldest person. in the extreme, the raise in rent ANDOVER usually arising when the landlord Started Young Miss Elizabeth Gray here and that they drove here no Hartford Wednesday to see The oldest person in Manchester “ I lived to see the handloom faster than they had done in other “ Llndy.” Some were near enoug’-i is a woman! was advised of improvements made Sunday evening the South Coven­ by the tenant on his farm. come in and I lived to get away held over the open leaves of an old towns. I to take his picture. OH, MA AND PA! Save for her acquaintances and from it. Many a woman has kept up family Bible, a well-thumbed book Some Connecticut towns have try Endeavorers will attend the lo­ her little family circle, she is com­ It did not matter that the im­ Won’t you be proud of me ir, her weaving until she was a ripe which is her guide and help when­ their speed limits posted conspicu­ cal society and take charge of the Notice— if you’re looking for a paratively unknown. She is a quiet provements had cost the tenant meeting. good time and sometimes good old age, and some of them have ever she is in trouble. ously on signs whievh cannot faU to place for a day’s outing look Hick­ THE KIDDIE REVUE little woman who stays close to her died with their feet still on the “ Life is just life and eternity is Mr. and Mrs.'William Oldershaw home and rarely goes out of the money, the rent was raised because be seen by motorists enterftig. ey’s Grove over. It’s just the treadles. eternity. One holds no more fear Some towns go further- than that and son Durand of Willlmantic place for picnic parties. Large or At the State Theater next house except for occasional trips the farm was improved. for me than the other. For I am were recent callers at Mr. and Mrs. -?1 to the back yard or to the front And if the raise in rent were not She started weaving when she by having constant reminders of the small boats and tables and a spring Monday, Tuesday and was 12^ years old. certain that when the Almighty speed limits at Intervals all through Fred Bishop’s. I3.WII* paid, the tenant was told to get out. of nice cold w-ater. Also a ball Wednesday. If he did not get out he was evict­ An expert cook and housekeeper. God calls me I will be ready and the town limits. H. E. Frink and two sons re­ field.— adv. She was born almost 9 4 years willing to go to my home on high.” ago and is in just as good health ed, and if he locked his door Miss Gray decided to come to America and 40 years ago she A simple philosophy like that has as she was 50 years ago. In fact against the officers, it was broken gone a long way toward the happy she has never had but one attack of down by means of battering rams, startpd out for the land of promise. and untroubled life Miss Gray has Illness and that occcurred during an axes or anything handy. It Is the ambition of almost every lived. Epidemic. . , , Old woodcuts depict the evictions Irishman either to go to America Even God was with her when she The north of Ireland people in of tenants on Irish farms. The or to send his sons or daughters ■was injured, she says, for after her Manchester know of Elizazbeth king’s officer stands at one side of there. Families have mortgaged al­ arm was set there never was an Gray. She is one of them and she the picture, a paper in his -hand. most their whole possessions some­ ache or a pain in it. It is just as comes from that part of Ireland The little thatched hut, made of times in order to send one of them good today as it ever was, she which claims so many Manchester mud, is the object of the villainous sons to this country, and It is from people, Portadown, in the county says, but the injury that lasted looking officers, who are endeavor­ these same people who come here came to her knees and has kept her of Armagh. ing to batter down the door ^y that a helping hand Is reached out A woman who never got married, from walking. anne w cnistin mzibv means of a ram. when hard times strike the old sod. Great Reader she has become a citizen of the Life a Struggle, prodlicts, giving me the absolute Miss Gray came here ana went Still, she does a lot of sewin,g, BEGIN HERE TODAY low-down on ’em, from personal United States for more than 40 Life under conditions like these into service, as they say in the old VERA CAMERON, private aee- years. She left Ballinary, the lit­ and she reads quite a bit, mostly experience, I mean, and I prom­ which made living one Ipng strug­ country, becoming a housekeeper her Bible, but she finds time to retary in the Peach Bloom Coe- tle village on the outskirts of Porta­ raetlca Co., «hare« on apartment ise nobody else will ever see it. gle contributed mightily to the and cook. She enjoyed this life and read the papers and an occasional down, where she was born and went hardiness and longevity which is with her attractive aunt, FLORA Compare ’em with other brands. | she let nothing worry her. Un­ magazine. Cooking is an occupa­ CARTTVRIGHT, who find* it diffl- I like to know the truth about a | into service in the family of a prom­ characteristic of people in the Em­ hampered by a husband, she was cult to renliie that thie frlght- inent Ware, Mass., family, when she tion closed to her now because of line I’m writing copy for, so I | erald Isle. So, Miss Gray is just free to come and go she saw fit, her difficulty in walking and stand­ lully eensibie and efficient crea­ came to this country. Her residence keeping the traditions alive by ture who hn» never had a real can steer clear of the rocks, if = in Manchester has included only and she did considerable traveling. ing, but she finds plenty to do •with ■weetheart 1» her niece. keeping alive herself. her needle and her bits of cloth. On the way to the office, Vera there are any. And while you’re | seven years and during that time These conditions are largely j Three Trips Home takes n frank Inventory of her- doing it. I’ll cast my eagle eye | Three of her trips brought her Regular habits ha'i’e added their she has lived with her niece, Mrs. changed now and were gradually j ■elf to learn why people find her over these booklets and the de- | Sarah J. Hadden at 101 Laurel back to her old home in Ireland and little bit to her long life. She has ■o unattractive. Her noee is cla«- changing during Miss Gray’s life- 1 been conservative and regular in ev­ alc, her month ia ndorable, but on scriptive stuff they wrap around I strict. time. The land laws and the right j she has crossed tne ocean no less the other hand, there are her the jars. Got to get acquainted \ The door was opened in response than seven times. Ocean travel erything. - ’ven her waking and heavily rimmed Klasaea. a frccklc- of the tenant to buy his farm were sleepir.g hours are regulated as if morred complexion and her'' plain with the stuff right away.” to the reporter’s knock by a brought into being and the goug-1 agreed with heif sne said, apd she ant faced old lady who spoke with liked it. Her time was her own and by the clock. Except on rare oc­ and arnaible elothea. Vera sat for a long time before ing landlord became a thing of the I casions she never fails to be in At the office where ahe expecta her typewriter, her bands lying a rather broad Irish brogue. past. she made good use of it. to leara of her promotion to the The Greeting . In' Ware,' Mass., she was the real bed by 8 o’clock in the evening place' of aecretnry to the presi­ idle in her lap, her face suffused | The Grays,- as iieiJS has -u-been ccn eaid^ be- “ Good afternoon, Miss Gray,” the x u e 1 — • • — T . V I. ____ and she is always up and around at dent, she ends another girl has with color. Finally, as If In des­ fore, were farmers in the old days, i head of a big boarding house. Tr , 7 in the morninr. been crlveii (he position. The reporter said. “ I have come to the house was conducted by anoth presid-nt chcera her by the nn- peration. she ran a sheet of paper They grew potatoes and corn, as “ It is her natural way of living into the machine and began to write something about you for the they term oats in the old country er woman, but the power behind noanoeiiicnt of her promotion to paper for they tell me you are the that did it,” says her niece. “ She aaai.atniit to the new advertising type furiously. When she had fin­ and they took their produce to , the the throne throne was was the the efficient efficient and ana i always been even and never did macaprer, Jldltltl MACKLVN. oldest person now living in Man­ Portadown to jnarket. PoHadown j clever manager who stayed in the | g^cited over anything. Then W ith hl.'rh hope she raps on the ished, she tore the sheet from the j chester.” , was the nearest of the largest towns I background and kept the j ^er father was a man in his 90th door of her new superior. machine and marched into Jerry It happened, however, that the in Ware until NOW GO O.V WITH THE STORY Macklyn’s private office. woman who opened the door was in the country and was the gather-1 turning. She stavee year and her slider was also over ing point for farmers from all over [ the death of the owmer of tne 9 0. It runs in the family and she tez CHAPTER II “ That’s absolutely all I know not Miss Gray at all, but her niece, S the section. j bearding house, and soo.u after that has helped out the inheritance by A LUSTY young baritone roared about Peach Bloom Cosmetics Mrs. Hadden. . went into service in a private fam- from personal experience.” she “ I’m not exactly the oldest, said Market Day. | the way she has lived.” “ Come in!” a summons which Saturday was the big day then, | :iy. i said crisply. Mrs. Hadden. ‘‘You must mean Vera Cameron, in spite of the my aunt. I, myself am only 7o but for it was market day. Early in j Never worried, always taking Jerry Macklyn picked up the she will be 9 4 at Christmas. the morning the farmers in the out- j things as they came and trusting in WITH THE LOCAL strange new excitement which sheet of paper, read its few lines lying sections would hitch up their God to help her through any pre-1 fluttered her usually well-con­ - n i T M i ______■' '''**"*♦ at a glance, then surveyed Vera “ She is in the kitchen nov, do­ "So you have never used any cosmetics except cleansing cream and ing some sewing, but if you wait in donkeys— the main beasts of bur-: dicament, she lived a natural life, j trolled nerves, obeyed noiselessly, Cameron coolly and critically den in the country— and ride to | serene and calm. Even now her | Jace poicder." the living room I will bring her AUTO DEALES s as all good private secretaries from the crowning braids of her town, maybe perched on top of a face shows not one line of worry 1 s head to the broad toes of her here.” , „ neatly built load of turf or hay. or care, but usually has a smile. J should. girls had to wade through all this business from A to Z.” - Old Fashioned Room George S. Smith has delivered While Vera was carrying out flat-heeled, orthopedic oxfords. The living room itself is one of The turf itself was the means of She has nothing to worry about and ' She had entered so noiselessly truck before you.'^ye ready to has made herself no worries. a Chrysler 70 brougham to Arthur make ah. appearance, ffemejls nice, his instructions swiftly and ac­ “ So you have never used any those old fashioned affairs, with keeping many an Irish family ali¥e on her rubber-heeled oxfords that cosmetics except cleansing cream in days when hard times struck Her only sickness came during Olson of Monroe street. doesn’t it?” he asked sociably, the curately, she revised her first plush and horsehair furniture, the Jerry Macklyn had not heard her amused and contemptuous opinion and face powder,” be said slowly. walls covered with soft-toned paper the country. Peat which is dug in an epidemic of fever which hit a tip of bis short, broad nose wrig­ the bogs, ■when itiL hasiiQi, been uctu dried certain district In Ireland when The Manchester Motor Sales and for a moment she was too gling as he sniffed the perfumed of him. He was nobody’s fool, “ Hm-m! Now how the devil am and old fashioned cabinet photo­ have made the following deliveries out makes a hotter fire than the ! Miss Gray was 47 years old. Every air about him. and she sensed in his vital young I going to know whether this graphs above the wainscoting. A this week: Ford roadsters to James astonished to apprise him of her truck is any good or not? Good family group was seen on one side English coal wffiich was burned in | member of her family ivas laid low “ The perfume used in our cos­ body and the alert mind that Hickey of Wapping and John J. presence. A husky young man gleamed through his brilliant blue Lord, I can’t really try it out on of the room while several othei that place. Housewives used this i ^y the fever and although none of metics retails at eight dollars an Carroll, Naugatuck; a coupe to coatless, and with his shirt sleeves eyes a capacity for work that more myself, as I usually do a product miscellaneous pictures occupied turf when they did their baking, for | them died of it, there w-ere other Paul Dougan of Gardner street; a ounce," Vera Informed him. other space on the walls. they could have an intensely hot ! deaths from the disease in that rolled above the elbow, was than matched her own. She would I’m planning a campaign for.” two-door sedan to William Orr of “ Gosh! That right?" Jerry have to hustle to keep up with He frowned, looked at her flushed Miss Gray came in attired in a fire under their “ oven” and pile ] place, South Wethersfield; a Ford touring hunched before a huge, flat-topped Macklyn finished scrubbing at his blue house apron over her dress. blazing turf on top of it so that the ' Weakened considerably by her him, and that knowledge made face searchingly, then a wide grin car to Chester Mudgett of South desk, which was completely cov cold-creamed cheek and attacked She laid aside her glasses, lor she currant cakevarve would bsu,.- well vvcii done i illuess, Mlss Gray recovered and her step buoyantly and swiftly. stretched his boyish mouth. "I Wethersfield; another touring car ered with jars and bottles and pow­ his rouged lips. say. Miss Cameron, I’ve got a does not use them except when she with plenty of “ scroof” or crust on i gathered strength. In a short time to Daniel C. Miller of Spencei When she returned to his office is reading or sewing. She walked '>'1all sides. gjjg jjgj. old self and from that der boxes. Beneath his read hair “ A little of the cold cream he was standing before the exhibit whale of an idea. You’re my as­ street and a touring car to William rubbed into the lips will enable just as spryly as she would have They didn’t bake much bread in time forward has never had a day R. Sebastian of the Edgewood one tanned cheek testified that na of Peach Bloom cosmetics which sistant, aren’t you? Not Just my walked in her younger days and the form of loaves, for all loaves you to remove the rouge most ef­ secretary, but my assistant?” of Illness. House; Ford light delivery trucks ture had given him a complexion he had accumulated on his desk, greeted the reporter cheerfully. were bakers’ bread. They either How many women of 86 would fectively,” Vera told him in even his flhmlng head cocked to one "So Mr. Canfield said,” Vera to the Royal Dye Works of Hart­ to harmonize with that amazing In Good Health baked it in an oven, a circular iron survive the shock of a fall in which ford, Siciorito Morra of Birch tones, which gave no hint of the side, hands thrust deep into his answered, her voice trembling Sitting on the lounge, she said pot flat on the top and the bottom, an arm was fractured. Mountain road and Paul Latina of hair of his,'but the other was com­ desire to laugh which was almost pockets, a quizzical, calculating with anger. She was going to hate that she had never felt better in her or on the griddle. Soda bread, The answer is: Not many. 132 Birch street. pletely submerged under a thick upsetting her morale as a perfect gleam in his blue eyes. this Impudent young red head— life and that at her age she had no baked on the griddle, was one of As a matter of fact. Miss Gray re­ private secretary, coating of cold cream. “ Pretty things, aren’t they?” “ Now, listen, Miss Cameron. cause to complain. the staples in the country districts tired from active life when she had "Thanks for the tip," Jerry Bend an attentive ear— oh, gosh! “ You probably haven t met as The Crawford Auto Supply Co. he challenged her. “ These black and in the towns as ■well. a bad fall seven years ago while has delivered a Marmon sedan to “ I— I beg your pardon,” Vera grinned cordially, but his eyes you can’t! I mean, you can’t bend many women as old as I am,’ she Used Hand Looms employed in a private home at and gold bottles and jars and Chris Peterson of Edgewood street stammered, unable to make up her were wary and shy, as if he had boxes, with that single spray of an ear!” he grinned at her, his said. , ,, . During Miss Gray’s life In Ire­ Ware. and an Oldsmobile two door sedan mind whether to laugh or to flee, begun to realize that this impec­ blue eyes sparkling with wicked She looks old. Her face is lined, land the hand loom for the weav­ The telephone rang one day and peach blossoms are the niftiest to Loyal B. Ashland of Main street. leaving this astonishing young cable young woman did not ap­ things in the cosmetics line I’ve glee, “ your ears are held down but the lines are the lines of old age ing of linen was introduced and Miss Gray went to answer It. The Madden Brothers report deliver­ not of care and worry. Her hair, woman of the house was upstairs man to his shameless rites of prove of him at all. His thick fore­ ever seen. Makes a girl feel pret­ too tight by that crown of yours. marked a new era In the life of ies of a Nash sedan to A. W. Max* Say, I haven’t seen a hairdresa smoothly brushed back and caught North Irelanders. Whereas they and the phone in the living room. finger dug into the opened cold ty luxurious to dig a hunk of cold 'well of Center street and a Nash beautification. cream jar, brought up a lump big like that since my sainted aunt up in a ball, is not white, but had to depend on a sometimes un­ On her way. to the phone the aged coupe to Robert Culver of Buck- cream out of this, doesn't it?” He would be called blonde. It is like woman stumbled over a hassock “ Oh, hello, hello!" Jerry Mack- enough to cleanse his entire face lifted a black, squat round Jar went to her reward. Walt a min­ certain drop and more uncertain land. the hair of a tow-headed girl. market, they could turn their hands which she had not seen in the dim­ lyn’s eyebrows descended, his and neck. "Guess you know all and turned it admiringly in his ute! I apologize! Can’t have you Her eyes, blue and clear, look to weaving in the long winter ly lighted room and fell to the startlingly blue eyee, which had the tricks, eh?” big hands. “ Dull gold top, a gold sore at me already! Say, this is straight at you and see everything nights and do a little of it before floor. been sertously contemplating his "I don’t use lip rouge,” Vera band around the bottom, and that my proposition. If this stuff— ” they look at. Miss Gray talks in a they ■went back to work at the end Broke Her Ann TEST ANSWERS Image in a hand mirror, flooded answered primly. embossed spray of peach blossoms he waved to-Ward the fascinating voice that would be associated of the noon hour. She called for help and when she with the light of a totally unena "Good thing for our business that look so real you want to pick array of black and gold boxes and with an old person and her Irish The yarn was let out by concerns was examined by doctors it was Below are answers to the week­ barrassed smile. that all girls aren’t like you." ’em oft and smell ’em. Ought to jars—“ Is one-tenth as good as brogue today is almost as broad as In nearby towns and the finished found that she had broken two ly Bible quiz on the comic page; “ I’m Miss Cameron. Mr, Can- photograph like a million dollars, Peach Bloom claims It Is, then I It was on the day she first landed Jerry mumbled at her through the i cloth was returned to the supply bones in her arm. Her knees had 1 ______The sketch illustrates Joseph’sfleld assigned me to your depart­ towel with which he was removing huh?” can dope out the best doggone ad­ In this country. both been injured by the Impact vertising campaign that ever hit houses. Some of the finest Irish brothers selling him into captivity. ment," Vera told him ^ cold, even the lather of cold cream tinted ‘Here is a complete list of our It was cool in the living room and she was forced to go to bed. — Genesis xxxvii: 28. this old town in the eye. With and the sun was shut out almost linen that has ever been made was tones— the impersonal Voice which with Up rouge. "What I mean— " products, Mr. Macklyn, with the ■woven on these hand looms, and It Her niece, with whom she is liv­ 2__Joseph was sold for twenty ber favorite business women’s you!” he concluded triumphantly, completely by the half-drawn ing now, was notified and in a short he added, as he noted the vivid comparative charts you asked for,” is still being ■woven in little mud pieces of silver.— Genesis xxxvii. .magazine told her was the correct flush of anger that swept over her pointing a forefinger at her with blinds. Miss Gray, quite a pleas­ time she was brought to Manches­ Vera told him. dramatic suddenness. ant little old lady, did not talk very farmhouses where the produce of ter and has been living here ever 28. one for a private secretary to use pale, freckled face, "is that it’s a ‘Pretty names,” he mused, as the land is not so great. 3— Joseph was sold to Potiphar, toward her employer. good thing for us. that a lot of ‘I shall be glad to help,” Vera much and it was rather hard to car- Si&C6» his bright eyes traveled rapidly admitted almost eagerly. ry on a conversation with her be- Potatoes, Main Crop “ If it hadn’t been for that,” she captain of Pharaoh’s guard.— Gene­ “ Oh— are you?" The brilliant girls need lip rouge.” But every Irish farmhouse had down the list “ Peach Bloom cause of her growing deafness. said, “ I might be working there yet. sis xxxvii: 38- . smile faded out of Jerry Macklyn’s He pushed back his chair, rose, "Help Why, you’re going to be its field of potatoes, the biggest 4— Caiaphas was the high priest Powder, in Blond. Brunet, Titian Mrs. Hadden came to the rescue, But my knees were hurt then and blue eyes as he took her in, noted rolled ,down his sleeves. and Hazel shades— hazel! Guess the star of this scenario, young item in the diet of the average of Jerusalem, before whom Jesus woman!” Jerry Macklyn exulted. however, and acted as a kind of in­ they have never been the same the severe braids of her mousy that’s your shade, isn’t it. Miss Irish family. Boiled in a great iron was brought in captivity by the brown hair, the unsmiling eyes "Did I say I was glad to have "You know what I’m going to do? terpreter. since. I can’t do the hard work I you, Miss Cameron? We got a Cameron? I’d take Titian, I sup­ Ten in Family. pot, swung from a crane over an did in those days.” multitude.— Matthew xxvi: 57. behind bprn-rlmmed spectacles, I’m going to play Pygmalion to open fireplace, the potatoes would 5__Judas betrayed Christ for slew of work ahead of us. I asked pose.” his boyish laugh rang out. Coming from a family of fann­ She speaks of the late 80’s as the prim mouth, the austere black "If you hadn’t interrupted me. your Galatea—make a beauty out be served directly from the pot, though they were her youth! thirty pieces of silver.— Matthew cloth suit, whose skirt chastely for the cleverest e ir i in the outfit of you with Peach Bloom cosmet­ ers in the townland of Ballinary, and they told fifte that was you caught me in the act of beautify­ Miss Gray has plenty of longevity with jackets still on, and it was a As devout a Christian as ever xxvi: 15. covered her legs. ics, photograph you at every stage sorry boy or girl who came late to 6— Uzziah was smitten with Now, if you’ll transfer your be ing myself, I’d have tried it out. back of her as far as inheritance is lived, she places the credit for ev­ Vera flushed with anger for the They’ve got the whole bag of in the transformation, and use the concerned. Her whole family was dinner. erything in the hands of God. Even leprosy, 2 Chronicles xxvi: 19. second time that day at being ap longings from Benham’s depart whole bunch of photos in a smash­ He got none. her old age is a gift from Him, 7__God gave David choice of ment to mine, we’ll get down to tricks, haven’t they— skin food, long-lived and not one of them died praised and dismissed by an im bleach, cleansing cream, hand lo­ ing series of national advertising under the age of 80 years. There Miss Gray worked in the farm she says. punishment between three years’ pertinent, hopeful male. business. By the way, I wish you’d layouts that will simply knock ’em operated by her family until the . “ How do you explain the fact famine, three months’ destruction bring me all the pamphlets and tion— what’s this— Star Lash?" were ten of them, too. ‘•‘Of course you are! Glad to "That Is a mascara. It -comes for a goal! You Just wait— ” handloom weaving came Into being. that you have lived so long?” she at the hand of his foes, or three have you, Miss— er— Cameron, other descriptive matter you can It must have been the Irish air. in both liquid and cake form, in But Vera Cameron did not wait. Maybe it was the life they led, It was into the “ shop” with her was asked. days’ destruction by the sword of isn’t it?” Jerry Macklyn recov lay your hands on. And a sales With eyes' blazing and cheeks then, to work the handle that four shades, blond, Titian, brown imong the peat bogs and the potato “ Well, I guess it Is just because the Lord and pestilence. — 1 ered his confusion by reaching in report showing the relative popu­ aflame, she glared at him for one t threw the shuttle from one side of the good Lord spared me and has Chronicles xxi: 12. ^ larity,of the different articles we and black. It is used to make the fields, at one season cutting the turf to an open drawer of his desk for lashes look longer and thicker,” devastating moment, then turned for market and in another doing the warp to the other, and to work always found me thankful for 8— Elijah smote the waters of a towel, with which he began to put out, as well as a chart show­ the treadles which shifted the har­ what he has done for me,’’ she an­ Vera elucidateji primly. and fled. their farm work. Each of the the Jordan with his mantle to di­ rub his cold-creamed cheek vigor ing the r^ tlv e profit. I’ve got to (To Be Continued) members of the family had a farm ness up and down. swered. vide them— 2 Kings il: 8. ously. "Just getting acquainted 'dope out A big national advertls "Judas Priest! No wonder you It develops that Miss Gray has not girls are so irresistible. Tell you £3 soon as he v.*as able to make .t Handloom weaving was taken as 9— Jezebel was eaten by dogs—» with our line,” he grinned at her. ing campaign in double-quick a matter of course and every child been to church in seven years, not what. Miss Cameron, you write Vera qalta ker lob, bat BOtaetblas'l go” the farm usually rented from 2 Kings lx; 3 . “ Supe a fancy layout. Isn’t it? time. And you’re going to ’ help havpcnB that makes ber ro5~ “ * tU’. ■ ' because the spirit was not willing, 6 me a confidential report on our the landlord of the'section. expected some day to be able to sit 10— Jehu v/as chosen king of Judas Priest! I didn’t know you me. 1 understand you know this Read tbc next chapter. The great land reforms in Ireland in the “ shop” and do her stunt in i but because the flesh was weak. Reads the Bible Israel by the Lord to smite the made this condition a hard one on front of the big wooden framework house of Ahab— 2 Kinsa ix: 2> . the tenant farmers in days gone by, Lwhich was the loom, x’t in itself waa i Her daily communion with God is V a -

