LESSON NOTES Upper Intermediate S1 #1 Chicken Soup is the Perfect Gift for Your Thai Friends


2 Thai 2 English 3 Romanization 3 Vocabulary 4 Sample Sentences 6 Vocabulary Phrase Usage 6 Grammar 7 Cultural Insight

# 1


1. ป๋อง: นี�ก็ใกล้จะปีใหม่แล้ว เราจะทําอะไรกันดี พี�คิดว่าพี�จะกลับไปเยี�ยมพ่อกับแม่ที�บ้าน ไม่ได้กลับนานมากแล้วตั�งแต่เริ�มทํางาน

2. โบว์: โบว์ก็เหมือนกันค่ะ แต่ไม่รู้จะซื�ออะไรกลับไปเป็นของฝากดี

3. ป๋อง: กระเช้าของขวัญ จากแบรนด์ หรือ สก๊อต ซิ ดีมีประโยชน์ต่อสุขภาพเหมาะสําหรับผู้สูงอายุ พี�เชื�อว่าจะต้องสร้างความประทับใจให้กับพ่อและแม่ของโบว์แน่

4. โบว์: ใช่ค่ะ อยากทําให้พ่อกับแม่ประทับใจ แค่นี�โบว์ก็คิดไม่ออก ต้องรบกวนพี�ป๋องตลอดเลย

5. ป๋อง: ไม่รบกวนเลยจ้ะ พี�รู้จักร้าน เดี�ยวจะพาไปซื�อแล้วกันนะ

6. โบว์: ต้องรบกวนอีกแล้วนะคะ ขอบคุณมากค่ะพี�ป๋อง


1. PONG: It's almost New Year. What should we do? I think I'll go home to visit my Mom and Dad. I haven't gone back since I started working.

2. BOW: Same for me. But I don't know what to buy them for a gift.

3. PONG: Get a Brand's or Scotch gift basket. It's good for your health and suitable for older people. I think you'll make a good impression on your parents for sure.


THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #1 - CHICKEN S OUP I S THE PERFECT GI FT FOR YOUR THAI FRI ENDS 2 4. BOW: Yes. I want my parents to be impressed, but I couldn't even think of this. I always have to bother you.

5. PONG: It's no bother. I know a shop. I'll take you there to buy it.

6. BOW: I have to bother you again. Thanks so much.


1. BPǍWNG: nîi gâaw glâi jà bpii-mài láaeo. rao jà tham à-rai gan dii. phîi khít wâa jà glàp bpai yîiam phâaw gàp mâae thîi bâan. mâi dâi glàp naan mâak láaeo dtâng dtàae rôoem tham-ngaan.

2. BOO: boo gâaw mǔuean-gan khâ. dtàae mâi rúu jà súue à-rai glàp bpai bpen khǎawng-fàak dii.

3. BPǍWNG: grà-cháo khǎawng-khwǎn jàak braaen rǔue sà-gáwt sí. dii mii bprà- yòot dtàaw sùk-khà-phâap màw sǎm-ràp phûu-sǔung-aa-yú. phîi chûuea wâa jà dtâwng sâang khwaam-bprà-tháp-jai hâi gàp phâaw láe mâae khǎawng boo nâae.

4. BOO: châi khâ. yàak tham hâi phâaw gàp mâae bprà-tháp-jai. khâae níi boo gâaw khít mâi àawk. dtâwng róp-guuan phîi bpǎwng dtà-làawt looei.

5. BPǍWNG: mâi róp-guuan looei jâ. phîi rúu-jàk ráan. dǐiao jà phaa bpai súue láaeo gan ná.

6. BOO: dtâwng róp-guuan ìik láaeo ná khá. khàawp-khun mâak khâ phîi bpǎwng.



ของฝาก khǎawng-fàak gift, souvenir noun

grà-cháo-khǎawng- กระเช้าของขวัญ khwǎn gift basket noun

ปีใหม่ bpii-mài New Year noun

to impress, to be ประทับใจ bprà-tháp-jai impressive verb

ประโยชน์ bprà-yòot benefit noun

สุขภาพ sùk-khà-phâap health noun

เหมาะ màw fitting, to be suitable verb, adjective

ผู้สูงอายุ phûu-sǔung-aa-yú elderly, senior citizen noun

khwaam-bprà-tháp- ความประทับใจ jai impression noun

รบกวน róp-guuan to bother, to disturb verb


คุณพ่อซื�อของฝากจากประเทศอังกฤษมาฝ พ่อกับแม่ซื�อกระเช้าของขวัญเป็นของฝาก ากฉันมากมาย ให้คุณตาในวันผู้สูงอายุ khun phâaw súue khǎawng-fàak jàak bprà-thêet phâaw gàp mâae súue grà-cháo khǎawng-khwǎn ang-grìt maa fàak chǎn mâak-maai bpen khǎawng-fàak hâi khun-dtaa nai wan-phûu-

sǔung-aa-yú. "My father bought me a lot of souvenirs from England." “Father and mother bought a gift basket as a souvenir for grandfather on Senior Citizen’s Day.”

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #1 - CHICKEN S OUP I S THE PERFECT GI FT FOR YOUR THAI FRI ENDS 4 สุขสันวันปีใหม่ โครงการฝนหลวงเป็นหนึ�งในโครงการที�น่าป ขอให้ทุกคนมีสุขภาพร่างกายแข็งแรง ระทับใจที�สุดของในหลวง sùk-sǎn wan-bpii-mài. khǎaw hâi thúk-khon mii khroong-gaan fǒn-lǔuang bpen nùeng nai sùk-khà-phâap râang-gaai khǎaeng-raaeng. khroong-gaan thîi nâa bprà-tháp-jai thîi sùt

khǎawng nai-lǔuang “Happy New Year! May everyone have good health.” "The royal rainmaking technique is one of the most spectacular projects of His Majesty the King."

ชายหาดในประเทศไทยสร้างความประทับใ ออกกฎมาก็เปล่าประโยชน์ถ้าไม่มีผู้ปฏิบัติ จให้กับนักท่องเที�ยวชาวต่างชาติมาก ตาม chaai-hàat nai bprà-thêet sâang khwaam-bprà- àawk gòt maa gâaw bplào bprà-yòot thâa mâi mii tháp-jai hâi gàp nák-thâwng-thîiao chaao-dtàang- phûu bpà-dtì-bàt dtaam. châat mâak. “Making rules is of no benefit if nobody "Beaches in impress foreign follows them.” visitors very much."

ควรดื�มนํ�าวันละหกแก้วเพื�อสุขภาพ วันนี�อากาศดีเหมาะที�จะออกไปเดินเล่นในส khuuan dùuem náam wan lá hòk gâaeo pûuea วน sùk-khà-phâap wan-níi aa-gàat dii màw thîi jà àawk bpai dooen lên nai sǔuan. "You should drink six glasses of water per day for your health." “The weather today is suitable for going out for a stroll in the park.”

โปรดให้ความเอื�อเฟื�อกับเด็ก ชายหาดในประเทศไทยสร้างความประทับ สตรีและผู้สูงอายุ ใจให้กับนักท่องเที�ยวชาวต่างชาติมาก bpròot hâi khwaam-ûuea-fúuea gàp dèk sà-dtrii chaai-hàat nai bprà-thêet sâang khwaam-bprà- láe phûu-sǔung-aa-yú. tháp-jai hâi gàp nák-thâwng-thîiao chaao-dtàang-

châat mâak. “Please be generous towards children, women, and the elderly.” "Beaches in Thailand impress foreign visitors very much."

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #1 - CHICKEN S OUP I S THE PERFECT GI FT FOR YOUR THAI FRI ENDS 5 ได้เลย ผมจะไม่รบกวนคุณอีก dâai looei. phǒm jà mâi róp-guuan khun ìik.

"Okay, I will not bother you again."


เราจะทําอะไรกันดี rao jà tham à-rai gan dii

This phrase means "What should we do?" เรา rao is the pronoun "we," and จะทํา jà tham is a verb phrase "will do." อะไร à-rai is the question "what?" Then, กัน gan means "together." It is used to show that the speaker and the listener will both be doing the action. Finally, ดี dii is the adjective "good," but in this case you don't need to translate it directly into English. Its purpose in this sentence is to make it so that we're asking for a suggestion. A literal translation of this phrase might be something like "What is a good thing that we'll do together?" But the real intended meaning is simply "What should we do?"

คิดไมออก khít mâi àawk

This phrase means something like "I can't think of anything" or "I don't have any idea." คิด khít is the verb "to think" and ไมออก mâi àawk means "doesn't go out." So literally, this phrase says "Think and doesn't come out." It is a way of saying that you're trying to think of something, but your brain isn't producing the desired result. This phrase is a standard reply when you are asked something, and you just can't think of the answer.

ตองรบกวน dtâwng

This phrase means "I had to bother you." ตอง dtâwng is the adverb "have to" or "need to." And รบกวน róp-guuan is a verb that means "to bother," "to annoy," or "to disturb." So the translation of this phrase to "I have to bother you" is pretty straightforward. This phrase was used a couple times in the conversation, such as in the sentence:

1. ตองรบกวนพี่ปองตลอดเลย dtâwng róp-guuan phîi bpǎwng dtà-làawt looei. "I have to bother you all the time Pong."


THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #1 - CHICKEN S OUP I S THE PERFECT GI FT FOR YOUR THAI FRI ENDS 6 The focus of this lesson is using ประทับใจ bprà-tháp-jai to mean "to be impressed."

อยากทําใหพอกับแมประทับใจ yàak tham hâi phâaw gàp mâae bprà-tháp-jai.

"I want my dad and mom to be impressed." The focus of this lesson is using ประทับใจ bprà-tháp-jai to mean "to be impressed." ประทับใจ bprà-tháp-jai can act as either a verb or an adjective. As an adjective, it means "impressive." While as a verb it can mean either "to impress" or "to be impressed." ประทับใจ bprà-tháp-jai is a compound word made up of ประทับ bprà-tháp, which is a verb meaning "to imprint" or "to stamp," and ใจ jai, which means "heart" or "mind." So in other words, "being impressed" means something is "stamped in your heart" or "imprinted in your mind." We saw the word used like this in the following example from the conversation:

อยากทําใหพอกับแมประทับใจ yàak tham hâi phâaw gàp mâae bprà-tháp-jai.

"I want my Mom and Dad to be impressed."

We can also add the prefix ความ khwaam before adjectives and verbs to turn them into nouns. Therefore, ความประทับใจ khwaam-bprà-tháp-jai is the noun "impression." To say the phrase "make an impression," we use the verb สราง sâang ("to build") before the noun. There was an example of this usage in the conversation as well:

พี่เชื่อวาจะตองสรางความประทับใจใหกับพอและแมของโบวแน phîi chûuea wâa jà dtâwng sâang khwaam-bprà-tháp-jai hâi gàp phâaw láe mâae khǎawng boo nâae.

"I think you'll make a good impression on your parents for sure."


Chicken Soup for the Thai Soul

Brand's and Scotch are the names of two companies that make popular chicken drinks for health. The essence of chicken drinks are called ซุปไก súp gài ("chicken soup") in Thai.

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #1 - CHICKEN S OUP I S THE PERFECT GI FT FOR YOUR THAI FRI ENDS 7 Brand's Essence of Chicken drink is derived from double-boiling chicken meat to obtain an extract, with the fats and cholesterol removed. It has a strong flavor from the chicken meat, which some people find unpleasant. It was first created in the 1820's by H. W. Brand, a cook to King George IV of England, as a health tonic. After he retired from the royal kitchen, Brand began to market the drink. In the 1920s it was introduced to the Asian marketplace, and has since gained popularity in several Asian countries.

Brand's Essence of Chicken drink is marketed as a health drink and supplement for good mental performance. Advertisements encourage people to drink it daily. It's also rather expensive for the average Thai person to afford to drink often. So it's seen as a bit of a luxury item, and marketed as a gift. Around New Year's time, stores stock up on gift baskets containing many small bottles of Brand's. It's considered a good gift item to give to your elders. Another company called Scotch also sells a similar essence of chicken drink, along with other health drinks, such as collagen supplements.



2 Thai 2 English 3 Romanization 4 Vocabulary 4 Sample Sentences 6 Vocabulary Phrase Usage 7 Grammar 8 Cultural Insight

# 2


1. โบว์: โบว์สังเกตเห็นว่าในร้านค้าหลายๆ ร้านที�เราเดินผ่าน บางร้านก็มีนางกวัก บางร้านก็มียันต์ หรือบางร้านก็มีทั�งสองอย่าง ไม่ใช่แต่ในร้านต่างๆ เท่านั�นนะคะ บนรถก็มียันต์ บนเครื�องในห้องนักบินมีไหมคะ แล้วมีไว้เพื�ออะไรคะ

2. ป๋อง: นางกวักในร้านค้าเนี�ยเมื�อก่อนเขามีไว้เพราะเชื�อว่าช่วยเรียกลูกค้า แต่ปัจจุบันนี�กลายเป็นแมวกวักไปแล้ว พี�ก็ไม่รู้ว่าเพราะอะไร

3. โบว์: แล้วยันต์ล่ะคะ ทั�งที�ร้านค้า และที�รถด้วย

4. ป๋อง: อ๋อ ถ้าที�อยู่ในร้านเขาก็มีสองความเชื�อ ความเชื�อแรกก็เพื�อให้เงินทองไหลมาเทมาและไม่รั�วไหลไปไหน ส่วนความเชื�อที�สองก็เพื�อช่วยเรื�องความปลอดภัยจากโจรปล้น ส่วนที�มีไว้บนรถเพื�อจะได้ขับขี�อย่างปลอดภัย ช่วยไม่ให้เกิดอุบัติเหตุ ส่วนบนเครื�องบินไม่มีหรอกนะจ้ะ

5. โบว์: โห พี�ป๋องนี�รู้เยอะจังนะคะ

6. ป๋อง: ไม่เยอะหรอก


1. BOW: I noticed in many shops we walked past that some have a beckoning maiden, some have a magic diagram, and some shops have both. It's not only in all the shops, but cars also have magic diagrams. Do they have any in the plane's cockpit? What are they for?


THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #2 - DRAWI NGS BECOME MAGI CAL I N THAI LAND! 2 2. PONG: The beckoning maiden in the shops, well in the olden days people kept them because they believed it helped to attract customers. But these days it's changed to the beckoning cat. I don't know why.

3. BOW: And what about the magic diagrams, in shops and in cars?

4. PONG: Oh, if they are in a shop, there are two beliefs. The first one is that money flows in and doesn't leak out. And the second belief is to keep you safe from robbers. As for the ones in cars, they are for driving safely, helping to avoid accidents. And as for in airplanes, we don't have any.

5. BOW: Wow, you know so much!

6. PONG: No, not so much.


1. BOO: boo sǎng-gèet hěn wâa nai ráan-káa lǎai-lǎai ráan thîi rao dooen phàan. baang ráan gâaw mii naang-gwàk. baang ráan gâaw mii yan. rǔue baang ráan gâaw mii tháng sǎawng yàang. mâi châi dtàae nai ráan dtàang-dtàang thâo-nán ná khá. bon rót gâaw mii yan. bon khrûueang nai hâwng-nák-bin mii mǎi khá. láaeo mii wái phûuea à-rai khá.

2. BPǍWNG: naang-gwàk nai ráan-kháa nîia mûuea-gàawn khǎo mii wái phráw chûuea wâa chûuai rîiak lûuk-kháa. dtàae bpàt-jù-ban níi glaai- bpen maaeo-gwàk bpai láaeo. phîi gâaw mâi rúu wâa phráw à-rai.

3. BOO: láaeo yan là khá. tháng thîi ráan-kháa láe thîi rót dûuai.


THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #2 - DRAWI NGS BECOME MAGI CAL I N THAI LAND! 3 4. BPǍWNG: ǎaw thâa thîi yùu nai ráan khǎo gâaw mii sǎawng khwaam-chûuea. khwaam-chûuea râaek gâaw phûuea hâi ngoen thaawng lǎi maa láe mâi rûua lǎi bpai nǎi. sùuan khwaam-chûuea thîi sǎawng gâaw phûuea chûuai rûueang khwaam-bplàawt-phai jàak joon bplôn. sùuan thîi mii wái bon rót phûuea jà dâai khàp khìi yàang bplàawt- phai. chûuai mâi haî gòoet ù-bàt-dtì-hèet. sùuan bon khrûueang-bin mâi mii ràawk ná jâ.

5. BOO: hǒo phîi bpǎwng nîi rúu yóe jang ná khá.

6. BPǍWNG: mâi yóe ràawk.


Thai Romanization English Class

khwaam-bplàawt- ความปลอดภัย phai safety noun

รั�วไหล rûua-lǎi to leak out verb

ความเชื�อ khwaam-chûuea belief noun

นางกวัก naang-gwàk beckoning maiden noun

ยันต์ yan magic diagram noun

สังเกต sǎng-gèet to observe verb

ห้องนักบิน hâwng-nák-bin cockpit noun

ปล้น bplôn to rob verb

these days, modern ปัจจุบันนี� bpàt-jù-ban-níi times noun

กลายเป็น glaai bpen to become Verb

SAMPLE SENTENCES THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #2 - DRAWI NGS BECOME MAGI CAL I N THAI LAND! 4 นักท่องเที�ยวกังวลเรื�องความปลอดภัยหลัง มีข่าวสารกัมมันตรังสีรั�วไหลจากโรงไฟฟ้านิ จากมีข่าวนักท่องเที�ยวถูกปล้นตามสถานที� วเคลียของญี�ปุ่น ท่องเที�ยวในเมืองโจรไทย mii khàao-sǎan gam-man-dtà-rang-sǐi rûa-lǎi jàak roong-fai-fáa niu-khliia- khǎawng yîi-bpùn. nák-thâwng-thîiao gang-won rûueang khwaam- bplàawt-phai lǎng-jàak mii khàao nák-thâwng- “There’s a report that radiation is leaking thîiao thùuk bplôn dtaam sà-thǎan thîi thâwng- from a nuclear power plant in Japan.” thîiao nai muueang-thai.

“Tourists are worried about safety after there was news of tourists getting robbed at tourism areas in Thailand.”

คนไทยมีความเชื�อที�ว่าฝันร้ายจะกลายเป็น ร้านของเขาไม่มีรูปนางกวัก ดี เขาก็เลยได้ลูกค้าไม่มาก khon-thai mii khwaam-chûuea thîi fǎn-ráai jà glaai- ráan khǎawng khǎo mâi mii rûup naang-gwàk. bpen dii. khǎo gâaw looei dâai lûuk-kháa mâi mâak.

“Thai people have a belief that nightmares "His shop doesn't have a beckoning lady will turn out to be good.” statue. So he doesn't get a large amount of customers."

ถ้าไม่สังเกตก็ไม่รู้เลยว่ารถคันนี�มียันต์ติดอยู่ ถ้าไม่สังเกตก็ไม่รู้เลยว่ารถคันนี�มียันต์ติดอยู่ ข้างพวงมาลัย ข้างพวงมาลัย thâa mâi sǎng-gèet gâaw mâi rúu looei wâa rót thâa mâi sǎng-gèet gâaw mâi rúu looei wâa rót khan níi mii yan dtìt yùu khâang phuuang-maa- khan níi mii yan dtìt yùu khâang phuuang-maa- lai. lai.

“If you don’t observe, you won’t know that “If you don’t observe, you won’t know that this car has a magical diagram near the this car has a magical diagram near the flower garland.” flower garland.”

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #2 - DRAWI NGS BECOME MAGI CAL I N THAI LAND! 5 ฉันเดินทางด้วยเครื�องบินหลายครั�งแต่ไม่เค นักท่องเที�ยวกังวลเรื�องความปลอดภัยหลัง ยเข้าไปในห้องนักบินเลย จากมีข่าวนักท่องเที�ยวถูกปล้นตามสถานที� chǎn dooen-thaang dûuai khrûueang-bin lǎai ท่องเที�ยวในเมืองโจรไทย khráng dtàae mâi khooei khâo bpai nai hâwng- nák-thâwng-thîiao gang-won rûueang khwaam- nák-bin looei. bplàawt-phai lǎng-jàak mii khàao nák-thâwng- “I’ve traveled by airplane many times, but thîiao thùuk bplôn dtaam sà-thǎan thîi thâwng- thîiao nai muueang-thai. I’ve never gone inside the cockpit.” “Tourists are worried about safety after there was news of tourists getting robbed at tourism areas in Thailand.”

ละครนํ�าเน่าปัจจุบันนี�ก็มีเนื�อเรื�องคล้ายๆกั ดูไบกลายเป็นสัญลักษณ์แห่งความหรูหรา น ผู้ชมสามารถเดาสถานการณ์ได้ เนื�องจากมีเงินจํานวนมากถูกทุ่มลงทุนไป lá-khaawn náam-nâo bpàt-jù-ban-níi gâaw mii duu-bai glaai-bpen san-yă -lá ḱ haeng̀ khwaam rǔu- núuea-rûueang khláai-khláai gan. phûu-chom sǎa- raă nûueang jaak̀ mii ngoen jam-nuan maak̂ mâat dao sà-thǎan-gaan dâai. thùuk thum̂ long-thun bpai

“Soap operas these days have similar "Dubai became a symbol of luxury stories. Viewers are able to guess the plot.” because lots of money has been invested."


ไหลมาเทมา lǎi maa thee maa

This phrase means "to flow in." ไหล lǎi is the verb "to flow," and เท thee is the verb "to pour." มา maa is the verb "to come," and it's used with both of the other verbs to show the direction of the action moving towards the speaker. So the whole phrase ไหลมาเทมา lǎi maa thee maa means "to flow and pour in."

เกิดอุบัติเหตุ gòoet ù-bàt-dtì-hèet

This phrase means "to have an accident." เกิด gòoet is the verb "to be born," but it can also mean "to occur" or "to arise." So in Thai, we generally say that an accident "occurred" or "took place," instead of saying you "had an accident."

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #2 - DRAWI NGS BECOME MAGI CAL I N THAI LAND! 6 ทั้งสองอยาง tháng sǎawng yàang

This phrase means "both of them." อยาง yàang is a noun that means a "type" or "kind" in this case, so สองอยาง sǎawng yàang means "two kinds." ทั้ง tháng means "both" or "all." It is used before a number to indicate "both of" or "all of." The example sentence from the conversation was:

1. หรือบางรานก็มีทั้งสองอยาง rǔue baang ráan gâaw mii tháng sǎawng yàang. "Or some shops have both of them."


The Focus of this Lesson is Using กลายเปน glaai-bpen To Say "changed to become..." แตปจจุบันนี้กลายเปนแมวกวักไปแลว dtàae bpàt-jù-ban níi glaai-bpen maaeo-gwàk bpai láaeo. "But these days it's changed to the beckoning cat."

The focus of this lesson is using กลายเปน glaai-bpen to say "changed to become..." This is verb is made up from two separate verbs. กลาย glaai means "to change" or "to alter," and เปน bpen is the verb "to be." So together, กลายเปน glaai-bpen means "to change to be," "to become" or "to turn into." In a sentence, กลายเปน glaai-bpen will have to go in the middle of two nouns. Or it is possible that it could only have one noun which follows it if the subject is already understood from the context of the conversation. This was the case in the example from our conversation:

1. แตปจจุบันนี้กลายเปนแมวกวักไปแลว dtàae bpàt-jù-ban níi glaai-bpen maaeo-gwàk bpai láaeo. "But these days it's changed to be the beckoning cat."

The unspoken subject in the sentence was นางกวัก naang-gwàk, the "beckoning maiden" statue found in many shops. We could rewrite the sentence to include the subject by saying:

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #2 - DRAWI NGS BECOME MAGI CAL I N THAI LAND! 7 1. แตปจจุบันนี้ นางกวักกลายเปนแมวกวักไปแลว dtàae bpàt-jù-ban níi naang-gwàk glaai-bpen maaeo-gwàk bpai láaeo. "But these days the beckoning maiden has changed to be the beckoning cat."

One common way to use กลายเปน glaai-bpen is when the noun before and the noun after are the same noun, only with different adjectives attached to each. This is a way to say that some quality of the noun has changed or altered.

1. ความโกรธทําใหเรื่องเล็กกลายเปนเรื่องใหญ khwaam-gròot tham hâi rûueang lék glaai-bpen rûueang yài. "Anger makes small problems turn into big problems."


Good Luck Charms in Thailand

Yantra is a Sanskrit word that is shortened to ยันต yan in Thai. It means a "mystical symbol" or "magic diagram." Yantras can be written on cloth or paper. Or they can be drawn directly on a surface, such as a wall or the interior of a car's roof. Yantras can also be tattooed on the body. The word for magical tattoos is ลายสักยันต laai-sàk-yan.

Yantras in Thailand are usually used for some purpose such as protection from physical harm, protection from fire, protection from harmful spirits, attraction for love, or attraction to get customers. When yantras contain writing, the Khmer script is used rather than the Thai alphabet. The Khmer alphabet is considered sacred. In ancient times, yantra would be written on a shirt to make a piece of magic armor for soldiers going into battle. To be truly effective, it is thought that a yantra must be created in a particular manner, on an auspiciously chosen day, and with respect paid to the teachers who passed down the sacred knowledge of how to create the yantra diagrams.

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #2 - DRAWI NGS BECOME MAGI CAL I N THAI LAND! 8 LESSON NOTES Upper Intermediate S1 #3 How Many Thai Taxi Drivers Actually Follow the Rules?


2 Thai 2 English 3 Romanization 4 Vocabulary 5 Sample Sentences 6 Vocabulary Phrase Usage 7 Grammar 8 Cultural Insight

# 3


1. โบว์: เคยได้ยินแต่ที�เขาบ่นกันว่าแท็กซี�หายาก ไม่คิดเลยว่าวันนี�ต้องเจอกับตัวเอง นานมากแล้วยังหาแท็กซี�กลับสนามบินไม่ได้เลย

2. ป๋อง: ใช่ ส่วนคันที�ผ่าน ๆ มาก็ไม่อยากไปบ้างเพราะกลัวรถติด บ้างก็หาว่าไกล ส่วนคันที�จะไปก็ไม่อยากใช้มิเตอร์เพราะคิดว่าจะไม่คุ้มที�ต้องตีรถเปล่ า กลับ

3. โบว์: เคยได้ยินว่ารัฐบาลออกกฎห้ามปฏิเสธผู้โดยสาร ก็ยังมีแท็กซี�หลายคนฝ่าฝืน แต่ก็ไม่เห็นเขาจะถูกเอาผิดทางกฎหมายเลย

4. ป๋อง: ต่อให้มีกฎหมาย มันก็ยากที�จะสามารถควบคุมรถแท็กซี�ให้ทั�วถึงได้ น้องโบว์ไม่เคยได้ยินเหรอจ๊ะ ที�เขาว่ากันว่า "กฎมีไว้ให้ฝ่าฝืน" ฮ่าๆ

5. โบว์: ถ้าทุกคนฝ่าฝืนกฎที�กําหนดขึ�นมาใช้เพื�อสิทธิของคนอื�นๆ แล้วสังคมจะมีความสงบสุขได้ยังไง

6. ป๋อง: พี�ก็เห็นด้วย


1. BOW: I've heard people complain before that taxis are hard to find. I didn't think I'd experience it myself today. I've been waiting a long time, and I can't find a taxi to go back to the airport.


THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #3 - HOW MANY THAI TAXI DRI VERS ACTUALLY FOLLOW THE RULES ? 2 2. PONG: Yeah. Some of the cabs that came by don't want to go because they're afraid of traffic jams. Some say it's too far. And the ones who will go don't want to use the meter because they think it won't be worth it to drive back with an empty cab.

3. BOW: I heard that the government made a law that they can't refuse passengers. Yet there are many taxis that are breaking the rule, but I don't see them getting any punishment.

4. PONG: Even though they have a law, it's difficult to be able to control the taxis all over. Didn't you ever hear that "Rules are made to be broken"? Ha-ha.

5. BOW: If everyone breaks the rules that are established for the rights of others, how can there be peace in society?

6. PONG: I agree.


1. BOO: khooei dâai-yin dtàae thîi khǎo bòn gan wâa tháek-sîi hǎa yâak. mâi khít looei wâa wan-níi dtâwng jooe gàp dtuua-eeng. naan mâak láaeo yang hǎa tháek-sîi glàp sà-nǎam-bin mâi dâai looei.

2. BPǍWNG: châi. sùuan khan thîi phàan phàan maa gâaw mâi yàak bpai bâang phráw gluua rót-dtìt. bâang gâaw hǎa-wâa glai. sùuan khan thîi jà bpai gâaw mâi yàak chái mí-dtôoe phráw khít wâa jà mâi khúm thîi dtâwng dtii rót bplào glàp.


THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #3 - HOW MANY THAI TAXI DRI VERS ACTUALLY FOLLOW THE RULES ? 3 3. BOO: khooei dâai-yin wâa rát-thá-baan àawk gòt hâam bpà-dtì-sèet phûu- dooi-sǎan. gâaw yang mii tháek-sîi lǎai khon fàa-fǔuen. dtàae gâaw mâi hěn khǎo jà thùuk ao phìt-thaang gòt-mǎai looei.

4. BPǍWNG: dtàaw hâi mii gòt-mǎai man gâaw yâak thîi jà sǎa-mâat khûuap- khum rót-tháek-sîi hâi thûua thǔeng dâai. náawng boo mâi khooei dâai-yin rǒoe já. thîi khǎo wâa gan wâa gòt mii wái hâi fàa-fǔuen hâa-hâa.

5. BOO: thâa thúk-khon fàa-fǔuen gòt thîi gam-nòt khûen maa chái phûuea sìt-thí khǎawng khon ùuen-ùuen láaeo sǎng-khom jà mii khwaam- sà-ngòp-sùk dâai yang-ngai.

6. BPǍWNG: phîi gâaw hěn-dûuai.


Thai Romanization English Class

ควบคุม khûuap-khum to control verb

ฝ่าฝืน fàa-fǔuen to violate, to disobey verb

รถติด rót-dtìt traffic jam noun, verb

คุ้ม khúm to be worthwhile verb

บ่น bòn to complain verb

เปล่า bplàao plain, empty, bare adjective

รัฐบาล rát-thá-baan government noun

ออกกฎ àawk-gòt to legislate verb

ปฏิเสธ bpà-dtì-sèet to deny, to refuse verb



ตํารวจทําการควบคุมตัวผู้ต้องสงสัย ผู้ป่วยต้องเชื�อฟังที�หมอสั�ง ไปสอบปากคําที�สถานีตํารวจ หากฝ่าฝืนจะไม่เป็นผลดีต่อการรักษา ก่อนจะมีการแจ้งข้อกล่าวหาต่อไป phûu-bpùuai dtâwng chûuea-fang thîi mǎaw sàng. hàak fàa-fǔuen jà mâi bpen phǒn dii dtàaw dtam-rùuat tham gaan khùuap-khum dtuua phûu gaan-rák-sǎa. dtâwng sǒng-sǎi bpai sàawp bpàak kham thîi sà- thǎa-nii dtam-rùuat gàawn jà mii gaan jâaeng “Patients have to obey the doctor’s orders. khâaw glàao hǎa dtàaw bpai. If they disobey there won’t be a good “Police arrested the suspect and result for their treatment.” interrogated him at the police station before informing him of the allegation.”

คนกรุงเทพฯต้องเจอกับรถติดทุกวัน รถมอเตอร์ไซค์คันนี�ซื�อแล้วคุ้มมากเลย khon-grung-thêep dtâwng jooe gàp rót-dtìt thúk- rót maaw-dtooe-sai khan níi súue láaeo khúm wan mâak looei

"Bangkok residents must see traffic jams "Buying this motorbike was very everyday." worthwhile."

รถติดขนาดเนี�ยไม่ต้องบ่นหรอก ขอนํ�าเปล่า � แก้วได้ไหมคะ khǎaw nám-bplàao nùeng gâaeo dâai mǎi khá. ไม่มีประโยชน์บ่นไปรถก็ติดอยู่ดี rót-dtìt khà-nàat nîia mâi dtâwng bòn ràawk. mâi "Could you please get me a glass of plain mii bprà-yòot bòn bpai rót gâaw dtìt yùu dii. water?" “With a traffic jam this bad you don’t need to complain. It doesn’t help. You complain, and there’s still a traffic jam.”

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #3 - HOW MANY THAI TAXI DRI VERS ACTUALLY FOLLOW THE RULES ? 5 ไม่คุ้มเลยอ่ะ ออกกฎมาก็เปล่าประโยชน์ถ้าไม่มีผู้ปฏิบัติ ซื�อรถคันแรกตามโครงการของรัฐบาลเพราะ ตาม เราไม่รู้ว่าซื�อรถกระบะจะได้ภาษีคืนไม่ถึง � àawk gòt maa gâaw bplào bprà-yòot thâa mâi mii phûu bpà-dtì-bàt dtaam. แสนบาทเหมือนกับรถเก๋ง mâi khúm looei à. súue rót khan râaek dtaam “Making rules is of no benefit if nobody khroong-gaan khǎawng rát-thá-baan phráw rao follows them.” mâi rúu wâa súue rót gà-bà jà dâi phaa-sǐii khuuen mâi thǔeng nùeng sǎaen bàat mǔuean gàp rót-gěeng.

“It’s not worth it - Buying our first car following the government’s program, because we didn’t know that if you buy a pickup the tax refund is not as much as a hundred thousand baht like it is for a sedan.”

ผู้ต้องหายังปฏิเสธทุกข้อกล่าวหาและจะขอ รถบัสคันนี�จุผู้โดยสารได้ �� คน ให้การในชั�นศาล rót-bát khan níi ju phûu-dooi-sǎan dâai yîi- sìp- hâa khon phûu-dtâwng-hǎa yang bpà-dtì-sèet thúk khâaw- glàao-hǎa láe jà khǎaw hâi-gaan nai chán sǎan "This bus holds twenty-five passengers." “The accused denied all of the allegations and they will request to testify in court.”


หายาก hǎa yâak

This phrase means "It's hard to find." หา hǎa is the verb "to look for," and ยาก yâak means "to be difficult." So the literal meaning of the phrase is, "It's hard to seek out." But the real intended meaning is, "It's hard to find." The example sentence from the conversation was:

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #3 - HOW MANY THAI TAXI DRI VERS ACTUALLY FOLLOW THE RULES ? 6 1. เคยไดยินแตที่เขาบนกันวาแท็กซี่หายาก khooei dâi-yin dtàae thîi khǎo bòn gan wâa tháek-sîi hǎa yâak. "I've only heard people complaining that taxis are hard to find."

หาวาไกล hǎa-wâa glai

This phrase means "claim that it's far." หาวา hǎa-wâa is a verb that can mean "to claim," "to charge," or "to accuse." And ไกล glai is the adjective "far." In the example from the conversation, this phrase appeared in this sentence:

1. บางก็หาวาไกล bâang gâaw hǎa-wâa glai "Some also claim that it's far."

In this case, it was taxi drivers making an excuse as to why they couldn't go to the destination. You could put many other things directly after หาวา hǎa-wâa, such as:

1. เขาหาวาฉันลืมวันเกิดเขา khǎo hǎa-wâa chǎn luuem wan-gòoet khǎo. "He's claiming that I forgot his birthday."

เคยไดยิน khooei dâi-yin

This phrase means "I've heard..." เคย khooei is an adverb that means "ever," and ไดยิน dâi- yin is a verb that means "to hear." So the literal translation of the phrase would be "I have ever heard..." This must be followed by some statement in the sentence to indicate what it is that the speaker has heard. Often, the particle วา wâa, meaning "that," will go after this phrase, so the pattern would be:

เคยไดยิน khooei dâi-yin plus วา wâa

That gives us the meaning, "I've heard that (statement)," or wâa plus statement.


THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #3 - HOW MANY THAI TAXI DRI VERS ACTUALLY FOLLOW THE RULES ? 7 The Focus of this Lesson is Using ฝาฝน fàa-fǔuen to say "breaking a rule." ถาทุกคนฝาฝนกฎที่กําหนดขึ้นมาใชเพื่อสิทธิของคนอื่นๆ แลวสังคมจะมีความสงบสุขไดยังไงthâa thúk-khon fàa-fǔuen gòt thîi gam-nòt khûen maa chái phûuea sìt-thí khǎawng khon ùuen-ùuen láaeo sǎng-khom jà mii khwaam-sà-ngòp-sùk dâai yang-ngai. "If everyone breaks the rules that are established for the rights of others, how can there be peace in society?"

ฝาฝน fàa-fǔuen is made up of two different verbs. ฝา fàa means "to pass through," and ฝน fǔuen means "to act against." Put together, ฝาฝน fàa-fǔuen can mean "to violate," "to defy," "to infringe," or "to transgress."

This is a verb that can be used in many contexts. One of the most common contexts is to say "break a rule" or "break the law." กฎ gòt means "rule," and กฎหมาย gòt-mǎai means "law." So ฝาฝนกฎ fàa-fǔuen gòt is "breaking a rule," and ฝาฝนกฎหมาย fàa-fǔuen gòt-mǎai is "breaking the law." In the conversation we had this example:

1. ถาทุกคนฝาฝนกฎที่กําหนดขึ้นมาใชเพื่อสิทธิของคนอื่นๆ แลวสังคมจะมีความสงบสุขไดยังงัย thâa thúk-khon fàa-fǔuen gòt thîi gam-nòt khûen maa chái phûuea sìt-thí khǎawng khon ùuen-ùuen láaeo sǎng-khom jà mii khwaam-sà-ngòp-sùk dâai yang-ngai. "If everyone breaks the rules that are established for the rights of others, how can there be peace in society?"

Another common use of ฝาฝน fàa-fǔuen is with the noun สัญญา sǎn-yaa, meaning "agreement" or "promise." So then, ฝาฝนสัญญา fàa-fǔuen sǎn-yaa means "to break a promise" or "to violate an agreement." For example, you could say:

1. มีลูกคาที่ฝาฝนสัญญากับธนาคาร mii lûuk-kháa thîi fàa-fǔuen sǎn-yaa gàp thá-naa-khaan. "There is a customer who violated the contract with the bank."



Taxi cabs in Bangkok all have a sign reading "Taxi Meter" on the roof. They are required to use the meter to calculate fares for passengers, and it is against the law for them to refuse passengers. However, both of these rules get broken all the time. Many taxis purposely target tourists because they tend to be less aware of how much a particular ride should actually cost. Taxis that are parked outside of a hotel will almost always quote an inflated fare. For example, they may ask for five-hundred baht to take you to the airport, when the actual price should be closer to three-hundred baht. It is generally better to flag down a moving taxi if you want to get one who will use a meter.

Another big problem is taxis refusing passengers because their destination is not convenient for that driver. Thai residents of Bangkok complain about this a lot. Drivers will often give an excuse that it is near the end of their shift, but usually they just don't think taking you to certain destinations will be worth their time if it's unlikely that they will find a new passenger to pick up at that destination.



2 Thai 2 English 3 Romanization 4 Vocabulary 4 Sample Sentences 6 Vocabulary Phrase Usage 7 Grammar 8 Cultural Insight

# 4


1. ป๋อง: วันหยุดปีใหม่ไปเยี�ยมพ่อกับแม่เป็นยังไงบ้างจ๊ะ พ่อกับแม่สบายดีนะ

2. โบว์: คุณพ่อคุณแม่สบายดีค่ะ ท่านทั�งสองฝากความคิดถึงมาให้พี�ด้วย โดยเฉพาะคุณแม่พูดถึงแต่พี�ป๋องจนโบว์งงไปหมดแล้วว่าใครเป็นลูก ท่านกันแน่ โบว์หรือพี�ป๋อง

3. ป๋อง: เอาละจ้ะ ไม่ต้องน้อยใจ พี�ฝากขอบคุณพวกท่านด้วยนะที�คิดถึงพี� ว่าแต่ว่าโบว์พาพวกท่านไปเที�ยวที�ไหน ทําอะไรกันบ้างจ๊ะ

4. โบว์: โบว์พาพวกท่านไปทําบุญที�วัดใกล้ ๆ บ้านค่ะ เขามีการทําบุญเพื�อไถ่ชีวิตสัตว์ต่าง ๆ ออกจากโรงฆ่าสัตว์ แล้วก็มีปล่อยนก ปล่อยปลา

5. ป๋อง: ดีจ้ะ การได้ช่วยชิวิตคนอื�น สัตว์อื�นเป็นสิ�งที�ดี คุยเพลินไปหน่อย ลืมไปเลยว่าต้องไปรายงานตัวก่อนขึ�นบิน ว่าแต่ว่าโบว์รายงานตัวรึยังจ๊ะ ไปกับพี�ไหม

6. โบว์: โบว์เรียบร้อยแล้วค่ะ พี�ไปเถอะ โบว์จะรออยู่ที�นี� แล้วเจอกันค่ะ


1. PONG: How was it when you went to visit your parents for the New Year holiday? Are your Mom and Dad doing well?

2. BOW: My parents are well. They said to say that they missed you too. Especially my Mom. She talked about you so much that I was getting confused who was her child, me or you?


THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #4 - LET'S GO RELEAS E S OME FI S H AT A THAI TEMPLE 2 3. PONG: Oh, come on! Don't feel neglected. Tell them thanks for thinking of me. So anyway, where did you take them? What did you do?

4. BOW: I took them to make merit at a temple near their house. They have merit-making activities to save the lives of different animals from the slaughterhouse, and there is also an activity of releasing birds and releasing fish.

5. PONG: Good. Helping the lives of other people and animals is good. I got caught up in chatting and forgot that I have to go report before boarding. Anyway, did you report yet? You want to go with me?

6. BOW: I took care of it already. You go ahead. I'll wait here. See you later.


1. BPǍWNG: wan-yùt bpii-mài bpai yîiam phâaw gàp mâae bpen yang-ngai bâang já. phâaw gàp mâae sà-baai dii ná.

2. BOO: khun-phâaw khun-mâae sà-baai dii khâ. thâan tháng sǎawng fàak khwaam-khít-thǔeng maa hâi phîi dûuai. dooi-chà-pháw khun- mâae phûut thǔeng dtàae phîi bpǎwng jon boo ngong bpai mòt láaeo wâa khrai bpen lûuk thâan gan nâae boo rǔue phîi bpǎwng.

3. BPǍWNG: ao lá jâ. mâi dtâwng náawy-jai. phîi fàak khàawp-khun phûuak- thâan dûuai ná thîi khít thǔeng phîi. wâa dtàae wâa boo phaa phûuak-thâan bpai thîao thîi-nǎi. tham à-rai gan bâang já.


THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #4 - LET'S GO RELEAS E S OME FI S H AT A THAI TEMPLE 3 4. BOO: boo phaa phûuak-thâan bpai tham-bun thîi wát glâi-glâi bâan khâ. khǎo mii gaan-tham-bun phûuea thài chii-wít sàt dtàang-dtàang àawk jàak roong-khâa-sàt. láaeo gâaw mii bplàawy nók bplàawy bplaa.

5. BPǍWNG: dii jâ. gaan dâai chûuai chii-wít khon ùuen sàt ùuen bpen sìng thîi dii. khui phlooen bpai looei wâa dtâwng bpai raai-ngaan dtuua gàawn khûen bin. wâa dtàae wâa boo raai-ngaan dtuua rúe yang já. bpai gàp phîi mǎi.

6. BOO: boo rîiap-ráawy láaeo khâ. phîi bpai thòe. boo jà raaw yùu thîi-nîi. láaeo jooe gan khâ.


Thai Romanization English Class

ไถ่ thài to ransom, to redeem verb

โรงฆ่าสัตว์ roong-khâa-sàt slaughterhouse noun

ปล่อย bplàawy to release verb

พวกท่าน phûuak-thâan they (formal) pronoun

especially, โดยเฉพาะ dooi-chà-pháw particularly adverb

น้อยใจ náawy-jai to feel neglected verb

วันหยุด wan-yùt holiday noun

Well anyways, So ว่าแต่ว่า wâa-dtàe-wâa anyhow phrase

ทําบุญ tham-bun to make merit verb


THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #4 - LET'S GO RELEAS E S OME FI S H AT A THAI TEMPLE 4 ลูกสาวของนักการเมืองท่านหนึ�งถูกจับตัว ถ้าสงสารสัตว์ที�ถูกส่งไปโรงฆ่าสัตว์เพื�อฆ่าแ ไปเรียกค่าไถ่ ละนําเนื�อมาขายเป็นอาหาร lûuk-sǎao khǎawng nák-gaan-muueang thâan พวกเราควรเลิกบริโภคเนื�อสัตว์ nùeng thùuk jàp dtuua bpai rîiakk khâa thài. thâa sǒng-sǎan sàt thîi thùuk sòng bpai roong- “A politician’s daughter was kidnapped khâa-sàt phûuea khâa láe nam núuea maa khǎai bpen aa-hǎan phûuak-rao khuuan lôoek baaw-rí- and held for ransom.” phôok núuea-sàt.

“If you pity animals that are sent to a slaughterhouse to be killed and have their meat sold for food, we should quit consuming meat.”

อย่าปล่อยให้ความโกรธมีพลังอํานาจเหลือ ที�พ่อกับแม่ตักเตือนเราก็เพราะพวกท่านเป็น จิตใจที�ดีงาม ห่วงเรา yàa bplàawy hâi khwaam-gròot mii phá-lang am- hîi phâaw gàp mâae dtàk-dtuuean rao gâaw nâat lǔuea jìt-jai thîi dii ngaam. phráw phûuak-thâan bpen hùuang rao.

“Don’t lose control (of your emotions) and “Father and mother warned us because allow anger to have power remaining in a they are worried about us.” good heart.”

โดยเฉพาะช่วงฤดูร้อน เพื�อนๆไปเที�ยวทะเล อากาศในประเทศไทยจะร้อนมากกว่าปกติ แต่ไม่ชวนฉันเลยรู้สึกน้อยใจ dooi-chà-pháw chûuang rúe-duu-ráawn aa-gàat phûuean-phûuean bpai thîiao thá-lee. dtàae mâi nai bprà-thêet-thai jà ráawn gwàa bpà-gà-dtì. chuuan chǎn looei rúu-sùek náawy-jai.

"Especially in summer, the temperature in “My friends went on a trip to the beach. But Thailand is hotter than usual." they didn’t invite me, so I feel neglected.”

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #4 - LET'S GO RELEAS E S OME FI S H AT A THAI TEMPLE 5 คุณมีแผนอะไรสําหรับวันหยุดที�กําลังจะมา ใกล้ถึงเวลาออกเดินทางแล้ว ถึงนี�ไหม ว่าแต่ว่าพวกเรามากันครบทุกคนแล้วใช่ไห khun mii phǎaen à-rai sǎm-ràp wan-yùt thîi gam- ม lang jà maa thǔeng níi mǎi glâi thǔeng wee-laa àawk dooen-thaang láaeo. "Do you have any plans for this coming wâa-dtàae-wâa phûuak-rao maa gan khróp thúk- khon láaeo châi mǎi. holiday?" "It’s almost time to travel. This is ok with everybody, right?"

คนไทยชอบไปทําบุญที�วัด khon-thai châawp bpai tham-bun thîi wát

"Thai people like to make merit at a temple."


คุยเพลินไปหนอย khui phlooen bpai nàwy

This phrase means something like "was enjoying talking and forgot the time" or "was absorbed in conversation." คุย khui is the verb "to talk" or "to chat." เพลิน phlooen can mean "to enjoy" or "to be absorbed in." ไปหนอย bpai nàwy means "a little too much." So the whole phrase then means "a little too absorbed in talking."

พี่ฝากขอบคุณพวกทานดวย phîi fàak khàawp-khun phûuak-thâan dûuai

This sentence means "Tell them 'thank you' for me." พี่ phîi is used as the pronoun "I" in this sentence because the speaker is older than the listener. ฝาก fàak is a verb that means "to deposit" or "to entrust." พวกทาน phûuak-thâan is a polite form of the pronoun "they." So the whole phrase can be understood as "I'm entrusting you to give a 'thank you' to them."

เรียบรอยแลว rîiap-ráawy láaeo

This phrase means "it's ready." เรียบรอย rîiap-ráawy is a verb that can have many meanings. It can mean "to be neat," "to be orderly," "to be polite," or "to be proper." When it's

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #4 - LET'S GO RELEAS E S OME FI S H AT A THAI TEMPLE 6 followed by แลว láaeo ("already"), เรียบรอย rîiap-ráawy usually means "to be in order." So it is used to say that something is "ready" or "prepared."


The Focus of this Lesson is Using the Phrase วาแตวา wâa-dtàae-wâa to Mean "anyways" for Changing the Topic. พี่ฝากขอบคุณพวกทานดวยนะที่คิดถึงพี่ วาแตวาโบวพาพวกทานไปเที่ยวที่ไหน phîi fàak khàawp-khun phûuak-thâan dûuai ná thîi khít-thǔeng phîi. wâa-dtàae-wâa boo phaa phûuak-thâan bpai thîiao thîi-nǎi. "Tell them thank you for thinking of me. So anyways, where did you take them?"

The focus of this lesson is using the phrase วาแตวา wâa-dtàae-wâa to mean "anyway" for changing the topic. วาแตวา wâa-dtàae-wâa is a very handy phrase to know in Thai. When you are done talking about one subject, and you want to shift the direction of the conversation, วาแตวา wâa-dtàae-wâa can be used as a segue. It is very much like saying "Well, anyways..." to transition to a new topic.

Look at how it was used in the conversation. Pong said:

1. พี่ฝากขอบคุณพวกทานดวยนะที่คิดถึงพี่ วาแตวาโบวพาพวกทานไปเที่ยวที่ไหน phîi fàak khàawp-khun phûuak-thâan dûuai ná thîi khít-thǔeng phîi. wâa-dtàae-wâa boo phaa phûuak-thâan bpai thîiao thîi-nǎi. "Tell them thank you for thinking of me. So anyways, where did you take them?"

Pong is still keeping to the larger topic of Bow's parents, but he's using วาแตวา wâa-dtàae- wâa to shift the focus of the conversation away from what Bow's parents said about him to what Bow and her parents did together. Another example we had from the conversation was when Pong said:

1. ลืมไปเลยวาตองไปรายงานตัวกอนขึ้นบิน วาแตวาโบวรายงานตัวรึยังจะ luuem bpai looei wâa dtâwng bpai raai-ngaan-dtuua gàawn khûen bin. wâa-dtàae- wâa boo raai-ngaan-dtuua rúe yang já. "I forgot that I have to go report before boarding. Anyways, did you report yet?"

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #4 - LET'S GO RELEAS E S OME FI S H AT A THAI TEMPLE 7 Again, in the example above, Pong stays on the general topic of reporting for the flight. But he uses วาแตวา wâa-dtàae-wâa to shift the focus away from himself and towards Bow, asking if she's reported yet.


Positive and Negative Karma in Thailand

Buddhism does not have a concept of "sin," instead there are ten non-virtuous actions which create negative karma, and thus more suffering. The first of the non-virtuous actions is taking the life of any sentient being. Thais are not known to keep this rule strictly, as it would mean never killing mosquitoes, fish, crabs, chickens, cockroaches, and many other animals that are often killed because they are considered either pests or food. But for every non-virtuous action there is an opposing virtuous action that can counter-balance some of the negative karma one has created.

The virtuous action which is the opposite of killing is saving the life of living beings. So saving the lives of animals is a common and popular merit-making activity. The most common animals to save are birds and fish or other aquatic animals. At many temples you will find people who have small birds in little woven bamboo cages. You pay them some money to be able to release the bird. Many people are cynical of this activity, and believe that the birds are trained to come back to the bird vendor to be resold again and again.

Birds are not the only animals that can be set free. If a temple is near a river, you might be able to purchase live fish, eels, or turtles which can be released into the river. Another way to save animals lives is to make a donation that goes towards purchasing cattle before they can be sent to a slaughterhouse. The cows are given to poor farmers who can use them on their farm without actually harming or killing the cows.

The Thai term for doing any virtuous activity that creates a store of positive karma is ทําบุญ tham-bun. In English, we usually translate ทําบุญ tham-bun as "making merit." The idea is that all your good activities will create a kind of force or momentum that carries you to a better rebirth in the next life or improves your circumstances later in this life.

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #4 - LET'S GO RELEAS E S OME FI S H AT A THAI TEMPLE 8 LESSON NOTES Upper Intermediate S1 #5 So, Did you Finally Try Thai Grilled Rat?


2 Thai 2 English 3 Romanization 4 Vocabulary 5 Sample Sentences 7 Vocabulary Phrase Usage 8 Grammar 9 Cultural Insight

# 5


1. โบว์: กลับบ้านเป็นยังไงบ้างคะพี�ป๋อง สนุกไหม พ่อกับแม่สบายดีรึเปล่า ขอโทษด้วยที�โบว์ไม่ว่างไปเยี�ยมท่าน ติดงานจริงๆ

2. ป๋อง: พวกท่านสบายดีจ้ะ ไม่ต้องเป็นห่วง เรื�องที�โบว์ติดงานพวกท่านเข้าใจ พี�อธิบายให้ท่านฟังแล้ว ท่านบอกว่าเอาไว้คราวหน้าก็ได้

3. โบว์: ทุกอย่างก็ดูจะเรียบร้อยดี พี�ก็ได้กลับบ้านไปเยี�ยมพ่อกับแม่ พี�ควรจะมีความสุข แต่ทําไมทําหน้าบึ�งแบบนี�ละคะ

4. ป๋อง: ทุกอย่างดีจ้ะ แต่ระหว่างทางที�พี�ขับรถไปพี�หิวมาก แต่หาร้านอาหารไม่ได้เลย มีแต่ร้านขายหนูข้างทาง พี�พยายามอดทนและขับรถต่อไป หวังว่าจะเจอร้านอาหาร แต่สุดท้ายก็ไม่มี ในที�สุดพี�เลยต้องตัดสินใจซื�อหนูข้างทางกิน ทั�งๆที�พี�เกลียดและคิดมาตลอดว่าหนูสกปรก

5. โบว์: ไม่สกปรกหรอกค่ะ เพราะหนูที�เขาขายข้างทาง เป็นหนูในนาข้าว มันคอยกัดกินต้นข้าวเป็นอาหาร ชาวนาเลยต้องกําจัดและสร้างมูลค่าด้วยการนํามาย่างขาย

6. ป๋อง: อ้าวเหรอ อย่างนี�ค่อยรู้สึกดีขึ�นหน่อย พี�ก็คิดว่าเป็นหนูที�อยู่ตามท่อระบายนํ�าเหมือนในกรุงเทพซะอีก เลยคิดว่าสกปรก



THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #5 - S O, DID YOU FI NALLY TRY THAI GRI LLED RAT? 2 1. BOW: How was the trip back home? Was it fun? How are your parents? I'm sorry that I wasn't free to visit them. I was stuck working.

2. PONG: They're fine. Don't worry. They understand that you were busy working. I explained to them. They said you can save it for the next time.

3. BOW: Everything sounds OK. You got to go home and visit your parents. You should be happy. But why are you pouting?

4. PONG: Everything is fine. But on the way driving, I was really hungry, but I couldn't see any restaurants. There were only shops selling rats on the side of the road. I tried to endure and keep driving. I was hoping I'd see a restaurant. But in the end there weren't any. Finally, I had to decide to buy a rat from the roadside to eat. I hate them and always thought rats are dirty.

5. BOW: They're not dirty. The rats that they sell by the roadside are rats that live in the rice fields. They eat the rice stalks. So the farmers have to get rid of them, and they get some value by taking them to grill and sell.

6. PONG: Oh, really? I feel a little better now. I thought they were rats that live in the sewers like in Bangkok. So I thought they were dirty!


1. BOO: glàp bâan bpen yang-ngai bâang khá phîi bpǎwng. sà-nùk mǎi. phâaw gàp mâae sà-baai dii rúe bplào. khǎaw-thôot dûuai thîi boo mâi wâang bpai yîiam thâan. dtìt ngaan jing-jing.


THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #5 - S O, DID YOU FI NALLY TRY THAI GRI LLED RAT? 3 2. BPǍWNG: phûuak-thâan sà-baai dii jâ. mâi dtâwng bpen hùuang. rûueang thîi boo dtìt ngaan phûuak-thâan khâo-jai. phîi à-thí-baai hâi thâan fang láaeo. thâan bàawk wâa ao wái khraao-nâa gâaw dâai.

3. BOO: thúk-yàang gâaw duu jà rîiap-ráawy dii. phîi gâaw dâai glàp bâan bpai yîiam phâaw gàp mâae. phîi khuuan jà mii khwaam-sùk. dtàae tham-mai tham nâa-bûeng bàaep níi lá khá.

4. BPǍWNG: thúk-yàang dii jâ. dtàae rá-wàang-thaang thîi phîi khàp rót bpai phîi hǐu mâak. dtàae hǎa ráan-aa-hǎan mâi dâai looei. mii dtàae ráan khǎai nǔu khâang-thaang. phîi phá-yaa-yaam òt-thon láe khàp rót dtàaw-bpai. wǎng wâa jàa jooe rán-aa-hǎan. dtàae sùt0tháai gâaw mâi mii. nai thîi-sùt phîi looei dtâwng dtàt-sǐn-jai súue nǔu khâang- thaang gin. tháng-tháng thîi phîi glìiat láe khít maa dtà-làawt wâa nǔu sòk-gà-bpròk.

5. BOO: mâi sòk-gà-bpròk ràawk khâ. phráw nǔu thîi khǎo khǎai khâang- thaang bpen nǔu nai naa-khâao. man khaawy gàt gin dtôn-khâao bpen aa-hǎan. chaao-naa looei dtâwng gam-jàt láe sâang muun- khâa dûuai gaan-nam maa yâang khǎai

6. BPǍWNG: âao rǒoe. yàang níi khâawy rúu-sùek dii khûen nàwy. phîi gâaw khít wâa bpen nǔu thîi yùu dtaam thâaw-rá-baai-náam. mǔuean nai grung-thêep sá-ìik looei khít wâa sòk-gà-bpròk.


Thai Romanization English Class

ข้างทาง khâang-thaang roadside noun

ห่วง hùuang to worry verb

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #5 - S O, DID YOU FI NALLY TRY THAI GRI LLED RAT? 4 อธิบาย to explain, to à-thí-baai describe Verb

ท่อระบายนํ�า thâaw-rá-baai-náam sewer, ditch, drain noun

ตัดสินใจ dtàt-sǐn-jai to decide Verb

proper, tidy, in order, เรียบร้อย rîiap-ráawy polite adjective

หน้าบึ�ง nâa-bûeng to make a face verb

อดทน òt-thon to endure, to tolerate verb

สุดท้าย sùt-thái finally, lastly adverb

สกปรก sòk-gà-bpròk dirty, to be dirty verb, adjective


ปวดฉี�ทนไม่ไหวแล้ว คุณไม่ต้องห่วงหรอก khun mâi dtâwng hùuang ràawk เหมือนว่าห้องนํ�าน่าจะอยู่ห่างออกไปอีกไก ล จอดข้างทางก็ได้ "You really don't need to worry." bpùuat-chìi thon mâi wǎi láaeo. mǔuean wâa hâwng-náam nâa jà yùu hàang àawk bpai ìik glai. jàawt khâang-thaang gâaw dâai.

“I have to go and can’t hold it any longer. Seems like it’s still a long distance to a bathroom. It’s alright to stop on the side of the road.”

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #5 - S O, DID YOU FI NALLY TRY THAI GRI LLED RAT? 5 คุณแม่อธิบายเรื�องการทําอาหารให้ลูกๆฟัง แมวที�เลี�ยงไว้ตกลงในท่อระบายนํ�า khun-mâae à-thí-baai rûueang gaan-tham-aa- สกปรกมากต้องอาบนํ�าให้หลายรอบแต่ก็ยัง hǎan hâi lûuk-lûuk fang ไม่หายเหม็น "Mom explains how to cook to her maaeo thîi líiang wái dtòk long nai thâaw-rá-baai- children." náam. sòk-gà-bpròk mâak. dtâwng àap-náam hâi lǎai râawp dtàae gâaw yang mâi hǎai měn.

“The cat I take care of fell into the sewer. He’s so dirty. I had to bathe him many times, but the smell still didn’t go away.”

ฉันตัดสินใจที�จะไปเป็นหมอในชนบท เป็นแม่ค้าไม่ควรทําหน้าบึ�ง chǎn dtàt-sǐn-jai thîi jà bpai bpen mǎaw nai chon- เราต้องสดชื�นแจ่มใสตลอดเวลาพูดจาสุภาพ ná-bòt และแต่งตัวเรียบร้อย "I decided that I'll go be a doctor in the bpen mâae-kháa mâi khuuan tham nâa-bûeng. countryside." rao dtâwng sòt-chûuen jàaem-sǎi dtà-làawt wee- laa phûut-jaa sù-phâap láe dtàaeng-dtuua rîiap- ráawy.

“A merchant shouldn’t make a sour face. We have to be fresh and bright all the time, speak politely, and dress properly.”

เป็นแม่ค้าไม่ควรทําหน้าบึ�ง อดทนไม่ไหวแล้ว òt-thon mâi wǎi láaeo. เราต้องสดชื�นแจ่มใสตลอดเวลาพูดจาสุภาพ และแต่งตัวเรียบร้อย “I can’t take it anymore!” bpen mâae-kháa mâi khuuan tham nâa-bûeng. rao dtâwng sòt-chûuen jàaem-sǎi dtà-làawt wee- laa phûut-jaa sù-phâap láe dtàaeng-dtuua rîiap- ráawy.

“A merchant shouldn’t make a sour face. We have to be fresh and bright all the time, speak politely, and dress properly.”

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #5 - S O, DID YOU FI NALLY TRY THAI GRI LLED RAT? 6 สุดท้ายผู้กระทําผิดก็ต้องได้รับโทษ ฉันคิดว่าแม่น้◌ําคงคาสกปรกมาก ไม่มีใครจะรอดกฎแห่งกรรมที�ตนเองกระทํา chǎn khít wâa mâae-náam khong-khaa sòk-gà- bpròk mâak ไปได้ sùt-tháai phûu-grà-tham-phìt gâaw dtâwng dâi "I think the Ganges River is very dirty." ráp thôot. mâi mii khrai jà lâawt gòt-hàaeng-gam thîi dton-eeng grà-tham bpai dâai.

“In the end, wrongdoers must be punished. There’s nobody who can bypass the law of karma for one’s own actions.”


ระหวางทาง (rá-wàang thaang)

This phrase means "on the way." ระหวาง (rá-wàang) means "between," and ทาง (thaang) is "way" or "path." So, the literal meaning would be "in between the path." We would usually use this phrase as a proposition near at the beginning of a sentence. Here is the example from the conversation.

For Example:

1. แตระหวางทางที่พี่ขับรถไปพี่หิวมาก dtàae rá-wàang thaang thîi phîi khàp rót bpai phîi hǐu mâak. "But in the middle of the drive, I got very hungry."

ตอไป (dtàaw-bpai)

This is an adverb meaning "continually," "next," or "later." When it appears directly after a verb, it means that the action is continued. We had an example in the conversation.

For Example:

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #5 - S O, DID YOU FI NALLY TRY THAI GRI LLED RAT? 7 1. พี่พยายามอดทนและขับรถตอไป phîi phá-yaa-yaam òt-thon láe khàp rót dtàaw-bpai. "I tried to endure and continue driving."

กินตนขาวเปนอาหาร (gin dtôn-khâao bpen aa-hǎan)

This phrase means "to eat rice stalks for their food." The important point here is the pattern:

Verb + Object 1 + เปน (bpen), meaning "to be" + Object 2

The action is carried out on the first object in a manner that makes it identifiable with the second object. In this case, the rice stalks, ตนขาว (dtôn-khâao), become identified as food, อาหาร (aa-hǎan), because they are eaten, กิน (gin). We often use this pattern with the verb "to eat," but it would work with other verbs as well.

For Example:

1. เด็กผูชายคนนั้นใชชามเปนหมวก dèk phûu-chaai khon nán chái chaam bpen mùuak. "That boy uses a bowl as a hat."

หวังวา (wǎng wâa)

This phrase means "to hope that." หวัง (wǎng) is a verb that means "to wish" or "to hope." And วา (wâa) is the particle "that," which connects verbs like "to hope," "to think," and "to speak" with whatever was hoped for, thought of, or said. Here is an example from the conversation.

For Example:

1. หวังวาจะเจอรานอาหาร wǎng wâa jà jooe ráan-aa-hǎan. "I hoped to find a restaurant."


THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #5 - S O, DID YOU FI NALLY TRY THAI GRI LLED RAT? 8 The Focus of This Lesson Is Using ในที่สุด (nai-thîi-sùt) and สุดทาย (sùt-tháai) to Say "Finally." แตสุดทายก็ไมมี dtàae sùt-tháai gâaw mâi mii. "But finally, there weren't any."

The focus of this lesson is using ในที่สุด (nai-thîi-sùt) and สุดทาย (sùt-tháai) to say "finally." ในที่สุด (nai-thîi-sùt) is an adverb that means "finally," "eventually," "in the end," or "at last." We will usually use this phrase as a preposition that comes at the beginning of a sentence. Here is one example from the conversation.

For Example:

1. ในที่สุดพี่เลยตองตัดสินใจซื้อหนูขางทางกิน nai-thîi-sùt phîi looei dtâwng dtàt-sǐn-jai súue nǔu khâang-thaang gin. "In the end, I had to decide to buy rats from the roadside to eat."

สุดทาย (sùt-tháai) can be an adjective meaning "final," "last," or "ultimate." But it can also be an adverb that means "lastly" or "finally." When we use it as an adverb, it can go at the front of a sentence just like ในที่สุด (nai-thîi-sùt). Here is an example from the conversation.

For Example:

1. แตสุดทายก็ไมมี dtàae sùt-tháai gâaw mâi mii. "But finally, there weren't any."

These two phrases are mostly interchangeable. So we could easily have written the previous sentence as แตในที่สุดก็ไมมี (dtàae nai-thîi-sùt gâaw mâi mii.), meaning "But in the end, there weren't any."



Rats are eaten as a source of meat in some parts of Thailand. It is more common in the poorer northeastern part of the country. In the olden days, people ate rats out of necessity. But now, the meat has started to become popular and actually costs more per kilogram than chicken or pork. The rats that are eaten are rats caught in the rice fields. They are considered cleaner than city rats and perfectly safe for eating. You can stir-fry the meat with chili paste to make a spicy curry. Another common way to eat rats is to grill them. People can earn a good living by setting up a stall on the side of the road and selling grilled rats to drivers passing by.

Contrary to what was shown in the movie The Beach, it is not common to drink snake's blood in Thailand. However, in the villages, it is perfectly normal to cook up a snake stir-fried with chilies if somebody happens to catch one. Some other unusual animals that the Thai regularly eat include deep-fried beetles and caterpillars.

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #5 - S O, DID YOU FI NALLY TRY THAI GRI LLED RAT? 10 LESSON NOTES Upper Intermediate S1 #6 Are You Sure That This Ghost Can Speak Thai?


2 Thai 2 English 3 Romanization 4 Vocabulary 5 Sample Sentences 7 Vocabulary Phrase Usage 7 Grammar 9 Cultural Insight

# 6


1. โบว์: หมวยทําไมในห้องเราถึงเหม็นแบบนี�ล่ะ อย่าบอกนะว่าโตจนป่านนี�แล้วยังฉี�ใส่ที�นอนอยู่เหมือนเดิม

2. หมวย: ก็หนูไม่กล้าไปเข้าห้องนํ�าตอนกลางคืน น่ากลัวจะตาย มืดก็มืด ไม่อยากเผชิญหน้ากับผี

3. โบว์: ผีไม่เห็นจะน่ากลัวเลย พี�มีวิธีที�ช่วยให้เห็นผีด้วยนะ ถ้าเราอยากลองพี�จะสอนให้

4. หมวย: มีด้วยเหรอ วิธีอะไร แล้วพี�มั�นใจว่าจะเห็นผีจริงๆเหรอ

5. โบว์: เห็นซิ พี�มั�นใจว่าเห็นแน่ ๆ พี�เคยลองแล้ว วิธีการก็คือ ไปที�บ้านร้าง ที�มืด ๆ หรือที�ไหนก็ได้ที�คิดว่าจะมีผี แล้วก็ก้มลงมองลอดหว่างขาดู

6. หมวย: ถ้าพี�มั�นใจว่าจะเห็นผีจริงๆหนูก็จะชวนเพื�อนลองทําดู แต่ถ้าไม่เห็นผี พี�โบว์ต้องยอมซื�อของที�หมวยอยากได้มาให้ด้วย

7. โบว์: ได้ยังไงกัน ถ้าอย่างนั�น ถึงหมวยเห็นผีหมวยก็จะบอกว่าไม่เห็นเพราะอยากได้ของ อย่าคิดว่าพี�จะรู้ไม่ทันนะ

8. หมวย: ค่ะพี�โบว์



THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #6 - ARE YOU S URE THAT THIS GHOS T CAN S PEAK THAI ? 2 1. BOW: Muai, why does your room smell like this? Don't tell me that you're this big and still wet your bed!

2. MUAI: I'm not brave enough to go use the bathroom at night. It's so scary. It's so dark. I don't want to meet a ghost.

3. BOW: Ghosts aren't scary. I have a way to help see ghosts too. If you want to try, I'll teach you.

4. MUAI: You do? What way is that? And you're sure that I'll see a ghost?

5. BOW: You'll see them. I'm confident you'll see them. I tried it already. The method is to go in a dark abandoned house or anywhere you think there will be ghosts. And bend over and look through your legs.

6. MUAI: If you're sure that I'll see a ghost, I'll ask my friends to try it. But if I don't see a ghost, you have to buy me something that I want.

7. BOW: How can I agree to that? When you see a ghost, you'll say you didn't see one because you want to get something. Don't think I don't know your plan!

8. MUAI: Yes, Bow.


1. BOO: mǔuai tham-mai nai hâwng rao thǔeng měn bàaep níi lâ. yàa bàawk ná wâa dtoo jon bpàan níi láaeo yang chìi sài thîi-naawn yùu mǔuean-dooem.


THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #6 - ARE YOU S URE THAT THIS GHOS T CAN S PEAK THAI ? 3 2. MǓUAI: gâaw nǔ mâi glâa bpai khâo hâwng-náam dtaawn glaang-khuuen. nâa-gluua jà

3. dtaai. mûuet gâaw mûuet. mâi yàak phà-chooen-nâa gàp phǐi.

4. BOO: phǐi mâi hěn jà nâa-gluua looei. phîi mii wí-thii thîi chûuai hâi hěn phǐi dûuai ná. thâa rao yàak laawng phîi jà sǎawn hâi.

5. MǓUAI: mii dûuai rǒoe. wí-thii à-rai. láaeo phîi mân-jai wâa jà hěn phǐi jing- jing rǒoe.

6. BOO: hěn sí. phîi mân-jai wâa hěn nâae-nâae. phîi khoei laawng láaeo. wí-thii-gaan gâaw khuue bpai thîi bâan ráang thîi mûuet-mûuet rǔue thîi-nǎi gâaw dâai thîi khít wâa jà mii phǐi. láaeo gâaw gôm-long maawng làawt wàang khǎa duu.

7. MǓUAI: thâa phîi mân-jai wâa jà hěn phǐi jing-jing nǔu gâaw chuuan phûuean laawng tham duu. dtàae thâa mâi hěn phǐi phîi boo dtâwng yaawm súue khǎawng thîi mǔuai yàak dâai maa hâi dûuai.

8. BOO: dâai yang-ngai gan. thâa-yàang-nán thǔeng mǔuai hěn phǐi mǔuai gâaw j`bàawk wâa mâi hěn phráw yàak dâai khǎawng. yàa khít wâa phîi jà rúu mâi than ná.

9. MǓUAI: khâ phîi boo.


Thai Romanization English Class

to pass through ลอด lâawt underneath verb


ร้าง ráang abandoned adjective

มั�นใจ mân-jai confident, to be sure verb, adjective

วิธี wí-thii method, way noun

เผชิญหน้า phà-chooen-nâa to face, to encounter verb

to be large, to grow โต dtoo up verb

ฉี� chìi urine, to urinate noun, verb

เหม็น měn stinking, to stink adjective, verb

กล้า glâa bold, courageous adjective


เขาเดินลอดใต้สะพานตอนฝนกําลังตก หากคนเราลุกขึ�นมาสู้ khǎo dooen lâawt dtâai sà-phaan dtaawn fǒn ไม่ยอมก้มหัวให้กับโชคชะตา gam-lang dtòk คิดว่าเราทําได้ “He walked underneath the overpass ทุกคนก็จะมีชีวิตที�ดีและมีความสุข when it was raining” hàak khon rao lúk khûen maa sûu mâi yaawm gôm hǔua hâi gàp chôok-chá-dtaa khít wâa rao tham dâi thúk-khon gâaw mii chii-wít thîi dii láe mii khwaam-sùk.

“If we stand up and fight, don’t bow our heads to fate, and think that we can, everybody will have a good life and happiness.”

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #6 - ARE YOU S URE THAT THIS GHOS T CAN S PEAK THAI ? 5 ประวัติของบ้านร้างหลังนี�ทําให้ผู้ฟังรู้สึกขนล เรามั�นใจว่าจะสอบผ่าน rao mân-jai wâa jà sàawp-phàan ◌ุก bprà-wàt khǎawng bâan ráang lǎng níi tham hâi “I'm confident that I'll pass the exam” phûu-fang rúu-sùek khǒn lúk.

“The history of this abandoned house gives listeners goosebumps.”

การปฏิบัติวิปัสนากรรมฐาน เราทุกคนต้องกล้าที�จะเผชิญหน้ากับความจ ทําให้จิตใจสงบเป็นวิธีการแก้ชงที�ดีสําหรับ ริง ผู้อยู่ในช่วงปีชง แม้ว่าความจริงนั�นจะทําให้เราต้องเจ็บปวด gaan-bpà-dtì-bàt wí-bpàt-sà-naa-gam-má-thaan rao thúk-khon dtâwng glâa thîi jà phà-chooen- tham hâi jìt-jai sà-ngòp bpen wí-thii gaan-gâae nâa gàp khwaam-jing. máae-wâa khwaam-jing chong thîi dii sǎm-ràp phûu yùu nai chûuang bpii- nán jà tham hâi rao dtâwng jèp-bpùuat. chong. “We must all be brave to face reality. Even “Practicing insight meditation calms the though the truth might hurt us.” mind and is the best method to fix bad luck for people in an unlucky year.”

ธุรกิจการค้าของปลอมกําลังเติบโตและขยา ปวดฉี�ทนไม่ไหวแล้ว ยตัว เหมือนว่าห้องนํ�าน่าจะอยู่ห่างออกไปอีกไก เนื�องจากหาซื�อได้ง่ายและมีราคาถูกจนแท ล จอดข้างทางก็ได้ บจะพูดได้ว่าซื�อหนึ�งแถมสิบกันเลยทีเดียว bpùuat-chìi thon mâi wǎi láaeo. mǔuean wâa hâwng-náam nâa jà yùu hàang àawk bpai ìik glai. thú-rá-gìt-gaan-kháa khǎawng-bplaawm gam-lang jàawt khâang-thaang gâaw dâai. dtòoep dtoo láe khà-yǎai dtuua nûueang-jàak hǎa súue dâai ngâai láe mii raa-khaa thùuk jon “I have to go and can’t hold it any longer. thâaep jà phûut dâai wâa súue nùeng thǎaem Seems like it’s still a long distance to a sìp gan looei thii diiao. bathroom. It’s alright to stop on the side of “The business of artificial goods is growing the road.” and expanding because they are easy to purchase, and they are so inexpensive that you can almost say that you could buy one and get ten free.”

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #6 - ARE YOU S URE THAT THIS GHOS T CAN S PEAK THAI ? 6 ฝรั�งส่วนใหญ่คิดว่ากลิ�นทุเรียนเหม็น คุณมีนากล้ากระโดดจากต้นไม้สูง fà-ràng sùuan yàai khít wâa glìn thú-riian měn khun mii-naa glâa grà-dòot jàak dtôn-máai sǔung

"Most foreigners think the scent of durian "Ms. Meena is brave to jump off a tall tree." is stinky."


จะตาย (jà-dtaai)

We use this expression as the adverb "extremely." The literal translation of จะตาย (jà-dtaai) is "will die." We usually use it after negative adjectives to give them extra emphasis. We had an example in the conversation.

For Example:

1. นากลัวจะตาย nâa-gluua jà-dtaai. "It's extremely scary."

โตจนปานนี้แลว (dtoo jon bpàan níi láaeo)

This phrase means "You're this grown up" or "You're this big already." โต (dtoo) means "large," but we usually use it when we have to say that something has "gotten big," such as the growth of a child. จน (jon) is the preposition "until," and ปานนี้ (bpàan níi) means "until now."

อยาคิดวาพี่จะรูไมทันนะ (yàa khít wâa phîi rúu mâi than ná)

This phrase means "Don't think I don't know" or "Don't think I'm not aware of what you're up to." อยาคิด (yàa khít) is the verb phrase "don't think," and รูไมทัน (rúu mâi than) literally means "to know in time." But this phrase implies is knowing the plan of another person. It's a way to say "You haven't fooled me" or "Don't think I haven't caught on to your plan."


THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #6 - ARE YOU S URE THAT THIS GHOS T CAN S PEAK THAI ? 7 The Focus of This Lesson Is Using มั่นใจ (mân-jai) to Mean "Confident." พี่มั่นใจวาจะเห็นผีจริง ๆ phîi mân-jai wâa jà hěn phǐi jing-jing. "I'm confident that you'll really see a ghost."

The focus of this lesson is using มั่นใจ (mân-jai) to mean "confident." มั่นใจ (mân-jai) is an adjective that can mean "confident," "assured," or "sure." Additionally, we can use มั่นใจ (mân- jai) as a verb meaning "to trust in." In a sentence, มั่นใจ (mân-jai) can follow a noun just like other adjectives.

For Example:

1. คุณมั่นใจมาก khun mân-jai mâak. "You're very confident."

มั่นใจ (mân-jai) is also often followed by the particle วา (wâa), meaning "that," or the preposition ใน (nai), meaning "in." If you want to say that the subject is "confident that...," then you should follow มั่นใจ (mân-jai) with วา (wâa). After that will be some statement to indicate what the subject is confident about. Here is an example of this from the conversation.

For Example:

1. พี่มั่นใจวาจะเห็นผีจริงๆ phîi mân-jai wâa jà hěn phǐi jing-jing. "I'm confident that you'll really see a ghost."

In the sentence above, the statement that followed มั่นใจวา (mân-jai wâa) was จะเห็นผี (jà hěn phǐi), which means "will see a ghost."

When we use the pattern มั่นใจใน (mân-jai nai), meaning "to be confident in," we need to follow it with a noun. Usually, this will be an abstract noun, such as those that we form with the prefixes ความ (khwaam) and การ (gaan). Here are examples of each type.


1. เขามั่นใจในความคิดของเขา khǎo mân-jai nai khwaam-khít khǎawng khǎo. "He's confident in his thinking."

2. เขามั่นใจในการกระทําของเขา khǎo mân-jai nai gaan-grà-tham khǎawng khǎo. "He's confident in his actions."


How to Find Ghosts in Thailand

In common Thai superstition, there are several methods that we can use to see a ghost. In order for these methods to work, you first have to be in a place that is haunted by a ghost. The most popular method is to bend over and look through your legs. Because the world appears upside-down, you are looking at the "other world." This method is supposed to reveal any invisible ghosts and also reveal the true form of any ghosts who are pretending to be regular people.

There was an extremely popular Thai movie in 2013 called พี่มากพระโขนง (phîi mâak phrá- khà-nǒong). The story is about a young man whose wife dies and becomes a ghost while he is away fighting in a war. When he comes back, everyone in the town acts strange, and his friends try to find out whether his wife is really a ghost by looking through their legs at her.

Another well-known method for seeing ghosts is to lie down flat on your back under a wooden staircase. As you look up at the bottom of the stairs, you are supposed to be able to see ghosts.

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #6 - ARE YOU S URE THAT THIS GHOS T CAN S PEAK THAI ? 9 LESSON NOTES Upper Intermediate S1 #7 Bad Luck, Shmad Luck, We Can Fix Your Bad Fortune the Thai Way!


2 Thai 2 English 3 Romanization 4 Vocabulary 5 Sample Sentences 6 Vocabulary Phrase Usage 7 Grammar 8 Cultural Insight

# 7


1. ป๋อง: อ้าวน้องหนิง ได้ข่าวว่าไปเที�ยวเชียงใหม่ เป็นยังไงบ้าง แล้วกลับมาตั�งแต่เมื�อไหร่

2. หนิง: เชียงหม่งเชียงใหม่อะไรกันพี� ปีนี�เป็นปีชงของหนิง ก็เลยไปเข้าวัด ถือศีล ทําวิปัสสนากรรมฐาน เพื�อแก้ชงค่ะ

3. ป๋อง: ดีแล้วล่ะ ถึงพี�จะไม่ค่อยเชื�อเรื�องปีชงเท่าไหร่ แต่พี�ก็เชื�อว่าถ้าทําความดีก็ย่อมได้สิ�งดีๆตอบแทน ไม่ทางใดก็ทางหนึ�ง

4. โบว์: ปีนี�ก็เป็นปีชงของฉันเหมือนกัน ถ้าฉันอยากจะไปปฏิบัติธรรมแบบเธอบ้างฉันต้องทํายังไง ต้องไปกี�วัน ต้องเตรียมอะไรบ้าง แล้ววัดอยู่ที�ไหน

5. หนิง: ไม่ต้องทําอะไรมาก ก็แค่ต้องเตรียมชุดขาว ทําจิตใจแกให้สงบ ส่วนแกจะไปกี�วันก็ได้แต่อย่างน้อยควรจะเป็นสามวัน วัดก็อยู่ใกล้บ้านฉัน ถ้าแกอยากจะไปให้ฉันพาไปก็ได้

6. โบว์: จ้ะ ขอบใจมากนะหนิง งั�นเราไปกันอาทิตย์หน้าเลยนะ ฉันว่าง


1. PONG: Hey, Ning! I heard that you went to Chiang Mai. How was it, and when did you get back?


THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #7 - BAD LUCK, S HMAD LUCK, WE CAN FI X YOUR BAD FORTUNE THE THAI WAY! 2 2. NING: Chiang Mai-Shmiang Mai. What's all this? This year is my black year. I went to stay at a temple, took the precepts, and did some insight meditation to fix my bad luck.

3. PONG: That's good. I never really believed in black years. But I do believe that if you do then you'll get good things in return, one way or another.

4. BOW: This year is also a black year for me too. If I want to go practice dharma like you, how do I have to do it? How many days do I have to go? What do I need to prepare, and where is the temple?

5. NING: You don't have to do much. Just prepare a set of white clothes, and make your mind peaceful. You can go for as many days as you want, but it shouldn't be fewer than three days. The temple is near my home. If you want to go, I can take you there.

6. BOW: Thank you so much, Ning. Let's go next week, then. I'm free.


1. PǍWNG: âao náawng nǐng. dâai khàao wâa bpai thîiao chiiang-mài. bpen yang-ngai bâang láaeo glàp maa dtâng-dtàae mûuea-rài.

2. NǏNG: chiiang-mòng chiiang-mài à-rai gan phîi. bpii níi bpen bpii-chong khǎawng nǐng. gâaw looei bpai khâo wát thǔue-sǐin than wí-bpàt-sà- naa-gam-má-thaan phûuea gâae chong khâ.


THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #7 - BAD LUCK, S HMAD LUCK, WE CAN FI X YOUR BAD FORTUNE THE THAI WAY! 3 3. PǍWNG: dii láaeo lâ. thǔeng phîi jà mâi khâawy chûuea rûueang bpii-chong thâo-rài. dtàae phîi gâaw chûuea wâa thâa tham-khwaam dii gâaw yâawm dâai sìng dii-dii dtàawp thaaen. mâi thaang dai gâaw thaang nùeng.

4. BOO: bpii níi gâaw bpen bpii-chong khǎawng chǎn mǔuean-gan. thâa chǎn yàak jà bpai bpà-dtì-bàt-tham bàaep thooe bâang chǎn dtâwng tham yang-ngai. dtâwng bpai gàa wan. dtâwng dtriiam à-rai bâang. láaeo wát yùu thîi-nǎi.

5. NǏNG: mâi dtâwng tham à-rai mâak. gâaw khâae dtâwng dtriiam chút khǎao. tham jìt-jai gaae hâi sà-ngòp. sùuan gaae jà bpai gìi wan gâaw dâai dtàae yàang náawy khuuan jà bpen sǎam wan. wát gâaw yùu glâi bâan chǎn. thâa gaae yàak jà bpai hâi chǎn phaa bpai gâaw dâai.

