Council of Governors Meeting

Thursday 7th March 2019

9.30am to 12.00pm The Dome , 21-22 Marine Parade, Worthing, , BN11 3PT


Please note that Any Other Business items should be advised to the Chairman before the Meeting

1 09.30 Welcome, Introductions and Apologies for Alan McCarthy Absence Marianne Griffiths, Denise Farmer, Stuart Fleming, Eileen Lintill, Karen Geoghegan

2 09.35 Declarations of Interests Verbal Alan McCarthy

3 09.35 Minutes of Meeting of the Council of Enclosure Alan McCarthy Governors held on 10th December 2018 To approve

4 09.35 Matters Arising from the Minutes Enclosure Alan McCarthy • Medical Staff Morale, Resilience - local Presentation Tim Taylor actions and initiatives • 7-Day Services Presentation Tim Taylor To note


5 10.00 Lead Governor’s Report To Follow Roger Hammond To receive and agree any necessary actions

6 10.10 Membership Committee Report Enclosure John Thompson To receive and agree any necessary actions

7 10.20 Staff Governors Report Verbal Staff Governors To receive and agree any necessary actions

8 10.30 Appointed Governors Report (District Cllrs) Verbal Appointed To receive and agree any necessary actions Governors


9 10.40 Board Report to Council Verbal Chief Executive To receive and agree any actions

10 10.50 Governors Feedback from Working Groups Verbal Roger Hammond To receive and agree any actions

11 11.00 Committee Feedback – Quality and Risk Presentation/ Joanna Crane To receive information on the role of the Discussion Committee

12 11.10 Report from the Nomination and Enclosure Alan McCarthy Remuneration Committee meeting To receive and agree any actions

13 11.15 Quality Account Update Presentation George Findlay To receive and agree any actions


14 11.30 Governor Strategy Group – Update Verbal John Thompson To discuss and agree any actions

15 11.35 Annual Governor Declarations of Interest Enclosure Glen Palethorpe To receive and agree any actions


16 11.40 Other Business Alan McCarthy

17 11.45 Date of next meeting: Alan McCarthy 15.00 – 17.30 on Thursday 4th July 2019 in the Mickerson Hall, CMEC, St Richard’s Hospital

18 11.50 Questions from the Members of the Public Alan McCarthy

Glen Palethorpe Group Company Secretary [email protected]

Quoracy of Council of Governors Meetings

A meeting of the Council shall be quorate and shall not commence until it is quorate. Quoracy is defined as meaning that the following requirements are all satisfied: • there shall be present at the meeting at least one third of all Governors (9) • of those present, at least 51% shall be Elected Governors • of whom at least two shall be Elected Public Governors


Minutes of the Council of Governors Meeting held in Public from 09.30am on Monday 10th December 2018 in The Mickerson Hall, Chichester Medical Education Centre (CMEC), St Richard’s Hospital, Spitalfield Road, Chichester, PO19 6SE

Present: Alan McCarthy Chairman Marianne Griffiths Chief Executive Officer John Todd Public Governor – Adur Jill Long Public Governor – Arun Anita Mackenzie Public Governor – Arun John Thompson Public Governor – Arun Roger Hammond Public Governor – Worthing (Lead Governor) Patricia Peal Public Governor – Worthing Linda Tomsett Public Governor – Chichester Les Willcox Public Governor – Chichester Alan Sutton Public Governor - Chichester Stuart Fleming Governor - Patent/Carer Ashvin Patel Appointed Governor – West Sussex County Council Andrew Ratcliffe Associate Governor Lyn Fowler Associate Governor

Ryan De-Vall Staff Governor – Scientific, Technical and Professional Richard Venn Staff Governor – Medical & Dental Natalie Matthews Staff Governor – Estates and Facilities Moira Whitlock Staff Governor – Nursing & Midwifery Miranda Jose Staff Governor – Additional Clinical Services

Eileen Lintill Appointed Governor, Chichester District Jane Ramage Council Appointed Governor, Friends of Chichester Hospital In Attendance: Patrick Boyle Non-Executive Director John Furmston Non-Executive Director Mike Rymer Non-Executive Director Joanna Crane Non-Executive Director George Findlay Chief Medical Officer Denise Farmer Chief Workforce & OD Officer Alison Ingoe Director of Finance Jennie Shore HR Director Maggie Davies Director of Nursing Glen Palethorpe Group Company Secretary Tony Boness Divisional Director – Core (for Item 10) Nicky Sullivan Divisional Director – Surgery (for Item 10) Jeannie Baumann Divisional Director – Resilience (for Item 12) Dr Cate Bell Head of Research (for Item 13) Jan Simmons Corporate Governance Officer (Minutes)

Item No Item Title Action

COG/12/18/1 Welcome and Apologies for Absence

1.1 Alan McCarthy welcomed everyone to the meeting.

1.2 Apologies for absence were noted from : Directors – Nicola Ranger, Jayne Black Non-Executive Directors – Lizzie Peers Governors – John Bull, Val Turner

COG/12/18/2 Declarations of Interest

2.1 There were no declarations of interest.

COG/12/18/3 Minutes of the Council of Governors Meeting held in Public on the 20th September 2018

3.1 The minutes of the meeting of the Council of Governors held on the 20th September 2018 were agreed as correct and APPROVED to be signed by the Chairman.

COG/12/18/4 Matters Arising from the Minutes

4.1 The Matters Arising from the meeting held on the 20th September 2018 were received and noted.

4.2 COG 03/18/10.8 – Dementia Strategy It was noted that the Dementia Strategy had been presented to the Quality & Risk Committee. The Council would be updated on progress at a later date. NR

4.3 COG 03/18/12.7 – Learning Disabilities Peer Review Good outcomes from the Peer Review were noted and an action plan had been developed.

4.4 COG 03/18/16.1 – Council of Governors Terms of Reference ToRs accepted as appropriate at the last Pre-Council meeting and would be reviewed again next year.

4.5 COG/06/18/8.7 – Medical Registrar National Job Plan concerns George Findlay acknowledged that there had been some areas of concern and advised that the Trust was well-sighted on these; discussions had been held locally to deal with them. An update would be brought back to the Council of Governors. GF

4.6 COG/06/18/9.4 – Student Nurse Applications An update on the number of student nurse applications lost as a result of the impact of student loans replacing bursaries would be provided at the next KGal 4.7 meeting.

COG/09/18/8.1 – 7/7 Services 4.8 An update would be provided at the next meeting. TT

COG/09/18/8.2 – MSK An update would be provided at the next meeting. JBl Marianne commented that there had not been any change as the CCG were not in a position financially to appoint care navigators. Discussions and work on the pathway designs continued but it remained a major concern for the Trust.

4.9 COG/09/18/8.5 – Nurse Staffing Levels Jennie Shore reported that between April and November 2018 there had been

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a net increase of 17 Registered Nurses within the Trust with 93 who had commenced employment with the Trust and 76 who had left.

