Nesting Notes
I ~ ;V II TlIlPr ',./1 /t: C'q It Ii> r n 1ft.. J3a.-/'_ //) (017"0/1'1 /fClI1Cq JU,.,e If 27 i/o /. .lff /J/o. 10 u.s. DEPAR'l!.m:UT OF mE INTERIOll NATIONAL PARK S;mVICE GRJJID CANYON NATIONAL PARK Vol. 3 No, 10 GRAND CANYON NATURE NOTES J'uDe 30 ,1929 .---------- --. ------- ----------- This Eulletin is issued monthly for the purpose of giving informa- . tion to those interested in the natural history and scientific features of the Grand Canyon No. tional Pa-rk. Ad,lHicnal copie s of these Bulletins my be obtained free of char~ b;y those who can cake use of them, by & :l;, Grlllld Canyon National Park, Grand Canyon, - -Al'izona. --- -- - ----- ---- - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - -- - - - - )(. R. Tillotson, SUperintendent, Edwin, D. MCKee, park Naturalist. ------------------------------------- SCIEl,TIFIC WORK Grand Canyon National park has been fortunate in having several of ~ country's leading sdentists numbered among its visitors this past month. Dr. David White, principal geologist U.S. Geological SUrvey, has spent 90me three weeks in a study of the fossil flora of the region - collecting and studying the plants along all of the principal canyon trails. Dr. White obtained some very interesting material in the Algon quin formations and also in the Hermit ·Shale. / Dr. H. C. Bryant of the California Fish and Game ·,.,eommission arrivetl. on the North Rim on June 10, and three days luter on the south Rim to make a special study of the biologioc.l problems of the park. Dr. Bryant, Ip9nt ab,out two weeks at Grand Canyon.
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