6. BOO: jâ khàawp-jai mâak ná-nǐng. ngán rao bpai gan aa-thít nâa looei ná chǎn wâang.


Thai Romanization English Class

to practice, to carry ปฏิบัติ bpà-dtì-bàt out verb

แก gaae you (informal) pronoun

แก้ gâae to fix, to solve verb

จิตใจ jìt-jai mind, heart noun

to observe moral ถือศีล thǔue-sǐin precepts verb

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #7 - BAD LUCK, S HMAD LUCK, WE CAN FI X YOUR BAD FORTUNE THE THAI WAY! 4 วิปัสสนากรรมฐาน wí-bpàt-sà-naa-gam- má-thaan insight meditation noun

ปีชง bpii-chong unlucky year noun

to reward, to ตอบแทน dtàawp-thaaen compensate in return verb

เตรียม dtriiam to prepare verb

สงบ peaceful adjective


พระภิกษุถือศีล ���ข้อ แกดีกับแฟนแกขนาดนี� เพื�อเป็นแนวทางในการปฏิบัติดี ปฏิบัติชอบ แต่แฟนแกมันตอบแทนแกด้วยการมีกิ�กเนี�ย phrá-phík-sù thǔue-sǐin sǎawng-ráawy yîi-sìp-jèt นะ khâaw phûuea bpen naaeo-thaang nai gaan bpà- gaae dii gàp faaen gaae khà-nàat níi. dtàae dtì-bàt dii bpà-dtì-bàt châawp. faaen gaae man dtàawp-thaaen gaae dûuai gaan mii gík nîia ná. “Monks observe 227 precepts in order to follow the good and righteous path.” “You’re so good to your boyfriend. But he repays you by having this fling!”

การปฏิบัติวิปัสนากรรมฐาน การปฏิบัติวิปัสนากรรมฐาน ทําให้จิตใจสงบเป็นวิธีการแก้ชงที�ดีสําหรับ ทําให้จิตใจสงบเป็นวิธีการแก้ชงที�ดีสําหรับ ผู้อยู่ในช่วงปีชง ผู้อยู่ในช่วงปีชง gaan-bpà-dtì-bàt wí-bpàt-sà-naa-gam-má-thaan gaan-bpà-dtì-bàt wí-bpàt-sà-naa-gam-má-thaan tham hâi jìt-jai sà-ngòp bpen wí-thii gaan-gâae tham hâi jìt-jai sà-ngòp bpen wí-thii gaan-gâae chong thîi dii sǎm-ràp phûu yùu nai chûuang bpii- chong thîi dii sǎm-ràp phûu yùu nai chûuang bpii- chong. chong.

“Practicing insight meditation calms the “Practicing insight meditation calms the mind and is the best method to fix bad luck mind and is the best method to fix bad luck for people in an unlucky year.” for people in an unlucky year.”

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #7 - BAD LUCK, S HMAD LUCK, WE CAN FI X YOUR BAD FORTUNE THE THAI WAY! 5 พระภิกษุถือศีล ���ข้อ การปฏิบัติวิปัสนากรรมฐาน เพื�อเป็นแนวทางในการปฏิบัติดี ปฏิบัติชอบ ทําให้จิตใจสงบเป็นวิธีการแก้ชงที�ดีสําหรับผ phrá-phík-sù thǔue-sǐin sǎawng-ráawy yîi-sìp-jèt ◌ู ้อยู่ในช่วงปีชง khâaw phûuea bpen naaeo-thaang nai gaan bpà- gaan-bpà-dtì-bàt wí-bpàt-sà-naa-gam-má-thaan dtì-bàt dii bpà-dtì-bàt châawp. tham hâi jìt-jai sà-ngòp bpen wí-thii gaan-gâae “Monks observe 227 precepts in order to chong thîi dii sǎm-ràp phûu yùu nai chûuang bpii- chong. follow the good and righteous path.” “Practicing insight meditation calms the mind and is the best method to fix bad luck for people in an unlucky year.”

การปฏิบัติวิปัสนากรรมฐาน แกดีกับแฟนแกขนาดนี� ทําให้จิตใจสงบเป็นวิธีการแก้ชงที�ดีสําหรับ แต่แฟนแกมันตอบแทนแกด้วยการมีกิ�กเนี�ย ผู้อยู่ในช่วงปีชง นะ gaan-bpà-dtì-bàt wí-bpàt-sà-naa-gam-má-thaan gaae dii gàp faaen gaae khà-nàat níi. dtàae tham hâi jìt-jai sà-ngòp bpen wí-thii gaan-gâae faaen gaae man dtàawp-thaaen gaae dûuai chong thîi dii sǎm-ràp phûu yùu nai chûuang bpii- gaan mii gík nîia ná. chong. “You’re so good to your boyfriend. But he “Practicing insight meditation calms the repays you by having this fling!” mind and is the best method to fix bad luck for people in an unlucky year.”

ผู้หญิงกําลังเตรียมอาหาร ฉันอยากจะอาศัยอยู่ในประเทศที�สงบ phûu-yǐng gam-lang dtriiam aa-hǎan "I want to live in a peaceful country." "The woman is preparing a meal."


ไดขาววา (dâai khàao wâa)

This phrase means "to hear that..." or "to get the news that..." ได (dâai) is the verb "to be able," but in this phrase, it means "to get." And ขาว (khàao) means "news." This phrase would be

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #7 - BAD LUCK, S HMAD LUCK, WE CAN FI X YOUR BAD FORTUNE THE THAI WAY! 6 followed by a statement or announcement. You should use this phrase when you want to say that you heard about some important event or announcement. If you just want to say "I heard that..." for more everyday situations, you should use ไดยินวา (dâai-yin wâa).

ไมทางใดก็ทางหนึ่ง (mâi thaang dai gâaw thaang nùeng)

We use this phrase just like the English expression "one way or another." It can either go at the beginning or at the end of a sentence.

ปฏิบัติธรรม (bpà-dtì-bàt tham)

This phrase means "to practice dharma." ปฏิบัติ (bpà-dtì-bàt) is a verb that means "to practice," "to perform," or "to carry out." ธรรม (tham) is a noun that comes from the Sanskrit word "dharma." Dharma has many meanings, which include "law," "duty," "object," or "system." But in Thai, the usual meaning of ธรรม (tham) is "the teaching of the Buddha." So the phrase ปฏิบัติธรรม (bpà-dtì-bàt tham) means "to practice the teaching of the Buddha" or "to carry out Buddhist practices." Examples of ปฏิบัติธรรม (bpà-dtì-bàt tham) are practicing meditation and giving alms.


The Focus of This Lesson Is Doubling a Word With Distorted Pronunciation for Emphasis. เชียงหมงเชียงใหมอะไรกันพี่ chiiang-mòng chiiang-mài à-rai gan phîi. "Chiang Mai-Shmiang Mai. What's all this about?"

The focus of this lesson is doubling a word with distorted pronunciation for emphasis. Thai has a unique way to put emphasis on a word in order to dismiss the importance of that word, which is usually a noun. We will say the noun twice, but the first time that you say it, the ending of the last syllable changes its sound. The syllable will end with the sound อง (òng). Let's take the word เชียงใหม (chiiang-mài), for example. It will change to เชียงหมง (chiiang- mòng). So, if you want to refer to the city of Chaing Mai in a way that diminishes its importance, you can say เชียงหมงเชียงใหม (chiiang-mòng chiiang-mài). Maybe in English we would say something like "Chaing Mai-Shmaing Mai" as a way to show that you are not impressed by or concerned with that city. Here is an example sentence from the conversation.


1. เชียงหมงเชียงใหม อะไรกันพี่ chiiang-mòng chiiang-mài à-rai gan phîi. "Chiang Mai-Shmiang Mai. What's all this about?"

You can use this colorful way to reduce the importance of just about any noun. If the noun only has one syllable, then you will only alter that one syllable. But this type of expression sounds best when the word has at least two syllables. Here are some more examples.

For Example:

1. ญี่ปง ญี่ปุน yîi-bpòng yîi-bpùn "Eh? Japan?"

2. นํ้าเกกหงเกกฮวย náam-gék-hòng gék-huuai "Chrysanthemum drink, or whatever!"

3. การบงการบาน gaan-bòng gaan-bâan "Ugh...homework."


How Lucky Are You?

ปชง (bpii-chong) means "an unlucky year" for an individual. Thai astrology is mostly based on the system of Chinese astrology in which a person's birth year is considered very important. The years follow a twelve-year cycle in which each year is named after an animal, such as the horse, pig, or dragon. Whether the current year will be an unlucky one for you depends on your birth year. But not everyone who has the same birth animal will have the same degree of good or bad luck in a particular year. The strength of your good or bad luck depends on which exact year you were born in.

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #7 - BAD LUCK, S HMAD LUCK, WE CAN FI X YOUR BAD FORTUNE THE THAI WAY! 8 A lot of Thai people seem to believe in ปชง (bpii-chong), but not so many of them even know how to calculate which year is supposed to be unlucky for which people. Nevertheless, the general idea is that when your unlucky year does come around, you need to perform meritorious actions. Such actions include donating money, saving the lives of animals, meditating, and chanting prayers. Through performing such actions, it is believed that you can counteract or cancel out the bad luck that was headed in your direction.

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #7 - BAD LUCK, S HMAD LUCK, WE CAN FI X YOUR BAD FORTUNE THE THAI WAY! 9 LESSON NOTES Upper Intermediate S1 #8 We’re Here Anyway, So Let’s Watch the Thai Drama


2 Thai 2 English 3 Romanization 4 Vocabulary 5 Sample Sentences 6 Vocabulary Phrase Usage 7 Grammar 7 Cultural Insight

# 8


1. โบว์: พี�ป๋องพาโบว์มาดูโขนเนี�ยนะคะ ไม่เห็นสนุกเลย ตัวแสดงพูดอะไรก็ไม่รู้ ไม่เห็นจะเข้าใจเลย

2. ป๋อง: พี�ว่าสนุกดีนะ ที�โบว์ไม่ชอบอาจเป็นเพราะไม่รู้และไม่เข้าใจเนื�อเรื�อง ถึงทําให้รู้สึกไม่สนุก ถ้าสงสัยอะไรก็ถามพี�ได้ หลังจากนี�ถ้ามีเวลาพี�จะเล่าให้ฟังว่าเรื�องราวเป็นยังไงดีมั�ย

3. โบว์: ค่ะ ไหนๆก็ไหนๆละ โบว์จะตั�งใจดูจนจบเรื�องก็แล้วกันค่ะ

4. ป๋อง: ดีมากจ้ะ ไหนๆก็มาแล้วอย่าให้เสียเที�ยว หลังโขนจบเดี�ยวพี�พาไปเลี�ยงข้าว พี�จําได้ว่าร้านโปรดของโบว์อยู่แถวนี�

5. โบว์: พี�ป๋องเนี�ยรู้ใจโบว์ที�สุดเลย รู้ด้วยว่ากําลังหิวแถมยังจําได้อีกว่ามีร้านโปรดอยู่แถวนี� อย่างนี�ค่อยมีกําลังใจดูโขนจนจบหน่อย

6. ป๋อง: ก็พี�เป็นคนรู้ใจของโบว์ ต้องรู้และเข้าใจ ว่าโบว์ต้องการอะไรเวลาไหน จริงไหม

7. โบว์: จ้า ขอบคุณมากค่ะ


1. BOW: Pong, you took me to see khon. I don't see how it can be fun. I don't understand what the actors are saying. I can't understand it at all.


THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #8 - WE’RE HERE ANYWAY, S O LET’S WATCH THE THAI DRAMA 2 2. PONG: I think it's fun. You don't like it because you don't know or understand the plot. That makes it unenjoyable. If you are wondering about anything, you can ask me. After this, if we have time, I'll tell you about the story, OK?

3. BOW: OK. Well, anyway, I might as well pay attention until the end of the play.

4. PONG: Very good. In any case, you came here, so don't waste the trip. After the khon is finished, I'll take you out to eat. I remember that your favorite restaurant is in this area.

5. BOW: You know me so well. You also know that I'm hungry and even remember that my favorite restaurant is around here. Because of this, I can watch the khon until it's done.

6. PONG: Yeah, I know you. I have to know and understand what you need, and when. Isn't that true?

7. BOW: Yes. Thank you very much.


1. BOO: phîi bpǎwng phaa boo maa duu khǒon nîia ná khá. mâi hěn sà-nùk looei. dtuua-sà-daaeng phûut à-rai gâaw mâi rúu. mâi hěn jà khâo- jai looei.


THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #8 - WE’RE HERE ANYWAY, S O LET’S WATCH THE THAI DRAMA 3 2. PǍWNG: phîi wâa sà-nùk dii ná. thîi boo mâi châawp àat bpen phráw mâi rúu láe mâi khâo-jai núuea-rûueang. thǔeng tham hâi rúu-sùek mâi sà- nùk. thâa sǒng-sǎi à-rai gâaw thǎam phîi dâai. lǎng-jàak níi thâa mii wee-laa phîi jà lâo hâi fang wâa rûueang-raao bpen yang-ngai dii mái.

3. BOO: khâ. nǎi-nǎi gâaw nǎi-nǎi lá. boo jà dtâng-jai duu jon jòp rûueang gâaw láaeo gan khâ.

4. PǍWNG: dii mâak jâ. nǎi-nǎi gâaw maa láaeo yàa hâi sǐia thîiao. lǎang khǒon jòp dǐiao phîi phaa bpai líiang khâao. phîi jam-dâi wâa ráan bpròot khǎawng boo yùu thǎaeo níi.

5. BOO: phîi bpǎwng nîia rúu-jai boo thîi sùt looei. rúu dûuai wâa gam-lang hǐu thǎaem yang jam-dâi ìik wâa mii ráan bpròot yùu thǎaeo níi. yàang níi khâawy mii gam-lang-jai duu khǒon jon jòp nàwy.

6. PǍWNG: gâaw phîi bpen khon rúu-jai khǎawng boo. dtâwng rúu láe khâo-jai wâa boo dtâwng-gaan à-rai wee-laa nǎi. jing mǎi.

7. BOO: jâa. khàawp-khun mâak khâ.


Thai Romanization English Class

โปรด bpròot favorite adjective

ตัวแสดง dtuua-sà-daaeng actor noun

เนื�อเรื�อง núuea-rûueang plot noun

a type of classical โขน khǒon drama noun

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #8 - WE’RE HERE ANYWAY, S O LET’S WATCH THE THAI DRAMA 4 สงสัย sǒng-sǎi to wonder, to suspect verb

เรื�องราว rûueang-raao story, narrative noun

กําลังใจ gam-lang-jai moral support noun

ต้องการ dtâwng-gaan to want Verb


ผลไม้โปรดของคุณคืออะไร ตัวจริงเสียงจริง ไม่ใช้สลิง phǒn-lá-máai bpròot khǎawng khun khuue à-rai ไม่ใช้ตัวแสดงแทน "What's your favorite fruit?" dtuua jing sǐiang jing. mâi chái sà-lǐng. mâi chái dtuua-sà-daaeng thaaen.

“It’s his real body and voice. He doesn’t use a sling or a body-double.”

ละครนํ�าเน่าปัจจุบันนี�ก็มีเนื�อเรื�องคล้ายๆกั มีการแสดงโขน ในงานแสดงสินค้า ณ น ผู้ชมสามารถเดาสถานการณ์ได้ ห้างดังใจกลางเมืองเชียงใหม่ lá-khaawn náam-nâo bpàt-jù-ban-níi gâaw mii mii gaan-sà-daaeng khǒon nai ngaan-sà-daaeng núuea-rûueang khláai-khláai gan. phûu-chom sǎa- sǐn-kháa ná hâang dang jai glaang muueang mâat dao sà-thǎan-gaan dâai. chiiang-mài.

“Soap operas these days have similar “There’s a khon performance in the stories. Viewers are able to guess the plot.” merchandise exhibit at a famous shopping mall in the center of Chiang Mai.”

แฟนเราชอบทําตัวน่าสงสัย แอบมีกิ�กรึเปล่า การดําเนินเรื�องราวของละครเรื�องแม่นาคทํา faaen rao châawp tham dtuua nâa-sǒng-sǎi. ให้รู้สึกสงสารแม่นาค àaep mii gík rúe bplào. gaan-dam-nooen rûueang-raao khǎawng lá- "My girlfriend acts suspicious. Does she khaawn rûueang mâae-nâak tham hâi rúu-sùek sǒng-sǎan mâae-nâak. have a secret lover that she's hiding?" “The events in the story Mae Naak made me feel sorry for Mae Naak.”

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #8 - WE’RE HERE ANYWAY, S O LET’S WATCH THE THAI DRAMA 5 ผู้ป่วยทุกคนต้องการกําลังใจจากคนใกล้ชิด ดิฉันต้องการเช่าห้องใกล้ๆกับสนามบิน หรือคนในครอบครัว dì-chǎn dtâwng-gaan châo hâwng glâi-glâi gàp sà-nǎam-bin. phûu-bpùuai thúk-khon dtâwng-gaan gam-lang-jai jàak khon glâi chít rǔue khon nai khràawp- "I want to rent a room near the airport." khruua.

“Every patient wants support from close friends or family members.”


เสียเที่ยว (sǐia thîiao)

This phrase means "to waste a trip." เสีย (sǐia) is the verb "to spoil" or "to waste," and เที่ยว (thîiao) is another verb that means "to travel" or "to go out for leisure." So then เสียเที่ยว (sǐia thîiao) would be "wasting travel" or "spoiling an excursion." Here is an example from the conversation.

For Example:

1. ไหนๆก็มาแลวอยาใหเสียเที่ยว nǎi-nǎi gâaw maa láaeo yàa hâi sǐia thîiao. "In any case, you came already, so don't waste the trip."

รูใจ (rúu-jai)

This expression means "to know one's heart." รู (rúu) is the verb "to know," and ใจ (jai) means "mind" or "heart." Therefore, รูใจ (rúu-jai) means to know what someone else is thinking or to know what's in someone's heart.

ไมเห็นสนุกเลย (mâi hěn sà-nùk looei)

This phrase means "It doesn't sound fun at all." เห็น (hěn) is the verb "to see," but we can also use it sometimes to mean "to see it as" or "to consider it so." You could also translate ไมเห็นสนุกเลย (mâi hěn sà-nùk looei) as "I don't see how it could be enjoyable" or "I

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #8 - WE’RE HERE ANYWAY, S O LET’S WATCH THE THAI DRAMA 6 wouldn't consider it any fun at all."


The Focus of This Lesson Is Using ไหนๆก็ไหนๆ (nǎi-nǎi-gâaw-nǎi-nǎi) to Mean "Anyway" or "in Any Case." ดีมากจะ ไหน ๆ ก็มาแลวอยาใหเสียเที่ยว dii mâak jâ. nǎi-nǎi-gâaw maa láaeo yàa hâi sǐia thîiao. "Very good. In any case, since you came already, don't let the trip go to waste."

The focus of this lesson is using ไหน ๆ ก็ไหน ๆ nǎi-nǎi-gâaw-nǎi-nǎi to mean "anyway" or "in any case." We can use the phrase ไหนๆก็ไหนๆ (nǎi-nǎi-gâaw-nǎi-nǎi) before a sentence to mean "anyway," as in "Well, anyway, we already did this, so we might as well do that." To understand its use better, let's look at an example from the conversation.

For Example:

1. ไหน ๆ ก็ไหน ๆ ละ โบวจะตั้งใจดูจนจบเรื่องก็แลวกันคะ nǎi-nǎi-gâaw-nǎi-nǎi lá. boo jà dtâng-jai duu jon jòp rûueang gâaw láaeo gan khâ. "Well, anyway, I might as well pay attention and watch until the end of the play."

Another way to state what she means would be "Well, since I'm at the theater already, I'm going to watch the show until the end." We can also shorten this phrase to ไหน ๆ ก็ (nǎi-nǎi- gâaw), which we use in just the same way. There was another example from the conversation that used ไหน ๆ ก็ (nǎi-nǎi-gâaw).

For Example:

1. ดีมากจะ ไหน ๆ ก็มาแลวอยาใหเสียเที่ยว dii mâak jâ. nǎi-nǎi-gâaw maa láaeo yàa hâi sǐia thîiao. "Very good. In any case, since you came already, don't let the trip go to waste."



โขน (khǒon) is a type of masked dance drama that uses elaborate costumes. It was traditionally performed at the royal court by an all-male cast of dancers. The action on stage was accompanied by narrators and a classical wind and percussion ensemble. In the original version, all the characters were played by male dancers wearing masks. But in the modern version, women play the female characters, and masks covering the face are only worn by the actors playing the roles of demons and monkeys.

The story told by the khon drama is the Ramakien, which is the Thai version of the Indian epic, the Ramayana. It is the story of King Rama, who is considered to be an incarnation of the god Vishnu. Rama loses his kingdom and his queen, Sita, who is taken hostage by the evil demon king who rules over Sri Lanka. Rama is helped by his faithful servant, the monkey god Hanuman, on a mission to defeat the demon king and return to the city of Ayutthaya to reclaim his throne.

The colorful masks and costumes help the audience recognize all the different characters. The music also helps tell the story, with different musical styles signifying changes in the action. The brightly painted masks are made of paper mache, using a clay mold to form the proper shape. In recent years, the masks have also become popular souvenirs for tourists.

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #8 - WE’RE HERE ANYWAY, S O LET’S WATCH THE THAI DRAMA 8 LESSON NOTES Upper Intermediate S1 #9 What’s The Thai Way to Think of Untimely Passing?


2 Thai 2 English 3 Romanization 4 Vocabulary 5 Sample Sentences 6 Vocabulary Phrase Usage 7 Grammar 8 Cultural Insight

# 9


1. ป๋อง: น้องโบว์จ๊ะ วันนี�หนิงดูเศร้า ๆ ไม่พูดไม่จากับใคร มีอะไรรึเปล่า โบว์พอจะรู้บ้างไหม

2. โบว์: พี�ป๋องไม่รู้เรื�องที�พ่อของหนิงเสียชีวิตด้วยอุบัติเหตุรถชนเมื�อวานนี� เหรอคะ โบว์รู้สึกสงสาร ยังไม่รู้จะเริ�มต้นปลอบใจหนิงเขายังไงดี

3. ป๋อง: จริงเหรอ พี�นี�แย่จริงๆ ไม่รู้เรื�องอะไรเลย ปะโบว์เราไปแสดงความเสียใจ และช่วยปลอบให้หนิงหายเศร้ากันดีกว่า

4. โบว์: ค่ะ หนิงเราเสียใจด้วยนะเรื�องพ่อของเธอ อย่าเศร้าไปเลยนะ คิดซะว่าท่านคงมีบุญอยู่กับเราได้เท่านี�

5. ป๋อง: พี�ก็เสียใจด้วยนะหนิง แล้วหนิงตั�งบําเพ็ญกุศลศพของพ่อที�ไหนจ๊ะ

6. หนิง: ขอบคุณมากนะคะ พี�ป๋อง เธอด้วยนะโบว์ หนิงจะตั�งบําเพ็ญกุศลศพคุณพ่อที�วัดใกล้ๆบ้านค่ะ และจะสวดอภิธรรมศพเป็นเวลาสามวันก่อนเผาในวันเสาร์ที�จะถึงนี� เชิญพี�ป๋องกับโบว์ด้วยนะคะ หนิงไม่ค่อยมีญาติที�ไหน

7. โบว์: ฉันกับพี�ป๋องจะไปช่วยที�วัดทุกวันเลยนะ หนิงไม่ต้องห่วง


1. PONG: Hey, Bow, Ning looks sad today. She's not talking to anyone. Is something up? Do you know what happened?


THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #9 - WHAT’S THE THAI WAY TO THINK OF UNTI MELY PAS S I NG? 2 2. BOW: You didn't know that her dad died in a car accident yesterday? I feel so sorry for her. I don't know how to begin to comfort her.

3. PONG: Really? It's terrible of me not to know anything about this. I didn't know at all. Let's go give our condolences and help comfort her to ease her sadness.

4. BOW: OK. Ning, we're sorry about your father. Don't be too sad. Think that he just had enough merit to stay with us only this long.

5. PONG: I'm sorry too, Ning. Where are you going to have the funeral rites held?

6. NING: Thank you very much, Pong. You too, Bow. I'm going to hold the funeral rites at a temple near my house. And we'll have the chanting of the higher doctrine for the deceased for three days before the cremation this Saturday. You are invited too. I don't have many relatives.

7. BOW: We'll go to help at the temple each day. You don't need to worry.


1. PǍWNG: náawng boo já. wan-níi nǐng duu sâo-sâo. mâi phûut mâi jaa gàp khrai. mii à-rai rúe bplào. boo phaaw jà rúu bâang mǎi.

2. BOO: phîi bpǎwng mâi rúu rûueang thîi phâaw khǎawng nǐng sǐia chii-wít dûuai ù-bàt-dtì-hèet rót chon mûuea-waan-níi rǒoe khá. boo rúu- sùek sǒng-sǎan. yang mâi rúu jà rôoem-dtôn bplàawp-jai nǐng khǎo yang-ngai dii.


THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #9 - WHAT’S THE THAI WAY TO THINK OF UNTI MELY PAS S I NG? 3 3. PǍWNG: jing rǒoe phîi nîi yâae jing-jing. mâi rúu rûueang à-rai looei. bpà boo rao bpai sà-daaeng khwaam-sǐia-jai láe chûuai bplàawp hâi nǐng hǎai sâo gan dii gwàa.

4. BOO: khâ. nǐng rao sǐia-jai dûuai ná rûueang phâaw khǎawng thooe. yàa sâo bpai looei ná. khít-sá-wâa thâan khong mii bun yùu gàp rao dâai thâo-níi.

5. PǍWNG: phîi gâaw sǐia-jai dûuai ná nǐng. láaeo nǐng dtâng bam-phen-gù-sǒn sòp khǎawng phâaw thîi-nǎi já.

6. NǏNG: khàawp-khun mâak ná khâ phîi bpǎwng. thooe dûuai ná boo nǐng jà dtâng bam-phen-gù-sǒn sòp khun-phâaw thîi wát glâi-glâi bâan khâ/ láe jà tham gaan-sùuat à-phí-tham sòp bpen wee-laa sǎam wan gàawn phǎo nai wan-sǎo thîi jà thǔeng níi. chooen phîi bpǎwng gàp boo dûuai ná khá. nǐng mâi khâawy mii yâat thîi-nǎi.

7. BOO: chǎn gàp phîi bpǎwng jà bpai chûuai thîi wát thúk wan looei ná. nǐng mâi dtâwng hùang.


Thai Romanization English Class

เสียชีวิต sǐia-chii-wít to die verb

การสวด gaan-sùuat chanting, praying noun

Buddhist higher อภิธรรม à-phí-tham doctrine noun

ศพ sòp body, corpse noun

บําเพ็ญกุศล bam-phen-gù-sǒn to make merit verb

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #9 - WHAT’S THE THAI WAY TO THINK OF UNTI MELY PAS S I NG? 4 เท่านี� thâo-níi this much adjective

ปลอบใจ bpàawp-jai to soothe, to console verb

เริ�มต้น rôoem-dtôn to begin, beginning verb, adjective

สงสาร sǒng-sǎan to pity verb

เผา phǎo to burn verb


เกิดอุบัติเหตุรถชนทําให้มีผู้บาดเจ็บและเสีย การสวดอภิธรรมเป็นการสวดที�เป็นเสียงนํา ชีวิต ผู้ตายไปสวรรค์ gòoet ù-bàt-dtì-hèet rót chon tham hâi mii phûu- gaan-sùuat à-phí-tham bpen gaan-sùuat thîi bàat-jèp láe sǐia chii-wít. bpen sǐiang nam phûu-dtaai bpai sà-wǎn.

“There was a car accident causing people “Chanting the higher doctrine is a prayer to be injured and die.” that leads the dead to heaven.”

การสวดอภิธรรมเป็นการสวดที�เป็นเสียงนํา ส่วนศพผู้เสียชีวิต ผู้ตายไปสวรรค์ ญาติต่างมารับไปทําพิธีกรรมทางศาสนา gaan-sùuat à-phí-tham bpen gaan-sùuat thîi sùuan sòp phûu-sǐia-chii-wít yâat dtàang maa ráp bpen sǐiang nam phûu-dtaai bpai sà-wǎn. bpai tham phí-thii-gaam thaang sàat-sà-nǎa.

“Chanting the higher doctrine is a prayer “As for the bodies of the dead, relatives that leads the dead to heaven.” came to take them away for religious ceremonies.”

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #9 - WHAT’S THE THAI WAY TO THINK OF UNTI MELY PAS S I NG? 5 เริ�มต้นบําเพ็ญกุศล เริ�มต้นบําเพ็ญกุศล อุทิศให้แก่เจ้ากรรมนายเวร อุทิศให้แก่เจ้ากรรมนายเวร เท่านี�ชีวิตเราก็จะประสบพบเจอแต่สิ�งดี ๆ เท่านี�ชีวิตเราก็จะประสบพบเจอแต่สิ�งดี ๆ rôoem-dtôn bam-phen-gù-sǒn ù-thít hâi daae jâo- rôoem-dtôn bam-phen-gù-sǒn ù-thít hâi daae jâo- gam naai-ween thâo níi chii-wít rao gâaw jà bprà- gam naai-ween thâo níi chii-wít rao gâaw jà bprà- sòp phóp-jooe dtàae sìng dii-dii. sòp phóp-jooe dtàae sìng dii-dii.

“Starting with making merit and sacrificing “Starting with making merit and sacrificing this much for enemies from a previous life, this much for enemies from a previous life, I will meet with good things in life.” I will meet with good things in life.”

เวลาที�ต้องเผชิญหน้ากับเรื�องเศร้าและผิดห เริ�มต้นบําเพ็ญกุศล วังเราทุกคนต้องการคนปลอบใจ อุทิศให้แก่เจ้ากรรมนายเวร ให้หายเศร้า เท่านี�ชีวิตเราก็จะประสบพบเจอแต่สิ�งดี ๆ wee-laa thîi dtâwng phà-chooen-nâa gàp rôoem-dtôn bam-phen-gù-sǒn ù-thít hâi daae jâo- rûueang sâao láe phìt-wǎang rao thúk-khon gam naai-ween thâo níi chii-wít rao gâaw jà bprà- dtâwng-gaan khon bplàawt-jai hâi hǎai sâao. sòp phóp-jooe dtàae sìng dii-dii.

“When we must face sadness and “Starting with making merit and sacrificing disappointment, everybody wants this much for enemies from a previous life, someone to console them and remove I will meet with good things in life.” their sorrow.”

ถ้าสงสารสัตว์ที�ถูกส่งไปโรงฆ่าสัตว์เพื�อฆ่า การเผาไร่นาของชาวบ้านทําให้เกิดมลพิษ และนําเนื�อมาขายเป็นอาหาร ทางอากาศในภาคเหนือของประเทศไทย พวกเราควรเลิกบริโภคเนื�อสัตว์ gaan phǎo râi-naa khǎawng chaao-bâan tham hâi gòoet mon-lá-phít thaang aa-gàat nai phâak thâa sǒng-sǎan sàt thîi thùuk sòng bpai roong- nǔuea khǎawng bprà-thêet-thai. khâa-sàt phûuea khâa láe nam núuea maa khǎai bpen aa-hǎan phûuak-rao khuuan lôoek baaw-rí- “Burning fields by the villagers causes air phôok núuea-sàt. pollution in Northern Thailand.” “If you pity animals that are sent to a slaughterhouse to be killed and have their meat sold for food, we should quit consuming meat.”


THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #9 - WHAT’S THE THAI WAY TO THINK OF UNTI MELY PAS S I NG? 6 แสดงความเสียใจ (sà-daaeng khwaam sǐia-jai)

This phrase means "to show sympathy" or "to give condolences." แสดง (sà-daaeng) is the verb "to show," and ความเสียใจ (khwaam sǐia-jai) is a noun that means "grief," "sorrow," or "regret." So, a more literal translation of the phrase might be "to show grief" or "to display sorrow."

เสียชีวิตดวยอุบัติเหตุรถชน (sǐia chii-wít dûuai ù-bàt-dtì-hèet rót chon)

This phrase means "to die in a car crash." เสียชีวิต (sǐia chii-wít) is a polite way to say "to die." It literally means "to lose life," but we use it similarly to the English phrase "to pass away." ดวย (dûuai) means "by" or "because of." อุบัติเหตุรถชน (ù-bàt-dtì-hèet rót chon) means "auto accident" or literally "accident-car-crash."

สวดอภิธรรมศพ (sùuat à-phí-tham sòp)

This phrase means "to do the chanting of the higher doctrine for the dead." สวด (sùuat) is the verb "to chant" or "to pray." อภิธรรม (à-phí-tham) comes from the Sanskrit word Abhidharma. It is one of the three main branches of the Buddhist teaching. The Abhidharma is sometimes called the "higher doctrine" because it deals with a complicated philosophical analysis of all phenomena, which examines everything in different categories. ศพ (sòp) is the noun "corpse." Once somebody passes away, he or she is not called a "person," คน (khon); instead, he or she is called a "body" or "corpse," ศพ (sòp). The Abhidharma is chanted for the benefit of the dead because it's the most difficult branch of Buddhist teachings to master, so it is thought to generate extra merit and also to help the deceased individual obtain some wisdom if they hear it.


The Focus of This Lesson Is Using คิดซะวา (khít-sá-wâa) to Say "Think of It As..." อยาเศราไปเลยนะ คิดซะวาทานคงมีบุญอยูกับเราไดเทานี้ yàa sâo bpai looei ná. khít-sá-wâa thâan khong mii bun yùu gàp rao dâai thâo-níi. "Don't be too sad. Think that he just had enough merit to stay with us for only this long."

The focus of this lesson is using คิดซะวา (khít-sá-wâa) to say "Think of it as..." คิด (khít) is the

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #9 - WHAT’S THE THAI WAY TO THINK OF UNTI MELY PAS S I NG? 7 verb "to think," and วา (wâa) is the particle "that." We can use the phrase คิดซะวา (khít-sá- wâa) when we want to say "just think that..." or "think of it as..." We use it as a way to put something in perspective. In a sentence, you have to follow คิดซะวา (khít-sá-wâa) with some statement. Here is an example from the conversation.

For Example:

1. อยาเศราไปเลยนะ คิดซะวาทานคงมีบุญอยูกับเราไดเทานี้ yàa sâo bpai looei ná. khít-sá-wâa thâan khong mii bun yùu gàp rao dâai thâo-níi. "Don't be too sad. Think that he just had enough merit to stay with us for only this long."

In the example above, the speaker is trying to cheer up Ning after her father passed away. So she's trying to put his death into a different perspective by considering the karma he had coming into this life with. We should use this phrase when we want to look at something typically negative in a positive light. Here is another example.

For Example:

1. คิดซะวาฝนที่ตกในวันแตงงานของคุณเปนพรจากสวรรค khít-sá-wâa fǒn tîi dtòk nai wan dtàaeng-ngaan khǎawng khun bpen phaawn jàak sà- wǎn. "Think of the rain on your wedding day as a blessing from heaven."


The Last Rites in Thailand

Funeral traditions in Thailand are mostly based on Buddhist practices. The ceremony can be held at home or at a local temple. The funeral ceremonies go on for an odd number of days: usually three, five, or seven days. In the mornings, people make food offerings for monks. In the evenings, the same monks will chant the Abhidharma, which are the higher philosophical teachings of the Buddha. In the evening, relatives and people in the community gather to help out by cooking food. Quite often, the men of the village will use this opportunity to gather at night to drink and play cards. People donate money to help the family pay for the cost of the

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #9 - WHAT’S THE THAI WAY TO THINK OF UNTI MELY PAS S I NG? 8 funeral. Much of this money is offered to the monks who come to do the chanting.

On the last day of the funeral, before the cremation, a coconut is broken open and the coconut juice is poured over the face of the deceased. Coconut juice is traditionally considered purer than water, being covered under many layers of coconut skin, so it is thought to be able to purify the dead's soul. This is done to help the person move on to the next life more easily.

The body is burned in a crematorium called เมรุ (meen), which is named after Mt. Meru, a mythical mountain at the center of the universe in traditional Buddhist cosmology. Afterward, the bones are collected and put into an urn and given to family members. Some of the bones and ashes may be placed into a river or the sea, while some may be stored in a small pagoda located on the grounds of a temple.

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #9 - WHAT’S THE THAI WAY TO THINK OF UNTI MELY PAS S I NG? 9 LESSON NOTES Upper Intermediate S1 #10 Is Your lucky Thai Buddha Real or an Imitation?


2 Thai 2 English 3 Romanization 4 Vocabulary 5 Sample Sentences 7 Vocabulary Phrase Usage 8 Grammar 9 Cultural Insight

# 10


1. โบว์: ตุ๊กตาสวยจังเลย ตั�งแต่เด็กโบว์ชอบตุ๊กตามากจนทุกวันนี� โบว์ยังเก็บสะสมตุ๊กตามากมาย จากทั�งพี�แล้วก็คนอื�น ๆ ให้ ซื�อเองบ้าง แล้วพี�ป๋องล่ะคะ มีอะไรเป็นของสะสม

2. ป๋อง: ตอนเด็ก ๆ พี�ไม่มีหรอกจ้ะ พี�เพิ�งเริ�มมีตอนอายุสิบแปดปี ตอนได้เครื�องรางชิ�นแรกในชีวิตจากคุณพ่อ หลังจากนั�นพี�ก็เริ�มสะสมมาตลอด ของส่วนใหญ่ที�สะสมจะเป็นพระเครื�อง

3. โบว์: พระเครื�องเหรอ เขาว่ากันว่ามีของปลอมมากมายเต็มไปหมด พี�จะแยกออกมั�ยคะว่าอันไหนของจริง อันไหนของปลอม เพราะดูภายนอกแล้วก็เหมือนกัน

4. ป๋อง: พี�ใช้ความระมัดระวังมาก ใช้เวลาศึกษาประวัติความเป็นมาของทุกชิ�นก่อนเช่า ส่วนมากพี�จะเช่าต่อจากคนที�รู้จัก รับรองว่าไม่มีของปลอมแน่นอนจ้ะ

5. โบว์: เช่าเหรอ ทําไมต้องเช่าล่ะคะ ซื�อเลยไม่ได้เหรอ ถ้าพี�ป๋องไม่ซื�อแล้วจะสะสมได้ยังไง

6. ป๋อง: ฮ่า ๆ น้องโบว์ไม่เข้าใจ เขาไม่ใช้คําว่าซื�อกับเครื�องราง สิ�งศักดิสิทธิ� � ทุกชนิด เมื�อก่อนเขาให้กันฟรี ๆ ขึ�นอยู่กับความศรัทธาของแต่ละบุคคล เขาใช้คําว่าเช่าจ้ะ



THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #10 - I S YOUR LUCKY THAI BUDDHA REAL OR AN I MITATI ON? 2 1. BOW: Dolls are beautiful. Since I was a kid, up until today, I've loved dolls. I've collected dolls from you and others who gave them to me. I've bought some myself. And what about you? Is there anything you collect?

2. PONG: When I was a child, there was nothing. I just started when I was eighteen years old, when I got the first amulet of my life from my father. After that, I started to collect them all the time. Most of the ones I collect are small Buddha amulets.

3. BOW: Buddha amulets? They say there are many fakes out there. How can you distinguish which ones are real and which are fake? Because they look the same on the outside.

4. PONG: I use a lot of caution. I take time to study the history and background of each piece before I acquire it. Mostly, I keep renting from people I know. I assure you there are not any fakes.

5. BOW: You rent them? Why do you need to rent them? Can't you just buy them? If you aren't buying them, how can you collect them?

6. PONG: Ha ha. You don't understand. People don't use the word "buy" with amulets or any type of sacred object. In the old days, they were given out for free. It was a matter of the people's faith. People use the word "rent."



THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #10 - I S YOUR LUCKY THAI BUDDHA REAL OR AN I MITATI ON? 3 1. BOO: dtúk-gà-dtaa sǔuai jang looei. dtâng-dtàae dèk boo châawp dtúk- gà-dtaa mâak jon thúk-wan-níi. boo yang gèp sà-sǒm dtúk-gà-dtaa mâak-maai. jàak tháng phîi láaeo gâaw khon ùuen-ùuen hâi súue eeng bâang. láaeo phîi bpǎwng lá khâ. mii à-rai bpen khǎawng sà- sǒm.

2. BPǍWNG: dtaawn dèk-dèk phîi mâi mii ràawk já. phîi phôoeng rôoem mii dtaawn aa-yú sìp-bpàaet bpii. dtaawn dâai khrûueang-raang chín râaek nai chii-wít jàak khun-phâaw lǎng-jàak-nán phîi gâaw rôoem sá-sǒm maa dtà-làawt. khǎawng sùuan-yài thîi sà-sǒm jà bpen phrá-khrûueang.

3. BOO: phrá-khrûueang rǒoe. khǎo wâa-gan-wâa mii khǎawng-bplaawm mâak-maai dtem bpai mòt. phîi jà yâaek-àawk mái khá wâa an-nǎi khǎawng-jing an-nǎi khǎawng-bplaawm. phráw duu phaai-nâawk láaeo gâaw mǔuean-gan.

4. BPǍWNG: phîi chái khwaam-rá-mát-rá-wang mâak. chái wee-laa sùek-sǎa bprà-wàt khwaam-bpen-maa khǎawng thúk chín gàawn châo. sùuan mâak phîi jà châo dtàaw jàak khon thîi rúu-jàk. ráp-raawng wâa mâi mii khǎawng-bplaawm nâae-naawn jâ.

5. BOO: châo rǒoe. tham-mai dtâwng châo lá khá. súue looei mâi dâai rǒoe. thâa phîi bpǎwng mâi súue láaeo jà sà-sǒm dâai yang-ngai.

6. BPǍWNG: hâa-hâa náawng boo mâi khâo-jai. khǎo mâi chái kham wâa súue gàp khrûueang-raang sìng-sàk-sìt thúk chá-nít. mûuea-gàawn khǎo hâi gan frii-frii. khûen yùu gàp khwaam-sàt-thaa khǎawng dtàae lá bùk-khon khǎo chái kham wâa châo jâ.


