Article Sequential Activation of Two Pathogen-Sensing Pathways Required for Type I Interferon Expression and Resistance to an Acute DNA Virus Infection Highlights Authors d TLR9, MyD88, STING, and IRF7 are required for IFN-I Ren-Huan Xu, Eric B. Wong, Daniel expression in the dLN Rubio, ..., Shinu John, Mark Shlomchik, Luis J. Sigal d Inflammatory monocytes are the major producers of IFN-I in the dLN Correspondence +
[email protected] d TLR9, MyD88, and IRF7 are required in CD11c cells for iMo recruitment to dLNs In Brief d STING-IRF7 are required in iMos for IFN-a and STING-NF-kB How different pathogen-sensing for IFN-b expression in iMos mechanisms contribute to the expression of IFN-I in vivo is unclear. Sigal and colleagues report that in lymph nodes of ectromelia-virus-infected mice, CD11c+ cells use TLR9-MyD88-IRF7 to recruit inflammatory monocytes (iMos). In turn, infected iMos express IFN-a and IFN-b through STING-IRF7 and STING-NF-kB, respectively. Xu et al., 2015, Immunity 43, 1148–1159 December 15, 2015 ª2015 Elsevier Inc. Immunity Article Sequential Activation of Two Pathogen-Sensing Pathways Required for Type I Interferon Expression and Resistance to an Acute DNA Virus Infection Ren-Huan Xu,1,5 Eric B. Wong,1,6 Daniel Rubio,1,7 Felicia Roscoe,1 Xueying Ma,1 Savita Nair,1 Sanda Remakus,1 Reto Schwendener,2 Shinu John,3 Mark Shlomchik,4 and Luis J. Sigal1,6,* 1Immune Cell Development and Host Defense Program, The Research Institute at Fox Chase Cancer Center, 333 Cottman Avenue,