MARCH 2019 EDITION: ABN 2019 - 2 AFRICAN JANUARY AND FEBRUARY 2019 BUTTERFLY THE LEPIDOPTERISTS’ SOCIETY OF AFRICA NEWS LATEST NEWS Welcome to March’s newsletter! The drought – at least on the Highveld – appears to be over; the Brown-veined White (Belenois aurota) migration has passed its peak, but is still going strong. Unfortunately, the rain is too late for our rare local butterflies, such as the Highveld Blue (Lepidochrysops praeterita), but here’s hoping that there will be lots of late-summer butterflies in the months ahead. Please support the newsletter and forward photographs, trip reports or comments to
[email protected] Restructuring of LepSoc Africa Council To accommodate the retirement of Mark Williams as Metamorphosis editor, LSA Council have made the following changes: • Dave Edge will take over Mark’s position as Editor of Metamorphosis. Alan Gardiner and Silvia Kirkman will be assisting Dave (refer to Metamorphosis under the PUBLICATIONS section). • Peter Ward has – gallantly – taken over Dave’s role as Treasurer of the Society. To assist Peter, Hanna Edge will perform a bookkeeping function. • Reinier Terblanche will remain LepSoc Africa’s Conservation and Research officer, but will incorporate Peter’s National Permit responsibilities into his portfolio. Highveld Butterfly Club Braai The HBC held its traditional year-starting braai at Hermann Staude’s farm on 10 February. The weather was good and more than 20 LSA members and their friends pitched up. 1 There weren’t too many butterflies – I counted 25 species (Abundance Index: 3.9 – Average), but we saw a couple of Marsh Sylph (Metisella meninx). Thanks to everyone who attended and to Hermann and Louisa who were, as usual, great hosts! NBA Photographic Competition As part of the National Biodiversity Assessment (NBA) synthesis report – of which SALCA was a component – SANBI have asked LepSoc Africa to choose a picture of a butterfly, to be displayed on the front cover of the report.