Thai Romanization English Class

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #10 - I S YOUR LUCKY THAI BUDDHA REAL OR AN I MITATI ON? 4 ความเป็นมา khwaam-bpen-maa background, history noun

khwaam-rá-mát-rá- ความระมัดระวัง wang caution noun

ภายนอก paai-nâawk exterior noun

ประวัติ bprà-wàt history, background noun

imitation goods, ของปลอม khǎawng-bplaawm counterfeit noun, adjective

ทุกวันนี� thúk-wan-níi nowadays adverb

สะสม sà-sǒm to collect verb

ตุ๊กตา dtúk-gà-dtaa doll noun

เครื�องราง khrûueang-raang amulet noun

พระเครื�อง phrea-khrûueang small Buddha image noun


ทหารแก่เล่าให้เราฟังถึงประวัติความเป็นมา แค่ขับรถไปหน้าปากซอยอย่าคิดว่าไม่ต้องใ ของเขาในอดีต ช้ความระมัดระวัง thá-hǎan gàae lâo hâi rao fang thǔeng bprà-wàt khâae khàp rót bpai nâa bpàak-saawy yàa khít khwaam-bpen-maa khǎawng khǎo nai à-dìit. wâa mâi dtâwng chái khwaam-rá-mát-rá-wang.

“The old soldier told us about his “Even driving just to the entrance of the background from the past.” sideroad, don’t think that you don’t need to use caution.”

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #10 - I S YOUR LUCKY THAI BUDDHA REAL OR AN I MITATI ON? 5 ทุกวันนี�มองแค่ภายนอกเราไม่รู้หรอกว่าเขา ประวัติของบ้านร้างหลังนี�ทําให้ผู้ฟังรู้สึกขนล เป็นคนเลวหรือคนดี ◌ุก thúk-wan níi maawng khâae phaai-nâawk rao mâi bprà-wàt khǎawng bâan ráang lǎng níi tham hâi rúu ràawk wâa khǎo bpen khon leeo rǔue khon phûu-fang rúu-sùek khǒn lúk. dii. “The history of this abandoned house “Nowadays, just by looking at the exterior, gives listeners goosebumps.” we don’t know if he’s a good or a bad person.”

ธุรกิจการค้าของปลอมกําลังเติบโตและขยา ทุกวันนี�มองแค่ภายนอกเราไม่รู้หรอกว่าเขา ยตัว เป็นคนเลวหรือคนดี เนื�องจากหาซื�อได้ง่ายและมีราคาถูกจนแท thúk-wan níi maawng khâae phaai-nâawk rao mâi rúu ràawk wâa khǎo bpen khon leeo rǔue khon บจะพูดได้ว่าซื�อหนึ�งแถมสิบกันเลยทีเดียว dii. thú-rá-gìt-gaan-kháa khǎawng-bplaawm gam-lang dtòoep dtoo láe khà-yǎai dtuua nûueang-jàak hǎa “Nowadays, just by looking at the exterior, súue dâai ngâai láe mii raa-khaa thùuk jon we don’t know if he’s a good or a bad thâaep jà phûut dâai wâa súue nùeng thǎaem person.” sìp gan looei thii diiao.

“The business of artificial goods is growing and expanding because they are easy to purchase, and they are so inexpensive that you can almost say that you could buy one and get ten free.”

เพื�อนๆนิยมมีของสะสมแพงๆ เพื�อนๆนิยมมีของสะสมแพงๆ เช่นตุ๊กตาเฟอร์บี�ที�กําลังเป็นที�นิยมมากในต เช่นตุ๊กตาเฟอร์บี�ที�กําลังเป็นที�นิยมมากในต อนนี� อนนี� phûuean-phûuean ní-yom mii khǎawng sà-sǒm phûuean-phûuean ní-yom mii khǎawng sà-sǒm phaang-phaaeng. chên dtúk-gà-dtaa fooe-bîi thîi phaang-phaaeng. chên dtúk-gà-dtaa fooe-bîi thîi gam-lang bpen thîi ní-yom mâak nai dtaawn-níi. gam-lang bpen thîi ní-yom mâak nai dtaawn-níi.

“My friends like to collect expensive things, “My friends like to collect expensive things, such as Furbee dolls which are popular such as Furbee dolls which are popular now.” now.”

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #10 - I S YOUR LUCKY THAI BUDDHA REAL OR AN I MITATI ON? 6 วันนี�ไปทําบุญถวายสังฆทานที�วัดโลกโมฬ ี วันนี�ไปทําบุญถวายสังฆทานที�วัดโลกโมฬ ี พระท่านมอบเครื�องรางเป็นเหรียญสีทอง พระท่านมอบเครื�องรางเป็นเหรียญสีทอง ส่วนแฟนได้พระเครื�อง ส่วนแฟนได้พระเครื�อง wan-níi bpai tham-bun thá-waai sǎng-khá-thaan wan-níi bpai tham-bun thá-waai sǎng-khá-thaan thîi wát lôok moo-lii. phrá-thâan màawp thîi wát lôok moo-lii. phrá-thâan màawp khrûueang-raang bpen rǐian sǐi-thaawng. sùuan khrûueang-raang bpen rǐian sǐi-thaawng. sùuan faaen dâi phrá-khrûeang. faaen dâi phrá-khrûeang.

“Today we went to make merit by giving “Today we went to make merit by giving offerings to monks at Lok Molee Temple. offerings to monks at Lok Molee Temple. The monk gave me a gold colored coin The monk gave me a gold colored coin amulet, while my boyfriend got a small amulet, while my boyfriend got a small Buddha image.” Buddha image.”


เขาวากันวา (khǎo wâa gan wâa)

This phrase means "They say that..." The first วา (wâa) is the verb "to say," and the second วา (wâa) acts as the particle "that." A word-for-word translation of the phrase would be "They say together that..." You need to follow this phrase with some statement to make a complete sentence. Here is an example from the conversation.

For Example:

1. เขาวากันวามีของปลอมมากมายเต็มไปหมด khǎo wâa gan wâa mii khǎawng-bplaawm mâak-maai dtem bpai mòt. "They say that there are many fakes out there."

รับรองวา (ráp-raawng wâa)

This phrase means "to guarantee that..." รับรอง (ráp-raawng) is a verb that can mean "to guarantee," "to certify," or "to assure." And we used วา (wâa) as the connecting particle "that." In a sentence, รับรองวา (ráp-raawng wâa) will be followed by some statement to say what is

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #10 - I S YOUR LUCKY THAI BUDDHA REAL OR AN I MITATI ON? 7 being guaranteed or confirmed. Here is an example from the conversation.

For Example:

1. รับรองวาไมมีของปลอมแนนอน ráp-raawng wâa mâi mii khǎawng-bplaawm nâae-naawn. "I assure you there are not any fakes."

สิ่งศักดิ์สิทธิ์ (sìng-sàk-sìt)

This is a noun that means "sacred object." It can refer to anything considered to be holy or anything that is thought to contain a higher power. In Thailand, this can mean amulets, Buddha images, images of different gods, spirit houses, sacred trees, and images of former kings.


The Focus of This Lesson Is Using ปลอม (bplaawm) to Talk About Something "Fake." เขาวากันวามีของปลอมมากมายเต็มไปหมด khǎo wâa gan wâa mii khǎawng bplaawm mâak-maai dtem bpai mòt. "They say that there are many fakes out there."

The focus of this lesson is using ปลอม (bplaawm) to talk about something "fake." ปลอม (bplaawm) is an adjective that means "fake" or "artificial." When we use it as an adjective, ปลอม (bplaawm) should follow after the noun. For example, นาฬกา (naa-lí-gaa) means "watch," so นาฬกาปลอม (naa-lí-gaa bplaawm) is a "fake watch," such as an imitation Rolex. It is more common, however, to see people use ปลอม (bplaawm) as an adjective following the general noun ชอง (khǎawng), which means "thing." So then, ชองปลอม (khǎawng bplaawm) means "fake thing" or simply "a fake." We had a couple examples of it used like this in the conversation.

For Example:

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #10 - I S YOUR LUCKY THAI BUDDHA REAL OR AN I MITATI ON? 8 1. เขาวากันวามีของปลอมมากมายเต็มไปหมด khǎo wâa gan wâa mii khǎawng bplaawm mâak-maai dtem bpai mòt. "They say that there are many fakes out there."

2. รับรองวาไมมีของปลอมแนนอนจะ ráp-raawng wâa mâi mii khǎawng bplaawm nâae-naawn jâ. "I assure you that there certainly are not any fakes."

We can also use ปลอม (bplaawm) as a verb meaning "to forge," "to copy," or "to falsify." Look at this sentence.

For Example:

1. เขาโดนจับเพราะปลอมลายเซ็นคนอื่น khǎo doon jàp phráw bplaawm laai sen khon ùuen. "He got arrested because he forged somebody else's signature."

We also use ปลอม (bplaawm) as a verb as part of the compound verb ปลอมแปลง (bplaawm-bplaaeng), which means "to counterfeit." Here is one example of this verb in a sentence.

For Example:

1. ตํารวจกําลังหาคนที่ปลอมแปลงเงินแบงคหารอยบาท dtam-rùuat gam-lang hǎa khon thîi bplaawm-bplaaeng ngoen baaeng hâa-ráawy bàat. "The police are looking for the person who counterfeited 500 baht notes."


Do You Have Any Thai Amulets?

Amulet collecting is serious business in Thailand. The most valuable amulets are made or

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #10 - I S YOUR LUCKY THAI BUDDHA REAL OR AN I MITATI ON? 9 consecrated by well-known monks. Many believe in the power of amulets to protect the wearer from harm. Bookstores are filled with magazines about amulet collecting that run stories of people professing the power of certain amulets. Once in a while, you'll hear stories in the news about foolish people who got themselves hurt by trying to test an amulet's ability to protect them from weapons.

There are amulet markets in many cities, but the most famous amulet market is on the street outside Wat Mahathat Temple in Bangkok. The prices of amulets can vary widely. Some are valued at hundreds or even thousands of dollars, while many other amulets are given away for free by monks when laypeople come to visit them at the temple.

Most amulets come in the form of a small image of the Buddha. But some of them are in the form of animals, monks, or various gods. In the last decade, a particular amulet called Jatukham Rammathep became very popular. The deity Jatukham Rammathep is kind of a mysterious figure named after two princes from the south of Thailand. The amulets were believed to give protection and grant good fortune to anybody wearing them. People from all over Thailand flocked to a temple in Nakhon Si Thammarat to buy the amulets. But it was not long before many other temples started producing their own Jatukham Rammathep amulets.

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #10 - I S YOUR LUCKY THAI BUDDHA REAL OR AN I MITATI ON? 10 LESSON NOTES Upper Intermediate S1 #11 Braces Are Very Fashionable in Thailand


2 Thai 2 English 3 Romanization 4 Vocabulary 5 Sample Sentences 7 Vocabulary Phrase Usage 9 Grammar 10 Cultural Insight

# 11


1. โบว์: น้องหมวยแดดจัดขนาดนี� ยังจะออกไปข้างนอกอีก ไม่กลัวผิวเสียหรอ

2. หมวย: โถ พี�โบว์ ถ้ามัวแต่กลัวผิวเสีย ก็ไม่ต้องออกไปไหนกันพอดี หมวยว่าจะออกไปซื�อของหน้าปากซอยหน่อยน่ะค่ะ

3. โบว์: ยังไงก็พกร่มไปด้วยล่ะ ไม่รู้ทําไมเดี�ยวนี�อากาศโลกเราดูแปลก ๆ พี�เพิ�งดูข่าว เค้าบอกว่าที�รัสเซียหนาวจัดมาก มีคนตายด้วยนะ

4. หมวย: ขนาดนั�นเลยหรอ ความจริงแล้วหมวยอยากให้ที�บ้านเรามีหิมะตกบ้าง จะได้ไม่ต้องไปเมืองหิมะจําลอง

5. โบว์: แหม ทําเป็นพูดไป แค่ตอนเช้าวันนี� น้องหมวยแทบจะไม่อยากจะลุกออกจากเตียงด้วยซํ�า

6. หมวย: ก็มันหนาวขนาดนั�น แถมยังเป็นวันหยุดด้วยนี�นา

7. โบว์: ตั�งแต่เราเริ�มคุยกัน เหมือนพี�จะเห็นอะไรแปลก ๆ ในปากหนูนะ อ้าปากให้พี�ดูหน่อยซิ

8. หมวย: อ๋อเหล็กดัดฟันน่ะค่ะ หนูเห็นเพื�อนๆเขาดัดกัน มีแต่คนชมว่าน่ารัก ใคร ๆ ก็นิยมดัด หนูก็เลยไปดัดบ้าง ดูซิสวยไหม

9. โบว์: ฟันหนูก็สวยอยู่แล้ว ไม่เห็นจําเป็นต้องดัดฟันเลย



THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #11 - BRACES ARE VERY FAS HIONABLE I N THAI LAND 2 1. BOW: Muai, you're going outside with the sun this bright? Aren't you afraid your skin will get damaged?

2. MUAI: Aw, if you're so worried about your skin getting damaged, then you can't go anywhere. I want to go out and buy something by the entrance to the alley.

3. BOW: Anyway, you should take an umbrella. I don't know why the world's weather is so strange now. I just saw in the news that it's extremely cold in Russia. People even died.

4. MUAI: That bad? Actually I'd like to have some snow here. I wouldn't have to go to the artificial snow town.

5. BOW: Be careful what you ask for. Just this morning you almost didn't want to get up out of bed.

6. MUAI: Well, it was so cold. And today is also a holiday.

7. BOW: Since we've started talking, it's like I can see something strange in your mouth. Open up so I can see.

8. MUAI: Oh, they're braces. I saw my friends had them, and everyone said they looked cute. People like to wear them, so I went to get some. Have a look. Aren't they pretty?

9. BOW: Your teeth are beautiful already. I don't think it's necessary to wear braces.



THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #11 - BRACES ARE VERY FAS HIONABLE I N THAI LAND 3 1. BOO: náawng mǔuai dàaet jàt khà-nàat-níi yang jà àawk bpai khâang- nâawk ìik. mâi gluua phǐu sǐia rǒoe.

2. MǓUAI: thǒo phîi boo thâa muua-dtàae gluua phǐu sǐia. gâaw mâi dtâwng àawk bpai nǎi

3. gan phaaw-dii. mǔuai wâa jà àawk bpai súue khǎawng nâa bpàak-saawy nàwy nâ khâ.

4. BOO: yang-ngai gâaw phók rôm bpai dûuai lâ. mâi rúu tham-mai dǐiao-níi aa-gàat lôok rao duu bplàaek-bplàaek. phîi phôoeng duu khàao. kháo bàawk wâa thîi rát-siia nǎao jàt mâak. mii khon dtaai dûuai ná.

5. MǓUAI: khà-nàat nán looei rǒoe. khwaam-jing láaeo mǔuai yàak hâi thîi bâan rao mii hì-má dtòk bâang. jà dâai mâi dtâwng bpai muueang hì-má jam-laawng.

6. BOO: mǎae tham bpen phûut bpai. khâae dtaawn-cháo wan-níi náawng mǔuai thâaep jà mâi yàak jà lúk àawk jàak dtiiang dûuai-sám.

7. MǓUAI: gâaw man nǎao khà-nàat nán. thǎaem yang bpen wan-yùt dûuai ní nâa.

8. BOO: dtâng-dtàae rao rôoem khuui gan. mǔuen phîi jà hěn à-rai bplàaek- bplàaek nai bpàak nǔu ná. aa-bpàak hâi phîi duu nàwy sí.

9. MǓUAI: ǎaw lèk-dàt-fan ná khá. nǔu hěn phûuean-phûuean khǎo dàt gan. mii dtàae khon chom wâa nâa-rák khrai-khrai gâaw ní-yom dàt nǔu gâaw looei bpai dàt bâang. duu sí sǔuai mǎi.

10. BOO: fan nǔu gâaw sǔuai yùu láaeo. mâi hěn jam-bpen dtâwng dàt fan looei.



ลุก lúk to rise up verb

หิมะ hì-má snow noun

พก phók to carry verb

to duplicate, to make จําลอง jam-laawng a model, to make a verb miniature

entrance to a side ปากซอย bpàak-sawy street noun

to admire, to love, to นิยม ní-yom like, popular, in verb, adjective fashion

แทบ thâaep almost adverb

แปลกๆ bplàaek-bplàaek strange adjective

เหล็กดัดฟัน lèk-dàt-fan braces noun

ดัด dàt to bend, to straighten verb


THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #11 - BRACES ARE VERY FAS HIONABLE I N THAI LAND 5 หากคนเราลุกขึ�นมาสู้ หิมะกําลังตกลงในป่า hì-má gam-lang dtòk-long nai bpàa ไม่ยอมก้มหัวให้กับโชคชะตา คิดว่าเราทําได้ "The snow is falling in the woods." ทุกคนก็จะมีชีวิตที�ดีและมีความสุข hàak khon rao lúk khûen maa sûu mâi yaawm gôm hǔua hâi gàp chôok-chá-dtaa khít wâa rao tham dâi thúk-khon gâaw mii chii-wít thîi dii láe mii khwaam-sùk.

“If we stand up and fight, don’t bow our heads to fate, and think that we can, everybody will have a good life and happiness.”

เด็กวัยรุ่นถูกตํารวจจับข้อหา ฉันเห็นเครื�องบินจําลองมากมายที�พิพิธภัณ พกพาอาวุธปืนไปในที�สาธารณะ ฑ์ dèk wai-rûn thùuk dtam-rùuat jàp khâaw-hǎa chǎn hěn khrûueang-bin jam-laawng mâak-maai phók phaa aa-wút bpuuen bpai nai thîi sǎa-taa-rá- thîi phí-phít-thá-phan ná. "I saw many plane models at the museum." “The teenager was arrested by police on the charges of carrying a gun in public.”

แค่ขับรถไปหน้าปากซอยอย่าคิดว่าไม่ต้อง นักร้องคนนี�เป็นที�นิยมในหมู่วัยรุ่น ใช้ความระมัดระวัง nák-ráawng khon níi bpen thîi ní-yom nai mùu wai- rûn khâae khàp rót bpai nâa bpàak-saawy yàa khít wâa mâi dtâwng chái khwaam-rá-mát-rá-wang. "This singer is popular among teenagers." “Even driving just to the entrance of the sideroad, don’t think that you don’t need to use caution.”

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #11 - BRACES ARE VERY FAS HIONABLE I N THAI LAND 6 คนไทยนิยมไปเที�ยวต่างจังหวัดในช่วงวันห ธุรกิจการค้าของปลอมกําลังเติบโตและขยา ยุดสงกรานต์ ยตัว khon-thai ní-yom bpai thîiao dtàang jang-wàt nai เนื�องจากหาซื�อได้ง่ายและมีราคาถูกจนแท chûuang wan yùt sǒng-graan บจะพูดได้ว่าซื�อหนึ�งแถมสิบกันเลยทีเดียว "Thai people like to go to other provinces thú-rá-gìt-gaan-kháa khǎawng-bplaawm gam-lang during Songkran holidays." dtòoep dtoo láe khà-yǎai dtuua nûueang-jàak hǎa súue dâai ngâai láe mii raa-khaa thùuk jon thâaep jà phûut dâai wâa súue nùeng thǎaem sìp gan looei thii diiao.

“The business of artificial goods is growing and expanding because they are easy to purchase, and they are so inexpensive that you can almost say that you could buy one and get ten free.”

จากภาพจําลองเหตุการณ์คนร้ายบุกปล้นร้า วัยรุ่นอเมริกันไม่ชอบใส่เหล็กดัดฟัน wai-rûn à-mee-rí-gan mâi châawp sài lèk-dàt-fan. นทอง ทําให้เห็นว่าคนร้ายมีพฤติกรรมแปลก ๆ “American teenagers don’t like wearing jàak phâap jam-laawng hèet-gaan khon-ráai bùk braces.” bplôn ráan-thaawng tham hâi hěn wâa khon-ráai mii phrí-dtì-gam bplàaek-bplàaek.

“From the reenactment photos of the criminal robbing the gold shop, we can see that he had strange behavior.”

สํานวนไทยที�ว่า “ไม้อ่อนดัดง่าย ไม้แก่ดัดยาก” หมายความว่า หากเราต้องการเลี�ยงลูกให้เป็นคนดีก็ควรอบรมสั�งสอนเขาตั�งแต่ยังเด็กจะง่ายกว่า sǎm-nuuan thai thîi wâa mái àawn dàt ngâai mái gàae dàt yâak mǎai-khwaam wâa hàak rao dtâwng- gaan líiang lûuk hâi bpen khon dii gâaw khuuan òp-rom-sàng-sǎawn khǎo dtâng-dtàae yang dèk jà ngâai gwàa.

“The Thai proverb “A tender branch is easy to bend, an old branch is hard to bend” means that if you want to raise children to be good people, it’s easier if you instruct them from a young age.”



This phrase means "to that extent." ขนาด (khà-nàat) means "size," and นั้น (nán) means "that." So another way to translate this phrase would be "of that magnitude." You can also replace นั้น (nán), meaning "that," with นี้ (níi), meaning "this," to say "of this magnitude." Here are two example sentences from the conversation.

For Example:

1. นองหมวยแดดจัดขนาดนี้ ยังจะออกไปขางนอกอีก náawng mǔuai dàaet jàt khà-nàat níi yang jà àawk bpai khâang-nâawk ìik. "Muai, you're going outside with the sun this bright?"

2. ขนาดนั้นเลยเหรอ khà-nàat nán looei rǒoe. "That much, huh?"

แถม (thǎaem)

This is a verb that means "to add" or "to give extra." In the conversation, it came at the beginning of a sentence to act like a preposition meaning "additionally." Here is the sentence.

For Example:

1. แถมยังเปนวันหยุดดวย thǎaem yang bpen wan-yùt dûuai. "Additionally, it's a holiday too."

ความจริงแลว (khwaam-jing láaeo)

This phrase means "actually..." or "in fact..." We can use it at the beginning of a sentence to indicate that we will be setting the record straight with the statement that follows. Here is an example sentence from the conversation.

For Example:

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #11 - BRACES ARE VERY FAS HIONABLE I N THAI LAND 8 1. ความจริงแลวหมวยอยากใหที่บานเรามีหิมะตกบาง khwaam-jing láaeo mǔuai yàak hâi thîi bâan rao mii hì-má dtòk bâang. "Actually, I'd like for our home to have some snow falling."

มัวแต (muua-dtàae)

This phrase means "to be absorbed in" or "to be concerned only with." In a sentence, มัวแต (muua-dtàae) should be followed by a statement to show what the subject is concerned with. Here is an example from the conversation.

For Example:

1. ถามัวแตกลัวผิวเสีย ก็ไมตองออกไปไหนกันพอดี thâa muua-dtàae gluua phǐu sǐia gâaw mâi dtâwng àawk bpai nǎi gan phaaw-dii. "If you are only concerned with your skin getting damaged, it's just as well you don't go out anywhere."


The Focus of This Lesson Is Using จัด (jàt) to Mean "Extremely." เคาบอกวาที่รัสเซียหนาวจัดมาก káo bàawk wâa thîi rát-siia nǎao jàt mâak. "They said that it's extremely cold in Russia."

The focus of this lesson is using จัด (jàt) to mean "extremely." In Thai, we often hear the adverb มาก (mâak), meaning "very." But sometimes you may want to describe something as "extremely" instead of just "very." For those situations, the adverb จัด (jàt) is helpful. When we use it as an adverb in a sentence, จัด (jàt) should follow right after an adjective. We can use จัด (jàt) with any adjective, but people use it most commonly when describing colors or the weather. Here are some examples.

For Example:

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #11 - BRACES ARE VERY FAS HIONABLE I N THAI LAND 9 1. รอนจัด ráawn jàt "extremely hot"

2. หนาวจัด nǎao jàt "extremely cold"

3. แสงแดดจัด sǎaeng dàaet jàt "extremely bright and sunny"

4. สีแดงจัด sǐi-daaeng jàt "extremely bright red"

Here is an example sentence from the conversation.

For Example:

1. เคาบอกวาที่รัสเซียหนาวจัดมาก káo bàawk wâa thîi rát-siia nǎao jàt mâak. "They said that it's extremely cold in Russia."

In the sentence above, we actually used both adverbs จัด (jàt) and มาก (mâak). We can do this to give even more emphasis to how cold it is. A more literal translation would be something like "They said that in Russia it's very extremely cold." Whenever you are going to use multiple adverbs together like this, จัด (jàt) should come first, and มาก (mâak) should come last.


Is It Cool to Wear Braces in Thailand?

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #11 - BRACES ARE VERY FAS HIONABLE I N THAI LAND 10 In Thailand, it is not considered geeky or ugly to wear braces on your teeth. Some teenagers consider braces fashionable to wear, and girls with braces are especially considered cute. This might seem strange to many people from other countries. In the United States, for example, people wouldn't be caught dead wearing braces after high school if they can avoid it. But in Thailand, the braces trend can be popular among university students.

Of course, not so many people actually need braces to straighten their teeth. And in fact, many who wish to wear braces cannot easily afford to get them. So there is a large black market for fake braces, which are worn simply for looks. This can be dangerous, though. The fake braces may actually damage healthy teeth and gums. And there have even been cases of death resulting from lead and other harmful materials in the metal of the fake braces.

Fake braces are worn as somewhat of a status symbol since you'd have to belong to a well-off family to be able to afford real braces. Sadly, this trend is found not only in Thailand but also in other countries in the region such as China and Indonesia. The Thai government has recently responded by punishing those caught selling fake braces with up to six months in prison. But nevertheless, braces still remain popular in some parts of Thailand.

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #11 - BRACES ARE VERY FAS HIONABLE I N THAI LAND 11 LESSON NOTES Upper Intermediate S1 #12 It’s So Soft, It Must be Thai Silk!


2 Thai 2 English 3 Romanization 4 Vocabulary 5 Sample Sentences 6 Vocabulary Phrase Usage 7 Grammar 8 Cultural Insight

# 12


1. ป๋อง: ที�บ้านของโบว์โทรมาบอกว่าโบว์หายออกจากบ้านไปตั�งแต่เช้า ยังไม่กลับมาเลย โทรไปก็ไม่รับสาย โบว์โทรหาหนิงบ้างรึเปล่า หรือหนิงพอจะเดาได้ไหมว่าโบว์เขาหายไปไหน

2. หนิง: เปล่านี�คะ โบว์ไม่ได้โทรหาหนิงเลย เดี�ยวหนิงจะลองโทรหาดูนะคะ ...โทรไม่ติดค่ะ สงสัยแบตจะหมด อย่าคิดมากเลยนะคะพี�ป๋อง

3. ป๋อง: เขาหายไปไหนของเขานะ ไปหาเพื�อนรึเปล่า หรือว่าไปวัด อาจจะไปซื�อผ้าไหมก็ได้ เคยบอกว่าอยากได้ พี�คิดไม่ออกเลย ทํายังไงดีหนิง

4. หนิง: หนิงลองโทรหาเพื�อนคนอื�น ๆ แล้วไม่มีใครเห็นโบว์เลย เราอย่ามานั�งเดากันอยู่เลย ออกไปตามหาโบว์กันเถอะค่ะ อ้าวโบว์มาพอดี

5. ป๋อง: โบว์หายไปไหนมา พี�เป็นห่วงมากรู้ไหม พี�กับหนิงกําลังจะออกไปตามหา

6. โบว์: ใจเย็น ๆ ก่อนค่ะ จําได้ไหมคะ ที�โบว์เคยบอกพี�ว่า โบว์อยากได้ผ้าไหม วันนี�เขามีงานแสดงวิธีการทอผ้าไหม มีการออกร้านแสดงผลิตภัณฑ์ผ้าไหมราคาถูก โบว์เลยช็อปเพลินไปหน่อย ขอโทษทุกคนด้วยนะคะที�ทําให้เป็นห่วง



THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #12 - I T’S S O S OFT, I T MUST BE THAI S I LK! 2 1. PONG: Bow's family called and said that she left the house in the morning and hasn't been back since. They called, and nobody answered. Did Bow call you at all? Or can you guess, Ning, where Bow went?

2. NING: No, she didn't call me at all. Hang on, let me try calling her... The call's not connecting. I bet her battery is dead. Don't think too much.

3. PONG: Where'd she disappear to? Did she go to meet a friend? Or did she go to a temple? She may have gone to buy some silk. She's said that she wants to get some. I have no idea. What should I do?

4. NING: I tried to call some other friends, and nobody has seen Bow. Let's not just sit and guess. Let's go out and look for her. Oh, here she comes now.

5. PONG: Where did you disappear to? I was really worried, you know? Ning and I were just about to go out looking for you.

6. BOW: Settle down. Do you remember that I told you I wanted some silk? Today they had a silk weaving demonstration. They had an exhibition showing cheap silk products. So I got a little absorbed in shopping. I'm sorry that I made everyone worried.


1. PǍWNG: thîi bâan khǎawng boo thoo maa bàawk wâa boo hǎai àawk jàak bâan bpai dtâng-dtàae cháo. yang mâi glàp maa looei. thoo bpai gâaw mâi ráp-sǎai. boo thoo hǎa nǐng bâang rúe bplào. rǔue nǐng phaaw jà dao dâi mǎi wâa boo khǎo hǎai bpai nǎi.


THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #12 - I T’S S O S OFT, I T MUST BE THAI S I LK! 3 2. NǏNG: bplào ní khâ. boo mâi thoo hǎa nǐng looei. dǐiao nǐng jà laawng thoo hǎa duu ná khá... thoo mâi dtìt khâ. sǒng-sǎi bàaet jà mòt. yàa khít mâak looei ná khá phîi bpǎwng.

3. PǍWNG: khǎo hǎai bpai nǎi khǎawng khǎo ná. bpai hǎa phûuean rúe bplào. rǔue wâa bpai wát. àat-jà npai súue phâa-mǎi gâaw dâai. khooei bàawk wâa yàak dâai. phîi khít mâi àawk looei. tham yang-ngai dii nǐng.

4. NǏNG: nǐng laawng thoo hǎa phûuean khon ùuen-ùuen láaeo mâi mii khrai hěn boo looei. rao yàa maa nâng dao gan yùu looei. àawk bpi dtaam-hǎa boo gan thòe khâ. âao boo maa phaa-dii.

5. PǍWNG: boo hǎai bpai nǎi mǎi maa. phîi bpen hùuang mâak rúu mǎi. phîi gàp nǐng gam-lang jà àawk bpai dtaam-hǎa.

6. BOO: jai-yen-yen gàawn khâ. jam-dâi mǎi khá thîi boo khooei bàawk phîi wâa boo yàak dâai phâa-mǎi. wan-níi khǎo mii ngaan-sà-daeng wí- thii-gaan thaaw phâa-mǎi. mii gaan-àawk ráan sàdaang phà-lìt-dtà- phan phâa-mǎi raa-khaa thùuk. boo looei cháwp phlooen bpai nàwy. khǎaw-thôot thúk-khon dûuai ná khâ thîi tham hâi bpen hùuang.


Thai Romanization English Class

ตามหา dtaam-hǎa to look for verb

การทอ gaan-thaw weaving noun

งานแสดง ngaan-sà-daaeng exhibition, display noun

ผลิตภัณฑ์ phà-lìt-dtà-pan product noun

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #12 - I T’S S O S OFT, I T MUST BE THAI S I LK! 4 เดา dao to guess verb

ผ้าไหม phâa-mǎi silk noun

to answer the รับสาย ráp-sǎai telephone verb

ห่วง hùuang to worry verb


ผู้หญิงคนหนึ�งกําลังตามหาลูกชายที�หายไป การทอผ้าไหมในสมัยก่อนใช้เวลานาน phûu-yǐng khon nùeng gam-lang dtaam-hǎa lûuk- gaan-thaaw phâa-mǎi nai sà-mǎi-gàawn chái wee- chaai thîi hǎai bpai. laa naan.

“One woman is looking for her son who “In olden days, weaving silk took a long went missing.” time.”

มีการแสดงโขน ในงานแสดงสินค้า ณ ในปัจจุบันประเทศจีนเป็นประเทศที�ส่งออก ห้างดังใจกลางเมืองเชียงใหม่ ผลิตภัณฑ์ไม้ mii gaan-sà-daaeng khǒon nai ngaan-sà-daaeng nai bpàt-jù-ban bprà-thêet-jiin bpen bprà-thêet thîi sǐn-kháa ná hâang dang jai glaang muueang sòng-àawk phà-lìt-dtà-phan máai.

chiiang-mài. “These days China is a country that “There’s a khon performance in the exports wood products.” merchandise exhibit at a famous shopping mall in the center of Chiang Mai.”

งานบางอย่างต้องการความมั�นใจไม่ใช่การ การทอผ้าไหมในสมัยก่อนใช้เวลานาน คาดเดาโดยไม่มีหลักการชัดเจน gaan-thaaw phâa-mǎi nai sà-mǎi-gàawn chái wee- laa naan. ngaan baang yàang dtâwng-gaan khwaam-mân- jai mâi châi gaan-khâat-dao dooi mâi mii làk gaan “In olden days, weaving silk took a long chát-jeen. time.” “Some jobs need confidence, not assumptions from lacking a clear principle.”

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #12 - I T’S S O S OFT, I T MUST BE THAI S I LK! 5 เธอใส่ผ้าไหมทุกวัน โทรไปตั�งหลายครั�งทําไมเธอไม่รับสายฉันเล thooe sài phâa-mǎi thúk-wan. ย "She wears silk every day." thoo bpai dtâng lǎai khráng tham-mai thooe mâi ráp-sǎai chǎn looei

"I called many times. How come you didn't answer the phone at all."

คุณไม่ต้องห่วงหรอก khun mâi dtâwng hùuang ràawk

"You really don't need to worry."


โทรไมติด (thoo mâi dtìt)

This phrase means "to call, but the line didn't connect." โทร (thoo) is the verb "to call by phone." It comes from the word for "telephone," โทรศัพท (thoo-rá-sàp). ไมติด (mâi dtìt) means "to not connect" or "to not stick." This is an example of the pattern.

For Example: Verb 1 + ไม (mâi) + Verb 2

The second verb shows an unsuccessful result of the first verb.

ไปไหนมา (bpai nǎi maa)

This phrase means "Where have you been?" The literal translation would be "Where did you go and come?" We use twhis phrase to ask where someone went upon his or her return. In English, we'd leave out either the verb "to go" or "to come" in order to ask the same thing. So we might say "Where did you go?" or "Where are you coming from?"

ช็อปเพลินไปหนอย (cháwp phlooen bpai nàwy)

This phrase means "I got absorbed in shopping." ช็อป (cháwp) comes from the English word "shopping." เพลิน (plooen) means "to enjoy" or "to be absorbed." And ไปหนอย (bpai nàwy)

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #12 - I T’S S O S OFT, I T MUST BE THAI S I LK! 6 means "a little too much." So the phrase could also be understood as "I was enjoying shopping a little too much."


The Focus of This Lesson Is Using the Phrases โทรไป (thoo-bpai), โทรมา (thoo-maa), โทรหา (thoo-hǎa), and โทรออก (thoo-àawk) to Talk About "Calling Out," "Calling In," "Calling For," and "Calling To" by Phone. โบวไมไดโทรหาหนิงเลย boo mâi dâi thoo-hǎa nǐng looei. "Bow didn't call me at all."

The focus of this lesson is using the phrases โทรไป (thoo-bpai), โทรมา (thoo-maa), โทรหา (thoo-hǎa), and โทรออก (thoo-àawk) to talk about "calling out," "calling in," "calling for," and "calling to" by phone. โทร (thoo) is a verb meaning "to call by phone." It comes from the word โทรศัพท (thoo-rá-sàp), which means "telephone." We can use the verb โทร (thoo) with four other verbs to describe how a call is made. These four verbs are ไป (bpai), meaning "to go"; มา (maa), meaning "to come"; หา (hǎa), meaning "to look for"; and ออก (àawk), meaning "to go out."

The verbs ไป (bpai), meaning "to go," and มา (maa), meaning "to come," are relative to the speaker. ไป (bpai) indicates the action is moving in a direction away from the speaker, so the phrase โทรไป (thoo bpai) would be equivalent to "calling out" or "calling to." We used it in this example from the conversation.

For Example:

1. โทรไปก็ไมรับสาย thoo-bpai gâaw mâi ráp sǎai. "I called, but nobody picked up the phone."

In contrast, โทรมา (thoo-maa) would mean "to call in." We use it when the speaker wants to say that he or she is receiving a call from someone else.


1. ทําไมคุณไมโทรมา tham-mai khun mâi thoo-maa. "Why didn't you call?"

The next verb phrase is โทรหา (thoo-hǎa). This one means "to call for." We can use this phrase to describe both calling out or receiving a call. Here is one example from the conversation.

For Example:

1. โบวไมไดโทรหาหนิงเลย boo mâi dâi thoo-hǎa nǐng looei. "Bow didn't call me at all."

The final verb phrase we have is โทรออก (thoo-àawk), which means "to call out." You would use it to say that you are making an outgoing call from a phone. Here is one example of โทรออก (thoo-àawk) in a sentence.

For Example:

1. เงินในโทรศัพทไมมี ก็โทรออกไมได ngoen nai thoo-rá-sàp mâi mii, gâaw thoo-àawk mâi dâai. "There's no credit on my phone, so I can't call out."


How to Make Silk

Silk is one of Thailand's signature products. The national carrier Thai Airways even uses the slogan "Smooth as Silk." Silk is produced from the cocoons of silkworms, which live on a diet of mulberry leaves. Silk production is believed to have begun in China, but it has been practiced in the area of modern day Thailand for thousands of years as well.

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #12 - I T’S S O S OFT, I T MUST BE THAI S I LK! 8 The cocoons of the silkworm are placed in boiling water to separate the thread. The individual threads are too thin to be used in weaving, so several strands must be reeled together into a single fiber. Silk thread has a natural yellow color, so it must be bleached before it can be dyed with other colors.

Thailand exports about $15 million of silk each year. Some other countries produce greater volumes of silk for export, but Thai silk is well regarded for its high quality. Thai silk has a unique shine, and the color of the fabric will appear differently when held in the light at different angles. Traditionally, silk was used in Thailand to make women's wrap-around skirts. The pattern on these textiles can identify which region of Thailand the fabric comes from.

The Thai silk industry was promoted in the 1950s by Jim Thompson, an American businessman. He helped popularize Thai silk for use in neckties, shirts, scarfs, and pillow covers. Jim Thompson disappeared mysteriously one day while hiking in Malaysia. But his traditional style Thai house in Bangkok remains today as a museum open to visitors. It is a good place to go to learn about Thai silk. Jim Thompson's house is located in the middle of Bangkok, near the National Stadium and MBK shopping center.

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #12 - I T’S S O S OFT, I T MUST BE THAI S I LK! 9 LESSON NOTES Upper Intermediate S1 #13 Make Way For the Other Thai Drivers!


2 Thai 2 English 3 Romanization 4 Vocabulary 5 Sample Sentences 6 Vocabulary Phrase Usage 7 Grammar 9 Cultural Insight

# 13


1. ป๋อง: รถคันข้างหน้า ขับรถได้แย่มากเลย พี�เปิดไฟขอทางหลายครั�งแต่เขาก็ไม่เปิดทางให้รถเราขับผ่านไป

2. โบว์: ใช่ค่ะ ขับรถก็ช้า แล้วยังไม่เปิดทางให้คนอื�น เขาไม่รีบแต่เรารีบ ถ้าไปขึ�นบินไม่ทัน จะโทษว่าเป็นความผิดของรถคันข้างหน้านี�แหละ

3. ป๋อง: ดูซิขับข้ามเลนมาอีก พี�จะแซงก็ไม่ให้แซง คิดจะเบรกก็เบรก เบรกในระยะกระชั�นชิดขนาดนี�ถ้าพี�เบรกไม่ทันก็คงชนไปแล้ว

4. โบว์: นั�นไฟแดงแล้วแต่เขายังไม่ยอมหยุดเลย ขับฝ่าไฟแดงไปแล้ว จะรีบไปไหน จะช้าหรือเร็วก็ถึงอยู่ดี ควรจะขับด้วยความระมัดระวังเพื�อความปลอดภัยของเขาเองแล้วก็ค นอื�นด้วย

5. ป๋อง: ไฟแดงนี�พี�เห็นบ่อย คนฝ่าไฟแดงเยอะ เกิดอุบัติเหตุบ่อยมาก

6. โบว์: รถคันเดิมอีกละเมื�อกี�เขาฝ่าไฟแดงมาเหมือนจะรีบแต่เขาก็ยังขับช้าอ ยู่ดี พี�ป๋องระวังค่ะเหมือนเขาจะเลี�ยวแน่เลย ไฟเลี�ยวก็ไม่เปิด นิสัยแย่จริง ๆ


1. PONG: The car in front is driving so terribly. I flashed the headlights many times, but he won't make way for our car to pass.


THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #13 - MAKE WAY FOR THE OTHER THAI DRI VERS ! 2 2. BOW: Yeah. He's driving so slowly, but still won't make way for anyone else. He's not in a hurry, but we are. If we're not in time for the flight, I'm going to say it's the fault of this car in front of us right here.

3. PONG: Look, he's crossing out of his lane, too. If I try to weave past, he won't let me overtake him. He thinks of braking and he just brakes. Braking in such a close space, if I can't brake in time I'll probably hit him.

4. BOW: Look at that! The light's red already, and he's not going to stop. He went through the red light! Where's he hurrying to? Going slow or fast, you'll all arrive anyway. He should drive with caution for his own safety, and for others', too.

5. PONG: I've seen a lot of people skip through this red light often. There are frequent accidents.

6. BOW: That same car, he just sped through the red light, but now he went back to driving slowly. Be careful—it's like he's about to turn. He didn't use his turning signal either. He's got really bad habits!


1. BPǍWNG: rót khan khâang-nâa khàp rót dâai yâae mâak looei. phîi bpòoet fai khǎaw thaang lǎai khráng dtàae khǎo gâaw mâi bpòoet-thaang hâi rót rao khàp phàan bpai.

2. BOO: châi khâ. khàp rót gâaw cháa. láaeo yang mâi bpòoet-thaang hâi khan ùuen. khǎo mâi rîip dtàae rao rîip. thâa bpai khûen-bin mâi than jà thôot wâa bpen khwaam-phìt khǎawng rót khan khâang-nâa nîi làe.


THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #13 - MAKE WAY FOR THE OTHER THAI DRI VERS ! 3 3. BPǍWNG: duu sí khàp khâam leen maa ìik. phîi jà saaeng gâaw mâi hâi saaeng. khít jà brèek gâaw brèek. brèek nai rá-yá grà-chán-chít khà- nàat-níi thâa phîi brèek mâi than gâaw khong chon bpai láaeo.

4. BOO: nân fai-daaeng láaeo dtàae khǎo yang mai yaawm yùt looei. khàp fàa fai-daaeng bpai láaeo. jà rîip bpai nǎi. jà cháa rǔue reo gâaw thǔeng yùu dii. khuuan jà khàp dûuai khwaam-rá-mát-rá-wang phûuea khwaam bplàawt-phai khǎawng khǎo-eeng láaeo gâaw khon ùuen dûuai.