MANCEIESTER (CONN') jE3Vfi«itNG>^ SATURDAY, JULY 23, 1927. f a g e s i x i. FEATURE ARTICLES ABOUT INTERESTING LATEST FASHION WOMEN h in t s b y f o r e m o s t AUTHORITIES THE HERALD’S HOME PAGE m PAUL. ADAMS fcFKANCE MBA Paul This And That In This is Chapter 89 of the series of articles written by a correspon­ dent who is revisiting France as an advance guard for the “ Second A. V Bjen Lucien Burman Feminine Lore E. F ” and The Herald. ©1927 tv NBA . . . er . . . much of It long bo- CHAPTER XLVTII fore. Or you wouldn’t have acted CHAPTER DXXXIX LAK paused an Instant while the way you did. . . . How did you learn It? It's Quite beyond me." I V the droning ol the priests took This tale might he a bit hard to “Nothing miraculous In the Neatk Clrcullne waving 1 * -'-f^lldren and on a sharper, angry note. “The stomach, but it’s true, every word slightest Merely a simple bit of ways perfect because it scientifical and ironing boards have played an rest you can probably guess. The addition, using facts Instead of important part in her life. She was j of U. ly adapts itself to the requirements Not so very long ago— in fact, it night when we came to warn Pren­ numbers, and after that a bit of of each head of hair. It is the only formerly a singer in a choir in Har­ risburg, Pa. Fate was kind to her, was in May, this year— Madame tiss of an attack, he hurried out to very ordinary reasoning. I got my process that treats hair according flrst hint from the high collar however, for one evening last sum­ Victorine Andre, of Jaulny, in the put the baby down Into a stony to its structure, all other systems St. Mihiel sector, went out with her Prentiss always wore. Man doesn’t treating it alike. At the Lily Beauty mer while singing to her baby part of the cellar where It would be wear such a collar 1^, hot climate "Just a Song at Twilight” two men “hotte” on her back (that’s a bas­ ^hop in the House & Hale building ket). to get a load of greenstuffs absolutely safe from chance bullets. like that of Porto Verde without a passing her door stopped to listen. they are having an unprecedented for her rabbits. In the course of her distinct reason. One of them happened to be one of Then when I announced my plan to demand for permanents just now New York’s foremost singing teach-.'travels' she came across a. pile of flood the fazenda, he realized of “On the single occasion that he by women who are leaving on vaca­ rusty shell casings and other came to the barber’s shop to be tions as well as those who have to ers. He knocked and introduced course that It would be drowned articles of war turned up by plough­ shaved—Incidentally that collar endure the heat in town. himself. He offered to give her les­ where it was, and went out to bring sons and the result was that a few ing farmers and in this pile she dis­ was one of reasons for my adopting covered a small can, slightly ir­ the role of my friends Riggs—I ho- months later she gave a recital at it to the tower. ' Many people are not fortunate Aeolian hall and received the most regular in shape, that hit the edge tlced that he refused to take It off, "It was then that D’Albentara enough to have a vacation home flattering press notices. Meantime of her curiosity. The can was fair­ and of course I took pains to find and a few of his men who were at shore or lake. Others cannot get _____she__ is____ keeping„ busy at her domestic ly heavy as she weighed in con- out why. I saw the tattooed circle able to reach the house before the away even for a breathing spell dur- . ^,oards, hoping ere long to exchange templadvely, and there was an en­ round It, and observed how his ing hot weather. Some ingenious crustation of rust around the edges. water struck them, caught him. ' them for those of the theater or neck twitched nervously there women are able to transform the opera house which the artist in her What it contained Madame Andre having flrst killed the dog which whenever I brought the razor near. year-around home into a vacation craves. couldn’t guess, but she was deter­ was carried oS by the torrent. His So I felt sure that the unsual sensi­ ! one by changing much of the furni- mined to find out. tiveness arose because the nerves captors started off with him toward I ture. One woman took up all her Tennis experts almost invariably Back in the kitchen of her home had suffered some distinct shock the jungle.' But they had been on I heavy rugs, put down a few small wrap the handles of their racquets Madame Andre conducted her in­ and the collar was thus an uncon­ I Chinese grass rugs, covered the with adhesive tape to save their vestigation. She took a heavy knife the way only a day when the baby, scious gesture of protection as well 1 lights with Japanese lanterns, filled hands. This plan might be followe.l and began prying. A few healthy who had been quite sickly ever as a means to hide the tattooing. 1 every available window with flov;- with regard to hoes, brooms and i (.jj^usts and the can was split. The since its first terrific journey, died. “If a man had escaped from hang­ I er boxes and made a dining room other Implements of labor or play j top came off. And the contents This was a contingency on which ing after the rope had been placed i of the sun porch by painting one that are apt to cause blisters. were exp osed ...... a reddish-col- round his neck he’d probably feel j of the inexpensive undecorated sets ored mass, with white splotches D’Albentara hadn’t reckoned." the flame way. Then later, when I 1 a pale green. Still another clever Attractive scarfs for the popular here and there .... and the odor “I’m beginning to understand,” went out to his fazenda and tripped i woman wielded the paint brush on rectangular dining table are made, was rather appetizing. For a mo­ Elise said. "That’s why Tinky dis­ him up with a vine, 1 found; that * second hand furnishings she was one the length of the table and ment the madame remained puz­ appeared, isn’t it?” the bottle he was bringing from the I able to pick up reasonably for sum- another just its width. The long zled. Then the light of discovery Madame Victorine Andre ! mer use, choosing a pastel color for scarf has a design in the center, "Yes. Up to this time, you hadn’t tower where he kept his perlsbebl® flashed over her face. She had re­ kitchen supplies contained milk. . each room, and consigning all her surrounding the vase or bowl of turned to Jaulny shortly before the tlon. And she proceeded at once to entered his affairs, except for him This, coupled with the cries, caused i heavy looking furniture to an am- flowers. This top scarf and the 89 th Division arrfved in September, make it up into a stew which she to steal your rifies which he needed me to suspect the presence' of a ' pie attic, so that in the fall it shorter one has simple designs »n 1918. She knew many Americans, ate with a relish that noon for badly and to send you a note or child. ■ seemed like coming back to a win- each corner matching the one in the including a cook. That’s why :,he lunch. two warning you not to try to help “On top of this, were the facts of ' ter home. We all love changes of center. knew the can contained nothing if All through France, on the bat­ ! scene and surroundings and the tlefields and in the billet towns, Prentiss. I really think he liked the stone lamps burning outside his not Bully Beef. i idea could be carried out success- Devil’s Food Cake Delighted with her find, Madame cans of Bully Beef still come to you very much. But seeing all his gate, an obvious symbol, probably intended to give protection; the bits I fully in many instances without an There isn’t a family who doesn’t Andre dumped the contents of the light. When the cans have rusted hopes of gaining part of the vast of bone chopped In ritualistic fash­ j undue expenditure of money. enjoy good home made cake, but can on a plate. She smelled it criti­ through the Corn Willy is pas bon. gold supply of Batalagos going ion which I found In the fire, and most housewives dislike to bake any cally- There was just a little doubt But if there are no holes in the s ; In making a fish salad of tuna, the ring which clearly showed signs more than they are obliged to in in her mind as to its healthfui i.on- tin, it’s good, and the’ peasant dis­ glimmering unless he brought back g ' halibut, lobster, crabmeat or hot weather. However, if you plau of some degenerate form of nature dition. She broke off a sliver and coverers never hesitate to make a live baby for the sacrifice, he 1 ; shrimps it may be extended by cola to make the cake at the coolest worship. So when Tinky’s last kid­ tasted it. All doubts fled. After nine good meal on It. , na^irally thou^t of Tinky, whom s j boiled potatoes, green peas, cucum- time of the day and choose a recipe Monday— Pnp-tent Art. "Am I to consider that remark as cousinly, esteemed relative, or as naping occurred the story In be­ years that Bully Beef was in condi- chance had thrown in his way when g I ber or green peppers and garnished for a cake that keeps well, the rather in the nature of a proposal? ’ tween wasn’t hard to Imagine." with slices of hard cooked eggs, process won’t have to be repeated he found it along the road. The court was now deserted, ex­ kind in existence. Paralyzes all the 1 1 Diced' celery ' also ■ combines ’ ■ ■ well very many times during the hottest “I am quite sure he wouldn’t strip of woods which led to the cept for four soldiers, humbly wait­ m ! with almost all sea foods. days. Devil’s food cake is a prime sent to Manchester most , of Its muscles . . . yes . . . muscles . . . “MATINEE LADIES” juvenile talent in songs, dances and have done this unless he were fair­ road, let themselves down by vines ing to take them off to the chief’s favorite and will keep as long as or leather ropes which some of yet at the same time has no effect apartment for the night. Vllak When the invalid first begins to. average family will permit it to. humorous dialogue. The feature ly desperate. But after you stop to picture is "Moulders of Men,” star­ these Indians are expert in han­ on nerves . . . Er . . . no effect. stretched his long gaunt arms, and ■ sit up in a chair, and you wish’ ' to ’ It may be made by less extravagant AT STATE SUNDAY consider it a moment, it doesn’t yawned. make the straight back chair more recipes, but for a cake-of this size at ring Uonway Tearle. dling, and with their burdens re­ . . . So . . . er . . . tortured per­ seem such a desperate undertaking comfortable, take a feather pillow least four eggs should be used, the son can feel all pain acutely . . . “I don’t know what anybody else at that. The dead baby was ap­ turned the same way. I felt fairly is going to do, but I, personally, am and draw the slip over both the yolks beaten until thick and lemon sure it was this when I found a bit er . . acutely . . . and yet can- proximately Tinky’s age and size, going to bed. I’m pretty well worn pillow and the chair back, the high­ colored and the whites beaten stiffly May McAvoy Is Star With Mal­ not make move to get away. out, and we’ve two or three busy er the back the better. This is a and added at the last. Only the and being light-skinned and of very of leaf on the floor of the shed colm McGregor In Story of which showed bruised marks as Ashamed of myself . . . Quite days ahead getting ready to make a nurse’s idea and a good one for the freshest and best materials should Night Life and Scandal. fine aborigine stock, vas in gen­ bedroom which is usually not equip­ be used. Mix and sift two and one- though a rope or vine had cut forc­ ashamed. How did the curari get trek back to civilization. Prentiss LifersJ Niceties eral appearance not unlike Tinky, tells me there’s a way across the ped with easy chairs. half cups pastry flour, four and ono- Into their blood?” who is, of course, pronouncedly ibly against it.” desert and mountains to Peru that’s half teaspoons baking powder and HINTS ON ETIQUET "I . . . er . . . see that now. “Thorns. There were a number Another help when handling and one-fourth teaspoon salt. These dry jyiay McAvoy in "Matinee Ladies” dark. Besides, he could explain very quick and very easy once you But why were all those . . . er of thorns in that thicket at the en­ know it. particularly if Batalagos turning mattresses is to sew stout ingredients and one cup milk to be the one-day feature at the away any discrepancies by declar­ loop handles on all four corners. added alternately to two cups gran- state tomorrow. The feature will Italians . . . and that Englishman, trance to Prentiss’ fazenda where helps. Which you can be assured ing them the work of time and I’ll take care he will. Ypu see, ulated sugar which has been thor-'^Qt run over until Monday because killed in that dreadful way? And Tony was killed which were 1. Whom do you tip when travel. Though it was unlikely that we’ve practically crossed Brazil, Every housewife who uses the oughly creamed with one-half cup|Qf the Kiddie Reviie which opens smeared with it. They had been portable garbage cans is annoyed of any preferred shortening. Add that day. Today the State is summering in a hotel ? he would have to do any explaining, how?” and in two weeks of good healthy “Tony’s death was accidental. He prepared this way on the chance traveling we’ll be In Cuzco. From frequently by dogs tipping over the two squares melted bitter chocolate, showing a double feature bill in- 2- Do you tip by the week or for though Batalagos and the contents in their search of bones. one teaspoon of vanilla and the eggi Hoot Gibson in "The Den­ got something which was intended that Prentiss would strike against there we can get a train to the each time you are served ? priests who were his friends un­ them. But it happened to be Tony coast, and then take a steamer to A new garbage container has been whites. Bake in layers or in a tube ver Dude” and Ben Lyon and for Prentiss. The other three were 3. How much do you tip the doubtedly knew the difference, the Instead who brushed against them anywhere.” invented which has its outer shell pan for from forty-five minutes to Pauline Starke in "Dance Magic,” put out of the way because after buried in the ground up to the up­ an hour at an oven temperature of head waiter at a medium-pric­ general public wouldn’t be permit­ when Limey struck him and he tell. Elise glanced at him and shook two good pictures. Pasquale and Detto heard of the That’s the way some of the natives per rim. The cover is operated by a about 380 degrees. "Matinee Ladles,” according to ed hotel? A waitress? A maid? ted to know. So he had the child her head in mock resignatiou. simple foot control and the con­ gold through the tortured Indian, were killed, too. Lucky for Prentiss Byron Haskins who directed the The Answers stolen in the same fashion as the that he went to town as seldom as “You’re too clever,” she said. tainer proper is removable for The Cap Comes Into Its Own Once production, designates a circle of 1. Practically every employe who guns. For obvious reasons, Tinky they set out to get it. All of them he did. That’s why I made you “Much, much too clever to be toler­ emptying and cleaning. More society made up of idolent, pleas­ serves you. were killed in a manner, Nanny, ated. But I can’t help being ter­ The flare for outdoor sports has wa.j well taken care of on his trip wear a rain-coat as a slight protec­ ure-mad women, wives of wealthy 2. Tip waitresses and maids by which you as a chemist should feel tion, for I imagined that there was ribly grateful to you, and more than Banana and Pineapple Pudding brought the cap back stronger than husbands, who, because of their de­ the week, head waiters upon being and so didn’t suffer the ill effects that, being awfully fond of you. I somewhat ashamed of yourself, as 1 something of the sort, though I One cup each of sugar and milk, ever. They are worn by males from sire for the society of attractive seated the first day and at intervals the other poor youngster did.” don’t know what I’m going to do one tablespoon each flour and but­ 6 to 60 and-beyond, in light tweeds after that. Tip bell hops and other do of myself, for not recognizing it didn’t know just what, and that’s men. frequent cafes during the The angry chant became a dance. why I burned the thicket. The about it.” ter, one egg. Cook these together or flannels, cream or tan linen. The afternoon absences of their hus­ lesser employes when they Berra He yawned again, then rose to his The priests began to leap up and sooner. It was curari.” fingers of the idol are coated with until thick like custard. Put a lay­ single piece cap is out and the eight- bands shut their eyes to __ imprb„ you. Elise helped the child to crawl the same poison. And so are the feet, and surveyed her quizzically. er of vanilla wafers or macaroons section cap m the thing, unless it^is'p“jgty and engTg^in flirtations with' .3. One to five dollars or even down, shaking great gourd rattles. “Am 1 to consider that remark as onto her khaki-clad knee. “What’s little points on D’Albentara’s ring in a dish then a layer of bananas the beret, made famous .by the well-groomed young idlers who prey more. Five dollars a week or more, "How did he . . . er . . . steal cousinly, esteemed relative, or as and pineapple cut fine, alternate French tennis stars, who put it all Two or more. curari?” she asked. when you press a spring and re­ upon their hospitality. him and the guns?” the old man lease them. Which, of course, rather in the nature of . . . a pro­ with the custard and serve with over Bill Tilden, and who brought It is into this atmosphere that “A vegetable poison which occurs asked. “There were no footprints.” makes it a fearfully dangerous posal?” whipped or ice cream. with them any number of these Malcolm MacGregor, a college stu- She started to make an Indignant crimson, blue, green, yellow and sporadically all over South Ameri­ weapon.” 13 nothing', dent in financial difficulties, comes “Merely by getting some of his reply, then checked herself, and MRS. ADA M. ca. Some natives use it to tip their Singing Mother of the Bronx purple berets. There fans T he'to gain money. When he mDets May men who were expert tree-climbers The dance of the priests ceased. smiled. “Take It anyway you like," blow-pipe darts In hunting.” The worshipers began slowly drift­ Mrs. Mary Bair Grenier, called «-llh a lull tacB should choose [ McAvoy,_ who,_ like those chaps we saw back In she answered slowly. by her neighbors, "The Singing a metropolitan cafe as a cigarette MERRIHELD The old man looked sheepish. “I ing out of the courtyard. Prentiss Ho took a placid piiff of his cigar a large cap with a white peak and the jungle. If you remember there stirred uneasily in his sleep. Mother of the Bronx” trains for vender, frowns upon the improprie­ Teacher of am . . . er . . . ashamed of my­ ret. “Thanks,” he said suavely. opera by scrubbing her sinks with rough material, while the man with were trees by the shed where the It began to grow cool. The old ty of what goes on around her, a Mandolin Tenor Banjo “You’ve saved me a lot of trouble. song, and while rubbing her clothes smaller features can wear a cap of guns were kept and trees shading self,” he stammered. “ Should have man moved closer to the fire. “Er love plot develops which runs a Mandula Cello-Banjo I had just decided to do It myselL” on the washboard dreams of the finer material and smaller size. The recognized it at once . . . yes ...... Prentiss couldn’t have told thrilling course of sophisticated ad­ Ukulele Mando-Cello the spot where Tinky was lying. THE END. career ahead of her, for she is an­ Prince of Wales has been much They merely followed along the er . . . at once. Only poison of its you all this. You must have known photographed at sporting events venture. Banjo-Mandolin other woman who believes one can The screen story was written, by successfully combine home and a wearing the newer style cap. Ensemble Playing for Advanced MARY TAYLOR. Albert S. Howson and Sidney R.' Pupils. career. She is the mother of four Buchman. Included in the cast of principals are Hedda Hopper, Agent for Gibson Instruments. these days. She gets funny spells 0

