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SCRS/2002/164 (Rev) Col. Vol. Sci. Pap. ICCAT, 55(1): 292-302 (2003) PRELIMINARY ANALYSIS OF SOME PELAGIC FISH DIET IN THE EASTERN CENTRAL ATLANTIC Richard Sabatié1, Michel Potier2, Caroline Broudin3, Bernard Seret3, Frédéric Ménard4, Francis Marsac2 SUMMARY In the framework of the BETYP program, some scientists of the IRD took part to cruises on board the Japanese R/V Shoyo-Maru. Three cruises were done from October to December 2000. These cruises covered the Eastern Central Atlantic from 10° to 40°W and from 20°N to 10°S. Fish were caught with long-line and micronekton with an IKMT (Isaacs-Kidd Mid-water Trawl). 135 stomach contents and 30 tows have been analyzed. Istiophoridae and Thunnidae are opportunistic feeders, fish and crustaceans being the main components of the diet. Swordfish seem to have a more specialized diet with molluscs dominating in the northern part of the region and fish in the southern part. Lancetfish, which exhibits, like tunas and swordfish, large vertical movements, eats crustaceans and fish. In this region of the Atlantic, tuna caught with longline have a more heterogeneous diet than tuna caught with purse seine. This result could be linked to different behaviour (with emphasis on vertical movements) among the species and the size of individuals. Comparison between the diet of the pelagic predators and the catch composition of the tows is difficult, as the determination of some food items has not yet been done. Such work is still in process and will allow a better understanding of the prey-predator interactions. RÉSUMÉ Dans le cadre du programme BETYP, des scientifiques de l'IRD ont effectué trois embarquements à bord du navire de recherches japonais, le Shoyo-Maru, entre octobre et décembre 2000. Ces missions ont été déployées dans la zone Est de l'Atlantique Central entre 10 et 40° de longitude O et 21° de latitude N à 10° de latitude S). Les poissons ont été pêchés à la palangre et des chalutages de micronecton ont été réalisés avec un chalut IKMT (Isaacs - Kidd Mid-Water Trawl). Le contenu de 135 estomacs et de 30 traits de chalut a été examiné. Les résultats montrent que les Istiophoridae et les thons sont opportunistes et se nourrissent d'un grand nombre de proies où poissons et crustacés sont de première importance. L'Espadon, plus spécialisé, semble s'alimenter préférentiellement sur des mollusques en zone nord et sur les poissons en zone sud. Les Alepisaurus, capables aussi d’effectuer d’importants mouvements verticaux dans la colonne d’eau, se nourrissent de crustacés et de poissons. Dans cette région de l'Atlantique, les thons capturés à la palangre semblent avoir une alimentation plus diversifiée que celle observées chez les thons pêchés à la senne. Ce résultat est à relier à des différences comportementales (associées principalement aux déplacements verticaux) entre espèces et taille des individus. Il est encore difficile de comparer avec précision les contenus stomacaux et la composition des traits de chalut à micronecton. La détermination d'une partie des taxa recueillis est une autre difficulté. Le travail est en cours et il devrait permettre de mieux comprendre les interactions entre prédateurs et proies. RESUMEN En el marco del programa BETYP, los científicos del IRD han efectuado tres embarques a bordo del barco de investigación japonés Shoyu-Maru, entre octubre y diciembre de 2000. Estos cruceros cubrieron el Atlántico central y oriental desde 10º a 40º W y desde 10º N hasta 10º S. Los peces se capturaron con palangre y micronecton con un IKMT (palangre epipelágico Isaacs-Kid). Se analizaron 30 operaciones y 135 contenido estomacales. Los istiofóridos y los túnidos son especies de alimentación oportunista, y los peces y crustáceos son los principales 1 ENSAR Halieutique, 65 rue de Saint-Brieuc, CS84215, 35042 Rennes Cedex , France ; [email protected] 2 IRD, BP172, 97492 Sainte Clotilde Cedex, La Réunion ; [email protected] 3 MNHN , 43 rue Cuvier 75231 Paris cedex 05, France 4 IRD, Centre de Recherche Halieutique Méditerranéenne et Tropicale, Av. Jean Monnet , BP171, 34203 Sète cedex, France 292 componentes de su dieta. El pez espada parece tener una dieta más especializada dominada por los moluscos en la parte septentrional de la región y por los peces en la parte meridional. Los Alepisaurus, capaces también de efectuar importantes movimientos verticales en la columna de agua, se alimentan de crustáceos y peces. En esta región del Atlántico, los túnidos capturados con palangre parecen tener una alimentación más diversificada que la observada en los túnidos capturados con cerco. Este resultado puede relacionarse con las diferentes conductas (asociadas sobre todo a los desplazamientos verticales) entre especies y tallas de los especímenes. Todavía resulta difícil realizar una comparación precisa entre la dieta de los depredadores pelágicos y la composición de captura de las operaciones de arrastre puesto que no se ha realizado todavía una determinación de los productos alimentarios. Dicha labor está todavía en proceso de realización y debería permitir una mejor comprensión de las interacciones entre depredadores y presas. KEY WORDS Istiophoridae and Thunnidae, feeding behaviour, stomach content, pelagic environment, longlining, eastern central Atlantic. 