National Society Sons of the American Revolution
32 OFFICIAL BULLETIN WILLIAM FORCE WHITAKER, Elizabeth, N. J. (19595). Great-grandson BULLETIN Thomas Forse, or Force, Corporal Second Regt. Essex County New Jer..._ OFFICIAL Militia. -• 01" ALFRED EDGAR WHITE, Mobile, Ala. (19631). Great-grandson of C White, private, Colonel Noyes's Rhode Island Regt., pensioned. THE NATIONAL SOCIETY CHARLES AUGUSTINE WHITE, Greeley, Colo. (20102). Great-grandson John White, private Mass. Militia at Lexington Alarm; great-grandson OF THE!: Miles Flint, Lieutenant, Spaulding's and Reed's Mass. Regts. DORMAN EATON WHITE, Greeley, Colo. (2o1o3). Great-grandson of loh" White, private Mass. Militia at Lexington Alarm; great-grandson of Mil SONS oF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION Flint, Lieutenant, Spaulding's and Reed's Mass. Regts. • Oraanized April 30, I 889 HOWARD HARPER WHITNEY, New York, N. Y. (19921). Great-~r.andson of Incorporated by Act ol Conaress June 9, 1906 Josiah Whitney, Colonel Second Worcester County Regt. Mass. M1htia, M:t~~~ her Mass. Legislature. DECEMBER, 1908 Number 3 EMMET M. WICKHAM, Delaware, Ohio (19665). (Supplemental.) Groat grandson of Joseph Woods, Corporal Worcester County Mass. Militia· grandson of Dat•id Adams, private New Jersey troops, pensioned. DANIEL A. WILLIAMS, Antioch, Ill. (19799). Great-grandson of lames Boot Captain Conn. Militia; great-grandson of Curtis Beardsley, Corporal Con Militia; great'-grandson of Abraham Beardsley, private Conn. Militia. LEWIS ROBERT WILLIAMS, Louisville, Ky. (19679). Great-grandson Nicholas Blanl~enbaker, private Virginia Line, pensioned. OFFICAL BuLLETIN records action by the General O~cers, ~e FRANK GRIMES WILLIS, Cripple Creek, Colo. (19854). Great2-grandsan B Th~ of Trustees the Executive and other National Commltte~s, hst~ Amaziah Sanderson, private Mass.
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