Vol.27, No. 35 Three icctions, 58 pages Phone: 201-828-4646 Thursday, August 30,1979 Second class postage paid at Manville, NJ. 08835 $6 a year, 20 cents a copy Merchants up in arms over road construction

bySandiLowich Business is just about non-existent Skip Nelson, owner of the liquor Special Writer at the Carriage Trade Gift Shop, ac- store at the center, echoed the sen- cording to Ron, the owner. "The few timents of the other shopkeepers. At least one Easton merchant has people that do make it in have a hard Business for him has dropped at no intention of leaving Franklin time getting here," he said. "I try to least 50 percent. "Between 8 p.m. and Township despite road construction keep open for loyal customers, but it's 10 p.m. I might as well lock the door. which has hurt business. not worth it monetarily." People aren't taking their lives to get "We expect to be a viable and According to the shopowner, the here," he said. successful tenant in Franklin," said first day the concrete barrier was put Richard Daitch, senior vice-president up last week he made only $4. Mr. Nelson also expressed concern of retail operations for Shop-Rite this about emergency and fire protection week, strongly denying a rumor the Al George, owner of the cleaning for the stores and the adjacent King store was going to be sold. store, said business has been down 33 James Nursing Home. percent since the barrier went up, and Mr. Daitch thinks the situation is down twice as much since road paving The buildings are served by the temporary and business will pick up. began. Many people who do come in Somerset Fire Company located north "We will promote the store to get back are picking up clothes already on Hollywood Avenue. In the event of a to normal volume," he indicated. cleaned. fire, engines would have to travel to Evidently it's the inconvenience of the nearest turnaround in order to road construction that is keeping In addition, customer complaints reach them. An ambulance on the way customers away from the Village have been heavy. On the average, two to a hospital in New Brunswick would Plaza and Shop-Rite centers as paving out of every three people are voicing have to travel nearly a mile to the and widening of two miles their displeasure. turnaround or else face oncoming of the road to four lanes takes place in "I've committed myself to another traffic to avoid the extra distance and front of their establishments and a location," Mr. George divulged, time. concrete barrier separa ting the lanes of refusing to elaborate. "But I have to traffic is completed. Mr. Nelson said he and Mr. Turk stay here until 1981 according to my have attended 14 business, township At 3:30 p.m., normally a busy time lease," be indicated. at the center, there were only 20 cars and county meetings since November. other than employee cars in the Mr. George explained the mer- Most township officials have been parking lot. chants have been unable to negotiate a very helpful, he said, "but once you Inside the food market there were deal so far with the nearby Somerset get to the state level you reach a deaf nearly as many employees visible as Diner for an access road from their ear." customers. And the customers that property off JFK Boulevard. "Their "We're receiving a lot of customer were there weren't too happy with the figures have been unrealistic," he complaints, but what can you say to problems created bytheroadwork'. maintained. people?" he wondered. THE CONSTRUCTION now taking place on Easton Avenue has turned the barricaded this opening-where shoppers were attempting to turnaround Mrs. Wilma Hahner of Somerset traffic pattern of that road into a chaotic mess. The intersection at Demon and cut across the roadway. Some storeowners are dissatisfied wffh the said she missed the shopping center Lane was so congested on Saturday morning that police eventually lengthening of the median, but most have just decided to grin and bear it. sign and had to travel down the road to (Rich Pipeling photo) turn around to reach the store. "Yes, the situation will stop me from coming here in the future," she acknowledged. Holiday brings early deadlines Teachers, pupils preparing Angie Dellasalla of North Brun- swick, who normally shops at the store, said it might be more con- Because of the Labor Day holiday Display advertising designed for venient for her to travel to another Monday, Sept. 3, special deadlines will placement in the Princeton Packet! Shop-Rite. be in effect for next week's issue. must be received by noon Friday. Patrons entering from the north Cancellations and changes in Display ads for Time Off magazine School year to begin Sept. 6 currently must proceed past Shop-Rite classified advertising must be made must be in no later than noon today, to Foxwood Drive to make a U-turn by noon Friday, Aug. 31. New Thursday. back. classified ads will be accepted through Display ads for this newspaper Although it might not seem so close Aug. 27 and school officials say that However controversial, the Schedules for high school students Those exiting the center and headed 5 p.m. Friday. Items for the Too Late alone will be accepted through noon with the humid weather of late, the parents should receive those passes by reassignment of students from Mid- will be mailed to homes before Aug. 31 south towards New Brunswick must To Classify columns will be accepted Tuesday as usual. The office will be opening of the Franklin Township AUK. 31. dlebush School to Hillcrest School will while class lists for elementary school travel almost a mile to Willow Road in through noon Tuesday as usual. / closed Monday, Sept. 3. schools is just a week away as they take place. Those students originally students will'be posted on the doors of order to turn around. —~_x will be open for classes on Thursday, If because of mail delay a student assigned to the Middlebush school for each school beginning today, Thur- Mr. Dennis Turk, manager of the Sept. 6. has not received a bus pass, drivers of the 1979-80 school year are re-assigned sday, until school opens. Easton Avenue Shop-Rite, had a map But before the doors open there is a school busses have been instructed to to Hillcrest. The district's elementary schools on the front showing customers how to lot that needs to be done by teachers, transport eligible students without An orientation meeting will be held will operate daily from 8:40 a.m. to reach the stores. "It's a lot easier than students and school administrators passes for the first few days of school. in the Hillcrest School on Tuesday, 2:25 p.m. Morning kindergartens will it looks," it claims. Special savings alike. Those students will then be instructed Sept. 4 at 10:30 a.m. for those parents run from 8:40 to 11:10 a.m.; afternoon coupons are also being offered to try All members of the schools' to report to their individual school whose children will how be attending kindergartens from 11:55 a.m. to 2:25 and attract customers. professional staff will begin their fall offices upon arrival where office Hillcrest. Both parents and their p.m.; intermediate school from 9 a.m. The smaller shops located at the semester two days earlier on Sept. 4 personnel will be prepared to children are welcome to visit the to 3 p.m. and Franklin High School center are all experiencing economic when teachers will report,to Franklin straighten out those problems. school before it opens on Sept. 6. from 7:48 a.m. to 2:48 p.m. problems caused by the roadwork. High School for an ' in-service- Transportation officials also advise program. the parents of kindergarten pupils that And to alleviate the normal amount students on their way home from of confusion concerningvbus routes, morning classes and those on their telephone hot lines have been put into way to school for afternoon classes operation in the district's tran- will be picked up from and delivered to sportation office in order to process their homes in small vehicles. The bus Local specialist opens pupil transportation problems. number on Kindergarten bus passes Parents may call these numbers, 873- pertains only to the regular school bus 3042 and 873-3043 from 8:30 a.m. to 4 going to school in the morning and the p.m. each weekday. regular bus coming home each af- Mailing of bus passes began Friday, ternoon. family practice office

by R. Zuccarelli 'How You Too Can Make It'." "Such a specialization , provides Special Writer constant stimulation and1 room for Townhouses HIS NEXT decision was the area of growth because I must also deal with No one can ever accuse Dr. George specialization: family practice. psycho-social issues, and often with a Patterson of sitting still. "I believe in education and family's problems," he noted. The 36-year old North Carolina motivation and family support, so the He hasn't "developed" a golf game, native taught science, chemistry and one-stop concept of family practice is the doctor admitted, and emphasized put off again physics for three years after a major advantage. In family prac- that be does not have Wednesdays off. graduating from Elizabeth City State tice, we can provide care for newborns Instead, Dr. Patterson takes a University in North Carolina. He to senior citizens, from pediatrics to breather on Thursday afternoons. fcySBndlLewfch apparently unhappy with the number moved to New York and became a geriatrics. When asked if be played doctor as a Special Writer *f unite, replied, "economics doesn't research chemist. "Family practice offers me the child, the physician replied, enter my picture," reminding Mr. "But the thought in the back of my wider variety of care. I like dealing "Medicine was the farthest from my Site plan consideration for Verb "we're trying to compromise to a mind was that I still bad an unsatisfied with different age groups and with a afoorehouse-Easton Associates to just density." goal," the family practice physician variety of health problems. See SPECIALIST, page 18-A Construct townhqises near Easton Environmental Commission recalled in a recent interview. "So I Agenueand Emeaon Road on a 19.2 member Dr. Brace Hamilton applied to the New Jersey College of fere tract conttBued at me last questioned whether environmental Medicine and Dentistry in Newark." Franklin Townridp Board of Ad- impact was considered, and suggested "There were no problems getting Moorebouse-Easton was looking for into medicine," said Dr. Patterson, Family practice Jo June 1077 the board denied a "windfall profits." "because minority group members variance to Mary and Royal Reynolds Mr. Verb said the number of unite were being encouraged. But going tfrsonstruot townhouses on the site, wen arrived at by rethinking and back to studying was an initial ad- however, in January U7» county redesigning rather man by lopping off justment, and it was extremely 10 years old and growing i Thomas Leahy jitmanded the units, taken into account were demanding. ED ^iBHXauuufilB a% a^BHflOaQaUDflB dhMwatons of me site, fixed costs, the "However, I kept thinking, 'Others Family practice, the newest of pediatrics, surgery, internal .. .. ^. The flan submitted to the ravine area, and the buffer sane which have done it, so why shouldn't I?' Of medical specialty, is 10 years old. medicine, obstetrics and gynecology, JMge by Moorahootc-Easton they tried, to enbtfge. course, most of the other students The latest of the in-depth fields for psychiatry and community medicine iMoeJilaf at that time comprised 140 IUCBBIQ uuwes, engmeer iw ine came straight from school and had physicians was created by the to learn bow to give each patient Oattsat a 7.3 per acre density. e total number of established good study habits," be American Board of Family Practice continuing comprehensive health -J* May 3MV» a revised plan b> (he nsvne area was noted, pointing out Oat there was a at the Conference on Medical care, regardWs of age or sex. I ups at a «JS per acre iSBtoSL great deal to read and a great amount Education in Chicago hi February The family practice physician the i wffl be in charters of detailed knowledge win which to Vim. The conference, an i sounds a little like the GP or general ranging from five to It units, he to- sponsored by the practitioner of a few yean back, apian "Being oat in the worid was an j except oat today's family doctor hi for me," he noted, adding that a major educators from all over the country, highry trained to do the job and must adjustment he had to make was the During the past decade, prove it periodically. birtbof Us daughter one month before he started nwdkal school, "and certified. More thaa M« doctor* i TO BE certified, a famirydoctor aABated with nobody was working," he recalled must pass a two-day mamlnation , said if with a laugh. three-year residency given oy me specnuqrs eararymg DR. GEORGE Patterson tends to a patient during another busy work day. a sws*er of How did he and bis wife «•»•»•*•» 1.M0 graduates of council, the American Board of Dr. Patterson specializes in family medicine a relatively new practice which "Through loans and programs are now practicing Fam% Praefice. He or she must also and Ms of budgeting," he > is only 10 year old. Nasar, altering it, he i adding, "my Hfe story eoald be tilled, Famfly praetfce Watves the stedy See FAMILY, page 18-A (Rich PipoNng photo)

"I v 1 ^^^^^:^^ 2-A I he franklin NEWS RECORD Thursday, August 30,1979 School board decisions irk township council by Dorothy Mauro "It's possible that the track Since council has no Special Writer will never be built. I also feel jurisdiction over board of the closing of a neighborhood education's actions, Beachem The feedback from the school might be acted on with mentioned that in his proposed Back-To-Schooi and Fall Specials! Board of Education's recent some haste," be said. government reorganization, decisions to dose Middlebush "Little can be done since which council is currently School and not to construct a board of education has made reviewing, there is a new high school track carried its decision," councilman suggestion for holding in- WINTUK over to township council's Philip Beachem said. "I too formal meetings with the meeting last Thursday night am disappointed especially boar* of education. as several members ex- over rejecting the building of a "The track would be a good 100% orlon fiber new track. c pressed their disappointment item for informally 99 skein with the board's action. "I'm concerned some discussing. We don't want to "I am disappointed with the members of the public may be step on the Board of Board of Education's unaware that there is no Education's toes, however," TUBE SOCKS Thermos Brand decisions,'.' councilman Andy guarantee a track will be built he said. Schantter said. the following year," he said. "It's a shame the school's LUNCH KITS Several council members being closed and abandoned," had made campaign pledges Councilman Joseph Martino reg. $4.69 to try and help keep the school New members said. "It is the strongest and open and build a new track, he heaviest building in the said. attend coffee township." 80 count 300 count "I wish both things could Cedar Wood Womans Club "Earlier this year there have been accomplished," he were only two items that FILLER PAPER said. Membership Chairperson, SPIRAL NOTEBOOK Grace Pastorini, with her council had suggested were committee members Gerry important, keeping the school reg. $2.29 Free clinic Stenersen, Grace Reed and open arid building a new track. -~ 570 $1.49 The decisions were very Frankie Grassi made for children's preparations for new member disappointing," Mayor 20% Off Decorator immunization coffees held Aug. 28 and 29 at Mettler concluded. the home of Camille Cusimano. Locals named TIMEX WATCHES THROW PILLOWS The Franklin Township She also scheduled a future Health Department Will coffee for Sept. 27 at the home to Dean's List 3 Days Thurs., Fri., Sat. sponsor a free immunization of Grace Pastorini. reg. $1.79 2 for $2.99 clinic for township school Franklin Township The following area residents children. < residents interested in have been named to the Immunizations offered will membership should call Ms. Honors List and Dean's List at BIC10 PACK PENS 20% off Knapsacks include Diptheria, Tetanus, Pattorini at 247-3278 for ad- the Florham-Madison campus Oral Polio, Measles, Mumps, ditional information. of Fairleigh Dickinson reg. $1.79 School Bags Tote Bags and Rubella. Parents are University for the Spring 1979 996 urged to bring their children in Yoga classes semester: at this time to fanmimi»»> them set at church Gary M. Gash and Theresa against preventible childhood Roskowski of Somerset, and 6 Pack Cans SODA Ronald DeLong of South C&CCOLA illnesses. Yoga and backstretching choice of flavors 7 Up, Pepsi, Lipton Tea, etc. The clinic wfll be held on Bound Brook have attained the exercise classes will be held at Honors List by earning a Sept. 12, 1979, from 7 to 8:30the Somerset Presbyterian A homeless pooch pjn. at the municipal building, grade point average of 3.5 or Church beginning Wed- better on a 4.0 system. Just minutes after this stray mixed shepard was brought to the pound she gave birth to case of 24 cans $4.00 ' pack DeMott Lane. nesday, Sept. 12 from 7 to 9 $1.49 Judith F. Tkacik of four puppies. Now the shelter is searching for a home for the family of five. Anyone in- p.m. for 12 sessions. Somerset earned a grade point For more information call terested in giving a home to these animals should contact the shelter. average above 3.2 and has (Rich PipeHng photo) HILLSBORO PHARMACY Gayle Potter at 247-7971. been named to the Dean's List. Dr. William J. Prinsket Hillsborough police blotter Established 1960 Optometrist Baptist Church Carteret Savings Building New Amwell & Auten Roads .•C3>t ;f? r?if^ Somerville, New Jersey 08876 A Piscataway man had his hungry, a smoker and a music CDS (hashish) and possession' %** & '*< 11:00 A.M. assorted frozen foods, executed at 10 p.m., Aug. 21. Day and Evening Hours 7:00 P.M. cigarettes and an AM/ FM 8- The search conducted by By Appointment Thursday — 7:45 P.M. On Aug. 22 someone entered track player. Entry was members of the Somerset One-A-Day Franklin School by breaking a gained through a rear window. County Narcotics Task Force Alka-Seltzer window there. Taken was an in cooperation with the Bound Vitamins IBM electric typewriter. Brook Police Department ^ . „ 36's FIRST UNITED allegedly resulted in the Regular or Plus Iron Going out Somerset County Prosecutor seizure of approximately one METHODIST David Linett has announced pound of hashish with a street 1OO's tonight? Also on Aug. 22 the alternate the arrest of William value of $2000. CHURCH school on Hamilton Street was Neidlinger, age 22, of 346 On Aug. 22, Neidlinger was $129 48 West High St. entered when someone again Voesseler Avenue, Bound arraigned before Judge Check Somerville broke a window. An electric Brook for violation of the New Robert Hendricks and typewriter was stolen from Jersey Drug Laws. released on his own Henry J. McKinnon, Minister there as well. Neidlinger was arrested and recognizance for a future Summer S »:M A J*. • WortMp Sor»lc» charged with possession of court appearance.. TOE Off 9:10 AM. - Mairt Cor* am) Church Tim* Sunday School COME JOIN US! Sometime between noon and 12:40 p.m. on Aug. 21 a Central YMCA s:-i n Newkirk Road resident had his bicycle, a 20 inch Motobecane, Shick ^ Noxzema stolen from in front of the Coming Soon! Foodtown in the Rutgers sets programs Super II 5's Shave Cream Plaza. Personal Touch The New Brunswick YMCA, physical fitness, you need a 11 oz. 9 Livingston Avenue will begin knowledge of how both your nis MAIN EVENT its fall aquatic program on body and the machine works in 526-9589 A motor vehicle belonging to Wednesday, Sept. 5. order to obtain the maximum 99

\ 1979 I he h^nklin-NEWS RECORD 3-A



Chock Your Local Foodtown For Holiday Storo Hours. In OH or Watot Chunk UgM CHICKEN TUNA FISH

O&OAChotc* , S: $04»«hSuWoMej M Bonoloss Boot < >A London •rail Rump Roast | W.WCIDP i U.S. #1 SJSSe. • EASTERN op Round Roast Eve Round Roast POTATOES Shtnandoalt Turkey Farts 1 Smoked Ham town knimattl Urn* o«o coupon pot oOull on I Sutt Portion T I DuuiopSmbotl.l DOK foM «t anr— Coupon aoo« «y|ml M NS.IM 5 Star Farmer's Markft TRISTAN GILLESPIE was a big winner for a little guy when he took first prize in thel patriotic division judging of the annual Asbury Park Baby Parade. Tristan, who dressed asl Uncle Sam and won a trophy and a $50 savings bond for his efforts, is 5 years old. I ttotovQ. to. (Rich Pipeling photo)| Bartlett to.v fssasr** s*2 Pears Gillespie a winner in baby parade MwnwcmrMdod Among the winners at the After losing out last year as He is the son of Angus I Silt &2nd Annual Baby Parade at the Jersey Devil and the year Gillespie, Professor of I BttMSIcnle 1 Asbury Park on Saturday Aug. before asjjptlle Lord Faun- American Studies at Douglass I IS was a local boy, Tristan teroy, Tristan finally won this College, and Sherry Gillespie I Gillespie of 542 Elm Street, year. of Essex Junction, Vermont, f yEast MiUstone, in ..Franklin 'UnfsasLm.svAdd SparM*»t too MMania a Township. >S Sfw Ofocwy Saving* California Tristan, age 5, was dressed Freeholder seeks tests Carrots upas Uncle Sam; he won first You Saw Mora prize in the patriotic category. Tab, Fresco Royal Purple Dressed in red and white of Easton Ave. w< Coco-Coia Eggplant - YouSov»Mof» striped pants and a blue coat SOMERVILLE — Somerset eliminated in the subgradei Fresh Tender with white piping on the lapel, County Freeholder Michael J. before the road is leveled with Green Squash Tristan wore a large top hat Ceponis said today he will asphalt. The existence of any YouSavaMor* decorated with the traditional strongly request a compaction air or water pockets must be Fresh Tender p stars and stripes. A large red soil pavement inspection along completely eliminated in the Yellow Squash ucumbers bow tie added the finishing sections of newly constructed subgrade before the road is touch to the custome. Easton Avenue in Franklin leveled with asphalt. The 5 Star Frozonkmd 5 Star Country Ovon The eight-foot float was Township. Ceponis, the lone existence of any air or water decorated with red, white, and Democrat on the five-member pockets could sharply reduce blue bunting. The theme of the freeholder board, said also the life of the road and cause float was "Birth of a Nation". that the hazardous turning early section cracks, area Tristan rode atop the float in a areas and intersections, upheaveb and potholes. nest of hay as he waved to the particularly near the food The freeholder also stated crowd. He received a two-foot shopping centers, which are he did not wish to unjustifably trophy of silver and Italian caused by the construction accuse the general contractor marble, topped with a blue project, must be rectified but would call for a complete crown and a statuette of a immediately. Ceponis con- construction examination of FroMn SMI. Chickan or Turtwy foodttun JMW «y« Mt Cuk o> baby. He also received a $50 tinued by saying that the the road and. the review of the Pufr)p#frUCKW Savings Bond. roadway has become an present paving and Morton Asbury Park honors tots example of "organized soil/ subgrade compaction White Broad every year at this time with a chaos". techniques used on Easton gala pageant. It's the day kids Ceponis said his request for Avenue. He also will be Macaroni Foodtown (16 m bog) get to dress up in dazzling or soil compaction ratio tests on g ggreater vehicular outrageous attire and the proposed paved and newly controls andd clearerl , un- IAO Nobtsco Cheese S D promenade before an ad-paved sections on Easton derstandable signs until the 09 Chips Ahoy FroMnDaluw miring audience of relatives, Avenue is prompted by a few completion of the project. Celeste Pizza _ - own Rolls U friends, and admirers. Street local engineers. The ymm m&m Mmam 1m,* signs, dubbed Diaper Drive The requests for the in- &59* Potato Rldgjes freeholder stated that the spections and signs will be 5 Star and Maternity Avenue, ftoMnSng»IwvneFonucMAMdo _> . engineers believed the newly submitted to the state and KleenVxfissue S59* Vienna Fingers •designate the parade route.. paved road might not have Chopped Ten outstanding bands from county. ionzoni Entrees ^69 been compacted comedy. He .a*"*.""*.. 3 •-tl Hydrox Cookies d < l < Kraku' New Jersey, Pennsylvania, commented that all air RECYCLE BOLAOC MortSTDSn ul> X° 59 P o t!«-. ^ New York and Connecticut set pockets and water pockets THIS . cocoonu,. «»99« sBndiSs pfcaVT the beat for marching. Liners. must be completely NEWSPAPER ^79« KeeWer Toasts lceCreamtray«n COTT I tomato Paste S Star Dolryland iriVour.Ho »l«««leNekhaw- 54x$lt7 fmt*f Hoad 16 Ontm SeMeWtoM -59* SataisMeal bog I iWatar St59


A.M. to 4 P.M. Anwouf eocon p WE HAVE THE FINEST SELECTION OF 16 «" sr -^- 1P~7T oup 79 SHcediacon ^ WINES-LIQUORS dantto lm » MM*to 3 packagM ol arnr *m \*»m otwrjj** noted. Sato torm 9^i«pon*to«orlvpoonvNeoi«fort.M«i«)w1MnCour«vG«oom. . Soda Ice Cubes

MANVIUE—S. Main St. HIUSBOROUGH—Rt. 206 So. Mo*.-Ttwn. • a.m.-f p.m. Moti.-Sat. • «.m. • 10 p.m. Fri. • a.m.-lt p.m. Sat. • a.m.4 p-« San. • a.m. -1 p.m. Foodtown Markets , S«M. •a.m.-4p.m. i

rs3Cy»y. orum i: ,4-A Thursday, August 30, 1979

editorial .Crump's, Curtail commercial speeders Ghost of ? and death rate would drop Da mo rt Runyon * Certainly with the gasoline shortage, the mandatory 55 miles-per-hour speed limit nationwide and fewer vehicles by Stuart Cramp Jr. on the roads the carnage on our nation's highways must The Packet Group have dipped this year. The perspiration dripping down my Not so! ears felt like little bugs crawling all over me. It flowed into my shirt, which The National Safety Council said the number of deaths was sticking to my back like Elmer's on highways across the nation is up 4.5 percent over the Glue. same period of last year. And New Jersey, which of late As I inserted the token into the turnstile, I could hear a subway train has been billing itself as the Nation's safest state, has seen pulling into the station downstairs. As an 8.8 percent increase in highway fatalities. I made a mad dash down the, steps, I could feel another couple gallons of Something obviously is wrong. And with the Labor Day sweat ozzing forth from my pores. weekend expected to send millions to the highways starting Panting heavily, I reached the plat- Friday, safety officials have turned to the nation's pulpits form just in time to watch the train pull out. for help. A prayer for safety has been prepared by the dean "You got a 20-minute wait," a fellow of the country's clergymen, Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, victim said. "I just missed it too. They and the safety council has asked all clergymen to read it don't run often on Sundays." from their pulpits on Sunday. - ft am Nice, I thought to myself. We both It can't hurt. The.only problem with the idea is that the sat down on the bench. I pulled out a ' K * magazine and attempted to read it bulk of the candidates for national highway statistics will < 1 GADS, I HATE New York in not be in the churches this Sunday - they'll be off on the August," the guy said. "The pits." beaches or in the mountains. !. Must mean armpits, I thought to Why have fatalities increased on the roads? r myself but said nothing. I know his type. They spot you as a listener and Everyone is aware that the rate dipped sharply when the | 1 won't let you get a moment's reading 55 mph speed limit was introduced nationwide and en- done if you give them an ear. He ENJOY YOWR LABOR DAY seemed not to notice that I was forced with vigor. Everyone is equally aware that the limit ignoring him. is no longer enforced with much gusto. v "Yep, the subway service has gotten And especially the speed limit is not enforced against the a lot worse these last few years. professional driver. Despite all the-propaganda issued by Hardly ever ride 'em anymore," he the truck and bus lobbies, the most flagrant violations of Focusing on hazardous waste said. speed limits are commited by truck and bus drivers. If I don't know what prompted me to do it, but I opened my mouth and out statistics prove otherwise — and they probably do— it is by David F. Moore the Freeholders' meeting room on the hazardous waste disposal. moved into our culture gradually, came the following: "Wasn't it Damon only because the speeding truck and bus seldom is involved N.J. Conservation Foundation llth floor of the Middlesex County spurred by Rachel Carson's book, Runyon who said, 'The only way to Office Building, New Brunswick. PREDICTABLY, THE result has "Silent Spring," and abetted later by catch a train is to miss the one before in the accident it caused. New Jersey is assuming a lead role Hazardous wastes, which include all been a bottleneck in disposal and an highly publicized legal infighting to it'?" If Runyon didn't say it, he should If bus companies force their drivers to exceed speed among the states by coming to grips kinds of toxics as well as radioactive accompanying upsurge in "midnight outlaw the pesticide DDT. So, have. with the periods of hazardous waste materials and exotic things like dumping" of frightening assortments although it may seem longer, en- limits to keep on schedule — and they most certainly do; disposal. Coming to grips in this case bacteria and viruses, have been of bad things by the unscrupulous. I'm vironmentalism as an established part "Yeah, I knew Damon Runyon," the and if truckers must exceed speed limits to meet promised involves inviting public comments and targeted for awhile now by the state glad our state is beginning to meet this of our culture is really a lot newer than guy said. "Great man. He and Walter delivery times, then it is time to act against company of- suggestions at the very outset, which Department of Environmental problem squarely. the expolitative ethics which endanger Winchell used to hang around Jack is laudable indeed. Protection. Initially, this has meant us all. Dempsey's back when I was a cop on ficials and not the drivers. '-, This happens Sept. 11 at 7 p.m. when shutting down landfills and becoming It's only been about 15 years or so I bring this up because, looking the beat. I spent 35 years on the force. In the meantime, if the police devoted the majority of the new State Advisory Committee on more stringent with controls over since the so-called environmental back, we can all realize that the ex- I've seen this city go from bad to Hazardous Waste Control convenes in incinerators and other forms of revolution began taking place. It plosion of environmentalism brought worse. The kids. That's what done it." their patrol time to halting speeding commercial vehicles on a shotgun kind of approach to the national death rate would dip sharply. anything which is environmentally Actually, he didn't say "the kids." unwise. This was a reasonable What he said was a racial epithet that reaction, as with any kind of great isn't in my vocabulary. I was tempted awakening, but it left no room initially to make a conciliatory statement like for measuring the priorities, or "they aren't aU bad," but I decided How much is a nickel? deciding which bad things are worse instead to change the topic when a than which other bad things. fellow appeared on the scene wearing by Michael Hokombe For instance, Dad has to shell out an earring the size of a hula hoop and $25 for a new pah* of shoes. So he trots But now policymakers and the rest Staff Writer of us concerned humans have had time carrying a radio that was bigger than Mom and the two kids out to Mc- a phone booth and which was blaring Donald's and 500 hamburgers later to begin sorting out the priorities. Sure a nickel doesn't buy much any We've also had the example of Love away with the latest Disco Gold or more — a couple of minutes parking, he's saved enough money to keep his whatever it is they play on the radio son or daughter from walking to Canal, at Niagara Falls, to help shape two or three sticks of licorice if you're our thinking. these days between commercials. lucky. So a lot of people didn't get school barefoot. And it would only take about two months considering of It's now abundantly clear that the excited when McDonald's hamburger rampant disposal of poisons of all "You knew Damon Runyon? What kingpin Ray Kroc announced that he course that aU four each had two was he like?" hamburgers once a day. kinds into our common environment was rolling the price of hamburgers has got to stop. It should have stopped and chMKburgen back a nickel. That 1900 color television would only "Top drawer. Always quick with the take* little over six years to acquire. many-, many years ago. But the job Well that's okay, but the problem now is to try to correct what we did lines. Damn good writer too. Don't with people today is that they Just Listen, programming isn't that good make 'em like that these days. Not like that you can't wait. And in six years wrong, and to do much better now and him." don't have any kind of vision, no in- in the future. There's nothing which sight any virile adult male worth his Big Mac will be able to produce at least can be done to purify an aquifer which "Yeah, I've read him. Great stuff. Sure a nickel isn't worth much, but feeds poison into wells. Just wait a few Can't figure out why he isn't better they add up. Before you know it you've two or three more little mouths to help wolf down those paper thin burgers. years, or centuries, until the mess remembered." got a buck. And from there, who clears up. knows? Nourishment? Who can worry about "DON'T KNOW. Runyon died when And if you are providing for an that when they are only 100,000 Winchell died and Dempsey's getting .hamburgers away from that 15,000 WHEN THE NEW committee avenge family of four it all adds up meets Sept. 11 at New Brunswick, on and I retired from the force five four times faster-mat is if you eat a Toyota they wanted to buy the Mrs. as a second car? under the able chairmanship, in- years ago. Then my wife died. TMs lot of hamburgers. city's been going downhill so long it What's that? The kid Just tried to cidentally, of former New Jersey borrow some money from the bank at Environmental Protection com- hurts." He lit a cigarette. gunpoint and needs H,ooo to bail bun missioner Rocco Ricci, it is going to The Franklin NEWS RECORD ask the public to focus on solutions to "You're taking an awful chance • NaJMPS S73-SM out of Jail? Tell Mm not to worry. with that," I said. You'll have him out in nine years. these questions: But wait a minute, maybe you don't Should disposal facilities be owned and operated publicly, by industry or "With the air in this dry it don't have a family and yon dont need to make much difference." worry about shoes for the kids or a by some combination? What" color television. Okay, but remember requirements f*MHiH be established I was about to say that smoking in fcy TRO rriflCQtMl rSCKVtt IMC* tms — you're lea man 2 million for picking disposal sites? How should the subway is also illegal but Just then cheeseburger! away from the 185,000 hazardous waste facilities be finan- the train finally pulled up. He ditched St.. Rolls Royee youVe been eyeing on ced? What should be done to his smoke and we both climbed on. I NJ. your way towor k every day. discourage illegal dumping? How can noticed he was clutching his bag close T«lap*oiMt(»1) we protect the environment at points to him, and he noticed that I noticed. I know, it an sounds too unpractical. where hazardous wastes are But if you can think with a dear head generated, stored and disposed of? "I keep my gun in here," he said, you can turn Ray Krocv nickel into a How can we reduce the amount of patting the bag tenderly. "Streets .OliRc* nice little investment for yourself. hazardous wastes needling aren't safe anymore. Subways are With every 20 hamburgers, you get disposal? worse. I guess I haven't ridden a train in months. Usually drive." two yMcs $h Urn* y«m $1*. one pound of beef that you don't have Those are simplified versions of s«r«ey._ to pay far. That's 100 percent beef issues the committee will be studying "Why aren't you driving today?" I accenting to what ney say in the during the next four months, and are asked. The tram was pulttag up to the •itl ••••*•* And in Just detailed better in Gov. Brendan next stop. He headed for the door: of Byrne's Executive Order No. 7s, which gf beef to own also established the committee. Those "Can't drive today. I'm drunk. So yoar'ownlt0t»pwiwtstaitr. And if yon planning to participate in its long, champ." •* noteworthy attempt at pabsk in- deforacopyofthe He stepped off the train and onto the •npariaythatintoa platform. As we pulled oat of the hard of »is station I looked back at him. He was nervously dutehtag Ms Ug ud

