Koonung Creek Linear Park Management Plan 2011
Message from the Mayor Our vision is for a vibrant, safe and culturally diverse community that fosters participation, connectedness, harmony, social inclusion, health and wellbeing. Our parks and reserves are the 'green lungs' for the City and are areas for our enjoyment. When we visit our parks and reserves we feel a sense of wellbeing. We need to plan for them so they can be enjoyed today and be there tomorrow for our children. A well-designed, planned and managed urban green space provides significant aesthetic, social, psychological and environmental benefits for their users. The Koonung Creek Linear Park is enjoyed by many of those who live in Bulleen, Doncaster, Doncaster East and Donvale and our neighbouring municipalities as well. When we improve the access to our natural setting we are improving the quality of life in our neighbourhoods. We are fortunate to have this wonderful “green” environment accessible by so many of our residents to enjoy a walk, cycle and time in a natural setting. There are many benefits for people who visit green, open spaces including: an opportunity to increase physical activity; lower stress levels; experience changes of scenery; and, a place to wind down. I would like to thank the community for their contribution to the consultation process as it has greatly assisted us to identify the issues and opportunities which have shaped the development of the recommendations. GEOFF GOUGH Mayor Executive Summary The Koonung Creek Linear Park Management Plan has been prepared to continue to protect and enhance the environmental values of the Park balanced with the provision of recreational opportunities and experiences in a mix of urban and natural setting, including, walking, cycling, dog walking, commuting and nature appreciation.
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