Case Studies on Rain Water Harvesting and Artificial Recharge
SELECT CASE STUDIES RAIN WATER HARVESTING and ARTIFICIAL RECHARGE Central Ground Water Board 18/11, Jam Nagar House, Mansingh Road New Delhi – 110011 Phone : 011- 23385620 Central Ground Water Board Fax : 011- 23388310 Web Site: Ministry of Water Resources Front page image : Painting by New Delhi Master. RAHUL RANJAN, VI STD P.S.R Public School, Vizianagaran May 2011 Andhra Pradesh JMD Printed by : - 9899590095, 9811203410 CENTRAL GROUND WATER BOARD MINISTRY OF WATER RESOURCES NEW DELHI Prepared & Compiled under the Technical Guidance of Dr. S.C. Dhiman, Chairman Central Ground Water Board, New Delhi & Sushil Gupta, Member Central Ground Water Board, New Delhi Contrtibutors Anoop Nagar, Superintending Hydrogeologist, CGWB, New Delhi S. N. Bhattacharya, Scientist-D, CGWA, New Delhi Dr. Poonam Sharma, Scientist-D, CGWB, New Delhi Dr. S. Subramanian, Scientist-C, CGWB, New Delhi Dr. M. Senthil Kumar, Scientist-B, CGWB, South Eastern Coastal Region, Chennai Saidul Haq, Assitant Hydrogeologist, CGWB, New Delhi Faisal Abrar, Assistant Hydrogeologist, CGWA, New Delhi P. Yadaiah, STA (HG), CGWB, New Delhi Dr. S.C. Dhiman Chairman FOREWORD Groundwater is the major source of freshwater that caters to the demand of ever growing domestic, agricultural and industrial sectors of the country. This renewable resource is being indiscriminately exploited by several users. On the other hand, rapid urbanization and land use changes has resulted in reduced natural infiltration /recharge of aquifers. This has lead to various problems related to quantity and quality and issues like the decline in water levels, depletion of groundwater resource and quality deterioration. There is thus an imperative need for augmenting the valuable ground water resource.
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