A NEW discounted McDonald's hamburger, minus about a nickel's worth, latsmlwaval back. Tht trata i pictured with the remainder of a complete fast food meal. According to and we' staff writer MSce Hoteombe, there's a lot that can be bought with that nickel you save. I as • (Rich Pipefing photo) modal far law «f tb city is M of

:i:.*^2?« *>;•»; Thursday, August 30,1979 The franklin NEWS RECORD 5-A letters to the editor I race named new president at Somerset College Middlebush School battle continues Dr. S. Chute Imce,«, vice Delias, Pa. that Dr. Irace is free to leave president of Bergen College education from Columbia Longevtty in the | A presidential search his Bergen position at any since MW. He had served as Unftersity; a rnasten of arts at Somenet has be Editor, The News Record: March 1979 to the last in Believe me, it is far from committee headed by former time, and probably will dean of students mere from from New York University' with Dr. Imce as My concern as a parent August, 1979 no honest reason solved! Maybe the closing of yestenUy (Wedanday) at the Somerset County senator Us duties at the North 1967 untfl being named vice and a bachelor of science from naturally is for the welfare of a for dosing has ever been the school is solved, but die Raymond Bateman sifted ID LM© DBXt president. NYU. He served in me VJS. president although the college child. A parent is to watch given. First, it was a budget impact that is going to be felt Community CoDege. ttnagli77 appBcante before several weeks. In the mean- He holds a doctorate in Army from 1163 to 1964. is only 11 yean old. over the child and this is problem: "We just don't have at Hilkrest School is going to The long-delayed ap- deciding upon Or. Imce, who time, Graham Ross, of exactly what I want to do. I enough money to keep this cause a bigger problem than pointment was announced at a was elected by me coBefe's Bridgewater, the college's Rahway inmates searching for used toys facility open." But then they the substandard rooms at press conference at the board of trustees. Reportedly executive dean for ad- have been a part of the Save found the money in another Middlebush School Committee Middlebush School. college. the inability to secure a ministration and financial Once again the AYUDA Job anytime after Aug. IS, W7». account These accounts seem I want to remind the public Dr. Irace succeeds Dr. quorum among board affairs, wfll continue as acting and Drug Program and the Withe exception of toy guns Toys witt be collected at the since it originated. I believe . to be shuffled around because that the whole situation of again about all the moves that Joseph R. Fink who an-m*ynifyf*Ff otuuiC toe miininff president. He was named to Latin Committee group of the the group seeks any toys which Community Volunteer Fire it seems as though money is our children have to make to nounced Us resignation last has resulted to me delay in Dr. the temporary post on July 30 Rahway State Prison are can be reconditioned Co. on Mondays, Wednesdays Middlebush School is political. always available when Irace's appointment. I believe this because no keep a few people happy. I February to become president by the trustees. holding a toy drive to recycle Toys can be dropped off at and Fridays between 7 and 10 needed. I will call it money in have believed from the first of College Miaericordia in A college spokesman said Dr. Irace has been vice used toys for deprived pjn. genuine, honest reason for hiding. fire and first aid stations closing the school has ever meeting to the last that been given. From the first When the money was found something is fishy and I have meeting I attended back in lo keep the school open we strong beliefs that it's going to began picking on petty things: prove to be true in a short "The roof leaks, landscaping period of time. Local reader needs to be done," "The paint I encourage all Parents of is chipping," "The sewer the Students of Hillcrest FASHIONS M YOUR BEST BUYS ARE AT responds to backs up." Substandard School to make it your rooms that have been this way business to visit the school as Mid-East crisis for 20 years have all of a often as you can. I will be sudden become the center of Editor, The News-Record: making my own personal attraction. visits as often as I can. = LADIES' The McNeil-Lehrer Report Now that Middlebush School The Middlebush situation is is closed, the Franklin not cleared up yet. on Aug. 20 (PBS) featured an Township Board of Education KENNY interview with Mr. Zehdi Terzi LADIES' LADIES' thinks that all is solved with Pat Spies the PLO observer at the the parents and the children. LONG SLEEVE United Nations. He was asked Welsh Lane ULTRA SUEDE CLASSICS this question twice: "Would TAILORED the PLO recognize the State of. SHIRTS SKIRTS DRESSES Israel to exist?" More Middlebush Both times the question was N©3i not answered in the af- Editor, the News Record: harm than good. It takes these firmative and both times an special education students evasive explanation was given I am appalled by the recent longer to adjust to a new with the usual propaganda action of the Franklin situation than other students Late* rhetoric. Township Board of Education. would. I know personally e POLYESTERS • NYLONS • BUTTON FRONTS It is easy to understand why I am referring to the decision because to the three years my Fall • WRAPS • SUMS officials for the State of Israel to move all the special son has been to Franklin's e HUNTS • SOLIDS • SIZES 6-18 keep repeating that they will education classes from SDOCuU GQUCS QOO CttMBQS D6 Fashions • S-M-L not trust this terrorist group HUknst School to Conerly has been moved to a new for called the P.L.O. — to do so Road School. school three times. Gkfe would mean suicide, and the Why is it mat parents of . I urge every person Boy". State of Israel is not about to students to special education earned with the education of LADIES' WOVEN do that. The world has been or at Conerly Road School had the handicapped to attend the told over and over again that no say in this decision? Didn't next Franklin Township Board FASHION JEANS POLYESTER the State of Israel desires two the parents of Middlebush of Education meeting. As a Coat Sale &WOOL things and that is peace and students have months to speak concerned parent, I definitely ! survival. out on the fate of their will be there. 5% in 100% President Carter in his children? tf purchased now. we will hold ' Camp David peace talks with Moving these children from Bonnie Kopaco your Lay-A-Way till POLYESTER Egypt and Israel, brought Hillcrest will do them more Somerset Sept. 15th WOVENS these two nations together. The recent events we have • DENIMS • POCKETS been witnessing are harmful Dotty *304:30. Frl. HH 9P.M • TRIMS* STITCHING to those peace negotiations. Need a carpenter • SIZES 5-13 They could have and should have been avoided. or a plumber? GOT AN IDEA LONG SLEEVES SIZES 8-18 FOR A PHOTO? Morris Levine Check the Classified ads. CALL US NOW. Somerset GIRLS' [EFINGER'SI GIRLS' BACK-TO-SCHOOL BASICS DRESSES BLOUSES INDOOR & OUTDOOR SKIRT GYM SHORTS SHOE ROLLER SKATI $42$.$ || 95 SETS • Adidas • Bruce Jenner • Jelenk • Dolphin • Jockey • Fruit of the SHOE - Loom o) plusmony other nomes • SIZES 4^x714 SPREE • SOUDS • PRINTS • STRIPES HIGH SCHOOL GYM BAGS • POLYESTER 4 COTTON BLENDS SJ195 NEW BALANCE SALE BOYS' • Bound Brook #355 Trail MAVERICK top rated jogging she* $ 95 • SIZES 4-6x7-14 • HiHsborough in Runner's World 26 • SOLIDS • PRINTS In B-D-6E width*, 6 B to 13 EE DENIM JACKETS , • BRHS-East reg. $35.95 • TERRYS • CHENILLES • POLYESTERS / • Immaculate BROOK TEXAN • LACE TRIM—RIBBON TRIMS -.-- -J • Piscataway #255

• Franklin • Manville 199 $1795 MRM6. Of competition • Green Brook • Middlesex uz«*4to13 reg. $24.95 ummain WfSTWN STYUNG • 100% COTTON DENIM CARRY-ALLS NIKE-LEATHER HEALTH-TEX • SNAP fKOKT AND SLEEVES • Adidas • Converse • TWO FOOQETS • YOKE FRONT INFANT * TOOOtER AND SACK* SIZES ft-18 ARSENAL SHORT SLEEVE POLOS T-SHIRTS soccer, football, $ 95 $ 95 13 cleats for traction on all 5 - 6 surfaces - _ KAYNBE • Adidas • York • Everios sizes3rol3 ng. $19.95 FOOTBALL EQUIPMENT TURTLE NECK & ACCESSORIES PONY SHIRTS KNIT SHIRTS • 50% COTTON • Balls. • • Rowlings, HI AND LOW TOP •SOtM35«FANOES Spalding, Wilson BASKETBALL fro* on Mcrtn#i*f fljreQt Ifoc* • Weights • Kicking Tees non, TWQ, Dive fjr ayvMOW stripe to ma ten tcneel • Mouth Guards celofs.

'*) Protective Podding • 50% POLYESTER 50% COTTON • Jerseys for game pi _ -i * •••« • SOLIDS LADIES' CONVERSE • SIZES 8-20 HOCKEY EQUIPMENT LEATHER • Sticks • Gloves • Padding • Pucks TENNIS SHOES BOYS • Tap* • Skates Chris Evert, white and blue - by CCM, Kobe, Sherwood, Cooper, Sherbfoofce sixes 5 to 10 ng. $29.95 JEANS

So...for cnV your e DENIMS • BRUSH DENIMS Back-to School needs, e REG* SLIMS eHUSKYS shop Etutget si e SIZES 8-18 a- 513 W. UNION AVE. TcrfgvfwfTo Your Sporting Goods NoooV' (t».at> BOUND BROOK Wet* Set. 356-0604 RUSTIC MALL MANVILEE OPEN EVERY MIDDLESEX I he Franklin NEWS RECORD Thursday. August 30,1979 Recreation department calls for new entrance

byDomfcyMaarv In the past, residents on Mr. Bedesa said. Special Writer Connor Street had objections Council wUl discuss the of Somerset, N. J. to estabnahmg an access way matter at its next Fred Bedesa of the township near their homes even though would like to greet you I Parks and Recreation there is township owned land In other business, Coun- Department asked council's oa the street which is to be cilman Dick Jensen presented Also serving: support at last Thursday's used for the entrance way, Mr. council Thursday night with a North Brunswick, South Brunswick, meeting for establishing a Bedesa said. first draft of a community goal Kyle Road pedestrian access However cqumilmsn Andy setting questionnaire. Ksndflfl Park, Frankhn Park, to Quarry Park. Schnatter, who recently spoke The questionnaire will "This has been three years with several Connor Road Belle Meade and Hillsborough eventually be sent to every in the running," he said. "It is residents! told council the Franklin resident in order to a necessary step especially "attitude of the people has get community input on some 24*4289 873-2611 873-2325 since the grant runs out in the changed. "Their main concern key issues concerning town- Affiliated with United Synagogue of America fall." is the large number of cars ship policy setting, Dr. Jensen Right now there is only one which would park in the area." said. official access to the park- Most people with can, Mr. "It is not carved in stone," which is on Luepp Lane, Mr. Bedesa said, would probably he said as he welcomed Bedesa said. Although there drive the additional three- council's revisions. are several holes at different quarters of a mile to the Luepp Council will review the points in the fence, some of Lane entrance and park in the rough draft and discuss any these entrance holes are quite lot. changes at the next agenda dangerous, he said. "The accessway should be session. "I support the recreation built in the fall because it is at Council will also discuss at a staff's recommendation," that time when the parks and future agenda session an councilman Philip Beachetn recreation people have some ordinance designed to control said. "It is in the best interest free time. In the spring the lighting facilities in township of the township." personnel is extremely busy," businesses. "Energy conservation is a 6S5-93S5 must." councilwoman Helen Adult school opening Reilly, who introduced the idea, said. ' Ale She proposed restricting to be feted by chimp nonessenbal lighting displays and possibly setting a mid- Zippy, the world famous offerings, such as "Know the night turn off time for business chimpanzee, is coming to Religions of Franklin lighting Franklin Township. The Township." The four-week Retiring - fire inspector, A D€LI/n€STAVRANT "monkey shines" will begin at course will be taught by local Martin McLaughlin received M* 1 pan. on Saturday, Sept. IS, at clergymen. council's commendation for 13 Franklin High School, when Sign language, art therapy years of township service Zippy will entertain by and linoleum block printing Thursday night. skating, painting, typing and are among the other new of- "You have earned the jumping over hurdles. ferings. Meanwhile, the old respect of Franklin citizens," His appearance wul mark favorites are back. Disco Mayor Robert Mettler said in Corncfc Beef + Cabtas the beginning of the fall dancing, weight watching, presenting the award. semester of the Franklin auto mechanics and "We commend and thank Revibcti SatifcWicJi Township Adult Community secretarial classes will be you for your unyielding *» Education Program. offered again. devotion," he said. KV Strip Ste^U The chimp will be on hand to Those too busy to sign up far "I want to thank the council ZIPPY THE chimp will be paying a visit to Franklin to help promote the opening of the pick out door prizes, six Super a full course may want to and all the people in the Franklin Adult School. The school, which will be offering several new courses in addition Zip dolls. He will also pose enroll in one-time workshops, township who helped my job to many old favorites, says "education is not monkey business." with children so mat their such as assertiveness be a success," Mr. DELI SANDWICHES: parents can take photographs. training; jogging: run for your McLaughlin said in accepting Cornet* Beef RoAStBccf Tickets, which will be life; or ol' sol, pur friend. the certificate. available at the door on a first Council also unanimously Twrkcvj HAW + Swiss Brochures listing the Utility deposit interest raised come basis, are 25 cents for courses will be delivered to passed an ordiannce making children under 12 and $1 forlocal mailboxes by Aug. 30.Church Street in the Kingston **** TRENTON — Utility rate. "Economic conditions mean a rate which reflects the adults. Zippy's stage per- Registration for the classes Area a one-way street. plus our complete customers will now get nine have changed substantially cost of capital in the present formance is a fast-moving can be made by mail or in Council also passed 6-2 an percent interest on the since the last time this rate economy." three-quarters of an hour of person. ordinance adding two alter- deposits required to open a new was set," he said. "But it fun and amazement. For further information, call nate members to the Zoning scr vet> gas, electric, telephone or remains that these deposits The amount of a deposit for ***»*—**+• *»*»»*+*****+»»*—< "Education is No Monkey the Adult / Community Board of Adjustment. The two water company account. are a source of funding for a a new account is usually set by Business" is the theme of the Education Department Office new members will stand-in for Commissioner Edward H. utility and since this money is adding the highest monthly autumn educational agenda, at 873-2400, extension 221, or at voting members in case of fine foot* Hynes, who introduced the used by a utility, the bill to the average monthly which includes several new 545-4229. absence. motion to the state Board of customers should reap a fair bill, or by doubling the ex- Public Utilities, explained the rate of return on their money. pected monthly bill for a new need for the higher interest And by a fair rate of return. I customer. Register Now! Heart care at St. Peter'« s KATHLEEN i^DEMY aided by new equipment '13 E»l RU. Street Bridgewater "We're catching them in the reader used previously. correlated to the scanner act" is the way that Dr. Paul Now available, the reading at the exact time the Boyd Jennings and Dr. physicians report, are a symptoms occurred. The Classes for all ages and abilities Narayanan Natarajan, board recording of the number of scanner will also read the certified cariologists on the heart beats skipped per tapes of inpatients, allowing Syllabus Method full-time staff at St. Peter's minute and the correlation of the relative inactivity of the • Tap • Ballet • Toe • Jazz • Acrobatics Medical Center, describe the the patient's symptoms to patient. • All boys acrobatic and tap classes recently installed scanner and heart activity. The new • Adult Dance Classes tape reader on which a scanner also reads out ab- Dr. Natarajan says of the new scanner, "One of the Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced Levels patient's 24-hour elec- normal circulation and can Students perform regularly in many shows and have trocardiogram has been diagnose obscure symptoms. advantages of this new unit is through Wednesday September 5th been named winners in many state and national dance recorded. The new com- The cardiologists are able to our ability to advise a patient competitions. puterized system at the "catch them in the act" by that a given symptom had absolutely no connection with Director: Kathleen Cirioli Medical Center adds many means of a 24-hour diary in features to the standard which a patient records all the activity of the heart. We Dance Major at the Boston Conservatory of Music, will be setting a lot of minds at Drama, Dance. symptoms and the exact time TORES OPEN LABOR DAY they occur. In addition, the ease." Member of the New Jersey Dance Theatre Guild. Local private patient is asked to wear a St. Peter's involvement in For Information and Registration Calk passes course monitor which records heart the reading of 24-hour electro- Borden's 356-8811 performance during daily cardiograms dates back to Breyer's Somerset Farms routine, whether that be at 1970, when the Medical Center Also, at the above location FORT gg.4., Okie. — Pvt. work, at home, or under any and the Middlesex Courfty ICE CREAM SALE Lorenzo Moye, son of Mr. and ICE CREAM SALE ZJkt -Dance I5outuju* desired circumstances. The Heart Association, under the $ off 12 pack Mrs. Julius Moye, 149 Dutton tape from the monitor is then direction of Dr. Jerome large ice cream sandwiches Grade A Large St., Somerset, recently placed in the scanner, and the Rolnick, instituted the Work M crea s at the KATHLEEN ACADEMY OF DANCE completed training as a Datient's symptoms are Evaluation Unit Program. reg. $1.79 A Carrying a complete line of cannoneer under the One off % gal. all flavors m X dancewear for the dancer. / 50 — Now doz. Station Unit Training (DSUT) I « 89' Program at Fort Sill, Okla. OSUT is a 13-week period tennis tips Somerset Farms COKE and PEPSI which combines basic combat Axerold training with advanced in- dividual training. BUTTER 2 liter bottle Avoiding tennis elbow SOUR CREAM Students learned the duties of a howfaer or gun section crewman and received in- by Arnold Mann The Racquet Mann sporting Ib. * 1.19 struction in handling am- goods store which is located in •1.69 munition, setting fuses and • Exercise properly both the Village Plaza shopping preparing charges, com- prior to playing and as a center on Easton Avenue. munications and main- weekly routine. FROM OUR DEU DEPARTMENT tenance. • Avoid the use of Country Styte I Friti-Clov«r Northwestern pressureless balls which are New chairman Narbest Fritz-Clovor Retreat house less stringent • Request string tensions at for United Way POTATO SALAD LIVERWURST I VIRGINIA HAM CHICKEN ROIL CHOPPED HAM sets series the lower range of the offlb> now manufacturer's listings. Robert I. Munox, vice 20* The Cenacle Retreat House, • Choose more resilient oil- president of nuuketing for 99* »h 99«»«>- 411 River Road, Highland reg. 790 59 C 79" .59 filled or oil-impregnated nylon Chkopee in New Branswkk, Park, announces a fall series, (or gut) strings. has recently ban appointed "Approaches to Prayer." • Do not hit hard when chairman of the 197M0 United Four Tuesday mornings, are beginning play in order to Way of Central Jersey cam- We have a full line of picnic supplies for your scheduled from 9:30 to 11:30 allow adequate warm-up time. Labor Day outing • Ice Cubes • Charcoal and a.m., Sept, 18 to Oct. 9 or four • Avoid racquets that have who also serves as Wednesday evenings, from 8 very stiff frames, that tran- vice president of fund raising, li to 10 p.m., Sept 19 through smit vibrations to the arm, or ebaired last year'd drive Oct. 10. that are too heavy. which went over fs*l tor a They will consist of group • Make sure the grip is the total of IUM.OW. I presentations and sharing as correct size. As genenl rUMHUJN PAM well as time alone for prayer • Don't lead win your elbow chairman, he wffl jfcect SOHEtSCT 135 Old York W 25 E. Somerset St. 135 Busks BM. and reflection. on the backhand. Get basic flfsVial Cf ft VBHUHMaf 0MB~ 1483«t. 27 Opn Suggested offering's $3 per instruction on completing your paiga cabinet wfakh will week. back swing and using the coordinate Reservations are necessary. 24 Main St I shoulders and upper torso for 528 W Union Aw Coc.AmwefURnwW Contact Sister Frances Get- a proper stroke. andFrai EMtonAve 203 Main St. cbell or Sister Barbara (Ml The Untted Way of Central Kingston at the Cenacle, MR. MANN is the owner of Jersey kicks off Hs' 8100. on Sept. U Thursday, August 30,1979 I ho Franklin MEWS RECORD 7-A

Marigold tasty dishes •Doing them justice by C. Jane Boning bronze, gold, yellow, orange, Serve with dips, crackers Gardening Writer white and variegations color or hot small biscuits. (Dried flower heads which resemble marigold petals may be used When is a flower more than huge chrysanthemums, ruf- in the winter). just a pretty blossom? When fled asters and the standards, it's a marigold! Members of providing infinite mix and Marigold Salad the year-old Marigold Society match combinations for the of America will agree. home gardener. 1 small lettuce head Formed in July of 1978 by An easy-to-grow, quick to cucumber David Burpee, world-famous germinate and virtually 1 small bunch sliced horticulturalist, "to interest disease-free annual, the radishes and inform members about marigold needs only a sunny 3 scallions cut in short marigolds, to encourage the location and adequate pieces introduction and development moisture to provide beauty 2 firm tomatoes cut in of new varieties and to throughout summer and late wedges broaden recognition of the fall. 12 Greek black olives marigold as a symbol of More than a blossom? The (optional) friendship throughout the MSA newsletter, edited by y« cup olive oil world," the organization has president, Charlotte Bass V« cup wine vinegar grown from the original 35 suggests garnishing omelets 1 teaspoon salt . founding members to a and scrambled eggs with 1 teaspoon oregano membership of over 300. golden marigold petals. 4 slices Greek Feta Forty-one states including Other creative cookery cheese Alaska and Hawaii and four ideas include the following 2 American Marigold countries: Norway, Canada, recipes: heads South Africa and Germany are represented. Marigold Cheese Dip In a large bowl, shred let- The marigold appeals to tuce, add cucumber, radishes, gardeners of all ages. At the scallions, tomatoes and olives. first national convention held 1 large package cream Mix together (in a small on Aug. 3-4 in Greenwood, cheese bowl); olive oil, vinegar, salt South Carolina, hosted by the Vs. pint sour cream and oregano. Pour over the George W. Park Seed Com- 1 teaspoon sherry salad, toss to mix well. pany, the youngest and oldest l teaspoon minced Serve in four individual members were five year old fresh chives bowls with a slice of feta Kevin Cheeseman from Gary, l teaspoon summer cheese on top. Sprinkle Indiana and 85 years young, savory minced marigold petals, whole or Cynthia Ann Zavetz Rosamon Henderson of Bir- 1 tablespoon fresh minced over each salad. mingham, Alabama. marigold petals Lawrenceville gardeners Miss Henderson had chopped fine interested in learning more recently obtained her state's about the Marigold Society of now Mrs. John Elliott endorsement for naming the Blend cheese, cream and America may contact me in marigold as our national sherry until smooth and add care of The Lawrence Ledger Mrs. Mary Nimo, president of the Community Volunteer Firehouse Ladies Auxilliary, presents a fireman's banner to Cynthia Ann Zavetz, Allan Steiner of Edison. Miss flower emblem, the fourth chives, savory and marigold or call 896-1090. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lisa Rosenhouse and Miss state to do so. petals. Season with salt and Louis Agg, Jr. and Chief Stanley Bell, Sr. A Chinese auction is planned to be held Sunday, Sept. 30 at the fire hoi Coleman S. Zavetz of 49 Dedra Prezlock, both of Of the 138 marigold varieties pepper to taste. C. Jane Boning, a founding help defray the cost of the banner. Cooper Ave., Somerset, was Somerset. Crystal Howard of now available, growing Refrigerate for at least one member of the Marigold married Saturday to John Belmont, Calif., was flower heights vary from 10 inches to hour. Serve in bowl with a few Society of America, has Endecott Elliott, son of Mr. girl. three feet; flower heads grow petals garnishing' the top. recently been elected to its and Mrs. Norman; Elliott of John Shively of Louisville, two to five inches in diameter, Serves 12. Board of Directors. Blue Point, N.Y. Colo., was best man. Seating The Rev. Julian Fuzer the guests were Keith Howard performed the ceremony in St. of Belmont, Calif.; Jeff Poland Fall is time Ladislaus Church, New of Thornto, Colo, and Glenn Brunswick. A reception Henderson of New Brunswick. to prune frees 'followed at the Chateau in Mrs. Eliott is a graduate of East Brunswick. Franklin High School and Homeowners are asking if Lincoln Federal Savings The bride, escorted by her University of Colorado. She is it's all right to prune their father, wore a gown of ivory enrolled there in the School of trees and shrubs in the chiffon trimmed with reim- Nursing. summertime. has the rates for you! broidered Alencon lace. Mr. Elliott received a B. S. "Only in an emergency. You Matching lace edged her veil, in business from University should wait until the weather and she carried a nosegay of of Colorado and is employed gets cooler, perhaps in Sep- roses, stephanotis and babies by Modern Specialist in tember, before you do any breath. Boulder, Colo. He is a former extensive pruning. The The Redwood Square 4-year "Treasury Security" Certificate Miss Rosemary Schmidt of regrowth will be less and. won't racer in the World Pro Skiing Th« manogamant ar* Somerset served as maid of Circuit, 1975-76. The couple get nipped by an early frost," honor. Bridesmaids were Mrs. says Clare Sperapani, county local r»iIdcnts will reside in Boulder. "W« ar* your neighbors." agricultural agent at Somerset A YEAR County Extension Service. win However, if you have broken fit. 206 & Am well Road RCA engineers limbs and branches as the Belle Mead. N.J. 08502 result of high winds before a (201)359-7200 8394*795 Three RCA Astro- honored for his design of a new Electronics engineers have control configuration which thunderstorm, or if branches Rate announced at the beginning of every month and guaranteed for the 4-year term won an Engineering Ex- does not require gyro in- are causing a hazard such as Rate available for the month of August rubbing against the house or cellence Award for their formation and which could be 4-YEAR MATURITY • MINIMUM S1.000 • COMPOUNDED CONTINUOUSLY contributions to space implemented with an on-board hanging over the driveway, technology in 1978. general purpose computer. In they should be taken off flush Kevin Phillips, George Sch- addition, he developed an with the trunk of the tree. midt and Kai Eng received the approach for making the For years we thought it Buyers 6-month Savings Certificate RCA award in recognition of delica tein-orbit transition from necessary to cover pruning outstanding contributions and a 3-axis gyro-based system to wounds with tree paint if the and leadership in the solution of a momentum-bias system. wound was over 1 inch in extremely difficult technical diameter. Recent work by Sellers problems. plant pathologists with the "Their efforts have ad- Mr. Schmidt has been VS. Forest Service has shown meet vanced RCA's technical honored Jor his design of a that this is not necessary. reputation in the area of magnetkrvmomentum control Covering tree wounds with weekly spacecraft design," said Dr. scheme which maintains the tree paint does not decrease Warren Manger, * Chief spacecraft in a stable orbital decay but merely satisfies the in the 10.049EFFKTIVf ANNUAL YIELD ON * Engineer.. position. Kai Eng has been owner that he has done Messrs. Phillips and Sch- recognized for his outstanding something to help the tree. CLASSIFIED midt were recognized for their engineering analysis which Dead limbs and branches efforts leading to the im- predicts the performance of should be removed as soon as PAGES plementation of the communication satellite you notice them to avoid tree Momentum Bias Attitude transponders and antennas. rot. Control System for the Block A YEAR 5D-1 Defense Meteorological Try one of the restaurants Spacecraft. Rate available964 week of August 30 - September 5 • $10,0050 Minimum • 26-week maturity Mr. Phillips was also on our Arts page. FtDER^Rr\GUlJU IONS PROHIBIT COMPOUNDING OK INT ERLST ON SIX-MONTH CERTIFICATE ACCOUNTS This is rin i-iffr tivf jnnuat ;ifld assuming reinvestment of principal and interest tit matunt\ ts made at the ^drm- interest rate *M the time of renewal. vur mUTfst ran- rniqht bt- hiqhfr or lo\*.er than it is now

Eleonora Stein Ballet OTHER HIGH RATE SAVINGS CERTIFICATES ALSO AVAILABLE & Arts Academy HOME OF SOMERSET REGIONAL BALLET COMPANY 845* 817 790* 708 6.81 610 Hamilton Street, Somerset, N. J. EFFFCTM ANNUAL YIELD Of> Telephone: 246-1152 EFFECTIVE ANNUAL YIELD ON t F Ff < ll\t *NNU», .it ; i ' F H I ;i\\ ANN(JV Vl%f LDON tFFtCTIVt ANNUAL YIELD( Complete Training in Classical Russian Ballet Toe, Character, Modern Jazz, Acrobatics, Boys 800* 775' 750 675' 650 A YEAR 2', TO 4 YEARS A YEAR I TO 2'/YEARS AYEAR6>t.ARS A YEAR 8 YEARS 'VFAFMYLARS MINIMUM 51.000 MINIMUM *l 000 Class. Beginners to Professional • from age 4 to MINIMUM S| 000 MINIMUM ^! 000 MINIMUM S| 000 COMPOUNDED CONTINUOUSLY COMPOUNDED CONTINUOUSLY adults All Classes Carefully Graded COMPOUNDED CONTINUOUSLY COMPOUNDED CQNTINUO COMPOUNDED CONTINUOUSLY Director: Federal regulations require substantial penalty for premature withdrawal from savings certificates. Mme. Eleonora Stein ASRSB JAZZ and TAP We reserve the right to withdraw this offer in whole or in part any time without notice. v Trained at the Professor TroyanoH Ballet Academy. Budapest, and SPECIAL* EXERCISE CLASS REGULAR PASSBOOK ACCOUNTS Qlga Preobrajenska. Serge Lifar. Pahs. Michael Mordhin. New York City. ' '.REGISTER J IAYEAR Professor of Ballet 5.50' i and Guest Teacher FROM DAY OF DEPOSIT TO DAY OF WITHDRAWAL • COMPOUNDED DAILY * Semyon V. G. Troyanoff Russian Imperial Ballet, Moscow SEPT. 4th Limted Enrollment Around the corner:\. across the state MUSIC DEPT. Classes start Sept. 17th Dir: Anthony Mariano Massage Therapy for Dancers Ptetro Owo, Coflsem. 01 Music. Mary Kay Bono: Licensed Masseuse Formerly of East Brunswick Academy of Music and Franklin School of Music GRAND OPENING! George Warren NEW DANCE ACADEMY II! AEA-SAG Ml keytxwd mstmmwh, Gator. Westfield • Scotch Plains • Ploinfteld • Hillsborough Hmmy-lkm*. Voice PrMe In Hightend Park, N. J. October 1st. Hew York ChorMcrapher. tftactMS. Bet Mm Monad. CHI 246-1132 of 24&S93 or 5454850 Oncer. Teacher Stirling • Brick • Eatontown • Toms River • Chester • Murray Hill • Ocean *. t. * 'DEPOSITS INSURED TO S4O000BY FEDERAL SMflNGS AND LOAN INSURANCE CORPORATION 8-A Thursday, August 30,1979 Buying easements didn't save farm HJR ROCKY HILL STORE IS CLOSING TRENTON — "The programs based upon the ment easements to the State easement acquisition could be designed appraisal process, Agricultural Preserve easement purchase concept • An effective informational and to continue to farm. The accomplished were . for- was developed to provide for and public relations program Due to personal problems and with d—p regrets Demonstration Program/A and the work on the Newproject also resulted in several mulated and generally agreed fair compensation to the Report of tfae People of New Jersey project, are now needed to successfully operate we are cloying our store at the Montgomery other major accomplish- to by the diverse interests easement seller and protection such an voluntary program in Jersey" was released this operating in Massachusetts, ments: associated with the project. for the general public. Shopping Center in Rocky Hill. Expected week by the New Jersey Connecticut and most recently a community was developed. closing will be by the end of September. Departments of En- in New Hampshire. For copies of the report, > • Procedures were • A draft deed covenant • The value and importance write to the Division of Rural vironmental Protection and In a statement that prefaces developed for administering embodying the restrictions Agriculture. the report, Phillip Alampi, of local participation through Resources, New Jersey After serving the Rocky Hill • Princeton area an easement purchase which such an easement would the establishment of the local Department of Agriculture, The report, jointly published state secretary of agriculture, program. place on the landowners was for the past 15 years and rather than moving all by the two state departments, and Daniel J. O'Hern, who was steering committee and the Health and Agriculture • Rules and regulations developed. local field office were tested Building, P.O. Box 1888. our inventories to our other locations. we describes the operation of the state commissioner of en- spelling out how such two-year pilot project in vironmental protection at the • A detailed and carefully and proven. Trenton, New Jersey 06625. have decided to offer our entire stocks Burlington County, explains time the report was prepared, at reduced prices from 40 - 70% off. why easements were not acknowledged that it is clear This includes all our decorative fabrics, purchased as initially planned, other preservation methods YMCA swim team registration next week and suggests the direction of must be studied. drapery hardware and supplies, dress fabrics, future preservation efforts. Legislation which ap- Registration for the by the YMCA rules and for the team and the YMCA, to meets for the swim team and trimmings. Butterick, McCalls, and Simplicity The purpose of the project propriates $75,000 for a one- Somerset Valley YMCA regulations. was to test the concept of year study of agricultural provide moral support at the officials. patterns, buttons, threads, etc. competitive swim teams, for They must also attend the meets, and to aid in the For additional information, purchasing development districting, transfer of boys and girls ages 7 through prescribed workout sessions, promotion of competitive easements as a tool for development rights and other 17 years, will begin on Mon- contact the Somerset Valley We offer these reductions as gratitude and be able to swim at least swimming as promoted by the YMCA. North Bridge & Green preserving farmland land preservation techniques, day, September 10, starting at one stroke a distance of 100 threatened by developmental has been passed by both YMCA. It will also provide Streets, Somerville, New for past years of patronage. 7:00 p.m., in the youth yards (the more strokes the refreshments at all home Jersey or telephone 722-4567. interests. The value of a houses of the legislature and department lobby of the better the chance of making development easement was awaits Governor Brendan T. YMCA. All custom orders will try to be completed the team). determined by the difference Byrne's signature. Boys and girls need not be At registration, participants Arts Center needs before closing. All custom orders not between the value of land if The projected cost of a members of the YMCA to try will be given a tryout schedule completed before that date will be serviced sold for agricultural purposes statewide program that solely out for the teams, but if based on age groups, expected and its value if sold for involved development selected, they must join as swim team behavior, YMCA volunteer coordinator by our Mt. Holly, N.J. store (609-267-1605). developmental purposes. easement purchases was onewell as pay a swim team fee. philosophy of competition and The New Jersey Center for This store will continue to stay open. According to the report, any of the prime factors that led to This fee covers bus tran- coordinator. This volunteer team expectations. Practices the Performing Arts is a group supports the center in farmland preservation the decision not to go ahead sportation, coaches, entry into will be co-ed. Teams will program to be conducted in nonprofit center that provides fund-raising and community All store fixtures are also available for sale. and buy easements in the the YMCA north meet, swim participate in the North Jersey area residents with per- New Jersey will probably Burlington County project, the patch, and other minor items. relations. YMCA competitive league. forming arts instruction Also needed is a receptionist include 'the purchase of report notes. To try out for the teams, a Supervision of the program development easements, The report also points out (modern dance, ballet, jazz, to register students, schedule boy or girl must be between 7 will be under the direction of puppetry) seminars and classes, do light typing and although not on an exclusive that while the major goal of and 17 years of age, not have Alice Zulauf, aquatic director. basis. Last montji, easements the project — the acquisition exhibitions. The center is telephone work. Volunteer been on another YMCA team Practice will be run by a located in a spacious loft anytime Monday through were purchased on a of easements for the preser- in New Jersey for the past coach, contract pending, Burlington County farm under above the store "Nature's Friday 10 a.m. to 10 p.m., or Tke Fatoic Ceictot vation of agriculture open year, not be currently assisted by Ms. Zulauf. Kitchen" on Division Street. Saturday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. a separate program designed spaces — was not attained, the swimming for another team St. 206 Montgomery Center A parents organization will Volunteers are needed. The For more information, call to preserve the pinelands. project showed that farmers (except high school), be be formed to give assistance at Farmland preservation were willing to sell develop- Friends of the center are the Voluntary Action Center at Rocky Hill, N.J. 921-2294 willing to work hard and abide the swim meets, to raise funds looking for a volunteer 526-7050. Hours: 10 - 5, Mon.-Sat.