4.10 COG/09/18/8.7 – Data Mapping This would be covered in an agenda item.

4.11 COG/09/18/8.8 – Winter Planning This would be covered in an agenda item in the meeting

4.12 COG/09/18/10.2 – Patient Catering This would be covered in an agenda item in respect of feedback from specific groups.

4.13 COG/09/18/19 – Roles of Volunteers The roles of the volunteers were being reviewed to ensure they remained a valued and productive part of the team.

COG/12/18/5 Appointment of Deputy Chairman

5.1 The Council of Governors approved the appointment of Mike Rymer as Deputy Chairman for Western Sussex Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.

5.2 Alan McCarthy left the meeting at this point and handed over the Chair to Patrick Boyle.

COG/12/18/6 Lead Governor’s Report

6.1 Roger Hammond presented the report and highlighted the following:

6.2 Roger paid tribute to John Thompson, the outgoing Lead Governor and welcomed several new Governors, including two Associate Governors. He also thanked Barbara Porter, one of the long standing Governors, for her diligent and passionate service on behalf of patients. One Governor, Jim Jennings had stood down and a number of Staff Governors had completed their term. Following the elections, all Staff groups were now well represented.

6.3 Since the last meeting in September the Trust had also welcomed Alan McCarthy as the new Chairman following the retirement of Mike Viggers.

6.4 Governors had been closely involved in the development of provision for patient catering and had reported good results to date in both the revised provision of catering and in the quality of the planned menu.

6.5 John Thompson had taken over the Chair of the Membership Committee from Jill Long who had stepped down. Roger thanked Jill for her commitment and the structure and focus that she brought to the Committee.

6.6 Governors continued to be involved in many aspects of the Hospitals. The most insightful concerned the Peer review process through which designated patient facing areas were reviewed in person by groups of staff and Governors. The process was widely commended by all involved and formed a useful insight into both the care provided and the difficulties sometimes faced in maintaining “Outstanding” performance.

6.7 In October, a group of Governors from different Trusts across the region came together to discuss common issues and thoughts on how the future of health and social care might develop and the support that might be needed from

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Governors. Several Governors from WSHFT attended, finding the content both useful and stimulating.

COG/12/18/7 Membership Committee Report

7.1 John Thompson presented the Membership Committee Report adding that this was his first report since taking over the Chair from Jill Long, whom he thanked for all her hard work and support over the past three years.

7.2 Two key aims for the future were to deliver the Membership Strategy and to improve engagement with Members. It was hoped that a larger contribution to delivering the Strategy would be made by all Governors, including Staff and Appointed Governors.

7.3 The Committee were keen to develop better ways of engaging with, and increasing, the Trust’s membership, especially with the BME community and among young people.

7.4 Useful contacts, and an opportunity to encourage people to join the Trust, were made at recent events that included the Organ Donation presentation and a McMillan Cancer Support event.

COG/12/18/8 Staff Governors Report

8.1 Richard Venn presented the report and welcomed all the new Staff Governors.

8.2 Items covered from the action log were discussed as follows:

8.3 Nursing activity – Marianne advised that the Trust had invested in a safety of care module from which activity data was reported to the Board on a daily basis.

Action: • Maggie Davies and Richard Venn to discuss in more detail. MD/RV

8.4 With regard to nurse staffing, George Findlay added that the data was reviewed multiple times per day and provided a detailed overview of operational activity, including gaps in staffing. Nurse recruitment was difficult, not only within the Trust, but across the whole of the NHS but it was important to ensure that staff felt supported and patients were cared for with compassion and safety. Turnover rates in the Trust were about half of other places but any constructive ideas on how to recruit would be appreciated as it was not possible to recruit fast enough to meet the increased demands.

8.5 The Council noted that a great deal of work was being undertaken with 6th Form Colleges to encourage leavers to join the Nursing profession.

8.6 Denise Farmer confirmed that the Trust had a limited amount of accommodation on site which was mostly used by junior doctors and nurses.

8.7 Responding to a comment from Anita MacKenzie it was noted that the Trust currently had approximately 1,000 volunteers with an additional 30-40 being taken on following their induction.

Action: • With regard to the availability of meeting room and video conference resources, Jayne Black would follow up outside the meeting. JBl

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COG/12/18/9 Appointed Governor Report

9.1 Jane Ramage presented the report on behalf of the Friends of Chichester Hospitals, Friends of Worthing Hospital and League of Friends of southlands Hospital.

9.2 Jane reported that there had been a productive discussion regarding the future management and training of volunteers.

9.3 The Friends of Chichester Hospitals finished the financial year at the end of September having committed circa.£460K to support patients and staff at St Richard’s Hospital. This had supported the purchase of equipment including instruments for laparoscopic gynae surgery, raising and transfer aids, a bladder scanner and a large quantity of chairs - for A & E, the Goodwood discharge lounge, Outpatient clinics, and for wards.

9.4 A raffle was currently running at St Richard’s to raise funds to help support the Friends’ purchase of an X Ray guided core breast biopsy system for the Blackdown Suite.

9.5 Christmas gifts were ready to be distributed around the wards on Christmas Eve. Following concern from Alan Sutton that there appeared to be duplication that both Love Your Hospital and the Friends were providing presents for patients at Christmas, Patrick Boyle advised that work was currently taking place to bring the Charities together and to develop a protocol for going forward.

Action: • Patrick to discuss this further with Jane Ramage outside the meeting. PB/JR

9.6 It was noted that the Friends’ Shop would be closed for longer this year on Christmas day and Boxing Day and two days at New Year.

COG/12/18/10 Board Report to Council – Patient First Metrics

10.1 Marianne Griffiths provided a brief update on activity and performance the highlights of which were:

10.2 A&E attendances had increased by approximately 2% and emergency admissions by 8% partly due to patients with more complex health issues.

10.3 The A&E target of 95% had been missed in October but the Trust had achieved the Sustainability and Transformation Funding (STF) for the first two quarters of the year. In November the Trust had achieved 96% and 94.89% for the year to day. By December the organization needed to achieve 95% to achieve its next STF payment.

10.4 Marianne added that the Trust was currently top of the region for its A&E performance and in the best 10 nationally performing Trusts.

10.5 Referral to Treatment Time (RTT) had been an issue and the Trust was currently under-achieving on this measure but was taking action to improve.

10.6 Ambulance handover standards required that they be completed within 15 minutes. A great deal of improvement work was taking place to improve this with Worthing Hospital currently rated 5th and St Richard’s 6th in the region.

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10.7 62 day cancer targets were achieved by the Trust. However, there had been an enormous increase in 2-week rule referrals that had impacted on the performance target which was usually delivered by the Trust.

10.8 Southlands – Ophthalmology Nicky Sullivan, Divisional Director for Surgery provided an update advising that the Ophthalmology team had been innovative in creating capacity and that the Glaucoma weeks had been a success with further weeks planned for January and February. The Team was on target to recover the issues with follow-up appointments by the end of March and to sustain them beyond that.

