Iiatuatra Tiiitur Vol
;iiatuatra tiiitur VoL. 13 _ KINGSTON, JAMAICA, AUGUST, 1938. No. 7 THE CHRISTIAN'S' HOPE The coming of the Lord has been in all REPORTS OF FURTHER PROCESS BY MRS. E. G. WHITE ages the hope of His true followers. Writing under date of July -11-PaStior The Saviour's parting promise upon Stockhausen reporiS, co4Ceiengi the ta- When the Saviour was aboht to be Olivet, that He would come again, lighted bernacle meetings at FalniOilth: "We are separated from His disciples, He comfort- up the future for His disciples, filling planning- to bind off (kite 'effoq,:he're== atis ed them in their sorrow with the assur- their hearts with joy and hope that week Wednesday night;anclil ance that He would come again: "Let not sorrows could not quench nor trials dim. for Montego Bay after ,that- -meeting. I your heart be troubled In My Amid suffering and persecution, "the think that Brother Robertson and Miss Father's house are many mansions appearing of the great God and our Sangster can look after ,things here from I go to prepare a place for you,. And if Saviour Jesus Christ" was the "blessed now on. We had an- attendance of forty I go and prepare a place for you, will hope." When the Thessalonian Christians last Sabbath with nineteen, ' enrolled .'in come .again; and receive you unto My- 'the baptismal claSs." - self." "The Son of man shall come in His glory,, arid all the holy Angels with Pastor H. Fletcher reports the organi- Him. Then shall He sit upon the throne zation of two more Sabbath schools in St.