DEMPSEY WON OVER SHARKEY NaUmial League “ P U Y TO WIN,” DAILY RADIO PROGRAM At St. Lonlsi— At Boat«ni^ BROWNS 7, 8, n a t i o n a l s 6, 8 FRtATBS B, BRAVES 2 Saturday, July 28. 10:00.9:00—Castle Farm dance. Leading DX Stations. PITTSBURGH JAWN’ S ADVICE ' (First Game) 10:30 9:30—Serenaders program. AB. R.H.PO. A.E. •St. LOUIS ‘Tbe Tannhanser March” will- -- be 339.9—WTAM,— ww a #-»sWs CLEVELAND—78a (DST) »ST) ON MERITS NOT ON A F O E AB. R.H.PO.A.BL 1:30 12:80—GlirsI orchestra, 476—WSB, ATLANTA-63a ^ It. 'Waner, c f ...... S 1 1 3 0 0 the (»snuig selection which will be 0 O'Rourke, 8b ,...^8 1 0 6 6 1 the Goldman Band and 7:00 6:00—(jan to.or^______orchestra. 10:00 9:00—Concert _v Grantham, 2b . . . . . 3 1 1 1 3 Bennett, rf . .... 411101 played by ...... 12:46 11:46—Concert, R Waner, rf ...... 4 1 3 2 1 0 fleas: by YVBAF and the Bed Net 8:00 7:00—Studio program. Sisler, lb ... 8:30 7:80—Band with WEAF. 526-^KYW. CHICAGO—670. Traynor. 8b ...... 5 1 2 3 1 0 work on SaturSay nlsbt. Olive 7:00 6:00—Children’s’'prog; concert Barnhart, If ...... • 5 X 3 3 0 0 McGraw Says Good Man Williams, If •ball, soprano aololst. will be iieard 9:30 8:30—Focobontas Indians. H. Rice, cf . 10:00____ 9:00—Ev Jones’ Merrymakers. 8:00 7:00—Studio melody hour. Slow Moving Pictures Show COLORED STUDENTS Harris, lb ...... 4 0 0 14 0 0 in concert with the band. A brand of 9:00 8:00—Orchestral music. Wright, ee ...... 5 0 0 1 4 0 Adams, 3b .. vocal harmony which has found favor 11:00 10:00—Dance music. O’Neill, c ... with the radio audienea will be broad­ 12:00 11:00—Ev Jones' Merrymakers. 10:90 9:00—Studio program, Smith, c ...... 4 0 2 0 0 0 Never Offers Excusable; 422—WOR, NEWARK—710. 11:30 10:30—Congresa canilval. Meadows, p ...... 4 0 1 0 4 0 Gerber, ss .. cast throush WJZ when the Elks Male Sharkey Lifted Himself^as Ballou, p ... Quartet faces that station’s micro­ 7:00 6:00—Jacobs' ensemble. 389.4—WB8M, CHICAGO—77a 7:30 6:30—Pepper Potters. 8:00 7:06—Orchestra; artists. PLAY THE HEIGHTS 39 5 18 17 18 ‘ 0 Crowder, p .. phone for a program of popular aelec- 11:00 lOiOO—Orch; popular program. Play the Tough Ones, Too. tlons. 'WOR haa arrange an unusual 8:00 7:00—Chimes of Normandy, BOSTON 8 7 8 27 14 I 8:45 7:45—"Smilin’ Through." 305.9—WGN.WLIB, CHICAGO—99a Dempsey’s Blow Started AB. R. H. PO. A. E. (Mture which baa been entitled WASHINGTON “ Chimes of Normandy in Minature” 9:15 8:15—Balalaika Band. 7:35 6:35—Ensemble; Almanack. Moore, 3b ..'...... 4 0 1 0 1 0 ____ 9:00—Odds and Enda 9:00 8:00—Musical; Goldman Band. J. Smith, xxxx .. . 1 0 0 0 0 0 AB. R. H. PO. A. B. and the New York City Fire Depart­ 10:00 10:30 9:30—“Over the H ills"; artlsta. E. Rice, rf ...... 6 2 3 0 0 1 ment Band will be beard through 11:00 10:00—Stem's orchestra. and It Landed on Trunks. Richbourg, rf .... . 3 0 2 2 0 0 By JA3IES INlWERS _____3 1 1 2 4 0 333.1—WBZ, NEW ENGLAND—90a 11:00 10:00—Music boxv musical. Undefeated Windsor Team Welsh, cf ...... 3 0 1 3 0 0 Harris, 2b WSYC, Tbia same station baa also 12:00 U:00—Organ; orch. {VA hra.)__ NEA Service Writer Speaker, cf ...... 3 0 2 3 0 0 arranged a program of chahieteristie 6:15 6:15—Morey’ s orch; pianloL Farrell, 2b ...... 4 0 1 2 5 1 7:00 6:00—Jack and BUI. 365.6—WEBH^WJJD, CHICAGO—88a McNeely,-cf...... 2 0 0 1 1 0 songs and music of Germany which 8:00 7:80—Classical hour; lesson. Brown, If ...... 3 0 0 2 0 0 will be interpreted by concert aololsts 7:30 6:30—Lowe’s Statler. orch. Here Tomorrow In Bene­ Burrus, lb ...... 4 0 0 12 0 0 Judge, lb ...... 5 z 3 ID 3 u 11:00 10:00—Orchestra; songs. By DAVIS J. WALSH the silver Goslin, If ...... 5 0 1 3 0 0 and orchestral*, organizations. A 8:00 7:00—Musical program (U4 hrs) Bancroft, ss ...... 4 1 1 4 4 0 New York.— This is “ Roxy" presentation is scheduled for 10:30.... 9:30—Lowe's orchestra. 544.6— WLS, CHICAGO—87a I. N. S. Sports Editor Urban, c ...... 4 1 2 2 1 0 Ivuel, c ...... 1 0 0 2 0 0 491.5— WEAF, NEW YORK—6ia 8:00 7:00—Bam dance, banjo, hare jubilee year of a man— a gray- Tate, c ...... 3 1 3 0 0 0 broadcasting by WEAF and other Red montca, orch. (5 hrs.) Edwards, p ...... 1 0 0 0 2 0 Network stations on this same night. 6:00 5:00—Waldorf dinner music. fit Game--Gleeson to Goldsmith, p ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 haired, squinty-eyed, fiery old Ir­ Rlgney, 3 b ...... 3 0 0 1 1 0 7:00 6:00—Janssen's Hofbrau orch. 447.5_WMAQ-WQJ, CHICAGO—67a New York, July 23.— Official mo­ Reeves, ss ...... 4 0 0 1 1 0 Two DX- features will be a musical 7:30 6:30—Dance; baseball. High, X ...... 1 0 1 0 0 0 ishman— who probably is known program of songs by a mixed quar­ 7:30 6:30—Vacation Idylla Wertz, p ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 Johnson, p ...... ;1 0 0 0 0 0 8:30 7:30—Goldman Band concert. 9:00 8:00—Photologue; songs. tion pictures of the Dempsey-Shar- Burke, p ...... 1 0 0 1 2 0 tet supported by Cretien’s Banjo 10:30 9:30—Orch; WQJ program. Pitch. Fournier, x x ...... , 1 0 1 0 0 0 personally to more people than any Quintet through "WRAA. and a reci­ 10:00 9K)0—A “ Roxy” presentation. key fight, disputed blows and all, McNamara, xxx .. .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 Marberry, p ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 10:15____ 9:16—Hagan’s orchestra. 1:00 12:00—WQJ popular program. other sportsman. West. X ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 tal of Spanish melodies by a lyric 449.7— WFAA, DALLAS—60a disclose several interesting facts to­ baritone through BiFI. 11:00 10:00—PaJaia D’Or orchestra. 33 2 10 27 13 1 He is John Joseph McGraw. Thiirstoq, x x ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 455—WJZ, NEW YORK—66a 10:30 9:30—Quartet; songs; quintet The Heights baseball team will —4 Stewart, x x x ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 1:00 12:00—Yoegn's dance orchestra. 1:00.12:00—Dance orchestra. day, not the least of which is that Pittsburgh ...... • 000 001 400 Wave lengths in meters on left of 1:30 12:30—Theater features. meet an undefeated team in the Boston ...... 100 000 010 —2 What John Joseph McGraw has station title, kilocycles on the right. 4:30 3:30—Abram's orchestra. ’ is that Jack Sharkey, probably, is 88 6 13 24 12 1 6:30 4:30-rBa8ebail scores. , ^ 352.9—w o e , DAVENPORT—850. , Colored Collegians of Windsor at Two base hits, Richbourg, Bancroft, done to baseball is listed in every Times are Eastern Daylight Saving 9:30 8:30—Dramatic players. Bven a greater dolt than I suspect­ Urban; t'hree base hits, L. Warner. P. St. Louis ...... 304 000 OOx— 7 and Eastern Standard, Black type in­ 7:00 6:00—Waldorf Astoria orchestra the Heights field tomorrow after­ Washington ...... 200 001 201— 6 8:00 7:00—Elks Male Quartet, 325.9—KOA, DENVER—920. ed him of having been on Thursday Waner; , Barnhart; sacri­ record book. What baseball has dicates best features. 11:00 10:00—Gonzales Barcelonlans. night, which is dotting beyond tne noon at 2:30. The local team has fices, P. Waner, Richbourg, Welsh, Two base hits. Speaker, Gerber, E. 8:30 7:30—Mediterranlana. won 13 out of 16 this year but the done to John Joseph MaGraw— Rice; home runs, Bennett, Tate; sacri­ 10:00 0:00—Keystone duo.. 449.7— WBAP, FORT WORTH—60a dreams of avarice. Another is that Edwards; left on bases, Pitstburgh Leading East Stations. 9:30 8:30—Sunday School lesson. visitors iave gone through the sea­ 11, Boston 8; bases on balls, off Mea­ well, that’s another story. fices. O’Neill 3; double plays, Gerber 10:30 9:30—Abram’s dance music. Jack Dempsey, old and badly shot to O’Rourke to Sisler, O’Rourke to 508—WIP, PHILADELPHIA—690. 10:00 9:00—Musical; popular numbera, son so far without having a defeat dows 1, off Edwards 2, off Goldsmith John Joseph McGraw has turn­ 6:10 5:10—Dinner music; markets. 11:30 10:30—Concert. In the underpinning, still was able 1! hits, joflt Edwards 10 in 6 1-3 in­ Sisler, McNeely to Harris to Reeves; 2^(^W ^Q, ATLANTIC CITY-1100. hung on them. ed philosopher. left on bases, Washington 10, St. 7:05 6:06—Dinner mi«ic: studio prog 7:00 6:00—Bedtime story. 370.2— WDAF,' KANSAS CITY—810 to make the grand gesture in this, nings, off Goldsmith 1 in 2-3 innings, 7:00—Two pianos; bass, tenor. Three of the Heights men have off Wertz 2 in 2 innings; losing pitch­ Now the chances are his Celtic Louis 4; bases on balls, off Johnson 9:80 8:90—Concert: studio program. 8:00 11:00 10:00—Popular songs; chefs. one of his last appearances under temper will flare a bit at that. Mr. 1, Burke 1, Ballou 5; struck out, by 10:30 9:30—Four dance orchestras. 8:05 8:05—Violin, piano, flute. 1:45 12:45-Nighthawk frolic, been sent to the inactive list for er, Edwards; umpires, Rigler, Jorda . . . . . 9:15—Tenor, pianist. fire, and that therefore, I am not and Hart; time, 1:58. McGraw, back in the days when our Johnson 2, Ballou 2, Crowder 2; hits, 302.8—W G R , B U FFALO —990, 10:15 468.5—KFI, LOS ANGELES—640. the season because of accidents and 8:80 7:80—WEAF Goldman Band. 11:00 10:00—WGBS dance orchestra 11:30 10:30—Spanish Lyric Baritone. the one to discredit the perform­ X—High batted for Goldsmith in fathers used mustache cups, rode off Johnson 7 in 3, Burke none in 4, 315.7—KDKA. PITTSBURGH—950. for the purppse of defraying the 7th. Marberry 1 In 1, off Ballou 9 in 7, 346.1—WMAK, BUFFALO—660. 12:00 11:00—N. B. C. program. ance with belated cries of fake, foul high wheeled bikes, and tapped a 7:16 6:15—Baseball scorea 6:00 6:00—Baseball: coheerL 1:00 12:00—Feature program. \ hospital expenses for these men the XX—Fournier batted for Wertz in Crowder 4 in 2; hit by pitcher, by 7:20 6:20—Roads; concert. or farce. 9th. keg of beer in the grandstand Johnson (H. Rice, Sisler): winning 7:80 6:30—Theater program. 2:00 1:00—Radio club. proceeds of the game will be do­ pitcher, Ballou; losing pitcher, John­ 8:30 7i30—"WHAM musical program. 379.5— W G Y . S C H E N E C T A D Y —79a 3:09 2:00-Midnight frolic. - Won on Merits nated to the injured players. XXX—McNamara ran for Fournier in shadows, was far from' philosophic. 10:00 9:00—Musical program. 12;30 11:30—Markets: time; weather. The pictures show that Dempsey 9th. He was a fire-breathing, umpire­ son; umpires, Geisel, Nallln and 7:25 6:25—Basebail; Onondaga music 334.4— KGO. OAKLAND—780. The visitors bring with them a Dlneen; time, 1:50. lliOO 10:00—Dance orchestra. 12:00 11:00—N. B. C. program- xxxx—J. Smith batted for Meore in baiting, dynamic little game cock. 4ga»—WLlV.LW, CINCINNATTI--70a 8:30 7:30—"WHAil musical. won the fight on its merits, first, crew of rooters who make plenty of 9th. X —-West batted for Johnson in 4th. 9:00 8:00—Roxy with WEAF. 1:15 12:15—Theater orch; popular prog Now he is older, wiser, and mel­ XX—Thurston batted for Burke in 8:00 7:00—Classical organ recltaU 2:00 1:00—Whitcomb Band; solos. because Sharkey was not hurt bad­ noise and create plenty of fun. The 9IQS'8:05—WEAF serenaders...... 11:00... 10:00—Van ..— Curler music. ly by that last rignt hander to the lowed. He is destined to go down 8th. Secondary DX Stations. ^ Heights will have a crowd of root­ At New York I— xxx—Stewart ran for Tate in 9th. Secondary Eastern Stations body, and, second, because Sharkey CARDS 7, GIANTS in American sports tradition as a 238,3—WENR. CHICAGO—1040, ers to cheer them on also. (Second Game) 272.6—WHAR, ATLANTIC CITY—1100 236«1*WHAP# NEW — YORK—1270. — wasn’t the man to take care of him­ ST. LOUIS hallowed figure. St. Louis ...... 010 000 02x—3 9:00 8*;00—Religious readings. 7:00 6:00—Organ; artists; stocks. Gleason will take the mound for AB. R. H. PO. A. E. 8:00 7:00—Seaside trio. 9:00 8:00—Orchestra; artists. self when he did think he was foul­ “Ever Since 1899” Washington ...... 000 010 100—2 447.5—WEEI, BOSTON—6?a 9:25 8:25—Variety musical. the locals and will oppose Degone, Holm, If ...... , .. 4 1 2 1 0 0 10:00 9:00—Speakers. 1:00 12:00—Dance orch. artists (2 hrs) ed. Toporcer, 3 b .6.,... 5 0 2 1 3 0 “Ever since the spring of 1899 7:20 6:20—WEAF program (2% hrs.) the Colored Stars' pitcher. At Chicago 10:05 9:05—Theater review. 348.6—WGBS, NEW YORK—860. 418.4— WHT, CHICAGO—720. According to the slow motion ev­ Frisch, 2b ...... i 0 0 6 2 1 I’ve been playing baseball,” said 8:15 7:15—Organ: classical. The lineup: Bottomley, lb ..., WHITE SOX 7, YANKS 5 333.1— WKRC, CINCINNATI—900. 8:00 7:00—Solos, talk, dance (3 hrs.) idence, Dempsey drove three or ... * 0 0 8 0 0 this man with the fat red cheeks 11:00 10:00—Orchestra; pianlsL • 9:30 8:30—Scotchman; harmonica. HEIGHTS COLLEGIANS Blades, rf ...... 4 0 0 1 0 1 CHICAGO 2Sa2—WGL, NEW YORK—107a 10:00 9:00—Your Hour League. four right hand punches on or near and ample nose, features that earn­ AB. R. H. PO. A. E. 12:16 11:15—Dance orchestra. 7:15 8:15—Ensemble: talk. Joe Schiebenpflug c Hinter c Douthlt, cf ...... 3 2 2 3 0 0 361.2— W8AI, CINCINNATI—830. 340.7— KThlS, HOT SPRINGS—88a the belt line. With the third, Shar­ Schulte, ss ...... 4 2 1 3 3 0 ed him the soubriquet of “ Muggsy” Kamm, 3b ...... 3 1 1 1 1 0 8:00 7:00—Singers, talk. Wiganowski, 3b Proctor, ss Hunnefleld, 2b ...... ,4 2 1 3 4 0 10:15 9:19—WEAF orohestra. 12:00 ll;00-T-Veo’a orchestra. 10:30 9:30—Saxophonist, soprano. key appeared to lilt himself in pain Schuble, ss ...... 4 2 1 3 3 0 away back yonder. “ I’ve learned 12:80 11:30—Dugan’s orchestra. 11:00 10:00—Arlington orchestra. J. Schiebenpflug, lb Saunders, 2b Sherdel, p ...... 4 0 0 0 1 0 Metzler, cf ...... 5 1 1 3 0 0 535.4— WNYC, NEW YORK—560. and, perforce, the next punch was one thing— it doesn’t make nearly Barrett, rf ...... 4 2 4 0 0 0 382.7_WHK, CLEVELAND—850, 405.2— KHJ, LOS ANGELES—740. Lovett, If McNatt, lb 8:31 7:3l—Mixed quarteL 7:35 6:35—Pearl Miller, soprano. low. It seemed to land on the so much difference what you do as l alk, If ...... 2 1 2 3 1 I 8:00 7:00—Fire Department Band. 12:00 11:00—Frolic program. Grlmason, cf Robinson, 3b 34 7 9 27 9 2 9:30 8:30—Feature musical program. 405.2—WCCO, MINN., ST. PAUL—74a trunks, foul territory of a certainty, NEW YORK how you do it. Clancy, lb ...... 3 0 1 8 1 0 12:00 11:00—AUerton'a orchestra. 9:30 8:30—German musical. Fields, 2b Crawford, cf AB. R. H. r o . A. E. “ All of us think we’d be happier Feck, ss ...... 4 0 2 2 2 1 616.9— WCAE, PITTSBURGH—680. 10:15 9:15-First timers, musical. and Sharkey’s knees gave with it. Schaik, c ...... 0 0 0 2 0 0 440.9—WJR. DETROIT—68a 12:00 11:00—Marigold dance orchestra, Gravino, ss Coppage, If Reese, 3b ...... 5 1 1 1 1 1 doing something else. I don’t. 8:00 7:00—Goldkctte’ s ensemble. 7:00 6:00—Orchestra; baseball. 319—WSM, NASHVILLE—940. Leaves Jaw Exposed Johnson, rf Llndstrom, If ...... 3 McCurdy, c ...... 4 0 0 4 0 0 12:30 11:30—Merry Old Chief. 9:00 8:00—Recital; "WEAF band. Angeli, rf That’s the first cause of unhappi­ Lyons, p ...... 4 0 1 1 2 0 10:15 9:15—Two dance orchestras. 8:15 7:15—A. Jackson trio. But to show that the punch was Degone, p Mann, cf ...... 3 322.$-CNRA, MONCTON—930. 9:00 8:00—Barn dance (3% hrs.) Gleeson, p Hornsby, 2b ...... 4 ness. If I had my whole life to live 9:10 8:10—Studio program. 225.4— WSYR, SYRACUSE—1330. by no means mortal, he turned his 33 7 13 ^ 11 2 7:30 6:30—Syracuse dinner music. 508.2—WOW, OMAHA—590. head immediately toward the ref­ Terry, l b ...... 4 over I’d still be in baseball. 9:45 8:45—Hawaiian orchestra. 11:00 10:00—Classical , program. . , Jackson, ss ...... 4 Take a Change NEW YORK 11:00 10:00—Chateau Laurier orch. 8:30 7:30—Studio program, 12:00 11:00—Brown’s Oklahomans. eree in protest, an e.xpresslon of an­ Harper, rf ...... 4 A R R H . PO. A. E. 325.9—WBOQ. NEW YORK—92J. 10:00 9:00—Happy hour. 299.8—KMOX, ST, LOUIS—1000. Taylor, c ...... 0 "It all depends on how you play Durst, of^...... 5 2 1 0 0 0 8:00 7:00—Brightest hour. 11:00 10:00—Dance music. noyance rather than pain on his 475.9— WRC. WASHINGTON—640. 9:00 8:00—Artists; organ; dance. ^ Devormer, c ...... 4 the game. Make the best of what Koerrig, 2b ...... 5 1 2 0 3 3 9:00 8:00—Rus.slan Reveries, 12:00 11:00—McDonald Sisters. face. With the jaw thus exposed, Ruth, if ...... 5 1 2 1 0 0 9:30 8:30—Close harmony. 8:00 7:00—Bible talk. Dempsey’s left uppercut couldn’t THE SCOREBOARD Fitzsimmons, p ..... 2 you’ve got intelligently. One run on 9:00 8:00—'WEAF program (3 hrs.) 12:30 11:30—Lange's dance music. H. Thomas, x ...... 1 the scoreboard is worth two on the Gehrig, lb ...... 5 0 2 14 1 0 10:00 9:00—Leonard’s orchestra. '• miss the mark and it didn’t. F. Thomas, p ...... 0 Meusel, rf ...... 4 0 2 1 0 0 YESTERDAY’S RESULTS Cummings, xx ..... 1. bases. Lazzeri, ss ...... 4 0 0 2 0 0 I have no illusions about Jack 339.8- WTAM, CLEVELAND—750. Dempsey’s ring courtesy. He is Eastern Leagne “ At the same time the secret qf Wera, 3b ...... 3 0 1 3 2 0 Sunday, July 24 Leading DX Stations. 35 4 9 27 11 2 success is takirg chances. That goes Gazella, 3b ...... 1 1 1 0 0 0 12:00 11:00-Trinity services, in there swinging until they make New Haven 4, Hartford 2. Collins, c ...... 3 0 1 2 2 0 John Corlgliano, the youthful 4:00 3:00—Afternoon musical. (DST) (ST) St. Louis ...... 010 000 303— 7 for life as well as baseball. No bat­ 7:00 6:00—Cleveland orchestra. 476-iWSB, ATLANTA—63a ' him stop. But I doubt that the Springfield 3. Waterbury 1. New York ...... 101 001 001— 4 Pennock, p ...... 1 0 0 1 1 0 American violinist who has shared ter ever made a hit with his bat on Morehart, x ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 honors with Frances Alda, Marion 8:00 7:00—Theater program. 7:20 6:20—WEAF programs. last left was swung with the idea Bridgeport 4, Providence 1. Two base hits, Jackson, Holm, Cum­ 9:00 8:00—Church servicejs. mings; three base hits, Mann, Holm, hig. shoulder. Tliomas. p ...... 0 0 0 0 1 0 Talley and Allen McQuhae, will 526—KYW, CHICAGO—570. of taking advantage of Sharkey’s Albany 8, Pittsfield 2. Paschal, xx ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 be the featured artist of the At­ 10:00 9:00—Symphony concenL 8:30 7:30^ Phi I harmonic concerL ~ Douthlt, Toporcer; home runs, Reeso, "Never play for a tie! Always water Kent Hour to be broadcast by 11:00 10:00—Lombardo’s orchestra. 10:30 9:30—Studio program. ' lapse in self protection. The action American League Douthit, Schuble; stolen bases, Frisch, play to win. WEAF and the Red Network on Sun­ 440.9— W eX-W JR. DETROIT—680. 389.4— WBBMi CHICAGO—770. was too rapid for -even a vagrant Chicago 7, New York 5. Mann; double plays, Schuble to Frisch 38 5 12 24 16 3 day night. At the same time WPG to Bottomley; left on bases, New York ‘‘A good man never has to offer Chicago ...... 200 030 20x— 7 7:00 6:00—Operatic ensemble. 9:00. 8:00—'Phree dance orchestras, thought on the subject. What St. Louis 7, Washington 6 (1st). excuses. Mechanical errors are ex­ New Y o r k ...... 100 000 013— 5 will also present an operatic concert 8:15 7:15—Methodist service. 1:00 12:00—Nutty Club. Dempsey was carrying through was 6, St. Louis 5; struck out, by F. equally as Impressive. The artists to U:00 10:00—Church song ^service. St. Louis 3, Washington 2 (2nd). Thomas 3, by Sherdel 1; hits, off Fitz­ cusable: mental errors are not. It’s Two base hits, Durst, Hunnefleld, bo heard In this will be Marie Tiffany, 365.6—WEBH-WJJD, CHICAGO—82a the one-two punch and Sharkey of­ Philadelphia-Gleveland, rain. simmons 6 in 7 innings, F. Thomas 3 Gehrig; three base hits, Barrett, 422.5—WOR. NEWARK—710. 7:00 6:00—Theater organ. better to lose your percentage going prima donna soprano, and Rafaeio 4:30 3:30—Studio program. fered his jaw obligingly for the sec­ in 2; losing pitcher. Fitzsimmons; Ruth: home run, Falk; sacrifices, Diaz, principal tenor, both of the 8:00 7:00—Orchestra; artists. Other teams not scheduled. after a tough one than holding a Falk 2, Pennock, Clancy, Kamm, 6:00 6:00—Bamberger ensemble. 305.9—WCjN.WLie. CHICAGO—98a ond one. umpires, Pfirman, Quigley and Wil­ Metropolitan Opera Company. An­ son; time, 2:03. synthetic lead playing back— Hunnefleld; double plays, Falk to other New York Philharmonic Or­ 7:45 6:45—Episcopal Actor’s Guild. 8:30 7:30—Musical; string quinteL Not Intentional. Sehalk, Koenig to Lazzeri to Gehrig; 8:15 7:15»-Lovitow’8 musical. 9;15 8:15—WEAF program. St. Louis 7, New York 4. X —H. 'Thomas batted for Fitzsim­ you’re found out in the end.” chestra concert from Lewisohn Sta­ 9:30 8:30—Choir invisible. Perhaps, of course, I am a very mons in 7th. left'on bases, New York 8. Chicago 8; dium will entertain those who tune to 9:45 8:45—Reading; quintet; music. Pittsburgh 5, Boston 2. His Biggest Thrill 333.1—WBZ, NEW ENGLAND—90a 11:00 10;00-r-Artists: Salernos; organ, credulous specimen, willing to be­ XX —Cummings batted for F. Thomas bases on balls, off Lyons 1, off Thomas WJZ or a Blue Network station. Cincinnati 3, Brooklyn 0. in 9th. These are some of the pearls of 1; struck out, by Lyons 4, by Pennock ■WE.YF and the Red Network will 1:00 12:00—WJZ Medlterrajieans. 