10.9 Southlands – Phlebotomy Services Tony Boness, Divisional Director for Core Services advised that from 5th October 2018 the Monday to Friday GP access walk in service at Southlands Hospital had been transferred to Worthing Hospital. Following a review it was noted that the service on Fridays was poorly utilized whilst the demands on the service at Worthing was soaring. Therefore, following communication with GPs, it was decided to redistribute staff and enhance the service at Worthing.

10.10 RTT Nicky Sullivan provided an update to the Council on theatre utilization to deliver RTT advising that a robust winter plan had been developed to protect beds and focus on RTT.

10.11 Impact of BSUH CQC on WSHT and preparations for CQC Marianne Griffiths was delighted to advise that the Brighton & Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust (BSUH) CQC Report was expected to be published on 19th December 2018.

10.12 As the Trust held the management contract with BSUH, the Executive Team would be presenting the findings of the report to staff at St Richard’s, Worthing and Southlands hospitals.

Action: • A formal CQC update report would be provided to the next meeting. MG/NR

10.13 The CQC inspection of the Trust was not anticipated until after April 2019. The inspection would take place within 12 weeks of the Trust receiving the formal notice. There was nothing in the CQC Insight Report to cause concern and therefore it was likely that the Trust would have a low key inspection of only one service as well as a small unannounced inspection. There would also be a 2-day well-led inspection. Deloitte were also undertaking a review of the Trust Board Effectiveness and the Well Led self-assessment undertaken by the Trust all in preparation for the CQC visit.

10.14 Following a question from John Thompson, Glen Palethorpe confirmed that the Board Assessment Framework (BAF) had been refreshed for the Trust and was being presented to Committees, after which it would be presented to the Council of Governors.

COG/12/18/11 Governors Feedback from Working Groups

11.1 Patient Catering Review John Thompson reported that good progress had been made to provide patient food that was cooked, chilled and then regenerated on special trolleys. Food tastings had taken place and the new menus were much improved and would cater for special diets, ethnicity and preference. It was anticipated that

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the new menus would be in place in both hospitals by May 2019.

11.2 Organ Donation Linda Tomsett briefed the Council on the Organ Donation assumed consent legislation that had reached its final reading but which would take until April 202 to become law. It was hoped that this legislation would shift attitudes to organ donation by having to opt out. Wales had started to see a good increase in organ donation having been opted out for some time. Northern Ireland was still in consultation due to religious issues and Scotland was giving the UK the highest level or organ donation. There were currently 7,000 people on the donor waiting list, with the UK having the highest rate of family refusals in the western world. George Findlay added that families would still be able to refuse and this would not be impacted by the legislation. It was clearly important to progress an educational programme to increase these numbers and to address issues with different ethnicities.

11.3 PLACE John Todd provided an update on the Patient Led Assessment for Care environment (PLACE) visits which took place around wards and other areas, when conditions allowed, at both St Richard’s and Worthing Hospitals. The visits at Southlands Hospital currently took place on a monthly basis but the programme was being reviewed. Great improvements had been seen over the year especially with hand hygiene and infection control. John invited all new Governors to attend.

COG/12/18/12 Preparation for Winter Pressures

12.1 Jeannie Bauman, Divisional Director – Resilience gave a presentation on the Trust’s preparation for winter pressures covering operational capacity and escalation plans, additional pathways, costs, workforce and support in the community.

12.2 Responding to a question from Anita MacKenzie, Jeannie confirmed that GPs were rostered from 8am – 10pm in the A&E Department.

12.3 Richard Venn asked what work was taking place with regard to elective surgery. Nicky Sullivan replied saying there was a very clear plan with ring fenced beds for elective surgery patients and some really clear plans to mitigate day case patients requiring longer recovery time.

12.4 Marianne Griffiths added that Flu had had a huge impact on winter pressures last year but the winter plan this year was more robust than last. However, another challenge for the Trust was that of supporting mental health patients who attend A&E and a great deal of work was being done with the Mental Health Trust to help mitigate this challenge and pressure on the Trust services.

COG/12/18/13 Committee Feedback – Quality and Risk

13.1 It was agreed that the Quality and Risk feedback would be deferred to the GP/JS next meeting.

13.2 WSHFT Clinical Academic Programme Maggie Davies and Dr Cate Bell, Head of Research gave a presentation to describe the vision and the case of the need for a Clinical Academic Pathways programme and to give an overview of the vision and implementation of the Clinical Academic Pathways at the Trust.

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13.3 Responding to a question from Joanna Crane regarding the scale of funding, Maggie Davies advised that £500K had been received initially from Health Education but were requesting more. The funding was spread over three years and was very cost effective. Evidence and evaluation of two improvements would be provided to support the request.

COG/12/18/14 Governors Annual Programme

14.1 Roger Hammond advised that the current Annual Programme of meetings was coming to an end in March but he would be working with the Group Company Secretary in order to present next year’s programme to the next RH/GP meeting.

COG/12/18/15 Trust Constitution Matters

15.1 Roger Hammond confirmed that the Constitution had been updated at the Council of Governors meeting in June 2018.

COG/12/18/16 Governor Strategy Group – Update

16.1 Arrangements had been made for Oliver Phillips to present the Trust’s Strategic Plan to the Governors Strategy Group later today.

COG/12/18/17 Any Other Business

17.1 There was no other business to discuss.

COG/12/18/18 Date of Next Meeting

18.1 It was confirmed that the next meeting of the Council of Governors would take place on Thursday 7th March 2019 from 9.30am – 12.30pm in The Dome Worthing, 21-22 Marine Parade, Worthing, West Sussex, BN11 3PT.

COG/12/18/19 Questions from Members of the Public

19.1 John Gooderham asked what progress had been made on Radiotherapy services since the Surrey and Sussex Alliance had agreed that a two Linac unit should be provided at St Richard’s Hospital by 2021?

19.2 George Findlay referred back to what had been stated at the Public Board meeting in that the decision was not in the Trust’s gift. However, the Trust was very supportive and happy to make space available for the units but they could only be sited with a Cancer Provider and the Cancer centre was Portsmouth. The Trust still wished to move forward with this but an implementation plan had not progressed.

19.3 Roger Kewan explained that that although he was satisfied with the care he received when attending the A&E and Outpatient Departments he found the administration with regard to appointments to be very poor. George Findlay apologized and informed him that as of December the Trust would be trialing a new system for communicating with patients that would reduce postal costs. This was part of the IT strategy which would provide a portal where patients could self-manage appointments.

Jan Simmons Signed as an accurate record of the meeting Corporate Governance Officer

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December 2018 …………………………………………………. Chair ………………………………………………… Date

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Responsible Minute Ref Description of Action Deadline Report Person

Lead Governors’ Survey to be considered in Defer until new Co Sec fully up to speed and after the COG 03/18/6.5 JT July 2019 detail at a future meeting of the CoG CQC inspection of WSHT.

