BA Graphic Design & Communication We are very pleased that you have accepted the offer of a place on the Graphic & Communication Design degree course at the University of Leeds. We hope to make your period of study a very rewarding time. The course will be a challenge from beginning to end and if you fully engage throughout your time at Leeds then you will achieve an excellent degree from one of the top universities in the UK. This will assist you in moving on to a career in one of the ‘creative industries’. Many of our graduates move on to careers in graphic design, advertising, marketing, illustration, or photography. These industries are exciting, fast moving and challenging as well as being incredibly rewarding. Engaging with your studies from the beginning will help you to thrive both at University and in your later career. Succeeding will be a challenge and the challenge starts here... Congratulations again on your excellent results. We really look forward to meeting you in September! All the best, Alan Oliver (Programme Manager BA (hons) Graphic and Communication Design) Please read your personalised induction pack carefully. Enclosed you will find: FAQ’s Induction Timetable School of Design Campus guide If you have any questions about any of the information in your welcome pack, or on the Flying Start website, please email
[email protected]. Is there anything I need to do before I arrive? It is important that you arrive in September, fully rested but also full of enthusiasm, creativity and that you are ready and eager to get started! With this in mind, here are some activities to get involved with… You must bring an A4 colour printout of a piece of graphic design by a well known graphic designer from the last 100 years that interests or excites you.