Minutes Department of Aeronautics & Astronautics November 7, 2011

Attending: Breidenthal, Dabiri, Ferrante, Hermanson, Jarboe, Kurosaka, Lin, Livne, Mesbahi, Milroy, Morgansen, Shumlak, You; Maczko

Absent: Feraboli, Mattick, Vagners, Slough

Excused: Bruckner

ANNOUNCEMENTS: • Department laptops and data projectors will now be checked out from Josh Bean’s office in Guggenheim 320. This change will ensure increased security and accountability for the items being in a locked room with very limited access and the items are now closer to the computing support staff responsible for maintaining them. • Department master key is still missing. • naming update - Boeing at present does not have the money discussed in previous negotiations, so the naming discussions are on hold. It is not known when they will be continued. It has also surfaced that apparently there was no “gentleman’s agreement” between our department and Boeing. Boeing was confusing us with a deal in the works with State University. They would still like to move forward with the deal but our preference would be to reset the negotiations. • Mubadala Update – President Young was planning to visit Dubai and it was hoped that he would have an opportunity to push for a firm signing date, but the trip did not happen. There are differing opinions about when the signing should be and an agreement about the date has not been reached. Mubadala is completing a budget review process so the agreement can’t be signed until the review is complete. There are now questions about the fast track program and whether we can get their students through the enrollment process in time. David Szatmary, Vice Provost of UW Educational Outreach, would like to know our faculty’s opinions about the latest developments. Feelings are mixed, ranging from skepticism that the deal will ever be official to indifference, but more most still feel it’s a good idea. It was suggested that we remind Mubadala officials of our deadlines if they are still interested in this partnership.

DEIDRE GIRARD – DEPARTMENT PUBLICITY In an effort to increase our visibility on campus and off, Deidre will be creating an e-newsletter that highlights faculty research and accolades. The first issue will is targeted for January and will be sent monthly after that. The e-newsletter will be sent internally to start and a broader audience will be considered later.

REPORTS FROM COMMITTEES Computer Committee: Prof. Shumlak – Brian Leverson, Senior Computer Specialist, is putting together a proposal to get large computer resourcing for the department. This same proposal was submitted last year but was denied. Brian feels it is better supported this year and will be approved. Submission process is in January. Graduate Committee: Prof. Morgansen – The first committee meeting will be November 10th. Items to be discussed during this year are: 1) removing prerequisites for some graduate classes; 2) online application review process; 3) schedule the prospective student visit day; 4) enhanced training/review of TAs/RAs; 5) make graduate course syllabi available on department website; 6) incorporating graduate student research presentations/poster sessions into department events; 7) AA grad advisor discussion (?); 8) Professional Master’s Program; 9) vision of the grad program; 10) development of 5 year survey of alumni; 11) development of


recruitment plan; 12) other issues that need to be addressed. All faculty members will be able to review applicants for admission online, but the committee will still make final decisions. Search Committee: Prof. Mesbahi – The ad for the new faculty position is circulating among committee members. The committee is waiting to see if AMATH wants to appoint someone to the committee. AMATH wants to make sure the candidate selected is aligned with their strategic goals. There is a possibility that if AMATH decides not to join our department in this hire, we could possibly align with another department. AIAA: Prof. Dabiri – The students would like to have more of a professional level of participation in their organization, so they have arranged a networking night and invited different companies to attend. They will also be setting up a table at an upcoming technical symposium where they will display senior design projects and advertise the wind tunnel. They are hosting the AIAA Regional Conference and are currently working on setting up tours. CoE Promotion & Tenure Committee: Prof. Mesbahi – Currently there are 11 mandatory and 11 non- mandatory cases. The committee is reviewing two cases per week. No reports from the following committees: Undergrad Committee, Safety Committee, Peer Review Committee, Boeing Professorship Committee, Diversity Committee, Instructional Lab Committee, Social Committee, Space Allocation & Utilization Committee, Space Systems Committee, Strategic Planning Committee, UWAL Committee, Sigma Gamma Tau, CoE Accreditation Continuous Improvement Committee, CoE CEP Committee, CoE EDGE/UWEO Advisory Committee, CoE Executive Committee, CoE Council, Manufacturing Steering Committee, UW Faculty Fellows, UW Faculty Senate REAPPOINTMENT VOTES FOR 2012-2013 Courtesy appointment voting results can be found on the last page.

Reappointment votes for Research Professor Richard Milroy, Affiliate Instructor Patrick Safarian and Affiliate Assistant Professor Patrick Stickler were tabled until the December 5, 2011 faculty meeting.

APPOINTMENT VOTES FOR 2012-2013 Appointment of Deiter Zube to Affiliate Associate Professor: 13-appoint, 0-do not appoint, 0-abstain Appointment of Tad McGeer to Affiliate Associate Professor: 13-appoint, 0-do not appoint, 0-abstain

DISTINGUISHED ALUM CANDIDATE DISCUSSION The following were mentioned as possible candidates: Dana Andrews Ron Dittemore Greg Johnson Leland Nicolai Heather Ross Paul Robertson Bruce Gronewegen Kevin Fowler

Faculty should be prepared to talk in depth at the next faculty meeting about their candidate. Professor Morgansen voiced concern over the lack of diversity in the choice of distinguished alum over the previous years.

NEW None

ADJOURNED Meeting adjourned at 5:09pm.


Courtesy Appointments 2012-2013 voting results

RENEW? FIRST YES NO ABST LAST NAME NAME RANK SPONSOR 14 0 0 Bauer Pascal Affiliate Professor Bruckner 14 0 0 Chappelle Doug Affiliate Associate Professor Breidenthal 14 0 0 Den Hartog Daniel Affiliate Professor Shumlak 14 0 0 Devasia Santosh Adjunct Professor Morgansen 14 0 0 Dougherty Robert Affiliate Associate Professor Kurosaka 14 0 0 Housen Kevin Affiliate Professor Holsapple 14 0 0 Khalil Gamal Affiliate Associate Professor Dabiri 14 0 0 Ly Uy-Loi Affiliate Associate Professor Hermanson 14 0 0 Mani Ramani Affiliate Professor Kurosaka 14 0 0 Mohaghegh Michael Affiliate Associate Professor Lin 14 0 0 Murphy Susan Affiliate Associate Professor Chair 14 0 0 Nelson Chet Affiliate Associate Professor Livne 14 0 0 Paisley Dave Affiliate Associate Professor Livne 14 0 0 Rassaian Mostafa Affiliate Professor Feraboli 14 0 0 Rhines Peter Adjunct Professor Breidenthal 11 1 2 Riley Jim Adjunct Professor Hermanson 14 0 0 Robertson Paul Affiliate Associate Professor Livne 14 0 0 Schmidt Eckart Affiliate Associate Professor Chair 10 1 0 Slough John Research Associate Professor Chair 14 0 0 Vaughan Charles Affiliate Associate Professor Chair 14 0 0 Winglee Robert Adjunct Professor Jarboe