THE SOLOMON SCHECHTER DAY SCHOOL OF CENTRAL NEW JERSEY ON€ CUT B€YOND IMC Located at Temple Sholom, ... lor women &men No. Bridge St., Bridgewater * haircutting Will Open Wednesday, * permanent waving Sept 5,1979 * hair coloring A few openings for students in our full day * highlighting kindergarten are still available. * make-up applications Development of the student's knowledge in both SALE STARTS SEPT. 1,1979, SALE ENDS SEPT. 8,1979 ear piercing LAY AW AYS DO NOT APPLY TO SALE ITEMS secular and conservative Judaic areas stressed. * beard trims Jewish children from conservative, reform and or thodox backgrounds are welcome. FISHER PRICE FISHER PRICE RONALD For Further Information Call SESAME STREET INVICTA MY FRIEND WHOOPSIE MCDONALD Rabbi Ron Isaacs, 722-0225 or CLUBHOUSE #937 ON€ CUT B€YOND IMC MASTER MANDY&MY by IDEAL Dr. & Mrs. Ira Cohen, 846-9680 FRIEND MIND 4-6Hi4fishSt. An Affiliate of the United Synagogue of America Reg. $26.99 JENNY YOUR CHOICE Princeton, N. J. 9244286 . tins. • sot, lfr*

Requires 2 "AA" Batteries Not Included

TOMY MIGHTY MO PLAYSKOOL DIGITAL DERBY ELECTRONIC ffuLAS VEGAS Champion VEHICLES BATTLE SHIP ALPHIE MY Oct. 18-21 3 Nights by MILTON BRADLEY I Oct. 1 jLandscaping BOTTLE • C^TO per person LANDSCAPING BABY $379. dbl. occupancy SODDING 846-6184 ' by IDEAL SEEDING SOMERSET, N.J INCLUDES: LAWN MAINTENANC\ E Bus round trip (Manville to UNDERGROUND SPRINKLERS airport -- Manvtlle), jet airfare, transfers/luggage handling in Vegas, FALL SPECIAL? hotel tax-gratuities, valuable coupon books. THATCHING 4,000 sq. ft. Reg. $16.99 Reg. $25.99 f Requires 2 "C" Batteries Requires 2 - "9 V" Batteries ONLY - Not included $40.00!! FISCHER PRICE NUMBERS UP UFE OPERATION Each additional 1.000 s/f — $8.50 ROMPER ROOM by MILTON BRADLEY By MILTON BRADLEY MICKEY MOUSE WOODSEY'S LOG HOUSE tt wo By MILTON BRADLEY SUPER SPECIAL: TALKING PHONE ft THATCHING, FERTILIZER, SEED AND LIME FOR $13,95 PER 1,000 sq. ft. Reg. $7 89 9M99 Requires 1 "0" jw »( •>* Require^ 2 D ^V J; Battery - not included Ntw Ctnstructkm/Room Addition Batteries - Not included B«.t The Oil Shortage I FISHER PRICE ELECTRONIC Fisttcr"Pticc Construction nudes KITCHEN We carry the complete Fisher-Price Truck Fleet QUARTZ ENERGY SAVER* BASKETBALL SET The QUAITZ MtOY SAVBt |_ by CONIC is the tofttiMe solution to offec* B^BI ..... ecenernkdheoliHB. • III |IHI Requires 1 - "9V' Battery • Nr WBT, COMWtT, WOKt • not included mm

SPELLING B LITTLE • »p«ra«*s at 100% capacity for 5hc/hr. • • DATA MAN PROFESSOR by TEXAS INSTRUMENTS by TEXAS INSTRUMENT • MBWT SAVMB OONTROUBT far Electronic Learning Aid Reg. $14.49 • i • R«g. $29.99 "9V" "•V" • waMicaair raaMwryal Mb • BOOM CRANE #314. RACE CAR RIG #320.... $9.59 $a.f9 • feat hart 10 f>. avMr la 3 mimiMi 1 • OUMP TRUCK #303.. TOW TRUCK *316...... $7.99 $5.99 CEMENT MIXER 315. ROLLER GRADER #313.. $7.99 SS.W i IB BULLDOZER #311... CONSTRUCTION 1 HOOKS CREW #317 $5.59 $3.99 LADDER#319 .... FIRE FIGHTERS #321.... $5.59 S3.99 AUOAVAMnfM tfCCSS * PORTAME MODAS SKCWCATIONS: 1200 WATTS, 120V, 10 AMP 1200 WATTS, 240V, 5 AMP •_ • S I ^| 4094 ITU • suvAaouAtnWni MeMMIi Dcreccen *> 120BWATTS, ISOWMOV RBCBSSED .... $84.95 4094S.T.U. HhW* SURFACE $09.95 PORTABLE. 9li99

87 Elizabeth Avenue • Somerset, N.J. 0887 Telephone: (201) 873-2217 Wf Wai SNT ANYWNCIC IN U.S.

r Thursday, August 30,1979 Breast cancer teach-in The Most Tremendous G t Values in Our Historv! to be held in New York City

BOUND BROOK — three approaches to Memorial Sloan-Kettering and Myersoii, consumer affairs treatment —' surgery, Pat Sawyer, a New York City columnist, radio-TV per- radiation, and chemotherapy ACS Reach to Recovery sonality and former Miss — will be discussed by Dr.volunteer, a woman who has America, will host the Benjamin F. Byrd Jr., ofhad breast cancer, will give a American Cancer Society's Vanderbilt University in patient's point of view. open-to-the public Breast Nashville, Tenn.; Dr. Jane E. Cancer Teach-in being held Henney of the National Cancer Sept. 5 from 10:30 a.m. to 1 Institute and Dr. Florence Chu Advances in breast p.m. in the Grand Ballroom of of the Memorial Sloan- reconstruction will be ex- the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in Kettering Cancer Center in plained by Dr. Reuven K. New York City. New York City. Snyderman of the College of Medicine and Dentistry of The psycho-social aspects of New Jersey, who will show Free tickets for the "Teach- breast cancer will be outlined slides of results from this tji" may be obtained by by Dr. Jimmie Holland of advanced form of surgery. writing or calling the Somerset County Unit of the American Cancer Society at Somerset bus drivers 428 East Union Ave., Bound Brook, N.J 08805, phone: 469- 8666. Transportation by bus or save seniors' lives car-pool may be arranged at a cost of $3 per person if suf- SOMERVILLE - Two their clients. Although both ficient demand is expressed. -Somerset County Tran- events occurred in the sportation drivers have been Hillsborough area, similar Labor Day Carpet Sale! The program will feature credited with providing aid reports have come from all talks by, and question and- that may have saved the lives over the county. Drivers are % answer periods with, leading of two senior citizens in usually assigned to a con- Through Monday Save upto 10 sq. yd. during our authorities" on breast oancer separate incidents. sistent route, and they literally who will be in New York for a The Board of Chosen "Look after" the seniors. national conference for Freeholders was notified by According to the Fabulous Holiday Weekend Sale Featuring Unprecedented Values! physicians on the subject of William J. Kerr, president of freeholders, however, the breast cancer. Miss Myerson Nutrition Site Council 14 of the drivers, often provide service fantastic! Save up to $5 sq.yd. on Incredible! Save up to $6 sq.yd. on will serve as moderator during actions of the two county and aid above and beyond the Popular Value-Priced Carpets panel discussions and direct employees which took place call of duty. Luxury Quality Broadloom Favorites >.»&'* questions from the audience to this summer. Nutrition Site number four is program participants best Mr. Kerr commended the located at Mary, Mother of Nyloy nC Commercial Loop Nylon Blended- Tone Textured qualified to respond to them. drivers and expressed the God Church in Flagtown. An extra durable level loop Our Other sites are at Somerset An ideal practical carpet with gratitude of the families of construction. Perfect for the $1199 County-Vo-Tech, Bridgewater Sale*7f& a fresh contemporary look < Educational exhibits, in- those who helped. toughest areas! Toughest Regularly $14.99 sq. yd. af J *«J VD Driver Martha Vaughn, Senior Citizens Center, Regularly $12.99*,. yd. iMt.iied over cluding, films and free Airi literature, will be displayed at while delivering a home meal, Somerset Presbyterian Airion CusMon thegSept.l 5 public session both found her client gravely ill. Church in Franklin and Nylon Foam- Back Patterns Nylon Saxony Carpet Nylon Berber Textured before and after the "Teach- She immdiately called the Warrenbrook Park. Meals are served Monday through A family room or kitchen Durable with a hand-woven C 1 "1 OO in" program. women's family and the local style of long-wearing nylon. Below Regular Wholesale! look. Rich earth-tones! MM •»** rescue squad. The senior has Friday and a small con- Regularly $16.99 sq. yd. tribution is requested. In plaids or prints. Sale *8n Save *6 Sq. Yd. on this Classic Broadloom Installed over The program will open with_ since returned home and is Regularly $13.99sq. yd. Installed Airlon Cushion a discussion of breast cancer resting comfortably. Seniors citizens are aided by Now Ours Alone! Causes and risk factors by Dr. Another driver, Ginny transportation to the sites, or This marvelously durable nylon Heavy Trevira® Saxony Ernest Wynder of the Wilson, received no answer at if necessary, they receive Nylon Multi-Tone Sculptured saxony plush looks beautiful, feels A practical, long-wearing American Health Foundation. a home, when she brought the meals at home. The county A deep-pile loop in blended 4 i! so luxurious and best of all stays luxury deep-pile pkish. • C"»a?^ $ Dr. Arthur I. Holleb, senior daily meal. Becoming con- delivered about 2,000 at-home tones. Durable and practical. % *q. yd. that way. Now due to our carpet Subject to prior sale. ^QKwZ vice president for medical cerned, she contacted site meals in July. Regularly $13.99 sq. yd. instated over buy of the year the entire line Regularly $19.99sq. yd. bailedL._. .affairs of the American The Somerset County Office AlrionCuiMon is ours! Choose from 17 in Altion CusMon manager Mary Devlin, who stock colors ready for Cancer Society, will explain called the women's family. of Transportation provides Multi-Tone Trevira® Textured rides for the elderly, han- immediate delivery! what women themselves can The family found the woman Nylon Textured Plush Exciting color mixtures in a ^_ do to detect breast cancer. Dr. had fallen and was unable to dicapped, and disadvantaged A versatile, long-wearing persons through social ser- 99 silky deep-pile. Long- Cnfrfc $ 1/199 Philip Strax of the Guttman call for help. They summoned soM-tone classic. « wearing and easy to care for. sjQUI^ I ^w *»• *"*• Institute in New York City will the rescue squad, she wasvices agencies and special Regularly $12.99 sq. yd. Regularly $19.99 sq. vd. programs The fleet of 28 ^.ikd over Regularly $19.99sq. yd. installed over analyze the benefit vs. risk hospitalized and is now Airion Cushion • installed over Airlon Cushion Airlon Cushion ratio of mammograDhv recuperating in a nursing vehicles also travels to oc- (breast X-ray). home. cupational, . vocational, recreational, social programs, Super Values in Soil Hiding Save *4 per Square Yard Save %4 per Square Yard Wendy S. Schain, Ed.D., of According to Freeholders and special events. the National Institutes of Vernon A. Noble and Doris W. The program is said to be Antron III Carpets Evans-Black's Heavy/ Nyton Blended- Health will discuss the Dealaman of the County's the most . comprehensive Dacron® Saxony patient's role in decision Human Services Committee, county transportation Antron Uncommercial Tweed Tone Textured A marvelous, deep pile plush of Through making. drivers often come to the aid of program in the state. A super-tough _, - -> #-fc«m A defightful tone-on-tone construction perfect for high S^fn $ 1/77 DuPont's glowing high luster Monday nylon that's ideal for wear traffic areas. Easy to care for! vJOf t^ -^ «,. yd. Dacron! Wry durable, very and suits any type room. A luxurious and practical. full range of colors. Regularly $13.99 Sq. yd. installed over Airlon Cushion Regularly $16.99sq. yd. Only! Regularly $16.99 sq. yd. BORO PHARMACY Below Regular Wholesale! Four Outstanding Luxury Carpets at one Incredible Price... Luxury Antron III® Saxony An ideal carpet made for us alone. Long-wearing, soil- info's Cente hiding and static controlled. * ^ ^ Installed over Regularly $19.99 Sq. yd. installed over Airlon Cushion • Airlon Cushion 159-312 Sale California-Color Antron III Plush $ An easy-care Antron in an ^-> m A ^ Jtt\M% Save *4 per Square Yard Save 5 per Square Yard 7 extra-plush saxony. ^fe.£Sf^>$ • ^M99 Compare Our Everyday Low Prices! Delightful colors. s-7€HCT M *#•«,. ^ Nylon Tone-on Nybn "Natural-Weave" Regularly $20.99 Sq. yd. installed over Airlon Cushion Tone Tracery A Berber style in popular earth tones. Perfect for wearabiRty. Visine Plastic Luxurious Antron Toned Saxony An unusual swirled design in a Scotchgarded* too! long-wearing luxury sculptured. Regularly $17.99sq. yd. Gillette Lilly A marvelous deep-pile Regularly $16.99sq. yd. Squeeze broadloom styled in the latest C*-» /,*•»>$ M IZ99 fresh-tone shades. ^3/^ IZj ZTvd ••••••••••••••••a Foamy Test Regularly $20.99 sq. yd. in«.iM over Airioncushion Our Lowest Price Ever on Pegeen's Favorite Bottle Famous Antron® Berber Texture A dense hand-woven look in all earth-tones Tape imaginable! Perfect for wear Antron HI® Tone-on-Tonc Plush 11 oz. andsoilconcealng. « $ Regularly $20.99 Sq. yd. Installed over Airion Cushion Save 5 per Square Yard $1.39 Elegant Antron III® Plush $2.75 $1.39 A fabulous textured plush ^^ It's an all-time carpet favorite at an extra-special sale price. that's glamorous yet a C<*l*% $ 1 "799 Here's all the luxury of a dense, deep-pile pkish combined with the extra-easy care of shimmering tone-on-tone colors. Lustrous Sale breeze to care for. «^£If€? i £ *Q-vd- Antron III* makes the colors come afive while resisting soil and Clairol Regularly $23,99 Installed over Airlon Cushion static. It's a beautiful look that stays that way. And as for Good News $ wearabiBty nothing surpasses Antron for standing up to the Squibb Insulin Save 10 Square Yard! toughest treatment. A perfect combination of fashion and practicaSty. Select from 24 rrresistable tones including: < Final Net Super Lavish Antron ID® Saxony Burnished Gold, Green Mint, Hot Fudge. Persian Turquoise, Razor * An extraordinary soil-hiding - Pure Cream and Heavenly Blue. U-100 pkish we designed. Super C.L. $ f O99 vd Regularly $20.99 installed over Hair Spray luxury! ^

from Belgium *[-j"£ A vast collection of Afrin Nasal Two exceptionally "beautifu* regularlyl Persian $399" contemporary styles including Sale Gillette patterns woven for us in Belgium on geometries. Berber styles, bold Jacquard VVfflton looms. The pile is plaids and unusual patterns! In $279" Spray 100% Virgin Worsted Wool from New our major rug purchase of the Right Guard Zealand for lasting beauty. The year these thirteen designs in a total of Other Sizes: design detail and the rich jewel-tone twenty-two colors are yours at incredible 2'x4-reg.% 89.99 Sale$ 49.99 Sale savings! Each is hand-crafted of 100% colors w» deBght you! The "Rinnan" Sudafed Bronze I5cc. 4x6'reg. $149.99 Sak>$ 99.99 is available in Beige or Red: the < nylon or modacryfic for superior 5'5"x8"2rreg. $279.99 Sale $149.99 "Sarouk" in Beige or Blue. % 99 durability. Each design is not available in every size^Subjeci to prior sale. All sizes and colors in stock for Other sizes: 30 mg. tab 24 10 oz. 42"x66"reg.$149.99 Sale$ 69.99 SANDLER&WORTH 5'6"x8'6'reg. $299.99 Sale$129.99' $1.59 Open Sunday $1.39 I $2.29 NORTH BRUNSWICK LAWRENCEVILLE FLEMINGTON 11:00 to 5:00Comer Hermann & Georges Road Rt. 1, Southbound, Lawrence Township Routes 202-31-12 Circle Opposite Brunswick Shopping Center '.'4 mi. South of Howard Johnson's Opposite Dansk (201) 788-3711 Open Sundays 11 - (201)247-1212 (609) 882-8550 Other N.J. Stons:* 1,(201)342-5020 Springfield, (201) 376-5500 • Bride Town, (201) 255-3400 (201) 992-7628 • i, (201) 542-2200 • Suecantmu, (201) 584-1427 1

10-A I he franklin NEWS RECORD Thursday. August 30,197* rg home is model for the future

bjrDavMSeUff game room with pool and air ments. "Yes, it's a nice thing They are allowed to make HwPacketGrap hockey tables and a large tank to happen to us," George says decisions, to enjoy success and of tropical fish. There's also an with a . experience failure. They are - it's almost dinner time at apartment for Marge and her allowed to work and take part the Branchburg group home husband Dan and a room for GEORGE IS LUCKY the in the activities of their for retarded adults. It's a Assistant House Manager Branchburg home opened community. Each takes fairly typical Thursday George Carasitt. when it did. Until the home responsibility for his own life evening, except the five men Upstairs is the kitchen, opened last February, he was within the limits of his own who Uve here are having a den/dunog room, and three living at home with his. ability. In short, the residents guest at dumer tonight bedrooms. George has Us own mother. George is a relatively at Branchburg are allowed Denote Miller is in the kit- room and the other four men independent guy who just self-respect and dignity. chen putting the finishing double up in the two remaining needs someone around when Marge's husband Dan touches on the meal with the things get complicated, but his comes home from work. help of House Manager Marge At the end of the tour George mother was getting too old to Everyone takes a place at the Shedlowsky. Mike Lee, John says, "I want to show you one care for him. So, at the age of big round dinner table and UoUcowski, Ricky ScWeding more thing." He~ takes the 40, George might have found Dennis serves the meal. and George Voseller are guest over to a large picture himself relegated to an in- Everybody talks about their making their guest com- window near the dining area. stitution for the first time in day. fortable in the den. Marge The window overlooks a built- his life. George and Mike work at the pops in and says, "George, in swimming pool in the back The five residents at Penny Pincher, a thrift shop in why don't you give our guest a yard and a scenic view Branchburg exercise rights Somerville which is operated tour of the bouse?" beyond. most of us take for granted but by retarded adults. Dennis, It's a large two story house "You've got a pretty nice rights which are often denied John and Ricky spend their on Route 202. Downstairs is a life here," the guest com- mentally retarded people. days at the Readington Adult Activity Center. The Penny Pincher, the Readington Center and another adult You Move activity center in Finderne, are among the projects of the Somerset County Unit for You Store Retarded Citizens. The unit provides services for retarded You Lock people from infancy to old age. GEORGE AND MIKE You Carry , refinish furniture which is sold FURNITURE/RECORDS/EQUIPMENT/MERCHANDISE/BOATS at tnri Penny Pincher. They also do contract work for in- dustry, such as collating for The Depot the Singer Company. Dennis, John and Ricky are mostly involved in prime SELF-STORAGE WAREHOUSE manufacturing — professional jargon for making things with Homestead Rd. Just off Route 206, Hilbboraugh their own hands. These items Residents at the Branchburg Group Home entertain a g it fof dinner, Ricky Schieding, John Liolkowski and George Voseller. Coll (201) 874-8686 are also sold. The retarded From left are House Manager Marge Shedlowski, Mike Lee? ennis Millpr 8AMto6PM adults at the Readington Center also work in crew labor he'd rather watch television. of a group home. This money teams which clean the office of accompanied by two members parents. The residents might their staff. We need no special But he says yes to be polite and is used to obtain a mortgage, Somerset County Unit for of the Somerset Unit staff. The go to Duke Island Park or to permit." ft«*lwt beats the guest by one ball. renovate the house and for Retarded Citizens in Manville unit pays for the staff mem- some cultural event on 7fey* a While the men clean up in closing fees. Then each year, and other offices in Manville. bers' dinners and the retarded Saturday nights. THE NEXT GROUP home the kitchen, the guest has a the unit is given a set rate per When an item someone adults pay their own way. Sunday it's church. All five will be in Bridgewater. Mrs. chance to chat with Marge person it houses. In exchange, made or refinished is sold, that All retarded adults involved of the men at the Branchburg Sapienza said it should be about her job. "Sometimes I the unit must take 75 percent individual gets the money, in the Somerset County Unit's home have joined St. Ann's opening sometime in October feel like I'm taking my of the residents from in- minus material costs. They programs have social ac- Parish in Raritan. They will and will house six retarded paycheck without earning it," stitutions and 25 percent from are also paid for their office tivities available to them most run one of the booths at the women and their staff. DISCOVER she says. "They get up in the those who are living at home cleaning work. This serves as nights of the week. church's bazaar. Unlike the Branchburg morning and fix breakfast and with their parents. A NEW SKILL pocket money. Monday night it's Come Of course, nobody has to home which sits alone on a Back at dinner, George Dance at the VFW Hall in the van picks them up to go tq highway, the Bridgewater participate in a particular work. They get home a 13:30 o/ mentions that this was an Manville. Wednesday nights a social event if they don't want home will be in an upper IT IS EASY to see the ad- AFTER DARK 4 and we start dinner. After vantage of a group home over unusual day. Instead of group of young men frorrf the to. Everyone needs to be left middle class residential neigh- dinner we see that everybody institutionalization, but why is working, the 30 people at the Martinsburg Council of the alone sometimes. borhood. Mrs. Sapienza is Adult Continuing Education at Penny Pincher took a trip up Knights of Columbus take the gets a bath and then they planning on having a coffee it better than having a to Camp Jatoni, to enjoy the men from the Branchburg either go out or watch the klatch for the neighbors to retarded person Iive\i home SOMERSET COUNTY VOCATIONAL & TECHNICAL SCHOOLS television. On Saturday with his parents? Mrs. weather and play a little home bowling or to get pizza. AS DINNER COMES to an introduce them to what the M. BiMn StraM 1 MkMMM, Bridinratar, HJ. 0SW7 mornings, the guys do their Sapienza answers that one wHh volleyball. Camp Jatoni is On alternate Fridays they can end, the guest asks if anyone group home will be all about own laundry." a question of her own. "Do you operated in Warren County by go to a canteen in Somerville would like to shoot a game of and to answer any questions NON-PROGRAM COURSES The Branchburg Group live with your parents?" I PROGRAM COURSES the Somerset County Unit and for retarded adults. pool. they may have. Home is the first of its kind in have normal adult sons and I MrCmWtMtaf is usually reserved for Saturday afternoons at the Mrs. Sapienza expects a r(ll«cH—I) r g lor Protallonal "Play Johnny," Marge says. don't want them living with Ufal Sacratary CwiHfcaHan retarded children. Branchburg home are free Somerset County. According third group home to open in AutoM* f "He's the house pool shark." me. I have a rule, 24 and out" MlMMn •AfHaA 9§f tn# Focotajn Bora to Joan Sapienza, executive January or February. A»t» mUlnX Madkal Aastotont But things didn't work out as time. Some of the residents John's a little reluctant at •mrtyCwIlwra Physical ThOTff I director of the Somerset Besides being much more Back at the BranchtNtg PMIHMMC Carrtrah * planned today, according to chose to go home to visit their first. It's been a long day and a«Caafcla« George. The bus driver got lost County Unit for Retarded humane than- m- Rome, Marge hands the gottt HaaHaf.VaaMaHaal and the bus broke down. People, the unit plans to open stitutionalization, group a classified ad she has ilipgsd TVSanridnt "You mean the bus driver St. Peter's sets class on death 10 more group homes in the homes are also a little out of a local newspapsr. "This really gets to me," sfce didn't know where the camp A program designed to Jersey. next five years. cheaper, according to Mrs. says. is?" Danny asks. assist widows and widowers A variety of topics are "The state of New Jersey Sapienza. She estimates that it APPLY NOW plans to deinstitutionalize costs $16,000 annually to house The ad is from a retardsd In-Pcrson Registration CLASSES BEGIN George gives him a "don't with the death of a spouse is covered during the program, ask me'^shrug. beginning another series of including loneliness, money most retarded people by 1982," a person in an institution and person who is desperately In S«i>t. 11-12 Mrs. Sapienza said. "The need of a place to Hvt. "Can -we get some beer sessions at St. Peter's Medical and home management, about $14,000 a year for them MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 17th State Legislature has recently "There's no way of knowing 6:30- 10 p.m. tonight, Marge," Dennis asks. Center. personal management with to live in a group home. passed a law that says we may what kind of place that person in th* cafeteria "We don't have any money The first session the emphasis on health and the The money comes from the For More Information call 5264)900 establish a home in any is going to end up in," Marge in our budget for beer," Marge program, which is called physical ravages of grief, state of New Jersey. The state residential neighborhood for says. "I hope I never hav* to replies. "Unless you're "Lost A Spouse," will be held helping children understand gives the Somerset County six or less retarded people and see anything like this again." buying." Wednesday, Sept. 19 and and cope with grief, Unit 50 percent of the total cost "I don't have any money," continue for six to eight relationships with family and Dennis says. consecutive Wednesdays. friends and employment. HILLSBORO PHARMACY "Well I guess that means no Developed and coordinated In addition, Mrs. Graham beer," Marge says. by Lewis Schwartz, director of noted, the special concerns of social service at the medical the group's members will be DeCanto's Center Route 206 ONCE A WEEK, the center, and Ann Graham, a elicited and accommodated in Branchburg residents and social worker and widow, Lost the agenda. 359-3121 other retarded adults from the A Spouse was initiated in 1976 Participants in the group Readington Center have an and is partially funded by the range in age from 27 to 70, said opportunity to go out to dinner United Way of Central New ~ Mr. Schwartz.


