Agenda / G Meiring

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Agenda / G Meiring INDEX SL48-08/2018 RURAL DEVELOPMENT REPORT: JULY 2018 ........................................................................... 1 SL49-08/2018 REPORT OF THE YOUTH CO-ORDINATOR: JULY 2018 ......................................................... 6 SL50-08/2018 SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT REPORT: JULY 2018 ....................................................................... 10 SL51-08/2018 SMME DEVELOPMENT REPORT: JULY 2018 ........................................................................... 15 SL52-08/2018 LOCAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: JULY 2018 .................................................................. 19 SL53-08/2018 COMMUNITY WORK PROGRAMME (CWP) IMPLEMENTATION REPORT AS AT 25 JULY 2018: ……………………………………………………………………………………..22 SL54-08/2018 MONTHLY REPORT: MOSSEL BAY TOURISM: JUNE 2018 .................................................. 30 SL55-08/2018 MIV, GESLAG, PERSONE MET SPESIALE BEHOEFTES EN BEJAARDE VERSLAG: JULIE 2018 ......................................................................................................................................... 49 SOCIO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND 2 TOURISM COMMITTEE SOCIO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND 1 TOURISM COMMITTEE SL48-08/2018 RURAL DEVELOPMENT REPORT: JULY 2018 Reference Number: Report By: Haylene Claassen PURPOSE AND BACKGROUND / DOEL EN AGTERGROND To present a report of all the activities and programmes of the Rural Development Section for July 2018. RECOMMENDATION That cognisance be taken of the report from the Rural Development Section for July 2018. ISINDULULO Ukuba kuthatyathelwe ingqwalasela ingxelo ephuma kwiCandelo loPhuhliso lwamaPhandle kwinyanga ka Julayi 2018. APPENDIX / BYLAAG Yes. SOCIO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND 2 TOURISM COMMITTEE RURAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMMES AND PROJECTS Vleesbaai Wellness Day Following a request from the community of Vleesbaai, a Wellness Day was held on 14 July 2018 in the Community Hall of Boggomsbaai. The focus of the Wellness Day was to promote healthy lifestyles and because it was Mandela Month, the message of his legacy was also broad across to the communities. The Rural Development office was responsible for all logistical arrangements with the support of the Vleesbaai Council of Stakeholders and the community of Buisplaas. Councillors Groenewald and Rauch also attended the Wellness Day and were given an opportunity to address the communities. The success of the day however must be given to the communities of Vleesbaai and Buisplaas, as well as the Patrysfontein and Witte Klip areas that attended the Wellness Day. A total of 116 community members attended - an indication of the willingness of the community to participate in social programmes. The Rural Development office arranged transport for 60 people of Buisplaas. The following departments and organisations assisted the Rural Development office with the programme to ensure that the programme was a success: Department of Social Development, Department of Rural Development and Land Reform, Department of Agriculture, Department of Health and Wonderful Southern Africa Foundation. NARYSEC (National Rural Youth Service Corps) The Rural Development and Youth offices assisted the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform with the advertisements of NARYSEC opportunities for the youth of Mossel Bay. The NARYSEC programme is implemented, facilitated and coordinated by the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform. 10 Young people will benefit from this programme. The department will be responsible for the short listings and the Rural Development office will assist with the interviews. The dates for the interviews will be supplied Rural Development Strategy consultation sessions The Rural Development office of Mossel Bay Municipality, with the support of the Mayoral office and all relevant departments of the Municipality and external stakeholders, conducted consultation sessions with the rural communities within the municipal area. The purpose of the consultation sessions was to ensure that all relevant communities were consulted in terms of the development and approval of the Rural Development Strategy of Mossel Bay Municipality. As part of the public participation process the following were done: SOCIO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND 3 TOURISM COMMITTEE • Notices of the meetings in local newspaper, as well as newspaper articles. • Notices were send to Councillors and Ward Committee meetings. • Posters and pamphlets were distributed in the communities. • Loud hailing 2 hours before the meeting. Schedule of consultation Date Place Time Location 18 June 2018 Herbertsdale 19H00 Anglican Church Hall 20 June 2018 Vleesbaai 19H00 Vleesbaai Primary School 27 June 2018 Friemersheim 19H00 Friemersheim