International Journal of Accounting and Financial Management (IJAFM) Universal Research Group, ( ISSN: 2322-2107 Volume 35, 2019 Introduction to Social Accounting and Audit and its Benefits Zeynab Ghodmanan
[email protected] Islamic Azad University, Ali Abad Katoul Branch Abstract- Social accounting and audit is a comprehensive triple bottom line planning and measurement method. Social accounting and audit uses quantitative analysis of planned and actual measurement, ratio analysis for comparing trends over time, and qualitative analysis of constant comparison using ‘coding’ and ‘categorizing’ in order that responses can be made and measured. Social accounting and audit is an internal organizational system that is managed by the organization and moderated by an external independent evaluator. The social accounting and auditing system includes the triple bottom line of: Commercial and financial – quantitative measurement is by regular data entry that is compared to quarterly and annual planned targets – a planned and actual method. Financial ratios are used to compare trends over time within the organization and comparisons with sector standards. Keywords: Social Accounting Audit, organization Introduction Social and community – measures internal and external none commercial planned objectives and operational methods through planned and actual accounting and through qualitative questions sets. Environmental and society – measure the commercial and none commercial performance of an organization's use of energy, waste and waste disposal, physical resources, and transport and communication 704 International Journal of Accounting and Financial Management (IJAFM) Universal Research Group, ( ISSN: 2322-2107 Volume 35, 2019 methods. During the 1970/80s co-operatives and social enterprise in the UK, Europe and USA started to use the term ‘Social Audit’ as a way of describing none financial measurement systems for commercial businesses.