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y !.i Ilmrsday, August 30. 11-A tes a factory of creativity

» in the aprirfof 1887 notebook: laboratory would be a creative particularly the pre». He Visitors wrote of the strange factory to take the "rawknew that the prea loved costume. One summed it up: y, Alfred (te, rode JUST THINK of electricity materials" of ideas and "charactera," and he played "Edison in his working gown is FOR SOME valley peath th<- used to cheat a poor hen out of trsDsfonii t&6m into useful the part. Over nte black writ, a sight to laugh at—until you remember that is Edison." #c;____BbMr- that^paratec the pleasures of maternity!" products to attract factories to Edison wore a long smock of Newark from h* rura' Edison wanted his new West the valley. ' checked gingham, reaching GREAT TIMES!! fBfttpUB to the f8t- •iv;.. Orange laboratory to make the By the spring of 1888, Edison from chin to heels, to protect" Thomas Alva Edison was no THERE ARE STILL OPENINGS I "Tate," said Jisbn, • rt «s want," Edison spent a evening/he conct-r' . ,'.:aii fortune on a strange list held in « Joseph i ! 1 iiiostances. SOMERSET DOWLERAMA Bandsh* rio aougbt large quantities The fft performers v : hcmicals and metals. He the Refits singiny ihi-: •:••""' ordered such items as on the Somerviile Circle millionfeller.."Biirt);ir ••r.txi walrus hide, a pound of plus £h hits as ! .'xks tails, a dozen bulls' KARITAH • 722-2800 "Runjpund, and ,i : rus, 25 pounds of marl in, of theSeach Hoy- ,-i::<; -i!itities of hog bristles, Seasot r uwine quills, and all kinds At 7:45 p.in . .;•• ' grains Maes0 an- . ..;-, i-f 'everything from an 3 PRELABOR DAY SPECIALS Johiy Maestro s'.n '••• • -phant.'s hide to the eyeballs tPU singfe career with ,- a senator." MILT PLANTERS Broflyn group ca^-l ''•,:••: :y no record that he ever %IM. CHARCOAL Cre£ in I9f>t; AS ; • !::vi the eyeballs. iirji. sin/r for I he CITSI :-"•••••<:• mailer buildings were •Kl BRIQUETS PEANUTS redded such hit • •'. each iiJO feet long; one VISA SMMT FAI tTIf LAfi PLANTERS : rtaliurgy. one for e, Hi.. v.ustry one for wood- C Dry Lafcned In." and '•;r:g. and one for testing ttunmummvmvm^wn. 10 LB. Roasted ••'•• ••nrn-e'ers. BAG 1 Lb. Jar >a local group .•: ',-isovs PRIDE was his • irisjcians from' l.tmu , - Din-id office and library in 5 SUBJECT HEALTH AND BEAUTY NEEDS I HOME & AUTO SPECIALS I HOLIDAY PICNIC SPECIAL -yjo called them-(•;• - a:;, ouiiding. Edison's' •flyttim Method, n." •-. :.-. the center of the ••Ifcestro. At that li:^ .. u.roundei! by tiers of NOTEBOOK »s singing will;. .: . - :v-n: would'contain as died the Del Sahib • •iluineb as possible ! a concert - • ;•.••.••-vith .scientific thought mSawoR got tugetlit-i -..-. . 200 Sheet Crest 300 Mr. Big [Brooklyn Bridge Uiat the College •aed., Some of the int Ruled Tooth Hudson •avehad are 'The \\ ",• •-• Paste Napkins : Jpuld Happen," uhu • 7 Ounce jlJHion seller plus W. i« unites BACK TO SCHOOL STATIONERY SPECIAL ! Me Love." "iilossed J Rain," "Your Hushi.ii •iWife," and rV>.i: ii ' ersey Walk Alone 1.37 s Those persons plai.i ;• • m. 1 lev. musicals. Several 'attending these <-onf-?v ••-•• invmnTes will be seen Dry Idea advised to brint; <\\i-\- 100 7Oz. •<\: *<;;: .:i (hi' commercial Roll-On Bating In case <>i •.;,:•. Plastic '!•-. i •'.'.•^ A'ork. Antiperspirant CWlcerts will he held :•• Glasses regular time at thr San; rn.K '•'• same season, DRY IDEA 1.5 Ounce County College Gv>n>!! K • "•• :iuai<'!s provided 28 in North Hrar.eh • :i«. ••!ii;'hiyment weeks •;-. ifchniciaiis and : • r, ~. ant.i l;ad a ii •-!!>;;.-• o! almost 1.33 :•• - •[ J it- Among the Mini-directory r • • •;.:'••: •; ilwre were over — lists services • i.!i-.i iibers Dristan 100 9 Inch • •• \<->\ .Jersey Stale Tablets Paper '••:•: tht" Arts has Box of 24 for seniors , : i: siii' importance of Plates : .•••. Mcinth as a step in &0 Tablet* 241 UK0ON A 1-r.. . ' •) "i permanent directory of s'-;i '•• .•• Now Jersey. Arts ageMies is now ;iva:),-.' . : .:<'•< Uiivc Director New Jersey senior s••• , :.•.'. ton n'<.' 1 :''•>> rihrr-. tire vital." the^kew. sixpape pun •., \••'.-. ,!.,>(.> Shakespeare is deigned to help >!•".•.••: : ; i 's. A.-sc .'iate Director KB. in tSpch with.Ux'al croi;i ! 9.99I ;a; ';.. "because they meet their mosi > -,• •'ii': mith m a whole nedjs It was prepare: ; i >i-::iiir.. not just in one Wet Ones Sue Dixie puljSc service by ;!.>• Foam Cups : > < p.-oductions. This Soft Cloth Je^jey Health l'n\iu>. .- >"i'' is essential in Towelettes Plates or formation Comniitti-e, :;ii:it: it e base to allow us pr^it information .•.=,•.-. Pack of 70 Platters iiifticu.t and challenging PaokOfS isored by n"- • •• !ith>r\ the safest . i u: vis bii:ty to the high Oil or Air "the New ,:ci-- Tearless Insect ,-n' many faceted Fitter |eration of Senior i.'in••-.• :;e.- o! the members-of 4oz.Baby Repellent lies may also be oi,:.i i vx- New Jersey Theater Shampoo |;ost by writing to the V j\ tio\-ernor Byrne will lM-T 114% Oz. Spray ey Health Prokic- ;;:.< offj. ia! support to the nation Committee. i? s e-.forts by proc- Syvesant Ayemio. I'r: < ;i;i: S'p'ember "Sub- 07083. .- ;•) T;.eater Month." BIC PEN PEPSI FOAM CUPS ICED TEA MIX I VALUE PACK 2 LITER GIANT10OZ. 24 OUNCE 'C choru members Light, Diet or Reg. t- • )RTH BRANCH - Ore >! Francis F Slade. the chorus | most popular features -M has most recently performed lerset Cogntyr College s The ("reat on and the Mass in al and Performing Art Time of War by Joseph Hydn; , the College Community Saul, by Handel: the Mass in , is currently accepting : G, by Schubert: and The First members in all voice roiu 7:45 Nowell by Ralph Vaughn for the 1979-80 season, i bm 1-112 Williams.

D ! ••-'. fir, the For more information, call chorus -will begin > jevel campus the Community Service on Tuesday, Sept. in North. Branch, Department at Somerset preparation of County College, (201) 526-1200, MANVILl I • Kingston MaH, Rt 27 • 924-1717 of. the Under' ihe cSireciion of Ext. 312. Hall

n 12-A rsday, August 30,1979 Ceponis wants county to contract less work Educational testing leads to stress for Japanese SOMERVILLE — Somerset professional services, such as "such services are qualitative The freeholder added that DR.NOBUOSHIMAHARA EasBut WindsoWindsorr. He ist the chtlrmachairman ooff eralain whv that «**«, rhirf ,«-•. m«. > t 1 County Freeholder Mfcbtel J. study reports, architectural in nature and not reasonably over $300,000 was expended in explain why that section chief agrees momenM t to any legitimate Ceponis has critkdted. the work, engineering documents amendable to specifications the past few years on the department of social and win him." Dr. Shimahara saw native "Americans philosophical foundations of education How does all this relate to county's continual procedure and plans and other for bidding purposes." professional services and that there is too The CEE designated professional projects which could have . in the state university V Graduate education? the society of "hiring and utilizing out- Mr. Ceponis said his major DMaingoftestsinflus 7, but it is School of Education. . side-county professional firms renderings, are not required to concern was with the use of been accomplished "in- "Employment in the most people feel I by it, said Dr. H Tto the pressure "Over the yean," be said, prestigious areas comes easiest — and for consultation and be awarded on competitive contracting professional house". ln'Japan," says Nobuo K. Stimahara.. Shimahara professional services" over bids. The provisions of the services when "the county Mr. Ceponis said the county "Japanese society has developed a in some cases only — to graduates of "The the people in an educational anthropologist at group orientation. The welfare of the certain colleges, and getting into these local businesses. local public contracts law possessed an adequate staff to recently hired A.G. Rutgers University. Japan feel by the group Under state law, allow such selections because complete the work in-house.' Lichtenstein and Associates of group as a whole comes first, with the colleges depends almost exclusively structure and •ppy with it. Thai In fact, the college entrance individual in a subordinate role. on how a student does on the CEE," Teaneck for Surveys, examination (CEE). one of the "***" attitude rei Ithe bask cultural drawings and engineering "These are formal groups, such as Dr. Shimahara explained. orientation, so •e no features of the Jaoanese educational uie government or large corporations, "In this way the CEE has become services for the Washington system, is an institution mat dates real reason to Street, Rocky Hill/Franklin which offer the individual lifetime the primary sorting device for. careen has worked so w< i far. back to the last century and qualifies membership, various types of security in Japanese society. bridge for $79,000. The County as one of the most stressful influences has the ability to perform such and rn»ny other benefits in exchange "These social attitudes toward the "The whole evoiufa of education in on Japanese fife. for a group orientation and group CEE have influenced the nature of Japan dearly indifas mat formal work. Recently, Filly and Co. This is reflected in Dr. SUmahara's of Princeton was hired by the loyalty." secondary and even primary schooling is a functilof the political research into the Japanese culture This group orientation has led to a education in Japan to such an extent and economic institute, and white it County for $15,000 for cour- and educational system, of which he is thouse and space study reports unique system of social statification that what's offered iant education for amy enhance pcnoaftnterest in aw himself a product, and figures based on institutions rather than in- the sake of personal growth and in- way or another,, its pAary goals are Other contracts include the prominently in his new book, dividuals, he continued. Working for tellectual development but, rather, a to mold individually tVtwnote group Space Management Study "Adaption and Education hi Japan," the "top companies" is a prime goal in protected exercise in test passing," he orientation* and, thus,Vrpetuate the Report completed by Space published in June by Praeger. Japan because the prestige of the system. Management Consultants of said. group reflects on all its members. "For this purpose, New York for $65,000. Much of "This is why a $15,000-a-year the report was never used. Mr. "JAPANESE SOCIETY is more OCCASIONALLY, a student who trained to be diligent.Wuient and Ceponis also stated the County rigidly structured than is generally chauffeur for a major company such fails the exams after yean of effort convergent and I endure awarded a bid to a bridge the case in mat Euro-American as Toyota feels he has more prestige and preparation win commit suicide, organizational preatimsfhey are a construction company for the countries," explains Dr. Shimahara, than a $50,000-a-year section chief unable to live with the fact of failure remarkably disciplined koole." ht Vosseller Avenue Bridge in who lives at 440 Probaaco Road, of workingina smaller company and helps and too caught up in the emotion of the said. Bridgewater at a cost of $131,000 this year. Mp. Ceponis added the project ^ould have been scheduled/and handled Environmental group soys it wonts Tellico rejected by one ofjhe county bridge The National Wildlife politically-inspired exemp- crews rather than by going to later, in January, 1979, an Mr. Kimball, could "trigger a Interior Secret Cecil D. Federation has sounded a tions to the act when Congress, Endangered Species Com- bid. The freeholder conceded warning that the nation's wave of exemptions for every Andrus, who has cj Tellico that when the county is unable reconvenes in September, the mittee created by Congress pet project that comes before ''ill-conceiv endangered species act is 1973 law protecting en- a nd to perform professional ser- also ruled against completion the Congress. Then we would uneconomic," has Idicated again in danger. dangered wildlife "will be so of the dam, holding that the vices than local firms should Unless the U.S. Senate takes have no protection against the that he will urge iident be given the contract. weakened that it will be Tellico project was destruction of critical wildlife a firm stand against Carter to veto ie ap- practically worthless," ac- economically unsound. habitat." propriations bill cording to Thomas L. Kimball, "Now the proponents of dam executive vice president of the development are asking N.W.F. Congress to overturn a MareelTataz joins SCORE The fate of the endangered Supreme Court decision and Mareel F. Tetaz of 6 Fox Hill volunteers offer their Irvices species program will be in the nullify a finding made by a Drive, Warren, New Jersey, without compensate as balance, Kimball said, when committee that the Congress has received appointment to advisors to people iumall the Senate Votes on a House- itself created," said Mr. SCORE (Service Corps of business, or plannK to passed appropriations bill that Kimball. "The Endangered Retired Executives), spon- engage in small busi would exempt from the act Species Committee's decision sored by the Small Business The SCORE organi TVA's Tellico Dam on the should have ended the matter Administration. nationwide, with nine c Little Tennessee River. for all time, but last June a few Before retirement Mr. Tetaz in New Jersey. The U.S. Supreme Court disgruntled proponents of was vice president of Thomas Information on SCO stopped construction of Tellico Tellico slipped into a House & Betts Corp., Ran tan its services is availabl in June, 1978, on grounds that appropriations bill an SCORE members are writing the Small Bi it would destroy the only amendment that would retired executives with years Administration, 970 known habitat of the snail exempt Tellico from any of successful experience in Street, Newark, New J darter, an endangered min- hindering laws." practically every area of 07102 or telephoning (201) now-sized fish. Seven months Such an exemption, said business and industry. These 3982.

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KIDS • MISSEMICCCSC 'Not shown 1 FAMOUS MAKER SPORTSWEAR" •SWEATERSCARDIGANS.VESTS. _ FALL & WINTER iUM 9 STORM, • • UNTRIMMED AND FUR TRIMMED IN • horizons PANTS. JEANS.KNI;NIT AND WOVEN • I PULL-OVERS.COAT-STYL, co/ E IN SOLIDS I SHIRTS. JACKETS AND VESTS AND FANCIES! I SOLIDS.PLAIDSTWEEDS AND FANCIES!! A program for adult women starting or • YOU PAY I returning to college: • REG. $130.00- • RETAIL $280.00 • Interaction with other women • Exchange of ideas • Weekly lunchtime meetings • Speakers on topics for contemporary women E4CT0RY • Personal and academic support services BANK AMERICARD, VISA HORIZONS begins early in September — AND MASTERCHARGE ACCEPTED THE MARKET PLACE MAUS: CALL US NOW! t* HOWE 27 MO 518 OP6NM0N. • TUES • WED • SAT 10-6 THURS FRI 10-9 30 MATA«MkN.R(XITE34.2l«£SSOU1]HOFROUTE»INTERSECTK)N OPEN: MON TUES - WED - SAT 10-6 THURS FRI 10-*30 CMCTWYMWX. ROUTE 70. MARLTOWCIRCtE OPEW: WOK THRO FRIDAY 10-9:30 SAT 1O« SUN 115 Dr. Nancy Freudenthal School for Continuing Studies (609) 896-0800, Ext. 235 Thursday, August 30,1179 13-A Heart Association offers 2 DAY CLEARANCE guest lecturers at Rutgers OF SUMMER STOCK BRIDGEWATERr Harriet Role," wfll be conducted P. Dustan, M.Di 1977-78 Wedneaday.Sept. 19, by Victor and rosponsored by Santa president of the American PanoBoet, MJ>., director of PharmaceuUcak, a division of Pre- Labor Day Heart Association, will be the •ur§ayf rwwui ora ureci Sandoi, Inc. fuest lecturer at Joe first of Medical Center. three in thf 1979-80 Approved for accreditation semimonthly se*s of car- Another nationally known by the American Medical dWogyccnferenefratCMDN- physidan will give me Wed- Asosciatkn and accepted for J-Rutgers Medical School nesday, October 3, lecture. credit by the -American offered in cooptQption with the Robert I. Levy, MJ>., director Academy of Family Somerset Cotnty Heart of the National Heart, Long, Physicians, these conferences Association. and Blood Institute of the are offered as part of National Institutes of Health, Somerset County Heart's Or. Dustan chief of the will discuss "The Decline of program of professional Hypertension Unit of the Cardiovascular Mortality: education to provide University of jfabama School Causes and Prospects.' physicians, nurses, and other of Medidne, wffl speak on The lectures are Jointly health professionals the op- Langrock fine men's wear '•The Cardtabgy of Hyper- sponsored by Rutgers portunity for postgraduate tension," oi Wednesday, Department of Medicine and study. September tf Surgery and the Academy of "Programmable Pace- Medidne of New Jersey. They This and other Heart WERE SALE makers — Their Present are also sponsored by the V. D. Association programs of research, public education, Tropical $255 to $265 $125 and community services are Federal flood insurance made possible by gifts to the Suits $325 to $350 $160 available in 5th district Heart Association. SSC simplifies Summer $115 to $135 $ 55 MORI IS TOWN — 1968. A community must meet Weight $175 to $235 Represeitative Millicent minimum flood plain registration $ 85 Fenwick (R., 5th Dist, N.J.) management standards before Jackets $250 to $350 $120 has urgfd the public to take its citizens are eligible for the NORTH BRANCH — In advantage of the federal program. Once it has done so, order to provide the fastest, governnent's National Flood a person may*- purchase most efficient service to it's Insuraice Program. federal flood insurance from a applicants, the Somerset "Flwding is the most costly local insurance agent or County College Admissions nature calamity in America," broker. It then takes five days Office is currently conducting Summer swingin' Mrs. Fenwick said, "resulting for a resident to be insured group one-stop admissions 2 DAYS ONLY in the loss of hundreds of lives against flood damage. sessions. The two-a-day It's only a few days until school starts, so these youngsters have been taking advantage of and nillions of dollars of A community may qualify sessions, 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., their last few moments of summer freedom to enjoy themselves at Duke Island Park in FRI.,AUG 31 * SAT., SEPT 1 proprty every year. It will for either the limited initial are being held on Tuesdays, Branchburg. emergency program or the caust over 2 billion dollars in Wednesdays, and Thursdays. (Rich Pipeling photo) No Alterations — All damige this year. But flood regular program. The protection insurance can emergency program provides Initiated in June of 1977, the Sales Final. Cash, Check present your home a'nd per- up to $45,000 coverage for a extremely popular one-stop Children must be taught bus safety or Major Credit Cards Only. soml belongings from home and its contents. program was designed to becoming part of that The emergency program eliminate the delays inherent NEWARK — An estimated bus, but without undue haste crowding or pushing. They there's only one 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. statistic." carries a $25 minimum in the traditional college 640,000 children in New Jersey that leads to a lack of caution. should take their seats Irs. Fenwick stressed the premium and a $0.25 rate per registration process. will use 11,000 school buses When it is necessary for the promptly and remain in them lov cost of flood protection $100 of coverage. The regular daily mis year, an increase of children to walk along a road until the bus has reached its One-stop applicants can stop insurance designed to shield program provides up to some 110,000 students since rather than a sidewalk to destination and has stopped in the College Admissions hones, businesses, and per- $245,000 coverage for a l?pme 1909. reach the bus stop, they should completely. Office with their high school seial belongings from the and its contents. The regular walk facing traffic. They transcripts, and complete the The New Jersey State Safety djrnage that can be done by program also has a $25 should keep as far as to the left The passengers should obey angrock entire admissions process in Council says a factor in school Storms, heavy rains, over- minimum premium, but rates of the shoulder as possible. If the driver's directions less than an hour. bus safety is the behavior of fbwing rivers, or melting vary according to the location the student passengers. there is no shoulder, or H+t is promptly and willingly. 42 Nassau Street, Princeton, New Jersey 08540 of the home in relation to the Children should be taught siows. Mrs. Fenwick's In addition to one-stop, the The Council urges parents to narrow or wet and slippery, flood plain. not to put their heads or arms comments were especially Somerset County College make sure their children are they should not walk more ^ jppropriate < with hurricane For further information, ready to accept their part in than two abreast. Single file is out the windows. Admissions Office will con- They should not throw things "Jeason just beginning, interested citizens may write tinue to see scheduled ap- nuking school buses safe, and better, and a group should i The National Flood In- to the National Flood In- makes the following recom- never spread out over a major about inside the bus or out of Letters to the Editor pointments and walk-in ap- windows or doors. surance Program, ad- surance Program, 451 Seventh plicants. mendations: part of the roadway. ministered by the Department Street, S.W., Washington, DC. Pupils should leave their While waiting for the bus to The children should un- always make good reading. of Housing and Urban 20310, or to call toll free: (800) For information call 526- homes early enough to reach arrive, students should remain derstand the use of emergency Development was set up in 638-6620. 1200, Ext. 271. the bus stop in time for the well off the traveled portion of doors, but should not tamper the roadway and board the bus with them during normal without delay, but without travel. Educational Evaluation MONTESSORI CHILDREN'S HOUSE and Remediation Center Nursery • Day Care • Kindergarten Graduate School of Education 2Vi through 5 years Rutgers University 8 AM through 5:30 is accepting referrals for educational evaluations of Monday through Friday school age children with learning problems. For New Jersey State Certified information call 201-932-7567 or 7297 Wednesday, 201-249-1910 or 609-443-1878 Thursday or Friday A.M. 637 G«org«'s Road. North Brunswick

MAGAZINE Don't Be Left Out...(of Cogito's Labor Day Sale). Be one of the stand outs! The best time to shop for Fall is Labor Day, and it's even better at Cogito's Labor Day Sale! At the better alternative, our first quality, famous maker and designer fashions are always priced 3056 to 50% below retail! If you don't do your Fall shopping at the better COMING NEXT WEEK. alternative's Labor Day Sale, you might as well be just another face in the crowd! Skirts, Reg. to $23 NOW $9.00 Quilted Vest, Reg. to S25NOW $10.00 Slacks, Reg. to $23 NOW $9.00 Skirt, Reg. to $34 NOW $12.00 Tops, Reg. to $29 NOW $12.00 Blouse, Reg. to $34 NOW $12.00 Famous Maker Coordinates Sla<*, Reg. to $32...... NOW $10.00 Perfect for Early Fall Blazer, Reg. to $76.. ..NOW $29.00 Fashion Jacket, Reg. to $65 NOW$29.00

PARAMUS- RL 17 at MHkndAvMUWMooJhra PH. H***)-Sat. 1M THE MARKETPLACE - P W ORANGE - Plata * MOD. tain Fri. 10-9- Sat. 10-6» (2M) 3*-0«08 14-A Ifrnnday, August 30,1979 Endoscopy helps doctors avoid surgery

SOMERVILLE — The ad-some 400,000 Americans who recuperation in the hospital — duct, they'll show up on the are performed in the medical visited!*«to Safrany, M.D., vent of "gastrointestinal each year undergo a costly venture in more ways screen. center's radiology department in WfflMelmshaven, west STMRKMRS endoscopy'1 in the 1960s meant "cholycystectomy," or than one. First performed in the early in the presence «t a Germany, to learn the INFANTS-ADULTS that for the first time, a surgical removal of the Endoscopic papillotomy or 70s, ERPC was considered a gastroenterologist, a nurse tech n Lq u e o f patient with an undiagnosed gallbladder, statistics show sphincterotomy, the use of diagnostic milestone because and a consulting radiologist. papillotdniy/ aphfaetentfmjr PRINCETON gastrointestinal problem ten of every 100 patients also endoscopy to remove it allowed physicians to see According to Klaus J. H. theTatei; published flicons could, under mild sedation, have gallstones in the common gallstones from the common areas which are ordinarily Meckeler, M.D., Chief of the snow thjt since 197S. *P- FALL SEASON 609-924-7040 swallow the endoscope, a long bile duct, through which the duct, is an extension of well hidden within the confines Fritts Gastroenterological proxin lately 4 ,200 Brochure on Request 195 Nassau St. flexible tube slightly thicker liver pours its bile. In seven of another endoscopic procedure of the abdomen, making Laboratory and Endoscopic papillotonies have been Hours by than a telephone cord, as the the ten, the stones in the bile which has been performed at detection of disease by or- Clinic at Somerset Medical perfarmedtn Europe — 90frof (Thompson Court across from BeBows) physician, gMJHii^g the scope duct are detected and Somerset Medical Center dinary X-ray difficult if not Center, the first patients at them by SMray alone — but through the patient's body, removed at the same time as since 1973 — "endoscopic impossible. It was particularly SMC to benefit from en- only 640 eases have been NEW JERSEY BALLET COMPANY diagnosed the problem by the gallbladder. But one of the retrograde cholangiopan- helpful in early diagnosis of doscopic papillotomy / performed it all of the United viewing it directly through the ten will be found to have creatography," or ERPC. WC9T ORANGE MORRISTOWN KNOW SOMEONE cancer of the pancreas and sphyincterotomy were States. scope's eyepiece. The device retained a stone in the duct Simply defined, ERPC bile ducts. examples of the kind of patient WHO'S A FEATURE? works like a TV camera, in immediately after surgery, SOMERVILLE enables the physician to Physicians then saw that the who has the most to gain from Dr. Meckefer attributes this CALL THE EDITOR some cases eliminating the and another will develop diagnose the presence of the technique used in ERPC could the new procedure. They were to fear in thaUnited States of need for surgery. symptoms of the same stones in the common duct. In be used not only for diagnosis older persons who had hadthe increase risk of At Somerset Medical problem within two years of ERPC, the patient is mildly but for actual surgery per- their gallbladders removed, malpractice! suits, which Center, gastrointestinal en- the surgery. sedated, but can still converse formed through the en- and because of other medical accompanies \he introduction doscopy has been used since The last one of the with the physician. A light doscope. Endoscopic surgery problems, were poor can- of any new 1967 to diagnose ulcers, in- hypothetical ten will have an anesthetic is sprayed on the had already been performed didates for surgery. flammations, some cancers, illness later in life related to back of the patient's throat to successfully in the colon — the "For these patients, having "In Europe,^he explained, and gastrointestinal bleeding. the presence of the stones. numb the gagging reflex. The large intestine — to remove surgery to remove stones in "malpractice a-emiums are Recently, however, in what Stones in the common duct physician passes the scope polyps or growths.. the common duct, carries a 5 low and patient) don't sue as are believed to be the first can cause inflammation of the down the patient's throat as To remove the stones, the percent chance of death and frequently. He physicians such cases in New Jersey, duct, the pancreas and the far as the pharynx, stops, asks physician guides the scope on another 20 percent chance of hesitate to involved patients admitted with the liver,abcess, cirrhossis, the patient to swallow, then the same course as is taken in complications, but using with new or delay diagnosis of "biliary ob- jaundice, pain and fever. Until proceeds; - ERPC but once the scope endoscopy, we can lower the providing nev services struction" or stones in the recently, surgery was the only Viewing the body's reaches the common duct, a risks to a one percent chance because of th fear of common bile duct, had theway to treat the condition. technicolor interior through wire with a small electric of death and another seven malpractice actio stones removed by endoscope, But a second operation the eyepiece, the physician knife on its end is fed through percent chance of com- instead of surgery. Rather performed in the same area as guides the scope through the one of the shafts of the scope. plications," explained Dr. "However," DrA Meckeler than spending three weeks in the gallbladder surgery in- esophagus — the narrow tube With it, the physician makes Meckeler. continued, "here at Somerset the hospital recuperating the creases risk of complications from the throat to the stomach an incision in the duct, Strangely enough, the Medical Center we\ have ac- patient went home after 3 and even death. And the risk — the stomach, and into the widening the opening. The largest experience with cumulated experience with days.' increases with the age of the duodenum, the first part of the stones either come out papillotomy/ sphincterotomy, ERPC dating back i This new procedure, "en- patient. Patient with small intestine, until he ob- spontaneously, or they can be and other types of gastroin- and our endoscopic doscopic papillotomy or gallstones tend to be older. serves the opening of the collected with a small wire testinal endoscopy has been become a center for i sphincterotomy," marks an Recovery from the two to common duct. He then in- snare fed through the scope accumulated not in the United from all over centri important advance not only three hour long surgery is troduces a dye through the and pulled out again. The States, but in Europe and Jersey. Based on because it is safer, quicker likely to mean a day or two in scope into the duct, and with scope is then removed. The Japan. perience we are entl and much more comfortable intensive care with all the the help of the X-ray, can view whole procedure usually takes about similar for the patient, but because of accompanying discomfort, on a TV screen the areas the less than an hour. According to Dr. Meckeler, referral center for the number and type of medications, and tests, and up dye passes through. If there Both ERPC and who studied ERPC in Japan in like papillotom^/s]: patients it will benefit. Of to two weeks more are stones in the common papillotomy/ sphyincterotomy 1973, and who last spring, terotomy."

In a world full of change 1980 MODELS ARRIVING we 're still the same... »p Giand on aN 1979 Models in Stock PEACOCK SAVE FROM $40 to $300 20 Bayard Lane, Princeton, N.J. All sale-, arc final quanlilio and M/C- arc limned: no la\aua>s or 2O-4OXaff Depending on Model holdv no mail or phone orders, no warrantie> applx to factor) I Route 206. just off Nassau Street I second*; all Hems subject to prior sale or withdrawal: prices subject "There'll never be a better Nine to change: not liable lor t\ pogi apluc errors Major charges honored: parkas and vests 609-924-1707 to get your best deaf" Vi>a. MaMercharpe and American Kvprcss Personal checks.accep- Down parkas by Sierra Designs and Northface. ted with proper identification onl\ Many instore specials not listed! Lunch • Dinner • Cocktails 1605 No. OMenAve. Prices: $92.50-5100.00 (20-30% off). Polarguard® Overnight Lodgings Trenton, N.J. Parkas by Alpine Products and Wyoming (tOf) 3*3-7550 Woolens. Prices: $60.O0-$8O.OO (20-30% off). Thinsulate® Jackets by Sierra Designs and Camp 25lotf 7. Prices: $65.OO-$79.OO (25% off). Down and synthetic filled vests by Camp 7 and Alpine tents Products. Prices: $39.5O-$52.OO (20-40% off). Sierra Design Airflex Arch Bow Tent. Price: $225.00 (25% off). shorts All shorts in stock are by Sportif, Robbins, Patagonia, and shirts Woolrich and One Wear. Men's, Women's and 25-5OXaff Children's styles. Assorted s colors and sizes. Prices: kelty GoreTex jackets $13.OO-$28.OO (25-50% off). Men's Macintosh $110.00, Lady's Summer shirts by Coming Macintosh $104.00, Anorak $74.00 and All Attractions and Woolrich. Weather Parka $89.00 (all at 25% off). Other assorted GoreTex® foul weather Selected styles and colors. clothing: parkas, anoraks -and chaps 25% off. Prices: $15.OO-$19.5O (25-50% off). Castro's Montich 80" Queen Silt... TV headrest and reversible mattress.. converts to a most comfortable 74"x60" queen size bed informal contemporary design richly padded tuxedo arms. 35laff finely tailored back with fluffy side pillows, covered m your choice of fabrics shells castro's 5OXoH Wind and sport shells by Wyoming alba sewing kits Woolens, Sportcaster, Peter Storm and Coming Attractions. Prices: Vests, parkas, sleeping bags. $16.00-$60.00 (35% off). august furniture sale Selected styles and models . a giant event with sensational savings • Play safe... alw»y» look under the teat cushions for our Alpine Products .7 Mummy style, world-famous trade-mark, your assurance of buying sweaters and turtlenecks the best. 30° Rating. Polarguard® filled. • Matching loveseats and chairs available at comparable Prices: $84.00 Regular, $87.00 Large savings. (25% off). 25-6OX< $599. Castro's Talbot 78" Quean Sin... TV headrest and reversible mattress . converts to a most comfortable 74"«60" Queen size bed. sophisticated elegance o< graceful lines sumptuously channeled back and arms

