Ieee Control Systems Award Recipients

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Ieee Control Systems Award Recipients IEEE CONTROL SYSTEMS AWARD RECIPIENTS 2018- JOHN TSITSIKLIS “For contributions to the theory and Clarence J. Lebel Professor of application of optimization in large dynamic Electrical Engineering, and distributed systems.” Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA 2017- RICHARD M. MURRAY “For contributions to the theory and Everhart Professor of Control & applications of nonlinear and networked Dynamical Systems and control systems.” Bioengineering, Caltech, Pasadena, California, USA 2016 – ARTHUR J. KRENER “For contributions to the analysis, control, Research Professor, Naval and estimation of nonlinear control Postgraduate School, Monterey, systems.” CA, USA 2015 - BRUCE FRANCIS "For pioneering contributions to H-infinity, Professor Emeritus, University of linear-multivariable, and digital control." Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada 2014 – TAMER BASAR “For seminal contributions to dynamic Swunlund Endowed Chair and CAS games, stochastic and risk-sensitive Professor of Electrical and control, control of networks, and Computing Engineering, University hierarchical decision making.” of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, USA 2013 - STEPHEN P. BOYD “For contributions to systems design and Samsung Professor of Electrical analysis via convex optimization.” Engineering, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA USA 2012 - ALBERTO ISIDORI “For pioneering contributions to nonlinear Professor of Systems and Control, control theory.” University of Rome, Sapienza, Rome, Italy 2011 - EDUARDO D. SONTAG “For fundamental contributions to nonlinear Professor II of Mathematics, systems theory and nonlinear feedback Rutgers University control.” Piscataway, NJ USA 2010 – GRAHAM CLIFFORD GOODWIN “For contributions to the theory and Prof & Dir ARC Center of Excellence practice of digital and adaptive control.” 1 of 4 IEEE CONTROL SYSTEMS AWARD RECIPIENTS in Complex Dynamic Sys & Control Univ of Newcastle Callaghan, NSW, Australia 2009 – DAVID Q. MAYNE “For contributions to the application of Emeritus Professor of Control optimization to modern control theory.” Theory and Senior Research Fellow, Imperial College, London, England 2008 - MATHUKUMALLI VIDYASAGAR “For promulgation of control science and Executive Vice President, Tata engineering and contributions to robust Consultancy Services, Hyderabad, control, robotics and statistical learning India theory” 2007 – LENNART LJUNG " Professor, Department of Electrical “For seminal contributions to system Engineering, Linkopings identification and its impact on industrial Universitets, Linkoping, Sweden practice.” 2006 - P.R. Kumar “For contributions to adaptive control, Franklin W. Woeltge Professor of manufacturing systems and wireless Electrical and Computer communications." Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 2005 – MANFRED MORARI “For pioneering contributions to the theory Professor and Head of Automatic and application of robust process, model Control Laboratory, Eth predictive, and hybrid systems control.” Zurich, Switzerland 2004 – JOHN DOYLE “For fundamental contributions to the Professor, Dept of EE analysis and control of uncertain systems.” California Inst of Technology Pasadena, CA USA 2 of 4 IEEE CONTROL SYSTEMS AWARD RECIPIENTS 2003 - NIKOLAI NICOLAEVICH "For pioneering contributions to the theories KRASOVSKI Principal Researcher, of stability, control, and differential games." Professor, Technical University of Ural, Russia 2002 – PRAVIN VARAIYA "For outstanding contributions to stochastic University of California at Berkeley and adaptive control and the unification of Berkeley, CA USA concepts from control and computer science.” 2001 - KEITH GLOVER “For pioneering and fundamental University of Cambridge contributions to robust controller design and Cambridge, UK model order reduction.” 2000 – SANJOY K. MITTER “For contributions to optimization, optimal Professor control, and nonlinear filtering, and for Massachusetts Institute of interdisciplinary research that has expanded Technology (MIT) the boundaries of control theory.” Cambridge, MA USA 1999 - A. STEPHEN MORSE "For pioneering the geometric approach to Yale University linear multivariable control synthesis and New Haven, CT USA contributions to nonlinear and adaptive control theory." 1998 - JAN C. WILLEMS "For seminal contributions to control theory University of Groningen and leadership in systems research." Groningen, The Netherlands 1997 - BRIAN D. O. ANDERSON "For contributions in the areas of adaptive Australian National University and optimal control, stability, and system Canberra, Australia identification." 1996 - VLADIMIR A. YAKUBOVICH "For pioneering and fundamental St. Petersburg University contributions to stability analysis and St. Petersburg, Russia optimal control." 1995 - PETAR V. KOKOTOVIC "For pioneering contributions to singular University of California perturbation theory, adaptive systems, Santa Barbara, CA USA nonlinear controls, and their industrial applications." 1994 - ELMER G. GILBERT "For pioneering and innovative contributions University of Michigan to linear state space theory and its Ann Arbor, MI USA applications, especially realization and decoupling, as well as to control algorithms." 3 of 4 IEEE CONTROL SYSTEMS AWARD RECIPIENTS 1993 - MOSHE M. ZAKAI "For contributions to non-linear stochastic Technion-Israel Institute of analysis, and its applications to control Technology systems." Haifa, Israel 1992 - HAROLD J. KUSHNER "For fundamental contributions to stochastic Brown University systems theory and its engineering Providence, RI USA applications." 1991 - ROGER W. BROCKETT "For pioneering and innovative contributions Harvard University to nonlinear control, stability, robotics and Cambridge, MA USA control engineering education." 1990 - KARL JOHAN ÅSTRÖM "For fundamental contributions in control Lund University theory with emphasis on its practical Lund, Sweden application." 1989 - YU-CHI HO "For contributions to differential games, Harvard University multi-person decision making, and discrete Cambridge, MA USA event dynamic systems." 1988 - DANTE C. YOULA "For original contributions in the areas of Polytechnic Institute of NY circuits, systems and control theory, and Farmingdale, NY USA the rigorous solution of engineering problems." 1987 - WALTER MURRAY WONHAM "For pioneering contributions to the theory University of Toronto of stochastic systems, linear multivariable Ontario, Canada control, and discrete event systems." 1986 - CHARLES A. DESOER "For fundamental contributions to linear University of California system theory, linear controller design, Berkeley, CA USA linear and nonlinear stability analysis, and the role of feedback in nonlinear systems." 1985 - GEORGE ZAMES "For contributions to feedback stability McGill University theory and linear multivariable control Montreal, Canada system design." 1984 - ARTHUR E. BRYSON, JR. "For pioneering contributions to optimal Stanford University control and estimation and their Stanford, CA USA applications." 1983 - NO AWARD 1982 - HOWARD H. ROSENBROCK "For contributions to multivariable control University of Manchester theory and design methods." Manchester, England 4 of 4 .
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