COVID-19 Please contact individual Activity Providers listed in this booklet for up-to-date information on availability of services. Thank you ADVICE AND SUPPORT FURTHER INFO ADAPT (NORTH EAST) 01434 600599 Operates a Dial-a-Ride transport service to Hexham, Morpeth, Adapt (North East) Prudhoe and Ponteland - including a Getabout Car Scheme. Burn Lane, Hexham, NE46 3HN
[email protected] AGE UK NORTHUMBERLAND 01670 784 800 Provides a range of independent support and advice for the over Age UK Northumberland 50s, their families and carers - including money matters, home Ashington and care, health and well-being.
[email protected] ALZHEIMER’S SOCIETY 01670 813255 (Ashington) Provides information, support and advice for people affected by
[email protected] dementia and their families in Northumberland. A Dementia Adviser Service and Side by Side Service are in the area. DEMENTIA CONNECT SUPPORT LINE 0333 150 3456 Textphone: 18001 0300 222 1122 DEMENTIA UK: ADMIRAL NURSES 0800 888 6678 Provides specialist support for families through our Admiral Nurse service.
[email protected] FAIRNINGTON CENTRE 01434 612800 The West Northumberland Older Adult Team provides specialist Fairnington Centre assessment, treatment and care for older people with mental health Corbridge Road, Hexham, NE46 1QJ problems. HEALTHWATCH NORTHUMBERLAND 03332 408468 The independent champion for users of health and social care services.
[email protected] Listens to your experiences and works with those providing care, to make improvements for everyone. Also runs a signposting service.