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Book of Projects 2012 ProectsBook12ofScript&Pitch Audience Design Writer’s Room The Pixel Lab FrameWork AdaptLab 1 Book of Projects 2012 ProectsBook12ofScript&Pitch Audience Design Writer’s Room The Pixel Lab FrameWork AdaptLab TorinoFilmLab has reached its fifth edition this year, Now that we are 5 years old, I must think of and it is a pleasure to celebrate together with those what I hope we can achieve for our 10th birthday. who have supported us since the very beginning: TorinoFilmLab is on the map now, but what is most Regione Piemonte, Comune di Torino and Ministero important is that we become, more and more, a per i Beni e le Attività culturali. community of filmmakers from all around the world, sharing experiences, knowledge, successes, failures, In these years, TorinoFilmLab has grown steadily, friendships, collaborations, projects, ideas…. adding programmes, activities and partners from all TorinoFilmLab works to offer opportunities, to create over Europe and the world. What in 2008 started a space were professionals in the cinema and media with 2 training activities, a co-production market and world can - if not find all they need, at least find a production fund, now runs 6 training activities that useful directions. We have worked hard and will try still all come together (except Interchange, that finds even harder in the next years. I say we, not because I a dedicated platform at the DFC during the Dubai deserve pluralis maiestatis, but because TorinoFilmLab International Film Festival) for the TFL Meeting Event is already a community, where staff, tutors and in Torino, during the Torino Film Festival.
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