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June 2021 | Mitigated Negative Declaration SADDLEBACK HIGH SCHOOL SPORTS COMPLEX Santa Ana Unified School District Prepared for: Santa Ana Unified School District Facilities Planning Services Contact: Julie Molloy, Senior Facilities Planner 1601 East Chestnut Avenue Santa Ana, CA 92701 714.480.5367 Prepared by: PlaceWorks Contact: Elizabeth Kim, Senior Associate 3 MacArthur Place, Suite 1100 Santa Ana, California 92707 714.966.9220 [email protected] Santa Ana Unified School District Facilities & Governmental Relations Jerry Almendarez Orin L. Williams, Assistant Superintendent Superintendent of Schools MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) (California Public Resources Code (PRC) Sections 2100 et seq.) and the State CEQA Guidelines (California Code of Regulations (CCR) Sections 15000 et seq.), the Santa Ana Unified School District has completed this Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) for the project described below based on the assessment presented in the attached Initial Study. LEAD AGENCY: Santa Ana Unified School District PROJECT TITLE: Saddleback High School Sports Complex PROJECT LOCATION: The project site is within the main campus of Saddleback High School at 2802 S. Flower Street, Santa Ana, Orange County (Assessor’s Parcel Number 410-012-06). PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The proposed project consists of demolition of some sports facilities and construction of a new sports complex (see attached exhibit). Demolition and Removal » The project would require demolition of 9 basketball courts, 10 tennis courts, softball field, discus area, shot put throw area, and 3 large storage containers. New Construction » Bleachers and Press Box. Separate home and visiting team bleacher structures would provide a combined seating capacity for 3,000 spectators. The home side bleachers (grandstand) and press box would be on the west side of the field and have seating capacity for 2,000, and the 1,000-seat visitor side bleachers would be on the east side of the field. » Lighting. Field lighting would consist of four in-ground precast concrete bases with galvanized steel poles with lighting fixtures mounted at different heights on the poles. The four 90-foot-high light poles would be installed at approximately the 10-yard line on the outside edge of the home and visitor bleachers. Lighting fixtures would be mounted at approximately 20, 25, 80, and 90 feet. The field lights would be in operation for a maximum of four hours during any single evening. The running track and all pedestrian pathways would be lit for safety and security of people leaving the sports complex. » Public Address (PA) System. Speakers would be mounted on the four light standards on both the home and visitor sides of the playing field. Each light standard would have two speakers mounted at approximately 30 to 53 feet above ground, for a total of eight speakers. » Concession Building. At the north end of the field a 4,295-square-foot, 19-foot, 4-inch-tall building would have a team room, public restrooms, ticket sales, concessions, concession storage, general storage, and utility rooms. 1601 East Chestnut Avenue, Santa Ana, CA 92701-6322, (714) 480-5355 BOARD OF EDUCATION Rigo Rodriguez, Ph.D., President • Carolyn Torres, Vice President Alfonso Alvarez, E.D., Clerk • John Palacio, Member • Valerie Amezcua, Member » Fencing. An 8-foot-high chain-link fence would be installed around the sports complex with six gates. » Other facilities. The project also includes a discus cage and ring and a shot put throw ring along the outside the southwest corner of the sports complex. Project construction is anticipated to start in late 2021 and take about 14 months to complete. DOCUMENT AVAILABILITY: The MND is available for public review on the SAUSD website under current projects: SUMMARY OF IMPACTS: The attached Initial Study was prepared to identify the potential project-related effects on the environment and to evaluate the significance of those effects. Based on the environmental analysis, the proposed project would have no impacts or less-than-significant environmental impacts related to the following topics: • Aesthetics • Agriculture & Forestry Resources • Air Quality • Biological Resources • Cultural Resources • Energy • Geology & Soils • Greenhouse Gas Emissions • Hazards & Hazardous Materials • Hydrology & Water Quality • Land Use & Planning • Mineral Resources • Recreation • Population & Housing • Public Services • Utilities & Service Systems • Transportation • Tribal Cultural Resources • Wildfire FINDINGS. It is hereby determined that, based on the information in the attached Initial Study, the proposed project, with mitigation measures for Noise, would not have a significant environment impact. 1601 East Chestnut Avenue, Santa Ana, CA 92701-6322, (714) 480-5355 BOARD OF EDUCATION Rigo Rodriguez, Ph.D., President • Carolyn Torres, Vice President Alfonso Alvarez, E.D., Clerk • John Palacio, Member • Valerie Amezcua, Member June 2021 | Initial Study SADDLEBACK HIGH SCHOOL SPORTS COMPLEX Santa Ana Unified School District SADDLEBACK HIGH SCHOOL SPORTS COMPLEX INITIAL STUDY SANTA ANA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Table of Contents Section Page 1. Introduction .................................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT .............................................................. 1 1.2 PROJECT LOCATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING ............................................ 3 1.3 EXISTING ZONING AND GENERAL PLAN ....................................................................... 11 1.4 PROJECT DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................................. 11 1.5 LEAD AGENCY ............................................................................................................................... 23 1.6 ANTICIPATED AGENCY ACTIONS......................................................................................... 24 2. Environmental Checklist ............................................................................................................................. 25 2.1 PROJECT INFORMATION ........................................................................................................... 25 2.2 ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS POTENTIALLY AFFECTED .......................................... 27 2.3 DETERMINATION ......................................................................................................................... 27 2.4 EVALUATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS ............................................................... 28 3. Environmental Analysis .............................................................................................................................. 37 3.1 AESTHETICS .................................................................................................................................... 37 3.2 AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY RESOURCES .................................................................. 45 3.3 AIR QUALITY ................................................................................................................................... 46 3.4 BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES ......................................................................................................... 52 3.5 CULTURAL RESOURCES ............................................................................................................. 53 3.6 ENERGY ............................................................................................................................................. 55 3.7 GEOLOGY AND SOILS ................................................................................................................ 59 3.8 GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS ............................................................................................. 64 3.9 HAZARDS AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ....................................................................... 68 3.10 HYDROLOGY AND WATER QUALITY .................................................................................. 71 3.11 LAND USE AND PLANNING ..................................................................................................... 74 3.12 MINERAL RESOURCES ................................................................................................................ 74 3.13 NOISE .................................................................................................................................................. 75 3.14 POPULATION AND HOUSING ................................................................................................. 84 3.15 PUBLIC SERVICES .......................................................................................................................... 87 3.16 RECREATION .................................................................................................................................. 88 3.17 TRANSPORTATION ....................................................................................................................... 89 3.18 TRIBAL CULTURAL RESOURCES ............................................................................................. 93 3.19 UTILITIES AND SERVICE SYSTEMS ....................................................................................... 94 3.20 WILDFIRE .........................................................................................................................................