A draft Strategy is being developed and a deep dive was Provide an update to the Council of Governors COG 03/18/10.8 NR Completed presented at the Quality & Risk committee meeting in on the progress with the Trust’s Dementia December 2018. Strategy.

Provide an update on the Medical Registrar COG/06/18/8.7 th National job plan concerns – exit interviews. GF March 2019 An update to be provided at the meeting on 7 March.

Figures relating to the number of student th COG/06/18/9.4 A verbal update will be provided at the meeting on 7 nurse applications lost as a result of the KGalvin March 2019 March. impact of student loans replacing bursaries.

Apprenticeship options being explored for all clinical pathways, enabling the Trust to draw down from the apprenticeship levy and explore salary support. Are NEDs assured that Board is investigating Commenced with a 2-year Nursing Associate (NA) financial incentives to ensure in-house HCAs, pathway where existing staff can qualify after 2 years as ODPs, therapy assistants will continue to seek MD/CW Completed NA or continue their apprenticeship to a full degree and further qualifications now that NHS Bursary RN qualification. 2 cohorts have been supported so far, has been removed. with a 3rd cohort planned for February 19. Awaiting the apprenticeship standard for OPD and Nurse degree – both have been signed off and universities hope to have them ready from September 2019. Provide an update on Medical ownership – 7/7

services, in-patient medical ward cover, out of TT Completed On agenda for 7th March meeting. COG/09/18/8.1 hours and annual or other leave.

MSK – provide a further update on the whole COG/09/18/8.2 JBl Completed Please see the update note attached system approach.

Nursing activity - Provide more detail on the COG/12/18/8.3 safety of care module from which activity data MD/RV Completed This was reported in the Public Board papers

was reported to the Board on a daily basis. COG/12/18/9.5 Duplication of Christmas gift distribution – to PB/JR Completed be discussed outside the meeting COG/12/18/10.12 Provide an update on the BSUH CQC Report MG/NR Completed Provided to Governors in Chair/CEO meeting. at the next meeting.

COG/12/18/13 Committee Feedback – Quality and Risk item th GP/JS Completed On agenda for 7 March meeting. deferred to the next agenda

COG/12/18/14 Governors Annual Programme – present next th RH/GP Completed On agenda for 7 March meeting year’s programme to the next meeting.

Update note for Item COG/09/18/8.2 MSK – provide a further update on the whole system approach.

• MSK is one of 5 sub-groups meeting monthly that reports to the AIC Planned Care Steering Group. This Steering Group is accountable to the CWS Partnership & Delivery Board which also meets monthly.

• The chair of the MSK sub- group is the DDO for Surgery who is also the SRO for the Planned Care Steering Group.

• MSK was one of 5 specialty areas that was identified as a top priority that could support an improvement in system wide performance for planned care and also aligns to the STP wide priorities to maximise the benefits of reducing the variation in the hip and knee clinical pathways and improving outcomes for patients. (Opportunities for MSK identified via GIRFT and Model Hospital)

• The MSK sub group ‘kick off’ meeting was held in December 2018 and has now met twice. The project aims to:

o Reduce waiting times for patients o Improve Patient Outcomes o Reduce inefficiencies across the system and improve patient flow o Deliver an integrated service across CWS for MSK patients o Support RTT recovery

• Membership of the group includes Primary, Community and Acute Trust Colleagues and Coastal West Sussex CCG. (Acute Trust includes Consultant Physiotherapist, Pain Consultant, Consultant Rheumatologists, Pharmacists, Consultant Orthopaedic Consultants, CD Orthopaedics, Radiology Manager, CD Radiology, CGMs)

• The group has reviewed the original MSK A3 for the programme of work and is building on the extensive amount of development and innovation already completed in Coastal West Sussex through partnership working. This includes the ambition to co-locate services and work more closely at the community and secondary care interface as well as testing the benefit of nationally linked initiatives such as First Contact Practitioners based in Primary Care.


MARCH 2019

Membership engagement We continue to make good progress towards our goal of greater membership engagement. John Thompson will be providing more details in his report following, however, I would like to comment on the importance of our events open to all stakeholders. Last October we hosted an innovative evening in partnership with our Organ donation charity at which we heard of the hundreds of people who await an organ transplant each year and of the hundreds who die without one. It is therefore encouraging that on the 26th February this year, the bill concerning “Presumed Consent” was passed through Parliament and will be enacted next year. A remaining issue is the frequent disconnect between the will of the donor and their family and we encourage discussion between families on this issue before it becomes too late. If you need convincing, listen to Max talking about Keira’s family who donated her heart to him and whose names have become the statute in law.

Patient catering More food for thought. The project is rapidly approaching completion and we eagerly await the response from patients. I know from my own relatives and friends in hospital recently that we don’t always feel like eating when ill or after surgery although the responses to the trials have been encouraging. Those of us who took part in the last peer review of the maternity wards will remember the delight of one of our patients who was astonished at the food quality. The down side was she didn’t want to go home! We thank those Governors who have supported the project and Natalie Matthews for keeping us up to date with the project.

Holding Non-Executive Directors to Account We recently held our first biannual meeting of the year with the Non-Executive Directors at which we exchange our thoughts on matters of mutual interest. The interest on this occasion was in connection with the ongoing work of our Trust in supporting Brighton and University hospitals under the managed contract entered into 2 years ago. The effort has been extensive and demanding and consequently has required some re-distribution of effort on behalf of the NED’s as well as staff. Whilst we are pleased that the outcome has been stunning for all involved, we as Governors have sought assurance that the balance of executive support has not adversely tilted away from WSHFT. We have received this assurance from the Chief Executive that the focus on WSHFT retaining their outstanding rating is a key priority for the executive. Consequently, we are supportive of all efforts to assure the Trust is in the best position possible to maintain the “Outstanding” rating previously awarded by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

Outpatients appointments Many patients and their families will have had to negotiate the appointments system at one or more of the Trust hospitals since the increase in patient demands began a few years ago. There is a complex interaction of people and systems that support the patient securing an effective appointment, consultation and treatment. There are many factors that come into

play to enable this process to work successfully each and every time and for some the system does not deliver every time the high levels of service the Trust demands of itself. We are aware of work to improve outpatient appointments and where we are aware of issues we flag this to the Trust to enable them to better understand the many factors that are to be addressed by the planned improvement work,

Involvement of Trust Governors in the Development of Trust Strategies We are continuing to have meetings with members of the senior and Executive team on matters relating to the future strategy of the Trust. As ever the issues and choices are not straightforward and the important part we play in representing the patient perspective, past, present and future is welcomed by the Trust. The NHS is currently favouring a more regional approach to future healthcare and whilst the work with Brighton on Acute hospital issues is helpful and beneficial to our Trust, there is work being done with the Trust’s Community, Mental Health and other partner that will enable our patients to gain from our involvement in the developing integrated care system. Our increasingly close relationship with Sussex and other Foundation Trusts across England is valuable in sharing experiences on what is working and what is not.

