Of International Journal Euro-Mediterranean Studies
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Euro-Mediterranean University Kidričevo nabrežje 2 SI-6330 Piran, Slovenia International Journal www.ijems.emuni.si [email protected] 2 of Euro-Mediterranean NUMBER Studies VOLUME 1 3 2020 NUMBER 2 EDITORIAL 2020 Mediterranean scholarly collaboration in the context of the pandemic Jerneja Penca 13 SCIENTIFIC ARTICLE At the crossroads between East and West: Activities of professional female artists in a la franca cafés of Sarajevo Lana Šehović Paćuka VOLUME SCIENTIFIC ARTICLE Return of Serbian chant to Byzantine tradition Vesna Peno, Ivana Vesić SCIENTIFIC ARTICLE Croatian musical heritage as part of Euro-Mediterranean culture: Art music instruments in Dalmatian museums Ivana Tomić Ferić, Vilena Vrbanić SCIENTIFIC ARTICLE (Un)official anthems as a means of the national diplomatic/statecraft momentum: the cases of Zdravljica, Hej, brigade and Vstajenje Primorske Boštjan Udovič SCIENTIFIC ARTICLE The level of knowledge of financial literacy and risk of the Portuguese Eulália Santos, Fernando Oliveira Tavares REVIEW ARTICLE The changing Mediterranean Basin through the lens of Mediterranean experts Abed El Rahman Hassoun, Joel Guiot, Katarzyna Marini, Wolfgang Cramer Abstracts Résumés Povzetki International Journal The International Journal of Euro- EdITOR-IN-CHIEF Advisory board of Euro-Mediterranean Studies Mediterranean Studies is published in Prof. Dr. Abdelhamid El-Zoheiry, Prof. Dr. Samia Kassab-Charfi, English with abstracts in Slovenian, ISSN 1855-3362 (printed) Euro-Mediterranean University, Slovenia University of Tunis, Tunisia French and Arabic language. The Prof. Dr. Abeer Refky, Arab Academy ISSN 2232-6022 (online) journal is free of charge. managing Editor: for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport, Egypt COPYRIGHT NOTICE Dr. Jerneja Penca, Euro-Mediterranean The aim of the International Journal Prof. Dr. Nizar Messari, Al Akhawayn The International Journal of Euro- University, Slovenia, of Euro-Mediterranean Studies is to University, Morocco promote intercultural dialogue and Mediterranean Studies is an Open E-mail: [email protected] Prof. Dr. Jurij Toplak, Alma Mater exchanges between societies, develop Access Journal distributed under Europaea, Slovenia human resources, and to assure the terms of the Creative Commons EdITORIAL bOARd Attribution-NonCommercial- Prof. Dr. Rym Ayadi, HEC Montreal, greater mutual understanding in the Dr. Barbara Gornik, Euro-Mediterranean region. NoDerivatives 4.0 International Canada License. Copyright for all articles Science and Research Centre Koper, Prof. Dr. Mohammed M. Shabat, Slovenia L’objectif de la revue internationale published in IJEMS is held by Islamic University of Gaza, Palestine d’études Euro-Méditerranéennes est de individual authors. Assoc. Prof. Karim Moustaghfir, Prof. Dr. Francesco Martinico, promouvoir le dialogue interculturel et No author fees are charged. Al Akhawayn University, Morocco University of Catania, Italy les échanges entre les sociétés, Assoc. Prof. Chahir Zaki, Prof. Dr. Serkan Karas, Centre for développer les ressources humaines et Cairo University, Egypt Regional and STI Studies and Support, assurer une compréhension mutuelle Greece de qualité au sein de la région EdITORIAL OFFICE Prof. Dr. Mouïn Hamzé, National euro-méditerranéenne. Council for Scientific Research, Mr. Faris Kočan Lebanon Namen Mednarodne revije za evro- Prof. Dr. Assem Abu Hatab, Swedish sredozemske študije je spodbujanje University of Agricultural Sciences, medkulturnega dialoga in izmenjav, Sweden razvoj človeških virov in zagotavljanje Prof. Dr. Maurizio Scaini, University boljšega medsebojnega razumevanja v PUbLISHEd bY evro-mediteranski regiji. of Trieste, Italy Euro-Mediterranean University Prof. Dr. Mona Esam Othman Kidričevo nabrežje 2 Fayed, Cairo University, Egypt The Internaitional Journal of Euro- SI-6330 Piran, Slovenia Mediterranean Studies (IJEMS) is Assist. Prof. Jacopo Zotti, University Phone +386 59 25 00 56 indexed in Scopus, International of Trieste, Italy Fax +386 59 25 00 54 Bibliography of the Social Sciences, Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aydin, Kadir Has www.ijems.emuni.si University, Turkey Directory of Open Access Journals, [email protected] Index Islamicus, OCLC, and Summon Prof. Dr. Claudio Cressati, University by Serial Solutions. of Udine, Italy Assist. Prof. Mietek Boduszyński, INFORMATION FOR AUTHORS Pomona College, United States Manuscripts are accepted on the Prof. Dr. Lola Bañon Castellón, understanding that they are original Valencia University, Spain and not under simultaneous consi- deration by any other publication. Print run: 200 All manuscripts are double-blind Printed by Demat d. o. o., Ljubljana peer reviewed. For detailed instructions about the style, content