Threatened, Endangered, and Vulnerable Species of Terrestrial Vertebrates in the Rocky Mountain Region
-.c) This file was created by scanning the printed publication.:1 Errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. 1"- JJ~.. e1tt~~~f,"lti,l~a~gete,d" ~dV#l~able;Spe(:ies' .' :- ' I "afTerteSttial',~'. .' ,.- , ,'" .' I .-', ". '., .....,' ~ ... ' Vertebrates. " ~ .-,.; . .! '\ '.! .Ji1.,Jii,~;~'~~G~Y~;¥~iip~ip:",lt~~fijn >~' _." ,.-==-- ' -, 'r\ '/ , ,'/",,' ,',. ,. , '( US;Df\ 'For~st ServIGe.~ '., ',GenfI(~l t~chnieaL ~f3port ~M~? 15' ~ ~' , -.. - - . - ." "'... -~- - .1 1\ I ""- ..::' ,"<-) r ,// ..J,!- \ " "}jhre"atetJ.~d;E~dangered", ana Vtilil~ta,~le< /'" , " Species j)fTerrestrial yertebra,l"s ." / "-~ in 'the' Ra'cky' Mountain' Region •• "'.J ' " .' ., ,\ ' ~, - • i -. ,-' , ,'UeborahM. FInch; aeseatcitr Wildlif.eBlotogist' ,,' ',.', 1 :,/R-o~kYiMouhfain_f.orest-.anct 'Range1:xpefiment 5tati()n - , • ~- • / ~---.. - ; :' i' ._-' - , -' - ~ ~ '/ -, ",' , i -, , ' c \ I > _?" ('/ ' "':/ !.'\ .. ,,;,.:~r",r/J\::- j" - \~ )", ",' / Thi~ repr?rt de~cfibe$.l;fi~current,sf~tti$'sf ,~Tthre.ateI1.ed1.: ~ndan~.'~-, , ~ered, ~ IVlih"i~!aql? ..wil~Hfe~peG'ie~ fuoth~'~QC¥y:~ollnta,jpReBicoln. ,~" , ~,'Kngw~:?rp()!e~~~lt~~~61lS fo,r!p_op~I.'iltio~'4~clin~~cilld'spe~ci~s ~u~'. ", '. /_cept~lhty-, aI~c~?tQehbflCi),€p'/and.·distrIbuhons ;.;,.habltllt~~' spec~~hz~d", /, -needs)' all(~ perc~ived ~~eat~~f in~ividJ!CJ.I (spe~ie~ arE} disG}J~sed,,\Tl}~ . r@?rt fp~9ses on; ~elr~stria~-vert~rate s~~ec~es; inlU!Bititlg I)Iatfon(~l -~ ror~~t~ ap~ D~~sIa!ld~;~nd IS: ~eSls~~~;to a~SI~,~e\U"S. R{cuestt?!rv= , 12el!1:1.d~n~Wmg
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