Information Seminars The last information seminar for Governors on the subject of clinical governance was very well received by Governors who noted the continued beneficial changes in how the Trust supports patients who had experienced difficulties. This was followed by a presentation on Capital investments and more recently on hospital security that had been requested by Governors. Interesting information was provided and Governors will be interested to follow up on planned activity in the coming months.

Lead Governors’ Forum Since the last report, as Lead Governor, I have met other Lead Governors at their national conference in London. Whilst it is good to hear of the successes and challenges across England at different types of Trusts, there were also some useful ideas to discuss with colleagues. Similarly, I also met other Leads at our regular Sussex get together. Again, one or two useful ideas have emerged for Governors to consider.

Roger Hammond March 2019


MARCH 2019

Since the last report in December there has been good progress on several fronts. The Membership Strategy was formally adopted by the Membership Committee in January – a copy is attached to this report.

The key themes are reaching out to potential new Members; knowing more about and making the most of the Members we have and engaging with our Members and the wider public – who are potential new Members….

When I was approached to join the Trust, I asked “why should I join?” The answer was because you can have a say in the sort of services you as a patient will have access to. That is a key message in engaging with prospective and existing Members.

I believe the effective delivery of the Membership Strategy is best achieved through partnerships. To that end the Action Plan that underpins the Strategy has elements that are dependent on building relationships: we are already working on:  GPs Surgeries – recruiting new members and publicising events – one surgery publicised the Diabetes Talk – we had 10 attendees who would not have come otherwise – non were Members – all left with application forms  We need more younger people as Members – we are running a poster competition in one school – if a success we may do similar (engagement) events at other schools.  Linking up with outward facing parts of the Trust – Love Your Hospital (LYH), Organ Donation and Volunteers – already LYH have agreed to some shared merchandise and to give us space in their notice boards.  Every wards has business cards with ward ‘phone number on the front – and until now nothing on the back. As they are reprinted that will have information about Trust Membership.

The Action Plan is also attached: it shows progress on many fronts since the last Council of Governors meeting.

One decision we have made is to change Medicine for Members to Medicine for All – it reflects the fact that all our meetings are open to the public and advertised as such. These are wonderful occasions where we are lucky enough to hear from dedicated clinicians – some leaders in their field – who make the most complex subjects both interesting and accessible to lay audiences.

Our last event was on Diabetes delivered by Dr Ken Laji – a Consultant Endocrinologist – over 90 people heard about how diabetes occurs and all the actions to reduce the incidence of Diabetes and improve treatments and outcomes for those who are diabetic.

“The next Medicine for All event is planned for April in the Worthing. The subject is Frailty and Well-Being presented by Dr David Hunt a Consultant in Medicine for the Elderly – Dr Hunt did a presentation to Governors last year – informative and thought provoking in equal measure. Details will be published as soon as a date is fixed.”

John Thompson

Agreed at MEC 14.01.2019

Membership and Engagement Strategy 2018-21

Introduction As a Foundation Trust, Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (WSHFT) is answerable to its members. A responsibility of all foundation trusts is to recruit, develop and engage with members as a way of ensuring service provision meets the needs of service users.

As both an employer and provider of services it is essential that WSHFT listens to and responds to local people. Its staff, patient and public members provide a fantastic opportunity to do so, involving communities in the way services are run and improved and inspiring confidence in the people who run them.

The objectives outlined in this strategy set out an ambition to continue to increase membership; build on the strong engagement of the past few years to encourage more local people to be actively involved in their local hospitals, helping shape the services of today and tomorrow.

Trust Members can be any member of staff, anyone who has been a patient or carer within the trust since 1 January 2010, or anyone who lives in any one of the five local authority areas covered by the trust’s catchment: Adur, Arun, Chichester, Horsham or Worthingi. Members must be aged 16 or over.

Members can:

• Participate in trust events – Public Board, Council of Governors and the AGM • Participate in trust Members’ events – Stakeholder and Medicine 4 Member meetings • Participate in surveys and consultations • Influence the development of improvement plans, projects and new initiatives. • Help with membership activities – through being an Ambassador Member • Seek election as a governor • Vote in governor elections Current Membership

The current level of membership is already in line with the national average, and above the target set by the trust’s constitution - that the Trust should achieve membership levels of 1.5% for each of the five constituencies apart from Horsham, which has a target of 0.5% (7,089 people). In addition the target is 95% of staff and 1% (300 people) from “out-of-area”. The constitution also specifies a minimum number of members per constituency as described in Figure 1.

Population NEW Actual Target New Target Area Minimum (2011 Census) Population (2011 (Mid 2015 Est) Number of (Mid 2015 Est) Census) Members per area

Adur 61,300 63,400 1,150 919 951 Arun 149,200 155,700 2,287 2,238 2335 Chichester 113,700 117,000 2,044 1,705 1755 Horsham (33%) 131,600 135,500 494 658 677 Worthing 104,600 107,500 1,290 1,569 1610 Patient (Out of 5,000 5,000 23 75 75 area) Total 565,400 584,100 7,288 7164 7403

Figure 1: Membership numbers at end of September 2019

The current membership is not entirely representative of the community it serves. The number of white British members accurately reflects the composition of the Trust’s catchment population - all other ethnic groups are under-represented. Those aged 60+ are over-represented, while all younger age groups are under-represented. Overall those people who describe themselves as having a disability are represented within the membership. Aim

The Trust aims to recruit a substantial and representativeii membership base that is actively engaged in working for the good of the Trust. At the end of September 18, the trust had 7,395 public members and 254 patient members. Six members of staff had opted out of being a member. These aims fall into three broad categories: 1. Recruiting 2. Welcoming and segmenting 3. Engaging 1. Recruiting

The objectives of this membership strategy are:

a) To increase the number of public members by 1% year on year and maintain staff and patient member numbers. b) To build a more representative membership base by increasing recruitment within currently underrepresented groups. (Underrepresented groups are defined as any group with an index figure of under 80iii)

Performance against these objectives will be reviewed at the Membership Engagement Committee with targets reviewed annually.

Summary Actions

1. Focus pro-active recruitment in minority groups (faith groups, cultural communities, etc) 2. Build on links with FE Colleges (Chichester and Northbrook) 3. Further develop relationships with schools with 6th Forms and Worthing 6th Form College 4. Look to focus in hospital recruitment in potentially high interest areas (eg. paediatrics) 5. Increase membership in the Worthing and Horsham constituency areas. 6. Develop links with GP Surgeries and PPG leads. 7. Increase public awareness of Trust events 8. Develop passive promotion through availability of information and sharing promotion of membership with other groups, eg Love Your Hospital and Organ Donation and having membership forms more widely available.