5. BPǍWNG: fai-daaeng níi phîi hěn bàwy khon fàa fai-daaeng yóe. gòoet ù-bàt- dtì-hèet bàwy mâak.

6. BOO: rót khan dooem ìik lá mûuea-gíi khǎo fàa fai-daaeng maa mǔuean jà rîip dtàae khǎo gâaw yang khàp cháa yùu dii. phîi bpǎawng rá- wang khâ. mǔuean khǎo jà líiao nâae looei. fai-líiao gâaw mâi bpòoet. ní-sǎi yâae jing-jing.


Thai Romanization English Class

ไฟเลี�ยว fai-líiao turn signal noun

ชน chon to hit, to collide verb

เปิดทาง bpòoet-thaang to make way verb

โทษ thôot punishment noun

to flash headlights bpòoet fai khǎaw เปิดไฟขอทาง to signal the right of phrase thaang way

phase, duration, ระยะ rá-yá distance noun

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #13 - MAKE WAY FOR THE OTHER THAI DRI VERS ! 4 กระชั�นชิด to be close, to be grà-chán-chít near verb

ฝ่าไฟแดง fàa fai-daaeng to run a red light verb

khwaam-rá-mát-rá- ความระมัดระวัง wang caution noun


เราจะเลี�ยวซ้ายข้างหน้านี�นะเปิดไฟเลี�ยวได้ เราถูกรถชน rao thùuk rót chon เลย rao jà líiao sáai khâang-nâa níi ná bpòoet fai-líiao "I was hit by a car." dâai looei.

"We're going to turn left up ahead. Turn on the turn signal."

เราไม่รีบ รถที�ฝ่าไฟแดงแยกรินคําบ่อยๆ เปิดทางให้รถคันหลังแซงไปก่อนก็ได้ จะโทษคนขับก็ไม่ได้เพราะสายไฟบังสัญญา rao mâi rîip. bpòoet-thaang hâi rót khan lǎng ณไฟจราจร saaeng bpai gàawn gâaw dâai. rót thîi fàa fai-daaeng yêeak rin-kham bàwy-bàwy "We're not in a hurry. You can make way jà thôot khon khàp gâaw mâi dâai phráw sǎai-fai bang sǎn-yaan fai-jà-raa-jaawn. for the car behind to pass." "They can't give out a penalty to the drivers of the cars who often run the red light at the Rin Kham intersection because electric wires coverup the traffic lights."

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #13 - MAKE WAY FOR THE OTHER THAI DRI VERS ! 5 รถที�ขับมาทางตรงสามารถเปิดไฟขอทางจา เดินทางจากกรุงเทพฯ กรถที�กําลังจะกลับรถหรือเลี�ยว มาเชียงใหม่ระยะทางประมาณ ��� rót thîi khàp maa thaang dtrong sǎa-mâat bpòoet กิโลเมตร fai khǎaw thaang jàak rót thîi gam-lang jà glàp rót dooen-thaang jàak grung-thêep maa chiiang-mài rǔue líiao. rá-yá-thaang bprà-maan hòk-ráawy gâao-sìp-hòk gì-loo-mèet. "A car driving straight can flash its lights to signal its right of way to a car about to turn "The journey from Bangkok to Chiang Mai or make a U-turn." is a distance of about 696 kilometers."

งานแต่งต้องเตรียมงานอย่างน้อยสามเดือน รถที�ฝ่าไฟแดงแยกรินคําบ่อยๆ ล่วงหน้า จะโทษคนขับก็ไม่ได้เพราะสายไฟบังสัญญา หากเวลากระชั�นชิดเกินไปงานจะออกมาไม่ ณไฟจราจร สวย rót thîi fàa fai-daaeng yêeak rin-kham bàwy-bàwy jà thôot khon khàp gâaw mâi dâai phráw sǎai-fai ngaan-dtàeng dtâwng dtriiam ngaan yàang bang sǎn-yaan fai-jà-raa-jaawn. náawy sǎam duuean lûuang-nâa. hàak wee-laa grà-chán-chít gooen-bpai ngaan jà àawk maa mâi "They can't give out a penalty to the drivers sǔuai. of the cars who often run the red light at "You must prepare for a wedding at least the Rin Kham intersection because three months in advance. If the time is too electric wires coverup the traffic lights." close, the ceremony won't be beautiful."

แค่ขับรถไปหน้าปากซอยอย่าคิดว่าไม่ต้องใช้ความระมัดระวัง khâae khàp rót bpai nâa bpàak-saawy yàa khít wâa mâi dtâwng chái khwaam-rá-mát-rá-wang.

“Even driving just to the entrance of the sideroad, don’t think that you don’t need to use caution.”


เปนความผิดของ (bpen khwaam-phìt khǎawng)

This phrase means "It's the fault of..." ผิด (Phìt) is an adjective that means "wrong" or "mistaken." Adding the prefix ความ (khwaam) gives us the noun ความผิด (khwaam-phìt),

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #13 - MAKE WAY FOR THE OTHER THAI DRI VERS ! 6 meaning a "mistake" or "error." When you want to place the blame for a mistake on somebody, you can put this phrase before the person's name. Then, the meaning will be "It is the mistake of (name)" or "It's (name)'s fault."

เปดไฟขอทาง (bpòoet fai khǎaw thaang)

This phrase means "Turn on a light asking to go." เปดไฟ (Bpòoet fai) means "to turn on a light," and ขอ (khǎaw) is the verb "to ask for." ทาง (Thaang) is a noun that means "way" or "path." In its proper context, the whole phrase means "flashing headlights to ask for the right of way." In Thailand, it is common for drivers to flash their headlights on and off quickly to signal their intentions to other drivers. Most often, the one flashing headlights is a vehicle moving quickly along the road with no intention of slowing down. They flash their headlights to let you know that you had better not try pulling out in front of them.

เขายังไมยอมหยุด (khǎo yang mâi yaawm yùt)

This phrase means "He wouldn't stop." ยอม (yaawm) is a verb that means "to give in," and หยุด (yùt) is another verb that means "to stop." So, together, ยอมหยุด (yaawm yùt) means "to give in and stop" or "to yield." The two words before this, ยังไม (yang mâi), mean "didn't yet." In the example from the conversation, the characters were talking about another driver who would not give in and stop his car, despite the traffic light already changing to red.

For example:

1. ไฟแดงแลวแตเขายังไมยอมหยุดเลย fai daaeng láaeo dtàae khǎo yang mâi yaawm yùt looei. "The light is red, but he won't give in and stop at all."


The Focus of This Lesson Is Using Bpòoet-Thaang (เปดทาง) to Mean "Opening the Way" เขาก็ไมเปดทางใหรถเราขับผานไป khǎo gâaw mâi bpòoet-thaang hâi rót rao khàp phàan bpai. "He won't make way for our car to pass."

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #13 - MAKE WAY FOR THE OTHER THAI DRI VERS ! 7 The focus of this lesson is using เปดทาง (bpòoet-thaang) to mean "opening the way." This is a verb phrase made up of two words. เปด (bpòoet) is the verb "to open," and ทาง (thaang) is a noun that can mean "way," "road," or "path." This phrase can be used in both a literal and a figurative sense. In the conversation, it was used in the literal sense, like this:

1. เขาก็ไมเปดทางใหรถเราขับผานไป khǎo gâaw mâi bpòoet-thaang hâi rót rao khàp phàan bpai. "He won't make way for our car to pass."

In this sentence, เขา (khǎo) is the subject "we." It is followed by ก็ (gâaw), either to mean "also" or just as a way to put emphasis on the verb rather than on the subject. เปดทาง (Bpòoet-thaang) is the verb that means "to open the way" or "to make room." As pointed out before, เปด (bpòoet) means "to open," and ทาง (thaang) means "way" or "path." This is followed by the phrase ใหรถเราขับผานไป (hâi rót rao khàp phàan bpai). In this phrase, ให (hâi) means "to allow" or "to let happen," รถเรา (rót rao) means "our car," and ขับผานไป (khàp phàan bpai) means "to drive going past." ขับ (khàp) is the verb "to drive." ผาน (phàan) is the verb "to pass." And ไป (bpai) is the verb "to go." In this case, ผานไป (phàan bpai) put together means "to go past."

Here is another example of เปดทาง (bpòoet-thaang), "opening the way" used in a physical sense:

1. เราตองรอวีไอพีผานไป กอนเขาจะเปดทางใหขับได rao dtâwng raaw wii-ai-phii phàan bapi gàawn khǎo jà bpòoet-thaang hâi khàp dâai. "We have to wait for the VIP to pass before they'll open the road for us to drive."

In the sentence above, the subject is เรา (rao) - "we." ตองรอ (dtâwng raaw) is the verb phrase "must wait." It is made up of two separate verbs. ตอง (Dtâwng) is the auxiliary verb "must," and รอ (raaw) is the verb "to wait." วีไอพีผานไป (Wii-ai-phii phàan bapi) is the phrase "The VIP passes by." In this phrase, the English term VIP is used as a loan word; however, it is pronounced differently in Thai, as วีไอพี (wii-ai-phii). This is because the Thai language doesn't include any letters that make the sound of the letter "V." There is also the verb phrase ผานไป (phàan bpai), which you might remember from the first example sentence. It means "to pass by."

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #13 - MAKE WAY FOR THE OTHER THAI DRI VERS ! 8 The last half of this sentence is the phrase กอนเขาจะเปดทางใหขับได (gàawn khǎo jà bpòoet-thaang hâi khàp dâai). It starts with the preposition กอน (gàawn), meaning "before." เขาจะเปดทาง (khǎo jà bpòoet-thaang), means "He will open the way" or "They will open the road." เขา (khǎo) is normally the 3rd person singular pronoun "he" or "she," but it can also be used in a general sense to mean "they." In this particular sentence, the speaker might not know who is responsible for opening and closing the roads to traffic, so he or she just used the pronoun เขา (khǎo) for "they." จะ (jà) acts like the English word "will." It makes the statement relate to something that will take place in the future. And, as we had before, เปดทาง (bpòoet-thaang) means "to open the road" or "to open the way." Finally, ใหขับได (hâi khàp dâai) means "to allow to drive." ให (Hâi) is used in this case to mean "to allow." ขับ (khàp) is the verb "to drive," and ได (dâai) means "can" or "is able to."

เปดทาง (bpòoet-thaang) can also be used in a figurative sense. In this case, ทาง (thaang) will mean "an opportunity," "a chance," or "a way" to do something. So, then, the phrase เปดทาง (bpòoet-thaang) will mean "to give a chance," "to make an opportunity," or "to create a way." Here is one example of a sentence using the phrase in this way:

1. ถาคุณตั้งใจเรียนใหเกงจะเปดทางใหไดงานที่ดีทําในอนาคต thâa khun dtâng-jai riian hâi gèeng jà bpòoet-thaang hâi dâai ngaan thîi dii tham nai à-naa-khót. "If you focus on studying well, you'll have a chance of getting a good job in the future."

So, in this sentence, the keywords were เปดทางใหไดงาน (bpòoet-thaang hâi dâai ngaan), meaning "open the way to get work" or "open up an opportunity to get a job." เปดทาง (bpòoet- thaang) is, of course, "open the way." ให (hâi) means "to allow" or "to let happen." ได (dâai) comes right before a noun, so it acts as a verb meaning "to get." งาน (ngaan) is the noun "work."


Driving in Thailand

In Thailand, driving is on the left side of the road (most of the time). It is still quite common, however, to see somebody driving a motorbike along the shoulder on the wrong side of the

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #13 - MAKE WAY FOR THE OTHER THAI DRI VERS ! 9 road. People will sometimes do this if it allows them to take a shortcut and avoid a lengthy drive out of their way to reach a U-turn. Motorbikes will also take similar shortcuts on one-way streets. Speeding and tailgating are common habits among drivers on Thai highways. During national holidays, there is always a large number of traffic accidents.

Most of the accidents involve drunk driving, and most of the fatal accidents involve motorcycle riders not wearing helmets. In town, the worst bad habit of drivers is probably running through red lights. Especially at very large intersections, when the light changes from green to yellow to red, there will often be a train of three or four cars that attempt to sneak through the light before the drivers with the green light have a chance to get through. There is also a tendency in city driving for Thai drivers to not stay in a lane. Some people will change lanes suddenly without signaling, while others may just drift in the middle between two lanes. Another thing you may have to look out for is people pulling into the road from side streets without really looking to see if there is traffic coming on the main road. You could say that a lot of Thai drivers have a mâi bpen rai attitude towards following traffic rules. But, while driving in Thailand might seem more chaotic than in your own country, it is still much more orderly than in some other Asian countries.

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #13 - MAKE WAY FOR THE OTHER THAI DRI VERS ! 10 LESSON NOTES Upper Intermediate S1 #14 Green Snacks Are Even Greener in Thailand!


2 Thai 2 English 3 Romanization 4 Vocabulary 5 Sample Sentences 6 Vocabulary Phrase Usage 7 Grammar 8 Cultural Insight

# 14


1. ป๋อง: น้องโบว์ทําอะไรอยู่จ๊ะ นํ�าอะไรน่ะ ทําไมถึงได้เขียวปี�ขนาดนั�น

2. โบว์: อ๋อ นํ�าใบเตยค่ะ คุณแม่ให้โบว์คั�น จะเอาไปทําขนม พรุ่งนี�วันพระ คุณแม่จะไปทําบุญที�วัด เราก็เลยเตรียมของทําขนมกัน

3. ป๋อง: นํ�าใบเตยทําขนมได้ด้วยเหรอ พี�กินเป็นอย่างเดียว ไม่รู้ว่าทํามาจากอะไร

4. โบว์: ทําได้ซิคะ ใบเตยมีประโยชน์หลายอย่าง ใช้ใส่ในขนม ทําให้มีสีเขียวน่ารับประทาน ใส่ในหม้ออบขนมเพื�อให้ขนมที�ได้มีกลิ�นหอม บางคนก็เอาใบเตยต้มกับนํ�าดื�ม ก็จะได้นํ�าดื�มที�มีกลิ�นหอม

5. ป๋อง: โหทําได้หลายอย่างจริง ๆ ด้วย แล้ววันนี�น้องโบว์จะทําขนมอะไรล่ะจ๊ะ

6. โบว์: โบว์จะทําสังขยาใบเตยค่ะ พี�ป๋องอยากลองชิมไหม ถ้าอยากชิมต้องรอหน่อยนะคะ ต้องใช้เวลานานหน่อย แต่รับรองว่าอร่อยแน่นอนค่ะ

7. ป๋อง: ฟังดูน่าทานขนาดนี� นานขนาดไหนก็จะรอทานให้ได้จ้ะ มีอะไรให้พี�ช่วยรึเปล่าจ๊ะ ระหว่างรอ พี�ขอทําตัวให้เป็นประโยชน์ซักนิดก็ดี



THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #14 - GREEN S NACKS ARE EVEN GREENER I N THAI LAND! 2 1. PONG: What are you doing, Bow? What kind of liquid is that? Why's it such a bright green color?

2. BOW: Oh, it's pandan leaf juice. My mom had me squeeze it. She's going to use it to make sweets. Tomorrow is a holy day. Mom will go to make merit at the temple, so we're preparing things to make sweets with.

3. PONG: You can make sweets with pandan leaf juice, too? I only eat them-I don't know what they're made from.

4. BOW: Of course. Pandan leaf juice has many benefits. It's used in sweets to give them an appetizing green color. Use it in a baking pot so that the sweets have a fragrant aroma. Some people boil pandan leaves with drinking water to have sweet-smelling drinking water.

5. PONG: Wow, that can really do a lot of things. And what kind of sweets are you making today?

6. BOW: I'm making pandan leaf pudding to eat with bread. Do you want to try it? If you want to try some, you have to wait a little. It takes a long time. But I guarantee it will be delicious.

7. PONG: You make it sound so good that no matter how long I have to wait, I will wait to eat some. Is there anything I can help with while I wait? I'd like to make myself useful.


1. BPǍWNG: náawng boo tham à-rai yùu já. náam à-rai á. tham-mai thǔeng dâai khǐiao bpǐi khà-nàat nán.


THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #14 - GREEN S NACKS ARE EVEN GREENER I N THAI LAND! 3 2. BOO: ǎaw nám-bai-dtooei khâa. khun mâae hâi boo khán. jà ao bpai tham khà-nǒm. phrûng-níi wan-phrá. khun-mâae jà bpai tham-bun thîi wát. rao gâaw looei dtriiam khǎawng tham khà-nǒm gan.

3. BPǍWNG: nám-bai-dtooei tham khà-nǒm dâai dûuai rǒoe. phîi gin bpen yàang diiao. mâi rúu wâa tham maa jàak à-rai.

4. BOO: tham dâai sí khá. bai-dtooei mii bprà-yôot lǎai yàang. cháai sài nai khà-nǒm. tham hâi mii sǐi-khǐiao nâa ráp-bprà-thaan. sài nai mâaw- òp-khà-nǒm phûuea hâi khà-nǒm thîi dâai mii glìn hǎawm. baang khon gâaw ao bai-dtooei dtôm gàp nám-dùuem. gâaw jà dâai nám- dùuem thîi mii glìn hǎawm.

5. BPǍWNG: hǒo tham dâai lǎai yàang jing-jing dûuai. láaeo wan-níi náawng boo jà tham khà-nǒm à-rai lá já.

6. BOO: boo jà tham sǎng-khà-yǎa bai-dtooei khâ. cháai thaan gàp khà- nǒm-bpang. phîi bpǎwng yàak laawng chim mǎi. thâa yàak chim dtâwng raaw nàawy ná khâ. dtâwng cháai wee-laa naan nàawy. dtàae ráp-raawng wâa à-ràwy nâae-naawn khâ.

7. BPǍWNG: fang duu nâa-thaan khà-nàat-níi. naan khà-nàat nǎi gâaw jà raaw thaan hâi dâai jâaa. mii à-rai hâi phîi chûuai rúe bplào já. khà-ná raaw phîi khǎaw tham dtuua hâi bpen bprà-yôot sák nít gâaw dii.


Thai Romanization English Class

สังขยา sǎng-khà-yaa a type of snack noun

ใบเตย bai-dtooei pandan leaf noun

วันพระ wan-phrá holy day noun

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #14 - GREEN S NACKS ARE EVEN GREENER I N THAI LAND! 4 เขียวปี� khǐiao-bpǐi bright green adjective phrase

ประโยชน์ bprà-yòot benefit noun

เตรียม dtriiam to prepare verb

รับประทาน ráp-bprà-thaan to eat verb

ขนมปัง khà-nǒm-bpang bread noun

to guarantee, to รับรอง ráp-raawng assure verb


แม่กับยายทําขนมสังขยาเตรียมไปทําบุญ กลิ�นหอมของใบเตย ทําให้เรารู้สึกสดชื�นขึ�น เพราะพรุ่งนี�วันพระ glìn hǎawm khǎawng bai-dtooei tham hâi rao rúu- sùek sòt-chûuen khûen. mâae gàp yaai tham khà-nǒm sǎng-khà-yaa dtriiam bpai tham-bun phráw phrûng-níi wan-phrá. "The fragrance of pandan leaf makes us "Mother and grandma make sang-khaya feel refreshed." dessert to prepare for making merit because tomorrow is a holy day."

แม่กับยายทําขนมสังขยาเตรียมไปทําบุญ เขาใส่เสื�อสีเขียวปี�อย่างกับปีกแมลงทับเลย เพราะพรุ่งนี�วันพระ khǎo sài sǔuea sǐi-khǐiao-bpǐi yàang gàp bpìik má- laaeng tháp looei. mâae gàp yaai tham khà-nǒm sǎng-khà-yaa dtriiam bpai tham-bun phráw phrûng-níi wan-phrá. "The shirt he's wearing is bright green like "Mother and grandma make sang-khaya a metallic beetle." dessert to prepare for making merit because tomorrow is a holy day."

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #14 - GREEN S NACKS ARE EVEN GREENER I N THAI LAND! 5 ออกกฎมาก็เปล่าประโยชน์ถ้าไม่มีผู้ปฏิบัติ ผู้หญิงกําลังเตรียมอาหาร phûu-yǐng gam-lang dtriiam aa-hǎan ตาม àawk gòt maa gâaw bplào bprà-yòot thâa mâi mii "The woman is preparing a meal." phûu bpà-dtì-bàt dtaam.

“Making rules is of no benefit if nobody follows them.”

หมอแนะนําให้ผู้ที�ปวดท้องบ่อยๆใช้ความ การเลือกซื�ออาหารเช่นขนมปัง ระมัดระวังเรื�องการรับประทานอาหาร ต้องเลือกซื�ออาหารที�ได้รับการรับรองจาก mǎaw naae-nam hâi phûu thîi bpùuat-tháawng องค์การอาหารและยา bàwy-bàwy chái khwaam-rá-mát-rá-wang rûueang gaan-lûueak súue aa-hǎan chên khà-nǒm-bpang gaan-ráp-bprà-thaan aa-hǎan. dtâwng dâi-ráp gaan-ráp-raawng jàak ang-gaan- aa-hǎan láe yaa. "The doctor often recommends people who have stomach aches to be careful "In choosing to buy food such as bread we with their eating habits." must choose the ones that have a guarantee from the Food and Drug Agency."

การเลือกซื�ออาหารเช่นขนมปัง ต้องเลือกซื�ออาหารที�ได้รับการรับรองจาก องค์การอาหารและยา gaan-lûueak súue aa-hǎan chên khà-nǒm-bpang dtâwng dâi-ráp gaan-ráp-raawng jàak ang-gaan-aa- hǎan láe yaa.

"In choosing to buy food such as bread we must choose the ones that have a guarantee from the Food and Drug Agency."


ฟงดูนาทาน (fang duu nâa thaan)

This phrase means "it sounds so good to eat." ฟง (Fang) is the verb "to listen," and ดู (duu) is the verb "to see." Thaan is the polite form of the verb "to eat." นา (Nâa) is put before the verb "to eat" in order to give the meaning "is worthy of being eaten" or "is good for eating." In the

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #14 - GREEN S NACKS ARE EVEN GREENER I N THAI LAND! 6 conversation, Bow was describing a food item to Pong, so he said ฟงดูนาทาน (fang duu nâa thaan) in order to mean "listening to the description, it looks like it would be good to eat."

ทําตัวใหเปนประโยชน (tham dtuua hâi bpen bprà-yòot)

This is a phrase that means "make oneself useful." ตัว (dtuua) is the noun "body," which, in this case, is the body of the person speaking. The verb ให (hâi) is used in this sentence to mean "so that" or "in order to." ประโยชน (Bprà-yòot) is a noun that means "benefit." So, a loose word-for-word translation would be "do something with my body so that it is a benefit."

ใชใสในขนม (chái sài nai khà-nǒm)

This phrase means "it's used for making sweets." ใช (chái) is the verb "to use," and ใส (sài) is the verb "to put in" or "to add." Then, we have ในขนม (nai khà-nǒm), which means "inside sweets" or "in snacks." A word-for-word translation would be something like "used to put in sweets."


The Focus of this Lesson Is Using Special Adverbs that Go with Particular Adjectives to Mean "Very" ทําไมถึงไดเขียวปขนาดนั้น tham-mai thǔeng dâai khǐiao bpǐi khà-nàat nán. "Why's it such a bright green color?"

The focus of this lesson is using special adverbs that go with particular adjectives to mean "very." In general, the adverb มาก (mâak) will be used with lots of adjectives to mean "very." There are many adjectives, however, that have special adverbs that will be paired up with them in order to convey the meaning "very," "especially," or "extremely." A few examples of this type of special adverb from English are the phrases "pitch black," "brand new," and "piping hot." We could have said "very hot," but the expression "piping hot" is more descriptive. One example from the conversation was เขียวป (khǐiao bpǐi) - "bright green." Notice that the word order is the opposite of that in English. In Thai, the adjective comes before the adverb that modifies it. Here was the sentence that contained this expression:

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #14 - GREEN S NACKS ARE EVEN GREENER I N THAI LAND! 7 1. ทําไมถึงไดเขียวปขนาดนั้น tham-mai thǔeng dâai khǐiao bpǐi khà-nàat nán. "Why's it such a bright green color?"

Here is a list of additional, special adjective-adverb pairs that you can use to make your Thai sentences more expressive and natural-sounding:

Thai Romanization English

เขียวป khǐiao bpǐi "bright green"

ดําป dam bpǐi "jet black"

แดงแจ daaeng jǎae "bright red"

ขาวจั๊วะ khǎao júa "brilliant white"

เหลืองออย lǔueang ǎawy "bright yellow"

แพงหูฉี่ phaaeng hǔu-chìi "very expensive"

แนนเอี้ยด nâaen îiat "jam packed"

เปยกซก bpìiak sôk "soaking wet"


The Pandan Leaf

Pandan leaf is called ใบเตย (bai-dtooei) in Thai. It is used as a flavoring and coloring agent in Thai cooking. Pandan is a plant found growing in the wild with long, blade-like leaves. It has a very distinct smell, similar to that of jasmine rice or freshly baked white bread. There are several ways to use the leaves in cooking. One way is to steep the leaves in warm coconut milk. The coconut milk will then take on the sweet fragrance and green color of the pandan

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #14 - GREEN S NACKS ARE EVEN GREENER I N THAI LAND! 8 leaves. Another way to use pandan leaves is to wrap food inside the leaves while frying the dish. And one method for flavoring rice with pandan is to use pandan leaves to form a woven basket, which the rice is cooked in. ใบเตย (Bai-dtooe) is also a common nickname for Thai girls. In 2013, a Thai pop singer named ใบเตย (bai-dtooe) became an Internet sensation for her dance moves in the video for the song รักตองเปด (แนนอก) (rák dtâwng bpòoet (nâaen òk)).

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #14 - GREEN S NACKS ARE EVEN GREENER I N THAI LAND! 9 LESSON NOTES Upper Intermediate S1 #15 How Well Do Thai Beer Companies Promote their Products?


2 Thai 2 English 3 Romanization 4 Vocabulary 5 Sample Sentences 6 Vocabulary Phrase Usage 7 Grammar 8 Cultural Insight

# 15


1. โบว์: ไม่เข้าใจว่าร้านขายเหล้าขายเบียร์ ทําไมต้องมีผู้หญิงสาวสวยใส่กระโปรงสั�น ๆ แต่งหน้าจัดจ้านมาเดินเสิร์ฟเหล้าเบียร์ด้วย

2. ป๋อง: เป็นเทคนิคทางการตลาดของบริษัทเหล้าเบียร์เขานะจ๊ะ เพื�อช่วยกระตุ้นยอดขายให้มากขึ�น

3. โบว์: ทําเป็นตอบให้ดูดีนะพี�ป๋อง ถ้าเขาจะใส่กระโปรงสั�นขนาดนี� โบว์ว่าไม่ต้องใส่อะไรเลยก็ได้ค่ะ

4. ป๋อง: พี�ว่าที�เขาต้องใส่สั�นขนาดนี�ก็เพราะว่าจะได้สะดวกเวลาเดินไปเดินมา อย่าคิดมากซิจ๊ะ

5. โบว์: พี�ป๋องไม่ต้องออกตัวปกป้องเขาขนาดนั�นก็ได้นะคะ

6. ป๋อง: ต่อให้พวกเขาจะใส่สั�นขนาดไหนพี�ก็ไม่สนหรอกจ้ะ พี�สนแต่โบว์คนเดียว ดูซิมัวแต่พูดนํ�าแข็งละลายหมดแล้ว เบียร์จางเสียรสชาติหมด ต้องรีบดื�มก่อนนะ

7. โบว์: ให้จริงเถอะค่ะ สนใจแต่โบว์คนเดียว เห็นพี�มองเขาทําตาหวานซะขนาดนั�น อย่าคิดนะว่าโบว์ไม่เห็น รีบทานเถอะค่ะจะได้กลับไปพักผ่อนกัน



THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #15 - HOW WELL DO THAI BEER COMPANIES PROMOTE THEIR PRODUCTS ? 2 1. BOW: I don't understand why restaurants serving whiskey and beer need to have beautiful girls wearing short skirts and bold makeup serving the alcohol and beer, too.

2. PONG: It's a marketing technique by the alcohol companies to help stimulate more sales.

3. BOW: That's an answer to make yourself look good! If they wear skirts this short, I think they don't need to bother wearing anything at all!

4. PONG: I think that they have to wear such short skirts because it makes it more convenient and easy to walk back and forth. Don't think about it too much!

5. BOW: You don't need to defend them like that.

6. PONG: No matter how short they wear them, I won't be interested. I'm only interested in you. See, while we were talking, all the ice melted away, and the beer lost its flavor. We must drink it quickly.

7. BOW: Make your words real. You're only interested in me, but I saw you making eyes at them like that. Don't think that I didn't see that. Hurry up and finish so we can go back and relax.


1. BOO: mâi khâo-jai wâa ráan khǎai lâo khǎai biia tham-mai dtâwng mii phûu-yǐng-sǎao sǔuai sài grà-broong sân-sân dtàaeng-nâa jàt-jâan maa dooen sòoep lâo biia dûuai.


THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #15 - HOW WELL DO THAI BEER COMPANIES PROMOTE THEIR PRODUCTS ? 3 2. BPǍWNG: bpen théek-ník thaang-gaan-dtà-làat khǎawng baaw-rí-sàt lâo biia khǎo ná já. phûuea chûuai grà-dtûn yâawt khǎai hâi mâak khûen.

3. BOO: tham bpen dtâwp hâi duu dii ná phîi bpǎawng. thâa khǎo jà sài grà- bproong sân khà-nàat-níi boo wâa mâi dtâwng sài à-rai looei gâaw dâai khâ.

4. BPǍWNG: phîi wâa thîi khǎo dtâwng sài sân khà-nàat-níi gâaw phráw wâa jà dâai sà-dùuak wee-laa dooen bpai dooen maa. yàa khít mâak sí já.

5. BOO: phîi bpǎwng mâi dtâwng àawk-dtuua bpòk-bpâwng khǎo khà-nàat- nán gâaw dâai ná kha.́

6. BPǍWNG: dtàaw hâi phûuak-khǎo jà sài sân khà-nàat nǎi phîi gâaw mâi sǒn ràawk jâ. phîi sǒn dtàae boo khon-diiao. duu sí muua dtàae phûut nám-khǎeng lá-laai mòt láaeo. biia jaang sǐia rót-châat mòt dtâwng rîip dùuem gàawn ná.

7. BOO: hâi jing thòe khâ. sǒn-jai dtàae boo khon-diiao. hěn phî maawng khǎo tham dtaa wǎan sá khà-nàat-nán. yàa khít ná wâa boo mâi hěn. rîip thaan thòe khâ jà dâai glàp bpai phák-phàawn gan.


Thai Romanization English Class

ออกตัว àawk-dtuua to defend verb

ปกป้อง bpòk-bpâawng to protect verb

สะดวก sà-dùuak convenient adjective

ขนาดนั�น khà-nàat-nán that much adverb


กระตุ้น grà-dtûn to urge verb

การตลาด gaan-dtà-làat marketing noun

จัดจ้าน jàt-jâan to be bold verb

กระโปรง grà-bproong skirt noun

เหล้า lâo alcohol, whiskey noun


เมื�อกิ�กของแฟนโทรมา พ่อและแม่ไม่สามารถจะคอยปกป้องเราได้ต แฟนก็ออกตัวว่ามีใครกดเบอร์ผิดโทรมา ลอดชีวิต mûuea gík khǎawng faaen thoo maa faaen gâaw phâaw láe mâae mâi sǎa-mâat jà khaawy bpòk- àawk-dtuua wâa mii khrai gòt booe phìt thoo bpâawng rao dâai dtà-làawt chii-wít.

maa. "Mom and Dad aren't able to protect us for "When my boyfriend's secret lover called, our entire lives." he pleaded that somebody dialed the wrong number."

ตอนนี�อยู่ที�ทํางานไม่สะดวกคุยโทรศัพท์ ฝ่ายการตลาดมีงานเยอะขนาดนั�นยังแบ่งเว เดี�ยวโทรหาหลังเลิกงานจะสะดวกกว่า ลามาช่วยงานส่วนรวมของบริษัท dtaawn-níi yùu thîi tham-ngaan mâi sà-dùuak khui fàai gaan-dtà-làat mii ngaan yóe khà-nàat-nán thoo-rá-sàp. dǐiao thoo hǎa lǎng lôoek-ngaan jà yang bàaeng wee-laa maa chûuai ngaan sùuan sà-dùuak gwàa. ruuam khǎawng baaw-rí-sàt.

"I'm at the office now. It's not convenient to "The marketing department has so much talk on the phone. Wait and call me after I work, and still splits time to help share the finish work. It will be more convenient." work of the company."

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #15 - HOW WELL DO THAI BEER COMPANIES PROMOTE THEIR PRODUCTS ? 5 ทํางานหนักขนาดนี� รัฐบาลกระตุ้นการร่วมกันรณรงค์ จะเอาเวลาที�ไหนไปเที�ยวกับเพื�อน งดเหล้าเข้าพรรษา tham-ngaan nàk khà-nàat-níi jà ao wee-laa thîi-nǎi ของประชาชนทุกภาคส่วน bpai thîiao gàp phûuean. rát-thà-baan grà-dtûn gaan-rûuam-gan ron-ná- "Working this hard won’t give me time to to rong ngót lâo khâo-phan-sǎa khǎawng bprà-chaa- chon thúk phâak-sùuan. go out with my friend." "The government urged every sector of the public to join the campaign to abstain from alcohol during Buddhist lent."

ฝ่ายการตลาดมีงานเยอะขนาดนั�นยังแบ่งเว ฉันเป็นคนไม่ชอบเสื�อผ้าที�มีสีสันจัดจ้าน ลามาช่วยงานส่วนรวมของบริษัท chǎn bpen khon mâi châawp sûuea-phâa thîi mi sǐi sǎn jàt-jâan. fàai gaan-dtà-làat mii ngaan yóe khà-nàat-nán yang bàaeng wee-laa maa chûuai ngaan sùuan "I'm a person who doesn't like bold- ruuam khǎawng baaw-rí-sàt. colored clothing." "The marketing department has so much work, and still splits time to help share the work of the company."

ลองสวมกระโปรงสีชมพูตัวนั�นดูสิค่ะ รัฐบาลกระตุ้นการร่วมกันรณรงค์ laawng sǔuam grà-bproong sǐi-chom-phuu dtuua งดเหล้าเข้าพรรษา nán duu sì khâ ของประชาชนทุกภาคส่วน "Try on that pink skirt." rát-thà-baan grà-dtûn gaan-rûuam-gan ron-ná- rong ngót lâo khâo-phan-sǎa khǎawng bprà-chaa- chon thúk phâak-sùuan.

"The government urged every sector of the public to join the campaign to abstain from alcohol during Buddhist lent."


ทําเปนตอบใหดูดี (tham bpen dtàawp hâi duu dii)

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #15 - HOW WELL DO THAI BEER COMPANIES PROMOTE THEIR PRODUCTS ? 6 This phrase means "answering to make yourself look good." This phrase is actually a little unusual because it has five verbs in a row. In order, they are "to do," "to be," "to answer," "to let," and "to see." We can understand the use of all these verbs if we translate the sentence to English as "What you are doing is answering in a way that lets you look good."

ออกตัวปกปอง (àawk dtuua bpòk-bpâwng)

This phrase means "to defend." ปกปอง (bpòk-bpâwng) is the verb "to protect" or "to defend." ออกตัว (àawk dtuua) means "to put out your body." So, the whole phrase, ออกตัวปกปอง (àawk dtuua bpòk-bpâwng), could mean that you are literally stepping out in front of somebody to protect them from an attacker. However, it is used in the conversation just to mean coming to someone's defense verbally.

Subject + วา (wâa)...

We can use this pattern to show what somebody is thinking or what they said. In both examples from the conversation, the speaker uses himself or herself as the subject of the sentence. They follow with the word วา (wâa) and then conclude with a statement. In this case, วา (wâa) means "to think" or "to think that." It is used to show that the speaker is giving his or her opinion about something. Here were the example sentences:

1. โบววาไมตองใสอะไรเลยก็ไดคะ boo wâa mâi dtâwng sài à-rai looei gâaw dâai khâ. "I think they don't need to bother wearing anything at all!"

2. พี่วาที่เขาตองใสสั้นขนาดนี้ก็เพราะวาจะไดสะดวกเวลาเดินไปเดินมา phîi wâa thîi khǎo dtâwng sài sân khà-nàat-níi gâaw phráw wâa jà dâai sà-dùuak wee-laa dooen bpai dooen maa. "I think that they have to wear such short skirts because it makes it more convenient and easy to walk back andforth."


The Focus of this Lesson Is Using ขนาดนี้ khà-nàat-níi and ขนาดนั้น khà-nàat-nán to Say "This Much" or "That Much"

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #15 - HOW WELL DO THAI BEER COMPANIES PROMOTE THEIR PRODUCTS ? 7 พี่ปองไมตองออกตัวปกปองเขาขนาดนั้นก็ไดนะคะ phîi bpǎwng mâi dtâwng àawk dtuua bpòk-bpâwng khǎo khà-nàat-nán gâaw dâai ná kha.́ "You don't need to defend them like that," or "You don't have to put yourself out to defend them so much."

The focus of this lesson is using ขนาดนี้ (khà-nàat-níi) and ขนาดนั้น (khà-nàat-nán) to say "this much" or "that much." ขนาด (khà-nàat) is a noun that means "size," "magnitude," or "proportion." We can pair it up with the adjectives นี้ (níi) and นั้น (nán), which mean "this" and "that." So, that gives us the two expressions "this size" and "that size." Depending on the context, we might translate ขนาดนี้ (khà-nàat-níi) as "this much," "this bad," "to this degree," and so on. Likewise, ขนาดนั้น (khà-nàat-nán) could mean "that much," "that severe," or "like that," depending on the context. In most cases, some statement will come before ขนาดนี้ (khà- nàat-níi) or ขนาดนั้น (khà-nàat-nán) in the sentence. Here are some examples found in the conversation:

1. ถาเขาจะใสกระโปรงสั้นขนาดนี้ โบววาไมตองใสอะไรเลยก็ไดคะ thâa khǎo jà sài grà-bproong sân khà-nàat-níi boo wâa mâi dtâwng sài à-rai looei gâaw dâai khâ. "If they wear skirts this short, I don't think they need to bother wearing anything at all!"

2. พี่ปองไมตองออกตัวปกปองเขาขนาดนั้นก็ไดนะคะ phîi bpǎwng mâi dtâwng àawk dtuua bpòk-bpâwng khǎo khà-nàat-nán gâaw dâai ná kha.́ "You don't need to defend them like that," or "You don't have to put yourself out to defend them so much."


Thailand Beer Promotion

At many restaurants and pubs around Thailand, you will see young, pretty girls dressed in

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #15 - HOW WELL DO THAI BEER COMPANIES PROMOTE THEIR PRODUCTS ? 8 short skirts or mini-dresses that carry the name of a beer company, such as Beer Chang. They work at the restaurant, but they are sponsored by the beer company to promote a particular brand. You'll often see these girls working in restaurants or beer gardens, where people like to hang out in the evening. But you might also be surprised to see them in places you wouldn't expect, such as the food court in a shopping mall or discount superstores like Big C or Tesco Lotus. If you are served beer by one of these young ladies, you can expect them to keep coming to your table to put ice in your glass and top off the beer in your glass from your opened bottle. It is common to put ice cubes in beer in Thailand, so if you prefer your beer not watered down with ice, make sure to let the ladies know.



2 Thai 2 English 3 Romanization 4 Vocabulary 5 Sample Sentences 6 Vocabulary Phrase Usage 7 Grammar 8 Cultural Insight

# 16


1. โบว์: หนิงเธอนี�แย่จริงๆ ฉันตั�งใจฝากเธอไปซื�อหวยแต่เธอก็ดันลืมซื�อ ถ้าฉันถูกขึ�นมาจะทํายังไง จะให้กลับไปซื�ออีกก็คงจะไม่ทัน

2. หนิง: ฉันขอโทษ ฉันลืมนิ มัวแต่ซื�อของอย่างอื�น แล้วก็รีบมากไปหน่อย กลัวจะมาไม่ทันขึ�นบิน ทําไมแกไม่โทรหาพี�ป๋องให้เขาซื�อมาให้ละ

3. โบว์: พี�ป๋องติดธุระกับทางบ้านวันนี� จะไม่เข้ามา สลับเที�ยวบินกับนักบินคนอื�นไปแล้ว ช่างเถอะไม่เป็นไร เอาไว้ซื�อคราวหน้าก็ได้

4. ป๋อง: จ้ะเอ๋ ทําอะไรกันอยู่จ๊ะสาว ๆ

5. โบว์+หนิง: ว๊าย พี�ป๋อง

6. โบว์: ดันเข้ามาเงียบ ๆ ไม่เคาะประตู ตกใจหมดเลยค่ะ

7. ป๋อง: ขอโทษจ้ะที�ทําให้ตกใจ พี�ไม่ได้ตั�งใจ เห็นเธอสองคนกําลังคุยกันอยู่ดูเครียด พี�ก็เลยอยากให้หัวเราะกัน คุยอะไรกันอยู่จ๊ะ

8. โบว์: ก็หนิงสิคะ ลืมซื�อหวยให้โบว์ แต่วันนี�พี�ป๋องบอกว่าจะไม่เข้ามา ติดธุระกับที�บ้านไม่ใช่เหรอคะ แล้วมาได้ยังไงคะเนี�ย

9. ป๋อง: พี�ก็ไปทําธุระกับที�บ้าน แต่ดันเสร็จเร็วพี�ก็เลยแวะเข้ามาเซอร์ไพรส์ทุกคน



THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #16 - I WI S H I 'D WON THE ! 2 1. BOW: Ning, this is terrible! I intended for you to buy lottery tickets, but you forgot to buy them. If I picked right, what can I do? If you go back to buy it, you probably won't be in time.

2. NING: I'm sorry. I forgot. I was only thinking about buying other stuff, and I was in too much of a hurry. I was afraid I would not make the flight. Why didn't you call Pong to have him buy it?

3. BOW: Pong was busy with his family today. He's not coming. He switched flights with another pilot already. Forget about it. It's no problem. You can buy it next time.

4. PONG: Hey! What are you girls doing?

5. BOW + NING: Hey! Pong!

6. BOW: You snuck up on us. You didn't knock on the door. What a surprise!

7. PONG: Sorry to give you a shock. I didn't mean to. I saw the two of you talking and looking too serious. I thought I'd make you laugh. What were you talking about?

