MASTHEAD BCSFAzine © November 2005, Volume 33, #11, Issue #390 is the monthly club newsletter published by the British Columbia Science Fiction Association, a social organization. An e- mail membership (including email delivery of the newsletter in PDF or TXT format) is $15.00 per year; new memberships are $26.00 per year; membership renewals are $25.00 B.C. Science Fiction Association’s Monthly Newsletter per year; a New Family membership (including 2 votes in WCSFA meetings) is $32.00. These prices include subscription to BCSFAzine. Make cheques payable to WCSFA (West #390 $3.00 November 2005 Coast Science Fiction Association). (NOTE: The West Coast Science Fiction Association is a separate, officially registered society.) For comments, subscriptions, suggestions, and/or submissions, write to: BCSFAzine, c/o Box 15335, VMPO, Vancouver, BC, CANADA V6B 5B1, or email
[email protected] . BCSFAzine is printed most excellently by the good people at Copies Plus, at 1950 West Broadway, Vancouver, BC, tel. 604-731-7868. BCSFAzine is distributed monthly at WHITE DWARF BOOKS, 3715 West 10th Avenue, Vancouver, BC, V6R 2G5, tel. 604-228-8223; email
[email protected]. Single copies $3.00 each. Our new URL: BCSFA’s events this month FRED tries out The Grind: Fri. Nov. 4 at The Grind Gallery & Coffee Bar, on Main Street near King Edward Avenue BCSFAzine deadline: Fri. Nov. 11 at FRED Feeding Frenzy: Sat. Nov. 12, 7 p.m. at Sammy J. Pepper’s, 1517 Anderson Street, Vancouver. One of the first places you encounter in Granville Island (from the traffic- clogged Anderson St.