special...' CASTRO'S EXCLUSIVE OTTOMAN. 25-5OXOH attractive space-saver... converts to • most comfortable cross country ski equipment bed with thick, separate inner- spring mattress. Castro's unique Assorted skis by Fischer $75.OO-$18O.OO (30% oif), Trak Marathon-S steel mechanism and casters. $95x0t (30% off), Rallcye $85.00 (30% off) and Tracker Mountain Sweaters by assorted manufacturers. Prices: Touring $100.00 (30% off). Cross Country ski boots by Trak, Fabiano $19.95-570.00 (25-60% off). Turtleneck $169., to $295. shirts by Medalist-Allen-A. Prices: Men's CASTRO'S and Ah*. Prices: $35.0O-$62.O0 (25% off). Cross Country ski clothing LUXURIOUS RECLINERS... fcy AFRC. Assorted styles and colon. Prices; $19.95-$85.OO (50% off). $11.95, Women's $11.50 (30% off). $399. many styles available for immediate delivery. You'll love our handsome CaVro't.Rivardtte 70" FuH Size- new designs with alt the styles and TV headrest and reversible mattress... HOUR: quality that Castro is famous lor... Store Mon. Thus. fit. 10 AM - 9 PM converts to a most comfortable 74"JC60" queen size bed... including wan-away, swivel and Tues.. Wfed., Sat. 10 AM - 6 PM provocative interesting look... double wetted serpentine arms... rocker recliners. THEMOCEL smartly tailored, buttoned one-piece back... covered in nylon 8^0 Stole Road (Rte. 206) Prtncetorx NJ 06540 609-924-3001 HMrcM-.10M.-9pa; 259 State Kwj. II, tart 201-257-8522 Thursday, August 30,1979 15-A Rutgers initiates honors program W- MliiNEWV BRUNSWICDiRf TMSWTfKV —- TwTuron recognitionf*AAnaniKm . . ThTl»en seminarHAmlnnMs ar•*•»«*e (iTk"Th* ebLeJ team-taugh*_.._ i...«Lt bu.y. *«.*tw« obi e determinei_* ; di bL.y. n.th.e Douglast\u..i.us ti_o Douglasr\ 1 s Colleg*-*-> e Dean A Rutgers University's un- At both Rutgers and Unity of Man and Nature: professors. The other seminar, Scholars and their tutors. Jewel Cobb. Soft. Soft. Soft. dergraduate" schools will Douglass colleges, students Holistic Perspectives from in the innovative area of In their third and fourth inaugurate four-year honors participating in honors work Plato to Einstein," "Signals, regional studies, is titled "Theyears, the students will work Based on this year's first A way to dress. A way to look, programs geared toward will also be enrolled in regular Symbols and Behavior," Literature of the South" and on independent study projects enrollees, she added, "We A way to be. challenging their brightest college courses. However, the "Mathematical Theory of will be much broader in scope that will allow them to develop anticipate that the program and most gifted students when special honors seminars they Nerve Conduction" and than a regular literature their own research skills will continue to attract in- classes begin Tuesday, Sept 4. take will replace some other "Psychoanalytical Ap- course. The sophomore year under the supervision of tellectually gifted students Rutgers College, the State electives in their course loads.' proaches to Culture." A will feature tutorials each faculty members. who will, in turn, contribute to University's oldest and largest According to Rutgers second set of seminars has semester, consisting of in- A select group of students a heightening of the in- liberal arts and sciences College Dean John W. Yolton, already been chosen for the dividualized but closely will be admitted to thetellectual atmosphere of the division, will initiate a general the new program there was second semester. supervised study on topics to program each year, according college." .honors program that will initiated by the faculty to The honors students will also . incorporate a series of honors "provide a challenge to our be invited to attend special seminars and be capped by highly motivated, lectures that are given students spending a year on scholastically outstanding periodically at the university Best place to store gas independent research and students, especially our en-and to meet with distinguished thesis projects as Henry tering freshmen and visitors. -Rutgers Scholars. sophomores, for whom there Ten students have been At the same time, Douglass had been no honors program." admitted to the Douglass is in your car's tank College, the women's division In support of that concept, honors program, which of the state university, will he said, four seminars were provides for two in- Long gasoline lines are only entire garage. -serious fire hazard. introduce a scholars program developed in multidisciplinary terdisciplinary, one-semester a recent memory. The Vapors can escape from In addition to being flam- providing participating areas — in the humanities, seminars, along with other situation has appeared to containers of gasoline when mable, gasoline is poisonous. students the equivalent of full- social studies and course work, during the fresh- stabilize for now. During the heat in the storage area causes Inhalation of gasoline into the ?•< . tuition scholarships for' four mathematics and science — man year. height of the most recent pressure to build up inside the lungs can be fatal. Even a : years of undergraduate work. from which students may One of the seminars will deal shortage, sales of gasoline Velour. can. small amount of gasoline in The tenderest, most luxurious , The" Rutgers College selecrone to take in the first with the Greek and Christian containers in record numbers The U.S. Consumer Product the lungs can cause death program, which will include 50 semester. revolutions in thought and will indicated that many con- touch in town. A stunning Safety Commission advises from chemical pneumonia. dress that's a soft, soft freshmen and 25 sophomores sumers were storing gasoline consumers that if any gasoline Swallowing gasoline into the for the first semester, focuses in their homes or in the trunks is stored, the following stomach can cause serious drape of richness - _ on a choice of interdisciplinary High school students of cars. precautions should be ob-health problems. belted to match contrast seminars. While there has been much served: The U.S. Consumer Product trim at neck and sleeves. Students will take three, of disagreement concerning •• Never store gasoline in Safety Commission notes that By Leslie Fay the special one-semester learn about watersheds many aspects of the gasoline your house, apartment, or in the gasoline siphoning was in black or white. $52. seminars during their first situation, there is one point on passenger compartment or responsible for most of the 600 three years of undergraduate MILLSTONE — A U.S.joined the program staff at the which all the experts agree: If trunk of your car. Carrying a gasoline poisonings reported work, and then enter the Environmental Protection Watersheds of a several week you store gasoline, you're container of gasoline in thenationwide in June, 1979. Tne Henry Rutgers Scholars Agency grant has provided the period to begin the 3 part taking a serious risk. trunk of your car is like number of gasoline poisoning . program, where they will funds for the Stony Brook- project. There is no completely safe carrying a bomb: The gasoline cases this June was six times conduct independent research Millstone Watersheds The original seven day way for a consumer to store or the vapors can be easily greater than June, 1978. This is and write a thesis in their Association to develop a training session concentrated gasoline. From the standpoint ignited in a rear end collision the greatest number of gaso- major field of study. The work special program geared on water resource issues. of safety, the best place for or even by a slight spark from line poisonings in a single will lead to a bachelor's toward high school students. A Discussions with professional you to keep gasoline is right in exposed electirc wires and month since the end of the degree with an honors total of thirteen students in water related fields the gasoline tank of your equipment in the trunk. The gasoline shortage in 1974. highlighted the program. automobile. best place for a storage con- Part two of the project According to the U.S.tainer is outdoors (for Energy leaders will consisted of a two week work Consumer Product Saftey example, in a well-ventilated session developing programs Commission, even so-called detached shed), away from Did you ever order and pay on specific problems and "safety cans' can be hazar- living quarters and anything for merchandise through the meet at solar summit preparing career charts to dous if the containers are that could ignite vapors. mail from Holiday Gifts, Inc. complement classroom placed in unventilated • Gasoline should only be of Colorado? The State At- -TRENTON — Governor mediately. discussions. Among the locations. stored in sturdy steel con- torney General of Colorado ftrendan Byrne, U.S. Un- "With that goal in mind, we projects were "Water Gasoline vapors are heavier tainers that cannot easily be has informed our office that as dersecretary of Energy John are bringing together the Conservation: Do a good than air and can travel along a punctured. Avoid using glass many as 60,000 consumers Deutch and U.S. Senator Bill state's electric gas utilities turn;" "What is a Watersheds floor a great distance from a or plastic containers or rusted nationwide may have out- Bradley will be the. leading and state and federal energy Assc?;" "Watching for Water gasoline container. Gasoline cans. „ v standing claims against this and housing agencies. speakers Sept. 17 at the New Problems when buying a vapors are extremely • Keep all gasoline storage company for undelivered Jersey Sports Complex in East "One of the keys to effective house," and Endangered flamable and can be ignited containers tightly sealed and merchandise. Undoubtedly, 32 Nassau Street • Princeton Rutherford as the State Board conservation will be funding Land: The New Jersey from many unexpected out of childrens' reach. some of these claimants are of Public Utilities hosts the the cost of energy saving Pinebarrens." sources. Household ap- • Never refuel lawn New Jersery residents. The 609-924-7100 nation's first statewide "Solar devices and that's why we pliances, static electricity mowers, chain saws and other firm has been declared to be Summit." want to bring together the These programs and the •from clothing, cigarette or power equipment when bankrupt in a state court in Announcing the Summit, utilities and the banks," others developed will be used pilot lights in stoves and engines are still hot or running Colorado. Any consumer who BPU President George H. President Barbour stressed. in the fall for Step three — r furnaces can ignite gasoline • If you have gasoline has claims against this Barbour said, "We are ' We want to encourage the classroom presentations at vapors. company for undelivered Park in rear of store area high schools where the spilled on your clothing, -bringing together the energy utilities in this state to take a Even small amounts of change immediately and wash merchandise should write to: leaders of both business and role in solar energy by participating students will Clerk of the Bankruptcy assist with the program at gasoline can cause fires or the clothing. Even if the government to-,-develop an revising their tariffs to make explosions. The vapor from gasoline appears to have Court, 1845 Sherman St., Open Friday Till 9 P.M. immediate plan • to aid solar conversion, especially their respective schools. less than a half a pint of Denver, Colorado 80203 to Program Director Bill dried, the clothing may still utilities to develop their for water heating, more gasoline is enough to fill an contain enough to present a request a claim form. conservation and solar financially feasible for theAnderson comments, "I feel capacities immediately. average homeowner." the greatest impact lies in the "There is a need in this The solar conference will fact that 13 students have been country to lighten the financial start at 9 a.m. at the Sports educated on important issues impact the energy crunch is Complex Stadium Club and they had no exposure to 1 having on the average con- will run until about 4 p.m. It is previously. I look forward to sumer while at the same time open to the public. the impacts that will occur LANG'S SKI n SPORT decreasing our over- There will be a $10 fee for when they share with their dependance on imported oil. those: wishing to attend the peers their findings." CLASSIFIED ADS "This summit will be a giant luncheon at the summit. Both The Stony Brook-Millstone REACH 30.000 step towards helping the reservation and fee should Watersheds Assc. conducts FAMILIES WEEKLY homeowners and businesses be sent to Mr. Joseph Greco, at programs in environmental save money and energy via the Board of Public Utilities, education throughout the year solar and conservation devices 1100 Raymond Boulevard, for all ages. Information at PRESEASON SKI SALE! that can be installed im- Newark, New Jersey 07102. (609)737-3735.

H R 12to A 1Ot° In 182 days SEPT. 6 10 p.m. SEPT. 7I 10 p.m. SEPT. 8 T 2 pm. Princeton Bank can give you our TRUE VALUES AT TERRIFIC SAVINGSl highest rote of return >n your investment, safely DYNAMIC/' and quickly, with no fees or charges. You will receive Xaichle NORDICA 9.645% TYBOUAl ANNUALRATE ROSSIGNOL Hexeel effective August 30 through September 5 HIGHEST RATE — \ Wafeh for our ad next week for details I \ SIX MONTH SAVINGS CERTIFICATES Minimum investment $10,000. After six months, renew your certificates at the rote in elect on that date, or withdraw your money and the highest intoiwt rate ofowabte. Come in to any Princeton Bank oMoe today, and begin earning the highest rate of interest aftowable on six-month savings \UMBk

Depostors insured to $40,000 py f during tti%) tvmt of (Ms d Federal Deposit insurance Cprporofton Mfchdl ETON BANK HOWWMP (2) — I >-MERCBMU£- Call - Cal 201-634-7300 rRNC 1600 N. Olden Ave.,Trenton, NJ. m i6-A Thursday, August 30,1979 Sixteen-year-old flies solo at Raritan Valley school

Granvilte Browne Jr. will legally allowed to do so, formed a rectangular flight the runway area. The 'warm explanation, saying he felt the instructor inscribed MNTIMG never forget what the weather August 18, the day he turned pattern, culminating his year up' flight takes about 15 "good — everything was Granville's name, the date and was like on his 16th birthday. 16. of flight training at Raritan minutes, the plane returns and nice." the registration number of the COMMNY Nor will he forget that his While that day's rainy Valley Flying School. the instructor gets out. The plane. The patch of cloth is undershirt was snipped while weather was a disappointment Flight instructor Merle new pilot then takes flight, Once Granville filled out the now stapled on the wall of the it was still on his bade.. The to vacationers at the Jersey Taylor sat in for John completely on his own. log book, Taylor cut a piece flying school office, along with KEITH LARINI PAINTING weather and the shirt-cutting shore, for Granville it was Terraciano, Granville's 201 & When Granville's mother from the new pilot's un- a dozen other similar are important elements in weather that Raritan Valley regular instructor. Ac- was asked how it felt wat- dershirt. Using a felt tip pen, mementos of first flights. 297-1133 PAPER- what the teenager called "the Flying School described as 369-5433 HANGING companied by Taylor, the ching her son's plane, "a bit most exciting day" of his life, having "marginal visibility, teenager "did a few patterns," shaky" was the reply offered the day he made his first solo but with the proper ceiling, which means he reached an by one of her relatives. The SSCslotes tennis tourney airplane flight. and scattered rain." altitude of 600 feet, turned left, boy's father, meanwhile, NORTH BRANCH - The deadline for entrees is The flight took place at the The new pilot's parents, kept climbing until the plane declared that he felt Somerset County College is Tuesday, September 18. There Raritan Valley Flying School, Martha and Granville Browne reached 1100 feet and turned "tremendous." now accepting entrees for it's is a $3 entree fee for singlet located at Kupper Airport in Sr., were on hand, along with left two more times, forming a While Granville was flying, first annual tennis tournament participants, and a $5 fee for Hillsborough, on the Manville the boy's four aunts and two regulation altitude pattern. his instructor pointed out to for boys 18 and under to be doubles team entrees. Rain REALESTATE border. cousins, to witness and "He must always keep the bystanders that the first flight held September 22, 23, 29 and SHOPPING'S DREAMY dates have been scheduled for The young pilor is a celebrate the rites of passage airport in sight," explained is "very special, an emotional 30, on the college's North Saturday and Sunday, October Plainfield resident and a in aviation, the solo flight. the flying school's manager, experience you can't explain Branch Campus. Entrants 6 and 7. junior at Union Catholic High They watched with Naomi Nierenberg, adding to a non-pilot. It's like being must be residents of Somerset, For information call the School. He made his initial binoculars and with hand- that the pilot is supposed to master of the skies." Later, Hunterdon, or Warren Somerset County College solo flight as soon as he was shaded eyes as his Cessna 152 begin the descent at the end of Granville agreed with that Counties. Athletic Department, 526-1200.

; OPEHTA.M. FOR AUTO SERVICE ' REEDMAN Reasons SNAPPER owners 757-4961 (215) 949-3800 wouldn't own any other: AUTO GOOD$YEAR ADDITIONAL GASOLINE CAN BE OBTAINED. • No cutting power loss in 6 forward speeds- Vacuums ft bags grass FOR SALE OR LEASE • Mulches cuttings—Vacuums & shreds SERVICE STORES REEDMAN LEADS THE WA Y INTO THE I98O leaves—Large bag capacity MODEL CHEVROLET SELLING SEASON, 1980 • Even discharge of cuttings—Smooth CITA TION SERIES & MODELS. professional cut

LEFTOVER MODEL TIME IN FULL SWING. Before you buy. compare the features' HURRY GET YOURS WHILE THEY LAST! DIS- of a SNAPPER. It's worth more COUNTS OFF OF MANUFACTURERS SUG- because it does more and its price GESTED LIST PRICE OR OVERALLOWANCE is competitive with other UNDER OUR OVERALLOWANCE PROGRAM. quality mowers. 2600 NEW CHEVROLETS, CAPRICES, IMPALAS. MONTE CARLOS, MALIBUS, MONZAS, CAMA- ROS, CHEVETTES, PICKUPS, VANS, SPORT VANS, SUBURBANS. BLAZERS, ETC. CHRYSLERS, NEW YORKERS, NEWPORTS, COR- Any way you cut it DOBAS, LEBARONS, PLYMOUTHS, VOLARES, it's a snap with a SNAPPER' HORIZONS, NEW JAGUARS, TRIUMPHS, MG'S, NEW JAPANESE IMPORTS • 2 DRS. HATCH- BACKS, GrS, PICKUPS. REEDMAN LEASING NONFRANCHISED MAKES SUCH AS NEW CADILLAC COUPE DEVILLES, NEW SEDAN DEVILLES, NEW SEVILLES, NEW ELDORADO. IF A CERTAIN NEW 1M0 OH1979 MODEL, COLOR OR EQUIP MENT IS NOT IN STOCK WE WILL TRY TO FILL YOUR ORDER AS SHIPMENTS ARRIVE OR HAVE IT BUILT FOR YOU. Sates Department Hours- Mon. thru Fri. 9 AM -10 PM. Sit. 9 AM - 7 PM, Cloud Sun. COME AND REEDMAN CHf-VROUT INC ROUTE 1 Call KPM Distributors — 201-SM-S400 SIZES FOR IMPORT CARS GET 'EM! ^ LANGHOHNt. . 1 SALE 1 "fluff! PRICE H i P155/80R13 $36.75 $1.59 I P165/75R13 U2M $1.65 P165/80R14 $44.00 $1.72 P165/80R15 $45.00 $2.09 | SIZES FOR U.S. CARS HnFtr. 1 I MMrkSlM Frh SALE NsMt | mmnmi MICE MS** P185/75R13 BR78-13 $4100 $2.00 1 P195/75R14 ER78-14 $61.00 $2.36 P205/75R14 FR78-14 $68.00 $2.52 P155/80R13 blackwall, plus $1.59 FET.no P215/75R14 GR78-14 $69.00 $2.62 trade needed P225/75R14 HR78-14 $73.00 $2.80 P205/75R15 FR78-15 $6100 $2.61 P215/75R15 GR78-15 $71.00 $2.79 e Steel belted radial tire • Eliminates winter tire P225/75R15 HR78-15 $7100 $2.95 changeover • Save when you buy, save when you drive! I P235/7SR1S LR76-15 $6140 $3.09 I Sale Ends Saturday Night

Mn CUSHONBBT PRICE FETaid POUGLAS Sta* oMttn E78-14 $44.25 $2.21 F78-14 $46.75 $2.34 POLYGLAS G78-14 $48.50 $2.53 • Smooth-riding polyester cord body H78-14 $51.50 $2.76 • Double tread reinforcing fiberglass G78-15 $49.75 $2.59 belts B78-13 white- H78-15 $53.50 $2.82 wall, plus $1.86 • White sidewall design FET and old tire L78-15 $57.25 $3.11 MAINTENANCE FREE! WESTERN Just Say I water Make plans now for what is it ml aMM MN» aw MAG WHEELS 'Charge It' fast becoming the most pop- •otntiat MMNttMs.' PRINCETON ular pre-season sports clinic Goodyear ItevoMng in the area. The morning treapHf $46.95 $50.95 Charge Account •vita tun activities include: 13x5.5 14x7 UNIVERSITY & Fhnk tta-MH aatmy tHatiattts Chrome Uua»ytftka«7ttktr«aystaMr atrltfic catcliag. oraucts Lugs Extra Oar Ow ClllMir CrXrt Haa • HMtr ataiiat iaoncir wtttinc Stays One Piece all aluminum triple machined darn • Visa • Imiitm Eajraa CM • The opportunity to meet i* itroct, rattft aw. vi- cMa draws attention to your car! • Cam Matta • ttatrs Ca* • Cask FIRST NATIONAL BANK and talk with Head Football UK MH'W MTTOT C Expert wheel service also available: Mountino-Dilgncing-Aioniwnt Coach Frank Navarro and OF PRINCETON Soccer Coach Don Betterton, their staffs and top per- formers. PRESENTS THE 9TH • The chance to learn more tacMes 3 REE ElectroikChfxk-Upsfc SroYotJfc All Year Long about the games of football ANNUAL SPORTS CLINIC and soccer through participa- tion in the drills and Here*sHowltWbrits 7-POBST TUNE-UP $ techniques that have become IT'S FREE a popular part of the Clinic. Under this special service your car eiectronicaHy, to • Check charging and starting fist shown ham. AnytMw within one year of your • Everyone will receive 1979 tuna-up,, take your mvo^ art twef^anarys* certrlicate back to the store that performed SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 8 pre-season football and soccer information and have the op- • hwM new spark pwgs •Sal ttwel wA tMng to portunity to win awards and PALMER STADIUM prizes. 9:30-11:30 A.M. If you are part of a league, a (Jadwln Gym In eat* of rain) team, or are just a ldd who wants to learn more about football and soccer while abo ••rrt. United The Fist National Bartk having fun, talk to your 7*0 AM- IJersey poaches and parents and let 7mm of Princeton, • roc them know about September Smt. 7:30 AM 8. Be where your friend* are. 901 ,KJ. 08540 You won't be disappointed. Thursday, August 30.1979 I he franklin NEWS RECORD 1T-A

Evans responds to Rutgers report Milk price controls by Tom Carroll will be helpful to the Orchard meeting. mendation. the school's physical make-up. recommendations for the Staff Writer Road teachers," are part of The first of the Rutgers, The superintendent sup- Dr. Evans called that implementation of the study's the planned administrative evaluation's recom- ported this suggestion and recommendation "irrespon- suggestions. Soon after that, it MONTGOMERY - action, on the part of Orchard mendations called for the identified Mr. Forder as sible," claiming that is expected that the board win defended at hearing Superintendent of Schools Road Principal Herb Forder reassertion of responsibility responsible for this provision. the provision of "operable" vote on the superintendent's Malcolm Evans presented his and himself, intended to be on the part of the school The school board added that walls would be too expensive recommendations and any TRENTON — State system for the retail sale of the business, leaving price contrd) own suggestions for the im- implemented in the upcoming {principal to provide direct the function of the new in- to invest in, without first additions the board has made Secretary of Agriculture whole, white milk only was in the hands of the few $ plementation of the recom- school year. instructional and auricular structional associate position, evaluating the flexibility of to them. which will be closely related to Phillip Alampi and Depart- implemented in 1972, following viving businesses. mendations made in the Because the school board leadership and to de- space arrangement using the that criticism were already emphasize the time spent on these teaching strategies, ment of Agriculture Dairy an extensive court review. In California, where j Rutgers Graduate School of also analyzed the rating scale temporary sight dividers that being carried out prior to the administrative monitoring of should be evaluated on ef- Division Director Woodson W. Moffett pointed, out that the controls were lifted less thai Education's evaluation of the of Orchard Road, based on the the school already owns. date that the evaluation was the school. fectiveness at the end of the Moffett Jr. defended the New Jersey Supreme Court three years ago, milk is no£ Orchard Road School to the evaluative criteria set by the conducted. state's milk pricing controls school board Monday evening. evaluators, only the first five Dr. Evans said that actions school year. At the next school board reviewed the milk system selling for more than it As their second recom- during a hearing convened by based on hearings which have were the milk control Dr. Evans' recom- of the 23 recommendations, of Mr. Forder in response to The fifth recommendation of meeting, scheduled for mendation, the evaluators, Governor Brendan T. Byrne. mendations, which he and the superintendent's teachers improve the quality the evaluation was to provide Tuesday, Sept. 4, the board is produced more than 13,000 continued, Alampi stated. Drs. Maurie Hillson and Alampi said the process of described as "initiatresponses suggestions that pertain to of their interactions with several trial "operable" walls expected to conclude pages of testimony, and Ronald Hyman, suggested establishing minimum prices for constructive action that them, were discussed at the pupils as the fourth recom- to allow for some flexibility in discussing Dr. Evans' concluded that it "seems clear "We should benefit fronir that the team and team leader for the retail sale of whole, beyond any doubt" that some experience of other states and organization as it now exists at white milk has kept milk form of milk price control is avoid falling into the trap the school be eliminated. prices in New Jersey lower needed in New Jersey. which says that the removal of Instead, the superintendent "than in neighboring markets To remove the minimum minimum prices will result in supported the retention of the and much lower than in most prices would be extremely lower prices to consumers," Fungus festival set Sept. 16 team and leader organization other markets in the United detrimental for both the dairy Alampi siad, adding that at Orchard Road, although he States. industry and the consumers, many states are now con- .* Fungus fritters? Mushroom Short guided field walks will into soil. Some fungi use of this often misunderstood For more information call said that it should be Moffett testified that an said Alampi. Based upon the sidering following the New movies? Toadstool tales? be given to familiarize the animal tissue for food such as plant family will be made the center at 766-2489. The evaluated by February of next annual comparison of milk experiences of other states, Jersey milk price system in What's going on...? It's all part public with the appearance the fungus which causes available to visitors to the center is open weekdays from year to see if the organization prices in New Jersey to milk "we believe that there is little view of its successful, seven- of a unique all day Fungus and value of fungi in this athlete's foot. Your foot is 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturdays is fulfilling its function. prices in neighboring states question that removal of year history. Fair sponsored by the New natural habitat. Lectures and fungus food!! Fungus Fair, September 16, at from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., and Thirdly, the study advocated shows that New Jersey con- minimum prices in New Jersey Mycological audio-visual presentations will Fungi can be all colors, the solar heated and cooled the provision of intensive in- sumers have saved from $13 Jersey would result in sub- "We believe that once you Association ("the mushroom also be given periodically shapes, sizes, good, bad, and Environmental Education Sundays from 1 to 5 p.m. It is service education for teachers million to $20 million each stantially higher prices to have studied all of the facts in people") and hosted by the through the day. Demon- mysterious. All of the wonder Center. closed most holiday weekends. to help them utilize the open year. consumers." he said. this matter, you will, as the Somerset County Park strations of, edible mushroom space facilities of the school in "New Jersey's milk control Those states that dropped New Jersey Supreme Court Commission's Environmental recipe preparations will be a more educationally program will stand close their minimum pricing did in 1972, agree that our Education Center on Lord highlight of the festivities. meaningful ways. scrutiny because it has systems did see a temporary activities are in the public Unemployment insurance to go up Dr. Evans, on the other Stirling Road in Basking Interest in fungi has been operated and continues to decrease in milk prices, he interest and that minimum hand, disagreed, and Ridge, New Jersey. The Fair growing across the nation and operate in the interest of the said, but the competition prices give our consumers recommended that the con- will be held on Sunday, Sep- groups such as the NJ TRENTON — In 1980 the maximum amount of wages for 1978. This agency has consumers of this state," he among milk dealers that milk at the lowest possible cept of open space be played tember 16, from 10 a.m. to 5 Mycological Association are maximum weekly benefit subject to the fiew Jersey computed the statewide said. The minimum pricing resulted forced many out of price." concluded Moffett. down. He felt that it was more p.m. ideal for those with more than amount for unemployment payroll tax for unemployment average weekly remuneration important to use the space a casual interest in insurance and temporary and disability insurance of workers covered under the The fair will feature exhibits correctly and suggested that mushrooms. The association disability insurance will be purposes has been set at $6900 New Jersey Unemployment explaining what fungi two-, and occasionally three- promotes serious study of $123, an increase of $6 over for the 1980 calendar year. Compensation Law for (mushrooms) are, what they teacher spaces, side by side, fungi and their in- 1979. The maximum weekly calendar year 1978 as $245.60. are used for, how they are be used more flexibly in the terrelationships with the rest The new maximum, which benefit amount and the Computation of the average identified, and the poisonous upcoming school year. Don't worry if leaves curl on tomatoes and non-poisonous charac- of the natural world. Fungi are was established under a taxable wage base are geared weekly covered wage is based teristics of several species. a unique group of plants which formula contained in the to the average weekly wage upon total annual wages "I am deliberately by- Every year vegetable H.N. Repair, senior county an extreme leaf curl and still Booths with mushroom- are unable to produce their state's unemployment com- paid to workers protected by amounting to $35,803,195,700 passing the open space gardeners become concerned agent at Somerset County produce a heavy yield, Repair related arts and crafts will own food i as are the green pensation law, will be applied the law. As the average and average covered em- situation," Dr. Evans said. "I when they see curled leaves on Extension Service. comments. also be featured, along with an plants which contain to all new unemployment weekly wage varies each year, ployment of 2,803,413. have never seen one where a their tomato plants. Service. To further prove the point, exhibit of a large collection of chlorophyll. The fungi, in- insurance-benefit years and all the taxable wage base and faculty could work com- Sometimes the curl is so The tendency for tomato we know that pruning and stead, use the remaining food new periods of disability maximum weekly benefit fortably day after day." severe the leaves will roli. leaves to curl is genetic and staking tomato plants will fresh fungi gathered locally, RECYCLE and a sales area for mushroom left in dead green plants and in which start on ofr after amount change each year. The Drs. Hillson and Hyman There seems to be no reason some varieties will curl more intensify leaf curl, yet plants Cookbooks, field manuals, and doing so, they help to January 1, 1980. 1980 rates are based on the THIS called for in-service education for concern since very little than others. Some of the new •rained to stakes will produce educational materials. decompose- these materials At the same time, the average weekly wage figure NEWSPAPER on strategies designed to help research has been done, says canning tomato varieties have more tomatoes

CONSUMER means When you're planning to APPROVED landscape.... BUREAU. by CONSUMERS for Patios • Pools a Shade Trees CON Foundation Plantings REGISTERED Walks • Hydroseeding For up-to-date Register in- REM Sodding a Play arid Rest DER formation or for free assistance Areas a Privacy Plantings with any .local consunjer transaction, call 609-394-5700 and Consumer Bureau's Staff landscape with a plan! Mediator Will respond. ue 152 Aleunder St., Princeton Call one of our landscape s "SPECIALISTS EsuMnhtd 1967 architects today. *"•*"• EXHAUST SYSTEMS doerler landscapes the Total Exhaust System Machine SAILING ••HB INSTRUCTION phone 609-924-1221 As Low As SCO U NTS For BaoinnjnQ ft $19.95 Advanced SaNora. OnSmaMBoatato Oman Cruiser*. AUCTION TOM PIPE KNMNC GM SPECI NMZI FOR RECREATIONM. Antiques-Collectors Items VEHICLES, Antique ft OMtr Princeton Sailing School • Boats Unusual Historical Items CENTIVES all items from Edward Lewis family homfe In Hopewell Introducing tha allaaason radial Just a sampling: that's a notch abovo tho rost...tho GOT AN IDEA 1. metal engraving Dante's "Paradise Lost" SPECIAL SALE ON now Dunlop Elite S*v*nty... th* first w/empire frame; 2. antique chairs w/carie FOR A PHOTO? and only 'onywh*r*/anytlm*' radial CALL US NOW. seats; 3.1941 1st edition Wedgwood plate; 4. Lincoln rocker w/cane seat & back; 5. 1874 with a 50.000 mil* limited warranty* Atlas; 6. silverware; 7. Quilt; 8. 1905 wicker 1979 CHEVROLETS doll carriage; 9. 100 yr old lard kettle; 10. Senate bill file box 1882 and much much more. Warren Dunlop - Auctioneer AUTOMATIC APRICES*IMPALAS Saturday-September 8, 1979^ TRANSMISSIONS Montgomery Twp. Fire Co. #2 Route 518 Blawenburg, N.J. MONTE CARLOS serviced information call 609-466-2444 and SIZE COST F.E.T. TOTAL BR70X13 $56.61 $2.13 $58.74 TRUCKS repaired ER70X14 $62.71 $2.58 $65.29 on all American FR70X14 $66.78 $2.76 $69.54 GR70X14 $2.93 $71.74 and Foreign Cars. PRODUCTIVITY $68.81 FR70X15 $70.04 $2.85 $72.89 NOW AND VEI\ GR70X15 $71.95 $2.93 $74.88 (Same Day Service HR70X15 $74.63 $2.99 $77.62 in most cases) LR70X15 $80.47 $3.33 $83.80

Don'rForyvfUs •Delco Batteries • Gaberial Shocks EVROLET For All Your Car • Apphince and American Racinf Wheels Cor* N««/s... • Black Jack Headers* Hooker Headers 555 TRACTOR-LOAOER-BACKHOE • Doug Thofley and Thrash Side Pipes Route 206 Princeton ppiNCITOriNJ REPAIRS On* Ford 555 TLB and-on* operators PRODUC- 1 INSTALL DUAL EXHAUST TIVITY 60 Hp •ngin*. 14' -15 or e 15* axtandobla UNLIMITED backho*. a mochin* designed with you in mind. Call for from •sttmof*s (across from Princeton Airport) Call for a no-obligation demonstration. MONATHUtS 9 AM- TUCLWID,FRf 9 AM- • SATUWAV • AM- 201-074-3530 KM BRUNSWICK rot Rt.ao* M STEVE'S TIRE SERVICE 924-3350 b,to. •MUSML 490 South Main Street sat MoftVUM, MSW «Mf90y 08836 (201)725-5744 I he (ranklinNFWS RECORD Thursday, August 30.1979 THE ACADEMY of BUSINESS GUIDE I CLASSICAL BALLET Teaching the classical graded CALENDAR OF EVENTS BBICYCLEi S syllabus for children and the major professional syllabus of London's FRANKLIN BICYCLE Royal Academy of Dancing. To Rent CENTER v* • Beginners to Advanced This • Pre-BalletandKinderballet • RALEIGH • SCHWHWN Space • PEUGEOT • ROSS • Adult Ballet Repairs • Parts • Accessories 6 Mile Run Reformed Church Call •S3 HAMITION STREET State Highway 27, Franklin Park lOo.m. • (p.m. 725-3300 OPEN SATURDAYS Phone: 297-6720 or 297-9355 Clo»»dW»d.«$undayi 2484544 TIRES! TIRES! TIRES! MEN'S WEAR HOME & FARM FOR PRICES YOU & UNIFORMS

