Announced Sacred Music Concert Set to Ambulance $I

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Announced Sacred Music Concert Set to Ambulance $I •c. f33S^**_-^lC55: * ^^—sfs—a—^tstW—>11111* Q^0^^b1hW&mmm Contributions Announced in State Competition To Arrange Holiday Rite Qualify to Enter To Ambulance N nSrant School" -Atlantic Chy in May To The County Board of Taxation r>onCo«sacs5rfra5£" Nine entries of the Cranford school Committees to arrange Cranford's last week-end certified a rale of piatigonky Setoed; system received first class ratings and observances ot Memorial and Inde- $4.29 -for Cranford,- $5.10 fof Quarterly Report Shows Over 700 Join Series tour received second class ratings in pendence Days were appointed Fri- Garwood and $5.78 for Kenil- tne New Jersey Instrumental Solo day night by Fire Commissioner Dud- worth. All three communities $135 Received; $29 The Cranford-Westaeld Cooper*- •nd Ensemble Competition Festival ley J. Croft, chairman of this year's showed drops over last year. Over All of Lait Year* Jt Concerts Association, which Sat- held Saturday at the Battln High Kenllworth'i rate, though pared U celebration committee, at a meeting In a report prepared for Township closed its drive for 1841-42 School, Elizabeth, making them ell. In township rooms! Another meet- 107 points, remaini the highest In , memberships, annoimrfd yes- gw*e to compete In the national con- the county. Committee, Henry W. Whlpple, chair- ing to further plans for the celebra- man of the ambulance committee, re- • the artists it has secured for test to be held in Atlantic C|Jy May 2. tions will be held Friday night, April The county's . tax rate is next year. First place winners were: Class A, vealed yesterday that for the first 18, in" township rooms. .721458736;. the state school rate three months of 1941 the sum of $139 They are: The Platofl Don Cossack high school students — John Jones, is .289420345, and there is no cornet; Robert Lohman, trumpet; In addition to Commissioner Croft, has been contributed to the replace- Chorus, a group of 28 .Russian sniftv officers of the general group are: soldiers' bonus levy this year. ment fund, $29 more than was re- .„• Dalies Franz, pianist and Gregor Ruth Pegg, baritone; Ruth Bartholo- All the rates arc calculated to mew, basson; Lucille Nelson, baton Honorary chairman, Mayor George ceived during the entire year of 1940. Pia'tigorsky, ceUist The exact dates E. Osterheldt; vice-chairman, Charles prdduce sums slightly In excess During the period, Mr. Whlpple lor the three concerts win be an- twirling, and the brass and string Quartets; Class B, junior high school OLYMFIA MONTINI J. Christian and John R. Cooney; and of the budgetary amounts to be ' said, the ambulance made 96 calls, all -Tiouneed in June-after^the-artists' Cimnfsrd Rlgtr-School stndenl secretary, Clarence A..Victor. produced by taxation. In response to physicians' requests,' schedules for the next season have students—Richard Fasnacht, 'cellist, and Class C, elementary school stu- who has bean named aopraao At Friday night's meeting, Secre- Cranford's rate dropped five except in cases of emergency. been made up. -* .. i tary Victor was instructed to write dents—Eleanor Pulely, flute. soloist for the sprint concert of points, that ot Garwood 45 points. Referring to the increased contri- The membership drivev which last- the Craoford Sympheny Orches- the Board of Education requesting permission to move the metal flagpole butions, the report cohtlnues: "The ed a week, closed with a subscription Others who took part, receiving tra to be ptven In the high school committee considers this splendid In- list of over 700 names. The chairmen I either second or third place positions, auditorium TMestUy, April SB. from the Grant School property to the Memorial Park, Springfield ave- crease*wos due, in great measure, to for the campaign were Mrs. Bedford (were:. Doris Riker, oboe, Walter the editorial in the Citizen and ' Ljdon in Cranford and Mrs. George 'Werme, violin, Margaret Hall, flute, nue, Central avenue and Riverside drive. A committee, consisting of IOO To Honor Chronicle following the publication E. French m Westfield. Membership and Olympla Montlni, soprano voice - * - of the annual report of the Commlt- cards, bearing the.dates_of-_ the^con- All are high'school students. «» Judge Carroll K. Sellers, Township Attorney Carl H. Warslnski, Town- teeJorlMO." Mr. Whlpple expressed cerls, will be mailed "out in the fan. Sacred Music "Four emsembles were entered in; $I,29O Given the committee's thanks for newspaper There has been a continuous de- the class A division as follows: Brass ship Engineer T. J. McLaughlin, Gas- ton E. Crosby and Mr. Victor waa ap- publicity. mand among subscribers_for_ string quarter Robert Lohman, Robert, UE.