447.5— WMAQ.WQJ, CHICAGO—670. lieve that Santa Clause is clean Philadelphia 6. Chicago 5. wisdom the 54-year old veteran 1; hits, off Pennock 10 In 6 Innings, present “ Adventures in Local Colors," 2:00 1:00—Roxy with WJZ. 8:00 7:00—Musical program. off Thomas 3 In 2 Innings; losing 3:15 2:15—1. B. S. A. prog, with WJZ 344.6— WLS, CHICAGO—870. shaven. Perhaps I am wrong in At Philadelphia>— spilled on his 25th anniversary as a short talk by Rex Beach, the famous 7:00 6:00—Little Brown Church. refusing to believe eighty-five per pitcher, Pennock: umpires, Evans, novelist. The Pittsburgh Municipal 7:00 6:00—Statler ensemble. THE STANDINGS PHILLIES , CUBS S manager of the New York Giants. McGowan and Hildebrand; time, 2:02. Band will be heard through the mi­ 7:30 6:30—Musical program, 8:55 7:55—Sermon;^baritone. cent of the gossip I hear. There­ Eastern League PHILADELPHIA In a quarter of a century he has X—Morehart batted for Pennock in crophone of KDKA, the Minneax>olis 8:00 7:00—Piano recital. 449.7— WFAA, DALLAS—60a fore, I hope I may be pardoned for AB. R. H. PO. A. E. 7th. Band through WCCO, and the Denver 8:30 7:30—WJZ Philharmonic concert 8:00 '7:00—Bible class, songs. W. L. PC. Spalding, If ...... 4 2 0 1 0 0 won 10 league pennants, finished 10:00 9:00—Services: organ. stating that I believe that if a low- XX—Paschal batted for Thomas in Municipal Band will be radiated by 491.5— WEAF. NEW YORK—610. 1:00 12:00—La Mariquita's orchestra. Albany ...... 52 39 .571 Sand, 3b ...... 3 1 1 0 1 0 second nine times, and won three 9 th. KOA. Other features are the Sunday 3:00 2:00—1. B. S. A. program. punch was struck it was both unin­ Williams, rf ...... 3 1 1 4 0 0 world championships— a record un­ 35^9—w o e , DAVENPORT—850. Pittsfield...... 44 40 .524 afternoon stroll of Roxy and His Gang 4:30 :i:30—.Sacred musical. 8:30 7:30—Christian services. tentional and certainly not pre-ar­ Leach, cf ...... 4 2 3 3 1 0 paralleled. More than 20,000,000 through WJZ and the Blue Network, 5:30 4:30—Young artists program. Bridgeport ...... 44 41 .518 J. Wilson, c ...... 4 0 0 6 6 0 9:15 8:15—WEAF program. ranged. fans the country over have seen him a concert by the Trouverlan Male 6:00 6:00—Orchestral concerL. 325.9—KOA, DENVER—920. New Haven .. . . .44 43 .506 Attreau, lb ...... 4 0 1 9 0 0 Quartet through WGL, and a joint re­ 7:20 6:20—Capitol Theater program. Yet the usual "in the bag” stor­ Friberg, 2b ...... 3 0 0 3 2 0 In daily action. His personal ac­ 10:00 9:00—Denver Municipal Band. Springfield ...... 44 44 .500 cital through WJZ by Godfrey Lud­ 9:15 8:15—John Corlgliano, violinist. f o r t ies are being bandied about today, Cooney, ss ...... 3 0 0 1 3 0 quaintance list is more extensive low. violinist, and LiOlita Cabrera 449.7—WBAP. WORTH—600. Hartford ...... 40 42 .488 3 MORE BROTHERS .9:45 8:45—Talk, Rex Beach. 11:.30 10:30—Mixed quarteL aided and sustained by the sudden Ulrich, p ...... 3 0 0 0 1 0 than ’s and Ty Cobb’s Gainsborg, pianist. 10:00 3:00—Cathedral echoes, organ. Waterbury ...... 43 275.1— WOK, HOMEWOOD—1090. shift in the betting odds from Shar­ 48 .473 combined. 348.6— WGBS. NEW YORK—860. 10:00 9:00—Orchestra, Hawallans, ar^ Providence . . . 316 8 27 8 0 Wave lengths In meters on left ol 8:30 7:30—Sa.xophone; soprano; en­ key to Dempsey. The word now is . . .38 52 .422 "The biggest thrill I ever got out station title, kilocycles on the right. tlsts.(31i^ hrs.) American League CHICAGO semble. •«40.7—KTHS, HOT SPRINGS—88a that every bookmaker on Broadway AB. R. it. PO, A. E. of it all? There were three of them IN MAJOR LEA.GUE Times are Eastern Daylight Saving 9:15 8:15—Concert; male quarteL and Eastern Standard. Black typeln- 10:30 9:30—Music Lover’s hour. got his money down on Dempsey W. L. PC. Adams, 2b ...... 5 1 1 2 3 0 — each time my boys stood around 455—WJZ, NEW YORK—660. 11:30 10:30—Organ recital. > New York ...... 65 26 .714 Pick, 3b ...... 5 0 2 1 2 2 dicates best features. 468.5—KFI. LOS ANGELES—640. because the tip had gone out that Webb, rf ...... 3 1 1 1 0 0 the flagpole and we raised a hard- 9:00 8:00—Children’s hour. Jack had to win in order to keep Washington ...... 51 38 .573 1:00 12:00—The Mediterraneans. 12:00 11:00—Classic hour. L. Wilson, cf ...... 5 2 1 2 0 1 won and well-earned world’s cham­ Leading Xast Stations. 1:00—Roxy and His Gang. 1:00 12:00—N. B. C. program. ^ Rickard’s heavyweight situation Detroit . . . . ,...... 48 38 .658 Stephenson, If ...... 4 1 4 0 0 0 pionship pennant,” McGray remin­ 2:00 2:00 1:00—Cox’.s orche.stra. /DST) (ST) 3:15 2:15—1. B. S. A. program. dot. Philadelphia ___ 48 41 .539 Grimm, lb ...... 5 0 0 8 0 0 Joe, Luke and Tom Sewell 4:30—People’s Radio Vespers. 405.2—WCCO, MINN., ST. PAUL—650. Hartnett, c ...... 4 0 2 9 2 (l isced. 272.6— WPG, ATLANTIC CITY—1100. 5:30 Crazy Reports. Chicago ...... 48 45 .516 "My second choice of professions? 5:15 4:15—Twilight concert hour. B:.50 5:50—Baseball; organ recital. 9:45 8:45-=Minneapolls Municipal English, ss ...... 4 0 1 1 4 0 7:30 6:30—Sevillanos. Band. Why, they ask, didn’t Sharkey St. Louis . . . ,...... 38 50 .432 Root, p ...... 4 0 0 0 1 0 ■Well, I always hankered after law. 9:15 8:15—Operatic concert. 11:00 10:00—Municipal organ recltaL . Among Cream of Big Time 10:30 !);30—Sunday evening musical. 8:00 7:00—Travelogue, “ Peru and protest the twenty early fouls Cleveland .. ,...... 37 54 .407 Yes, I guess I’d like to be a law­ Bolivia.” 319—VVSM, NASHVILLE—940. 285.5—WBAL, BALTIMORE—1050. 3:00 2:00—Program with 'WEAF. Dempsey committed? After look­ Boston ...... 39 5 12 24 12 3 7:00 6:00—Organ recital. 8:30 7:30—Lewisohn Stadium N. Y...... 23 66 .258 Philadelphia ...... 000 004 02x— 6 yer. I Philharmonic concert. 7:20 6:20—WEAF theater program, ' ing at both the fight and the pic­ “ The greatest of all ball play­ 8:00 7:00—WJZ Slvillanos. 384.4— KGO. OAKLAND—780. National League Chicago ...... 100 002 200— 3 Ball Playera Today. 8-00 7:00—WliAL concert orchestra. 0:30 9:30—Godfrey Ludlow, violinist; tures, I will say that if Sharkey W. L. PC. Two base hits, Leach, Stephenson 2, ers? Old Heinie Wagner, I think, 352.7— WNAC, BOSTON—830. Lolita Gainsborg, pianist. 11:35 10:35—Presbyterian services. was fouled twenty times I stand English, Hartnett;-home run, Leach; had them all licked. Hans as a ntian 1:00 13:00—Concert orchestra, 508—WIP, PHILADELPHIA—59a 1:00 12:00—N. B. C. program. Pittsburgh ...... 52 33 .612 stolen base, Adams; sacrifice, Sand; 7:15 6:15—Trinity Church aervlces. 336.9—KNX. OAKLAND—89a willing to let the first man that Chicago ...... and Hans as a player was a genius. 7:30 6:30—Church service. 11:00 10:00—Presbyterian sermon. .54 35 .607 double play, Adams to English to By BILLY EVAXS ' 9:05 8:05—Symphony concert orch. 9:1,5 8:15—Concert with WGBS. comes along foul me twenty times. St. L o u is ...... Grimm; left on bases, Chicago 10. Mathew’son 315.7—KDKA, PITTSBURGH—95a 12:00 11:00—.Theater concert orchestral .52 36 .591 This brother stuff la getting 302.8— WGR, BUFFALO—990. 1:00 12:00—Feature program. __ Two questionable punches were New Y o r k ...... 48 45 .516 Philadelphia 3; bases on balls, off "The best pitcher?— Christy 10:45 9:45—Presbyterian serrice. 2-0I) 1:00—Roxy with WJZ. struck by Dempsey but neither was Root 1, off Ulrich 3; struck out, by Mathewson, far and away.” he (raite fashieiiiibie in the major 3:00 2:00—Program with WEAF. 3:15 2:15—1. B. S. A. program. 422.3—KPO, SAN FRANCISCO—7ia Brooklyn ...... 40 49 .449 Root 7, by Ulrich 4; umpires, Klein, 8:00 7:00—Presbyterian service. 5:.30 4:30-Baseball scores. 10:35 n;:i5—Palace concert orchestra, effective enough of itself to influ­ Asked for a word for the thou­ leagues. The Sewells of Alabama 7:00—Municipal Band concerL 12:36 11:35—Selgeris orchestra.__ Philadelphia .37 51 .420 McCormick and McLaughlin; time, are setting the a.'yle. 9:lS S;lS—WEAF programs. 8:00 299.8—KMOX. ST. LOUIS—1000, 4 ence the outcome. 1:41. sands of sandlot kid players 345.1—WMAK, BUFFALO—55a 9:00 8:00—N. y. Philharmonic con. Cincinnati ...... 37 52 .416 Various pairs of brother stars '3^.5—WGY, SCHENECTADY—790. 10:00 9:00—I.Ange’8 orchestra. y Why, another question demands, throughout thp nation, McGraw’s 10:25 9:2.'>-*-Pre8byterIan soj-vlce. 11:00 10:00—Sunday Night Club. .•> Boston ...... 33 52 .388 have been featured In the niajo. s. 3:00 2:00—Musical program. 10:45 9:45—Baptist service. did Sharkey’s manager sit by quiet­ REDS 8 DODGERS 0 eyes twinkled. "Those are the lads 3:00—WMAK musIcaL 12:30 11:30—Dance orch; organ. 7:50 6:50—Christian Science service. 4:00 344.6—WCBD, ZION—870. ly during the outrage without mak­ CINCINNATI I like. They cjfn’t go wrong There are now something like eight 428,3—WLW, CINCINNATI—700. 7:20 6:20—WEAF theater program. GAMES TODAY AB. R. H. PO. A. E. due brother attracilckis In fne big 8:15—Violinist with WEAF. 10:00 9:0G—Mixed quartet, celestial ing the slightest protest? I can choosing baseball for their profes­ 8:80 7:90—Presbyterian services. 9:15 befls, vocal, trio, ^artlstz. Eastern League Dressen, 3b ...... 3 2 1 1 2 0 show, but, if any memory serves 9:30 8:30—Concert orch.. soloists, 9:45 -----8:45—Talk - with WEAF^ answer that one. Sharkey’s man­ Zltzmann, cf ...... 3 0 1 1 0 0 sion if they are fitted. When I first Secondary East Stations, i ager did nothing, if anything should New Haven at Hartford (2). Bressler, If ...... 5 0 4 3 0 0 came in there were leather-necked, mo correctly, th-e Sewell family is Secondary Eastern Stations have been done, because he was too Waterbury at Springfield. Walker, rf ...... 5 0 0 2 0 0 mannerisms were objectionable but the first to preseiit three members 272.6— WHAR, ATLANTIC CITY—1100 8:30 7:30—Piani.st, soprano. 275.1—WORD, BATAVIA—109a ^ Plpp, lb ___ ...... 4 0 0 12 n 0 9:00 8:00—Madison trio; players. 8:00 7:00—Watchtower orchestra. busy trying to protect himself. Pittsfield at Albany. whose Intentions were good. Now for fandom’s approval at the same 8:30 7:30—Children’s period. 8:15 7:15—Bible lecture. . . Ford, ss ...... 5 0 1 0 3 0 time. 8:45 7:45—"Evensong.” sermon. 9:45 8:45—Trouverlan Male Quartet. Jack Sharkey’s manager is Jack Bridgeport at Providence. Critz, 2 b ___ ...... 5 0 0 5 4 1 the game is on a higher level. I 447.5—WERI, BOSTON—670. 10:15 9:15—Veo’s orchestra. 9'.00 8:00—1. B. 8. A. choral singers. see more college fraternity pins on Three of the O’Neill family have 10:00 9:00—Addresii. Sharkey and the fighter-manager American League Hargrave, c ...... 5 1 2 3 0 0 7:20 8:20—WRAF prog. (2H hrs.) 236.1—WHAP. NEW YORK—127a 288.3— WENR, CHICAQO-^040. _ even officially, ever was a mistake, New York at Chicago. Lucas, p ...... 4 0 2 0 2 0 a ball diamond than there is on a made the big league grade. Steve 10:0.4 9:0.5—Theater radio review. 7:30 6:30—Music, choir, soloists. 10:30 9:.30—Samovar orch: artists, as witness Willard in Toledo, Firpo Washington at St. Louis. campus.” is at present a member of the St. 333.1-WKRC, CINCINNATI—900. 8:00 7:00—Bible, science, health talk. 416.4— WHT, CHICAGO-----720. 39 3 11 27 12 1 10:00 9:00—Tenor, bass, soprano. 394.5—WHN, NEW YORK—760. at the Polo Grounds and Dempsey Asked if he were going to retire, Louis Browns, but when his two 11:1.5 10:35—Russo’a Oriole orchestra. 8:00 7:00—Band; cholh Boston at Detroit. BROOKLYN 10:30 9:30—Woodroansten orchestra. 9:00 8:00—Paul Reader. himself in Philadelphia. No one Philadelphia at Cleveland. AB. R. H. PO. A. E. McGraw actually snorted. "Retire? brothers were strutting their stuff, 361.S—W8AI. CINCINNATI—830. 12:00 11:00—Frivolity Club orchestra. 9:00 8:00—Sermonette. 10:00 9:00—"Back Home Hour. in the corner dares make a move National League statz, cf ...... ___ 3 0 0 5 0 0 Why should I?” and he glared at he was a mere kid on the sandlots. 508—WOO. PHILADELPHIA—69a 635.4—WHO. DES MOINES—5M. Corgan, xxx .. ___ 1 0 0 0 0 0 9:19 8*15-WEa F program. 9:30 8:30—Little Symphony orch. without consulting the boss and I St. Louis at New York. this reporter and for a moment Joe and Luke of the Cleveland 352.7_WHK, CLEVELAND—850. 6:06 5:00—Organ. Partridge, 2b . ___ 3 0 0 1 4 0 there was a glimpse of the old fist­ 7:30 6:30—Presbyterian service. 336.9—WJAX, JACKSONVILLE—890. defy all consultations with a man Cincinnati at Brooklyn (2). Carey, rf ...... ___ 3 0 0 1 0 0 Indians, and Tommy, recently sign­ :30 7:80—1. B. S. A. program 561.9— WCAE. PITTSBURGH—680. 7:30 6:30—Dinner music. Hendrick, lb . ___ 8 0 8 1 0 swinging, sarcastic, biting, sneer­ *:4S 8:45—k J. Crocker’s progr like Dempsey making motions at Pittsburgh at Boston (2). () ed by the Chicago Cubg, are the 374.g—WWJ. DETROIT—800. 7:20 6:20—WEAF prog. (3 hrs.) 8:30 7:30—Church seiwlce. ' Felix, If ...... ___ 3 0 0 1 0 0 ing field general— the little Napo­ three members of the Sswell fami­ 361.2—WeSH, PORTLAND—83a 11:16 10:15—Little Sy»nPhony orch. you. Chicago at Phfladelphia. S utler, 3 b ...... ___ 8 0 0 1 2 1 7i20 6:20—WEAF progs. <2% hrs.) 394.5— WOS. JEFFERSON CITY—760. leon of baseball— the most thor­ NEW* YORK—920. 7:30 6:.S0—Baptist service. Reason for Defeat. Flowers, ss ... ___ 3 0 0 2 2 1 ly now doing business under the 326—WABC, 226.4—WSYR. SYRACUSE—1330. 9:30 8:30—Church service. Deberry, c .... ___ 2 0 1 S’ 0 0 oughly hated and at the same time big tent. They hail from Titus, Ala. 8:QP 7:00—Musical cameo, 405.2— KHJ. LOS ANGELES—740. ' Sharkey’s fight was lost strictly 8:4s 7:46—iTie In Betweeners. 7:30 6:30—Sunday dinner concerL Meusel, x .... ___1 0 0 0 0 0 best beloved man In the sport. 8:30 7:30—Presbyterian service. 12'00 11:00-Studio program. _ by himself, not through pre-ar­ Joe and Li;ke are stars. The 9:00 8:00—Tony 508.2—WOW, OMAHA—590. - "Vance, p ...... ___ 2 0 0 0 1 0 280.2—WdkL. N EW YORK—1070. 475.9— WRC, WASHINGTON—64a rangement, for Belasco himself Herman, xx .. ___ 1 0 0 0 0 0 former is generally considered the 7:2CI 6:20—WEAF prog. (3 hrs.) 11:00 10;0()—Chapel service. couldn’t have stage-managed those Hartford Game best shortstop in the American 7:80 G:3(j—Ladles octet; male chorus 28 0 1 27 10 2 League, while Luke is one of the dramatics, and not in the boxer’s At New Haven I— Cincinnati ...... 100 200 000-—3 leading catchers. Tommy gives corner. He lost it by playing PROFS 4. SENATORS 3 Two base hits, Bressler, Hargrave, RADIO (X)RRECTIONS Dempsey’s own game, as more than NEW HAVEN Lucas: sacrifice, Zltzman; double every promise of developing Into a ber of the illustrious family,. Tom­ Cleveland shortly after Joe Sewell. AB. R^H. PO. A. E. Now, altogether boys, with the a week ago I suspected he might, 2 0 0 play, Dressen to Critz to Plpp; left on star at third bas«. my. Why didn’t Cleveland sign JIartin, cf ...... 4 1 0 bases, Cincinnati 14, Brooklyn 1; base A careless driver stands a WJZ (455), WEAF (492).— purely as the grand-stander he is...... 5 1 1 3 3 1 Joe was the first of the Sewel}f him? Probably both Joe and Luke old college yell;- Saturday, July 23 at 9:00 p. m. E. 0 0 0 on balls, off "Vance 3; struck out. by good chance of landing Then, after slugging it out for ...... 5 1 3 Vance 7, by Lucas ; hit by pitcher, by to come up. He did so under rather advised him that two members of “ Yea! Albama! Sewell, Sewell, D. S. T. or 8:00 E. S. T. will begin three rounds, he probably found he b ...... 2 0 1 12 1 0 Sewell— Joe, Luke and Tom!” 2 0 0 Vance (Zltzman): umpires, Moran, the rough. ~ ^ dramatic conditions. Picked up by the same family on the same big the Roxy- presentation which ■will ...... 3 1 1 O’Day and Reardon; time, 1:35. couldn't play any other game, even 0 0 1 0 0 Cleveland while he was a star at league club Is company but three feature members of the Gang, An­ 3b ...... 3 X —Meusel batted for Deberry In if he wished...... 2 0 1 2 3 0 the University of Alabama, he was is a croird. Anyway, Tommy, on na Chase, favorite concert soprano 0 0 9th. And then as the final faux pas, he Banning, c ...... 4 0 2 5 XX—Herman batted for Vance in turned over to New Orleans for and Pryor’s Band under the direc­ Kemner, p ...... 2 0 0 0 2 0 graduating from Alabama, signed LAST NIGHT’S FIGHTS exposed his jaw to appeal to the 9th. seasoning. Then came the Chapman ■with the Chicago Cubs. tion of Arthur Pryor. This enter­ referee. xxx—Corgan batted for Statz In 9th. tragedy, the death of Cleveland’s 30 4 9 27 9 1 Tomnjy was much slower Jump­ tainment will be broadcast by WJZ Taking nothing from Dempsey, HARTFORD great shortstop, as a result of be­ At Long Branch, N. J.— ^Vince ing Into the limelight at Alabama and WEAF and the associated sta­ for I still am thrilled by the great AB. R .H . PO. A. E. ing hit on the head a pitched Dundee, brother of Joe Dundee, tions of the Blue and Red Network effort he made, I must continue to Davis, cf ...... 5 0 2 1 0 0 ball. than either Joe or Luke. As a welterweight champion, won a pop­ Schmehl, rf ...... 8 1 0 2 0 0 TODAY IN FISTIANA matter of fact, It wasn’t until his and will last two hours. feel that with any kind of intelli­ Keesey, lb ...... 3 1 0 9 0 0 Cleveland sent a hurry call to ular ten-round decision over John By DOO REID fourth year that he became a regu­ Kiernan, of Long Branch. gent direction in the opposite cor­ Schinkel, If ...... 4 0 3 1 0 0 New Orleans for Joe Sewell. That WEATHER-STRIPPED ner, Dempsey could not have won. Comiskey, 2b ...... 4 0 1 5 2 0 was in 1920, the year Cleveland lar. Taking a five-year course, At Springfield, Mass.— Frankie Hermann, 3b ...... 4 0 1 1 2 0 Tommy In his fifth year was a star Genaro, former world’s flyweight The pictures show him for what he Krahe, ss ...... 4 0 0 2 3 0 won the pennant. Joe filled in most Jnly 28rd„ 1906 and captain as well. champion, outpointed Joey Ross, of First Lady: 'Ullo, Mrs. Miggs. is— a game, eternally fighting man Mangum, c ...... 4 0 0 3 1 1 capably down the home stretch and Fancy your ’usband bein’ put again. Auer, p ...... 3 0 1 0 2 0 GANS VS. HOLLEY In style and physique Tommy with a tough jaw, a hard punch and did a mighty good Job of It In the Jersey City, in ten rounds. I thought ’is bronchitis was so bad. the speed of a club foot. JablonowskI, p ,. ...0 0 0 0 1 0 By DOC REID world series when the Indians tri­ greatly resembles Joe. He gained Nlederkorn, x ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 his greatest collegiate fame at Second -Lady: Yus, It wus. Bui Dempsey stalked Sharkey from Twenty-one years ago today, Joe umphed over Brooklyn. It was a 'e’s git ’Is new teeth in now and Cans the famous negro star haitler third base, but also played second first to last and I watched his legs 85 2 8 24 11 1 most unusual and trying debut for a WOMAN CANDEDATB they keeps the •wind from whistlin' with absorbed Interest. Stiff In New Haven ...... 002 001 lOx— 4 and than lightweight champion of rookie. and third during his “ rah-rah” ca­ H artford ...... 101 000 000— 2 reer. He throws right handed and down ’Is chest.— Punch. the knees, flat in the feet, they had Two base hits, Schinkel, Hlllls, the world, scored a victory over Shortly afterwards when Luke ------^------' ■< the jerky, almost rheumatic move­ bats left. Banning; three base hits, Schinkel, Dave Holley the eastern lightweight Sewell to cut up high jinks as a Sterling, Conn., July 23.— Mrs. ment of a wooden soldier. And Dear; stolen base. Fuller; sacrifices. sensation at the end of a hard catcher at dear old Alabama, the If Tommy has the ability of eith­ ' B O X IN G Sharkey let a man like that catch Bowman, Montague, Kemner; double fame of his brother Joe had grown er Joe or Luke he should early de­ Lena W. Flelstin, member of the play. Puller to Dear to Bowman; left fought twenty round fray at Seat­ State Democratic Central Commit­ Hartford Velodrome, July 25 him!, ^ on bases, Hartford 8, N tw Haven 11; tle, Wash. Cans was awarded the to such proportions that Cleveland velop Into a star under Manager Joe McCarthy of the Chicago Cubs, tee from this town, will be boomed FIVE ALL-ST IR BOUTS bases on balls, off Auer 6, off Kem­ decision on points. decided it was worth while to Lord •V8. Scott, Cohen vs. Brown ner 2; struck out, by Auer 4, by Yoo cAiM r He will have no chance to get lone­ as a candidate for Congress at the The fig.ht occurred about six Cu M8 gamble with Luke and he was Smith vs. Goldstein i j Kemner 9; hits, off Auisr 6 in 5 1-3 in­ signed. He has since developed into some for Alabama with the Cubs Second Congressional District Dem­ Girls at William and Mary Col­ nings, off JablonowskI 3 In 2 2-3 in­ weokf prior to the negro’s historic ocratic Assembly to be held at Old Two Fighting Preliminaries. \ ,5 nings; losing pitcher, Auer; umpires, clash with Battling Nelson at Gold- one of the best backstops in the for one of his teammates Is Riggs For Seats Call Hartf<»d, Laurel \ f lege can not have dates unless they Stephenson, a former star at that Lyme early In August, it was learn­ McDonald and Stark; time, 1:44. lield, Nev., which went forcy-two majors. 1707 or Spe yonr regolw are over 80. In their studies, of X—Nlederkorn batted for Jablonow­ Now irt oona to tha third xaem- 'inatituXlOB, v h p cams ua with ed hera todav. course. Girls over 80 get lew dates. skI In 8 th. round! in favor of tbt eolorodUtar. MANCHESTER (CONN.) EVENING HERALD, SATURDAY, JULY 28, 1927. PAG E BIG H T You W ill Find Many Real Bargain^ In Good Used Cars' Listed On This Page Today ■ J'-? a