and submission of papers, please see www.ijems.emuni.si. This publication is co-founded by This issue (2020/2) was published in February 2021. International Journal of Euro-Mediterranean Studies Table of Contents 3 MediterraneanEDITORIAL scholarly collaboration in the context of the pandemicMediterranean scholarly collaboration in the context of the pandemic Jerneja Penca Penca 11 SCIENTIFIC ARTICLE At the crossroadscrossroads between between East East and and West: West: Activities Activities of professional of femaleprofessional artists infemale a la franca artists cafés in aof la Sarajevo franca cafés of Sarajevo Lana Šehović Paćuka Paćuka 29 ReturnSCIENTIFIC of Serbian ARTICLE chant to Byzantine tradition Return of Serbian chant to Byzantine tradition Vesna Peno,Peno, Ivana Ivana Vesić Vesić 45 CroatianSCIENTIFIC musical ARTICLE heritage as part of Euro-Mediterranean culture:Croatian Artmusical music heritage instruments as part of in Euro-Mediterranean Dalmatian museums culture: Art Ivanamusic Tomićinstruments Ferić, inVilena Dalmatian Vrbanić museums Ivana Tomić Ferić, Vilena Vrbanić 67 SCIENTIFIC(Un)official ARTICLEanthems as a means of the national diplomatic/ (Un)officialstatecraft momentum: anthems as athe means cases of ofthe Zdravljica, national diplomatic/statecraft Hej, brigade and Vstajenjemomentum: Primorske the cases of Zdravljica, Hej, brigade and Vstajenje BoštjanPrimorske Udovič Boštjan Udovič 91 SCIENTIFICThe level of knowledgeARTICLE of financial literacy and risk of the ThePortuguese level of knowledge of financial literacy and risk of the Portuguese Eulália Santos, Fernando Fernando Oliveira Oliveira Tavares Tavares 117 TheREVIEW changing ARTICLE Mediterranean Basin through the lens of The changing Mediterranean Basin through the lens of Mediterranean expertsMediterranean experts Abed ElEl Rahman Hassoun, Hassoun, Joel Joel Guiot, Guiot, Katarzyna Katarzyna Marini, Marini, Wolfgang Wolfgang Cramer 133 Abstracts 139 Résumés 145 Povzetki 151 Povzetki Volume 13 | 2020 | Number 2 EDITORIAL MEDITERRANEAN SCHOLARLY COLLABORATION IN THE CONTEXT OF THE PANDEMIC | 3 | JERNEJA PENCA The year 2020 was characterized by the outbreak of Covid-19 and also by the recognition of a close interconnectedness be- tween societies, human fragility and resilience at the same time. The Euro-Mediterranean region is a prime example of such manifestations and a living laboratory reflecting the role of scholarly communities (our audience in this journal) in those developments. The most obvious change we have witnessed in the year 2020 is a huge re-organisation of how we move, work and socialize. Most of our work, from teaching, researching and scholarly ex- change has shifted to screens and online communication. Travel came to a standstill in the spring wave of the pandemic and has hardly resumed since. The promulgation of the arrival of digital transformation seemed to materialise within weeks, presenting both opportu- nities and challenges for higher education and research, includ- ing in the endeavour to strengthen cooperation in the Euro- Mediterranean area. On the one hand, visiting lectures, webinars and participatory digital events have widened the opportunities for exchange and expanded the collaboration. Indeed, as most events taking place online are free, their accessibility is almost unlimited. In fact, for many of us, these opportunities have out- performed our capacities to follow them. On the other hand, the challenge is that the capacities of pro- fessors and researchers to take part in the digital world differ. As is often the case, the emergent opportunities are widening the Volume 13 | 2020 | Number 2 Jerneja Penca gap in the use of online resources for individuals, institutions and countries, raising concerns of the formation of new form of inequality due to varying internet infrastructure and skill set of the faculty in how to use resources effectively. In addition, schol- ars have come to recognise the limits of a digital contact and its inability to replace the benefits of human presence, face to face discussions and networking. In part, this can be explained by the fact that much of online education or scientific event organi- | 4 | sation and knowledge sharing is still not capitalizing entirely on the opportunities offered by the digital transformation. Yet in part, these limitations serve as reminders of the irreplaceable role of human contact in education and collaboration. We ex- pect a great deal of new knowledge in this area, as important studies are emerging on the impact of online education. Another key change we have witnessed is an enhanced vis- ibility of and indeed, the need for science in public affairs. Scientists have come to the fore, as many governments estab- lished consultative expert groups to provide scientific advice to policy responses related