-. r ingston; trumpets, Ruth Pegg' and pointed to make arrangement8~'/di its A-balance of $1,364.57 is-reported - recitals, it was explained, so that in Concert Set For Kitchen transfer to the park In the event the Testimonial Dinner in the replacement fund at the end response the" "association obtained Annamarie Doerhoefer, trombone; school trustees accede to the request. of the quarter by II. L. Dlmmick, Pialigorsky to open the new series. string quartet, Walter Werme, Ruth The park, dedicated to Cranford's Tuesday to Mark His treasurer." The balance on December He is considered the foremost concert WWon College Gl«m«i Parsons; violin, Ralph Schubei; 'cello British Reliefs Drive war dead, was acquired' about three 31, 1040, was $1,234 63. To this was cellist in the country. Franz, who and Naomi Schubei, viola; wood-wind years ago with funds provided by the Tenth. Anniversary Here added $139 In contributions and $3.10 has been acclaimed by* New York To Sing Saturday Night quartet Margaret Hall, Doris Riker, Hu Three Days to Go j Memorial Day' Committee and the More than 100 persons are expected Interest on the bank balance. Dis- critics in the past yeavwUl give the inRreabytaritodmrcfa Ruth Bartholomew and Constance Over 700 Contribute township. Grant School was aban- to attend a testimonial dinner Tues- bursements for the quarter were mid-winter concert. He 'has also Klein, clarlnent; and clarinet trio, doned for clansroom' purpose's with day night to honor the Rev. and Mrs $8.29, worked in the movies. The final con- The Men's Glee Club of Wheaton Gloria McCullough, Constance Klein An Intensive . telephone campaign the opening of the Junior-senior high was carried on this, week .to bring M. Y. P6ymter on the occasion of the The report goes on: "The com- cert will feature the colorful Don College, a male chorus whose per- and Francis Saraftn. The clarinet trio school some years ago, Rev. Mr. Poynter's tenth onnlversnry mittee extends its thanki to the mem- Cassacks. formances nave thrilled concert audi- and wood-wind quartet gained sec- the British War Relief Committee's If the polo is reerected In the park, of becoming pastor of the Methodist bers of the police and fire depart- ences in most of the 48 states, will ond place ratings. drive for a $1,800 mobile kitchen to ments, who operate the ambulance, The date of the last concert in the present a program of sacred music successful fruition. Yesterday eve- there is likelihood, it is believed, Church fho dinner jvl|l be held in Momstown series at which Bruna Accompanist for soloists were Shir- that this year's Memorial Day exer- the church chapel at 7 p. m. for the unfailing enro nnd courteous at the First Presbyterian Church ley Goldberg, Jean Templeton, James ning it was reported that $1,280 had treatment shown patients. Many let- ' Castagna of the Metropolitan Opera Saturday at 8 p. m. been contributed, and leaders of the cises will be held thero instead of at 'Ministers from .other Cranford .Twill sing, has been changed from Porcella, Kathleen Okell and Mrs tcrs have been received by tho com-, Walter K. Fasnacht. local committee were confident that the World War service tablet. North churches will join .in. the tribute and April 28, as previously announced, to Under direction of Professor H. UnioUi n andd Springfield avenues. mlttcc commenting vcjy favorably on h would be realized by Satur- bring greetings from their congrega- the services rendered." -'• £| Wednesday, May 7. Members of the William Nordin, who was knighted by . Committees to arrange for this local association will be admitted the King of Sweden for his musical Goodman, instrumental supervisor, of tions The visiting ministers will be One hundred and fifty names were year's observance have been appoint- the Rev. W. R, Sloan Of tho First Attention is drawn to the revised upon presentation of their- member- ability,-the-dub-wiD. sing a varied the schools, who is preparing the band 1 by Commissioner Croft as fol- rules of the committee which forbid ship car3s. program which includes the works for the National School Band Orches- ndded to the contributor's list since Presbyterian Church, the Rev. Benjn- a week ago Tuesday, bringing the ws: mlji Allen of tho Baptist Church, the use of the ambulance to points be- of BachBh , TschaikowsUThikU , MalottMlt e andd tra and Vocal CompeJUtlon Festival Line of march for parade—Carroll yond the borders' of Union County Cain. in Atlantic City May 2 and 3. total number of. contributors to about •AM t_ *m . _ . * __ • K. Sellers, Police Commissioner except in cases of - Titaaagttmt ewMHfh autniarspi _ fhe"fflgh"fai3gl,~ tour, the gJeemen, representing, a Jean tions also continued to support the Shirhirlgjdjl j tJliiiifo ,..M ™_.™™.™^ tlonir— Iro-Chief-Howard-Gr Him na^ ityri •_'__*"• OilV The Cranford Dramatic Club wiU maintains a definite Christian em- the state piano solo contest Trinity Epfscopnl Church. cept Jvhcrt the patient Is accompanied present two one-act plays in thephasis, draw their membership from .The mobile kitchen, or "tea-wagon" Schindler, Police Chief Carl A.
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