Hoases for Rent ®5 Wanted Auto*—Moioroydes Ifl Lost and Fonnd Want Ad Information AUGUST 1ST.— Five rooms, half of AUTOS— Will buy cars for junk. two family house. Modern conven­ Used parts for sale. General auto re­ iences. Inquire Home ,Bank & Trust r" Manchester GLASSES—Lost pair of tortoise shell pairing. Abel’s Service Station, Oa.; Co. ______rimmed glasses. Call 318-2. street Tel. 789. Evening Herald FOR RENT— 1-2 HOUSE, 6 rooms, at Phone Your W a n t Ads Annoancements Heatlng-Plnmblng-Rooflng 17 Manchester Green, opposite school, conveniences, good repair, vacant - Classified Advertisements I Roofing Specialists DEPENDABLE Aug. 1, Rent $30. Phone 345-23 or To The count CITT SHOE REPAIR Slate, Gravel, Tin Asphalt Shlnglea 345-5. Initials, and compound Is located at 29 Oak street. When Repairing a Specialty worda Minimum cost your shoes need repairing see me for DUBUQUE ROOFING CO. Used Car dealers are just as particular and Summer Homes for Rent 07 special work. 31 Oak St Work Guaranteed Is price of three llnea,^ , Shoe Shine open every day careful in their efforts to offer real values in de­ BOARD AND ROOMS— Yolanda cot­ Evening Herald tage, pleasant View, beginning July • Line rates . . ..orper 714-2. ' “ 7 . ; f ' ■ South Manchester FOR SALE mid-season prices prevailing, dealers are offering rOTTAGE with boat, at Lake- And Ask for a Want Ad Taker We have now ready 1-i million Bolton. Telephone Manches- "'!U“oufSK.^ STEAMSHIP TICKETS—all parts of bigger and better values than ever before. '.-1 or 142-5, Rockville. day Winter cabbage and celery Plants. Tell Her What You Want " •“ o'SiS S^ro' thrt. o. . 1. « w - the world. Ask for sailing lists and The main crop should be planted m Ads,s ordered ror the third or Ofth rates. Phone 750-2, Robert J, Smith, COTTAGE on the Island, and stopped ^or Tulv until August 15. Cabbage lOo per You will find a wide selection of late models An experienced operator will take your ad, help you win be charged only lor ^ppg„- 1009 Main street d ol. 40c pir hundred. $3.00 per thou- r.ihc I’ocotopaug, East Hampton, for day a part or the whole of August. Ap­ word it for best results, and see that It is properly in­ ;ual " " " ’ Vne l^t *th^ ra\e earned, but sand, celery lOo per doz., and makes listed daily on this page. ply 10 E. H. Crosby, Herald Office. sd. charging can be made Automobiles for Sale hundred. $4.00 per thousand. Michael serted. Bill will be mailed same day allowing you until Plnatello. 379 Burnside Avenue “ * r ' u r e ‘ . ■ • . 7 TWO. 7 ROOM COTTAGES at White i Greenhouse, Station 22, East Hart­ Why not select YOUR car NOW while the sum­ Sands Beach. Write P. O. Box 253, So. i seventh day after insertion to take advantage of • the fifth day. forbids” ; display lines not ford. Conn, Manchester or Phone 786-2. No “ till 1.LWATS LEADING IN VALUES AND mer motoring season is in full swing— in fact, why CASH RATE. fITERMS Millinery— ^Dressmaldnil 19 not make your selection TODAY ? 7n'l r.''c‘o ? ,V 7 « Business Property for Sale 70 Df any advertisement ordered foi'l, We“ win hot be' undersold on used SMALL GENERAL STORE handling "'Th\‘Svertent®omlsslon or Incor- cars, small profits and quick HEMSTITCH cigars, candy. Ice cream and gro­ rect publlcatlot. of advertising ^ 11 be turnovers, 15 months to pay or 235 SPRUCE ST. TEI* 1807-12, * ceries. In good location on the West rectified only by cancellation of the Side. Buy It now In the height of the charge made for the service render- season. The price Is right. See Stuart * ! ^ Down Apartments— Flats— ed. 1 Movlng-Tmcklna-Stowtgi 20 41 J. Wasley, 827 -Main street. Tele­ CAR TRACK SCRAPER Payment Dogs— Birds— Pets Tenements for Rent 63 phone 1428-2. NEW RADIO ERA 26 Bulck St’d Coach Like New ••$190 All advertisements PERRETT AND GLENNBT““Looal ■26 Dodge Sedan : ...... IBU FOR SALE—25 PAIR pigeons, in dif­ 1 '26 Chrysler Roadster ...... lou and long distance moving and truck­ AUGUST 1ST.— Five room lower flat Farms and Land for Sale 71 MAY BE NEW CARUSO re ulutiuns ing Dally express to Hartford. Uv- ferent breeds, price reasonable, need at 26 Benton street, with garage. In­ ers. and they reservo '26 Dodge Sport Roadster ...... 140 room. Flemise joined rabbit, 2 copy con- '26 Chrysler Coach ...... 150 ery" car for hire. Telephone 7-2. quire at Benson’s Furniture Com­ NINE ROOM HOUSE with all Im­ TO JOIN LONDON edit, revise or reject any months old $1.90 pair. Inquire 296 pany, 649 Main street. Tel. 53-3. sld^rcd o^>j©clloDflbl6. '26 Bulck Brougham Super 6 . . . . 250 Hackmatack street. Phone 112-3. provements, seven acres of land, Anyway, Tony Berberiogli (-1 HOURS— Classified ads ’26 Chrysler Sedan ...... • • 150 chicken house, cow and horse, farm CLOSING B ep a liin g 23 CENTER ST., 205— Seven room tene­ Sings Grand Opera Airs as to^ie published same day Jiflays ’26 Chrysler Sport Touring ...... ^50 Poultry and Supplies 43 and stable. For Information tele­ reived by 12 o’clock noon. Saturdays ’25 Oldsmobile Roadster...... 110 ment. all modern conveniences, hot phone Manchester 1465-5. WITH NEW YORK He (jk)es About H is Labor. ■25 Bulck Sedan Master 6 ...... 1-5 An extra auto key might be a life water furnace, also garage. Ready 10:30 a. m. '24 Oldsmobile Sport Touring . 150 saver on your vacation. Play safe, ob- FOR SALE CHICKENS—Barred Rock Aug. 1st. Wm. Patterson, 71 Brook­ Telephone Your Want Ads ’2,3 Reo Touring ...... 50 tain duplicates from Braithwalte. 150 Pullets, and broilers. Inquire W G. field street. Tel. 1093. Houses for Sale 72! Strains ot grand operai, sung In a •25 Bulck Sedan, Master 6 ------175 Center s t r e e t ______Hughes, in rear 139 North Main St.^ sweet tenor voice, prompted resi­ ^glve^n^fb^vl •25 Dodge Touring ...... 110 FOR RENT— 4 ROOM tenement, all BUNGALOW— 5 rooms, all Improve­ dents near the Connecticut company e x p e r t k e y f i t t i n g . Lawn mow­ MARCH PULLETS— All breeds fro m ‘^^co^n^^n^e^nce to,advertisers but ’25 Ford Ton Truck ...... 100 improvements. Call 107 Summer St. ments. garage In basement. Imme­ Trans-Ocean Broadcast To V® wUl be accepted as ’25 Flint Coupe, Model 55 ...... 175 ers sharpened and repaired, also excellent stock. Also milk fed broil­ diate possession at $5500. Apply E. office at the Center to investigate PU^L^f AYMENT^t palQ ^t the busl- ’25 Bulck Touring ...... 140 scissors, knives and saws sharpened, ers. Wm. E. Bradley. Phone 1163-3. J. Holl. Tel. 560. yesterday and It was discovered seventh Work called for and delivered. 321 Oakland street. Manchester. FOUR ROOM TENEMENT on Ridge­ ’25 Oldsmobile Touring ...... 100 wood street, all Improvements, that one of the men working on Iho fln^wlng Ure^'l^sf Insertion of '22 'Wills-St. Claire R o a d ster----- 150 Harold Clemson, 108 North Elm PORTER STREET— Desirable loca- Enable England and U. S. day CHARGE ’25 Bulck Sport Touring, Mas. 6 .. 175 street Manchester. Conn. Teleph. ne TABLE FOWL for sale, also spring downstairs, rent $20. Inquire James tIo->. attractive Colonial house. 11 track scraper at the Center is ai .nch ad otherwise 'he _ Burns, 591 Hilliard street. R \TE w 11 be collected. No responsl- 462. chickens. Karl Marks, 136 Summer rooms, arrange. for one or two limes a latora* and at othet times ?i‘mv tor errors in telephoned acs street. 'Telephone 1877. New laid families, substantially good condi­ Exchange Programs. a soloist. ■ simySlllty tor eiiu - , their accuracyncpiiracv This Is a wonderful opportunity SEWING MACHINES, repairing of FOUR ROOM FLAT 45 North Elm will be assumed ana eggs. street, first floor, furnace, bath, gas. tion. vyater, gas. electricity, furnace, No popular mnslo does be sing. cannot bo guaranteed. to buy a car with easy terms. No all makes, oils, needles and supplies. pi'ce and terms reasonable, 'Valton Red Tape. No Endorsements. No R. W. Garrard. 87 Edtjfard street $20 month. Inquire upstairs or tele­ W Grant Realtor 75 Pearl street. Nothing but grand,opara and the phone 25S-2. Phone 664 Insurance, 30 days free service. Phone 715. 1000 MARCH HATCHED White Hartford. 2-7584 or Manchester 221. New York.— A scheme Is In Italian folksongs. At any hour of Leghorn Pullets. High producing ROOM TENEMENT. All Im- I the day he may burst Into song, it ASK - o n WANT Al> SERVICE strain. Grown uder Conn. Grow ^ “ “ “j " in'rudfng 'furnace’ and I NEAR DEPOT SQUARE—New six the making for the inauguration of THE COMMERCIAL USED CAR CO. TaUorlng-Dyeing-Cleanlng 24 Olive Bros.. room bungalow, one car garage, cop- a service— — of trans-ocean broadcast may be a snatch from frovatore or Healthy Chick” Plan. gas, 7 minutes from mills. Tel. 1400. Index df Classifications No. Windham, Conn. per gutters, front veranda, glassed jjjg y^guld enable London and from Aida. Then again he ^ngs 1273 MAIN ST. HARTFORD I and screened In. . house...... all’ ’ screened, York to regularly exchange Caruso’s favorites among the Ital­ HARRY ANDERTON representing Articles for Sale 45 FOUR ROOM tenement with improve­ inlaid linoleum In kitchen and pan­ ian ballads. OPEN EVE.NINGS UNTIL 10 English roolen company, tailors ments at 15 Oakland street, only try. Owner leaving town. Will- sacri­ radio feature programs. •vlll since 1898. Phone 1221-2. 38 Church $16.00 monflily. Telephone 2361-12. fice. Small down payment, low price. Under this plan, Americans He is an Italian, his name Js :ndl' street; South Manchester. Call Arthur A. Knofla. Telephone would hear European stars broad­ Tony Berberiogli and lives in Hart­ Dependable Used Cars REX HOT WATER HEATER and FOUR ROOM FLAT on second floor, 7S2-2, 375 Main street. ford. He has been here for the past cated: ^ . . . I Manchester Motor Sales Co. holler In good condition. Call 123. with all Improvements and garage, cast from London and European Lost and Found ...... j audiences would receive the offer- week with the gang engaged in Announcements ...... g 1069 Main St So. Manchester also three room flat on second floor, SOUTH MAIN STREET, dandy 10 Open Eves Sc Sundays. Tel. 740 Toilet Goods and Services 25 Household Goods 51 all Improvements with garage, at room flat, lot 90x300 beautiful flower tags ot the leading American scouring the joints on recently laid Personals • — ...... IG.3 Oak street. Inquire 164 Oak or and rose garden, vegetable garden. tracks near the Center. FORD SEDAN in perfect condition, broadcasting stations. Automobiles for Sale ...... ca" 616 5. Plenty of raspberries, dandy loca­ 5 $135, Ford one ton truck $125. BUI FLORENCE OIL STOVE, four burn­ tion. Price right. Call Arthur A. The National Broadcasting com­ Automobiles for Exchange .... B SHULTZ BEAUTY PARLOR .. Auto Accessories—’Tires ...... McKee, 32 Laurel street. ers with white mantel, $15. Watkins FOR RENT— 4 ROOM flat, electric Knofla. Telephone 7S2-2, 875 Main pany expects to lay down a con­ TO WEAR STOCKINGS Auto Repairing—Painting . . . . . Used Furniture Store. 17 Oak street. light.s and gas. Inquire 73 Pearl street. crete proposal along this line at a OF DIFFERENT HUB 933 MAIN ST., HARTFORD So. Manchester. street. Tel. 1164-2. Auto Schools ••••••••...... conference here in the autumn with 8 1922 FORD SEDAN. $23. Paris.— Ladies, if you should Autos—Ship by Truck ...... g 1923 Gray Touring, $25. Takes great pleasure In announcing 58 TO RENT— 5 ROOM flat, all modern Sir John Relth, director-general of \utoS"*Eor i-.lT6 ...... that they will be open in the evenings Wanted— To Bny some day find yourself without a 3 arages-Servico-Storage ...... 10 1926 Overland Sedan. Improvements ready August 1st, t sh o w the British Broadcasting corpora­ by appointment. Call 3-1912. ___ Johnson’s Electric Company, 29 Clin­ ALL MANCHESTER pair'of stockings that don’t match, Motorcycles—‘Bicycles • • • • • V * * 19 JUNK—I will pay highest prjees for tion. Wanted Autos--Motorcy^le3 W CRAWFORD AUTO SUPPLY CO. ton street. In making this announcement. don’t worry. They shouldn’t match Oldsmobile Sales and Service 27 all kinds of Junk; also buy all kinds Bu>lne.> and Trotter & Center Sts. Tel. 1174 Courses and Classes of chickens, Morris H. Lessner, tele- TO RENT— 3 ROOM apartment In IS THE KIDDIES REVUE Merlin Hall Alesworth, president anyway, according to Paul Poiret, Business Services ...... i *.a Household Services Offered ....1 8 A phone 982-4. Forest Block, janitor service also of the National Broadcasting com­ Parisian designer. Put on a light OAKLAND 1923 touring car; 1923 MEN, BOYS, learn barberlng. ladles new five room tenement at 57 Sum­ pany, said the plan would be ex­ Building- 1 ontractlng ...... - Chevrolet 1-ton truck; both in A-1 r a g s MAGAZINES—Bundled paper stocking and a dark one and you’ll Florists— Nurseries ...... - hair cutting, latest methods taught mer street, all Improvements, steam condition. Apply to Frank E. House, assuring success. Special rate of and Junk bought at highest cash plained In detail to the head of the be right in style; at least you’ll be Funeral Directors •••••••••” • 7, heat, garage. Tel. 1986— August Youngsters to Be the Whole H e a t in g -Plumbing—Roofing .. 17 Wapping, Conn. Phone 129-12. tuition on day and evening courses. prices. Ph^re 849-8 and I will ca.l. u Kanehl. British Broadcasting system when In the style that Poiret Intends to Vaughn's Barber School, 14 Market Elsenberg. Works at State Theater For he attends the ceremonies Incident Insurance ...... 9 force upon America this fall. Indi­ M illin e r y -Dressmaking ...... street, Hartford, Conn. TO RENT—TENEMENT at 85 Gar­ Three Days. to the opening of the new National viduality— that’s his battle cry. Moving—Trucking—Storage .... ‘ v den street, all modern Improvements. USED CAR BARGAINS Rooms Without Board 59 Inquire 82 Garden street. Phone 1356 Broadcasting Company building in “ ■Why must women keep wearing Painting-Papering ...... Private Instruction 28 An all-Manchester product, the Professional Services ...... “ after 5 o’clock. New York. the same things all the time?’’ he FURNISHED ROOM for one man in Kiddie Revue, will makes its sec Problems Solved Repairing ...... 94 ...... $125 asks. “ The only variety to stockings Tailoring-Dyeing—Cleaning .. 24 1924 Runabout Box ...... PRIVATE INSTRUCTION given in all lirlvate family. Apply at 73 Pine JOHNSON BLOCK- Main street, 8 ond annual appearance at the State “ Tremendous______technical and en- grammar school subjects by former street. room apartment, all modern Im­ is what’s In them. Since a woman Toilet Goods and Services ...... Ford Touring ...... 60 theater on Monday afternoon and gineering problems as well as dlf- Wanted—Business Service ...... 1923 grammar school principal, for rates provements Apply to Albert Ha’ rl- has two legs, why does she dress call 215-5. will continue until Wednesday. The ficult program arrangements, due Eduentlonal Touring ...... 50 son. 33 Myrtle street. Phone 1770 or them alike? She should not.” 1922 Ford f u r n i s h e d ROOMS to rent. Apply to janitor. cast of 150 children has been re- to the difference In time between Courses and Classes ...... at 29 Cottage street. Private Instruction ...... 1924 Ford Fordor ...... 175 Help Wanted— Female 35 crulted entirely from local talent Londo'n and New York, had to be Dancing ...... 09 f u r n i s h e d r o o m with all modern RENTALS— Several desirable rents and has been coached and rehearsed solved before any plan could be for- Musical— Diamatlc ...... ‘ 1923 Ford Coupe ...... 75 conveniences for one or two re­ with modern Improvements. Inquire by Manager Jack Sanson of the | mulated,” Alesworth said. “We Wanted—Instruction ...... spectable gentlemen. Address Box L Edward J. HoIL TeL 660. feel we have not made sufficient irinnnclnl ...... 60 State. Bonds—Stocks —.Mortgages . . . . . 31 1922 TUDOR SEDAN ...... in care of Herald. WOMEN AND GIRLS to sew shade SIX ROOM tenement on Newman One of the acts will have to do progress to propose a definite plan For Sale Business Opportunities ...... street, modern improvements, steam 1923 Ford Touring ...... 60 grown tobacco. Meet truck South f u r n i s h e d r o o m s , kitchen, bed­ with the New York to Paris flight of cooperation with the British six room cottago house on Mill ,Money to t.oan ...... „. and North Manchester 6:30 a. m., room and bath room, all Improve­ heat. Inquire 147 East Center street. of Col. Charles A. Lindbergh.- Im Broadcasting system.” Money Wanted ...... 1924 Tudor Sedan ...... 200 ments. Inquire at 18 William street. Phon 1330. » He!i> and Sltnatlona daylight saving time. L. Wetstone & Belief was expressed that when street. Hotrae In good repair. Small Son, Inc. genious effects which are carried Help Want, d —Bemale ...... ’ B | 60 THREE ROOMS— Heated apartments out by means of a number of sus­ the head of the British Broadcast­ barm suitable for ^garage. Lot Help Wanted —Male . ------• ••. - > 1 Ea^y Ter i's On All of These Cars Country Board— Resorts Help Wanted-.Mtile or Female., 3. j with bath. Apply shoemaker, Trot­ pended airplanes will be seen in ing system arrives in this country, i 00x150 feet, with fruit trees. Just ter Block. I the coordination of facilities and Agents W iiiod ...... MYRTLE BEACH rooms with kitchen this act and the lighting is some- the place for a cosy home. Will be Situations .V.'iiited — t emale .. . JS 1 MANCHESTER MOTOR SALES CO. privilege, Cresmont Inn. Pole 107. ihiuc: original, developed by Mana the cooperation exchange of broad­ Situations Wanted —Male ...... | Help Wanted— Male 86 Mrs. Blatter. Phone 1545-2. casting programs would be worked sol* at a very reasonable price. I^ r Employinont Agencies ------' ger Sanson. Live S lock — Pets— Poultry— Vehicles Authorized Ford Dealers Liiusual Efifects. out satisfactorily to give both Am­ further particulars enquire of Dogs—Birds—Pels ...... Apartments— Flats— ABOUT TOWN The airplanes were constructed erican a,nd European radio llsten- Thomas Ferguson, 175 Main^fteeet.^ Dennis P. Coleman, Mgr. |ers the pick of two continents. Live Stock— Vehicles ...... : Tenements for Rent 68 ! and decorated by Edgar Anderson, Poultry ana Supplies ----- 1. .1069 Main St. Phone 740 the State’s scenic artist, and the Begin New Era Wanted — Pets —Poultry—Stock 44 BOYS to pick shade grown tobacco. Two minor accidents occurred “ The real beginning of the era For Sole— Mlscellaneona Meet truck South and North Man­ APARTMENTS—Two, three and four yesterday with slight damage to scenery against which they will be Articles for Sale ...... chester, 6:30 a. m., daylight saving room apai'tments, heat. Janitor eer- silhouetted has been brought from of International broadcasting Boats and Accessories ...... 4t> , cars and no Injuries to their occu­ radio w«l bring London to New time. L. Wetstone & Son, Inc. vlce. gas range, refrigerator, In-a- pants. Cars operated by John New York. A lantern will give Building .Materials ...... 4. 1926 OAKLAND COUPE door bed turniehed. Call Manchester the effect of falling roses and an­ York, Chicago and San Francisco, Diamonds —Watches—Jewelry .. 4S in excellent condition, small mileage. Construction Company. 2100 or tele­ Tamosltls of 201 Eldridge street and events of international Im­ Insurance Electrical Appliances—Radio • • 4.1 [ 1924 Ford 4-Door Sedan. phone 782-2. . and Vincenzo Giordano of Windham other lantern will project clouds on Fuel and Feed ...... I 1924 and 1926 Ford Touring cars. the screen, to give the idea of the portance carried by , the National Garden—Faeni— Dairy Products 50 Road figured in the first crash at Broadcasting company and asso­ Nearly twenty-five ^ [(25) Household Goods ...... Bl WARANTEE DEEDS New and Center streets. A car own­ progress of the airplanes. J. M. SHEARER ! CARPENTERS wanted. Apply at Job Billy Shea, who is making his de ciated radio stations will be trans­ Machinery and Tools ...... ° f CAPITOL BUICK CO. TEL 1600 i at Burr Nursery Monday morning. ed and driven by William Sebastian mitted to millions of European years ^cperience In Insurance Musical Instruments ...... Walter R. Hobby. but in the revue is cast as Lind­ Office and Store Equipment . . . . 54 Nathan Marlow, owner of the 25 of 280 Center street struck a pole homes, awaits technical coordina­ cent store ^t 8.63-867 Main street, bergh In this act and his plane is and kindred linea is at you r ser­ Sporting Goods— Guns ...... 55 at the corner of Forest and Pine called the Spirit of St. Louis. It tion and the final perfection of co­ Specials at the Stores ...... 56 I OAKLAND and PONTIAC Agents Wanted 87-A has renewed his -lease of those streets when Sebastian turned to operative plans between the Brit­ Wearing Apparel—Furs ...... -'7 will be convoyed across the stage vice through fhis office. premises for 16 years, beginning on avoid hitting a car driven by Mfs. ish Broadcasting corporation and Wanted—To Buy ...... B8 j SILK CITY OAKLAND CO. AGENTS— Sell gas 3c a gallon. Un­ October first. The lease Includes a by four other smaller machines Rooms— Board— Hof els^Resorfs 195 Center St. TeL 2169 Norman Cubberly. Leading characters in the cast, the National Broadcasting com­ Rcslnnrnnts usual high commission. Your address right of way to the store from pany, Alesworth continued. Rooms Without Board ...... 59 on cans. No fake. Guaranteed pro­ in addition to Billy will be Rosanna duct. Free particulars & proof. Keeney Court or Purnell place. When these are effected not only Boarders Wanted ...... 59-A The Manchester Realty company Mr. and Mrs. John Alblston oflu n d e, the leading lady; Myrtle Travelers of Haifford Country Board—Resorts ...... fO Lefebvre Company, Alexandria, Ont„ 342 Center street, and Mrs. Ray the greater part of the United Auto Repalrlug— Paintiug 7 Canada. has sold to Rene N. Rylander prop­ Muir, who sings and dances, and Hotels—Restaurants ...... H Shaw and son Clifford E. will leave Ada Robinson, who Is as versatile States, but the greater part of Wanted— Rooms—Board ...... 62 erty on Grove stree, foreclosed re­ Europe within range of the British RIGHT MAN to cover chain of stores. Monday for a two weeks’ automo­ as they come. These three are Lif e, !Kre, Renl Estnte For Rent VALVES AND CARBON Job, labor No selling. Leave goods; collect next cently by that company In default sLations will be able to Join In by Apartments. Flats. Tenements.. 63 charge on Chevrolet $4.50, Pontiac of a mortgage to Harry R. Ry­ bile tour, visiting various places of called upon to take the principal Business Locations for Ren. ... 64 trip. Should net $70.00 per week. Interest In New England, Montreal radio In the celebration of a heroic $6.50, Oakland $8.50. All work Peris Mfg. Co., Florin, Penna. lander. In what Is assumed to be female characters in the show and feat which thrills the world, like Casualj^i linii Houses for Rent ...... 65 guaranteed at Catlin’s Service Sta­ and Niagara Falls, their work in rehearsals has been Suburban for Rent ...... 66 tion, 255 Center street. South Man­ part payment for the property, Mrs. the recent receptlpn to Colonel Summer Homes for Rent ...... 67 chester. Rylander has transferred to the very good. Lindbergh In New York and Wash­ Wanted to Rent ...... 6 . CHAMP CLAM DIGGER HERE’S AN IDEA The prices for all performances Real Estate For Sale realty company land and buildings ington.”- Apartment Buildings tor Sale... 69 on Lydall street, the land measur­ will be 10 cents for children and 2 6 LAUGH THAT OFF Medomak, Ore.— Mary Anne Mc­ First Amateur Gardener: I don’t and 35 cents for adults. Matinee EDWARD J. HOLL Business Property for Sale ...... 70 Carthy, “ who went out to gather ing 145 by 60 feet. A camouflaged still was raided Farms and Land for Sale ...... 71 see why old BInks Is so unpopular. prices will be the same as those for In New Jersey. It was making stuff Houses for Sale ...... J" Husband: I wonder when you’ll clams,” probably never approached There Is probably nothing In the He lends you his mower. the evening. camouflaged as whiskey. TeL 560. 865 Main St. Lots for Sale ...... learn to make a cake like mother the record of Linwood B. Castner, Second A. G.: That’s so, hut he’s Resort Property for Sale ...... t4 who says he’s the world’s champ. world that gives a man that tired Suburban for Sale ...... 75 used to make. fixed it BO you have to drop a shill­ Some men will staYid up for the "Wife: Probably by the time you Castner recently beat his own rec­ feeling quicker than to have anoth­ Real Estate for Exchange ,....« 76 er man say, ‘‘.Why don’t you do as ing In a slot before It works.— fair sex everywhere— except In a Wanted—Real Estate ...... 77 make an Income like father used to ord by digging 22 bushels in pne street car. AncHon—Legal Notices Passing ShoWj^^Tj^.; Auction Sales ...... 78 make.— Passing Show, ‘ d 0.y, W ljii.. t,., 1^: 9] Legal f otices ...... 79 _«-» ■ —--— * 'By Prank Beck GAS BUGGIES—Junior to the Rescue 1 M I / / ] lun iJiA Shore Cottage HP YOU S NOT A Y € « , a w Bolton Lake— practically new. on water front, fireplace, fM NOT tAUTIFUL BAD U O E A r.-’Y HEAD! ►t h e y h a v e large porch. 5500 cash, balance easy terms. TMEY S HAD LOOKING BtHtiOtNG , W ITH LAWNS s Fairview Street— brand new single, six rooms, oak trim and TiV.E I IF r KNEW NEIGHBORHOOD NO BUSINESS FOR AMY AND ROSE BUSHES, fioors, steam heat. Only 5700 cash. Price only 56,600. T FEELS WHO BOUNCED THEATERS AKB> BUSTED. 1Z> SELL>^ M ORE ITLL BLEND RIGHT South Main Street— Flat of 10 rooms, modern conveniences, -V - ’5 I t h a t CHAIR OFF -NEIGHBORHOOD YOOtA M ILLIO N BATTLES, INTO THE SC^NERT. walk and curbing, lot 90x300 feet. Price only 58.500. HAD A MY S.DDME______STORES* SO TIME GETTH4G dollar plot a n d y o u THEY c o u l d n ’t KICK 5500 cash needed for a warrantee deed to a lot 50x200 feet TK.L THEY KNEW __OM WETJ____ KNOW AT THAT, AND WHY NOT A with a 0 room cottage and garage on it. House has gas. steam OF t *rl/-T RcAL , DID YOU LOOK MEK3H80RHOOO 7 C- Cfr-'.CB HOW MUCH VTX) OUR THINK OF ALU heat, etc. Price for all only 55,400. Convenient to Main UNDER THE AUTOMOBILE WHEM THEY FOUND h a d t o s p e n d .’ NEIGHBORS. T 1 « FREE street. LOUNGE FOR ADVERTISING FACTORY ? Pitkin Street-.i^well home of seven rooms, latest design and OUT I V.UG ONCl' b e s id e s , t h e p r w . LUNCHES' t h a t p iv o t IT WOULD Improvements, lot 90x200 feet. This Is a good bargain for lo o k in g for a y o u - ATE DIDNT TOOTH, AMYf GET YOU ! some one. 61,200 fa ctor y BREAK‘THEM. Come to Greenhlll Terrace If Interested In seeing nice SITE, homes. You- to be the Judge If you would like to live there. ; Some choice building lots for sale— 100x200 feet and 90x200 feet. All one family houses of better type. Where Individ­ uality predominates. ROBERTJ.SMITH 1009 Main Street. ___ REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE, STEAMSHIP TICKETS.