1. INTRODUCTION The “Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement” (IRD) has initiated in 2000 a program on trophic ecology of pelagic predators (tuna and related species) (Marsac, 1999). One of the Thetis program objectives is the study of the predator-prey interactions in some deep-sea pelagic ecosystems of the Atlantic and the Indian Oceans. Other aims of this program is to improve the knowledge on the influence of the environment on large pelagic predators (tuna, billfish) distribution and to reach a better understanding of the interactions between fisheries and multi-species communities. During the BETYP Programme, cruises of the Japanese R/V Shoyo Maru have been planed in the Eastern Central Atlantic. The Thetis programme takes opportunity of these cruises to collect stomachs from pelagic predators caught with long line and to sample the micronekton fauna of the region with an IKMT net. This article presents the first results of an analysis of pelagic predators stomach contents collected and IKMT nets performed during three cruises done in October-December 2000 on board the R/V Shoyo-Maru. 2. MATERIAL AND METHODS 137 stomachs have been collected during the three trips made on board the R/V Shoyo-Maru from October to December 2000 and 24 tows have been carried out. Fish have been caught by long-line during the day (from dawn to dusk) and tows have been carried out (IKMT net; length 13 m: mouth 2.8 m, x 1.5 m) at day between 8-9 a.m. or 12-13 p.m. and at night between 21-22 p.m. During the day, the trawl was immerged at about 400 m depth and during night at about 100 m. The first cruise (cruise 2) took place in the temperate waters of the North Equatorial current and the two others (cruises 3 and 5) in the tropical waters of the South Equatorial divergence (Figure1). The collected stomachs belonged to 13 species (Table1). Stomachs were removed on board from the abdominal cavity by cutting them at the last gill level and after the pyloric valve. The following information was then recorded: species, size of fish, weight, sex and maturity, stomach filling index, 293 hour of sampling. Stomach was then put in ceiled bag and frozen. A label with the main characteristics was enclosed with the bag. At the laboratory, they were defrosted 24h before the analysis. The content was sorted and weighted by large category (fish, molluscs, crustaceans). Inside large category, one noted for every item the degree of digestion and the weight. Remarkable organs were used to determine the number of preys in the stomach. Mandibles, parasphenoids or the maximum number of either left or right otolith was assumed to reflect the total number of fish preys. For cephalopods and crustaceans, respectively, the greatest number of either upper or lower beaks, telsons or pleopods was used. Prey items were identified to the lowest taxum. The reconstituted weight of the food will be done by calculating regressions relating dimensions of remarkable organs to the weight of each item (weight-relationship with otoliths, mandibles or parasphenoids for fish; weight relationship with mantle length or beak dimensions for cephalopods). This work is on process, and some results are presented (Table2). For the present paper, we used fresh content separated by large category. Accumulated otoliths or beaks have been removed. Then, the abundance and the weight of some preys is underestimated. For the reconstructing weight of fresh digested food we used the method of Bard (2001) and we gathered in one sample: (1) the neighbouring cruises 3 and 5, (2) the billfishes (except swordfish) in an Istiophorids group. Some species, represented by one stomach only, were removed for this study. An Index of Relative Importance IRI (Pinkas et al., 1971) was calculated for each category; IRI = (%N+%W) x %F (%N) = the percentage by number, (%W) = the percentage by weight, (%F) = the percentage by frequency of occurrence We used also the relative IRI (%IRI) (Cortes, 1997) where n %IRIi = 100.IRIi / (S i=1IRIi) A graphical representation (Costello, 1990; Hanson, 1998), which incorporates the indices %N and %F, was used. That method allows us to study the prey importance and the feeding strategy of the different predators. The %IRE, percent Index of repletio n was calculated (reconstructed weight content x 100/wet weight of fish). The content of IKMT net was sorted on board, in large categories (fish, molluscs, crustaceans, gelatinous) and put in boxes with alcohol 70%. Determination by species (presently only fish category) and relation with some factors (depth, diversity abundance) was done in laboratory.