Other opportunities to promote membership of the Trust will be taken as they arise.

2. Welcoming and segmenting

It is a statutory obligation for all Foundation Trusts to establish and maintain a register of members. This is the cornerstone of our engagement with members. The Trust’s existing membership register has the capacity to be used to better target members and their interests. It has the ability to enable the Trust to record areas of interest for each member and provide the foundation to improve engagement.


a) Ensure 95% of new members have their areas of interest recorded on the membership database within four weeks of completing the application b) Ensure 95% of members receive a welcome pack within four weeks of completing the application

Strategy Actions

1. Make early contact with new members 2. Log members’ interests as indicated on the application forms and action by providing members an opportunity to participate 3. Encourage as many members as possible to provide an email address 4. Launch Ambassador membership 5. Involve Membership Engagement Committee chair in the drafting of membership welcome pack 6. Carry out analysis the information that is currently held about members and how it is used to target them 7. Identify potential future Governors.

3. Engagement

Effective use of the register of members will be key to the development of engaged members. For the purpose of this strategy, active engagement is defined as consultations and surveys, influencing Trust development plans, sharing their experiences to help identify areas for

improvement, attending events, representing the Trust at events and seeking nominations for governor elections

The engagement objectives are to:

a) Increase levels of participation in governor and trust activities by 10% each year. Current participation levels (see below for current performance). b) Recruit 25 Ambassador Members by March 2020 and increase this number by 10% per year

The average turn out for the trust’s governor elections is 39%, which compares to a national average of 11%. The highest turnout for our trust was 57% which compares to the record for any acute trust of 59%.

We welcome 39 visitors on average to our medicine for members’ events and on average our monthly newsletter @westernsussex is opened by 34% of those members it is sent to (currently £3.4k. In October 18, the open rate was 43%. The industry standard for email opens of this type (health related) is 22%.

Methods of communication and engagement The Trust already employs a wide range of communication methods to communicate with the general public and, specifically to members. These include: ● Media relations - stories about the Trust appear in local media ● Internet - the Trust has user-friendly version ● Email - the Trust emails individuals and groups with relevant information ● Newsletters - The Trust has a staff newsletter, Headlines, as well as a members’ e-newsletter, @westernsussex • Information seminars - the Trust provides regular briefings on specific areas of healthcare that are available for members – and anyone who is interested - to attend under the banner “medicine for members”. Attending non-members are encouraged to complete an application form at the event • Stakeholder events – updates with members ● Membership packs - on registration as a member, the Trust sends out a membership pack ● The Annual General Meeting, quarterly Council of Governors and Trust Board meetings to which members are invited. • Offers opportunities to take part in Trust surveys

Strategy Actions

1. Plan contact with all members – to establish interest and offer engagement opportunities 2. Have an annual programme of four Hot Topic events planned between March and November 3. Further increase use of Facebook and Twitter 4. Review website activity 5. Review @westernsussex e-newsletter. 6. All Governors including Staff and Appointed Governors to membership activities

Strategy Delivery Delivery of this strategy is dependent upon a number of factors. Particularly: • All and especially elected Governors playing an active part in the recruitment of new members – it cannot be left to a few Governors • Continued Governor engagement in Trust events • Having an agreement with the Communications Team of what they can realistically deliver in terms of time, activities and financial support agreed by Trust Executive • Having an Action Plan that reflects what collectively we can jointly deliver.

Resource The trust’s Events and Engagement manager will support the delivery of the strategy, along with other members of the communications and engagement team, as appropriate. Governors are also encouraged to support the delivery of the strategy’s objectives as detailed in the action plan


The Council is asked to: • Approve the objectives and approach to achieving them • Support the action plan Action Plan including taking part in events, helping recruit members and encouraging the recruitment of ambassador members

i There are a small number of exclusions, but anyone who is a vexatious complainant, who has been dismissed from employment with the Trust or who has been involved in a serious incident of violence at the hospitals or against Trust employees or volunteers in the last few years would not qualify. ii To represent all groups by age, ethnic group, disability or special needs, constituency. iii The representation indexes compare the percentage of membership with the percentage of the base population. Numbers from 80 to 120 are deemed representative. For example, if 10% of membership was 40-49 and 20% of base population was 40-49 the representation index would be 50, because 10% is 50% of 20%. Or if 60% of membership was Female but only 50% of base population was female the index would be 120 because 60% is 120% of 50%

Membership Strategy – Delivery Progress Report at 28 FEBRUARY 2019

(Priority 1 – Important/Quick win. 2 – Make a start, but will take time.)

Theme and Objective Prior Who When Action 14/1/19 Progress Internal ity By Links

RECRUITING In-hospital recruitment in high interest areas Identify OPD clinics attended 1 SH/ 2/19 Find out what are the busy days Agreed with Fiona Keeling – we just need predominantly by <60 yrs. and create ALL 4/19 in OPD and set up a couple of to let her know when we are coming template of clinic days and times to blitz sessions linked to when share with Governors who can choose a Governors are in for meetings Action: Govs to help with this slot to visit and visit area. Increase membership, especially in Worthing and Horsham Roving Packs ready and will be Now in Reception at each Hospital Create ‘Roving Ready to Recruit’ packs 1 SH On- held in Hospital Receptions – and store in Communications/Co Sec Going included is a Q/A which covers Action: Govs to help with this (might be a usefulness and need for more good idea if they pair up to start) materials

Seek opportunities/events/locations 1 ALL On- Take opportunities as they arise All public events are a potential target LYH where we might recruit directly or Going Also, see below events through a membership form drop

Develop relationship with main GP surgeries Make contact with CCG and then 1 JK 1/19 Contact Laura Robertson @ CCG One contact made, about 10 people came contact Practice Managers 2/19 to set link to Practice Mgrs. to to Diabetes Talk as a result publicise events, etc We have list of GP Surgeries Action: Governors to link with larger surgeries (see below also) Update surgery poster 1 SH 2/19 Same poster refreshed Done – and circulated 3/19 Develop links with PPG leads All Governors to make contact Need to promote to Govs see above Task Governors to make links with 1 ALL 3/19 with the main surgeries where PPGs in their constituency 2/19 they live to lay ground for posters and leaflet displays – Pick up at Pre-CoG Trust-led events: Trust Board, Council of Governors After Redesign of membership Public events (M4A, etc), Trust AGM leaflet – ensure adequate stocks Ensure we have adequate stocks of up 1 SH 1/19 available at all public events. to date membership forms and 3/19 giveaways (hand gel, pens and?? Also hold in twilight hours 2019 AGM Planned for 25/7 4.00pm start As above

@westernsussex available for attendees 1 SH 1/19 Jan 19 edition to be available Into Roving Packs – Advise Governors of to view/take away these Passive actions: Notice Boards in key areas of each 1 SH/ 2/19 LYH have agreed to share their LYH have agreed to share their 20+ notice Hospital LYH noticeboards – JT to meet with boards with us - 3 or 2 A4 spaces in each LYH Amanda Tucker

