Museums of Industry: Role of the Company Museum As Regards Its Presentation of Technology, for Use in Industrial Arts Education
This dissertation has been microfilmed exactly as received g 8-8796 BEATTY, Charles Joseph, 1934- MUSEUMS OF INDUSTRY: ROLE OF THE COMPANY MUSEUM AS REGARDS ITS PRESENTATION OF TECHNOLOGY, FOR USE IN INDUSTRIAL ARTS EDUCATION. [Map of United States with Location of Museums of Industry, page 230, not microfilmed at request of author. Available for consultation at The Ohio State University Library]. The Ohio State University, Ph.D., 1967 Education, general University Microfilms, Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan MUSEUMS OF INDUSTRY Role of the Company Museum as Regards Its Presentation of Technology, for Use in Industrial Arts Education DISSERTATION Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy in the Graduate School of The Ohio State University By Charles Joseph Beatty, A.A., B.S., M.A, ******* The Ohio State University 1957 •oved by Adviser School of Education PREFACE AND ACKNOWLEDGMENT Focused on museums that are company owned and operated, “museums of industry," this study developed from a concern that many industrial processes conceal themselves within modern factories. Recognizing that museums created by industries have a potential for revealing the char acteristics of both industry and technology, this study was directed toward exploring the nature of these museums and determining their effectiveness in reflecting industrial characteristics. The text describes the methods whereby "museums of industry" are studied and charts their growth and demise. Examination is made of museum contents, display techniques, publications and other elements. Representa tions of industry are detailed and related to their applications in the curriculum of industrial arts education. Acknowledgment is gratefully made to all parti cipating companies, curators, and directors of museums and especially to the personnel in "museums of industry" who were extremely cooperative in furnishing opportunities from which interviews, literature, photographs, and written ii reports were gathered.
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