by t*ercy Cimfer SEIISE NONSENSE a g p p Y U)KAT OO ACW YX3 I ^OT A uyr (jw Mg’ I MAVBf VCW' c m . i p o n V k n o w - Oh, t o u n n o - ^BtfTTHaW^ H icxiw s"^ A MiBleading Ad. I t f o r A LOf CN YA 00 tuHCN iMnsfO But (t oowV AfhTT Qoruo M6 CIPC TMClglv M6 j u s r COOK OP AN’ M iaipN f O'THIWOS Large room adjoining bath. Nice Ya HAvg iuotmies room for a man and wife or M iNO to Wo^?RY) iR g A t iooHRyj QOUJN AIN»' I 6 o r The € v g N iN t h a t tfcr M TH6 UjAY /UiOPRVMC ^AUSC U K g TTMAT A i K 0 n 2 stenographer.—Helena (Mont). In­ M € A N org HOMg BIBLE QUIZ I tmink rbo MUCH AN THINK Now Much O’ YHC STARS dependent. THAT lAlNT n oth in' TH£Re IS IN M€ Min d . SHou;€0 My FATU€ff Answers to all questions in the The “Go-Getter's” Alphabet 7 A ct TV46 UJORLD- r t S / 0u r THC s m Q 'O o m r weekly Bible quiz are on another Yer an’ t o u »6 A—is for Action—we’re acttre as page: MONgV'— BIC MIUION5 O'M ILC5 O* NOTHIN* i£ r TticM cer m t i i c ;i—What Incident of Bible his­ fleas: ' B—is for Bustle—we're busy as ^ M O N gy. AN* IF A STAfi OOUCD SHIN£ tory from the book of Genesis is THROUGH A te THAT NOTHIN *- •SO 8RI6HT. r» Illustrated by the drawing below? bees! Q__is for Courage—we're dauntless UUMV SMOUtON'T J.SHlN^lurrH and brave: D__is for Daring—we’ll dare to the YHC TINT NOTHIN' THATi grave! p a r t o ' M 6 ? E—is for Energy—we’re full of “ P ep!” : j F—is for Fearless—we’re out for a “rep !” : G—is for Grit—and we never say “quit” : H—is for Happy—and, friends, we are IT!” ') I—is for industry—and we “hit the stdiUi ball” : ICopyright.__ ___B______P. L. Croiby,m------18Z1.------Johnson FeatureSjlnc. J—is for Justice—we play “square” with all: L—is for Love—and to love is to live! By Fontaine Fox WASHINGTON TUBBS H M—is for Money—we earn all we W est Toonerville N ew s Item can: if By, Crane N—is for Neatness—we’re “spick” V and we’re “span”! O—is for Openness—we’re “on the AffItBCH, ^ U » R e OOIHG GtagAT. NO—VdATCV^UKE' square” : W h i l e b e p t e g g e p -s w a s r e p a i m n q h i s c a p ^ P—is for “Pep’!!—and we’ve got LoOKOOT CAeSAft.'. some to spare! A c o u p l e o f THOSE 0IG ToWM TOUGHS C A M E Q—is for Quickness—we’re “there at the gong!’ BV AND LIFTED A BoTTLE OF L IC K E R R—is for Rightness—we seldom “go wrong!” r i g h t o f f BERTT'S Hipf S—is for Stamina—we always “stick” : T—is for Thoroughness—we “turn the trick”! U—is for Usefulness—we “do our b it” : w V—Is for Vigor—we Vibrate with it! O"''' W—is for Work—it’s our one “big­ gest bet” : X—is for Excel—we’ve never fail­ 2— For what amount of money ed yet! was Joseph sold into slavery by Y—is for Youth—though the years his brothers? may unfold— 3— To whom was Joseph sold inZ—is for Zip!—and we’ll never Egypt? grow “old!” 4— What position was held by Caiaphas at the time of Christ’s trial and crucifixion? T€M\ 9 0 t VAJWCIi N 5— For what sum of money did FLAPPER FANNY SAYS: HO—VDU GCftTA Judas betray Christ? ETWL attack. VOO ALU HKW D6RN CATS WWU6 I n 6— What king of Judah was TGoH-TA d o IB Tb PICK PICK \U*fAL « amitten with leprosy in the temple? A HrtAU ^POT A*« €WOOT. 7— When the Lord punished David, between what three afflic­ tions was he given choice? < S—How did Elijah divide the waters of the Jordan that he might cross the river? 9— What fate befell Jezebel In ■J?zreel? 10— Who was chosen king of Israel that he might rise up against © the house of Ahab?