Make Membership forms more widely 1 SH/ 1/19 Obtain leaflet holders and place Maggie Davies has agreed and will pilot in available JT on wards, receptions, etc Ashling Ward SRH

Also will add to back of Ward business cards – SH has shown me a draft

Develop sharing info relationships with: • LYH 2 SH/ 3/19 Establish reciprocal and sharing Met with AT of LYH – very supportive ALL • Volunteers JT/ and mutually beneficial Have contacted Lisa Ekinsmyth about • Organ Donation ALL relationships Volunteers – agreed in principle • Research Department Focus on young volunteers To meet with Angela Fisher about OD Com • Hospital Friends – very supportive Focus in minority groups (faith, cultural) Re-approach Chaplain re links with faith 2 SH 6/19 SH to follow up with Chaplaincy RB approaching all CoE Deaneries. Will groups and Team follow up in March

Link with Filipino community 2 JT 2/19 Link up with Gerthy JT has contacted Gerthy Arbano – a meeting TBA

I Re-design membership forms 2 JT/ 2/19 JT/SH/LF to redesign Lyn & JT have met. Lyn doing first roughs. Working group to take forward LF/ membership form. Meeting again shortly SH

LF/ 3/19 Possible competition in school for JT cover JT has got a school on board to do this and has written the script

Build on links with FE colleges Re-establish links with Chi and N’brook 2 JT/ 6/19 To re-establish links. Set up for Best later in the academic year – Other Colls JL events at start of academic year. Govs could help Develop relationship with 6th forms & Worthing 6th Form college Have letter and contacts –suggest two or Offer for Governors to attend 2 JT/ 6/19 JT Set up with 2 or 3 Schools, three to start other Govs to help assemblies / careers days ALL then others (poss. PR) take one each


Involve MEC Chair in drafting of welcome pack Re-draft draft of welcome letters and 1 SH 2/19 RE-draft circulated to MEC, now to SH has done letter. Agreed and returned share /JT finalise

Make early contact with members Date stamp forms when they arrive to 1 Co On- Need to check that MES has Jan Simmons has updated the database monitor 4 week target Sec going actioned those sent JT and Jan to look at structure to tie in with Membership form – Jan has shown JT the Date Stamps at both hospitals MES structure

Encourage members to supply an email address One off mail shot to Members who JT working with Jan on this Ensure desire for Trust to have 1 SH On- have not supplied an email address member’s email address is mentions in going Will try to get MES to do a mail shot all contacts Launch Ambassador membership Create small working group to action 1 JT/ 2/19 JT to lead, with JL, SH and RH. Will take up at meeting with Lisa Ekinsmyth – Othe Establish contact with former see above rs Governors and volunteers Carry out analysis of information currently held about members and how it is used to target them 1 Obtain info on database structure and SH/ 3/19 Obtain database structure and info Wait to see what MES has to offer – see then interrogate data base. Location of JT on how to interrogate so we can above members, measure impact of meetings, target subsets of Members recruitment activities Identify potential future Governors 1 MEC By All to keep an eye out for potential Now collecting attendees information at all 5/19 Governors who may be approached meetings to stand in 2019 election Talent spot – both at events and among Co 3/19 Exploring how WSHT can attract network contacts Sec potentially good Governor

Log members’ interests and provide member with opportunity to This links to the Ambassador work on MES participate Identify practical opportunities for 2 SH/ 5/19 Start before Governor Elections No point in collecting data that MES cannot members to assist JT record – some LYH info falls into this category


Have an annual programme of four Diabetes – Jan 2019 – Done Hot Topic events planned between Frailty – 28 March March and November COPD Diabetes will either be 23 or 30 Jan 1 SH/ 1/19 Have programme of 3/4 meetings pa “Come dine with me” – new inpatient food 2019 JT inc quality in place for each year tasting (limited numbers. ticket only) Elderly medicine TBC 1 3/19 Hold in Twilight hours Quality Report – open meeting Link to Connie’s Colander in Public 1 Libraries Further increase use of Facebook and Twitter In hand, action with Comms Team Make it a bit more colourful and 1 JK/ 2/19 To liaise with James engaging SH Review website accessibility and promotion of activities Comms/MEC working group to explore 1 JK/ 3/19 To liaise with David Walmsley – Set up meeting SH possible meeting with David and leaflet re-write group Plan contact with all members – to establish interest and offer engagement opportunities Links to work on MES Improve contact with Members through 2 SH/ 4/19 Links to other Comms activities with email JT Members Review @westernsussex e- newsletter Message from JT in Jan issue - Done Increase Governor led content eg. Meet 2 SH/ 1/19 Suggest and draft articles for the new Chairman/Review of the JT/ @western year/Happy Christmas message/Lead MEC Governor’s Reports to CoG Devise a rota for Staff and Appointed Governors to attend the Membership Committee On- ALL Governors to help with Recruitment 2 ALL going Take to Pre-CoG and Engagement

Agenda Item: 12 Meeting: Council of Governors Meeting Date: 7 March 2019 Report Title: Report from the Nomination and Remuneration Committee meeting Sponsoring Executive Director: Alan McCarthy – Trust Chair Author(s): Report previously considered by and date: Purpose of the report: Information  Assurance  Review and Discussion ☐ Approval / Agreement ☐ Reason for submission to Trust Board in Private only (where relevant): Commercial confidentiality ☐ Staff confidentiality  Patient confidentiality ☐ Other exceptional circumstances ☐ Link to Trust Strategic Themes: Patient Care ☐ Sustainability ☐ Our People  Quality ☐ Systems and Partnerships ☐ Any implications for: Quality Financial Workforce Link to CQC Domains: Safe ☐ Effective ☐ Caring ☐ Responsive ☐ Well-led  Use of Resources ☐ Communication and Consultation:

Executive Summary:

The Nomination and Remuneration Committee met on the 21 February 2019 and received the outcomes from the 2017/18 Non Executive Appraisal process.

The Committee were assured through the process applied and their observations and interactions with the Non Executives that the reported appraisal outcomes of “strong performer” for each NED were justified.

The Committee endorsed the Chair’s decision to bring forward the appraisal process to have these undertaken during April and May to allow them to be reported by the end of the first quarter of the year.

The Committee agreed that the lead governor would continue to input into the setting of one of the objectives for the Chair and for each of the Non Executives.

The Committee was updated on the Chair’s intended actions with respect to seeking extensions to the terms of office for two of the Non Executives for Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust, Martin Sinclair and Kirstin Baker, who are Non Executive Advisors (non voting) to Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust.