8. BOW: Ning here forgot to buy lottery tickets for me. But you said that you weren't coming—that you were busy with your family—didn't you? How did you come here?

9. PONG: I went to take care of family business, but I finished sooner than expected, so I stopped by to surprise everyone.



THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #16 - I WI S H I 'D WON THE THAI LOTTERY! 3 1. BOO: nǐng thooe nîi yâae jing-jing. chǎn dtâng-jai fàak thooe bpai súue hǔuai dtàae thooe gâaw dan luuem súue. thâa chǎn thùuk khûen maa jàa ntham yang-ngai. jà hâi glàp bpai súue ìik gâaw khong jà mâi than.

2. NǏNG: chǎn khǎaw-thôot. chǎn luuem ní. muua dtàae súue khǎawng yàang ùuen láaeo gâaw rîip mâak bpai nàwy. gluua jà maa mâi than khûen-bin. tham-mai gaae mâi thoo hǎa phîi bpǎwng hâi khǎo súue maa hâi lá.

3. BOO: phîi bpǎwng dtìt-thú-rá gàp thaang bâan wan-níi. jà mâi khâo maa sà-làp thîiao-bin gàp nák-bin khon ùuen bpai láaeo. châang thòe mâi-bpen-rai. ao wái súue khraao nâa gâaw dâai.

4. BPǍWNG: jâ ěe. tham à-rai gan yùu já sǎao-sǎao.

5. BOO + NǏNG: wáai phîi bpǎwng.

6. BOO: dan khâo maa ngîiap-ngîiap mâi kháw bprà-dtuu. dtòk-jai mòt looei khâ.

7. BPǍWNG: khǎaw-thôot jâ. thîi tham hâi dtòk-jai. phîi mâi dâi dtâng-jai. hěn thooe sǎawng khon gam-lang khui gan yùu duu khrîiat. phîi gâaw looei yàak hâi hǔua-ráw gan. khui à-rai gan yùu já.

8. BOO: gâaw nǐng sì khá. luuem súue hǔuai hâi boo. dtàae wan-níi phîi bpǎwng bàawk wâa jà mâi khâo maa. dtìt-thú-rá gàp thîi bâan mâi châi rǒoe khá. láaeo maa dâai yang-ngai khá nîia.

9. BPǍWNG: phîi gâaw bpai tham thú-rá gàp thîi bâan. dtàae dan sèt reo phîi gâaw looei wáe khâo maa sooe-phrai thúk-khon.


THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #16 - I WI S H I 'D WON THE THAI LOTTERY! 4 Thai Romanization English Class

to be serious, เครียด khrîiat stressed verb, adjective

to intend, to pay ตั�งใจ dtâng-jai attention verb

หวย hǔuai lottery noun

สลับ sà-làp to switch verb

never mind, forget ช่างเถอะ châang-thòe about it phrase

blurry, obscure, to be มัว muua dim verb, adjective

ถูก thùuk inexpensive, correct adjective

business, activity, ธุระ thú-rá errand noun

mechanic, ช่าง châang technician, artisan, noun craftsman


หลังจากเครียดกับงานมาตลอดหนึ�งปี พวกเราตั�งใจจะไปนมัสการพระพุทธรูปที�วัด เราก็จะได้ไปพักร้อนกันซะที ไทยในโตเกียว lǎng-jàak khrîiat gàp ngaan maa dtà-làawt nùeng phûuak-rao dtâng-jai jà bpai ná-mát-sà-gaan phrá- bpii rao gâaw jà bpai phák-ráawn gan sá thii. phút-thá-rûup thîi wát thai nai dtoo-giiao

"After being stressed with work for an "We intend to go pay respect to a statue of entire year, we can finally take a holiday." Buddha at the Thai temple in Tokyo."

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #16 - I WI S H I 'D WON THE THAI LOTTERY! 5 หวยก็เป็นการพนันชนิดหนึ�ง ฉันหยิบกระเป๋าสลับกับผู้หญิงคนนั�น อาจไม่ผิดกฏหมาย chǎn yìp grà-bpǎo sà-làp gàp phûu-yǐng khon- nán. แต่ก็ทําให้เราเสียเงินที�หามาได้ hǔuai gâaw bpen gaan-phá-nan chá-nít nùeng. "I got the bags mixed up and picked up àat mâi phìt gòt-mǎai. dtàae gâaw tham hâi rao that woman's." sǐia ngoen thîi hǎa maa dâai.

"The lottery is one type of gambling. It might not be illegal, but it makes us waste the money that we earned."

ภูเขามัวเนื�องด้วยควันไฟป่า นักเรียนคนอ้วนตอบไม่ถูก phuu-khǎo muua nûueang-dûuai khwan fai-bpàa nák-riian khon ûuan dtàawp mâi thùuk

"The mountain was blurry due to smoke "The chubby student answered incorrectly." from wildfires."

กระทะใบนี�ราคาถูกมาก ฉันมีธุระที�ต้องไปทํา มัวช้าอยู่ไม่ได้ grà-thá bai níi raa-khaa thùuk mâak เดี�ยวไม่ทัน "This frying pan is very cheap." chǎn mii thú-rá thîi dtâwng bpai tham. muua cháa yùu mâi dâai dǐiao mâi than.

"I've got business I must attend to. I can't slow down, or I won't be on time."

ช่างตัดผมกําลังตัดผมด้วยกรรไกร ช่างซ่อมรถยนต์กําลังซ่อมรถยนต์ châang-dtàt-phǒm gam-lang dtàt phǒm dûuai gan- châang-sâawm-rót-yon gam-lang sâawm rót-yon grai "The mechanic is repairing the car." "The hair dresser is cutting the hair with scissors."


ชางเถอะ (châang thòe)

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #16 - I WI S H I 'D WON THE THAI LOTTERY! 6 This phrase means "never mind" or "just forget about it." ชาง (châang) by itself means "never mind," and เถอะ (thòe) is used to urge somebody into following a suggestion. A slightly different phrase with the same meaning is ชางมันเถอะ (châang man hòe). You can use this in casual situations to say "Don't worry about it" or "Just forget about it."

ติดธุระ (dtìt thú-rá)

This phrase means "to be busy." ธุระ (thú-rá) is a noun that can mean "business" or "affairs." ติด (dtìt) is a verb that means "to stick." So, the literal meaning of this phrase is "to be stuck with business." You can use the phrase ติดธุระ (dtìt thú-rá) anytime you want to say that you are occupied with your work or personal errands.

ฝากเธอไปซื้อ (fàak thooe bpai súue)

This phrase means "send you to buy." ฝาก (fàak) has the meaning of "to entrust" in this phrase. เธอ (thooe) is the pronoun "you," and ไปซื้อ (bpai súue) means "to go and buy." So, the whole phrase literally means "To entrust you to go and buy."


The Focus of this Lesson Is Using ดัน (dan) to Show that an Action Shouldn't Have Happened the Way It Did ฉันตั้งใจฝากเธอไปซื้อหวยแตเธอก็ดันลืมซื้อ chǎn dtâng-jai fàak thooe bpai súue hǔuai dtàae thooe gâaw dan luuem súue. "I intended for you to buy lottery tickets, but you forgot to buy them."

The focus of this lesson is using ดัน (dan) to show that an action shouldn't have happened the way it did. When we use ดัน for this purpose, it will come right before the verb in the sentence. We usually use ดัน in a sentence that describes a negative experience. The addition of ดัน helps to convey that whatever event we are describing was unexpected or undesired. The example from the conversation was:

1. ฉันตั้งใจฝากเธอไปซื้อหวยแตเธอก็ดันลืมซื้อ chǎn dtâng-jai fàak thooe bpai súue hǔuai dtàae thooe gâaw dan luuem súue. "I intended for you to buy lottery tickets, but you forgot to buy them."

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #16 - I WI S H I 'D WON THE THAI LOTTERY! 7 In this example, the speaker is obviously upset that the listener forgot to buy the lottery tickets. We can make another example by talking about the weather:

1. ฝนดันตกทั้งวัน fǒn dan dtòk tháng wan. "It rained all day long."

We can see from this example that ดัน is placed after the subject and before the verb. ฝน (fǒn) which means "rain" is the subject and ตก (dtòk) meaning "to fall" is the verb. So, we can use the phrase ฝนดันตก (fǒn dan dtòk) to say "it rained (but shouldn't have)."


The Thailand National Lottery

The national lottery is very popular in Thailand, but the way that it is run may be very different from that of the lottery in your home country. In Thailand, there are two lottery drawings per month. They are held on the 1st and the 16th of each month. All lottery tickets are printed out in advance, so only one ticket for the draw contains the winning numbers for the jackpot. However, there are multiple winners for the lesser prizes. The Thai lottery does not use a set of six winning numbers, as is common in other . Instead, the Thai lottery uses a single six-digit string of numbers.

Thai lottery tickets are sold by individual vendors. You can usually see them with a small stall set up in a busy traffic area. Often, these ticket sellers are disabled, so selling lottery tickets is a way for them to earn a living. Lottery ticket sellers will often walk around in busy areas, such as street markets, too. Each seller only has a certain number of tickets, which they display on a board so that you can see the numbers. If you have a certain lucky number you are looking for, you might have to check a few ticket sellers before you find a ticket with your lucky numbers on it. Tickets are usually sold for 100 baht each, and the results will be printed in the newspaper the day after the the numbers are drawn.

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #16 - I WI S H I 'D WON THE THAI LOTTERY! 8 LESSON NOTES Upper Intermediate S1 #17 Sample An Unusual Thai Soup


2 Thai 2 English 3 Romanization 4 Vocabulary 5 Sample Sentences 6 Vocabulary Phrase Usage 6 Grammar 7 Cultural Insight

# 17


1. ป๋อง: โบว์เป็นอะไร ไหวไหมจ๊ะ ให้พี�ช่วยอะไรไหม จะเอาอะไรรึเปล่า

2. โบว์: ไม่รู้เป็นอะไรค่ะ อยู่ดี ๆ ก็รู้สึกปวดหัวมากเหมือนจะไม่สบาย เป็นตั�งแต่เช้าแล้วค่ะ ยังไม่ดีขึ�น

3. ป๋อง: ขอพี�ดูหน่อยซิจ๊ะ...ตัวร้อนนี� เดี�ยวพี�จะเรียกหนิงมาช่วยเช็ดตัวให้นะ ส่วนพี�จะไปเอารังนกมาให้ทานจะได้มีแรง

4. โบว์: ขอบคุณค่ะพี�ป๋อง แต่โบว์ไม่รบกวนดีกว่า เดี�ยวนั�งพักแป๊บเดียวก็หาย พี�ป๋องไม่ต้องเป็นห่วง

5. ป๋อง: ไม่รบกวนหรอกจ้ะ รอพี�แป๊บนะ หนิง..หนิง..หนิง...

6. หนิง: มีอะไรคะพี�ป๋อง อยู่ดี ๆ ก็เรียกหนิงซะดัง ไม่อายเขาเหรอคะพี� คนหันมามองหมดแล้ว

7. ป๋อง: โบว์นะซิ อยู่ดี ๆ ก็ไม่สบาย หนิงช่วยเช็ดตัวให้หน่อยนะ พี�จะไปเอารังนกมาให้เค้าทาน

8. หนิง: เหรอคะ งั�นพี�ป๋องไปเถอะ หนิงจะจัดการเช็ดตัวแล้วก็ดูแลโบว์ให้


1. PONG: What's wrong, Bow? Can you handle it? Can I help with something? Do you want anything?


THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #17 - S AMPLE AN UNUSUAL THAI S OUP 2 2. BOW: I don't know what's wrong. I suddenly have a headache, like I'm getting sick. It started this morning and hasn't gotten any better.

3. PONG: Let me see. You have a high temperature. Hang on-I'll get Ning to help cool you off with a wet cloth. I'll go get you bird's nest soup to drink, to give you energy.

4. BOW: Thank you, Pong, but I don't want to bother you. I'll just rest a minute, and it'll go away. You don't need to worry.

5. PONG: It's no bother. Wait just a minute. Ning...Ning...Ning....

6. NING: What is it, Pong? You suddenly called me this loudly. You're not embarrassed? Everyone turned to look.

7. PONG: It's Bow. She suddenly got sick. Help cool her down, please. I'm going to get some bird's nest soup for her to drink.

8. NING: Oh? Then go ahead. I'll cool her down with a cloth and look after her.


1. BPǍWNG: boo bpen à-rai. wǎi mǎi já. hâi phîi chûuai à-rai mǎi. jà ao à-rai rúe bplào.

2. BOO: mâi rúu bpen à-rai khâ. yùu-dii-dii gâaw rúu-sùek bpùuat-hǔua mâak mǔuean jà mâi sà-baai. bpen dtâng dtàae cháao láaeo khâ. yang mâi dii khûen.


THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #17 - S AMPLE AN UNUSUAL THAI S OUP 3 3. BPǍWNG: khǎaw phîi duu nàwy sí ja.́ dtuua ráawn nî. dǐiao phîi jà rîiak nǐng maa chûuai chét dtuua hâi ná. sùuan phîi jà bpai ao rang-nók maa hâi thaan jà dâai mii raaeng.

4. BOO: khàawp-khun khâ phîi bpǎwng. dtàae boo mâi róp-guuan dii gwàa. dǐiao nâng phák bpáaep diiao gâaw hǎai. phîi bpǎwng mâi dtâwng bpen hùuang.

5. BPǍWNG: mâi róp-guuan ràawk jâ. raaw phîi bpáaep ná. nǐng... nǐng... nǐng...

6. NǏNG: mii à-rai khá phîi bpǎwng. yùu-dii-dii gâaw rîiak nǐng sá dang. mâi aai khǎ rǒoe khá phîi. khon hǎn maa maawng mòt láaeo

7. BPǍWNG: boo nâ sì yùu-dii-dii gâaw mâi sà-baai. nǐng chûuai chét dtuua hâi nàwy ná. phîi jà bpai ao rang-nók maa hâi kháo thaan.

8. NǏNG: rǒoe khá. ngán phîi bpǎwng bpai thòe. nǐng jà jàt-gaan chét dtuua láaeo gâaw duu-laae boo hâi.


Thai Romanization English Class

to manage, to จัดการ jàt-gaan arrange verb

รังนก rang-nók bird's nest noun

หันมา hǎn-maa to turn towards verb

ห่วง hùuang to worry verb

ปวดหัว bpùuat-hǔua to have a headache phrase

ตัวร้อน dtuua-ráawn to have a fever verb

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #17 - S AMPLE AN UNUSUAL THAI S OUP 4 อยู่ดี ๆ suddenly, yùu-dii-dii unexpectedly adverb

เช็ดตัว chét dtuua to wipe off one's body verb

รบกวน róp-guuan to bother, to disturb verb

อาย aai shy, embarrassed adjective


เราจะจัดการอย่างไรกับขยะกองโตในบ้าน ฉันปีนขึ�นต้นไม้เอารังนกที�ตกลงมาไปคืนให้ rao jà jàt-gaan yàang-rai gàp khà-yà gaawng กับครอบครัวนก dtoo nai bâan. chǎn bpiin khûen dtôn-máai ao rang-nók thîi dtòk "How should we deal with the large pile of long maa bpai khuuen hâi gàp khrâawp-khruua nók. garbage in the house?" "I climbed the tree to put the bird's nest that fell down back with the family of birds."

ฉันเรียกเธอตั�งนานแต่เธอไม่หันมา คุณไม่ต้องห่วงหรอก khun mâi dtâwng hùuang ràawk ฉันก็เลยเดินเข้ามาทัก chǎn rîiak thooe dtâng naan dtàae thooe mâi "You really don't need to worry." hǎn-maa. chǎn gâaw looei dooen khâo maa thák.

"I called for you for a long time, but you didn't turn around. So I walked in to greet you."

ดิฉันปวดหัวมาก ผู้ป่วยไข้หวัดใหญ่จะมีอาการ ปวดหัว dì-chǎn bpùuat-hǔua mâak ตัวร้อน "I have a bad headache." phûu-bpùuai khâi-wàt-yài jà mii aa-gaan bpùuat- hǔua dtuua-ráawn.

"A patient with influenza will have the symptoms of headache and fever."

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #17 - S AMPLE AN UNUSUAL THAI S OUP 5 อยู่ดีๆคุณพ่อก็ไอไม่หยุด การเช็ดตัวผู้ป่วย ดิฉันเลยพามาหาหมอ เป็นการประถมพยาบาลเบื�องต้น yùu-dii-dii khun phâaw gâaw ai mâi yùt. dì-chǎn gaan chét-dtuua phûu-bpùuai bpen gaan-bprà- looei phaa maa hǎa mǎaw. thǒm phá-yaa-baan bûueang-dtôn.

"Suddenly my father couldn't stop "Wiping off the body of a sick person is the coughing. So I took him to see the doctor." basic job of a nurse."

ได้เลย ผมจะไม่รบกวนคุณอีก ฉันอายมากเวลาพูดหน้าชั�นเรียน dâai looei. phǒm jà mâi róp-guuan khun ìik. chǎn aai mâak wee-laa phûut nâa chán-riian

"Okay, I will not bother you again." "I am very shy when I speak in front of the class."


ไมรูเปนอะไร (mâi rúu bpen à-rai)

This phrase means "I don't know what the matter is." ไมรู mâi rúu is the verb "to not know." เปนอะไร bpen à-rai can be used as a question, meaning "What's the matter?" or "What's wrong?" So, when you put them together, it means "I don't know what's wrong."

รอพี่แปบนะ (raaw phîi bpáaep ná)

This phrase means "Wait for me just a moment." รอ raaw is the verb "to wait," and พี่ phîi is used as the pronoun "me." In Thai, we can simply follow the verb "to wait" with a noun. There is no need to add another word that means "for." แปบ bpáaep is an adverb that means "just a second" or "just a moment."

คนหันมามองหมดแลว (khon hǎn maa maawng mòt láaeo)

This sentence means "Everybody is turning around to look." คน khon is the noun "people," and หัน hǎn is a verb that means "to turn around." We include the verb มา maa ("to come") in order to indicate the direction that the people are turning in relation to the speaker. Then, we have the verb มอง maawng ("to stare"). Finally, หมดแลว mòt láaeo is used here to mean "completely."



The Focus of this Lesson Is Using อยูดี ๆ (yùu-dii-dii) to Mean "Suddenly" อยูดี ๆ ก็รูสึกปวดหัวมาก yùu-dii-ii gâaw rúu-sùek bpùuat-hǔua mâak. "I suddenly have a headache."

The focus of this lesson is using อยูดี ๆ yùu-dii-dii to mean "suddenly." อยูดี ๆ yùu-dii-dii is an adverb that means "suddenly," "unexpectedly," or "abruptly." We will often use it at the beginning of a sentence, just as you would in English. The first example from the conversation was:

1. อยูดี ๆ ก็รูสึกปวดหัวมาก yùu-dii-ii gâaw rúu-sùek bpùuat-hǔua mâak. "I suddenly have a headache."

The second example from the conversation uses อยูดี ๆ yùu-dii-dii at the beginning of a sentence as well:

1. อยูดี ๆ ก็เรียกฉันซะดัง yùu-dii-dii gâaw rîiak nǐng sá dang. "You suddenly called me this loudly."

In both examples, you may notice that the word ก็ gâaw follows directly after อยูดี ๆ yùu-dii- dii. The purpose of this word in the sentence is simply to make the transition into the main statement more smooth. The third example from the conversation was similar:

1. อยูดี ๆ เธอก็ไมสบาย yùu-dii-dii gâaw mâi sà-baai. "Suddenly, she got sick."


Birds' Nest Soup

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #17 - S AMPLE AN UNUSUAL THAI S OUP 7 Birds' nest soup is simply known as รังนก rang-nók ("bird's nest") in Thai. It is a traditional Chinese food that is made from the nest of a variety of swifts found in Southeast Asia. The nests are composed of the hardened saliva of the birds, which forms a mineral-rich cement. These nests are built as small, bowl-shaped structures that adhere to cave interiors. When the nests are dissolved in water, they form a gelatinous substance that is considered to have many health benefits. It is thought to boost the immune system, aid in digestion, and provide relief for asthma, among other things.

Birds' nests are one of the most expensive natural food sources. One kilogram of nests can be worth several thousand dollars. In Thailand, the traditional soup made from birds' nests can be eaten at restaurants in Bangkok's Chinatown. An expensive health drink made from birds' nests is also sold in many convenience stores and supermarkets.

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #17 - S AMPLE AN UNUSUAL THAI S OUP 8 LESSON NOTES Upper Intermediate S1 #18 Can Your Thai Friend Keep a Secret?


2 Thai 2 English 3 Romanization 4 Vocabulary 5 Sample Sentences 6 Vocabulary Phrase Usage 7 Grammar 8 Cultural Insight

# 18


1. โบว์: หนิงแกดูเงียบๆ วันนี� มีอะไรรึเปล่า ปรึกษาฉันได้ ฉันเป็นเพื�อนแกนะ

2. หนิง: ไม่มีอะไรหรอก ฉันสบายดี แกไม่ต้องห่วงหรอก มีอะไรทําก็ไปทําเถอะ

3. โบว์: ฉันเป็นเพื�อนแกมานาน แค่นี�ทําไมฉันจะไม่รู้ว่าแกมีอะไรปิดบังฉันอยู่ บอกมาซะดี ๆ

4. หนิง: ฉันไม่เคยปิดบังอะไรแกได้เลย รู้ทันตลอด ฉันบอกก็ได้ พอดีผู้ชายที�ฉันคบอยู่เขามาขอฉันแต่งงาน

5. โบว์: จริงเหรอแก ฉันดีใจด้วยนะ เป็นข่าวดีขนาดนี�แกจะปิดบังฉันทําไม แกควรจะดีใจจนร้องตะโกนบอกฉันเลยด้วยซํ�า

6. หนิง: ที�ฉันไม่บอกแกและต้องคิดมากเนี�ยเพราะฉันไม่รู้ว่าจะตอบผู้ชายคนนั� นว่ายังไงดี ช่วงหลังๆฉันดูออกว่าเขามีอะไรปิดบังฉันอยู่ ฉันไม่มีเวลาให้เขา ไม่ได้เจอกันบ่อยเหมือนเมื�อก่อน ฉันกลัวเขาจะมีคนอื�น

7. โบว์: ถ้าเขามีคนอื�น เขาจะมาขอแกแต่งงานทําไม เรื�องแต่งงานเป็นเรื�องใหญ่ ฉันเชื�อว่าพี�เขาคงคิดดีแล้วก่อนที�จะขอเธอแต่งงาน อย่าคิดมากเลยนะ



THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #18 - CAN YOUR THAI FRI END KEEP A S ECRET? 2 1. BOW: You're so quiet today, Ning. Is something wrong? You can talk to me. I'm your friend.

2. NING: It's nothing. I'm fine. You don't need to worry. You can go back to what you were doing.

3. BOW: I've been your friend for a long time, so why wouldn't I know that you are keeping something from me? Tell me.

4. NING: I've never managed to keep anything from you. You always know. Fine, I'll tell you. The guy that I'm dating asked me to marry him.

5. BOW: Really? I'm happy for you. Why would you keep such good news from me? You should be so happy that you'd want to shout and tell me.

6. NING: The reason I didn't tell you and why I'm thinking so much is because I don't know how I'll answer him. Lately, I can tell he's hiding something from me. I don't have much time for him. We don't meet as often as we used to. I'm afraid he has somebody else.

7. BOW: If he has somebody else, why would he ask you to marry him? Getting married is a big deal. I think he was probably thinking hard before asking you to marry him. Don't worry so much.


1. BOO: nǐng gaae duu ngîiap-ngîiap wan-níi. mii à-rai rúe bplào. bprùek-sǎa chǎn dâai. chǎn bpen phûuean gaae ná.


THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #18 - CAN YOUR THAI FRI END KEEP A S ECRET? 3 2. NǏNG: mâi mii à-rai ràawk. chǎn sà-baai dii. gaae mâi dtâwng hùuang ràawk. mii à-rai tham gâaw bpai tham thòe.

3. BOO: chǎn bpen phûuean gaa maa naan. khâae níi tham-mai chǎn jà mâi rúu wâa gaae mii à-rai bpìt-bang chǎn yùu. bàawk maa sí dii-dii.

4. NǏNG: chǎn mâi khooei bpìt-bang à-rai gaae dâai looei. rúu-than dtà-làawt chǎn bàawk gâaw dâai. phaaw-dii phûu-chaai thîi chǎn khóp yùu khǎo maa khǎaw chǎn dtàeng-ngaan

5. BOO: jing rǒoe gaae. chǎn dii-jai dûuai ná. bpen khàao dii khà-nàat-níi gaae jà bpìt-bang chǎn tham-mai. gaae khuuan jà dii-jai jon ráawng dtà-goon bàawk chǎn looei dûuai sám.

6. NǏNG: thîi chǎn mâi bàawk gaae láe dtâwng khít mâak nîia phráw chǎn mâi rúu wâa jà dtàawp phûu-chaai khon nán wâa yang-ngai dii. chûuang-lǎng-lǎng chǎn duu àawk wâa khǎo mii à-rai bpìt-bang chǎn yùu. chǎn mâi mii wee-laa hâi khǎo. mâi dâi jooe gan bàwy mǔuean mûuea-gàawn. chǎn gluua khǎo jà mii khon ùuen.

7. BOO: thâa khǎo mii khon ùuen khǎo jà maa khǎaw gaae dtàeng-ngaan tham-mai. rûueang dtàeng-ngaan bpen rûueang yài. chǎnchûuea wâa phîi khǎo khong khít dii láaeo gàawn thîi jà khǎaw thooe dtàng- ngaan. yàa khít mâak looei ná.


Thai Romanization English Class

แก gaae you (informal) pronoun

ปรึกษา bprùek-sǎa to consult with verb

ปิดบัง bpìt-bpang to hide, to conceal verb

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #18 - CAN YOUR THAI FRI END KEEP A S ECRET? 4 เงียบ ngîiap to be silent, silently verb, adverb

แต่งงาน dtàeng-ngaan to marry verb

to know what the รู้ทัน rúu-than other is up to verb

to associate with, to คบ khóp be in a relationship verb with

ตะโกน dtà-goon to shout verb

เรื�องใหญ่ rûueang yài big problem phrase


แกดีกับแฟนแกขนาดนี� เมื�อมีปัญหาควรปรึกษาพ่อแม่ก่อน แต่แฟนแกมันตอบแทนแกด้วยการมีกิ�กเนี�ย mûuea mii bpan-hǎa khuuan bprùek-sǎa phâaw mâae gàawn นะ gaae dii gàp faaen gaae khà-nàat níi. dtàae "When you have a problem you should faaen gaae man dtàawp-thaaen gaae dûuai consult with your parents first." gaan mii gík nîia ná.

“You’re so good to your boyfriend. But he repays you by having this fling!”

เธอมีอะไรปิดบังฉันรึเปล่า ความเงียบจะทําให้เรามีสมาธิ thooe mii à-rai bpìt-bpang chǎn rúe bplào khwaam-ngîiap jà tham hâi rao mii sà-maa-thí.

"Are you hiding something from me?" "Silence will let us have concentration."

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #18 - CAN YOUR THAI FRI END KEEP A S ECRET? 5 หลานของเราจะแต่งงานในวันที�หกกันยาย เพื�อนที�คบกันมานานย่อมรู้ทันว่าอีกฝ่ายคิด น จะทําอะไร lǎan khǎawng rao jà dtàeng-ngaan nai wan thîi phûuean thîi khóp gan maa naan yâawm rúu- hòk gan-yaa-yon than wâa ìik fàai khít jà tham à-rai.

"My nephew will get married on "Friends who have known each other for a September 6." long time naturally know what the other side is going to do."

เพื�อนที�คบกันมานานย่อมรู้ทันว่าอีกฝ่ายคิด แกอย่าตะโกนเสียงดังสิ gaae yàa dtà-goon sǐiang dang sì. จะทําอะไร phûuean thîi khóp gan maa naan yâawm rúu- "Don't you shout so loudly." than wâa ìik fàai khít jà tham à-rai.

"Friends who have known each other for a long time naturally know what the other side is going to do."

อย่าทําเรื�องเล็กให้กลายเป็นเรื�องใหญ่ yàa tham rûueang-lék hâi glaai bpen rûueang-yài.

"Don't let a small matter become a big problem."


ขอฉันแตงงาน (khǎaw chǎn dtàaeng-ngaan)

This phrase means "asked me to marry." ขอ khǎaw is the verb "to ask for," and แตงงาน dtàaeng-ngaan means "to marry." So, the usual way to say "to propose" or "ask to marry" is the phrase ขอแตงงาน khǎaw dtàaeng-ngaan.

บอกมาซะดี ๆ (bàawk maa sá dii-dii)

This phrase means "tell me." บอก (bàawk) is the verb "to tell," and the verb มา maa ("to come") is included to show the direction of the action coming towards the speaker. ซะ (sá) is

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #18 - CAN YOUR THAI FRI END KEEP A S ECRET? 6 an emphatic particle used to urge an action, and ดี ๆ (dii-dii) is an adverb that means "well." A rough translation that takes into account all the parts of the sentence might be, "You had better tell it to me."

ชวงหลัง ๆ (chûuang lǎng-lǎng)

This phrase means "later on" or "lately." ชวง (chûuang) means a "period of time," and หลัง (lǎng) means "afterwards." This phrase is used to indicate a period of time that is relatively recent or that follows after an initial period of time, such as after the first year of a marriage. So, we could also translate it as "lately" or "after the initial period." This was the example from the conversation:

1. ชวงหลัง ๆ ฉันดูออกวาเขามีอะไรปดบังฉันอยู chûuang lǎng-lǎng chǎn duu àawk wâa khǎo mii à-rai bpìt-bang chǎn yùu. "Lately, I can tell he's been hiding something from me."


The Focus of this Lesson Is Using ปดบัง bpìt-bang to Mean "To Keep Secret" or "To Conceal" ฉันไมเคยปดบังอะไรแกไดเลย chǎn mâi khooei bpìt-bang à-rai gaae dâai looei. "I've never managed to hide anything from you."

The focus of this lesson is using ปดบัง (bpìt-bang) to mean "to keep secret" or "to conceal." ปดบัง (bpìt-bang) is made up of the verbs ปด (bpìt), which means "to close," and บัง (bang), which means "to conceal." This phrase is often used in Thai to talk about covering up or hiding information to keep a secret. The first example from the conversation was:

1. แคนี้ทําไมฉันจะไมรูวาแกมีอะไรปดบังฉันอยู khâae níi tham-mai chǎn jà mâi rúu wâa gaae mii à-rai bpìt-bang chǎn yùu. "So why wouldn't I know that you are keeping something from me?"

In this example, the word order มีอะไรปดบัง (mii à-rai bpìt-bang) is used to say "have something that is hidden." We can also switch the word order around a little to have the

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #18 - CAN YOUR THAI FRI END KEEP A S ECRET? 7 phrase ปดบังอะไร (bpìt-bang à-rai), which means "to conceal something." An example of this word order from the conversation is the following sentence:

1. ฉันไมเคยปดบังอะไรแกไดเลย chǎn mâi khooei bpìt-bang à-rai gaae dâai looei. "I've never managed to hide anything from you."


Marriage in Thailand

In Thailand, a couple's parents play an important part in marriage proposals. In a traditional marriage proposal, the guy will bring his parents over to meet the parents of the girl. The guy's parents will then ask the girl's parents for permission for their son to marry the other family's daughter. The girl's parents will then ask their daughter if she wants to marry the guy. If she agrees, then the guy's parents have to ask how much money the girl's family wants for the สินสอด (sǐn-sàawt). This is like a type of dowry that is intended to compensate the girl's parents for having their daughter leave the family. Or, it can also be considered a type of safety net for the girl, in case she runs into problems with her new husband. The amount of the สินสอด (sǐn-sàawt) can vary greatly depending on the status of the family, the girl's age, and how attractive she is considered to be. Sometimes, the perceived wealth of the husband is also taken into account. This can be a source of stress and cultural misunderstanding for mixed couples, as foreigners tend not to understand why the groom has to give money to the bride's family. Nowadays, though, many parents return the สินสอด to the newlywed couple as support for building a new family. In general, 100,000 baht is a common amount for a สินสอด (sǐn-sàawt). The actual money will usually be given to the bride's family at an engagement ceremony held at the bride's house. A set of gold jewelry is also commonly included along with the cash. The engagement ceremony can be held anytime before the wedding, but these days it is usually held on the same day as the marriage ceremony. The engagement will be held in the morning, and the actual wedding will take place after that.

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #18 - CAN YOUR THAI FRI END KEEP A S ECRET? 8 LESSON NOTES Upper Intermediate S1 #19 Don't Blame Me for Crushing Your Thai Orchid!


2 Thai 2 English 3 Romanization 4 Vocabulary 5 Sample Sentences 6 Vocabulary Phrase Usage 7 Grammar 8 Cultural Insight

# 19


1. โบว์: หมวยระวังหน่อยสิ ดอกกล้วยไม้พี�ชํ�าหมดแล้ว ซื�อมาแพงนะ หายากมาก กว่าจะออกดอกก็ต้องใช้เวลานาน

2. หมวย: หนูก็หยิบเบาที�สุดแล้ว ไม่รู้ว่ามันชํ�าได้ยังไง อาจชํ�ามาก่อน ตอนพี�ซื�อก็ได้

3. ป๋อง: อะไรกันจ๊ะ เสียงดังไปถึงข้างนอก

4. โบว์: ก็หมวยนะสิ ทํากล้วยไม้ที�โบว์เพิ�งซื�อมาชํ�าหมดเลยแต่พูดว่าไม่ได้ทํา โบว์เห็นกับตาว่าหมวยเป็นคนทําแต่ไม่ยอมรับ นิสัยไม่ดี

5. หมวย: หนูไม่ได้เป็นคนทํานะคะพี�ป๋อง ดอกกล้วยไม้ชํ�าอยู่แล้ว พี�โบว์นั�นแหละกล่าวหาคนอื�นไม่มีหลักฐาน

6. ป๋อง: เอาละจ้ะ อย่าเอาแต่ตัดพ้อต่อว่ากันเลย ไม่มีใครผิดหรอก พี�เป็นคนทํามันร่วงตอนที�พี�เอาออกจากหลังรถ พี�ต้องขอโทษโบว์ด้วยนะ จะตัดพ้อต่อว่าพี�ยังไงก็ได้

7. โบว์: งั�นก็ไม่เป็นไรหรอกค่ะ พี�ไม่ได้ตั�งใจ พี�ก็ต้องขอโทษหมวยด้วยนะที�พี�◌่ต่อว่าโดยไม่ดูให้ดีก่อน


1. BOW: Be careful, Muai! My orchids are all bruised and ruined. They were expensive to buy and difficult to find. It takes a long time until they bloom.


THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #19 - DON'T BLAME ME FOR CRUSHING YOUR THAI ORCHID! 2 2. MUAI: I picked them as lightly as possible. I don't know how they got bruised and damaged. Maybe they were bruised from before, such as when you bought them.

3. PONG: What's going on? You're so loud, I can hear you from outside.

4. BOW: It's Muai. She ruined all the orchids that I just bought, but she says she didn't do it. I saw with my own eyes that she did it, but she won't admit it. She's got a bad attitude.

5. MUAI: I'm not the one who did it, Pong. The orchids were already bruised and damaged. Bow is accusing me, but she doesn't have any proof.

6. PONG: OK. Don't just complain and blame each other. Nobody's at fault. I'm the one who did it earlier, when I got them out of the back of the car. I must apologize to you, Bow. You can complain to me any way you want.

7. BOW: Well then, don't worry about it. You didn't mean to. I must apologize to you, too, Muai, that I blamed you without checking properly before.


1. BOO: Mǔuai rá-wang nàauy sì. Dàawk glûuai-mái phîi chám mòt láaeo. Súue maa phaaeng ná. Hǎa yâak mâak. Gwàa jà àawk dàawk gâw dtâawng chái wee-laa naan.

2. MǓUAI: nǔu gâaw ìp bao thîi-sùt láaeo. mâi rúu wâa man chám dâai yang- ngai. àat chám maa gàawn dtaawn phîi súue gâaw dâai.


THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #19 - DON'T BLAME ME FOR CRUSHING YOUR THAI ORCHID! 3 3. BPǍWNG: à-rai gan já. sǐiang dang bpai thǔeng khâang náawy.

4. BOO: gâaw mǔuai ná sì. tham glûuai-máai thîi boo phôoeng súue maa chám mòt looei. dtàae phûut wâa mâi dâi tham. boo hěn gàp dtaa wâa mǔuai bpen khon tham dtàae mâi yaawm ráp. ní-sǎi mâi dii.

5. MǓUAI: nǔu mâi dâi bpen khon tham ná khá phîi bpǎwng. dàawk-glûuai- máai chám yùu láaeo. phîi boo nân làe glàao-hǎa khon ùuen mâi mii làk-thǎan.

6. BPǍWNG: ao lá jâ. yàa ao dtàae dtàt-pháaw-dtàaw-wâa gan looei. mâi mii khrai phìt ràawk. phîi bpen khon tham man rûuang dtaawn thîi phîi ao àawk jàak lǎng rót. phîi dtâwng khǎaw-thôot boo dûuai ná. jà dtàt-pháaw-dtàaw-wâa phîi yang-ngai gâaw dâai.

7. BOO: ngán gâaw mâi-bpen-rai ràawk khâ. phîi mâi dâi dtâng-jai. phîi gâaw dtâwng khǎaw-thôot mǔuai dûuai ná thîi phîi dtàaw-wâa dooi mâi duu hâi dii gàawn.


Thai Romanization English Class

ดอกกล้วยไม้ dàawk-glûuai-máai orchid noun

ชํ�า chám bruised, to bruise verb, adjective

ออกดอก àawk-dàawk to bloom verb

to pick, to grab, to หยิบ yìp snatch verb

กล่าวหา glàao-hǎa to accuse verb

หลักฐาน làk-thǎan evidence noun

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #19 - DON'T BLAME ME FOR CRUSHING YOUR THAI ORCHID! 4 ตัดพ้อต่อว่า dtàt-phâaw-dtàaw- wâa to complain, to blame verb

ร่วง rûuang to drop, to come off verb


คุณพ่อตั�งใจปลูกกล้วยไม้ไว้ที�สวนหลังบ้าน ฉันตกบันไดเมื�อเช้า ตามแขน เพราะคุณแม่ชอบดอกกล้วยไม้มาก ขามีรอยชํ�าเต็มไปหมด khun-phâaw dtâng-jai bplùuk glûuai-máai wái thîi chǎn dtòk ban-dai mûuea-cháao dtaam khǎaen sǔuan lǎng bâan phráw khun-mâae châawp khǎa mii raawy-chám dtem bpai mòt.

dàawk-glûuai-máai mâak. "I fell down the stairs this morning, and "Father intends to plant orchids in the now my arms and legs are bruised all garden behind the house because mother over." loves orchid flowers."

ดอกเข็มที�ปลูกไว้ หยิบกระเป๋าให้หน่อย yìp grà-bpǎo hâi nàwy. ออกดอกบานสะพรั�งสวยเต็มต้นเลย dàawk-khěm thîi bplùuk wái àawk-dàawk baan sà- "Please pick up the bag for me." phrâng sǔuai dtem dtôn looei.

“The jungle geraniums that I planted are blooming, and filling the whole plant with beautiful flowers.”

หากเราไม่เห็นว่าด้วยตาว่าเขาทําผิด หากเราไม่เห็นว่าด้วยตาว่าเขาทําผิด ก็อย่าไปกล่าวหาเขาลอยๆโดยไม่มีหลักฐา ก็อย่าไปกล่าวหาเขาลอยๆโดยไม่มีหลักฐา น น hàak rao mâi hěn wâa dûuai dtaa wâa khǎo tham- hàak rao mâi hěn wâa dûuai dtaa wâa khǎo tham- phìt. gâaw yàa bpai glàao-hǎa khǎo laawy-laawy phìt. gâaw yàa bpai glàao-hǎa khǎo laawy-laawy dooi mâi mii làk-thǎan. dooi mâi mii làk-thǎan.

"If we didn't see with our eyes that he was "If we didn't see with our eyes that he was at fault, don't go accusing him haphazardly at fault, don't go accusing him haphazardly without any evidence." without any evidence."

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #19 - DON'T BLAME ME FOR CRUSHING YOUR THAI ORCHID! 5 เธอตัดพ้อต่อว่าแฟนที�ไม่มีเวลาพาเธอไปเที� พอถึงฤดูใบไม้ร่วง ยว ใบไม้ก็ร่วงเกลื�อนกลาดเต็มพื�นดิน thooe dtàt-phâaw-dtàaw-wâa faaen thîi mâi mii phaaw thǔeng rúe-duu bai-máai-rûuang bai-máai wee-laa thooe bpai thîiao. gâaw rûuang glùuean-glàat dtem phúuen-din.

"She accused her boyfriend who didn't "As soon as it was autumn, the leaves fell have time for her, of going out for fun." and scattered all over the ground."


กวา (gwàa)

This word can be used as a preposition meaning "until." Most of the time, when we use กวา (gwàa), it comes after an adjective and means "more than." However, กวา (gwàa) can also be used as a preposition at the beginning of a sentence. In this way, it means "until" and is used when the speaker feels that it will be a long time until something happens. This is the example from the conversation:

1. กวาจะออกดอกก็ตองใชเวลานาน gwàa jà àawk dàawk gâaw dtâwng chái wee-laa naan. "It takes a long time until they bloom."

เบาที่สุด (bao thîi-sùt)

This phrase means "as lightly as possible." เบา (bao) is an adverb that can mean "lightly," "softly," "quietly," or "gently." ที่สุด (thîi-sùt) can be used as an adjective or adverb that means "the most," "the utmost," or "the greatest." So, the expression เบาที่สุด (bao thîi-sùt) would then mean "with the utmost gentleness." The whole phrase needs to follow a verb, as it did in the example from the conversation:

1. หนูก็หยิบเบาที่สุดแลว nǔu gèp yìp bao thîi-sùt láaeo. "I picked them as lightly as possible."

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #19 - DON'T BLAME ME FOR CRUSHING YOUR THAI ORCHID! 6 แตไมยอมรับ (dtàae mâi yaawm ráp)

This phrase means "but didn't admit to it." ยอมรับ (yaawm ráp) can mean "to accept," "to admit," or "to confess." It is a combination of the verbs ยอม (yaawm), which means "to give in," and รับ (ráp), which means "to accept" or "to take." This phrase was used in the following sentence from the conversation:

1. หมวยเปนคนทําแตไมยอมรับ mǔuai bpen khon tham dtàae mâi yaawm ráp. "Muai is the one who did it, but she won't admit to it."