Community Hall 28 June 2018 Ruiterbos 18H30 Denneprag Primary School 2 July 2018 Brandwacht 19H00 Brandwacht Community Hall 9 July 2018 Toekoms 18H30 Dutch Reformed Church 10 July 2018 Jonkersberg 19H00 Jonkersberg Crèche 16 July 2018 Sonskynvallei 19H00 Sonskynvallei Community Hall 17 July 2018 Great Brak River 19H00 Great Brak River Community Hall Mr Colin Puren was the facilitator at the consultation sessions and the Municipal Manager, Advocate Thys Giliomee, presented the Draft Rural Development Strategy to the communities. At each session, the Finance Department of Mossel Bay Municipality explained the indigent policy of Mossel Bay Municipality. The communities were given the opportunity to ask questions and give inputs pertaining to the development of their respective communities. Local Drug Action Committee Mossel Bay Municipality, represented by the Executive Mayor - Alderman Harry Levendal, Municipal Manager - Advocate Thys Giliomee, Manager SED - Haylene Claassen and Rural Development officer - Setchmor Rhoodes, attended a meeting on 6 July 2018 with the Western Cape Department of Social Development and Western Cape Department of Transport and Public Works. The purpose of the meeting was to establish support for the initiative of Mossel Bay Municipality to establish a Regional Rehabilitation Centre. The Western Cape Department of Social Development confirmed its intent to support the ongoing planning of the establishment of a Regional Substance Treatment Centre in the Mossel Bay municipal area. The Department also confirmed by means of a letter addressed to the Municipal Manager, that currently there are no public centres of this nature in the Eden region. The Department also confirmed that the proposed location presented to the Department on 6 July 2018, erf 19201, would be suitable for the establishment and operation of a residential treatment centre. SOCIO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND 4 TOURISM COMMITTEE The support that the Department of Social Development intends to give the Municipality, will include strategic advice in terms of the establishment of the necessary infrastructure by the Municipality and possibly the Western Cape Department of Transport and Public Works. The support that the Western Cape Department of Social Development will give also includes the provision of transfer funding thereafter for a suitable capable non-governmental organisation to operate the centre. This funding will be subjected to the Department of Social Development following its internal transfer funding policy, as it pertains to a fair and open process for the identification and contracting of a suitable organisation to run the centre, as well as prescripts of the Public Finance Management Act. Great Brak River Youth Café The report from the Great Brak River Youth Café can be seen as Annexure A. SOCIO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND 5 TOURISM COMMITTEE SOCIO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND 6 TOURISM COMMITTEE SL49-08/2018 REPORT OF THE YOUTH CO-ORDINATOR: JULY 2018 Reference Number: 12/3/5/16/3; x12/3/6/5; x3/2/1/3/1 Report By: H Claassen PURPOSE AND BACKGROUND / DOEL EN AGTERGROND To report on all the activities of the Youth Co-ordinator for July 2018. RECOMMENDATION That cognisance be taken of the report of the Youth Co-ordinator for July 2018. ISINDULULO Ukuba kuthatyathelwe ingqwalasela ingxelo yoMlungelelanisi woLutsha kwinyanga ka Julayi 2018. APPENDIX / BYLAAG Yes SOCIO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND 7 TOURISM COMMITTEE REPORT OF THE YOUTH CO-ORDINATOR: JULY 2018 1. ENTREPRENEURS DEVELOPMENT TRAINING The Entrepreneurship Development programme was hosted by the National Youth Development Agency (NYDA). It took place from 19 - 22 June 2018 at the KwaNonqaba Community Hall. The training was facilitated by Ms Carlyn Sassman, an official from the NYDA. A total of 20 applications were received for the training. The applicants were informed with the details of the training via SMS and telephone calls. On 19 June 2018, 12 people attended the training. The facilitator explained the NYDA and its programmes (e.g. the Grant Programme, Business Consulting Services and the Mentorship Programme). She further explained what these programmes entail (i.e. the criteria and what they offer). The participants were asked to explain the type of businesses that they are interested in starting or have started. A questionnaire about entrepreneurship was distributed as well. On 20 June 2018, 14 people attended the training. The guest facilitator was Veronica Keyise form the Western Cape Office of the Consumer Protector. She explained the work of the Office of the Consumer Protector and projects they offer (e.g. the Premier Advancement of Youth Project). The Consumer Protection Act and consumer rights and responsibilities were workshopped. Financial planning tips, e.g. how to put a budget together, the difference between good and
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