MHA Sunday 2018 – ‘Full of Years’ Order of Quiet and Reflection

Music as people arrive (see Notes at end) Welcome and Introduction Scripture Sentence: The righteous … will still bear fruit in old age; they will stay fresh and green Psalm 92 v 14 Let us be still together and turn our attention to God (Silence) The Lord is here His Spirit is with us Holy God, Holy and Mighty One, Holy and Strong One, Abide in us. Holy God, Holy and Incarnate One, Holy and Indwelling One, Abide in us. Holy God, Holy and Life-giving One, Holy and Guiding One, Abide in us. Hymn or music: Be still for the presence of the Lord or Silent, surrendered (see Notes at end) (Silence)

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Reading: Grey hair is a crown of glory; it is gained in a righteous life. The glory of youths is their strength, but the beauty of the aged is their grey hair. Proverbs 16 v 31 and 20 v 29 (NRSV)

Is not wisdom found among the aged? Does not long life bring understanding? Job 12 v 12 (NIV)


Reading & Reflection: Luke 2 v 25-40 Take time to look at ’s painting, ’s Song of Praise (1669). Reflect on Simeon’s encounter with the child Jesus. t_-_Circumcision_-_WGA19111.jpg Rembrandt was inspired by the story of Christ being presented in the Temple to create at least two paintings. At around 25 years of age, he paints a grandiose and dramatic scene. A towering set of steps thronged with onlookers goes up into darkness and at the foot of the steps is Simeon, holding the Christ child*. As an old man Rembrandt paints the scene very differently. Now his focus is on the human and the poignant. He contrasts the elderly Simeon with the new life being held with such care in his arms. This may well have been Rembrandt’s last painting; it was found unfinished in his workshop the day after he died. The offering of Jesus by Mary and Joseph was to fulfil their religious duties. Jesus would have been just one of many male infants brought that day. The temple would have been busy with people and animals. Yet Simeon and Anna recognise this unlikely baby barely 6 weeks old to be the promised Christ, the one sent by God to redeem Israel. Wise and holy people that they are, they see that God is doing something new.

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Simeon takes Jesus in his arms and speaks words of prophecy which are heard, it seems, by Mary, Joseph and Anna alone. His song of recognition has become one of the most well-known and best loved Bible passages – the Nunc Dimittis. For both Simeon and Anna this revelation is a moment of profound joy, the culmination of years spent waiting faithfully on God and being attentive to the Holy Spirit. The child is the fulfilment of their faith in a future when God’s salvation will be given to all; a gift to be received with open and thankful hearts. A reciprocal giving and receiving in which humanity is held in the loving arms of God. Take time to consider who have been the holy people in our life, the people with wisdom and experience, the people who have reflected the light of Christ? We hear Simeon identifying Jesus as a light to lighten the nations. How can we reflect and be bearers and sharers of the Light of Christ in our world today? “Wisdom begins with attentiveness to God in prayer and worship, and alertness to the signs of God’s coming in daily life. And wisdom grows when we give ourselves time to reflect, and give God time to reveal truth to us. Simeon and Anna took time – time to stand on the edge of the mystery of life and wonder at it.” Ann Lewin “God expects old people— to be the sowers of new seed; to be midwives of change; to be the ones who recognise and name the new directions which society has to take; to be the ones who applaud and encourage young potential.” John Bell * Simeon in the Temple (1631) t_Harmensz._van_Rijn_145.jpg

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Nunc Dimittis: (may be said responsively) My own eyes have seen your salvation Now, Lord, you let your servant go in peace: your word has been fulfilled. My own eyes have seen the salvation: which you have prepared in the sight of every people. A light to reveal you to the nations: and the glory of your people Israel. My own eyes have seen your salvation

Hymn or Music: O God, you search me and you know me/The Gabriel’s Oboe (see Notes at end)

POEM: Senior Moment by Ann Lewin His parents brought him in obedience to the Law, A baby six weeks old, To offer thanks and Dedicate their son. Nothing unusual- But Simeon and Anna, Revelation.

Only mentioned once, These two had been around Waiting and watching Prayerfully for years, Longing to see salvation. And patience was rewarded When they saw the Child. A moment of recognition And they spoke about

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Fulfilment, theirs and his. For once old people Had the best lines. Age does not have to mean Diminishment. There may well be Constraints, but there is also Space and time for patient Prayerful growth to Wisdom’s fruitfulness.

Silence: (15mins)

Prayers God, you are our refuge and our strength in youth and old age, from our mother’s arms to our life’s end. Help us to trust your love, to serve your purpose, to tell of your faithfulness and to praise your name, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen The Lord’s Prayer Christ be within us to keep us, beside us to guard, before us to lead, behind us to protect, beneath us to support, above us to bless.

Hymn or Music: Spirit of God, unseen as the wind/Skye boat song (see Notes at end)

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Notes Hymns may form part of the service as appropriate for the people and the setting; alternatively music may be played at various points.

Suggested hymns: Be still for the presence of the Lord [STF 20; MP 50; HO&N 67]] As the deer pants for the water [STF 544; MP 37; HO&N 45] Spirit of God, unseen as the wind [STF 394; MP 1351] May the mind of Christ my Saviour [STF 504; MP 463; HP 739; HO&N 447] O God, you search me and you know me [STF 728; MP 1343]

Suggested music: Taizé chants: The Lord is my light; Veni Sancte Spiritus; Adoramus te Christe Margaret Rizza songs & chants: Silent, surrendered; You are the centre: Veni, lumen cordium

Other reflective music: The Gabriel’s oboe; Ashokan Farewell; Cadfan’s Blessing; Mozart Piano Concerto no 23, Adagio; Mozart Concerto for Flute & Harp, 2nd movement

Key to hymn books: (STF) Singing the Faith; (MP) Mission Praise; (HO&N) Hymns Old & New Complete Anglican; (HP) Hymns & Psalms

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