1) Preen Reunion 2019

Last year I found it very difficult to organise the Reunion and so I decided, reluctantly, that I could not do so again this year. Luckily Rev. Phillip Bytheway came to the rescue and volunteered to organise a reunion in Church Preen, the centre from which the family originated. So I am happy to tell you that: -

The Preen Family History Study Group are holding their next Annual Reunion on Saturday 22 June 2019 In Church Preen Village Hall, starting 10am

The day will offer friends and relations the opportunity to come along and enjoy a good chat about their own family history and the Preen family in general. After morning tea/coffee, there will be talks about the Preen family and general research topics. This will be followed by the AGM, lunch, a Group Photocall and afternoon activities.

The Gardens of Preen Manor will be open, Entry price £6.00 at entry.

The nearest Railway Station is . There is a possibility of transport for a very small number. There is plenty of accommodation in and near Church Stretton. For example: - The Bottle and Glass, Mynd House, The Hayloft., Victoria House, Sayang House or The Bucks Head.

Booking arrangements… The cost is £15 per person. To reserve your place: Please supply your details by completing the form below and sending it, with a cheque (payable to Rev P. Bytheway), to ‘2019 Reunion’, Buxton Cottage, All Stretton, SY6 6JU . Confirmation and further details will be sent when we receive your Booking Form and cheque. Also see our website Enquiries by telephone 01694 723907

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Booking Form: 31st Preen Annual Family Reunion

Name (s): ...... Tel’ number(s):……………………………



...... Number of people attending: ………..

Email address: ……………………...... 2). Preen Reunion 2018

This was held on SATURDAY 2nd JUNE 2018 in and was our 30th annual reunion. It was organised by myself (Susan Laflin) and Philip Davies (your Chairman) and was held in the Gateway Centre in Chester Street, Shrewsbury. Our intention in choosing this venue was to make it easy for members of the family to get there, since it is close to both the railway station and the bus station. Sadly this did not result in an unusually large attendance.

Although few Preens actually lived in Shrewsbury, the meeting was held there because it was the county town and an important centre which most of them would have visited frequently. The meeting started at 10am with tea or coffee and a welcome and introduction. It followed the usual format with talks about the history of the family (this time focussing on Family F03), time for discussion and a short AGM. Lunch was included in the cost of £15 per person (£20 for late bookings) and was followed by a group photo-call, shown on below.

In the afternoon Stan Stedman, MBE a knowledgeable and most friendly Shrewsbury Town Guide joined us to take members on a walking tour of Shrewsbury. The PFHSG made a donation to the Harry Johnson Trust in appreciation of his services. The less energetic remained in the Gateway centre to study the family archives or just to chat with other members of the family. The meeting concluded with tea and once again Philip and his wife prepared a special cake for the meeting.

3) GDPR Legislation.

You have probably had communications from dozens of societies as a result of this legislation. Although a small group, the PFHSG is also included in this legislation and we cannot continue to hold your details on our files or send you information about the group unless we have your explicit permission. So I have prepared the following statement (shown below) of reasons for wishing to store some information about the members.

PREEN FAMILY HISTORY STUDY GROUP The group exists to study the history of the PREEN family. It produces a Newsletter ("Preen News"), organises reunions and publishes books. In the past, we have held a mailing list of members' names, emails and addresses so that we can send you information about these activities. This is the only use we have made of this list - we do not send your details to anyone else. With new GDPR legislation, we now need your explicit permission to continue to maintain this list. If you have not already completed such a form and you wish to continue to receive information from us, please complete the form below, sign and date it, and then send it by post to: "PFSG Archivist, 757 Pershore Road, Selly Park, B29 7NY ENGLAND"