vA <- “Many a man’s married happiness ( 3 depends on his lie-a-bility,” says an Oklahoma philosopher. So does his high gplf score and his prowess as a fisherman. (O Fontalnp Fox, 1927, The Bell Syndicate, Inc.) Reoni.8.>A’T.arp. igraarpYHEA sCTvici; inc.JVi.sV__ The tall, slow-moving girls are the ones who suffer from the pres­ ent styles and it is practically im­ By Blossei possible for a girl to look regal FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS A Fine M ess to Be In with more than half of her legs use. 0.8. PAT. orr. showing. 01S27 BY NIA hCHVICE. IWC. A Manchester lady culls this from I ’M 6BTTIM' SO Z CAM .•;y ; : COMB OM> OSCAG^ 7A A TS FU/O/OV' t CAM T REMEMBER the society column of the Atchison. DOM’7 EVE.A)M A /0 A stitch in time saves you from PlD£ A


' /

■ s A' A PEG. U s. PAT orr, ^ V Cte27 BY NCA >gnv»cl INC.

A sking Too M uch By Small SALESMAN SAM

'TW' (A prTTeR AVJ, \ KKOV) V ie U L A ^ \ COviUO^VT y o o 'R e . '^ 0 0 *TAr X ^ .OVDH’Y SeL L B H A " Vf* HOW D’YA ^OCTKS CT\?AMSPORT a Y |O M c $ 0 H \ T o o D ftR M E D T hpbT's o l d mpkc d o u g a l , I f ^ T ’ BY'TWe - y'.x YoO’O UKe Pt#\00 OlAfAOWC* W TOVHH'5 , SCLL A GOY . FOOT POP. OHLX^\ri5^ - ^ 5 T e e ? \ • is.' R IC H E S T , KBS'? y. SCOTCHMftHl ON T H IS S l O e — yotiM OtfARS ev-Ofe 1 F 7 7 BV-rwa !&OLOA*tO, .---- , coHo : Ro p e . f C>09r / ^------Ll T c.L i = i ^

!)3l nnimii!!j!i

-LA? by Gilbert Patten J A C K LOCKW ILL IN THE WOODS \ i rtK Si ixmY. i HEN COLOR THE PICTURE) The Tillies'watched the chocolate stop,” replied the little chocolate P in t drops hop in the lake and take drop. ‘‘We’re glad to reach the queer flops. And then the funny lit­ candy store and sell for what we’re tle things would run out on the worth. We bring the little children shore. The chocolate lake was quite cheer which we could never do a treat and made the Tlnies want right here. Why, if we didn’t go w to eat, but Scouty said, “I’m stuffed away, we’d be no good on earth.” right now and can’t eat any more.” And then the queer drop said, One little drop came up to them, “Good-bye. I’ll leave you now. My and paused and proudly said, coat is dry.’’ And In about a mom­ "Ahem! I euess you think we’re ent he had scampered out of sight. pretty nice. Well, If you do, you’re “Oh, look!” yelled Carpy, “there’s right. Our chocolate coats fit us a treat. Not far away is Caramel BO well, with proudness we would street. If we will all just hurry, like to swell, but that would crack we can reach that place ere night.’’ the chocolate off and leave us in a The bunch of them jumped to plight.” their feet and soon stood right on -s. I ^aw. __ .7**^ J And then it told the happy Caramel street. The sun was shin­ jlolc asictfl tlSTsliSlfiM k i^ o o n they w o o iitf brb«#it « for7 crowd that chocolate drops were ing up above which brought them of, II So the front of the tent was . Half the inhabitants w.. trlah "Just as soon as the judge dsotdes to not allowed to run around and play all bad luck. It made the caramels McNally, naturally hot-headed and p'jgnaciou's. leaped up, full jclosed, and, the fire was care- Woodlands, three miles from the anewer. "Hc’a workiM in hla garden Bila fbrsneom ^ l| because the sun would make melt a bit, and Clowny nearly threw (of flght. But Jack kept hie head, as usual. “Easy, Tom!" he the camping place, saw the. warned, gra»ihg hie frlemj’e arm. “We can’t afford to resist the (fully put out before Lockwill ‘ n’t know when he’lf foal Iftc a t^ n g ." Thwt ba w jrt « i t fock-, them melt. “Right in a box we’ll a fit. Said he, “The street Is young prisoners taksn Into tho; r the door with a huge key. * '^ 1 , thi* i Bbe soon be curled,” said he, “to ship melting and our little feet are 'law.” Elam rrye laughed tneeringly. “You bet ye can’t!” he said, and his chyms started for town iQok^p from* which Tony Arato; around the world.” Then Clowny stuck.”- 'leering at them. "But what ye’ve done a’ready’s goin’ to land the ■In custody of •the officers. tried to tell the drop how bad he l.whpie caboodle of ye in for a long atop.*; had sseapsdv ‘ g really felt. (The Tinymitea pick Jelly beans . * “Oh, it you’re grievljUL kindly in tfaa atoaeJ. i MANCHESTER (CONN.) EVENING HERALD. SATURDAY, irOLY ZS, l9Zf, ' M «■* ’ - SEliSE a»i NONSPE by i*CTcy Crodhr CUHAT OO <- AOx^ V X 3 MAV»€ Vt)W* (c m , I PonV KNOUi-\ CH, T d o n n o > A MlBleading Ad. I< ? o r A L o r ON I ^OT A COT ON ; AfNT C o r NO ' M€ CtPL TMR£y m e VA PO LUrt€M Large room adjoining hath. Nice iWnsfO euT IT oonV JUST COOK OP * a n ’ h i u i o n s o ’ t h in e s * NiiNO TO W OlW vj R6AC U)Of?f?T] OOiuN AN* 1 <5o r Ya h a v e wotfKiei room for a man and wife or 'UlONRVMe i’AuSC 1 i i € EVENIN ^ e r m m e ujay A r tv O n 3 A N ore h o m e ehom LIKE t h a t ? stenographer.— Helena (MoDt)< In* M € BIBLE QUIZ I th in k t &o Much An th in k hou)Much 0* THE rrARS dependent. 5CHOOt t h a t lAlNT o * M€ Miwa NOTHIN* THeftE. IS IN show ed MV fATHCR 7 Answers to all questions In the The “Go-Getter’s” Alphabet Ate THE UlORtD* JuST^ yts,et>TjM sm geoesti9 weekly Bible quiz are on another ' VET a n ’ t Ow e A— is for Action— we’re actiye as page: MONEY'— BIG M IU.ION5 0> MILCS O* NOTHIN* te r TiiCM ecr w *me fleas; ' m i — What Incident of Bible his­ ^ M O N gy. a n ’ IF A s t a r OOOCD SHINE tory from the book of Genesis is B— is for Bustle— we’re busy as THROUGH Ate t h a t NOTHIN*. -SIO SR teN T. Illustrated by the drawing below? C__is for Courage— we’re dauntless u/MV s h o u c o n ’t j S h in e t and brave: D__is for Daring— we’ll dare to the THE TINT NOTHIN' THATi ♦v grave! pAftT O* ME 7 E— is for Energy— we’re full of “ Pep!” : »c- F__is for Fearless— we’re out for a “ rep!” ; G— is for Grit— and we never say “ quit” ; H— is for Happy— and, friends, we are IT!” '> I— is for Industry— and we “ hit the ball” : Copi^ght P. L. Croiby, 1827, Johnson Faaturea^_lnc^ j — is for Justice— ^we play "square” with all; L— is for Love— and to love is to live! By Fontaine Fox WASHINGTON TUBBS H ]Vi—is for Money— we earn all we West Toonerville News Item can; By Crane K— is for Neatness— we’re "spick” and we’re “ span” ! O— is for Openness— we're “ on the wrikBCN, na'SA'. Nioo'^e ooiH o ^ C S teK X , NO--VlKTCV^UK6‘ square” ; W h i l e B e p .t e g g e p . s w a s r e p a i m n q h i s c a p ^ P—is for “Pep’!!— and we’ve got lookout ¥Dft. CAeSAR.1 some to spare! A COUPLE OF THOSE 6lG ToWM ToUGHS CAME Q— is for Quickness— we’re “ there at the gong!’ BV AND LIFTED A BoTTLE OF LICK ER y R— is for Rightness— we seldom “ go wrong!” /^IGHT OFF BERT'S Hipf S— is for Stamina— we always “ stick” ; T— is for Thoroughness— we “ turn the trick” ! U— is for Usefulness— we “ do our bit” : V— is for Vigor— we Vibrate with it! W— is for Work— It’s our one “ big­ n gest bet” ; X— is for Excel— we’ve never fail­ riS 2— For what amount of money ed yet! was Joseph sold Into slavery by Y— is for Youth— though the years his brothers? may unfold— 3— To whom was Joseph sold inZ— is for Zip!— and we’ll never I Egypt? grow "old!” 4— What position was held by Caiaphas at the time of Christ’s trial and crucifixion? ^ N€H\ but VAJWCIL 5— For what sum of money did FLAPPER FANNY SAYS: MO—VOU GOTTA QOM. attack too ALU GOMMA AOUO T rt6^ > €' Judas betray Christ? CA'fS M1WL6 I 6— What king of Judah was T'SO^TA d o IB Tb PICK smitten with leprosy in the temple? A MrtAU ^?Crr AH? €M00T. PICK \ITTAL DPOtS?, 7— When the Lord punished David, between what three afflic­ tions was he given choice? S— How did Elijah divide the I waters of the Jordan that he might cross the river? 9— What fate befell Jezebel in ;Jczreel? 10— Who was chosen }dng of Israel that he might rise up against the house of Ahab?

