TO THE LADIES. TilK PELftS. A WISH L^W,—tt WA« one of the laws SUCCESSION BALE Lost or fttolcsn. The Foreign 'nw»#«- A CURE FOR LIFE SECURED. In the Siiccesiioii f In the Sixth Ills. On Wednesday night the 5lh Inst., at BALM OF COLUMBIA FOR REÖTOR, Inf bricht us tho New of Lyetirgu»» that no portion should be given DK, WIMM'« V Ktlß'f AMtH Jtl,K(TI) A H ST, of > trlet Court, West or about the store of Mr. Newpoit on the 1NOTHË HAIR, to young women in nmrrtage. When this Or Internal Remedy for ihe Piles. York iVr.tid of the îlttflf tili., containing Era«mtii P. Wowls, ) Baton Rouge. Baton Rouge and Bayou Sara road, a "Long llair is a glory to woman," sayn Paul, full neeotmi» by ihn »ieam»hl|» îtièernin, great lawgiver was ealled upon to justify By order ofthe Hon. Sixth District Court bread cloth over-coat. In one of tho pock, And all feel the triiihof the pio«s quotation} PnKPAfiß» MV A UMIAM, New York, a re- rt* was a pistol, and in the other a rassor, Preserve It, (hen, Indies—your glory may fall, gtiUrly educated Physician, who devote* hh which nrrived at liasbm^ ft! 3 o'clock, ou this enactment, ho ohlorved, "that iu the ofthe Parish of We=t Baton Rouge there Unless you protect it with Ihis preparation. iittolrtfnn almost pi tlfely to tills disease. No choice of a wife, merit should only be con. will he exposed for sale at publie auction shaving box and brush, Any person who the morning of Ilm är»fh| the »ilvico« will return tho same or jjive sttrli informa» Thf genuine Halm of Col a in ia is not only mineral c»n be d<-t"Cled in the cemposltii n, nor sld red; and that the law wit s made to pre on Wmlntmhy itw 0//» dut) of ft'hru'try Intituling ttnd lm|*oriiu«.
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