ชํ้า (chám)

The verb "to bruise" in Thai is used in wider contexts than in English. For example, it can be used for a physical bruise, but also to describe hurt feelings or being emotionally bruised. Like in the example เขาทําใหฉันชํ้าใจ ("He makes my heart suffer."). For physical bruising, it is not only used for people and bruises. The verb ชํ้า is also used to describe damaged flowers or fruits. Here are some examples demonstrating the three different ways in which this is used in Thai:

1. เด็กไดรับบาดเจ็บจากรถลมชํ้าระบมไปทั้งตัว "The boy had a bicycle crash and got bruised all over his body."

2. ดอกไมชํ้าเพราะถือไมระวัง "The flower got bruised because it was not carried with care."

3. สมชํ้าเพราะหลนลงจากโตะ "The orange got bruised from falling off the table."


The Focus of this Lesson Is Using ตัดพอตอวา (dtàt-pháaw-dtàaw-wâa) to Mean "To Accuse" or "To Blame" อยาเอาแตตัดพอตอวากันเลย

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #19 - DON'T BLAME ME FOR CRUSHING YOUR THAI ORCHID! 7 yàa ao dtàae dtàt-pháaw-dtàaw-wâa gan looei. "Don't just complain and blame each other."

The focus of this lesson is using ตัดพอตอวา (dtàt-pháaw-dtàaw-wâa) to mean "to accuse" or "to blame." ตัดพอตอวา (dtàt-pháaw-dtàaw-wâa) is a verb phrase that can be used to mean "to blame" or "to complain." This phrase is actually a combination of two other verbs that both mean "to complain" or "to blame" when used individually. However, they have different connotations. ตอวา (dtàaw-wâa) means "to complain" in general, while ตัดพอ (dtàt-pháaw) means "to complain out of hurt feelings" (rather than just out of anger or dissatisfaction). ตัดพอ (dtàt-pháaw) is usually used when you are not really angry but feel neglected. Look at these examples to learn the contexts in which the two verbs are used:

1. ลูกคาตอวาพนักงานเสิรฟที่บริการไมดี lûuk-kaá dtàaw-wâa pha-ná k-gnaań sòoep tîi boo-rí-gaan mai-dii.̂ "A customer reproaches the server for giving bad service."

2. โบวตัดพอปองที่ไมมีเวลาให boo dtàt-pháaw paawnǧ tîi mai-miî wee-laa haî "Bow complains to Pong about him not having enough time for her."

In the conversation, we have this sentence:

1. อยาเอาแตตัดพอตอวากันเลย yàa ao dtàae dtàt-pháaw-dtàaw-wâa gan looei. "Don't just complain and blame each other."


Thai Orchids

The orchid is a flower that is closely associated with Thailand. The purple color of the most common variety of Thai orchid has inspired the colors used by Thai Airways and many other businesses. Thai Airways uses the name "Royal Orchid" for its frequent flyer program. There

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #19 - DON'T BLAME ME FOR CRUSHING YOUR THAI ORCHID! 8 are also many Thai restaurants in various cities around the world that use the name "Thai Orchid." Orchids may be grown for decoration around the home. Women may also wear orchids pinned to their hair when dressing up for a special traditional occasion.

The Thai word for "orchid" is ดอกกลวยไม (dàawk-glûuai-máai). The orchids that grow in Thailand have aerial roots, and you can find them in nature growing attached to trees and shrubs. They are cultivated extensively in Northern Thailand. There are several orchid farms near the city of Chiang Mai that are a popular attraction for foreign tourists.

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #19 - DON'T BLAME ME FOR CRUSHING YOUR THAI ORCHID! 9 LESSON NOTES Upper Intermediate S1 #20 Nobody Is Forcing You To Get a Tattoo in Thailand!


2 Thai 2 English 3 Romanization 4 Vocabulary 5 Sample Sentences 6 Vocabulary Phrase Usage 7 Grammar 8 Cultural Insight

# 20


1. โบว์: พี�ป๋องเป็นอะไรไปคะ ทําหน้าบึ�งยังกับไปโกรธใครมา ใครมาทําให้พี�ป๋องโกรธขนาดนี�

2. ป๋อง: ก็คนสักลายน่ะสิ เขาสักให้พี�ไม่สวย สงสัยจะเป็นมือใหม่เพิ�งหัดสัก แพงก็แพง แถมทําพี�เจ็บมาก พี�จะขอลดราคาก็ไม่ยอม

3. โบว์: สมควรละค่ะ ไม่มีใครบังคับให้ไปสักซะหน่อย เอาเข็มจิ�มเนื�อก็ต้องเจ็บเป็นธรรมดา จะได้จําไว้คราวหน้าจะได้ไม่หาเรื�องไปสักอีก

4. ป๋อง: จ้า ไม่มีใครบังคับพี�หรอก แต่พี�อยากทําเอง คิดว่าจะออกมาสวยเหมือนในภาพที�เขาโชว์ให้พี�ดูที�หน้าร้านในตอน แรก ใครจะคิดว่ามันจะเป็นแบบนี�

5. โบว์: แล้วพี�จะทํายังไงคะ

6. ป๋อง: ไม่รู้เหมือนกัน ตอนนี�สักไม่สวย ก็เลยคิดว่าต้องกลับไปสักแก้ใหม่ แต่กลัวว่าจะเจ็บเหมือนเดิม

7. โบว์: จ้ะ ถ้าไม่อยากมีรอยสักที�ไม่สวยแบบนี�ตลอดชีวิด ก็ไม่มีทางเลือก ยังไงก็ต้องสักใหม่อยู่ดี แต่ห้ามกลับไปร้านเดิมนะคะ เขาไม่มีฝีมือในการสักเลย

8. ป๋อง: ใช่แล้ว พี�ไม่กลับไปร้านเดิมแน่นอน



THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #20 - NOBODY I S FORCI NG YOU TO GET A TATTOO I N THAI LAND! 2 1. BOW: What's wrong, Pong? You are making a face as if you're angry at someone. Who made you this angry?

2. PONG: It's the tattoo artist. He tattooed me, and it doesn't look good. I think he's probably new-just practicing. But it's expensive, and it also hurt me a lot. I asked for a discount, and he wouldn't give me one.

3. BOW: How appropriate! Nobody is forcing you to go get a tattoo. It's normal for a needle poking your flesh to hurt. Will you remember next time not to bother getting a tattoo?

4. PONG: Yes, nobody is forcing me, but I wanted to get one myself. I thought it would turn out looking good, like in the picture they showed me in front of the shop before I got it. Who would think it would turn out like this?

5. BOW: So, what are you going to do?

6. PONG: I don't know. The tattoo doesn't look good now, so I think I have to go back and get it tattooed again to fix it. But I'm afraid it's going to hurt like before.

7. BOW: Right. If you don't want an ugly tattoo for the rest of your life, you don't have a choice. Anyways, you have to get tattooed again, but don't go back to the same shop as before. They don't have any skill in doing tattoos.

8. PONG: Right. I certainly won't go back to the same shop.



THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #20 - NOBODY I S FORCI NG YOU TO GET A TATTOO I N THAI LAND! 3 1. BOO: phîi bpǎwng bpen à-rai bpai khá. tham nâa-bûeng yang gàp bpai gròot khrai maa. khrai maa tham hâi phîi bpǎwng gròot khà-nàat-níi.

2. BPǍWNG: gâaw khon sàk-lǎai nâ sì. khǎo sàk hâi phîi mâi-sǔuai. sǒng-sǎi jà bpen muue-mài phôoeng hàt sàk. phaaeng gâaw phaaeng. thǎaem tham phîi jèp mâak. phîi jà khǎaw lót raa-khaa gâaw mâi yaawm.

3. BOO: sǒm-khuuan lá khâ. mâi mii khrai bang-kháp hâi bpai sàk sà-nàwy. ao khěm-jîm-núuea gâaw dtâwng jèp bpen tham-má-daa. jà dâai jam-wái khraao-nâa jà dâai mâi hǎa rûueang bpai sàk ìik.

4. BPǍWNG: jâa. mâi mii khrai bang-kháp phîi ràawk. dtàae phîi yàak tham eeng. khít wâa jà àawk sǔuai mǔuean nai phâap thîi khǎo choo hâi phîi duu thîi nâa ráan nai dtaawn-râaek. khrai jà khít wâa man jà bpen bàaep níi.

5. BOO: láaeo phîi jà tham yang-ngai khá.

6. BPǍWNG: mâi rúu mǔuean-gan. dtaawn-níi sàk mâi sǔuai. gâaw looei khít wâa dtâwng glàp bpai sàk gàae mài. dtàae gluua wâa jà jèp mǔuean-dooem.

7. BOO: jâ. thâa mâi yàak mii raawy-sàk thîi mâi sǔuai bàaep níi dtà-làawt chii-wít gâaw mâi mii thaang-lûueak. yang-ngai gâaw dtâwng sàk mài yùu-dii. dtàae hâam glàp bpai ráan dooem ná khá. khǎo mâi mii fǐi-muue nai gaan-sàk looei.

8. BPǍWNG: châi láaeo. phîi mâi glàp bpai ráan dooem nâae-naawn.


Thai Romanization English Class

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #20 - NOBODY I S FORCI NG YOU TO GET A TATTOO I N THAI LAND! 4 ยอม yaawm to give in, to allow verb

รอยสัก raawy-sàk tattoo noun

สักลาย sàk-laai to tattoo verb

หน้าบึ�ง nâa-bûeng to make a face verb

จิ�ม jîm to poke, to dip verb

มือใหม่ muue-mài to be inexperienced verb

หัด hàt to practice verb

สมควร sǒm-khuuan suitably, should verb, adverb

บังคับ bang-kháp to force, compulsory verb, adjective


เขาริเริ�มโครงการที�มีชื�อว่า ความสามารถของสตรีไทยเริ�มเป็นที�ยอมรับ "ไม่มีทางยอมแพ้" กันมากขึ�น เพื�อช่วยเหลือเหยื�อผู้ประสบภัยสึนามิในป khwaam-sǎa-mâat khǎawng sà-dtrii thai rôoem bpen thîi yaawm-ráp gan mâak khûen ระเทศญี�ปุ่น khǎo rí-rôoem khroong-gaan thîi mii chûue wâa "The ability of Thai women becomes more "mâi mii thaang yaawm pháae" phûuea chûuai- accepted." lǔuea yùuea phûu-bprà-sòp-phai súe-naa-mí nai bprà-thêet yîi-bpùn

"He initiated the project called "Never Give Up" to help victims of the tsunami in Japan."

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #20 - NOBODY I S FORCI NG YOU TO GET A TATTOO I N THAI LAND! 5 ผู้ชายคนนั�นมีรอยสักเต็มตัวเลย ดูน่าเกลียด อาชีพสักลายนี�ก็รายได้ดีเหมือนกันนะเนี�ย phûu-chaai khon-nán mii raawy-sàk dtem dtuua น่าสนใจ looei. duu nâa-glìiat. aa-chîip sàk-laai níi gâaw raai dâai dii mǔuean- gan ná nîia. nâa-sǒn-jai. "That guy has tattoos all over his body. It looks ugly." "The tattoo profession gets you a good salary too. That's interesting."

เป็นแม่ค้าไม่ควรทําหน้าบึ�ง อย่าเอานิ�วมาจิ�มเอวนะมันจั�กจ yàa ao níu maa jîm eeo ná man ják-gà-jîi เราต้องสดชื�นแจ่มใสตลอดเวลาพูดจาสุภาพ และแต่งตัวเรียบร้อย "Don't poke me in the waist with your bpen mâae-kháa mâi khuuan tham nâa-bûeng. finger. It's ticklish." rao dtâwng sòt-chûuen jàaem-sǎi dtà-làawt wee- laa phûut-jaa sù-phâap láe dtàaeng-dtuua rîiap- ráawy.

“A merchant shouldn’t make a sour face. We have to be fresh and bright all the time, speak politely, and dress properly.”

เธอเพิ�งหัดขับรถมาไม่นาน เด็กไม่สมควรแสดงอาการหงุดหงิด รําคาญ เดี�ยวพี�ไปซื�อป้าย ต่อหน้าผู้ใหญ่ มือใหม่หัดขับมาติดท้ายรถให้ดีกว่า dèk mâi sǒm-khuuan sà-daaeng aa-gaan ngùt- ngìt ram-khaan dtàaw nâa phûu-yài. thooe phôoeng hàt khàp rót maa mâi naan. dǐiao phîi bpai súue bpâai muue-mài hàt khàp maa dtìt "Children who don't behave properly show tháai rót hâi dii gwàa. signs of irritation in front of adults." "You just started training to drive a car not long ago. I had better go buy a 'New Driver in Training' sign to stick to the rear of the car."

อย่าบังคับให้ใครทําในสิ�งที�เขาไม่ชอบ มันจะทําให้เขาไม่มีความสุข yàa bang-kháp hâi khrai tham nai sìng thîi khǎo mâi châawp. man jà tham hâi khǎo mâi mii khwaam-sùk.

"Don't force anyone to do something they don't like. It will make them unhappy."


THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #20 - NOBODY I S FORCI NG YOU TO GET A TATTOO I N THAI LAND! 6 ไมมีทางเลือก (mâi mii thaang-lûueak)

This phrase means "there's no choice." ทางเลือก (thaang-lûueak) is a noun that means "choice." It comes from a combination of two words: ทาง (thaang) means "way" or "path" and เลือก (lûueak) means "to choose." So, when you want to say that you "have no choice" in Thai, the phrase takes the literal form of "don't have a path to choose."

ทําหนาบึ้งยังกับไปโกรธใครมา (tham nâa-bûeng yang gàp bpai gròot khrai maa)

This sentence means "making a face like you went and got angry at somebody." หนาบึ้ง (nâa- bûeng) means a "pouting face" or "frowning face"—in short, a "displeased face." The last half of this sentence is ไปโกรธใครมา (bpai gròot khrai maa), which would literally mean "to go be angry at somebody and come back." This whole sentence is used in the conversation because one of the characters has returned with a frown on their face after being away.

เขาไมมีฝมือในการสักเลย (khǎo mâi mii fǐi-muue nai gaan-sàk looei)

This sentence means "He doesn't have any skill at tattooing." ฝมือ (fǐi-muue) is a noun that means "skill" or "ability." สัก (sàk) means "tattoo," and so การสัก (gaan-sàk) is the verbal noun "tattooing." The preposition ใน (nai meaning "in") is used in this sentence, so a word-for- word translation would be something like "He doesn't have (any) skill in tattooing at all."


The Focus of this Lesson Is Using บังคับ (bang-kháp) To Mean "To Force" or "To Compel" ไมมีใครบังคับใหไปสักซะหนอย mâi mii khrai bang-kháp hâi bpai sàk sá nàwy. "Nobody is forcing you to go get a tattoo."

The focus of this lesson is using บังคับ (bang-kháp) to mean "to force" or "to compel." บังคับ (bang-kháp) is a verb that means "to force," but it can also be used as an adjective that means "mandatory" or "compulsory." First, let's look at how it is used as a verb. We had this example from the conversation:

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #20 - NOBODY I S FORCI NG YOU TO GET A TATTOO I N THAI LAND! 7 1. ไมมีใครบังคับใหไปสักซะหนอย mâi mii khrai bang-kháp hâi bpai sàk sa ́ nàwy. "Nobody is forcing you to go get a tattoo."

The grammar might be easier to understand if we change to a sentence with something simple, such as พี่ชาย (phîi-chaai) ("older brother"), for the subject. Then, we could say:

1. พี่ชายบังคับเราไปสัก phîi-chaai bang-kháp rao bpai sàk. "My brother forced me to go get tattooed."

บังคับ (bang-kháp) also functions as an adjective. One example of an expression using the adjective form of the word is วิชาบังคับ (wí-chaa bang-kháp), which means "compulsory subject" or "required subject." As with other Thai adjectives, บังคับ (bang-kháp) just follows the noun, which, in this case, is วิชา (wí-chaa meaning "subject"). One additional way to describe something as being mandatory would be to use the expression:

1. เปนการบังคับ bpen gaan bang-kháp. "It's mandatory."

การ (gaan) is the noun's "action" or "activity." So, the expression above literally means "it's a compulsory activity."


Tattoos in Thailand

The art of tattooing has a long history in Thailand. Tattoos were traditionally associated with magic, and so people could get magical diagrams tattooed onto their bodies. This type of tattoo is called สักยันต (sàk-yan). These magical tattoos are traditionally given by monks or certain laymen who have been trained in the art and have been given authority by their teacher to tattoo others. Traditional tattoos are made with a bamboo needle. After receiving a

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #20 - NOBODY I S FORCI NG YOU TO GET A TATTOO I N THAI LAND! 8 magic tattoo, the wearer is supposed to follow certain superstitious rules to prevent the magic from disappearing. One example of such a rule is to avoid walking beneath a woman's undergarments. Magic tattoos will usually be located on the chest or back, although, in the olden days, it was common for men to be tattooed on their upper thighs.

Modern tattoos worn for fashion have become more popular in recent years. It is not difficult to find a tattoo shop, many of which cater especially to tourists. It is still a little uncommon for women to have tattoos. There is a general perception among Thai people that tattoos on a woman are a sign that she has worked in a bar or didn't have a proper upbringing. There is, however, one style of สักยันต (sàk-yan) that is somewhat popular for women to get. It is called หาแถว (hâa-thǎaeo), which means "five rows." This tattoo design consists of five vertical rows of writing placed on the back of the shoulder. The writing is done in the Khmer alphabet, and it is believed to function like a charm that attracts good fortune.

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #20 - NOBODY I S FORCI NG YOU TO GET A TATTOO I N THAI LAND! 9 LESSON NOTES Upper Intermediate S1 #21 I'm Not Fat, I Just Have a Thai Coconut Curry Belly


2 Thai 2 English 3 Romanization 4 Vocabulary 5 Sample Sentences 6 Vocabulary Phrase Usage 7 Grammar 8 Cultural Insight

# 21


1. ป๋อง: ว้าวโบว์ทําแกงกะทิของโปรดพี�เหรอจ๊ะ หอมน่ากินจัง สงสัยวันนี�พี�จะกินข้าวได้เยอะกว่าทุกวัน

2. โบว์: ก็เห็นพี�กินเยอะทุกวันไม่ใช่เหรอคะ ชอบจริง ๆ แกงกะทิ ไม่ใช่เพราะพี�ชอบอาหารเเละขนมหวานทุกอย่างที�ใส่กะทิเหรอ ถึงได้ดูอ้วนกระปุ๊กลุกแบบนี� มะพร้าวของต้นหลังบ้านที�เรามีอยู่หมดแล้ว โบว์ต้องออกไปซื�อมะพร้าวที�ตลาด

3. ป๋อง: โบว์ก็พูดเกินไป พี�ไม่ได้อ้วนซะหน่อย แค่นํ�าหนักขึ�นมาเล็กน้อย ใส่กางเกงยีนส์ตัวเก่าไม่ได้เท่านั�นเอง

4. โบว์: ตอนที�พี�ซื�อตุ๊กตาหมีมาให้ในวันเกิดโบว์ แทบแยกไม่ออกเลยว่าอันไหนคนอันไหนตุ๊กตาหมีเพราะดูกระปุ๊กลุก น่ารักเท่ากันเลย ฮ่า ๆ

5. ป๋อง: พี�อยากให้เจ้าตุ๊กตาหมีเป็นตัวแทนของพี�อยู่ใกล้ ๆ โบว์ไงจ๊ะ จะได้รู้สึกว่ามีพี�อยู่ด้วยตลอดเวลา พี�น่ารักไหมละ

6. โบว์: ค่ะ เข้าใจหาขออ้างจริง ๆ เลยนะพี�ป๋อง อาหารเสร็จแล้วมาทานข้าวกันเถอะค่ะ หรือพี�ป๋องจะไปออกกําลังกายก่อนดีไหม



THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #21 - I 'M NOT FAT, I JUST HAVE A THAI COCONUT CURRY BELLY 2 1. PONG: Wow! You made my favorite coconut milk curry? It smells delicious. I suspect I'm going to eat more than usual today.

2. BOW: I see you eat a lot every day. Don't you? You really like coconut milk curry. Isn't it because you like every kind of food and dessert that has coconut milk that you look chubby like this? The coconut tree behind the house is all out of coconuts. I have to go buy them at the market.

3. PONG: You've said too much. I'm not fat. I'm just a little bit heavier. I just can't fit into my old pair of jeans, that's all.

4. BOW: When you bought me the teddy bear for my birthday, I almost said "Which is the person, and which is the teddy bear?" because you looked as cute and chubby as the bear. Ha-ha.

5. PONG: I wanted the teddy bear to be my substitute close to you. You can feel like you have me by your side, always. Does that make me cute?

6. BOW: Yes, that's a good excuse. The food is ready-let's eat. Or do you want to go work out first, instead?


1. BPǍWNG: wáo boo tham gaaeng gà-thí khǎawng-bpròot phîi rǒoe já. hǎawm nâa-gin jang. sǒng-sǎi wan-níi phîi jà gin khâao dâai yóe gwàa thúk-wan.


THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #21 - I 'M NOT FAT, I JUST HAVE A THAI COCONUT CURRY BELLY 3 2. BOO: gâw hěn phîi gin yóe thúk-wan. mâi châi rǒoe khá. châawp jing-jing gaaeng gà-thí. mâi châi phráw phîi châawp aa-hǎan láe khà-nǒm wǎan thúk-yàang thîi sài gà-thí rǒoe. thǔeng dâai duu ûuan grà-búk- lúk bàaep níi. má-phráao khǎawng dtôn lǎng bâan thîi rao mii yùu mòt láaeo. boo dtâawng àawk bpai súue má-phráao thîi dtà-làat.

3. BPǍWNG: boo gâw phûut gooen-bpai. phîi mâi dâi ûuan sá-nàauy. khâae nám-nàk khûen maa lék-náauy. sài gaang-geeng yiin dtuua gào mâi dâi thâo nán eeng.

4. BOO: dtaawn thîi phîi súue dtúk-gà-dtaa mǐi maa hâi nai wan-gòoet boo thâaep-yâaek mâi àawk looei wâa an-nǎi khon an-nǎi dtúk-gà-dtaa mǐi phráw duu grà-bpúk-lúk nâa-rák thâo-gan looei hâa-hâa.

5. BPǍWNG: phîi yàak hâi jâo dtúk-gà-dtaa mǐi bpen dtuua thaaen khǎawng phîi yùu glâi-glâi boo ngai ja.́ jà dâai rúu-sùek wâa mii phîi yùu dûuai dtà-làawt wee-laa. phîi nâa-rák mǎi lá

6. BOO: khâ. khâo-jai hǎa khǎaw âang jing-jing looei ná phîi bpǎwng aa- hǎan sèt láaeo maa thaan khâao gan thòe khâ. rǔue phîi bpǎwng jà bpai àawk-gam-lang-gaai gàawn dii mǎi.


Thai Romanization English Class

ขนมหวาน khà-nǒm-wǎan sweets, dessert noun

กางเกงยีนส์ gaang-geeng-yiin jeans noun

ตุ๊กตาหมี dtúk-gà-dtaa-mǐi teddy bear noun

replacement, ตัวแทน dtuua thaaen substitute noun


ของโปรด khǎawng-bpròot favorite noun

แกง gaaeng curry noun

อ้วนกระปุ๊กลุก ûuan grà-bpúk-lúk chubby adjective phrase

มะพร้าว má-phráao coconut noun


คุณแม่โทรบอกให้ไปซื�อขนมหวานให้หน่อย นั�งไม่ถนัดทุกทีเวลาใส่กางเกงยีนส์ khun-mâae thoo bàawk hâi bpai súue khà-nǒm- nâng mâi thà-nàt thúk thîi wee-laa sài gaang- wǎan hâi nàwy. geeng-yiin.

"Mom called to tell you to buy some "I can't sit comfortably anytime I wear dessert for her." jeans."

ฉันทําตุ๊กตาหมีหลุดมือตกลงนํ�าเปียกหมดเ ฉันได้รับมอบหมายเป็นตัวแทนเจ้านาย ลย chǎn dâai ráp màawp mǎai bpen dtuua thaaen jâo-naai. chǎn tham dtúk-gà-dtaa-mǐi lùt muue dtòk long náam bpìiak mòt looei. "I got an assignment to fill in for the boss." "I let the teddy bear slip out of my hand, fall in the water, and get all wet."

ซื�อข้าวเหนียวมะม่วง คนขายลืมใส่กะทิ เลิกงานแล้วรีบกลับบ้านนะลูก súue khâao-nǐiao má-mûuang. khon khǎai luuem แม่จะทําแกงปลาของโปรดไว้รอ sài gà-thí. lôoek ngaan láaeo rîip glàp bâan ná lûuk. mâae jà tham gaaeng bplaa khǎawng bpròot wái raaw. "I bought mango and sticky rice. The seller forgot to add coconut milk." "After work, hurry home. Mother is going to make your favorite fish curry."

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #21 - I 'M NOT FAT, I JUST HAVE A THAI COCONUT CURRY BELLY 5 เลิกงานแล้วรีบกลับบ้านนะลูก ถ้าไม่ยอมออกกําลังกายสักวันก็จะอ้วนกระ แม่จะทําแกงปลาของโปรดไว้รอ ปุ๊กลุกเหมือนพี�แน่ๆ lôoek ngaan láaeo rîip glàp bâan ná lûuk. mâae thâa mâi yaawm àawk-gam-lang-gaai sàk wan jà tham gaaeng bplaa khǎawng bpròot wái raaw. gâaw jà ûuan grà-bpúk-lúk mǔuean phîi nâae-

nâae. "After work, hurry home. Mother is going to make your favorite fish curry." "If you don't give in and exercise, one day you'll be chubby just like me, for sure."

มะพร้าวมีเยอะที�ภาคใต้ má-phráao mii yóe thîi phàak-dtâi

"There are a lot of coconuts in the South."


หอมนากินจัง (hǎawm nâa-gin jang)

This phrase means "it smells really tasty." หอม hǎawm can act either as an adjective meaning "fragrant" or a verb meaning "to smell good." นากิน (nâa-gin) is an expression that means "sounds tasty" or "looks delicious." When we put นา (nâa) before a verb, it means "worthy of." So, นากิน (nâa-gin) is "worthy to eat." Finally, จัง (jang) is added for extra emphasis.

ไมไดอวนซะหนอย (mâi dâi ûuan sá nàwy)

This phrase means "I'm not so fat." ไมได (mâi dâi) means "didn't do" when it comes at the beginning of a sentence, and อวน (ûuan) is the adjective "fat." But, in this case, it functions like a verb, meaning "to get fat." And so, ไมไดอวน (mâi dâi ûuan) would mean, "I didn't get fat." ซะหนอย (sá nàwy) means something like "just a bit," but we usually use ไม before the verb and ซะหนอย at the end of the sentence when we want to disagree with a statement, to emphasize that "it's not even a bit true." So, the whole phrase could be translated as, "Hey, I didn't get fat at all."

แคนํ้าหนักขึ้นมาเล็กนอย (khâae nám-nàk khûen maa lék náawy)

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #21 - I 'M NOT FAT, I JUST HAVE A THAI COCONUT CURRY BELLY 6 This phrase means "I just got a little bit heavier." นํ้าหนัก (nám-nàk) is the noun "weight," and ขึ้นมา (khûen maa) means "to increase" or "to come and get bigger." เล็กนอย (lék náawy) means "a little bit." The phrase starts with the word แค (khâae), meaning "only" or "just." So, a word-for-word translation would be "just the weight increased a little bit."


The Focus of this Lesson Is Using Special Adverbs that Go with Particular Adjectives ไมใชเพราะพี่ชอบอาหารขนมหวานทุกอยางที่ใสกะทิเหรอ ถึงไดดูอวนกระปุกลุกแบบนี้ mâi châi phráw phîi châawp aa-hǎan khà-nǒm-wǎan thúk yàang thîi sài gà-thí rǒoe thǔeng dâai duu ûuan grà-búk-lúk bàaep-níi. "Isn't it because you like every kind of food and dessert that has coconut milk that you look chubby like this?"

The focus of this lesson is using special adverbs that go with particular adjectives. In Lesson 14, we learned a number of special adverbs that go with certain adjectives instead of using the regular มาก (mâak meaning "very"). One example was แดงแจ (daaeng jǎae), which means "bright red." In that lesson, most of the special adverbs we covered were used with certain color adjectives. In this lesson, we will cover more specialty adverbs that mostly go with certain adjectives that describe shapes and sizes. One example we had in the conversation was the phrase อวนกระปุกลุก (ûuan grà-búk-lúk). The adjective อวน (ûuan) means "fat," but the whole phrase, อวนกระปุกลุก (ûuan grà-búk-lúk), means "to be chubby in a cute way." It was used in the following sentence:

1. ไมใชเพราะพี่ชอบอาหารขนมหวานทุกอยางที่ใสกะทิเหรอ ถึงไดดูอวนกระปุกลุกแบบนี้ mâi châi phráw phîi châawp aa-hǎan khà-nǒm-wǎan thúk yàang thîi sài gà-thí rǒoe thǔeng dâai duu ûuan grà-búk-lúk bàaep-níi. "Isn't it because you like every kind of food and dessert that has coconut milk that you look chubby like this?"

Here is a list of additional special adjective-adverb pairs that you can use to make your Thai sentences more expressive and natural-sounding:


อวนกระปุกลุก ûuan grà-búk-lúk "chubby"

กลมดิ๊ก glom dík "very round"

สูงปรี๊ด sǔung bpríit "very tall"

ยาวเฟอย yaao fúueai "very long"

สั้นจุดจู sân jút-jǔu "very short"

ผอมกะหรอง phǎawm gà-ràawng "sickly thin"

แหลมเปยบ lǎaem bpíiap "sharply pointed"

คมกริบ khom gríp "razor sharp"


Coconut Milk in Thailand

Coconut milk, or กะทิ (gà-thí) in Thai, is an important ingredient in Thai cooking. Coconut milk is derived from the grated meat inside a coconut. It is different to นํ้ามะพราว (nám má- phráao), or the juice found inside the hollow part of a coconut, which can be drunk as a refreshing beverage. Coconut milk, on the other hand, is very oily. It has high levels of saturated fat. Most of the coconut milk that is consumed these days is sold in cans. Canned coconut milk can be stored for a long time, but once a can is opened, it must be refrigerated or it will spoil quickly.

Coconut milk is used to make many types of Thai curries. To make a curry, the coconut milk is first cooked first over high heat, and then, curry paste is added. After this, the meats, vegetables, and other seasonings are stirred in and cooked together. Many Thai sweets are also based on coconut milk. One example of a Thai sweet made with coconut milk is ขนมถวย (khà-nǒm-thûuai), which is like a type of coconut milk pudding served in small


THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #21 - I 'M NOT FAT, I JUST HAVE A THAI COCONUT CURRY BELLY 9 LESSON NOTES Upper Intermediate S1 #22 What Does a Thai Holy Man Look Like?


2 Thai 2 English 3 Romanization 4 Vocabulary 5 Sample Sentences 6 Vocabulary Phrase Usage 7 Grammar 8 Cultural Insight

# 22


1. โบว์: ดูผู้ชายคนนั�นซิ หนวดยาวเฟื�อยเหมือนฤาษีเลย ตลกอ่ะ เขาไม่รู้สึกรําคาญเหรอ เป็นโบว์คงอยู่ไม่ได้แน่ ๆ แค่ผมยาวก็ร้อน รําคาญจะแย่

2. ป๋อง: น้องโบว์พูดเบา ๆ ซิจ๊ะ เดี�ยวเขาก็ได้ยินหรอก เขาจะว่าเราได้ว่าไม่มีมารยาทนะ ไปกันเถอะใกล้เวลาบินแล้ว เดี�ยวขึ�นบินไม่ทัน

3. โบว์: ถ้าพูดเบา ๆ เขาก็หาว่านินทา ต้องพูดดัง ๆ ให้เขาได้ยิน เขาจะได้ภูมิใจว่าเขาทําตัวเป็นจุดเด่นได้สําเร็จ มีคนพูดถึงเขา หาดูได้ยาก โบว์อยากถ่ายรูปเก็บไว้ดูด้วยดีไหม ฮ่า ๆ

4. ป๋อง: งั�นพี�ไม่รอแล้วนะ ปล่อยเด็กดื�อทิ�งไว้ที�นี�แหละ ถ้าไปขึ�นบินไม่ทัน อย่ามาหาว่าพี�ไม่เตือน

5. โบว์: มาแล้ว มาแล้ว ทําเป็นวัยรุ่นใจร้อนไปได้พี�ป๋อง อายุมากแล้วนะพี�ฮ่า ๆ

6. ป๋อง: หาว่าพี�แก่เหรอ โบว์ไม่แก่บ้างก็ให้มันรู้ไป เออ โบว์พี�ได้ข่าวว่ามีผู้ชายมาขอหนิงแต่งงานเหรอ ไม่น่าเชื�อเนอะว่าอย่างหนิงจะมีคนมาขอด้วย พี�คิดว่าจะขึ�นคานซะอีก ฮ่า ๆ

7. โบว์: บอกไม่ให้โบว์นินทาคนอื�น แต่พี�ป๋องนินทาซะเอง โบว์จะฟ้องหนิง อย่าลืมนะว่าโบว์กับหนิงเป็นเพื�อนรักกัน พี�ป๋องโดนหนิงเล่นงานแน่ ฮ่า ๆ


THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #22 - WHAT DOES A THAI HOLY MAN LOOK LI KE? 2 1. BOW: Look at that guy! His beard is super long, like a hermit's. It's funny. Doesn't he feel bothered by it? If it were me, I couldn't stand it for sure. Just having long hair makes me feel hot. It bothers me terribly.

2. PONG: Speak softly—he might hear you. He'll accuse us of not having manners. Let's go. It's close to the flight time. We could be late for the flight.

3. BOW: If we speak softly, he'll claim we're gossiping. We have to speak loudly so he hears. He'll be proud that he's succeeded in making himself a distinguishing feature, that people are talking about him, that he's something hard to find. I'd like to get a picture of him to keep, too. Ha-ha.

4. PONG: Then I'm not waiting for you. I'm letting go of the naughty kid here. If you don't make the flight in time, don't say I didn't warn you.

5. BOW: Here I come! You can be like a hot-tempered teenager. You're old already. Ha-ha.

6. PONG: Are you calling me old? You're not old yet, but one day you'll know how it feels. Um, Bow, I heard that some guy asked Ning to marry him. I can't believe that someone like Ning had somebody ask her. I thought she would be an old maid. Ha-ha.

7. BOW: You told me not to gossip about others, but you're gossiping yourself. I'm going to inform Ning. Don't forget that we're best friends. You'll get it from her for sure. Ha-ha.



THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #22 - WHAT DOES A THAI HOLY MAN LOOK LI KE? 3 1. BOO: duu phûu-chaai khon nán sí. nùuat yaao fúueai mǔuean ruue-sǐi looei. dtà-lòk à. khǎo mâi rúu-sùek ram-khaan rǒoe. bpen boo khong yùu mâi dâai nâae-nâae. khâae phǒm yaao gâaw ráawn. ram-khaan jà yâae.

2. BPǍWNG: náawng boo phûut bao-bao sí já. dǐiao khǎo gâaw dâi-yin ràawk. khǎo jà wâa rao rao dâai wâa mâi mii maa-rá-yâat ná. bpai gan thòe glâi wee-laa bin láaeo. dǐiao khûen-bin mâi than.

3. BOO: thâa phûut bao-bao khǎo gâaw hǎa-wâa nin-thaa. dtâwng phûut dang-dang hâi khǎo dâi-yin. khǎo jà dâai phuum-jai wâa khǎo tham dtuua bpen jùt-dèen dâai sǎm-rèt. mii khon phûut thǔeng khǎo. hǎa duu dâai yâak. boo yàak thàai-rûup gèp-wái duu dûuai dii mǎi hâa- hâa.

4. BPǍWNG: ngán phîi mâi raaw láaeo ná. bplàawy dèk dûue thíng wái thîi-nîi làe. thâa bpai khûen-bin mâi than yàa maa hǎa-wâa phîi mâi dtuuean.

5. BOO: maa láaeo maa láaeo. tham bpen wai-rûn jai-ráawn bpai dâai phîi bpǎwng. aa-yú mâak láaeo ná phîi hâa-hâa.

6. BPǍWNG: hǎa-wâa phîi gàae rǒoe. boo mâi gàae bâang gâaw hâi man rúu bpai. ooe boo phîi dâai khàao wâa mii phûu-chaai maa khǎaw nǐng dtàeng-ngaan rǒoe. mâi nâa-chûuea náw wâa yàang nǐng jà mii khon maa khǎaw dûuai. phîi khít wâa jà khûen-khaan sá ìik. hâa- hâa.

7. BOO: bàawk mâi hâia boo nin-thaa khon ùuen. dtàae phîi bpǎwng nin- thaa sá eeng. boo jà fáawng nǐng. yàa luuem ná wâa boo gàp nǐng bpen phûuean-rák gan. phîi bpǎwng doon nǐng lên ngaan nâae hâa-hâa.



เพื�อนรัก phûuean-rák best friend noun

ขึ�นคาน khûen-khaan to be an old maid verb

จุดเด่น jùt-dèen distinguishing feature noun

นินทา nin-thaa to gossip verb

ยาวเฟื�อย fúueai very long adverb

ฤาษี ruue-sǐi holy hermit noun

หนวด nùuat mustache, beard noun

รําคาญ ram-khaan to feel annoyed verb

มารยาท maa-rá-yâat manners noun

ภูมิใจ phuum-jai to be proud of verb


เพื�อนรักจะคอยเตือนเวลาที�เห็นเพื�อนกําลัง ผู้หญิงที�มีอายุเกินสามสิบปีแล้วยังไม่มีแฟน หลงทําสิ�งที�ผิด ก็เตรียมตัวขึ�นคานได้เลย phûuean-rák jà khaawy dtuuean wee-laa thîi hěn phûu-yǐng mii aa-yú gooen sǎam-sìp bpii láaeo phûuean gam-lang tham sìng thîi phìt. yang mâi mii faaen gâaw dtriia-dtuua khûen-

khaan dâai looei. "Close friends will alert each other when they see each other doing something "Women who get to be thirty years old and wrong." still don't have a boyfriend can prepare to be an old maid."

จุดเด่นของบิลล์เกตส์คือใส่แว่น เธอชอบนินทาคนอื�น jùt-dèen khǎawng biu gèet khuue sài wâen. thooe châawp nin-thaa khon ùuen.

“Bill Gates’ prominent feature is he wears "You like to gossip about others." glasses.”

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #22 - WHAT DOES A THAI HOLY MAN LOOK LI KE? 5 ชุดราตรีของเจ้าสาวยาวเฟื�อยเลย ชาวบ้านเชื�อว่าเคยมีฤาษีมานั�งสมาธิในถํ�า ต้องมีคนช่วยจับ นี� chút-raa-dtrii khǎawng jâo-sǎao yaao-fúueai looei. chaao-bâan chûuea wâa khooei mii ruue-sǐi maa dtâwng mii khon chûuai jàp. nâng sà-maa-thí nai thâm níi.

"The bride's gown was so long. She had to "The villagers believe that a hermit once have people help handle it." came to sit in meditation in this cave."

ผมต้องโกนหนวดใช้เครื�องโกนหนวดโกนห เด็กไม่สมควรแสดงอาการหงุดหงิด รําคาญ นวดทุกเช้าก่อนออกไปทํางาน ต่อหน้าผู้ใหญ่ phǒm dtâwng goon nùuat chái khrûueang-goon- dèk mâi sǒm-khuuan sà-daaeng aa-gaan ngùt- nùuat thúk cháao gàawn àawk bpai tham-ngaan ngìt ram-khaan dtàaw nâa phûu-yài.

"I need to shave my mustache with an "Children who don't behave properly, electric razor every morning before going show signs of irritation in front of adults." to work."

เด็กข้างบ้านเรามารยาทดีมาก พวกเราภูมิใจเป็นอย่างยิ�งที�มีเขาเป็นผู้นําข dèk khâang bâan rao maa-rá-yâat dii mâak. องชาติ "The child next door is very well behaved." phûuak-rao phuum-jai bpen yàang yîng thîi mii khǎo bpen phûu-nam khǎawng châat

"We are very proud to have him as the leader of our country."


หนวด (nùuat)

The word หนวด (nùuat) is a noun that means "moustache." However, it can also be applied to facial hair in general. So, หนวด (nùuat) can be used to refer to someone's beard or goatee.

ไดขาววา (dâai khàao wâa)

This phrase means "I heard that." ได (dâi) is the verb "to be able," or, in this case, it means "to

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #22 - WHAT DOES A THAI HOLY MAN LOOK LI KE? 6 get." ขาว (khàao) is "news," and วา (wâa) means "that." So, the whole phrase means "I got the news that..." You can use this phrase before a statement in order to pass on some news or gossip to another person. The example from the conversation was:

1. พี่ไดขาววามีผูชายมาขอหนิงแตงงาน phîi dâai khàao wâa mii phûu-chaai khǎaw nǐng dtàeng-ngaan. "I heard that some guy asked Ning to marry him."

ปลอยเด็กดื้อทิ้งไว (bplàawy dék dûue thíng wái)

This phrase means something like "I'm leaving the naughty kid here." ปลอย (bplàawy) means "to let go" or "to release," and เด็กดื้อ (dék dûue) means "naughty child." ทิ้ง (thíng) is the verb "to discard." This phrase is used in a joking manner to compare the listener to a misbehaving child.


The Focus of this Lesson Is Using นินทา nin-thaa To Mean "Gossiping" ถาพูดเบา ๆ เขาก็หาวานินทา thâa phûut bao-bao khǎo gâaw hǎa-wâa nin-thaa. "If we speak softly, he'll claim we're gossiping."

The focus of this lesson is using นินทา (nin-thaa) to mean "gossiping." นินทา (nin-thaa) is a verb that means "to gossip." It will most often be used in a sentence along with other verbs, but there are some situations where you could use นินทา nin-thaa by itself. For example:

1. หนิงนินทาทุกวัน nǐng nin-thaa thúk-wan. "Ning gossips every day."

The more common way to describe habitual behavior in Thai would be to include the verb ชอบ (châawp meaning "to like") before the verb that describes the action. So, then, the sentence above would most likely be changed to:

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #22 - WHAT DOES A THAI HOLY MAN LOOK LI KE? 7 1. หนิงชอบนินทาทุกวัน nǐng châawp nin-thaa thúk-wan. "Ning likes to gossip every day."