"Many a man’s married happiness < 3 depends on his lie-a-bility,” says an Oklahoma philosopher. So does his high gplf score and his prowess as a fisherman. (O Fontalnp Fox, 1927, Tht Bell Syndicate, Inc.) igtersY'iwA sCTVici; iMC.,'Va.s’ The tall, slow-moving girls are the ones who suffer from the pres­ ent styles and it is practically im­ By Blossei possible for a girl to look regal FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS A Fine M ess to Be In with more than half of her legs RBO. U. S. PAT. OFF. . showing. 01827 BY NtA NWVICE. IWC. 7AATS FUAJ/OV' A Manchester lady culls this from I’M SETTJM' so 1 CAM -Vy ■ ’ ^ OM> OSCAR t CAMT r e m e m b e r the society column of the Atchison. A stitch In time saves you from DOM'7 E.ME.M^ AM RIOS. MV PO/oy GOOD /oovo = !l’ ' — ' ' '* ’■ y i l l let 'iOU RiDS MV F t Pi^7 A S7AMP cm 7Aa t Kansas Globe— All one lady had on staying in the water until after ' POMV /OOUJ UR& r 7AOU6A7 AE'D OA.ASRS COMSS OSCAR-1'LO •'i' ! . ' ; • 3- letter t \wRors td m y her hack was a mole. dark. PROMISED VOO BE TICACCED To PISCES LBT A/M RIDS l7- )F X ASKED AIM UMGLS CLEM LAST : x . X MOOUL-0.’ .> ;J ' V TO RIDE .'/?? MO/ODAV p b a jo t .*? W


' /

A' A PEG. U. S PAT OFF. ^ V C1927 BY n£a »CRV»Ct INC. s.\. By SmaU SALESMAN SAM Asking Too Much

WHPkT'S T^' NSprCTER _ _ . AVI, \ KMOV) yoo’^E Yoo STeeP, — ...... - \ X TA f GAVe. , /n W\ Too OARHGD jj VP> OVON’T EELU / IT* HOW D 'TA ^OCTKS CT\^AMGPOR TA iT i O M c UKE f>t#\00 DIAtAOWD 60 THPiT'S o l d fAACOOUEAUJ ey^PECT m e t ’ B v r H e £ T e e ? \ ' TOWN'S y SELL GiX FOOT RICHEST . yTHpCT VI?rS 90RN S c o t c h m a n '. ON THIS s \ D e — yn ttu ^ 6 ioL O M e> evTife CORO Rope. = rm o a $ r / •‘i— r - I I \b -ISM' = ~ M ^ .

h nnimii!!)!i annj

H £ : -A—z. by Gilbert Patten JACK LOCKWILL IN THE WOODS ir t K S i 'm i . iHE.N COLOK THE PICTURE) Tiic Tinies watched the chocolate stop,” replied the little chocolate m i l drops hop in the lake and take drop. ‘‘W’e’re glad to reach the gueer flops. And then the funny lit­ candy store and sell for what we’re tle things would run out on the worth. We bring the little children shore. The chocolate lake was quite cheer which we could never do a treat and made the Tinies want right here. Why, if we didn’t go to eat, but Scouty said, “ I’m stuffed away, we’d be no good on earth.” right now' and can't eat any more.” And then the queer drop said, One little drop came up to them, “ Good-bye. I'll leave you now. My and paused and proudly said, coat Is dry.” And in about a mom­ "Ahem! I guess you think we’re ent he had scampered out of sight. pretty nice. Well, if you do, you’re “ Oh, look!” yelled Carpy, “ there’s right. Our chocolate coats fit us a treat. Not far away Is Caramel so well, with proudness we would street. If we will all just hurry, like to swell, but that would crack we can reach that place ere night.” the chocolate off and leave us in a The bunch of them jumped to plight.” their feet and soon stood right on ■’1 And then it told the happy Caramel street. The sun was shin­ I '' jaoic aeic(W tlw eheH ii'h^^ tney woul^Da hrbui^it ^ for crowd that chocolate drops were ing up above which brought them MoNally, naturally hot-headed and pugnacious, leaped up, full So the front of the tent was . Half the inhabitant* of. trial* "Juet at toon as the judge deiMea to JJ**? not allowed to run around and play all bad luck. It made the caramels Woodlands, three mllee from the answer. "He’s working In hla gardtn tM faranoow, wd I ! because the sun would make melt a bit, and Clowny nearly threw (of fight. But Jack kept hie Head, as usuaj. "Easy, Tom!” he jcloeed, and. the fire was care- warned, grasping hit frienij’e arm. “We can’t afford to resist the (fully put out before Lockwiil the camping place, saw the; [don’t know when he’lf feel like S? them melt. “ Right In a box we’ll a fit. Said he, “ The street Is young prUonefa taken into that Hng the 8oor with a huge key. * ^ 1 , * IT | | % Ifce Boon be curled,” said he, “ to ship melting and our little feet are rlaw."____ Elam Frye laughed1 eneeringly. “You------bet, ye------can't!" he said, and his chpms started for town Icwk-up from*whiah Tony Arato; •leering at them. "But what .ye’ve done a'ready’t goin* to land the lin custody of the officers. around the world.” Then Clowny stuck.”- had eaeapedv ■ tried to tell the drop how bad he '.vyhple qabpodje of yejn Jan tor^a Jong stop.*; really felt. (The Tinymitea pick jelly beana . ' “Oh, If you’re grieving, kindly in the anxt atortJ. f -. ' '' '■•■•* • ;■ ■^iv':S: >;k 'r-J ^ r. ■. ■'’ ir-fi'i


to bo diu.'ued for cleaning and any <4^— been made possible by W. 'W. Rob­ THE JOHNSON * AS USUAL, FIRST MAX ertson, who has always taken a other purpose that might necessi­ BREAKS BONE IN FOOT, SKULL FRACTURED HAS XO SHOAV AT ALL ; SWIMMING POOL deep Interest in all the affairs of tate the drnining of th) pool. The ELECTRIC CO. L A K E m CASINO ! i the town to promote the welfare of water levels will be' elg'at feet at its individuals. the deepest, and range to three STAYS RIGHT ON JOB Solicits Your Electrical Busi- « So. Coventry One good turn deserves an­ The pool is rapidly being com­ fei-t. Special provi.slon for an cigh- other. FOR NORTH END ness— Both Wiring and Fix­ IN QUEER ACCIDENT pleted and is ideally situated in toen-inch d' itb will 'O'.* made for Edward McCann of 53 High Peerless Orchestra. A fisherman came back to paddling for the ver> little follis. tures. Manchester the other night with that its water supply is for the street is still working as sweeper most part from excellent springs Sand and loi'. are being hauled for in the twisting room of Cheney DANCING SATURDAY EVG. the story to the effect that, in in and about the section, the pooi use where needed. First Class Work. casting his hook had almost Brathers’ throwing mill, although Estimates Cheerfully Furnished. Big Basin 3 to 8 Feet Depth; itself being located in a natural de­ Much granite work was neces­ he broke a small bone in his foot West Hartford Man, Trapped brought in a swallow. Ail the sary, and the granite lor ibis was man g®t out of it was a feather pression in the land, and shaded wJien a heavy beam dropped on it partially by trees on its banks. The furnished by 'W. A. Stricklahd. on Thursday. A Fine Line of Fixtures. . or two. 50-Foot Retaining Wall; retaining wall is some fifty odd DANCING By Own Auto and Trolley, I Now somebody comes along Mr. CcCann went to the doctors i with the story ihat a kingfisher feet in lenght and measuring "six at the plant, it is said, and was ex- 20 Clinton St. Phone 637>4 TONIGHT ' waited in a tree until the fisher- Result of Robertson's Ef­ feet at the foundation and three HOSPITAL NOTES amtaed. He was allowed to go Is Badly Hurt. ' man had cast his live ba:t into feet at the tot). A spillway in the back to work, the injury not being the water, then swooped down center will constantly ‘allow fresh considered serious enough to keep At the RAINBOW forts. Admissions: Mrs. William Hewitt him at home. and speared tlie shiner, taking water to enter and leave the pool. of Spruce street, Mrs. Charles HILL TASILLO’S ORCHESTRA Caught between Ills automobile half of it away with him. Ne.xt! Two five-inch gates controlled by a Sweet of North School street, Mrs. Admission 50c. and a trolley car, Orlo H. Smith of wheel gate key will enabU: 'he pool John Connors of 355 Charter Oak HOME BURNED 15 Brunswick street. West Hart­ After years of waiting, another street, Leroy Bleu of 9 9 Keeney Eastford, Conn., July 23.— Be­ ford. a building contractor, was j improvement has come to the north street, Orlo H. Smith of West cause the town has no fire equip­ OLD FASHIONED-MODERN ment, the home and barn of Mrs. taken to Memorial hospital last | end—^one which will add much to Hartford, Mrs. Mary Enrico of 136 VIOLIN DANCING night with his sktill fractured andj the health and enjoyment of thous­ Eldridge street. Celia Andert was completely de­ with lacerations about the head. | BOY BADLY HURT ands, particularly the boys and Discharges: Mrs. Sarah Mack of stroyed when fire broke out in her At City View Dance Hall His condition is not con.sidered crit-! .girls. A swimming pool is the im­ 44 Depot Square. dwelling here. leal and he regained consciou.sne.ss j OUTHTS Kociicv Street provement referred to and the later in the evening. IN FALL OFF WALL swimming pool will be a reality as TO-NIGHT Mr. Smith was on his way to soon as work upon it now in prog­ SHERMOOD’S ORCHESTRA Coventry where h:s family is staj^ ress is completed. .\dmission 50c. ing. When he reached the Love The swimming pool is being de­ FREE Lane switch he got cut of his car, veloped on the playgrounds of the evidently to talte a look at a tire. Nine Year Old Keeney St. Manchester Community Club on with a course of either His automobile was stopped facing Oakland street. It will be supplied M. A. FERRIS private or class lessons at ABOUT TOWN east but there was plenty of room ; Lad In Hospital With Skull by springs from the White’s woods between it and the trolley tracks. locality, and the pool will vary in Rev. George G. Scrivener, former Caiifflit Between Vehicles depth from three feet at the shal­ The Violin School liastor of the South Methodist As an east bound car approached, Fractured. low part to eight feet at its great-1 If You Are A Heating Contractor church, now pastor of St. Paul liowever, Mr. Smith^htirried around es depth. Newport, R. I., sailed toda.v for the rear of his car to the riglit It has been necessary to erect a | England, where he will visit his side, and was struck by the trolley granite retaining wall fifty or more Handy Man With mother. !Mrs. Scrivener, who is as it drew abreast of the automo­ Leroy Bieu, 9, son of Mr. and feet in length to hold the bank in 65 East Center St. KEMP'S S7 has not seen her son in several bile. Me was rolled along between Mrs. Andrew Bieu of 9 9 Keeney position. The swimming pool is lo­ years. the trolley and the automobile and street, is in Memorial hospital suf­ cated at the southwest section of A' Paint Brush then thrown to the ground. fering! from a fracture of the skull, the playgrounds. A dau.ghtcr was born in St. Fran­ He was taken to The hospital im-j the result of a fall at his home yes­ Intended primarily for tlie bo>-s and find tliat you can do odd cis hospital yesterday to .Mr. and mediatel.v. The auro was not dam-j terday afternoon. He was taken and girls of that section of the jobs around the house be sure Mrs. Harold C. Ross of Hartford. aged. i to the hospital at 2 o’clock. town, nevertheless grownupe will you use good paint on the work Mrs. Ross was formerly yiiss Maude The trolley car was in charge of The boy was playing near his be accorded its use within reason, McCleary of this town. Motorman Joseph Daley and Con home and had climbed to the top 'fhere will be three divisions in the you do. It takes no longer to 'doctor Kieran Coughlin. both of of al wall. He lost his balance and groups who will use it; 1. wading; spread the best g-rades of paint Mr. and Mrs. Millard V.'. Park Hartford. Among the passengers on fell to the ground, striking his 2, learners; 3, experienced swim­ and children will move no.\t week the car, and a witnesses to the ac­ and varnish but they will last liead on a stone. At the hospital mers. much longer than the cheaper from Oakland street to their recent­ cident, was Henry Ncttleton of his injuries were thought to .in­ Solves .\iiotIicr Problem ly purchased home on M oodbridge this town, who has control of all clude a fracture of the collar bone Another problem of the North brands. (.'all in and look over Why Not Prepare street, a new colonial cottage built east side lines of tne Hartford di­ hut it was said there today that he End will be met when the swim­ our stock. bv Harry England. vision of the Connecticut company. has no other hurts than the skull- ming pool at the playground is — for— fracture. completed. The North End has long Mr. and iurs. John Larrabec of He is resting comfortaltly. Strant streqj are spending a few needed a safe place for the boy.s DAUGHTERS OF SCOTIA and girls to learn to swim under YOUR SATURDAY OR SUNDAY TRIP days in Utica, N. Y. FOG HAMPERS LINDY healthful conditions as to water John I. Olson and social environment. IMany of Fainting and Decorating Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Jones and GREET GRAND OFFICERS Portland, Me., July 23.—A heavy daughter Evelyn of Woodbridge the small ponds that have been Contractor. fo.g han.ging over this city today used were either on private proper­ street have returned from a week's caused officials in charge of the 699 .Main St., Johnson Block auto trip to Niagara Falls and Can­ .''i.xty members of Helen Davidson ty or else not entirely fitted for Lodue. Daugliters of Scotia attend­ welcome to lie extended to Colonel swimming purposes, ’fhe pool has Sonfli .Manchester ada, Thou.sand Islands and northern Charles .-V. Eindber.gli to hold fears New York. ed the special meeting in Tinker hail last evening wlien th.e guests for his safety when he attempts a landing this afternoon on his ar­ Campbell’s Filling Station Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Taylor of Main of honor were tne grand chief daughter. Miss Annie E. Leslie of rival from Boston. street and younger children, Doris Conferences of weather bureau and Jane left today for an automo­ Philadelphia; Mrs. lUary Guest of Bridgeport, grand sub-chief; Mrs. officials and members of the recep­ bile trip through the M’hite Moun­ tion committee were being held to tains and Maine. During their ab­ Catherine McDougaii of New Brit­ determine the advisability of allow- W ho will benefit sence the twin daughters will have ain. .grand deput\' and .Mrs. Eli/.a Oil Drained Socony & Valvoline Gas Henderson of Farmington, |iast in,g Col. Lindbergh to come from with them their grandmother, itlrs. Boston by airplane. Hattie Taylor of Hartford. grand chief. Representatives of El­ your life insurance.^ len Douglas lodge of Hartford and Charles P. Allen of Hudson street I.ady tVallace lodge of New Brit­ Battery Trouble Flat Tires Fixed Is spending his vacation with his ain were also present. ‘amily who are summering at Nan­ Tlio program began with r rhicK- S p e c u l a t o r s and get-rkh- tucket. en dinner at the Hotel Sheridan, I R. W. Joyner which was attended by twenty-three quick promoters are often the Cars Greased and Springs Sprayed Mrs. Jere Maher, Mrs. Harry guest.s. officers and meinhers. The Fuller, Mrs. Fred Perkins and Mrs. ))arty adjourned to Tinl:er hall for i Contractor and actual beneficiaries of life in­ \rchie Palmer, all of Manchester the meeting at eicht o’clock. Chief surance money received by in­ Creen, motored down to White Daughter Miss ’Mn;' Prowii. pi-<‘sici- Hood Tires are still giving exceptionally good wear and mile­ ?ands beach yesterday to spend the ed and, following' The husiiu'.ss of Builder experienced or incautious heirs. age. Why not come in and let us put one on your car. .lay with Mrs. Edward Lynch who is the meeting, lu-escnte;! t(j tnu-h of 7 the distingui.‘--hcd olTieer.s. in be­ occupying the Howard cottage. Alteration and Repair Work You can safeguard your insur­ half, of Helen Davidson lodge, Given Prompt Attention. H. A. Schaller o' Schaller's Gar­ handsome Cheney silk searfs. The ance by arranging with us now ladies gracefully re;si)onded. thank­ age has delivered a three-quarter ■Residence 71 I’itkin Street. ton Graliam Bros, truclc to C. ing the members for the beautiful to act as trustee o f the proceeds. Campbell’s Filling Station Peckham, the milk dealer. gift.s. South Manchester. • Phone Fnder the direction of Mrs. l\Iar- Main Street at Middle Turnpike. Mrs. Jane Price of Laurel street, garet Sutherland and her assbei- accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Ed­ ate.s on the entertainment commit­ Let us explain the advantages of ward L. Hannon of New Britai i left tee, a id.easing program of Vocal today for Johnsonville, N. Y., where end in-trumcnlal music and recita­ I SUNDAY DINNER A Life Insurance Trust. Mrs. Price will visit her relatives tions was rendered b.\- members of I in that place and virlnily, that be­ the local and visiting lodges. Ice ing the place of her birili. cream and lady fingers were served i at the during the social hour which fol­ Mrs. James A. Irvine and her lowed. The Manchester Trust Co. brother, Louis Caldwell of Robert Road, are visiting with their motli- Geni'ge I). McDonald of 65 M.'u- HOTEL SHERIDAN South Manchester, Conn. ?r in Deerfield, Mass., while iMi Ii;:m street. Hanford, paid a fine Member of The American Bankers’ Association. Irvine is attending an officers’ re of .^lU and costs in the Manches'er i Turkey, Duck or Chicken don’t buy any car serve camp. police court this mornin.g for ci'.rt'din.gx He was arrested yester­ : with all the fixings, $1 A dau.ghtcr was born this morn- day afternoon by Ser.gcant William BSBHBBBOCeaKCZnZ inn to Mix and .Mr.s. Joseph L. Co- Ba'.Ton on Center street. i 12 M. to 2:30 P. M. t'iell of East GlastonlniiT. Tlie bah'" was born at .Mr.-x Howe’s Maternity ( T ^ until you Home. Mr. Coliell is employed by Cheney Brothers. Miss May Brown, of 20 Arch I PLUMBING FIXTURES Ureet, chief daughter of Helen Da- A ridson I.odge Daughters of Scotia, (?. Price alone should never govern either tlie selection of the is entertaining Grand Chief Mis.-^ ^ fixtures or the plumber to do tlie work. Assurance of good ma- .\gnes E. Leslie of Bnlladelphia and terial and workmanship i.s certain only when there is no falso Grand Sub-Chief Dau,ghter Mrs. economy in buying plumbing and when good judgment selects Mary Guest of Bvidvcpori, during the men to install it. their stay in town. Mrs. Charle.-^ .\. Sweet of Wood­ land street, who was removed to i JOSEPH C. WILSON the Memorial hospital yesterday A BUICK suffering from a slight shock, is re­ ^ 28 SPRUCE STREET, TELBPHO.VE 641 ported as resting comfortably to­ I i day. DE.UTH OF MRS. ELIZABETH M. LAY. iiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmmiisiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim a New NASH Mrs. Elizabeth M .Lay who died at the home of her niece in Ben­ 3 New Series nington, 'Vermont, will be brought to Manchester tomorrow for burial In the Buckland cemetery. Mrs. Lay was 92 years old and New Lower Prices had been in fairly good health for one of that age until within the last few weeks. Before her marriage she was Miss Elizabeth Gardner in V and was a cousin of the late Mrs. Easiest Riding* Finest, Fastest Harriet Sweet. She is a second cars you ever traveled in cars Nash ever built cousin of William E., Miss Nellie TNaw on display and George Keith, and Dr. F. A. Sweet. In her early married life she lived here and in Hartford but for many yeasr has made her home with her niece in Bennington, occa­ sionally visiting relatives here. Smartest Looking* Most Luxurious Rev. E. P. Phreancr will conduct all Buick dealers cars you ever^ saw cars ever offered in this field the services at the family plot in the Buckland cemetery tomorrqw at 2 p. m. PROCRASTINATION Isn’t it peculiar why people will put off ordering DAVID CHAMBERS coal until the last minute when they could just as Smoothest, Quietest Easiest Steering well have their bins filled before the cold weather cars youVe ever known cars you’ve ever handled CONTRACTOR arrives ? i t It’s human nature to put off until tomorrow what and can be done today, but every sudden cold snap Capitol Buick Co. keeps us busy writing orders, each order stating BUH.DER “must be delivered at once.” Main Street at Middle Turnpike, All of which leads us to ask, have you ordered , 68 Hollister Street, South Manchester MADDEN BROTHERS ^ your winter supply of coal ? Manchester, Conn. THE W. G. GLENNEY CO. Main St. At Brainard Place So. Manchestei « First and Second Mortgages Allen Place, Manchester. . For the 24tli year Buick has aRaiu fiilfilletl this promise: . . .T arranged on all new work. iilllllllllllllllllulUllllllllllimiimuiuuiujumiiimmujuuumjuuiiuimmiimuanMA [ When Better Automobiles Are BuJJt . . . Buick Will Build Them -*
