11 Militarypol Index.Indd 411 11/10/08 5:14:13 PM 412 Index
INDEX A TNI under, 211–25 abangan, 69 end of reform, 217–22 view on inclusion of syariat, 73 reform and military factionalism, Abd Rohim Ghazali, 336 212–17 Abdul Hakim Garuda Nusantara, 171 threat of emergency, 222–25 Abdullah Faqih, 357 ABRI (Angkatan Bersenjata Republik Abdurrahman Saleh, 316 Indonesia), 64 Abdurrahman Wahid, 4, 83 crisis of declining regime, 109–10 armed forces, approach towards, 242 damage to reputation, 123 attacks on Amien Rais, 152 support for calls for Suharto’s defending constituency interests, resignation, 130 254 headquarters, 55 fall of, 222–25 view of itself, 39 fear for regime backlash, 178 Abu Bakar Ba’asyir, 88–89 Gus Dur, 93 leader of Jemaah Islamiyah, 281 health of, 182 Abu Dujana, 350 hostility towards Muhammadiyah’s Abu Hasan, 284 chairman, 152 Abdul Kahfi, 274 intra-Islamic conflicts during Aceh Presidency of, 260–80 civil-military relations in, 302–04 isolation from political reality, 223 peace agreement, see Aceh Peace leadership style, erratic, 261 Agreement marginalization, 335–37 resolution of conflict, 329 opposition to state support for Yudhoyono’s reconciliatory policies, Islamization, 85 294 political talks with Siti Hardiyanti, Aceh Peace Agreement, 298–304 153 efforts of Jusuf Kalla, 299 support for orderly political Helsinki Accord, 300–02 transition process, 174 Aceh-Nias Rehabilitation and support for Suharto regime, 150 Reconstruction Agency, 301 411 11 MilitaryPol Index.indd 411 11/10/08 5:14:13 PM 412 Index Achmad Tirtosudiro, 166, 188 pluralist outlook, 161 Adang Daradjatun, 347 resignation
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