The Committee was updated on the Chair’s intended action to support the move of Joanna Crane a Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust Non Executive to become a Non Executive advisor and replace with the movement of Lizzie Peers a Non Executive Advisor to become a voting Non Executive. These changes do not affect their role as voting Non Executives for Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. This change will see Joanna become the Chair of the Charitable Page 1

Funds Committee

Key Recommendation(s):

The Council NOTE that the appraisals did not identify any matters that need referring to the Council for consideration in respect of the NEDs failing to remain fit and proper persons.

The Council NOTE the Committee support for the Chair to approach NHS Improvement for changes at Brighton and Sussex University NHS Trust recognising these changes do not affect the voting Non Executives at Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

Page 2

th Agenda Item: 15 Meeting: Council of Governors Meeting Date: 7 March 2019 Report Title: Governor Declarations of Interest Sponsoring Executive Director: Glen Palethorpe Author(s): Jan Simmons Report previously considered by and date: Purpose of the report: Information  Assurance  Review and Discussion ☐ Approval / Agreement ☐ Reason for submission to Trust Board in Private only (where relevant): Commercial confidentiality ☐ Staff confidentiality ☐ Patient confidentiality ☐ Other exceptional circumstances ☐ Link to Trust Strategic Themes: Patient Care ☐ Sustainability ☐ Our People  Quality ☐ Systems and Partnerships ☐ Any implications for: Quality Financial Workforce Link to CQC Domains: Safe ☐ Effective ☐ Caring ☐ Responsive ☐ Well-led  Use of Resources ☐ Communication and Consultation:

Executive Summary: In accordance with the Trust’s Constitution Members of the Council of Governors are required to complete a Declaration of Interest when elected and then annually.

The attached table reflects the information provided by each Trust Governor in their Declarations of Interest and will be made available publicly.

Any changes during the year, or any information that has been misinterpreted, must be declared to the Group Company Secretary immediately and formally at the next meeting of the Council.

Key Recommendation(s): The Council of Governors are requested to receive and note the information contained in the attached table.

Final version 19.11.18 TH Date Job Title Forename Surname Consultancies and /or Direct Employment Fee-paid Shareholdings Fellowships/Trusteeships and Membership of Health or Social Care Any other personal interests not covered Non-Personal Interest work Voluntary Bodies Campaigning DOI 18-19 25.11.18 Public Governor - Worthing John Bull None None None None None None None DOI 18-19 10.9.18 Puiblic Governor - Worthing Roger Hammond None None None None None In supporting the Trust in membership None Lead Governor from Oct 2018 engagement and recruitment, I have arranged some plays with a healthcare theme, at recent and for future events. They have been well received so far.

DOI 18-19 20.9.18 Public Governor - Worthing Patricia Peal None None None None None None None DOI 18-19 9.12.18 Public Governor - Chichester Alan Sutton None None Member Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS None None Daughter - Nursing Assistant, Foundation Trust Cardiff Patient Research Ambassador NIHE/Western Step-Daughter - District Nurse, Isle of Wight DOI 18-19 11.9.18 Public Governor - Chichester Linda Tomsett Bank Midwife, SRH <12 hrs/week None None None None None Non

DOI 18-19 8.9.18 Puiblic Governor - Chichester Leslie Willcox None None None None None None None

DOI 18-19 22.11.18 Public Governor - Arun Jill Long None None None Trustee - Safe in Sussex None Membership of the Conversative Party None Trustee - Chairman, 5th Littlehampton Sea Member of Committee, Littlehampton Scouts Conservatives Member of Executive Committee, Bognor Regis & Littlehampton Conservative AssociationMember of Rotary Club of Littlehampton DOI 18-19 21.9.18 Public Governor - Arun John Thompson None None None Lay Member of West Sussex Safeguarding Support West Sussex Schools Chair, Independent Remuneration Panel None Children Board WorthLess Campaign for and Independent Person, Standard (Regular contact with Trust Safeguarding improved Committee Teams) funding West Sussex Schools - Arun DC and Member, Independent Chair of Governors, for Remuneration Panel - Chichester DC Girls (contact with Trust HR and Apprenticeship Team) Past Trustee and supporter of the Aldingbourne Trust (supported living and training for adults with SEND) DOI 18-19 7.9.18 Public Governor - Arun Anita MacKenzie None None None None None None None DOI 18-19 9.9.18 Public Governor - Horsham Penny Richardson None None None None None None None DOI 18-19 1.10.18 Patient Governor Stuart Fleming 2 days p/w social care provider (Surrey) None None None None None None DOI 18-19 6.1.19 Appointed Governor, WSCC Ashvin Patel None None None None None County Councillor None DOI 18-19 20.9.18 Appointed Governor - Councillor Eileen Lintill None None None None District Councillor None None Chichester District Council DOI 18-19 20.9.18 Appointed Governor - Councillor Valerie Turner Worthing Borough Councillor - variable None None None M R Pharm S None Husband, Bryan Turner, hours Councillor WBC and WSCC, Chair of WSCC HASC DOI 18-19 21.9.18 Appointed Governor - WSHT Jane Ramage Chairman, Friends of Chichester Hospital None None Chairman Friends of Chichester Hospitals Friends of Chichester Hospitals None None League of Friends

DOI 18-19 14.9.18 Associate Governor - Adur John Todd None None None None None None None DOI 18-19 14.11.18 Associate Governor Andrew Ratcliffe None None None None None None None DOI 18-19 16.11.18 Associate Governor Lyn Fowler (Camps) None None None None None None None DOI 18-19 4.1.19 Appointed Governor, Prof Kate Galvin None None None Honorary Visiting Professor at Boras None None None University of Brighton School University , of Nursing & Midwifery Sweden; University of Hull, Faculty of Health, and Memorial University, Nova Scotia, Canada.

DOI 18-19 29.10.18 Appointed Governor - Prof Somnath Mukhopadhyay None None None Fellow of the Royal College of Paediatrics None None None Brighton & Sussex Medical & Child Health School DOI 18-19 18.9.18 Staff Governor - Medical & Dr Richard Venn Full time employee WSHFT None None None None None None Dental Date Job Title Forename Surname Consultancies and /or Direct Employment Fee-paid Shareholdings Fellowships/Trusteeships and Membership of Health or Social Care Any other personal interests not covered Non-Personal Interest work Voluntary Bodies Campaigning DOI 18-19 16.11.18 Staff Governor - STP & AHP Ryan De-Vall None None None None none Professionally, part of Health & Care Professions Council and Royal College of Speech & Language Therapists. Also, member of UNITE the union DOI 18-19 14.11.18 Staff Governor - Estates & Natalie Matthews None None None None None None None Facilities DOI 18-19 14.11.18 Staff Governor - Additional Miranda Jose None None None None None None None Clinical Services DOI 18-19 18.9.18 Staff Governor - Nursing & Moira Whitlock Full time at WSHT 37.5 hrs/week None None None None None None Midwifery DOI 18-19 5.3.19 Staff Governor - Admin Jacqui Campbell None None None None None None None & Clerical