In a couple of examples from the conversation, นินทา (nin-thaa) is not the main verb in the sentence. Instead, it follows as part of a secondary verb phrase. The first example was the sentence:

1. ถาพูดเบา ๆ เขาก็หาวานินทา thâa phûut bao-bao khǎo gâaw hǎa-wâa nin-thaa. "If we speak softly, he'll claim we're gossiping."

In the sentence above, the main verb was หาวา (hǎa-wâa meaning "to accuse"). There was one other example of นินทา (nin-thaa) used not as the main verb. There was this sentence:

1. บอกไมใหโบวนินทาคนอื่น bàawk mâi hâi boo nin-thaa khon ùuen. "You told me not to gossip about others."


Thai Ruesi

ฤๅษี (ruue-sǐi) is the Thai pronunciation of the Sanskrit word "rishi." In India, the rishis were considered to be immortal sages who first composed the Vedas, which are the original holy texts that Hinduism is based on. In Thailand, however, the ruesi are thought of as holy hermits who spend their time meditating in the forest or in caves. Ruesi are depicted as old men with long beards who wear robes made of tiger skin. There are many places in Thailand that have shrines dedicated to the ruesi. These are places where wandering hermits once stayed in the past.

Today, there is still a small community of religious practitioners who are called ruesi. The ruesi in Thailand usually wear brown or white robes. Unlike monks, ruesi grow their hair out long.

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #22 - WHAT DOES A THAI HOLY MAN LOOK LI KE? 8 Ruesi are associated with magic. They are thought to be adept in the secret arts of magical tattoos, protective amulets, love potions, and so on. Ruesi are also closely associated with traditional Thai massage and yoga. In the courtyard of Wat Pho in Bangkok you can see statues of ruesi demonstrating various yoga postures.

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #22 - WHAT DOES A THAI HOLY MAN LOOK LI KE? 9 LESSON NOTES Upper Intermediate S1 #23 Would You Really Get Fired for Snacking On the Job in Thailand?


2 Thai 2 English 3 Romanization 4 Vocabulary 5 Sample Sentences 7 Vocabulary Phrase Usage 7 Grammar 8 Cultural Insight

# 23


1. ป๋อง: น้องชายพี�ถูกไล่ออกจากงาน เพราะนํามาม่าเข้าไปกินในสํานักงานเวลางาน เป็นเหตุผลที�โง่ที�สุดเท่าที�พี�เคยได้ยินมาเลย

2. โบว์: จริงเหรอคะ เป็นไปได้ยังไง ก็คนหิวจะให้ทํายังไง ถ้าออกไปทานข้างนอกก็หาว่าหนีงาน โบว์ว่าเจ้านายของเขาไม่มีเหตุผล ทําเกินกว่าเหตุ ไม่มีความยืดหยุ่นเลย จะเป็นผู้นําคนได้ยังไงแบบนี�

3. ป๋อง: พี�ก็ว่าอย่างนั�น แต่พี�ช่วยอะไรไม่ได้ ความจริงพี�ก็เคยเห็นเขาบ่นบ่อย ๆ ว่าเจ้านายคนนี�แย่มาก ถ้าไม่ไล่ออกเขาก็จะลาออกเองอยู่แล้ว พี�ก็ได้แต่ขอพรให้เขาหางานใหม่ที�มีเจ้านายดีกว่านี� น้องพี�เป็นคนเก่งคงหางานได้ไม่ยากหรอก ถ้าโบว์พอรู้ว่าที�ไหนเปิดรับสมัครงานก็ช่วยดูด้วยนะ

4. โบว์: ค่ะพี�ป๋อง โบว์มีเพื�อน ๆ พี� ๆ ที�รู้จักเยอะ เดี�ยวช่วยเองค่ะ ว่าแต่ว่าน้องชายพี�ป๋องเรียนจบอะไรทางด้านไหนมาล่ะคะ

5. ป๋อง: เขาเรียนจบด้านวิศวกรรมคอมพิวเตอร์จ้ะ เรียนจบเกียรตินิยมอันดับหนึ�งจากจุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย มีประสบการณ์ทํางานมาสามปี

6. โบว์: โอ้โหเก่งจังเลย เจ้านายของเขาควรจะเสียใจที�ไล่เขาออก และโบว์เชื�อว่าเขาจะหางานใหม่ได้ง่าย ๆ โบว์ช่วยได้แน่นอน ไม่ต้องห่วงค่ะพี�ป๋อง บอกน้องชายพี�เตรียมตัวไปสัมภาษณ์งานได้เลย



THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #23 - WOULD YOU REALLY GET FI RED FOR S NACKING ON THE JOB I N THAI LAND? 2 1. PONG: My younger brother was fired from his job because he brought instant noodles to eat in the office while he worked. It's the most stupid reason I've ever heard.

2. BOW: Really? How is that possible? What are hungry people supposed to do? If you go out to eat outside you'll get accused of skipping work. I think his boss doesn't have a reason. He overreacted. If he doesn't have flexibility like this, how can he be a leader?

3. PONG: That's what I thought. But I can't help it. Actually, I've often heard him complain that his boss is really terrible. If he didn't get fired, he was going to resign by himself. I just hope he finds a new job with a better boss. He's a skilled person, so he should find work without difficulty. If you know of any place taking applications, you can help him look.

4. BOW: Sure, Pong. I have a lot of friends and acquaintances. I will help. Anyway, what did your brother graduate in, and in which field?

5. PONG: He graduated in Computer Engineering. He graduated with first class honors from . He has three years of work experience.

6. BOW: Wow! He's really clever. His boss should be sorry that he fired him. I'm sure he'll be able to find a new job easily. I can help him for sure. Don't worry, Pong. Tell your brother to prepare himself for interviews.



THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #23 - WOULD YOU REALLY GET FI RED FOR S NACKING ON THE JOB I N THAI LAND? 3 1. BPǍWNG: náawng-chaai phîi thùuk lâi-àawk jàak ngaan phráw nam maa-mâa khâo bpai kin nai sǎm-nák-ngaan wee-laa ngaan. bpen hèet-phǒn thîi ngôo thîi-sùt thâo thîi phîi khooei dâi-yin maa looei.

2. BOO: jing rǒoe khá. bpen-bpai-dâai yang-ngai. gâaw khon hǐu jà hâi tham yang-ngai. thâa àawk bpai thaan khâang-nâawk gâaw hǎa- wâa nǐi ngaan. boo wâa jâo-naai khǎawng khǎo mâi mii hèet-phǒn. tham gooen gwàa hèet. mâi mii khwaam-yûuet-yùn looei jà bpen phûu-nam khon dâai yang-ngai bàaep níi.

3. BPǍWNG: phîi gâaw wâa yàang nán. dtàae phîi chûuai à-rai mâi dâai. khwaam-jing phîi gâaw khooei hěn khǎo bòn bàwy-bàwy wâa jâo- naai khon-níi yâae mâak. thâa mâi lâi-àawk khǎo gâaw jàa laa- àawk eeng yùu láaeo. phîi gâaw dâai dtàae khǎaw phaawn hâi khǎo hǎa ngaan mài thîi mii jâo-naai dii gwàa níi. náawng phîi bpen khon gèeng khong hǎa ngaan dâai mâi yâak ràawk. thâa boo phaaw rúu wâa thîi-nǎi bpòoet ráp sà-màk-ngaan gâaw chûuai duu dûuai ná.

4. BOO: khâ phîi bpǎwng. boo mii phûuean-phûuean phîi-phîi thîi rúu-jàk yóe. dǐiao chûuai eeng khâa. wâa-dtàae-wâa náawng-chaai phîi bpǎwng riian jòp à-rai thaang dâan nǎi maa lá khâ.

5. BPǍWNG: khǎo riian jòp dâan wít-sà-wá-gaawn rom khaawm-phiuu-dtooe jâ. riian jòp gìiat-ní-yom an-dàp nùeng jàak jù-laa-long-gaawn má-hǎa- wít-thá-yaa-lai. mii bprà-sòp-gaan tham-ngaan maa sǎam bpii.

6. BOO: oo-hǒo gèeng jang looei. jâo-naai khǎawng khǎo khuuan jà sǐia-jai thîi lâi khǎo àawk. láe boo chûuea wâa khǎo jà hǎa ngaan mài dâai ngâai-ngâai. boo chûuai dâai nâae-naawn. mâi dtâwng hùuang khâ phîi bpǎwng. bàawk náawng-chaai phîi dtriiam-dtuua bpai sǎm- phâat-ngaan dâai looei.



สัมภาษณ์ sǎm-phâat to interview verb

เรียนจบ riian jòp to graduate verb

เกียรตินิยมอันดับหนึ� gìiat-ní-yom an-dàp ง nùeng first class honors noun

วิศวกรรมคอมพิวเตอ wít-sà-wá-gaawn computer ร์ rom khaawm-phiu- noun dtôoe engineering

instant ramen มาม่า maa-mâa noodles noun

to be stupid, to be โง่ ngôo foolish verb

ลาออก laa-àawk to resign, to quit verb

สํานักงาน sǎm-nák-ngaan office noun

ไล่ออก lâi-àawk to fire, to lay off verb

เหตุผล hèet-phǒn reason noun


มีนักข่าวเข้ามาขอนัดสัมภาษณ์เจ้านาย เขาเรียนจบได้เกียรตินิยมอันดับหนึ�งทําให้พ่ mii nák-khàao khâo maa khǎaw nát sǎm-phâat อแม่ภาคภูมิใจในตัวเขามาก jâo-naai khǎo riian jòp dâi gìiat-ní-yom an-dàp nùeng tham "There's a reporter that came to ask for an hâi phâaw mâae phâak phuum-jai nai dtuua khǎo mâak. appointment to interview the boss." "He graduated with first-class honors, which made his parents very proud of him."

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #23 - WOULD YOU REALLY GET FI RED FOR S NACKING ON THE JOB I N THAI LAND? 5 เขาเรียนจบได้เกียรตินิยมอันดับหนึ�งทําให้พ่ ประกาศรับสมัครพนักงานตําแหน่งวิศวกรค อแม่ภาคภูมิใจในตัวเขามาก อมพิวเตอร์ แทนคนเก่าที�ลาออกไป khǎo riian jòp dâi gìiat-ní-yom an-dàp nùeng tham bprà-gàat ráp sà-màk phá-nák-ngaan dtam- hâi phâaw mâae phâak phuum-jai nai dtuua khǎo nàaeng wít-sà-wá-gaawn rom khaawm-phiu-dtôoe mâak. thaaen khon gào thîi laa-àawk bpai.

"He graduated with first-class honors, "Announcing that we're accepting which made his parents very proud of him." applications for the position of computer engineer to replace the old one who resigned."

มาม่าเป็นอาหารยอดนิยมของนักศึกษา การฝ่าไฟแดงเป็นการกระทําที�โง่ที�สุด ที�อาศัยอยู่หอพัก gaan fàa fai-daaeng bpen gaan-grà-tham thîi ngôo thîi-sùt. maa-mâa bpen aa-hǎan yâawt ní-yom khǎawng nák-sùek-sǎa thîi aa-sǎi yùu hǎaw-phák. "Running a red light is the most stupid "Instant ramen noodles are the favorite action." food of students living in the dormitory."

ประกาศรับสมัครพนักงานตําแหน่งวิศวกรค ฉันอาศัยอยู่ใกล้สํานักงาน chǎn aa-sǎi yùu glâi sǎm-nák-ngaan อมพิวเตอร์ แทนคนเก่าที�ลาออกไป bprà-gàat ráp sà-màk phá-nák-ngaan dtam- "I live near my office. " nàaeng wít-sà-wá-gaawn rom khaawm-phiu-dtôoe thaaen khon gào thîi laa-àawk bpai.

"Announcing that we're accepting applications for the position of computer engineer to replace the old one who resigned."

ผู้หญิงกําลังทํางานที�สํานักงาน สตีฟ จ็อบส์ phûu-yǐng gam-lang tham-ngaan thîi sǎm-nák- ถูกไล่ออกจากบริษัทที�ตัวเองสร้างมากับมือ ngaan sà-dtìip jáawp thùuk lâi àawk jàak baaw-rí-sàt thîi dtuua-eeng sâang maa eeng gàp muue. "The woman is working at the office." "Steve Jobs got fired from the company that he built with his own hands."

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #23 - WOULD YOU REALLY GET FI RED FOR S NACKING ON THE JOB I N THAI LAND? 6 อะไรคือเหตุผลในการเรียนภาษาไทยของคุณ à-rai khuue hèet-phǒn nai gaan-riian phaa-sǎa-thai khǎawng khun.

"What is your reason for studying Thai?"


เปนไปไดยังไง (bpen bpai dâai yang-ngai)

This phrase means "how is it possible?" เปนไปได (bpen bpai dâai) is the verb "to be possible," and ยังไง (yang-ngai) is a casual form of the question "how?"

เตรียมตัวไปสัมภาษณงาน (dtriiam dtuua bpai sǎm-phâat ngaan)

This phrase means "prepare yourself for job interviews." เตรียม (dtriiam) is the verb "to prepare." ตัว (dtuua) actually means "body," but when we say เตรียมตัว (dtriiam dtuua), it means "to prepare oneself," not just "prepare your body." สัมภาษณงาน (sǎm-phâat ngaan) means "to interview for a job." You can use the verb สัมภาษณ (sǎm-phâat) as the verb "to interview" for any situation—not just for a job.

ทําเกินกวาเหตุ (tham gooen gwàa hèet)

This phrase means "to overreact." ทํา tham is the verb "to do," เกินกวา (gooen gwàa) means "more excessive than," and เหตุ (hèet) is the noun "cause." So, the literal meaning is "to act more excessively than the cause." This is a pretty close definition of "overreacting."


The Focus of this Lesson Is Using ไลออก (lâi-àawk) and ลาออก (laa-àawk), Meaning "To Get Fired" and "To Resign" นองชายพี่ถูกไลออกจากงาน náawng-chaai phîi thùuk lâi-àawk jàak ngaan. "My younger brother was fired from his job"

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #23 - WOULD YOU REALLY GET FI RED FOR S NACKING ON THE JOB I N THAI LAND? 7 The focus of this lesson is using ไลออก (lâi-àawk) and ลาออก (laa-àawk), meaning "to get fired" and "to resign." ออก (àawk) is the verb "to go out." It is used in the phrases "to get fired" and "to resign" because the person is leaving or exiting a certain position. ไล (lâi) can be used by itself as the verb "to chase." So, the literal meaning of ไลออก (lâi-àawk) is "to chase out." We saw it in this example from the conversation:

1. นองชายพี่ถูกไลออกจากงาน náawng-chaai phîi thùuk lâi-àawk jàak ngaan. "My younger brother was fired from his job"

In this example, the verb ถูก (thùuk) is included to show the passive voice. We usually only use the passive voice in Thai in negative situations. When using ไลออก (lâi-àawk) in the active voice, the direct object should go between ไล (lâi) and ออก (àawk). For example, we could say:

1. หัวหนาไลนองชายออกจากงาน hǔua-nâa lâi náawng-chaai àawk jàak ngaan. "The boss fired my brother from his job."

The other phrase is ลาออก (laa-àawk). It comes from the verb ลา (laa), which means "to leave" or "to bid farewell." We saw it used in the conversation in this sentence:

1. ถาไมไลออกเขาก็จะลาออกเองอยูแลว thâa mâi lâi-àawk khǎo gâaw jà laa-àawk eeng yùu láaeo. "If he didn't get fired, he was going to resign on his own anyway."


Ramen Noodles in Thailand

Instant ramen noodles are a popular convenience food in Thailand. There is a large variety of flavors available at every convenience store, supermarket, and "mom and pop" shop. You might think of ramen noodles as just something that poor college students eat, but in

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #23 - WOULD YOU REALLY GET FI RED FOR S NACKING ON THE JOB I N THAI LAND? 8 Thailand, they are eaten by everybody. In restaurants, you will often find stir-fried instant ramen noodles as one of the choices alongside fried spaghetti or other types of fried noodles. The most popular brand of instant ramen noodles is มามา (maa-mâa). So, Thai people usually just refer to all ramen noodles as มามา (maa-mâa). If you want to try stir-fried ramen noodles in a restaurant or from a street vendor, you can ask for ผัดมามา (phàt maa-mâa).



2 Thai 2 English 3 Romanization 4 Vocabulary 5 Sample Sentences 6 Vocabulary Phrase Usage 7 Grammar 7 Cultural Insight

# 24


1. โบว์: แปลกจังเลยนะคะ มองไปทางไหนก็มีแต่หมายเลขเก้าเต็มไปหมด บางคนก็มีความเชื�อเรื�องเลขมงคลที�ทําให้โชคดีมากจนเกินไป

2. ป๋อง: พี�ก็ว่าแปลกที�ทุกคนมัวแต่คิดถึงความสําคัญของเลขแห่งความโชคดีจ นลืมไปว่า มันก็เป็นเพียงแค่ตัวเลข เลขเก้าก็เป็นแค่เลขทั�ว ๆ ไปไม่ได้มีอะไรพิเศษอย่างที�หลายคนคิด

3. โบว์: ฮ่า ๆ ตลกดีนะ ฤกษ์ดีก็ต้องเป็นเวลาเก้าโมงเก้านาที ทะเบียนรถที�ดีก็ต้องมีเลข เก้า เก้า เก้า เก้า หมายเลขโทรศัพท์ที�จะโชคดีก็ต้องมี เก้า เก้า

4. ป๋อง: ใช่ พวกเขาคงลืมไปว่าอย่างไรก็ตามชีวิตของพวกเขาก็ต้องดําเนินต่อไป ไม่ใช่เพราะเลขมงคลที�ทําให้โชคดี แต่เป็นเพราะทุกชีวิตต้องทําเพื�อความอยู่รอด

5. โบว์: คนเราชอบคิดไปเองว่าอะไรดี อะไรไม่ดี ทั�ง ๆ ที�ก็หาข้อสรุปไม่ได้ว่าสิ�งที�พวกเขาเชื�อนั�นจริงหรือไม่ แต่เชื�อตาม ๆ กันมาโดยไร้เหตุผล ชีวิตถึงได้วุ่นวายแบบทุกวันนี�ไง


1. BOW: It's so strange! Everywhere I look, all I see is the number nine. Some people have too much belief in lucky numbers.


THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #24 - THERE'S NO LUCKY NUMBER S EVEN I N THAI LAND! 2 2. PONG: I also think it's strange that everyone is so focused on the importance of lucky numbers that they forget that any number is just a number. The number nine is just a regular number. It's nothing special, like many people think.

3. BOW: Ha-ha. It's funny. An auspicious time has to be nine past nine. A lucky license plate has to have number 9 9 9 9. And a good phone number needs to have number ninety-nine.

4. PONG: Right. They probably forgot that, anyway, their life must go on. It's not because of auspicious numbers giving them good luck. It's because every life is about survival.

5. BOW: We like to think about everything being good or bad, even though we do not have a conclusion for whether what people believe in is true or not. But we go on believing without considering the logic. That's why life today is complicated like this.


1. BOO: bplàaek jang looei ná khá. maawng bpai thaang nǎi gâaw mii dtàae mǎai lêek gâao dtem bpai mòt. baang khon gâaw mii khwaam-chûuea rûueang lêek mong-khon thîi tham hâi chôok-dii mâak jon gooen bpai.

2. BPǍWNG: phîi gâaw wâa bplàaek thîi thúk-khon muua dtàae khít thǔeng khwaam sǎm-khan khǎawng lêek hàaeng khwaam-chôok-dii jon luuem bpai wâa man gâaw bpen phiiang khâae dtuua-lêek. lêek gâaw bpen khâae lêek thûua-thûua bpai. mâi dâi mii à-rai phí-sèet yàang thîi lǎai khon khít.


THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #24 - THERE'S NO LUCKY NUMBER S EVEN I N THAI LAND! 3 3. BOO: hâa-hâa dtà-lòk dii ná. rôoek-dii gâaw dtâwng bpen wee-laa gâao- moong gâao naa-thii. thá-biian-rót thîi dii gâaw dtâwng mii lêek gâao gâao gâao gâao. mǎai-lêek thoo-rá-sàp thîi jà chôok-dii gâaw dtâwng mii gâao gâao.

4. BPǍWNG: châi. phûuak-khǎo khong luuem bpai wâa yàang-rai-gâaw-dtaam chii-wít khǎawng phûuak-khǎo gâaw dtâwng dam-nooen dtàaw- bpai. mâi châi phráw lêek mong-khon thîi tham hâi chôok-dii. dtàae bpen phráw thúk chii-wít dtâwng tham phûuea khwaam-yùu râawt.

5. BOO: khon rao châawp khít bpai eeng wâa à-rai dii à-rai mâi dii tháng- tháng thîi gâaw hǎa khâaw sà-rùp mâi dâai wâa sìng thîi phûuak- khǎo chûuea nán jing rǔue mâi. dtàae chûuea dtaam-dtaam gan maa dooi rái-hèet-phǒn. chii-wít thǔeng dâai wûn-waai bàaep thúk- wan níi ngai.


Thai Romanization English Class

to summarize, to สรุป sà-rùp conclude verb

ดําเนิน dam-nooen to proceed, to walk verb

ทะเบียนรถ thá-biian-rót license plate noun

ฤกษ์ดี rôoek-dii auspicious time noun

ทั�ว ๆ ไป thûua-thûua-bpai general, generally adjective, adverb

ความสําคัญ khwaam-sǎm-khan importance noun

so absorbed in; มัวแต่ Mạw tæ̀ involved in (to the adverb exclusion of all else)

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #24 - THERE'S NO LUCKY NUMBER S EVEN I N THAI LAND! 4 โชคดี chôok-dii to be lucky, fortunate verb, adjective

มงคล mong-khon auspicious adjective

หมายเลข mǎai-lêek number noun


เจ้านายขอสรุปรายงานการประชุมด่วน พ่อมอบอํานาจให้ผมมาดําเนินงานกับธนา jâo-naai khǎaw sà-rùp raai-ngaan gaan bprà- คารแทนท่านเพราะติดธุระ chum dùuan. phâaw mâawp am-nâat hâi phǒm maa dam- “The boss asked to summarize the report nooen ngaan gàp thá-naa-khaan thaaen thâan phráw dtìt-thú-rá. of the meeting urgently.” “Father authorized me to go work with the bank instead of him because he’s occupied with work.”

หวยงวดนี�ออกหมายเลขทะเบียนรถป้ายแด ถึงเวลาฤกษ์ดีที�เจ้าบ่าวต้องสวมแหวนให้เจ้ งที�เพิ�งซื�อมาใหม่ าสาวแล้ว hǔuai ngûuat níi àawk mǎai-lêek thá-biian rót thǔeng wee-laa rôoek-dii thîi jâo-bàao dtâwng bpâai daaeng thîi phôoeng súue maa mài. sǔuam wǎaen hâi jâo-sǎao láeeo.

"The lottery numbers this time were the “The auspicious occasion has arrived for numbers on the red license plate that I just the groom to slip the ring on the bride’s bought." finger.”

คนทั�ว ๆ คนทั�ว ๆ ไปไม่ให้ความสําคัญกับการมีสุขภาพร่างกา ไปไม่ให้ความสําคัญกับการมีสุขภาพร่างกา ยที�แข็งแรง ยที�แข็งแรง khon thûua-thûua bpai mâi hâi khwaam-sǎm-khan khon thûua-thûua bpai mâi hâi khwaam-sǎm-khan khǎawng gaan mii sùk-khà-phâap râang-gaai thîi khǎawng gaan mii sùk-khà-phâap râang-gaai thîi khǎeng-raaeng. khǎeng-raaeng.

“People generally don’t give importance to “People generally don’t give importance to having strong health and fitness.” having strong health and fitness.”

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #24 - THERE'S NO LUCKY NUMBER S EVEN I N THAI LAND! 5 พวกวัยรุ่นมัวแต่หลงงมงายกับแฟชั�นภายน เกิดอุบัติเหตุรถชนโชคดีที�ไม่มีใครบาดเจ็บห อก จนหลงลืมความดีงามที�อยู่ภายในใจ รือเสียชีวิต pûuak wai-rûn muua dtàae lǒng ngom-ngaai gap̀ gòoet ù-bàt-dtì-heet rót chon chôok-dii thîi mâi mii fae-chân phaai nâawk jon lǒng luuem khwaam-dii khraii bàt-jèp rǔue sǐia-chii-wít. ngaam thîi yùu phaai nai jai. “There was an auto accident. It was "Teenagers are so absorbed in outside fortunate that nobody was injured or was fashions that they forget the true beauty killed.” inside their heart."

เชิญอยู่ร่วมงานมงคลของข้าพเจ้า ผู้หญิงจําหมายเลขได้ chooen yùu rûuam ngaan mong-khon khǎawng phûu-yǐng jam mǎai-lêek dâai khâa-phá-jâo. "The woman remembered the number." "You're invited to join me for this special occasion"


มองไปทางไหน (maawng bpai thaang nǎi)

This phrase means "anywhere you look." มอง maawng means "to look" or "to stare," and ทางไหน (thaang nǎi) means "any direction."

เรื่อง (rûueang)

เรื่อง (rûueang) is a noun that means "story," but it can also be used to mean "subject," "topic," or "matter." In order to use เรื่อง (rûueang) like this, we will follow it with a description of the topic. For example, in the conversation, there was the phrase เรื่องเลขมงคล (rûueang lêek mong-khon), which means "the subject of lucky numbers."

เชื่อตาม ๆ กันมาโดยไรเหตุผล (chûuea dtaam-dtaam gan maa dooi rái-hèet-phǒn)

This phrase means "believe them illogically." This phrase can be used to describe something that we would consider superstitious. เชื่อ (chûuea) is the verb "to believe," and ตาม ๆ กัน (dtaam-dtaam gan) means "following each other."

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #24 - THERE'S NO LUCKY NUMBER S EVEN I N THAI LAND! 6 โดย (dooi) is a conjunction that means "due to," and ไรเหตุผล (rái-hèet-phǒn) is an adjective that means "illogical" or "groundless."


The Focus of this Lesson Is Using อยางไรก็ตาม yàang-rai gâaw dtaam To Mean "However" or "Nevertheless" พวกเขาคงลืมไปวาอยางไรก็ตามชีวิตของพวกเขาก็ตองดําเนินตอไป phûuak-khǎo khong luuem bpai wâa yàang-rai gâaw dtaam chii-wít khǎawng phûuak-khǎo gâaw dtâwng dam-nooen dtàaw-bpai. "They probably forgot that, nevertheless, their life must go on."

The focus of this lesson is using อยางไรก็ตาม (yàang-rai gâaw dtaam) to mean "however" or "nevertheless." อยางไรก็ตาม (yàang-rai gâaw dtaam) is a conjunction that can mean "nevertheless" or "however." It can also be used to mean "anyways" or "regardless." In the conversation, it was used in this example:

1. พวกเขาคงลืมไปวาอยางไรก็ตามชีวิตของพวกเขาก็ตองดําเนินตอไป phûuak-khǎo khong luuem bpai wâa yàang-rai gâaw dtaam chii-wít khǎawng phûuak-khǎo gâaw dtâwng dam-nooen dtàaw-bpai. "They probably forgot that, nevertheless, their life must go on."

In this particular case, the statement that begins with อยางไรก็ตาม (yàang-rai gâaw dtaam) does not contrast directly with the statement that comes before it. Rather, it contrasts with an implied idea. If we want to make a more direct contrast, we could say something like this:

1. พวกเขาทอแทกับชีวิต อยางไรก็ตามชีวิตของพวกเขาก็ตองดําเนินตอไป phûuak-khǎo taaẃ taaé gap chii-wít. yàang-rai gâaw dtaam chii-wít khǎawng phûuak- khǎo gâaw dtâwng dam-nooen dtàaw-bpai. "They feel desperate about life. However, their lives must go on."


The Lucky Number


In Thai culture, the number nine is considered to be the luckiest number. The origin of this belief derives from the fact that "nine" (เกา - gâao) in Thai sounds like the word "to progress" (กาว - gâao). The belief in the power of the number nine is so strong that license plates containing multiple nines can be auctioned off for millions of baht. Mobile telephone numbers containing pairs of nines are also sold for inflated prices. Bank notes containing groups of nines in the serial number can be resold for more than their face value. When inviting monks to your home to perform a house blessing or a blessing for a newlywed couple, it is preferred to have nine monks. For certain religious activities, it is best to make offerings of nine incense sticks or nine lotus buds. The Thai belief in the power of the number nine is given further validation by the long reign of the current king, who is the ninth king of the Chakri dynasty.

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #24 - THERE'S NO LUCKY NUMBER S EVEN I N THAI LAND! 8 LESSON NOTES Upper Intermediate S1 #25 How Many Imaginary Thai Animals Are There?


2 Thai 2 English 3 Romanization 4 Vocabulary 5 Sample Sentences 6 Vocabulary Phrase Usage 7 Grammar 8 Cultural Insight

# 25


1. ป๋อง: หนิงปาร์ตี�วันเกิดเธอ ใช้ธีมเป็นแบบสัตว์ในตํานานเหรอ พี�จะแต่งเป็นตัวอะไรดีล่ะ

2. หนิง: ค่ะพี�ป๋อง หนิงแต่งเป็นกินรี ส่วนแฟนจะเป็นกินนรค่ะ พี�ป๋องแต่งยังไงก็ได้ค่ะ แต่งเป็นครุฑ แล้วให้โบว์เป็นพญานาคก็ได้ค่ะ

3. ป๋อง: ฮ่า ๆ พี�คงต้องแล้วแต่โบว์ว่าเขาอยากจะแต่งเป็นอะไร ว่าไงจ๊ะโบว์

4. โบว์: ขอคิดดูก่อนนะหนิง ฉันไม่รู้ว่าชุดพญานาคที�เธอว่าจะเข้ากับฉันรึเปล่า ส่วนพี�ป๋องนะ ต้องหาชุดใส่ยากแน่ ๆ นํ�าหนักขึ�นเอา ขึ�นเอา

5. หนิง: ไม่เป็นไรหรอกโบว์ กว่าจะถึงวันเกิดอีกตั�งสองอาทิตย์ เธอมีเวลาเตรียมตัว ส่วนพี�ป๋องก็ยังมีเวลาออกกําลังกายลดนํ�าหนักนะคะ จะได้หล่อ ๆ ฮ่า ๆ

6. ป๋อง: จ้า พี�น่ะหล่ออยู่แล้ว แต่โบว์ชอบหาว่าพี�อ้วน เดี�ยวพี�จะออกกําลังกายทุกวัน ลดซักสี�ห้ากิโล จะได้กลับมาหล่อเหมือนเดิม

7. โบว์: จ้า ทําเป็นพูดดีนะคะพี�ป๋อง ขอให้ทําได้นะ ออกกําลังกายทีไร ยังไม่ถึงสามสิบนาทีก็บ่นเหนื�อยทุกที



THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #25 - HOW MANY I MAGI NARY THAI ANIMALS ARE THERE? 2 1. PONG: For your birthday party, Ning, you're having a mythical animals theme, right? What should I dress as?

2. NING: Right. I'm going as a bird-woman, and my boyfriend is going as a bird-man. You can dress as a garuda and have Bow be the naga.

3. PONG: Ha-ha, I should leave it up to Bow to see what she wants to dress as. What do you think, Bow?

4. BOW: Let me think about it. I don't know if the naga costume you're talking about will go well with me. And Pong will have a hard time finding a suit for sure. He's getting heavier and heavier.

5. NING: No problem. There's still a whole two weeks before my birthday to prepare yourself. And Pong still has time to exercise and lose a little weight for me. You'll look handsome. Ha-ha.

6. PONG: Yeah. I'm handsome already, but Bow likes to claim that I'm fat. Just wait, I'm going to work out every day and lose four or five kilograms. I'll go back to looking handsome like before.

7. BOW: Right. You're talking big, Pong. I hope you can do it. Anytime you exercise, it's not even 30 minutes before you start complaining that you're tired.


1. BPǍWNG: nǐng bpaa-dtîi wan-gòoet thooe chái thiim bpen bàaep sàt nai dtam- naan rǒoe. phîi jà dtàeng bpen dtuua à-rai dii lá.


THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #25 - HOW MANY I MAGI NARY THAI ANIMALS ARE THERE? 3 2. NǏNG: khâ phîi bpǎwng. nǐng dtàeng bpen gin-ná-rii. sùuan faaen jà bpen gin-naawn khâ. phîi bpǎwng dtàeng yang-ngai gâaw dâai khâ. dtàeng bpen khrút láaeo hâi boo bpen phá-yaa-nâak gâaw dâai khâ.

3. BPǍWNG: hâa-hâa phîikhong dtâwng láaeo-dtàae boo wâa khǎo yàak jà dtàeng bpen à-rai. wâa ngai já boo.

4. BOO: khǎaw khít duu gàawn ná nǐng. chǎn mâi rúu wâa chút phá-yaa- nâak thîi thooe wâa jà khâo gàp chǎn rúe bplào. sùuan phîi bpǎwng ná dtâwng hǎa chút sài yâak nâae-nâae. nám-nàk khûen ao khûen ao.

5. NǏNG: mâi-bpen-rai ràawk boo. gwàa jà thǔeng wan-gòoet ìik dtâng sǎawng aa-thít. thooe mii wee-laa dtriiam-dtuua. sùuan phîi bpǎwng gâaw yang mii wee-laa àawk-gam-lang-gaai lót nám-nàk ná khá. jà dâai làaw-làaw. hâa-hâa.

6. BPǍWNG: jâa. phîi ná làaw yùu láao dtàae boo châawp hǎa-wâa phîi ûuan. dǐiao phîi jà àawk-gam-lang-gaai thúk-wan lót sák sìi hâa gì-loo. jà dâai glàp maa làaw mǔuean-dooem.

7. BOO: jâa tham bpen phûut dii ná khá phîi bpǎwng. khǎaw hâi tham dâai ná. àawk-gam-lang-gaai thîi rai yang mâi thǔeng sǎam-sìp naa-thii gâaw bòn nùueai thúk thii.


Thai Romanization English Class

แต่ง dtàeng to dress, to decorate verb

ธีม thiim theme noun


ลดนํ�าหนัก lót nám-nàk to lose weight verb

หล่อ làaw handsome adjective

กินรี gin-ná-rii bird-woman noun

กินนร gin-naawn bird-man noun

ตํานาน dtam-naan legend noun

garuda (a legendary ครุฑ khrút bird) noun

พญานาค phá-yaa-nâak naga serpent noun


เราต้องแต่งบ้านก่อนมีปาร์ตี�วันเกิด ร้านอาหารนี�ชอบเปลี�ยนธีมตามฤดูกาล rao dtâwng dtàeng bâan gàawn mii bpaa-dtîi wan- ráan-aa-hǎan níi châawp bplìian thiim dtaam rúe- gòoet duu-gaan.

"We have to decorate the house before the “This restaurant likes to change its theme birthday party." according to the season.”

เจ้านายหาว่าพนักงานแอบเล่นอินเทอร์เน็ต มีข่าวคนอ้วนกินยาลดนํ�าหนักเกินขนาด ขณะทํางาน จนทําให้เสียชีวิต jâo-naai hǎa-wâa phá-nák-ngaan àaep lên in- mii khàao khon ûuan gin yaa-lót-nám-nàk gooen thooe-nét khà-nà tham-ngaan. khà-nàat jon tham hâi sǐia-chii-wít.

“The boss accused the employee of “There is news that an overweight person secretly playing on the internet during ate so many diet pills that they died.” work time.”

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #25 - HOW MANY I MAGI NARY THAI ANIMALS ARE THERE? 5 แฟนเธอหล่อมาก กินรีหรือกินนรอาศัยอยู่ในป่าหิมพานต์ faaen thooe làaw mâak gin-ná-rii rǔue gin-naawn aa-sǎiyùu nai bpàa hì-

má-phaan. "Her boyfriend is very handsome." “Bird-women or bird-men live in the Himmapan forest.”

กินรีหรือกินนรอาศัยอยู่ในป่าหิมพานต์ ครุฑเป็นสัตว์ในตํานานที�มีลักษณะเหมือน gin-ná-rii rǔue gin-naawn aa-sǎiyùu nai bpàa hì- นกอินทรีขนาดใหญ่ má-phaan. khrút bpen sàt nai dtam-naan thîi mii lák-sà-nà mǔuean nók-in-sii khà-nàt yài. “Bird-women or bird-men live in the Himmapan forest.” “The garuda is a legendary animal that has an appearance similar to a large eagle.”

หมอดูบอกว่ามีพญานาคหนึ�งตนอยู่หลังบ้าน mǎaw-duu baawk wâa mii phá-yaa-nâak nùeng dton yùu lǎang bâan.

"The fortune teller said there is a naga serpent living behind the house."


เขากับฉัน (khâo gàp chǎn)

This phrase means "to match me" or "to suit me." เขา (khâo) is the verb "to enter," but it can also mean "to get along with." เขา (khâo) is often used in this sense to talk about people in a relationship getting along with each other, but it can also be used to describe clothing matching somebody, as in the conversation.

คงตองแลวแต (khong dtâwng láaeo dtàae)

This phrase means "I should leave it up to..." คง (khong) can mean "might" or "probably," and ตอง (dtâwng) means "must" or "need to." แลวแต (láaeo dtàae) means "to depend on" or "to be up to." We use it when indicating who needs to be the one making a decision. แลวแต (láaeo dtàae) is usually followed by someone's name, to mean "it's up to (that person)." So,

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #25 - HOW MANY I MAGI NARY THAI ANIMALS ARE THERE? 6 the word-for-word translation of this phrase would mean, "I probably need to leave it up to..."

ทําเปนพูดดี (tham bpen phûut dii)

This phrase means "to talk sweet" or "to talk big." ทําเปน (tham bpen) is a group of verbs that means "to pretend to," and พูดดี (phûut dii) actually means "talk well" or "talk sweet." So, in the conversation, this phrase means "to talk big, but actually be bad at it in practice."


The Focus of this Lesson Is Using สัก (sák) with Amounts To Mean "About" or "Around" เดี๋ยวพี่จะออกกําลังกายทุกวันลดซักสี่หากิโล dǐiao phîi jà àawk-gam-lang-gaai thúk-wan lót sák sìi hâa gì-loo. "Just wait, I'm going to work out every day and lose four or five kilograms."

To use this particle, we just place สัก or ซัก directly before the amount. The official way to say or write this word is สัก, with a low tone. But, in casual language you can use ซัก (sák) to mean the same thing.

1. เดี๋ยวพี่จะออกกําลังกายทุกวันลดซักสี่หากิโล dǐiao phîi jà àawk-gam-lang-gaai thúk-wan lót sák sìi hâa gì-loo. "Just wait, I'm going to work out every day and lose about four or five kilograms."

In the sentence above, the speaker uses ซัก (sák) to indicate that it is a rough estimation rather than an exact amount. Also, they might believe that four or five kilograms is a modest amount of weight, which they have a realistic chance of losing. You can also use ซัก (sák) with amounts of time to show that something will not take long. For example:

1. อีกซักสามนาทีจะถึงบาน ìik sák sǎam naa-thii jà thǔeng bâan. "In just about three more minutes, I'll be home."

In this sentence, ซัก (sák) is used to mean "just" or "only." ซัก (sák) is also very commonly

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #25 - HOW MANY I MAGI NARY THAI ANIMALS ARE THERE? 7 used when talking about amounts of money. For example, if you want to borrow some money, you can downplay the amount you need by adding ซัก (sák), as in this example:

1. มีตังคไหม ขอยืมสักสองรอย mii dtang mǎi. khǎaw yuuem sák sǎawng ráawy. "Do you have any money? Can I borrow just two hundred?"

A common situation where ซัก indicates a small amount is when it is used in negative sentences.

For example:

1. เขาคงไมมีเงินซักเทาไหร "He probably doesn't have much money."

2. เขาไมมีเงินซักบาท "He doesn't have even one baht of money."


Mythological Thai Creatures

Thai mythology contains a vast number of fantastical creatures, most of which are inspired from ancient Hindu literature, such as the Ramayana. The two most famous mythical animals in Thailand are the "garuda" (ครุฑ - khrút) and the "naga" (นาค - nâak). These are both animals borrowed from Indian mythology. The garuda is like an eagle with a man's head, and the naga is a giant serpent, similar to a dragon. They're actually half-siblings turned enemies, and the garuda feeds on nagas. In Thailand, the garuda is a symbol for royalty, while the naga is largely a symbol for water.

Some other Thai mythical creatures are the "kinnara" (กินนร - gin-nawn) and the "kinnaree" (กินรี - gin-ná-rii), which are a bird-man and a bird-woman, respectively. The kinaree is the more common of the two. Sometimes, you can see groups of kinaree painted on temple murals. In Thai legends, the mythical creatures inhabit a legendary forest called Himmapan. You can read descriptions and see pictures of a large number of these fantastic

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #25 - HOW MANY I MAGI NARY THAI ANIMALS ARE THERE? 8 creatures at the website Himmapan.com.

THAI POD101.COM UPPER I NTERMEDIATE S 1 #25 - HOW MANY I MAGI NARY THAI ANIMALS ARE THERE? 9 Intro 13 Make Way For the Other Thai Drivers! 1 Chicken Soup is the Perfect Gift for Your Thai 14 Green Snacks Are Even Greener in Thailand! Friends 15 How Well Do Thai Beer Companies Promote 2 Drawings Become Magical in Thailand! their Products? 3 How Many Thai Taxi Drivers Actually Follow the 16 I Wish I’d Won the Thai Lottery! Rules? 17 Sample An Unusual Thai Soup 4 Let's Go Release Some Fish at a Thai Temple 18 Can Your Thai Friend Keep a Secret? 5 So, Did you Finally Try Thai Grilled Rat? 19 Don’t Blame Me for Crushing Your Thai Orchid! 6 Are You Sure That This Ghost Can Speak Thai? 20 Nobody Is Forcing You To Get a Tattoo in 7 Bad Luck, Shmad Luck, We Can Fix Your Bad Thailand! Fortune the Thai Way! 21 I’m Not Fat, I Just Have a Thai Coconut Curry 8 We’re Here Anyway, So Let’s Watch the Thai Belly Drama 22 What Does a Thai Holy Man Look Like? 9 What’s The Thai Way to Think of Untimely Passing? 23 Would You Really Get Fired for Snacking On the 10 Is Your lucky Thai Buddha Real or an Imitation? Job in Thailand? 11 Braces Are Very Fashionable in Thailand 24 There’s No Lucky Number Seven in Thailand! 12 It’s So Soft, It Must be Thai Silk! 25 How Many Imaginary Thai Animals Are There?

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