CANT REFUSE Dave's Men's & HORSE FEED S SUPflltS PET FOODS WILD BIRD SEED. ON TIRES Boys Shop ANIMAt FEED WE ALSO Enjoy CARRY WATER SOFTENER 41 S. Main St. SALTS LAWN t GARDEN CALL 609-924-4177 Manville August SUPPLIES SHOES BOOTS. JACKETS I GLOVES check with us first Formal Wear Featuring: B.F. GOODRICH • DUNLOP • MICHELIN For Hire BELLE MEAD * Policemen JOSEPH J. NEMES & SONS, Inc. FARMERS' COOP * Mailmen THURSDAY, AUGUST 30 HIGHWAY 206, PRINCETON LINE ROAD (Opposite Volkswagen d«al*r) 725-9027 Rim documentary • "Who Are the Oebolts" 7:30 p.m., Mary BELLE MEAD Jacobs Library, Rocky Hill. COPYING FUEL OIL SWEET CORN & SERVICE VEGETABLES A. XEROX COPIES BESSENYEI FRIDAY. AUGUST 31 l (JIM ii lily Picked Daily Open Dance - Chapter 575, Parents Without Partners - 9 p.m. -1 I'rirrs &Son a.m. Ryiand Inn, Rt. 22, Whitehouse, Music - Rich Starr. h .til.ihl, I ' Shabbat Barbecue & Twilight Service - Temple Sholom, No. Oil Burners Installed Bridge St., Bridge water. 5:30 p.m. Dinner $4.50 adults, $2 50, TOWNSHIP PROTINICK FARM children 3-12. Reservations, 722-1339 or 685-1310. Day Rd. Prospect Plains Rd. Program • Neshanic Reformed Church Bible School • 7:30 p.m. PHARMACY Cranbury 586 Hamilton St. New Brunswick KI.VHKtMi J II.million Si.. S«>mrr>H 7W-1348 609-396-0221 KI5-6453 Mil \|(> \'\ |i| K SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 2 MOVING £ Concert - 'The New Gospel Singers" 7 p.m. Calvary Baptist Church, Amwell Rd at Franklin, East Millstone STORAGE MICHAEL LLPOVICI. M.D. SOPKO NOT ONLY do motorists have trouble figuring out where to drive on Easton Avenue DIPLOMATE IN INTERNAL MEDICINE To Rent Agents for while construction is in progress, but many can't figure out just where it went once GASTROENTEROLOGY. LIVER DISEASES This Wheaton Van Lines, Inc. they find it. MOVING h ANNOUNCESTHE MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 3 (Rich Pipeling photo) Space STORAGE, INC. RELOCATION OF HIS OFFICE Show of old cars by Watchung Mountain Chapter of the Antique Permit US EFFECTIVE SEPT. 1,1979 TO Automobile Club of America, grounds of Greenbrook Manor Call Nursing Home, 303 Rock Ave., Green Brook. In connection with Local £ Long Distance Specialist PRINCETON ROAD "How I Meet and Beat • The Gas Shortage" Contest. Fuel con- 35 No. 17th Ave. PROFESSIONAL BUILDING 725-3300 serving answers to gas shortage. Manville PRINCETON HIGHTSTOWN ROAD 201-725-7758 [ Continued from page 1-A ] His goal, he said, is to provide good HIGHTSTOWN, NEW JERSEY health care for the community, to fill a dream." void because there are no family OFFICE HOURS (NEW) PHONE LIQUORS His office is located at the tall Pines physicians in the area. Center on Cedar Grove Lane, off He and his wife Mildred, who is a BY APPOINTMENT 609-448-7200 Easton Avenue in Somerset and his computer department chief, have two BORO-LIQUORS office hours are 9 a.m. - 5 p.m., with children, Alexander, 2, and Rhoda, 6. l< TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4 evening hours on Tuesdays and They have lived in Somerset for the Thursdays. Somerset County Board of Freeholders 8 p.m. Administration To Rent past two years. Sunday 12-5 P.M. Bldg. Overeaters Anonymous - Hillsborough Presbyterian Church, Bow & Soda This To wear or give: America's Route 206 & Homestead Rd. 7:30 to 9 p.m. Info. Janice 359-1662. 78 W. Somerset Hillsborough Township Committee Meeting 8 p.m. Municipal Inexi to Quick Chek) Space Bldg. Space Shuttle space watch, Rnriton 725-0246 Family the Omega Speedmaster. Call Rt. *202 > Somervill* Circle 725-3300 All American astronauts, iinci most Soviet (next to Channel) [ Continued from page 1-A ] Prevention of disease and a part- cosmonauts, wear it. Raritan 725-2645 nership between the patient and the NASA picked the Omega Speedma^ter off the have completed a three-year physician are the characteristics of jewelry store shelf to fly with the first Gemini residency or have been in family WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER S this new practice, to the point of using astronauts; it wjs the only chronograph that could FUNERAL practice a minimum of six years and house calk when necessary and LUMBER have completed 300 hours of con- pass the rigid specifications required for space Franklin Planning Board - 8 p.m. Municipal Bldg. useful. The focus is on the patient as a traVel; it's now the official watch of the Space HOMES tinuing education since obtaining an person rather than as a system of Hilisborough Senior Citizens - Business Meeting, 1 to 3 p.m. MD. Shuttle. Fire House No. 1, Flagtown. Last day for new members. Those organs or diseases. The watch was on the arm ot the first U.S. space interested in joining, please attend meeting. BELLE MEAD Also, the family practician must be For further information, write to the FUCILLO walker. And on \eil Armstrong's arm during the Our Lady of Peace Columbiettes #5051 monthly meeting - 8 p.m. LUMBER CO., INC. recertified every six years. Family American Academy of Family Knights of Columbus Hall. So. Main St., Manville. first walk on the moon. Program after program, the Reading Blvd.. B**e Mead practice was the first specialty with Physicians, 1740 West 92nd St., Kansas & Somerset Early Music Society rehearsal 8 p.m. Bridgewater. this requirement. Omega Speedmaster has been America's Madrigal vocalists & recorder players sought. For information call 359-5121 City, Mo 64114. space watch. WARREN 6850102 or 439-3632 evenings. A Complete line of Speedmaster's hermetically sealed case Millstone Borough Council 8 p.m. Town Hall. BUILDING MATERIALS

withstands water pressure to a depth of 200 feet. Funeral Home, Inc. • Cook A Dwnn Point* • Com* Ooort C Push-button timers measure intervals of 30 seconds, J.G. Henry, Mgr. Window* • And*r»sjn W>rtdo*>l • C*lnyl Ttte 725-1763 • »il(O leMfMnl Doort • Railroad 1 Wt • scale calculates speed and production rates. In Hardware • 0*xoroior P«n«li • looltno, stainless steel with stainless steel bracelet and M*t«rM1* • ln«wlot«««i - GHM* • Approximately 800 law nament's director, Lt. Frank bringing in a record number of 205 So. Main St., Manville Pon.ll.Afj • Plywood • tr.. enforcement officials will Cox, are expecting to donate teams from as far north as Adam Fucillo, Founder converge on Mercer County somewhere in the vicinity of Mahwab and as far south as Something Beautiful for Everyone.. Central Park on Sept 8 and 9 $3,000 to aid the fight against Vineland. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER • when the West Windsor Police muscular dystrophy in ad- To accomodate such a large LANDSCAPING LANDSCAPING Department hosts the fifth dition to the approximately tournament, one of the biggest Manville Planning Board - 7:30 p.m. Municipal Bldg. annual State Law Enforce- $10,000 it has raised over the in the state this year, Lt. Cox Franklin Board of Adjustment - 8 p.m. Municipal Bldg. ment Softball Tournament Somerset County Historical Society Trustee Meeting - 7:30 p.m. past years. will be utilizing all 12 of the Van Veghten House, finderne. W benefit the Muscular But even though the tour- Mercer County Park Com- DLM LANDSCAPING Dystrophy Association. Indian Summer Bazaar - Meadows Foundation - open planning nament was designed to mission's 12 fields, eight at the meeting. 8 p.m. Van Wickle house. 12889 Easton Avenue. For 722-1762 : -The host department will be benefit ' the Muscular Central Park complex and LANDSCAPING information call John Krapcko. 249-8016. battling with some 45 other Dystrophy Association, it is another four at the Quaker- 725-9596 Hillsborough Township Planning Board - 8 p.m. Municipal Bldg. • Complete Lawn Car* departments from across the also intended to be a first class bridge Sector. Overeaters Anonymous - Harlingen Reformed Church, Route 206 • Landscaping sCate in an attempt to win back Softball tournament for law "When they come down here •RAILROAD TIES & Dutchtown Road. 12 noon to 2 p.m. Bring Sack lunch. Info. Sue • Pottos 359-1061 or Barrie (609) 799-1810. ffie title it captured in 1975 and enforcement teams and see this complex they just • LAWN MAINTENANCE • Docks 1976. But more importantly •SNOW PLOWING Film - "West Side Story" - 7 p.m. Mary Jacobs Library, Rocky throughout the state. And the go bananas," says the • Sod West Windsor and the tour- lure of Lt. Cox's tournament is •PATIOS Hill. lieutenant • ROTOTIUING • Railroad Tie Walls •TREE CUTTING •FIREWOOD WHEN AVAILABLE Know sontMM DANCE ££ PLUMBING HEATING & ASR CONDITIONING PLUMBING who would RiGISTEKNOWl make an HELEN PAUL SCHOOL OF DANCE PARK E.R. CLEWORTH & SON BASIL KUUCK future stay? PLUMBING ..HEATING HEATING • AIR CONDITIONING • ELECTRICAL niHMIMtHUTIM SHEET METAL FABRICATION EUCTIHC SCWERCUNHWE Banks & Riddle Installation & Repair WARM AIR REPLACEMENT FURNACES J0MMCtN.TEMnMS of all jour phunpini needs MSIKRTML. i Classes for Tots * Teens * Adults HUMIDIFIERS • ELECTRONIC AIR CLEANERS Call for Free Estimate - Financing Available (M1I7S-NH NJ.UC.MMS FREE ESTIMATES Ik. ucssMa FMCISTMMTES*IIOMI Give us a Uppar Laval nan to Hahna» 3590IH. 27 . N.J. Kendall Pork. N.J. ctftt 297-4*41 Whirlpool Mt-474* 1019 HUFF AVE. (201)297- HCATMG • CO

Week of August 29-31. 1979 \-B Business Business Business Business Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted

Opportunities Opportunities Opportunities Opportunities TYPIST — full time, TYPIST DRIVERS — Familiar BABYSITTER — Ewing. Wed ELECTRONIC TECHNICIAN dayshift - to train as data with Tri-state area, 9-5pm. start Sept. For toddler, background in electronics THINKING OF YOUR VE New small en- REST HOME - in MAIN STREET LAWRENCE- entry operator for experience necessary. refs., own trans, 609-882-6616 plus good mechanical ability. OWN BUSINESS? Begin at COLLECT MY MONEY. vironmental testing computer typesetting after 6pm. Hamilton Twp. Solid VILLE - Transferring owner company seeks a detail Clean driving record a Read schematics ard perform home full or part time. Ideal Publishing company seeks to firm. Previous ex- must. Straight jobs and electrical & workmanship for singles or couples. Call 609- brick, licensed over 30 offers an exceptional business conscious ACCURATE establish long-term, profitable years setting on a large and investment property for perience with visual vans, apply in person, inspection on custom' built 448-8910. No obligation. No business relationship with a technical typist Prin- display and/or corner approx. 2 acre lot. auick sale. 2 apts, 1800 sq. ft. ceton area, interesting Princeton Messinger NURSE—LPN or RN needed electronic equipment. Call information over the collection agency that really typesetting helpful, but Service, West Windsor Abacus Controls, 201-526-6010. telephone. Let's have coffee & One block from 1-95, store front, ample parking, and diversified work for by 24 yrs. old female, can collect money without close to shopping center. always rented. Present in- not necessary. Good Industrial Park, Prin- quadriplegic, for morning talk; flooding me with tons of the right person. Call Al typing skills (60wpm) a Lots of room for ex- come $12,100 per year. Low at 201-772-5222. ceton NJ 08540. care, early on Sat. & Sun. paperwork or millions of pansion. Good income. expenses. Excellent value for must. Excellent benefits. Rocky Hill - Griggstown Area Flimsy excuses. No sub- Contact Samuel J. Alu, CHILD CARE NEEDED - for SEEKING A BUSINESS All guests are am- only $110,000. 609-877-6461. MAYFAIR SERVICES Phone 201-297-5902 scription work, just hard, bulatory. Call 609-585- 609-452-8090 ext. 58. An kindergartner, afternoons 2-3 OPPORTUNITY — we wish to collection* from on-going 63 Belmont Ave Equal Opportunity SUBJECTS — for psych days per week, Rocky Hill, invest our time & knowledge to 8148, ask for Mr. Man- GarfieldNJ experiment on per- businesses and corporations cuso for any information. Employer. Montgomery area. Call (609) run a small business or sell who refuse to pay for ad- OWNER MANAGER ception. Start Sept. 10, JANITORIAL SUPERVISOR - 921-1075 after Aug. 18. from our home. If you want an vertising. Sell me in your marketing program. Low run 20-25 sessions, 2-2-'* part time, for Hightstown outlet for your product, we letter. Find me at P.O. Box investment, high potential. hrs. each. Remuneration Cranbury Area. Call 201-488- have the know how, the ex- HAVE $40,000 TO IN- SALES — full time & GRAPHIC ARTIST - $6. per session. Call 321, Cranbury, N.J. 08512. VEST - in any on-going Excellent opportunity. 201-874- wanted, prefer someone 2323. perience & the location. Call 5990. part time, woman's Conrad starting Sept. 4 at after 6 pm, 609-443-5127 or 201- NJ business as a working specialty store. 609-799- with hand lettering 609-921-8610 eves. 452- CREATIVE COOK WANTED 297-7358. partner or buy out 0088. knowledge. Experience 4471 morn. 9-12. WAREHOUSE PERSON - part part time. The Glass Onion RETIREMENT OR FULL situation. Write with preferred. Will teach if Restaurant 609-896-2770. TIME BUSINESS — Local details & your phone necessary. All fringes. time. Furniture showroom has territories still opened for a number. Reply to Box Help Wanted Permanent. Apply Lewis SALES position available for hard TAVERN & Package - Metal Masters Restoring #02551, c/o The Princeton TYPIST NEEDED - Brothers Ceramics, working, energetic person. New Bruns. Estb. 12 yrs., Packet. CREATE A.CAREER Job consists of unloading, Business. Earn $300 a wk. DESK CLERKS - Day & even, Pleasant telephone Mulberry St. & Breunig COMPUTER INPUT WORK Owner retiring, Hi-gross, Parttime at home. Call 215- shift open, full time. Gd. manner, good spelling. Ave., Trenton, N.J. assembling, storing and light Business & blag w/6 rra. "Advancing careers with repair. We will train if Intelligent person with ap- 982-5111 Mr. Wiikins. HIGH VISIBILITY salary, gd. benefits. Apply in Excellent benefits. titude for figures wanted for apt., asking $135,000, exc. person: Treadway Inn, US Rt. Princeton area. Reply to a personal touch" is our necessary but prefer some OFFICE SPACE - on Rt, experience. Hrs: Thurs. noon preparing input for computer oppty for interested #1, South, Princeton. box #02690, c/o Princeton MATURE PERSON — 2 business. With your high buyers. Reply Box #02418 206 in Montgomery Twp: Packet. energy level, en- to4pm; Fri & Sat, 10am -6pm. and doing general work in c/o Princeton Packet. TENNIS Speciality Store 1000 sq. ft: $550/mo plus or 3 days per week for thusiastic personality Call 609-924-9686. small office. College graduate -For Sale. Main Street utilities. Firestone Real SPECIAL ED TEACHER - & typing, phones and misc. and creativity you can preferred. Call Eva Giordano, location. Must take over Estate, Realtors, 609-924- Aide needed part time for office, 9-5. Call 609-921- earn up to $20,000 a year. Princeton Financial Systems, lease. Priced just over 2222. Sunday School class. Beth 1600. PART TIME TELEPHONE (i09-921-3400 for an ap- PRIME CORNER inventory value. 609-799- Local travel, lots of INTERVIEWER needed for LOCATION - on Nassau Chalm Synagogue. 609-799-9401 CUSTOMER SERVICE diversity and respon- pointment. 1322 Davs. HOW TO EARN MONEY & 448-5411 eves. Social Science- research. St. 3 room office suite, BILLING — Order Clerk. sibility can add ex- Several studies starting in first floor. Avail. SepJ 15. AT HOME mailing CREATE A CAREER Typing essential. Ex- citement to your life. Call commission circulars!! Sept. day. even, & weekend FIRESTONE REAL perienced in order taking for details. shifts avail Previous exp. a WAITRESS/ WAITER - 18 RETIRED SALES- MARKET- Excellent profit WAITRESS/WAITER - Day & years or older. Full time or ESTATE, Realtors, 609- ING executive — available for "Advancing careers with & billing machine plus, but not necessary we will 924-2222. potential!! Offer-details eve."?, shift open. Full time a personal touch" is'our helpful. All paid fringes. LORRAINE DAVIS train. Some bilingual (Spanish part time. Long or short hours, consulting, sales training, rush stamped addressed &/or part time. Gd. salary, gd. day or night Apply in person, other assignments. Record of business. With - high Call for appointment. & english) interviewers envelope & .25 c. benefits. Apply in person; energy level. en- 609-393-2435. 201-297-1230 needed. Call Barbara Primas, Buxton's Country Shop, exceptional results in diver- LANOIE'S, 172N Vinto Treadway Inn, US Rt. » h Montgomery Shopping Center, PROFESSIONAL OPPOR- sified experience. BSEE plus thusiastic personality and Personnal Dept. Mathematica St., Manchester, NH South, Princeton. creativity you can earn Policy Research. Princeton Rt. 206, Rockv Hill TUNITY - 2 year old Plain- plus BoxV(E620 c/o Princeton 03103. up to $20,000 a year. DENTAL ASSISTANT - ex- DENTAL RECEPTIONIST - sboro home on well traveled Packet. \ perienced. Part time & Jet. "609-799-2600 Ext 2568 1 Local travel, lots of needed for busy East Windsor EOE/MF road. Eight rooms, 2 ? baths. COOK & WAITRESS WAN- evenings. Call after 6 pm. 609- office. Experience preferred. NEW PLUS 4 room professional OFFSET & LETTER diversity and respon- Press Print Shop - Owner TED - In a natural foods sibility can add ex- 799-0504. Please call 609-443-6464. CLASSIFIED DEADLINE FOR suite. Parking for 6 cars.' CANCELLATIONS $114,900. RICHARDSON must sell due to illness, restaurant. Call Tues-Sat 10-3 citement to your life. Call SALESPERSON - lull time, complete printing pm. 609-259-3774. for details. flair for interior decorating. IS NOON MONDAY REALTY, 609-448-5000. BARGAIN MART IS business including SCHOOL BUS DRIVER - BABYSITTER - 2'-. days a Bound Brook area. W. Berman A BARGAIN MART IN building. Ext. 30 yrs. LORRAINE DAVIS Kendall Park area. Will week for infant in my home. Decorating Marketplace, 201- PRINCETON" LAB TECHNICAL CLASSIFIED PAGES Trenton, N.J. 609-396- train. 201-297-1295. References 609-771-0589. 257-2277. Equal Opportunity 4285. EXPERIENCED ASPHALT 201-297-1230 Employer STAFF SHOVELERS & RAKERS REGIONAL SCHOOLS WANTED — immediate SUPPLEMENTAL Half time position to operate HOUSEKEEPING AIDES RINCETON ••—••^•^ employment. 201-782-4770. SECRETARY/TYPIST mass Spectrometer and in- INSTRUCTOR FUUTIME-TEMP. REGIONAL SCHOOLS RUN CLASSIFIED ADS AT SALES POSITIONS WANTED: terpret Spectra. Bachelor's OUR SPECIAL 3 TIMES RATE SKI PEOPLE 35 hoir work week Evrcllrn: 70% CONTRACT -degree in Chemistry required. For Hospital- Housekeeping . We are currently seeking: (WITHOUT CHANGES) Enjoy meeting people. Like fine hnnpfits * ELEMENTARY LEVEL clothing? Starting salary at half time, Dept. Day shift, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Office Help Hi$S Ski Shop SECRETARY/TYPIST -46,000 per year. Full benefits. Excellent Working conditions, (3) ASSISTANT FOOTBALL Needs Sales Help Reply by Sept. 7, 1979 to: benefits & salary. A few full and part time Sales P.-iM Time Requires N.J. teachers cer COACHES tification b special certification Daniel Nordlund, Instrument' ACCTGCLKS/TYPISTS EXECUTIVE Positions are now open in one T/Ve'te Proud of Our 18 hour vvork week of Princeton's finest women's fn- Remedial or Special Facility Director, Chemistry Apply Personnel Dept. (1) ASSISTANT HOCKEY SECY'S-CUSTOMER SVC SECRETARY Knowledgeable Sales Staff and RESOURCE ASSISTANT Dept. , Princeton University, Mon.-Thurs. 9 a.m. -4 p.m. department stores. Find That It Must Be Expanded. Education. Send resume to: To (in master scheduling and Princeton. N. J. 08544. (201)874-4000 COACH KEYPUNCH/STAT TYPISTS Full and Part-Time Positions set up for workshops Hio.h Applicants must possess a valid WORK CLOSE TO HOME Long established firm. Excellent PRINCETON An Equal OppOftunity/AHirmative Open. Call (201) 234 2232 school graduate with 2 y^ats ActionEmploye! MFiH N.J teacher certification Apply position for right person. Telephone Mr. Garretson REGIONAL SCHOOLS CARRIER FOUNDATION Weekdays 10 5 for Ap work otponencp in person or call: Large, exciting co. has im- Ball* Mead, NJ Starting salary $225. per week. for an appointment. pomtment. Call Ruth Trent at 609 45? Personnel Office mediate openings for long or 609924-3300 Equal Opportunity Employer M-F PRINCETON 2258 P.O. BOX 711. CLERICAL/SECRETARIAL ,jhort term assignments. Come Princeton. N. J. MS40 REGIONAL SCHOOLS in or call for great opptys. Submit resume to: OPPORTUNITIES Personnel Office Box #02606 SPORTS COME ALIVE An Equal Ol>po*lunity Employer P.O. BOX 711, -Join Norelco. one of America's NURSES AIDES c/o Princeton Packet ON OUR BRIGHT PAGES Affirmative Action Fmptoye* leading lighting manufacturers. Princeton, IM. J. 08540 Cosmopolitan Right now we have two fine 609-924-5600 liihlHi >;K. positions available for* in- We have a need for Nurses 85 Raritan A»e., Highland Park Aides who live in the Hopewell, An Equal OoporTunitj Employe! dividuals with some experience. •ttirmatne Action Emolowi (201)249-5900 Th» Princeton Pocket Nawtpopart South Somerset Newspapers Pick the one that suits your Allentown, Hightstown, South SUPERVISOR 300 Wlth»npoon St.. P.O. BOM 350 P.O. Bo* 14* talents then call us today! Brunswick and Princeton areas. JOB OPPORTUNITIES 2 years recent experience DIETARY DEPT. Princeton. NJ. 08540 SomerW/le. N.J. required. We offer top pay, Looking for a job? PART TIME, 4 pm. to 7 p.m. FOR FALL (tO9) 934-3250 (301) 735-3300 FILE CLERK choice of days and shifts, SECRETARIES Knowledge of office practices complete insurance coverage. Try the Classified pages. Responsible for evening meal 8 — W A Y . and filing procedures. 0-6 mon- TYPISTS service for patients and staff. ths experience Hightstown For interview call: Experience in personnel super STENOS c L A S S I F I E D location vision required. Alternate MEDICAL PERSONNEL POOL TYPIST SECRETARY weekends. Contact Dietary Many office assignments A D V E (609)393-2818 Dept. (609) 896-9500. Ext. 248. RTISING FORM SECRETARIES 1873 Brunswick Aw. available. Work when and Typist needed for Regional IN-SERVICE EDUCATION where you want. _At least 2-3 years experience. Office of nationwide Excellent typing and steno organization. Good typing skills Interesting position requiring MORRIS HALL HEALTH MANPOWER, INC. skills. Positions located at our required, dictaphone ex- So. Brunswick and Hightstown shorthand, dictaphone and & REHAB CENTER 20 Nassau St. perience desired, some filing typing skills. Good salary and Princeton. N.J. facility. and xeroxing. Excellent 2381 Lawrenceville Rd. We offer good salaries, based LOR Personnel Agency fringe benefits package. Lawrenceville. N. J. 08648 609-921-6805 U01-S State Raad, Princeton company benefits, pleasant .... on • experience, excellent working conditions in Princeton Equal Opportunity Employer An Equal Opportunity Employer company paid benefits and Forrestal Center. Apply Personnel Dept. opportunity, for advancement. TERMINAL OPERATOR S8K Mon.-Thurs., 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Please apply at our Corporate TYPIST J9K »1 IK Call for interview or call (201 (874-4000 (on* square for »och l«tt»r, number, spoc* or punctuation) Personnel Dept. BOOKKEEPER ACCTS REC. crt S12K (609)452-9530 SALES, technical $15K Insurance Services Office GET THE SECRETARY S15K CARRIER FOUNDATION 4 LINES - 1 INSERTION $4.00 101 College Road East ACCOUNTANT, cost $17K Belle Mead, New Jersey M>re/co MKTG SERVICES S18K Princeton. N.J. 08540 COMPETITIVE 3 INSERTIONS, no changes, paid b«for« billing $6.00 Equal Opportunity Employer M/F MFG ENGINEER, electro.wwch »19K NORTH AMERICAN SALES, health cwa S19K EDGE. If bilUd add 50' billing cbarg* INDL RELATIONS S20K PHILIPS LIGHTING SYS PROGRAMMER, any. icl S24K S2SK CENTURY 21 WANTS TO TALK TO YOU - about an CORPORATION BSME. do*" S27K PROJ ENGINEER, tube des exciting and rewarding career in Real Estate! Bonk Street WOK Have you been a homemaker for most ACCT EXEC, phartns S3SK NAME Hightstown, N*J* TEST ENGINEER of your recent past....? MOK WHEN YOU JOIN - the ranks of the NEIGH- 60» 441-4000 PURCHASING Are you now separated, divorced or Equal Opponunity Employ*. M An Equal Oppoavnkr/M MERCER COUNTY OTES IS WEE. Thereafter, each consecutive insertion only vertisar .immediately foHowwig "" " AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER M/fVH THE MME PROFESSIONAL costs «1.50 if placed with original order. CaN for pubtcation Classified Advertising Week of August 29-31, 1979 2-B Help Wonted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted

SEC/MEDICAL - F/P to COLLECTOR - Fast growing SECRETARY — for downtown NURSE COMMUNITY Princeton University NURSES — RN's or LPNs. $12K Admin, duties. Princeton firm is seeking law ' office. Accurate typing P/T SUPERVISORS Personal Secy »175+ HEALTH Immediate Department of male or female. 3 to 11:30, full Medical Transcription a exper. telephone collectors. required. Accurate tran- Customer service persons, BANNER & part time. 11 to 7:30 part openings in a certified Mechanical and must Top ben. Call Dinah Excellent benefit package. scribing required IBM mag hostesses, M/F "GAS YOU'LL voluntary home/health time. Call Applegarth Care 924-8064 Snelling & Salary based on exper. plus card experience a plus. 35 hour SAVERS" Service. No Sales - agency providing generalized Aerospace Engineering Center, 609-448-7036. LOVE Snelling 20 Nassau St. commission. 609-452-8383. week. Call for interview, 609- We Train 609-799-8337. IT public health nursing TECHNICAL STAFF Princeton EOE 924-9407. program. BS degree for NLN MEMBER If you like a very accredited program preferred. Will consider WANTED - artist models - EXPERIENCED Pa- COOK — Small school in diversified position, this Bachelor's / Masters male & female, part time for Secy $185 Princeton seeks experienced PART TIME SECRETARY - is the spot tor you. You graduate of an accredited inter wanted - mi- for small Princeton firm. (4 or hospital school of nursing or Degree in chemistry or professional art school. cook for full time position. We will be responsible for BANNER equivalent experience in nimum 8 years ex- PAMPERED need a reliable and energetic '5 days per week). Must have purchase orders, in- AA degree program with l Somerville area. 201-359-5155 perience, excellent pay. year medical & surgical ex- analytical chemistry, between 9am-12noon for appt & person who enjoys having experience in dealing with ventory, composing your particularly gas Apprentice painters also PRACTICAL children around and who is executive level clients. Typing correspondence, etc. SECRETARY perience. Contact Director, needed. 609-921-6396. and shorthand required^ Visiting Nurse Association in chromatography and gas willing to work some Variety is indeed the Our clients need experienced chromatofcraphy / mass PART TIME - Homemakers No degree? But you know weekends. Responsibilities Forward qualifications to: spice of life. Excellent Middlesex Inc., 1915 Old secretaries with and without Georges Rd., North Brun- spectrometry. Respon- earn extra Christmas cash. you can do it! All you include menu planning, food Johnston Assoc. Inc., Pretty benefits and tremendous shorthand. Salary depends on sible for instrum- Make own hours. For appt. need is excellent English ordering, some paper work. Brook Rd., Princeton, NJ growth potential - Good swick, N.J. 08902. 201-821-9500. DENTAL ASST 7 skills and background. Take Equal Opportunity Employer. entation design, call 201-5284942 bet. 4 & 8 pm. Receptionist - Princeton and language skills, good Average day runs 10-7:30. 08540. typing skills required. your pick from the many maintenance and office, top salary with typing, and the ability to wage negotiable. Please send orders we have open. AH fee operation of analytical grow. Are you a bright personal statement and facilities for major Fuels many benefits. Ex- Call today - Never a fee. paid. perience preferred but self-starter? If so, start reference to Box #02653, c/o CLERK — for screening of Combustion Research MAIDS & PORTERS - part tomorrow - Call MEA Princeton Packet. TEACHERS AIDES - for Laboratory. time. Weekends & holidays. will train. Send resume BANNER BUSINESS input documents. Clerical to Box #02697 c/o today! nursery school in East Wind- ttjaipetficksori experience helpful but not Skilled Nursing facility. sor. No experience necessary. ASSOCIATES INC. Experience not necessary. In Princeton Packet. 228 Alexander St. necessary. Excellent benefits Mail resume to njatipetficksori Duties include assisting associate^ including dental insurance & service provided. Apply in WANTED - Violations Clerk/- teacher in classroom plus Princeton. NJ 08540 Departmental Ad- person: Mon. thru Fn. bet. Deputy Court Clerk for 609-924-1194 tuition assistance. Please call ministrator, Mechanical associate^ driving mini-van. We train for 6 Colonial Lake Dr. Mrs Pascale. 609-452-1300. & Aerospace 9am & 3pm ask for Mrs. Cust. Svc./ To $180 Cranbury Twp. Municipal special driving license. Hours Lawrenceville, N.J. Engineering Depart- Mierta, Franklin Con- Inside Sales 6 Colonial Lake Dr. Court. Part time. For further 11:30 am - 4pm or mornings. [609]883-5103 ment, Code TM/KTD- valescent Center, Rt. 27, Lawrenceville, N J. information call Mon-Fri. 609- Young child may accompany MATH TEACHER - N.J. Franklin Park! TRAVEL 655-2181. you. Call 609-448-3883. certification required. Apply COMPUTER OPERATOR — 214 Engineering Quad- [609]883-5103 Princeton area company in rangle, Princeton Uni- to Asst. Supt. Personnel, East ...three days a month. PROGRAMMER Information - Processing - versity, Princeton, Windsor Reg. School District, based business has a growth New Jersey 0854*. Type a little, talk a lot BANK TELLERS - Male or MAINTENANCE ASST. - with GalGuyFri. To $175 Analyst Major Co. seeks 384 Stockton St., Hightstown. Secy 9200 while handling the female. Please apply in person general knowledge of main- exp. IBM COBOL. Top NJ 08520 609-448-3660, ext. 203. opportunity for an individual coordination of customer at Hightstown or East Windsor tenance, carpentry and SHOW ME ben. incl. profit sharing Equal Opportunity Employer with minimum 1 years ex- Princeton University is COSMOPOLITAN Office, Colonial First National Salary $22k DOE F/P perience. Openings on our 4 to an equal opportunity, service. Your in- mechanical skills. Call ATTITUDE dependence can be Bank. Johnson Atelier Tech. Inst. Call Tom 924-8064 FTM. midnight shift & midnight to 8 employer, M/F. "A new way," says this a.m shift. Excellent working rewarded with a 3-month Sculptor, Ken Ford, 609-452- boss, "And I'll try it." Snelling & Snelling 20 Just your excellent review. Must enjoy 2661. . Nassau St. Princeton conditions & benefits, in- Handle freight bills, cluding denial insurance'& typing skills and some people contact. Cor- TRANSFORMER ASSEM- overcharges. and credit CHILD CARE - Light TELEPHONE SOLI- experience with a dic- porate benefits, fee paid. BLER - to assemble power housekeeping in my - home, tuition assistance. Please call CITORS NEEDED - card bills. Typing and 60V452-1300, ext 261. An OEO, taphone, your charming Call for details and appt. transformers, must have good PHOTOTYPESETTER(S) — answering phones can 8am-4:30pm, Mon-Fri. Call call for appt. after 6 pm, personality and mechanical ability, will Experienced only with TELEPHONE SALES - 609-883-8538 after 5pm. M/F. 609-448-2242. Dale add to your diversified Great commissions for cosmopolitan attitude ASK FOR consider trainee. Call Abacus preferable A-M procedural day. Two month review. Custom Builders. will make you the winner Controls, 201-526-6010. knowledge. Part time ap- great closers. Tele exp. LORRAINE DAVIS Corporate benefits, fee preferred. If you have a with this fantastic plicants may be considered. paid. Call for details and company. Diver- Call Graphics Design at 609- good voice we will train NURSES AIDE - experience appt. you. Full & part time preferred. Day shift. Full or KARN $500 to $800 — per SECRETARY sification is the name of TEACHER SUBSTITUTES - 924-0460 for appointment. month, part time. Call Marie the game - Full benefits OFFICE post available. Call 609- part time. For interview "Research Asst. Im- K-8, send resume to L. Gant- ASK FOR 924-7005 Mr Hudson. contact Administrator, Thurs 5-9pm 201-297-4744. mediate opening working and +-(-holidays. No werk, Roosevelt Public TEACHER NEEDS sitter LORRAINE DAVIS Sunnyfield Nursing Home, > for president of Prin- steno. Don't hesitate. POWER School, School Lane, starting in Sept. in her H'boro Cranburv NJ 609-395-0641. Start your new career ceton- based attitude "Personnel Roosevelt, NJ 08555. Equal home. 2 children 3 days research organization. tomorrow through ME A. Opportunity / Affirmative weekly. References. Own OFFICE MECHANICAL - In- CHURCH SECRETARY - Part Rte 130 at Black Horse Lane spector To $220 Must time Monday-Friday 9-12. Math skills helpful, good No. Brunswick, NJ 08902 Action Employer. trans. After 8/19, 201-874-4248. advancement op- read blueprints voc. ed. Send resume to Box #02596 c/o (201) 297-1230 POWER LPNS & NURSES AIDES Princeton Packet. portunity. Send resume n\afy etfick§oii helpful know. of part time or full time, small PRG, Box 307, Prin- GOOD CHRISTIAN WOMAN - CAFETERIA EMPL0Y- Personnel calibration growth spot, nursing home. 609-395-0725 ceton, N.J. 06540. associate^ to be a companion to my wife MENT - no nights 6r Rte 130 at Black Horse Lane call Dinah 924-8064 JANITORS - Needed part who is ill. Job also requires weekends. Hightstown area. North Brunswick, NJ 08902 Snelling & Snelling 20 NEW ~ 6 Colonial Lake Dr. time nights, Monmouth preparation of meals ana light 609-448-1700, ext. 5104. [201]297-1230 Nassau St. Princeton Junction and Hightstown CLASSIFIED DEADUNE FOR Lawrenceville, N.J. housekeeping. Hours 8 am - 1 JANITOR NEEDED - with RESTAURANT CANCELLATIONS [609]883-5103 area. Experienced only pm. Please call evenings after floor cleaning experience part' with transportation. 609- 7 pm, 609-799-0356. References 'CARPENTER - Good all RUN CLASSIFIED ADS AT time. 6 mornings. Tran- IS NOON MONDAY 924-5232. 9-5. RELIABLE HELP NEEDED - OPPORTUNITIES required. arouno< carpenter for general OUR SPECIAL 3 TIMES RATE sportation necessary. 609-924- to care for 3 school age contracting work. Call 5 to 7 5232. If you en|Oy the exciting at children, 3-6pm, weekdays & (WITHOUT CHANGES) SECRETARIES pm mosphere of a busy restaurant ADMISSIONS REGISTRAR do light housework. Must and are interested in earning a TYPIST? DIETITIAN drive. 609-924-7352. good salary and liberal benefits PART TIME TFCHNIOAN CLERKS PART TIME PERSONNEL including a store wide shopping Part time alternating weekends Immediate assignments available. You still have time to earn STEEL WAREHOUSE discount, BAMBERGERS and some day fill-in. Must be A pan time position (2 days per FIELD SERVICE ASSISTANT CARRIAGE HOUSE » summer money. available for training. Fringe week) is open for Dietitian to HELP Immediate opportunity CLERICAL (benefits) RESTAURANT is the place lor Register today/Work tomorrow. benefits. direct the nutritional aspects of Marjorie M. Halliday patient care. Excellent working available foi individual with you' Need people to put stock away, electro mechanical experience, Internal promotion has created WAITRESS/WAITER Call P«rsonn«l for appt. conditions plus pro-rated fringe SWIFT TEMPS benefits. PRINCETON load trucks, etc. Can lead to preferably in the copier in a vacancy for an individual Enjoy good tips on our part time skilled jobs such as a saw. shear dustry (201)874-4000 experienced in benefits ad schedules Mon Sat Iwith a "The nicest people work for Swift, why don't you?" Call Personnel Dept. for appt. EMPLOYMENT or crane operator Full time ministration (billings) and so day off during the week) (201)874-4000. steady work, excellent pay, top Duties include customer con forth Familiarity with wage and Princeton-Windsor Industrial Park CARRIER FOUNDATION fringe benefits, 9-4 p.m. Ask for tact and the repair and upkeep hour procedures helpful. KITCHEN UTILITY Everett Driv*. off Clariuvlll* Rd. Mar Quaker Bridge Mall B*ll> M*ad. N«w Jarsey CARRIER FOUNDATION AGENCY plant Manager, call for in of copiers Pleasant working conditions We seek hard working in Princeton Junction. N.J. Equal Opportunity Employer M F Belle Mood. N*w Jarsey Specializing in terview. Excellent fringe benefits. dividuals to work part time Equal Opportunity Employer M/F We're a fast paced, growing 609-M6-9531 609-882-0030 Temporary Help schedules Mon Sal (with a day BARBOUR BROS. copier dealer and are offering a Interview Hours 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. •=-„ Permanent Placements in good benefits package with APPLY PERSONNEL DEPT off during the week) NURSES Secretarial, Clerical STEEL COMPANY salary commensurate with ex Mon to Thurs. 9 am to 4 pm SJATISTICAL Executive. EDPand Route 31 perience Or Call 12011 784 4000 SALAD/SANDWICH MAKER Parmington, N J Applicants must be interested RN'S LPN'S ASSISTANT Technical . Call Mr Charles SENKMSOnWUE 60M834100 CARRIER FOUNDATION in working with food Nurse only on assignments you 352 Nassau St., Princeton 609-396-6364 SPECIALIST Position exists within the An Equal Opportunity Employer Ball.Mvod.N.j. preparation and be able to like and only at the times you (609)924-9134 Fqurfl Oppnnijpity frnplDv*" ™ f function in a fast paced kitchen. choose. We have an urgent Toxicology Department at our Equal Opportunity Employ** M'f Are jw a telefrttd, aptfienod minicomputer Systems Analyst/Proft«mm« Part time 10 am-4 p.m. Mon.- need for nurses to work on Chemical Research and mdjt tar MM rtsp«Bib*tf asa chaNMft? An jou a stH-iUrtint responsible Sat. (with a day off during the home care, private duty and Development Center in Prin- HidMdMl with ttw aoHHj and dtsirt to nunne four om sjstms ELECTRONICS week). staff relief assignments. ceton for a Statistical Assistant. TECHNICIAN IV CLERICAL dmliBWirt prejtcb? Art >oii«ccmtamid to aaarpitu tan netds, dewtopim .Duties will include entering APPLY PERSONNEL ratftMiMt sgnttms, manafiR| pro)tcts ami worinnf with a larti larietj of A person to join an existing We provide: biological data through a PHOTO TYPESETTING RESEARCH •uri? If so, wt may nan jut tht catttr positions tar you. .Computer input terminal (Digital Electronics Support Laboratory RESEARCH • highest pay rates of all working on various Research COMPOSITION CLERK nursing services VT-100CRT) and assisting in the TECHNICAL Wt an a highly sacctttfal PDP-11 tanvktj splints manufacture! spccialirinf Projects. Requires experience TRAINING POSITION • paid malpractice and liability collection of information for the This clerical position involves in Mattrial toatral aapHcitJon. Wi oottatt rtaMitM control, data base and formulation of a data base. The with testing and assembly of insurance POSITION translating from Chinese into CMMNMcatiMS orMtd systems with user-inttnetne software. Our markets candidate should have , a electronic equipment. Must be Princeton University is ac • in-service education programs able to use standard test BA. BS, or Technical Associate English Will edit study manuals • paid staff relief orientation background in biology and cepting applications of in QUAKER BRIDGE MALL previous experience in data equipment. Requires ability to degree in Electrical Engineering for Chinese language courses, • RN consultation dividuals with graphic arts Lawrenceville, N. J. HtB8(>oportanityso«iidsattractr«toyw,andifyOMha»eilleast5yearjo( entry via computer input ter- troubleshoot to component experience who are desirous of or Physics. 1 2 year position initiate and type correspon related nperience, wt WMM lite to talk with you. Wt offer a wry competitive minal. level. Position requires learning photo typesetting with Physics Professor working equal opportunity employer M/F When you join Medical Per- Technical School training or under NASA contract Excellent dence Some light bookkeeping satary and benefits paekaft with artlntd, no-commute warkint environment. We offer excellent employee composition. We seek previous sonnel Pool you'll be part of the Associate Degree in Electronic opportunity for a recent required Fluent Chinese as well Stud your resume in confidence to: Applied Color Systems, Inc.. P.O. Boi benefits; salary commensurate experience in related com most highly respected and Technology plus 2 years ex- graduate wishing to gain work 5S00. Princeton, HJ. WS40, Ann: Mrs. Connolly. with experience. Call Personnel position skills such as offset as knowledge of Idomatic quality minded national sup- perience. experience before pursuing a 609-452 2300 ext. 215. film stripping, paste up English Strong typing skills and CLERICAL eqnl opportunity employer plemental nursing service in its highef degree Experience in field. Give us a call, we will be mechanicals or related photo some editing experience Immediate . APPIY PERSONNEL SERVICES discrete component electronic happy to talk with you about FMC typesetting equipment. Will be OPENINGS CLIO HALL OR CALL Mergenthaler Linoterm design, bread boarding, testing your career. CORPORATION and building. Rank and salary with large commercial clinical Make FOR AN APPLICATION Typesetter System. Accurate APPLY PERSONNEL SERVICES laboratory Excellent salary and dependent on qualifications. CLIO HALL OR CALL the Smart MEDICAL PERSONNEL POOL US Route 1 typing skills required. Apply benefits Many full and part (609) 452-6130 $14,000 per year maximum. FOR AN APPLICATION Choice (609)393-2818 Princeton, N.J. 08540 Personnel Services, Clio Hall, or time openings on all shifts. 1873 Brunswick Avenue call for an application, (609) Flexible hours plus shift dif Equal opportunity employer rrvt PRINCETON SEND RESUME TO: (609)452-6130 terential UwrencevHIe, Nl 452-6130, Princeton University. HIT UNIVERSITY Princeton, N.J. LAURA HAGOPIAN PRINCETON Us Now Princeton. N.J. An Equal Opportunity' PHYSICS DEPT. UNIVERSITY CLIENT Affirmative Action Employe* MFH Position as an An Equal Opoortuniiv'Affkmative Prinuton, N.J. ActionEmployei M/RK Princeton Unhersity SERVICE CLKS P.O. BOX 70* experience in customer service ASSISTANT MANAGEMENT TEMPORARY EMPLOYMENT An Equal Opportunity b knowledge of medical ter- PRINCETON. N.J. 0S544 aTive Action Employer M'FH An Equal Opportunity minology helpful Tubesales. the world's largest distributor of tubing and pipe is expanding its TRAINEE AfiirmaTive Action Employer MFH Long & Short staff and is seeking to fill the following positions that are available to qualified individuals KEYPUNCH Asignmcnts INSIDE SALES TRAINEE Buyers and sellers meet OPERATORS MISS Experienced on IBM 129, will We are looking for a conscientious person willing to learn our business Some Out on a Great every week train on CRT Second & third Industrial Sales experience would be helpful. Excellent opportunity for shifts available advancement. Contact Dick Caffrey for appointment. RETAILING MANAGEMENT * Typists on the Classified pages. TRAFFIC CLERK/SECOND SHIFT SPECIMEN Career Opportunity! * Stenos Control Ok We are looking for male and female assistant management Duties will consist of moderate warehouse work, traffic flow and typing a must trainees, people with some retailing background who would like * Mag Card - at least 45 to 50 WPM. Must apply in person between the hours of 9 00 High school graduate or to learn the specialty store business, the successful Hit or Miss AM /1130 AM. Ask for the Manager of Operations ROGERS b KING PERSONNEL, INC. equivalent preferred Will train way. * Keypunch but some clerical or typing ex- Hit or Miss pronmas you: INVENTORY RECORDS CLERK * perience helpful. Fast Advancement * Secretaries CnuaTem Competitive Salary We have two openings in this department. Duties involve the posting and BILLING CLERK Exceptional Benefits ftognm deduction of all pertinent transactions to our Kardei system and light ENGINEERING POSITIONS Some clerical or typing ex- Five Day Wo* Week telephone work giving out stock information. Must have neat handwriting NO FEE CALL JANE ROGERS perience in billing department Generally looked upon as an entry position Rapid advancement can follow for Train and Work near your Home helpful. High school or the right persons. Contact George Hess for an appointment. Procfcict Design Engineer- $25,000- 2 yrs. exp. in design of digital equivalent preferred For a local confidential interview apply in person on Thursday, circuitry memory products. Familiarity with conceptions and design August 30, from 10 am to 5 pm. Salary for the above positions is open. Tubesales has a very comprehensive through development. For an application call benefits program for all of its employees. 800-352-4853 Ext 287 Hit or Miss •T»«t Equipment Ciitfhwi • $25,000- 5 yrs. experience, BSEE desired, instruct technicians in trouble shooting and testing or send resume to 1225Statefload TUBESALES PERSONNEL MANAGER Grand Union Shopping Center .procedures. , PROSPECT PLAINS RD. AND ENGELHARD OR. Princeton, N J. Quatty Control Cnglnw «2%9M - 4 yrs. exp. and BSEE (NEAR M0M0E THISHf MUNICIPAL BLDG.) ROCHE The oTIvatence Isn't In our ctethea. ifs in our prices. BANNER BUSMESS ASSOCIATES preferred. Compile and maintain data on products and implement t\NJ.«512 test standards for digital memory products Clinical 22SMtXM*r Street Laboratories HIT OR (201)521-2400 5 Johnson Drive ROGERS C KING PERSONNEL, INC. Raritan, N.J. 08869 (609)65*4120 2500 Route 1,Lawnjnc«v«e,N.J. (009)771-6800 An aqud oeponunKy ifkn/m nWf

. -^y Week of August 29-31, 1979 Classified Advertising 3-B Help Wonted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted

MOTOR ROUTE DRIVER - REAL ESTATE SALES - IF YOU HAVE SOME FREE Clerk-Typist 1150+ BOOKKEEPER ASST. — TECHNICIAN SECRETARY - part YARN SHOP-need* part AIDES - no experience Needed to deliver existing MAINTENANCE Full or part time. Contact the necessary. We will train you to Trenton Times motor route in TIME — in Sept and want to Permanent, part/full time. Leonard Van Hise Agency. time, for small time help. Mature person make some extra money? We BRIGHT Small Nassau St. office. 609- .. _ HIGH VACUUM professional office on with experience in care for ill patients in their the Ewing Twp-Pennington & SYSTEMS (Hightstown, for a confidential own home. Full time or part Princeton area. Ideal for need temporary full time LIGHT 924-2040. interview. 609-448-4250. Witherspoon St. 609-924- knitting ft needlepoint time work available. Car housewife, college student or Cashiers from Sept. 6 - 22. 4047. Call for appttOMSS- necessary. Starting salary as supplemental income, Please apply in person, Mrs. Your sunny disposition, We require H.S. education, 9290. Watts, Personnel, Princeton accurate typing and 2 SOMEONE SPECIAL - to sit electro - mechanical $3.25 per hour plus travel liberal allowances & profit, PRINCETON EATING CLUB OLDER WOMAN - room reimbursement. Call Prin- reliable car necessary. For University Store, 36 University years exp. will place you Tor 2 loving children, ages 7 & background. Previous ex- & board, exchange for place, Princeton. in this area company. 8. Afternoons & 1-3 overnights perience with high vacuum - has 3 positions starting in ceton Homemaker Service, information call collect 609- early Sept. These positions are light duties & sitting for 9 396-3232. Ext. 275 between 9 & 7 Benefits are great. Call per week. Own transportation. systems is essential and year old girl. 600 448 9508 OFFICE PRODUCTION 609-452-9150. MEA today and have the familiarity with various types full time kitchen assistant, - full time person needed or write: Circulation Mgr. c/o (WELDERS & HELPERS - Nice situation. Speak to part time housekeeper, and after 7pm. Trenton Times, 500 Perry St. (with experience needed. Call bright light shine on you. Carleen at work, 609-921-7576 of vacuum pumps is highly to assist production Trenton, NJ 08605. or home 921-1946. desirable, i.e., bell jars, pump- part time breakfast cook. All manager. Duties will ,201-359-8561, 8:30am-4:30pm. down stations, leak detectors, salaries are open, please call PAINTERS WITH EX- And remember - never a for appointment, 609-921-0964, include running offset k fee to the applicant. vacuum furnaces. Perform $25 - $30 Stuffing en- other machines, PERIENCE wanted - Please mechanical and electrical ask for Steve or leave message velopes. Send self- call 609-799-4160. QUALITY AMATEUR GO-GO Girls on machine. deliveries, etc. Call Mrs. CONTROL 'WOMAN - to sit AM kin- wanted for New Club. Call Day maintenance, repair equip- stamped addressed Ringler 609-452-8282. dergarten child, my schedule n&ifeifleksoq. 609-443-4924, nights 609-452- ment, set up preventative envelope Tayco, PO Box TECHNICIAN flexible, from 6-21 hours per maintenance programs, 8010. Stockton, Ca. 95208. week, Princeton Jet. 609-494- working under minimal HOSTESS/HOST - Day & SECRETARY/ TYPIST - Varied work in a Unit Mgr. Z2K+ high interest field 0954, 799-4715. 6 Colonial Lake Dr. supervision. eve", shift open, full time &/or (financial statements, for CPA, part time. Gd. salary, gd. Lawrenceville, N.J. KIDS - Going back to THE (new IBM model SO electronic Join a leader in advanced Acctng./Inventory To CALL FOR APPOINTMENT benefits. Apply in person; school, need extra typewriter, full or part time. [6091883-5103 $200 Treadway Inn, US Rt. #1, WINNING devises and instruments - SURROGATE PARENTS - (609)799-1000 money? Busy sandwich EXPERIENCE 609-924-8200, ask. for Kim, enjoy working at state-of-the- for 15 year old boy with South. Princeton. shop needs someone art levels. European-South American SEC - F/P to $180 gd ANALYZE THIS EMR quick who learns fast. This large, " well- background. Speaks fluent typing plush off. super PHOTOELECTRIC Part time, days, no International cor- An E.O.E., m/f established company is Requires 1-2 plus years in German, Spanish, English. ben. Exp. banking, acct- PART TIME - Salesperson for weekends. Apply at 144 offering you the ex- instrument calibration and Will be attending school in ng or economics firm. poration desires your East Main St., Somer- AR To $200 inventory control ex- Card & Gift store in pleasant perience and opportunity repair, electronics school Princeton. Adequate com- Call Dinah 924-8064 Princeton area shopping ville. to expand you* super- graduation or equivalent. Do pensation. Call and leave Snelling & Snelling 20 perience, ability to work BUSY BEE with EDP reports, PLEASE HELP center. Person must be visory skills. You wiu be inspections, parts screening, name and phone number on Nassau St. Princeton available year round in involved in production, etc. as needs arise. answering machine. 609-921- liaison with field offices scheduling, and a mula Is what you'll be using 1127. and customers to YOU COULD MAKE ALL daytime & evening. Call Jane Sec./Legal To $190 your 2 years A/R ex- maintain order control. THE DIFFERENCE Coulson, 609-921-7216 for varietyofresponsibilities. Good initial salary, room to EARN $40 $60 extra for No degree necessary. perience to handle cash every 100 envelopes you Diversified growth personal interview. 9toS receipts, enter and post move ahead and liberal TYPIST - (50 wpm) position. Corporate I'M AN ADULT LIVING IN A Any experience in coil benefits. address at home. STATE SCHOOL FOR THE fabrication a phis. sales, do light collections needed for busy mail Operate your own benefits, fee paid. Call Your l year legal ex- for this expanding firm. order book business. for details and appt. MENTALLY RETARDED; perience, excellent steno CALL FOR APPOINTMENT business at your own I'M TOLD I CAN MOVE Remember - never a fee Corporate benefits, fee Accounts payable ex- pace. Send for free in- WAITRESS/ WAITER - for and typing skills, can paid. Call for details and (609)799-1000 erience necessary, ASK FOR BACK INTO THE COM-restaurant and cocktail lounge land you this career spot to the applicant formation to J.E. En- MUNITY AND I NEED A appointment. ~ • Bliversified duties. Call terprises, 1235 Oaklawn CAROLTURNER weekdavs and/or weekends. with litigation attorney. EMR Scholar's Bookshelf, 921- CONCERNED FAMILY TO Call Coach & Four Restaurant Corporate benefits, fee PHOTO ELECTRIC St. S.E. Lenoir, N.C. GIVE ME LOVE, A HOME & ASK FOR 1631, for interview ap- 28645. for interview, 609-448-2400. paid. Call for details and CAROLTURNER An E.O.E., m/f pointment. SOME TRAINING IN appointment. OFFICE RETURN FOR A MONTHLY associate^ STIPEND. ASK FOR 6 Colonial Lake Dr. PART TIME CLERK TYPIST CLERICAL AIDE - office REGISTERED NURSES - CAROL TURNER Lawrenceville, N.J. OFFICE entry level, to provide main SALES HELP - start - busy office needs person with immediately. Exp. IF YOU THINK YOU CANpart time, 2:30-10:30pm. full [609)883-5103 strong typing skills & ability to phone coverage; learn & Personnel HELP IN ANY WAY PLEASE time or part time, 10:30pm- POWER control file systems. We need a Preferred. 609-921-3121. OFFICE handle detail. Min. 20 hours - 5 Antartex Sheepskin Rte 130 at Black Horse Lane CALL MY SOCIAL WORKER: 6:30am. To assist adult Personnel days a/week. Write or call, typist who will learn other No. Brunswick, NJ 08902 ROBERT WIERSKI - (609) residents when medical NEW PUP, 41 Williams St. Prin- office machines, display good Shop, downtown Prin- 298-5981 Rte 130 at Black Horse Lane ceton. (201)297-1230 emergencies arise. Also, office POWER CLASSIFIED DEADLINE FOR No. Brunswick, NJ 08902 ceton NJ. 609-452-4898. retention, run errands and be assistant for doctor's office Personnel CANCELLATIONS (201)297-1230 eager. Write Personnel, P.O. THANKS hours approx. 20 hours per 454, Princeton, NJ 08540. lite 130 at Black Horse Lane IS NOON MONDAY BARTENDER - part AUTOBODY - person. week. Clearbrook Health Care North Brunswick. NJ 08902 Center, 609-655-2706. |201]297-1230 TYPIST - for busy downtown time. Will teach. Must be Exp. Combination 1st SUPER TYPIST SECRETARY - General office. Accuracy & speed DENTAL ASSISTANT - Ex- willing worker. 609-448- class applicant only. RELIGIOUS SCHOOL office assistant (Friday type) essential. Self-starter to perienced for 41* days in 4800 for information. Complete benefit TEACHERS - (for Jewish SALES OPENINGS Immediate openings for ex- Wanted for architectural firm, handle diversified assign- Hightstown Office. Starting package. Clean modern Studies, taught in English & CLEANING WOMAN - with cellent typist (at least 65 wpm). full or part time. ments. Able to deal well with shop. Contact, Les transportation & references Mag or Memory a plus. Op- people. Reply to Box #02674 c/o Sept. 609-448-0075. STABLE MANAGER - Reeves at Patterson Hebrew); Junior Organizational and typing Large riding establish- Congregation Leader & for 1 day a week. Call 609-443- portunity to learn IBM System 6 skills essential. Some Princeton Packet. Chevrolet, 609-587^1633. Ha ft or an tutors needed. 5369. Word Processor. Join a bookkeeping, telephone. Low ment seeks permanent RECYCLE stable manager, Monday Contact: Beth El Synagogue, sophisticated downtown paying but Interesting. Reply 609-443-4454. Princeton firm with super to Box #02666, c/o Princeton THIS thru Friday 8-5. Must COOK/HOUSEKEEPER - for Packet. MANAGER TRAINEE have basic horse people. Financial subject NEWSPAPER knowledge and be small rest Home in the EARN $100 - Week or more.. at sales recruiting - here's a manor. Some statistical. Oc- Want to enter or reenter capable to handle varied country. Live in. Own room & Work approx. 2 hrs/day. Good chance tor you to make your casional overtime. Top salary* bath. Prefer non-smoking, adv. 201-874-5990. mark in a top executive PAINTERS WANTED - 5 yrs. the world of retailing? PRINCETON* stable duties. Good INSURANCE person - and benefits. Our employees lively Sr. Citizen. Salary $600 needed with knowledge position experience necessary. Year Here is an opportunity to REGIONAL SCHOOLS for qualified person. per mo. 609-448-9894. know of this ad. Please respond round work. 609-698-3338 btwn. 466-1383. of rating and writing of $25-30k rang* to: 7-9 p. m operate a local unit in the PART TIME/ property, special multi- Lawrenceville Area peril and all related Our organization is presently PERSONNEL, Bo* 713 OPENINGS GOT AN IDEA launching a major expansion in Princeton, N.I. T that's part of an in- GOT A GRIPE OR lines. Congenial working RUN CLASSIFIED ADS AT conditions. Good FOR A PHOTO? the salon and direct sales ternational family of over CASHIER OUR SPECIAL 3 TIMES RATE COMPLIMENT? Benefits. Call Miss marketing of skin care, (WITHOUT CHANGES) CALL US NOW. 2,000/ice cream stores. 3 HRS DAY WRITE YOUR EDITOR! Higgins, 609-924-0401. cosmetics and fragrance PRINCETON NURSING products Full company benefits Exp en handling cash and record REGIONAL SCHOOLS offered. Some customer deeping preferred. RECEPTIONIST /SECRETARY REGISTERED service &/or cake PRINCETON Report directly to National LANDSCAPING PART TIME HELP WANTED Sales Manager. Be responsible NURSES decorating experience CAFETERIA Self-motivated person ' CLERK with excellent typing Interesting outdoor work and - in Landscape work. Drivers for recruiting and establishing helpful, but not required. the satisfaction of seeing your license required. Phone 609- SAVINGS & LOAN Excellent opportunity for RN's PLAYGROUND skills in rapidly growing area network/field force in Will train. accomplishments. We are one 448-1962 after 6. Princeton, N.J. area. Position seeking full-time or jjart-time has an opening for a mortgage TYPIST employment on evenings or AIDE marketing research firm. of Central New Jersey's most requires: Experience in Shorthand helpful. processing clerk in their Prin Position Available nights in ambulatory Apply in person 274 HRS DAY creative landscape firms. Here Work Behind ceton office. Experience recruiting and training full and monitoring, concentrated care, Diversified duties in is an opportunity to learn an part time sales people, We have currently reviewed Thursday, Aug. 30th , Exp. in working with elementary the Scenes preferred, but we will train f mental nealtry£CU. ICU. or age children preferred pleasant atmosphere. interesting profession. This is motivational skills and plan -some of our needs at the HiftT *' from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. . at Typing required Paid benfits medical/surgical in progressive Please apply in person Profit-sharing, excellent hard work and you should be in Call Personnel Office for ap ning/supervision capability. School and ate seeking a" Trenton Job Service top physical shape. Past ex- employee oriented department. PRINCETON medical coverage, life in- pointment friendly, patient & flexible • 4-6 Weeks Orientation 8 E. Hanover St., perience helpful, but not Attractive salary and bonus individual to perform vinous surance, other fringes. BAMBERGER'S! • Hospitalization Benefits REGIONAL SCHOOLS essential. For appointment call: 609-9240076, Ext.3O position for the candidate with clerical duties in the main Trenton, N.J. We currently have both per- • Major Medical Penonnel Office Salary commensurate 201-359-8388 days or 201-369- a first-class track record. office Interested individuals manent and temporary-thru- Equal Opportunity.Employer m f • Dental Plan P.O. Box 71! with experience and 3429 after 8 PM. should be able to type at least No Fee Charged. Christmas positions available in Call Ms. Brown • Life Insurance Princeton. N J ability. Send resume to: 40 wpm. have pleasant phone the following areas of our store: , • Pension Plan Bernice Cushing Ambleside (212)921-7750 mannerisms & be able to work 609-924-5600 STOCK Dietary • Free Parking or fend rttumt to well with students, stall I An Equal Oppottumtt Fmeteor Total Research Corp. Day schedules include Full • 12 Holidays f Gardens DIRECTOR OF Ms. Brown parents For more details call or Aiiirmativf Action £mrj'O*f Box 307 1101 State Rd. Time, 8 am-4:30 pm Mon-Fri; • Tuition Refund MARKETING DIETARY SERVICE apply m person to: Princeton. N. J. 08540 Route 206 Belle Mead Part Time 1-6 pm Mon-Fri. Nite 32 West 40th St., SERVICE schedules include Tues & Thurs Suite 2D Contact: Paulina Corrall PRINCETON 1:15-9:45, plus Sat 1:15-9:45 A progressive private Assistant Director of Nursing MANAGER New York. N.Y. 10018 and Sun 11:45-5:15, also Mon. psychiatric hospital located in REGIONAL SCHOOLS Hekite Fuld Medical Center Requires thorough knowledge NURSES CLERK TYPIST Wed, Fri, 6-9:45 plus Sat 7-4 central New Jersey requires an 750 Brunswick Avenue Personnel Office of advertising production COST ACCOUNTANT and Sun 12-5pm individual to direct the ac Trenton, New Jersey OMtt Progressive central New Jersey Princeton, P.O.BOX 711. techniques — graphics, For busy sales marketing INVENTORY CONTROL CHECKEftS/MMKERS tivities of a modern dietary 609-396-6575 ex*. 2277 psychiatric hospital pleasantly Princeton, N. J. 08540 printing, photography, department Accurate typing, Full time schedule 8 am-4:30 dept. providing food for ap situated in campus-like setting prox. 250 patients with a staff 609-924-5*00 typography, etc. Primary filinn Dhone. Good benefits. pm Mon-Fri; Nites 4:15-8:15 Equal opportunity employer has the following nursing of 35 plus a fast food facility »n Uul OppOftMil) ClMwti responsibilities include design Contact Kathy. ext. 214. Seeking a high school grad with Mon-Fri. and production of catalogues, positions available for: 1-3 years accounting ex- (staff 141. The individual best suited for this position will have brochures, manuals, ads and perience to assist in standard We offer a good starting salary, internal forms. Will work from had some institutional ex • REGISTERED NURSES SENIOR TECHNICIAN cost planning, control and liberal company benefits in- technical/creative inputs to analysis of pharmaceutical perience as well as extensive • GRADUATE NURSES Tech School Grad with ex- cluding a generous store wide experience in various other meet requirements of division manufacturing. Will also be perience to provide technical shopping discount. cuisines. Must be a self-starter marketing depts. involved in various company ROGERS b KING PERSONNEL, INC If you are interested in the support for various groups. APPLY PERSONNEL with main interest in providing FULLTIME inventories. Additional cost challenge of retailing but don't We offer a salary com- Duties will involve computer top service. 7 to 3, 3 to 11 & 11 to-7 shifts work in accounting highly like working long hours, we mensurate with experience and peripherals, maintenance, Excellent working conditions desirable. Ideal candidate will have the jobs for you! combined with outstanding PART TIME special hardware repairs along plus fringe benefits. Submit be capable of completing DATA PROCESSING POSITIONS benefits. Send your resume 7to3.3to11 &11 to7shifts with general engineering resume including salary requir assignments in a timely, ac- with salary history in strict technician duties, such as ments to Box 02695. curate fashion, as well as as DAY PART TIME confidence to: Don Kramer, breadboarding and wire NO FEE CALL CAROL KING We offer competitive salaries, possess the initiative to correct We are now seeking sales Personnel Director. wrapping. Working knowledge excellent fringe benefits and routine problems. If you are c/o Princeton Packet minded individuals for per- of data communications QUAKER BRIDGE MALL Programmer/Analyst - *2S,000 - IBM 370/158, OS environment. pleasant working conditions. looking for a job with diversity, manent day part time positions desired. DEC computer ex- Lawrenceville, NJ Experienced linear programming, or operations research. COBOL, call (609) 737-3700. ext. 293. Equal Opportunity Employe* M'F FORTRAN and PL1. on the following schedules: perience a definite plus. Salary equal opportunity employe" M/F 9:45 am-1:45 pm 11 am-4 pm APPLY PERSONNEL DEPT. commensurate with abilities Programmer - *24.fl - C language Exp. with UNIX on PDP11/70 ', 11 am -5 pm 1:4E>pm-5:45pm PARC Mon. to Thurs. 9 am - 4 pm and experience. Contact Gary PITMAN-MOORE, INC. or 11/45. (with a day off during the week) (201)874-4000 Schnerr. PRINCETON Data Baaa Piogtaiiimat - S24.000 - IBM assembler - COBOL and AMmsoalMmsMCo. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES AT strong OS/JCL. Any Data Base experience applicable. APPLIED RESEARCH Princeton Gamma Tech PART TIME EVES/ TO Box 2565 CARRIER FOUNDATION NtduMtm MM, H. 1.0*540 PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Princeton, NJ 08540 Ball* Nteod. Nm imnmy Rt. 518, Rocky Hill, N.J. Programmer/Analyst - •30,000 - Real-time prog. exp. • Design & WEEKENDS development - PDP1-1, RSX11M UNIX - Intel 8080 - LSI11 - WM be Equal Opponunily Employar M/F Equal Opportunity Employst M/f 609-924-7310 Pirt time Secretarial Assistant to Top Administrator Office - Permanent evening sales Equal Opportunity EmptoyerM/F involved with design of data base. positions are available on the Challenging position for person with excellent skills. Dic- following schedules: taphone, shorthand required. Salary commensurate with Systems Piu«jiaHaim - $30,000 - Experience on large scale TuesThurs. 5:45-9:45 pm systems. OS/MVT, MVS, JES 2 and HASP internals. Knowledge of Sat. 1:15-9:45 pm OFfKX INDUSTRIAL Engineering ability. DCS. TSO librarian. VSAM and telecommunications systems. Son. 11:45-5:15 pm These are excellent positions TIME IS MONEY SR. DEVELOPMENT ENGINEER Part Time Secretary - To assist student oriented administrative Sr. Systams Analyst - tS1,2M • Commercial systems. COBOL that provide a source of ad- NVVMT yovr tfovts to WORMS NOW I and/or PL/1. Exp. with project planning and control. IMS OB/DC. As a leading developer and manufacturer of highly reliable office. Typing and transcription skills including shorthand ditional income for those in- Extensive user interface. precision instruments serving the scientific and engineering • i dividuals interested in working TEMPORARY required. communities, we are looking for an experienced BSEE through. awes, ft weekends. Our clients are so ptoesed with aM our super temps, they keep Sr. Systams ProgJAnaryst • «3MM + incentive. 3 yn, caBng us for more. Put your aMfe to work for you! - Long or PHOEE who can assume shirt sleeved project responsibility for Programming exp. IBM360/370. Assembly language. Knowledge of the design of sophisticated iiatiun mulatto i used in the We offer a good starting salary, shorttBrm - Become a RO-Temp & take your pick of our great Pirt rime Pineal Anhtmt • Needed to update arid maintain OS internals and TP monitors. simultaneous multichannel analysis of Bght. These instiuments •total benefits and generous records and prepare reports. Flexible schedule. involve both vkHcon and diode array detectors, low level analog *2MM. PDP11/70. RSX 11M. Craw store wide discounts. SKKTAKY MAO CARD KEYPUNCH signals, digital circuitry, microproceiiori and high level soft- compiling. Knowledge of micro processors. APPLY PERSONNEL XHOXM0 RUOBK ware development. Experience with image detectors and/or All part time positions involve MEVRAFK INDUSTRIAL microprocessors is extremely desirable. 25 Hours per Week 2 yrs. DEC'S RT11 between 8:30 AM & 4:30 PM operating system. Macro and FORTRAN a must. We offer salary commensurate with experience, with out- standing benefits. Send your resume with salary history in strict p KnowftvOQt 01 DM. confidence to: Don Kramer, Personnel Director. - Call Business Manager 10-12 or 2-3 OS/VS1 or VM/CMS. IBM hardware. 2 yrs. systams programm for interview. 921-8300. Ext. 204 internal exp. QUAKER BRIDGE MALL LawrencevWe, NJ ROGBtS « KING FBtKMWNL, INC »i—at-zioi PRINCETON APPLIED RESEARCH tripl unilrtium fgogt H/T r O. IO> an • ntMCCTDN. «U (MMO • MMSMIti • TEUX MM> 2500 Route 1. LawrencsvWe, N.J. >IBH 771-1 F.»10n>onuni»> tnttumtm Classified Advertising Week of August 29-31. 1979 4*B Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted

DISPATCHER - to assist RESEARCH AIDE TELLERS PLAN. SPEC. toS2SK TYPIST - Full time BOOKKEEPING POSITION - SALES - to work in fine ladies in delivery dept. phis EDUCOM - a non-profit Openings available in position. Start im- avail, for neat, responsible, shoe store. Experience TYPISTS - for trade COMPUTER NETWORK - general office work. consortium of over 300 Rocky Hill branch office SYSTEM TOWN mediately. Good pay. mature person. Some ex- preferred, but will train the typesetter. Must be able to use EDUNET, a national com- Princeton Fuel Oil *s' colleges & universities for permanent full time Local firm. CaU Mr. right person. Pleasant electric typewriter, good perience necessary. Small speller apply Trentypo Inc., puting network for higher 609424-1103. has an entry level work. Experience a plus, We are searching for an Green at 609-924-3877. Princeton office. Diversified surroundings, excellent education and research, is but will train individual benefits, salary com- 304 Stokes Ave., Trenton. 609- research position in applicant with A-l duties. Send resume to Box 883-2198. expanding its network ser- support of a large with aptitude for figures. credentials. Your #02677, c/o Princeton Packet mensurate with experience. vices and staff. Academic SECRETARY - For vice National Science We offer pleasant WAITRESS - M/F. Call 609-799-8580 between 1- computing centers at 15 president of ad- working conditions «* Masters Degree in Experienced, 11 a.m. - 2 Foundation project, and Computer Science or 6pm. GOLF COURSE - & land- leading universities provide ministration. Steno, other research activities. fringe benefit package. p.m. Call between 7 a.m. BABYSITTER NEEDED for 9 services through EDUNET to typing,, pleasant per- Please call branch office Engineering, plus a & 8 p.m. 609-799-0450. scaping personnel wanted. The person hired will minimum of 8 years month old girl preferable in Full time work for those who educational and research sonality, professional 'perform clerical ad- at 609-924-9466 for a my Princeton Jet. home, on MAG CARD OPERATORS - tact, neat appearance, personal interview. experience in the field of qualify. Apply at the Deer institutions throughout the ministrative & simple mini-micro computers Mon's & part of Wed's. Must We have 2 openings for mag Creek Leasing Office, Linpro US Use of EDUNET is based ability to organize and research duties, in- commit until June. Call card operators. One per- work independently, based hardware and PART TIME help needed Company, Plainsboro, NJ on an advanced international cluding gathering and FIRST NATIONAL software brings you to on horse farm Monday Sharon 609-799-2769. manent full time, the other 609-799-2039. packetswitched data com- excellent benefits, salary assembling data into BANK temporary full time. open depending upon the conference table. thru Friday 8-12. munications network. tables, charts & final OF CENTRAL NJ This position involves Cleaning stalls, Minimum 1-2 years previous Challenging and exciting the individual. In- formats, Coding and E.O.E./M/F RECEPTIONIST - Thur, Fri, experience preferred. For terviews being scheduled specifications, design sweeping, etc. Must like SALES REPRESENTATIVE opportunities exist for the transfering data onto and implementation of horses. 609-466-1386. Sat evenings 6-11. Light more information please call, person who fill these two new Princeton location, coding sheets, and systems for mini-micro typing, some bookkeeping. 609-924-5900, ext. 237. — Train at $200 weekly with professional positions. contact Rosemary at 609- scheduling & conducting HOUSEWIFE WAIT- applications. This senior Call 609-924-0580 between 9-5 Opinion Research Corp. over 100 yr. old highly Documentation/ User Ser- 921-2982 AA/EOE. telephone interviews. RESS wanted. No ex- Mon-Fri. No. Harrison St. respected life insurance staff position with an PRODUCTION WORK- vices Person to develop and Opportunity exists for perience necessary. international corporation Princeton, N.J. company. Phone Mr. William maintain computer independent work in Fantastic hours - 10:15 ERS needed full J. Abel 1"609-599-3035. documentation and handle a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Ex- and leader in the field of time. Company paid DISHWASHER - part time, Graphic Ar selected areas. . An business machines eves, weekends. Immed. 609- inquiries from EDUNET tist/Marketing Director associate or bachelors cellent working con- benefits. 201-526-4445. users. Documentation in- ditions and pay. No brings unlimited avenues 924-9313. $23,000 - Supervisory exp. degree or equivalent is of growth, challenge and HOMEMAKERS, PARENTS, PART TIME HOUSE cludes program descriptions, Knowledge of all aspects required. One-2 years of weekends. Reply box sample terminal sessions, #02699 c/o Princeton reward. Enjoying a WANTED - landscape forman, ACTIVE GRANDPARENTS - KEEPER — Hillsbor- of art and production related experience is world of recognized LAB. TECH. - Nation- who have some free time & ough - Franklin area. brief user manuals, also an on- desirable. Salary range Packet. must know plant material, be techniques. Ability to reputation for ex- wide co. seeks some able to read & follow a land- would like to earn money L.ive-in preferable, child care line data base of EDUNET evaluate advertising is $8-10,000 per year. cellence, our client offers college chem. or lab exp. taking care of sick Deoole at 2:30-5:30 weekdays, light suppliers and resources'. material and co-ordinate Educom has an excellent scape plan & operate land- CHEMICAL an outstanding en- To 13K F/P Top ben. Call scape machinery. Ex- home. Applications now being housework. To start Sept Person will also assist users in promotional activities. benefits program. Please vironment and excellent Tom Snelling & Snelling taken for a free training Reply to Box #02548. c/o locating programs and ac- FEE PAID. CaU Selma send resume to Donna PROCESSOR perience necessary. Usual H.S. Chemistry or benefit package. Call 20 Nassau St. Princeton benefits. Salary open. Call for course given by professionals Princeton Packet. cessing remote computers. Davis. Davis, Bducom, PO Box Marianne today. to begin in Sept. Flexible BA/ BS degree, interactive 364, Princeton N.J. 08540. equivalent desirable. appt. Doerler Landscapes, Exper. in chemical Lawrenceville NJ 609-924-1221. hours; part time or full time. computing experience, and MARKETING BRANCH Educom is an equal Second language & car an PAINTERS Interior & Ex technical writing skills opportunity employer. cleaning, tumbling, MGR. - Salary to high firing, etc. of parts and Chemical Sales 23K + asset but not necessary. Start lerior painting. Hillsborough essential Salary $10K-$14K 30's plus commission and SRTown a rewarding new career as a area. Some experience Billing and Accounting. assembles valuable. We bonus SECRETARY - We need just bonus. Develop direct \- will consider training home house aide with the preferred 201-359-5944 bet r> & Person to take responsibility sales office in Central Personnel the right person. A self starter Visiting Homemaker Service 7 pm fur network billing and ac- TUBEWIRER person who can learn Fantastiitastic resistorizingphoto tubes. territory is Northern Loving, reliable in- - package. Position will involve (609) 799-1000 WAITER - Waitress, Manager, a former secretary, dividual desired to care substantial contact with CALL PERSONNEL EMR New Jersey and Metro and who can handle input from JOB ' INTERVIEW sk,n (609) 799-1000 Host / Hostess, NYC. Company car and for 3 yr. old and small - development workshop EDUNET users and suppliers PHOTOELECTRIC Buspersons. Ex- 2 executives. We are a young home 8-10 hours per in rebilling of computer and 'ROGERS.& KING' EMR all expenses. Our client landscape construction groups Attend on< session PHOTOELECTRIC perienced only. Apply in is ready to hire so come week. Own trans, nee. - or more. Reasonable data communications ser- PERSONNEL, INC. person Mon. thru Fri. company based in Windsor Call 609-896-2616. vices. BA BS and accounting 2500 Kt. #1 Lawrenceville PART TIME - Kin- in and let's talk about with just a plain office with rales or. Michael L E.O.E./M/F bet. 3 p.m. & 5 p.m. at the your future. Rosenthal 1609)737-2236 experience required. 609-771-fiiMH) dergarten teacher registration desk of the good gross potential. Might be Programming and systems needed for the Manville Nassau Inn on Palmer njai?etfick§oii just the job for someone BOOKKEEPER - Part (ime - design skills a plus. Salary Public Schools. Full Square. No calls please. returning to the work force! WORK IN YOUR HOME. $13K-$18K EDl'NET is PROGRAMMER - Exp. certification required. Mon-Fri. 9-4. Call Mrs. SALESPERSON part time. CONSTRUCTION Super- Experienced through G/L, Telephone contact Old firm operated by EDUCOM, a Burroughs. To $24K All Interested applicants associate^ Mateland 609-443-1551. Reply WHH #0946, Box 146. nonprofit organization in ben. FTP Call Tom 924- intendent for should submit their Good job <>U9-924-2040 housing project in the' INSPECTOR - for Hightstown. Princeton. NJ Benefits 8064 Snelling & Snelling resume to: Mr. Salvatore sanitary sewer and road 6 Colonial Lake Dr. package includes 4 weeks 20 Nassau St. Princeton. Princeton vicinity. In- C. Cirillo, Superin- inspection. Salary Lawrenceville, N.J.v dividual exper. in all [609]883-5103- LIVE-IN companion for vacation, company paid tendent of Schools, 1100 commensurate with PLUMBER JOBBING - Be/ BS, dental ana Major phases of garden apts Brooks Blvd., Manville, Position avail. Minimum 10 elderly woman. Your own and one family home experience. M.S. WAITRESSES/ WAITERS/ private quarters - Cranbury Medical insurance, tuition RECEPTIONIST to N.J. on or before Sept. 4, Kachorsky & Assoc. 201- yrs. experience. Must be SALAD PERSONS/ PREP reimbursement, and an ex- 5150 Meet & Greet, gd construction. Call 9-4:30 1979. Equal Op- familiar with Princeton area. area 609-448-0555. p.m. for interview. 201- 725-3433. TECHNICIAN - Trainee PERSONS needed. Ex- cellent retirement program. typing div. duties Call portunity / Affirmative to $180 For electronic Excellent benefits & pay for perience desired but willing to Send resume and salary Dinah 924-8064 Snelling & 696-2590. Action Employer. right person. Send resume to Testing voc. training or train. Full or part time. Apply CHEERFUL PERSON - with history with cover letter to Snelling 20 Nassau St. exp. preferred. Call Box #02677, c/o Princeton in person. Perkins Cake & Elizabeth Kilcoyne. Princeton PART TIME HELP - Packet pleasant telephone manner, MACHINIST Liquor Store. Must be 18 Dinah 924-8064 Snelling & Steak, Rt 33 Twin Rivers. must be good typist, for In- EDUNET/EDUCOM, PO CLERK - part or older. 609-448-0574. Snelling 20 Nassau St. ternational Company in Box 364. Princeton, NJ 08540 Needed in multi- SENIOR Princeton Pennington. Remuneration An equal opportunity em- speciality medical SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGIST - OFFICE CLEANERS ployer ACCNT./COST $20's MACHINIST for 1979-80. 3 days per week. depending- on qualifications faciyty. Liberal salary. Waxers, supervisors. Part Call for interview 609-737-3538 Excellent benefits.. Must have N.J. certification. time, Cranbury - Somerville j COST TOWN Push Your Skills MECHANIC WANTED - Full MATURE, experienced For application, contact: Dr. Mrs. Katz Pleasant environment. ...and Our Machines... time at least 3 years ex- secretary - needed for areas. 2 - 3 hrs. nightly, Mon. - Caff Mrs. Boykin 609-924- Malcolm D. Evans, Fri. Call 201-526-7000 1 p.m. - 6 ABLE PERSON lodo general Fortune 500 research To Their Limits perience necessary. Excellent Princeton law office. Superintendent of School, 9300, ext. 248. pay, Uniforms, insurance, Legal experience p.m. maintenance work, driving, corporation has an Montgomery Township WAITRESS/WAITER - full or packing, for industrial com- . immediate position for paid vacation. Apply in person preferred, but not Schools. Box 147B. Skillman, at Griggs Corner Amoco, 66 required. Please reply to part time days. Choose your plete in Pennington. Must be -', Cost Accountant. Golden Are you a master of N.J. 08558. Phone: [201] 874- own hours. Apply in person, reliable & have igood ''.' opportunity to move up! THE TEXT Corporation every machine in the Witherspoon, Princeton. 609- Box #02507 c/o Princeton DESK CLERK - part .time, 924-7814. Packet. 5200. Buxton's. 84 Nassau St.. references Remuneration •'• This position combines of America has opening - shop...a pro who works weekends & evening shifts. Princeton. depending on qualification. both cost accounting and., for text counselors, no with only routine An equal opportunity em- Apply in person, to Mr. Call for interivew, 609-737- •';i business management as experience necessary, supervision? ployer, M/F. Schuster, Hilton Inn, East :553s, Mr. Paul. •' well as computer and we will train you in this CARPENTERS HELPER - 5 Windsor, after 3pm. No phone BABYSITTER - mature manual standard: EMR has an opening for days, full time. Job in Prin- calls. responsible person mornings growing profession. High MOTOR ROUTE Twin Rivers. Perry Drew . costing. Two years commissions and status. a Senior Machinist with ceton. Car needed. Call B. delivery - early morning MEDICAL TRANSCRIBERS - WOMAN TO LIVE IN minimum background in at least 4 years ex- Yedlin, 609-921-6651. opportunities to work at home. School area. References 609- 609-392-2219 or 585-4421. newspaper delivery, 443-4231. Domestic- work, top salary, •„. C.A. Company offers perience or the ability to clearing $240-$300 per We have immediate openings nice surrounding, no small outstanding benefit demonstrate the month. Excel, per- for medical transcribers, SECRETARY — cheerful, children Call 1-215-493-0300 or . - package. Never a fee to necessary skills. RIVERSIDE KIN- manent part-time experienced in all phases of bright self-starter to handle write Mrs. J.C Nevius, 1 South TECHNICIAN front desk. Varied general CLERK WANTED lor the applicant at TOWN. ENGINEERING AIDE/ DERGARTEN - is over at 1 position. Must have medical transcription. Must delicatessan store. Apply- Main St., Yardley. PA. 19067. •Make your own setups o'clock; That's why we need a reliable car. Open in all have extensive knowledge of office duties for Ad agency in TECHNICIAN •Design/build necessary center of Princeton. Detail between 4pm & 7 pm Nassau . CLERK TYPIST - Full LORRAINE DAVIS train. Pleasant working and background CHILDCARE - for 6 yr. old. Lots of fresh air k work i- time, Somerville area, necessary to qualify. 6am-9am in Kendall Park An Equal Opportunity conditions. Please call 609-452- satisfaction. Past experience EXPERIENCED waitresses V. excel, benefits. CaU 201- Employer M/F 8200 for further information. Those who show home. Own transportation. helpful but not essential. This AUTO PARTS COUNTER OFFICE dedication and interest 201-297-6098. PERSON - Imported wanted - full time. Bus person 356-1350 or 722-2274. E.O.E. is hard physical work and vou wanted. Apply Old Yorke Inn, Equal Opportunity will enter the in- must be in top shape. Am- automobile dealership has an vestigative field. Ben- immediate opening in its parts Rt. 130, Hightstown. 609-448- Employer. HARD WORKING - Sec/ad- bleside Gardens, Rt. 206, Belle 0287. FRUIT FARM - Job CLERICAL HELP NEEDED - fefits available. Contact: Mead. dept. Exc. salary k benefits Personnel Continental Independent ministrative asst. No glamour, Phone for interview. Z*W selling and sorting fruit Rte 130 at Black Horse Lane publisher needs secretarial but no boredom. Strong A' TRUCK DRIVER at Terhune Orchards. assistance to prepare forms Security 609-443-5451 for For appointment call Enterprises, Rt. 206, Prin- PICTURE FRAME North Brunswick. NJ 08902 interview. secretarial skills including ceton, 60*9244330. *- Expd. for construction Must enjoy people and [201] 297-1230 for data entry. Neat hand- shorthand, good memory & 201-359-8388, days SUPERVISOR - production *£•" ' tandum and Heavy selling. Full and part writing essential. Call 609-921- good command of lang. 201-388-3423 after 8pm oriented person wanted to -'« Equipment Operator, time 609-824-2310. 6943 for an interview. needed. Writing skills useful. supervise and operate «" expd. to work for Opportunity for bright person CARPENTER - local building established frame shop. Job SECRETARY - cheerful, SECURITY Guards, SECRETARY - Permanent, company is looking for an requires ability, to organize, progressive growing bright self-starter to permanent & part time. to learn a great deal about full time position available cnstruction company Marketing approaches and to experienced carpenter in all plan and control all aspects of POSITION OPENED for handle front desk. Varied Middlesex County, immediately. Excellent typing phases of new & old con- operation including orderiag. '*%' offering good wages- and general office duties for PRE-SCHOOL - Teachers Hightstown & earn a good salary (plus in- skills. Maturity and attention J^' steady work,' plenty of young person to work centives). Princeton location. struction. Call 609-921-0070. personnel, production. Good : with a general con- Ad agency in center of trainee, full time position in Lawrenceville Areas. to detail are necessary. base salary plus benefits. Pay *** overtime available. Princeton. Detail daycare center. High school Uniforms furn. AD ages. EOE. Call Herb Gopstein 609- Shorthand not required. Hours **• Dominick DiFlorio, tractor. An excellent 924-3800. increases will be based on oroorttinity for someone oriented. Room to grow. diploma ft previous teaching For appt, call 201-329- 8:30-5pm. If you are interested RECEPTIONIST - part time your ability to make the shop who is serious about a Important: state experience helpful. Reply to 6021 berw. 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. in an interview call 608-824- for weekends k holidays Light grow financially. Send resoJne & &&? ^^ minimum salary Box #02884 c/o Princeton 5600, ext 237. typing k other clerical duties. ••in. vocation in the Equal Opportunity DATA INPUT CLERKS - for to Box #02681 c/o Princeton trade. CaO requirements. Reply to Packet Employer. Opinion Research Corp. Attractive working conditions. Packet. Box 100671 c/o! Data Processing Dept. Call 609-9244000 weekdays 9-4. BABYSITTER - Warm Packet Knowledge of typing required. No. Harrison St. Call 609-466-3400, ext 250. Princeton. NJL CUSTODIANS - 12 mos., OUT RESTAURANT HELP - RN - full time charge nurse for SURVEYING ft ROD- pension plan k many 8-4 shift. Full time & part time borne for 3 children, ages MAN/W - outdoor work, Openings include Cashier, b^itsCaHorapphrat In Princaton coll 7 (after school) Sand 1%. 2 PERSONS-to work full Waiter/waitress, Bus Per- PART TIME SECRETARY - WAITRESSES/WAITERS - 609-924-3250 RN's & LPN's 4-12 and 1M no< shift. Apply in person. * Flexible hours; own timeop golf course. Must Board of Education, Rt Excellent typing, shorthand only, part time. Immediate. To Place a transportation. Farm Ai be eneneoced. CaO 609- Food & Beverage office. Hilton preferred. ExceUentpay. Send Lunches, dinners, weekend Spring view Nursing Home, setting" Call Texhune .Inc. 201 448-1639 between 8 a .m. - 206, Belle Mead, N.J. 201- resume to Box #02658, c/o ClassiffolAd 3419 Highway 9, Freehold. Inn, East Windsor. No Phone 874-3102 OT 3101. shifts. S08-9244313. Orchards eoMM-iuo. 5 p.m. Calk. Princeton Packet Classified Advertising Week of August 29-31, 1979 5-B Help Wonted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted

DENTAL ASSISTANT - MCDONALDS TECHNICAL SALES AFTER SCHOOL - Child BABYSITTER - for one HOUSEKEEPER — ACCOUNTING - or THE Princeton University chairside. Experienced or Housewives, college students, care needed, vicinity year old wanted 2 days ft week Wanted for small COORDINATOR - Stare offers opportunities in C.D.A. full time, salary McDonald's of Hillsborough is Dodds Lane and Prin- Princeton home. Daily credit clerk. Age ac- technically oriented in need of good people to work night evening per week in counts receivable, send several departments. Only commensurate with ex- ceton - Kingston Rd. Princeton home. Hours 7:30- cleaning ft supervision Central NJ manufac- those interested in permanent perience. 609-448-4400. mornings and early afternoons - Girls 8 and 10. Your of 3 responsible dunning letters, update turer seeks person to now thru the fall. Flexible pm 1 day, 7:30-7pm the other. accounts with collection full time employment need home or mine. Appx. 15 V2806. teenagers. Mon-Fri. 3:30 perform very wide range apply. Pleasant working hours to fit your needs. Free hrs. per week. Adult or - 5:30, $4 an hour. agency, determine write- of duties in smaU sales TWO DELI-BAKERY clerks uniforms ana good working offs. Some experience office. Sales experience conditions, excellent benefits. responsible teenager. References required. helpful.-Princeton based GETTY PERSONNEL Phone Mrs. Watts, 609421- needed. Flexible hours. Ex- conditions. Please apply in 609-924-8546 ext 250. Call 609-921-9179. with electro-mechanical 8500. perience helpful but will train. person between 3 ana 5 p.m. SECRETARY - to the Dean of company with excellent Call Ariene products required. Must be 18 or over. Call or McDonald's, 410 Route 206, Students. Interspersonal skills benefits including tuition HVAC exposure very apply Swiss Bakery & Deli, Hillsborough. YARD PERSON - Truck required. Full' time. Contact FIBERGLASS WORK- refund and dental plan. Inventory Clerk $10k desirable. Duties include 609-771-0660. Driver, full time position Win. Alexander, Westminster ERS r Apply Call for immediate Administrative application engineering, CODERS - part time, per- in Princeton lumber Choir College, Princeton, N.J. E.T.S. Molded ft appointment Mary Assistant To $250. price quotes, order en- manent, clerical help, no yard. Knowledge of area 08540, 609-921-7101. AAEOE. Fiberglass Products, 5 Deane 609-924-8500. Executive Secretary try/follow-up and return experience required. A TEACHERS for nursery GETTY helpful. Call 6094244041. Cresent Ave, Rocky Hill, E.O.E. To $225. material coordination. minimum of 30 fins, a week school. Part time morning or TEMPS NJ. 609-921-6603. Administrative Hand written resume required. The Gallup afternoon session. Preschool Secretary $200. acceptable. Salary child may accompany you. AVON TEMPORARY POSI- Customer Service/ Organisation, 6004244600 exf. OFFICE TEMPS LIVING Arrangement - requirements must be 13. EOE. Call 609-448-3883. BE YOUR OWN BOSS! plus income for older TION - motivated Secretary $190. included. Reply to Dept Run your own successful person or retired couple. PART TIME TELLER - individual needed for Accounts Payable PS-6, Box 300, HopeweU • Typists business as an AVON Inq. Lincoln Rest Center Middlesex Boro, Thurs. technically oriented Clerk $175+ N.J. 06525. RELIABLE salesperson Secretaries representative. Sell (201) 521-0730. eve & Sat. AM, ex- special assignment. Receptionist/Typist $150. INSTALLMENT LOAN needed for handbag store in Bookkeepers during the hours you perience preferred or Engineering back- Teller/Teller CLERK — good typing skills, Lawrenceville. Experience will train qualified ap- ground / course work Trainees $120 to $150. knowledge of teller functions a' preferred but not necessary. Stenographers want. The more you sell, FURNITURE TRUCK - Keypunch Operators the more money you plicant. 201-356-1350 Ext. required. For interview Secretary/Part-time delivery person, ex- plus. Involves loan processing 609-882-7044. earn. Sound good? Call 29. Equal Opportunity call, Mrs. Kowalchuk, $4.75/hr. ft credit checks. 5 day week, OFFSET PRESS - perienced person only We can be the 609-443-5764, 609-199-1729, Employer. 609-466-3400. Ext. 256. who knows Trenton, good benefits and good income Operator. Opening of Call Ms. Paul potential. Call 201-329-7080. NURSES AIDES - full time MATCHMAKERS! 609-737-2922 or 201-359- permanent position. Hightstown ft the 1535. Brunswicks. Good Ask for manager. and part time 3 pm -11:30 pm Experienced on single- Engineer/Chemical $26k and 11 pm to 7:30 am. M/F. Let us Match your skills color sheet - fed press. MEDICAL SECRE- RECEPT/TYPIST - fuU starting salary, all to the company's needs Traffic Analyst $22k benefits including Blue Call 609-448-7036, Applegarth Quality fuU color work. TARY - experienced time, good typing skills Supervisor/ Care Center.,, Call 609-883-3659, 9-3:30 required. Must have Cross, Blue Shield. MOTHER'S HELPER - Part Excellent Rates + INCREASE Your In- only, preferably in Maintenance $20k Major Medical & Dental time/after school: watching come - Active and or 587-5480. surgical practice, ex- personable telephone Production/ FASHION COUNSELOR Bonuses + Vacation pay cellent salary & com- manner to deal with for entire family. 5 day 4th grader and light house progressive offices in large volume of calls. Supervisor $l8k week with paid work for working parents in PART TIME WORK Belle Mead and Franklin pany paid benefits. Plus Mechanic/Maintenance FULL TIME PAY Short and long term profit sharing, pension Ability to speak & un- vacations. Apply in our Twin Rivers home. Week- assignments. Never a Park seeking full and aerstand Spanish $14k person only, to Irwin days 4-6pm. Own trans. Salary Join our wonderful world of part time sales agents, "MOONLIGHTERS" - plan & bonuses. Send Production Test Tech. fashion. No cash investment. fee! Come in for your required. Excellent Spiegel, Herman Spiegel opened. Call 609-448-4294 after complimentary tote bag. experience preferred, Wanted, software, resume to Box #02691 c/o benefits. Salary $7,500- Trainee $10k Furniture Co Rte 1 ft 7pm. Free training, huge discounts motivation ana ability to hardware. Reply to Box Princeton Packet. Machinist Top Hour on your family's clothing. Call $10,000. Sned resume to Allen Lane, Lawren- GETTY TEMPS deal with people a must. #02628 c/o Princeton Business Manager, c/o Rates ceville. for appointment. 609-466-1619, We are members of Packet. Rental Assistance Tool & Die Maker Top 609-586-2992. Route 130 Middlesex and Somerset SECRETARY - needed for our Hightstown MAINTENANCE Program, CN051, Hour Rates 609-448-6500 Multiple Listing Trenton, NJ 08625. Lawrenceville facility. Good Systems. And members Person wanted for large GETTY PERSONNEL typing and steno skills are TAXI DRIVER - full time, 609-896-2323 apartment complex. WORD PROCESSORS steady work. Seeking reliable of Multiple Relocation OFFICE TOP SIS Route 130 required. 1-2 years related Organizations. We also Plumbing & electrical Hightstown VYDEC experience in purchasing, person. Hightstown area. experience required. ACCOUNTING CLERK - (EVENING) Inquire in person, Johnny's offer an interesting NOW IS THE TIME diversified duties include 609-448-6500 particularly. with contact of bonus plan as incentive. TO COME TO 609-799-2710. 609496-2323 vendors. Knowledge of Taxi, 110 Main St. Hightstown. ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE processing A/P We have three chemical terminology a plus. CLERK - general light office. For confidential in- TOWN TEMPS vouchers, use of 10-key Princeton Fuel. 609-924-1103. terview ask for Len month temporary We offer an excellent starting PART TIME - Salesperson Cooper, MID-JERSEY Clerks Bookkeepers DUPLICATING DEPT. calculator, light typing, CLERKS assignments in salary and good benefit wanted for children's shop. REALTY, 201-359-3444. Typists Word Processors ASST. - Need a person filing. Some general the Princeton package. For further in-., Experience preferred. 609-924- Stenographers KPO's with proof reading - office experience Good typing- and figure area. Our em- formation contact Peggy 2442. PORTERS - M/F, Secretaries Mag Card camera / plate making required. Send resume & aptitude with high school ployees get top Daily, E.R. Squibb & Sons Housekeeping Dept. Full time. HOUSEKEEPING Per- skills. 37'a hr. week. salary requirements to bookkeeping or ac- pay for their Inc., Princeton, N.J. 08540. Hrs. 8:30 am to4:30pm & 1 pm sonnel - Maids & Whatever your reasons Excellent fringe Dept. PB-1, Box 300, counting and pleasant skills. Please Phone 609-921-4400. An equal to 9 pm. Skilled nursing porters, full time. Ex- ' are for working, let us program. For an ap- Hopewell NJ. 08525 phone manner. Car come in and opportunity employer. BAIL ME OUT - Magazine facility, experience not cellent benefits. Apply in get you started. We have pointment phone 609-448- necessary. Apply at register. publishing comp. needs an necessary; in service person to Mrs. Brown, the JOBS and the 2426, Mr. Bergmann. Personnel Office, of individual who can type over provided. Apply in person, Hilton Inn, East Wind- REPUTATION for FINANCIAL Analyst - Princeton Bank, 76 • Merit Increases 60WPM, we will teach you the Monday thruFnday between 9 sor. No phone calls. quality. Come in and see Opportunity for young Nassau St., Princeton, • Vacation Pay rare art of computer am & 3 pm. Ask for Connie ENGINEER - Estimater DANCE TEACHER for ballet, for yourself. Represent for sewer and water man or woman witn between 9 a.m. and 11 • Bonuses toe, tap & jazz. Contact 609- typesetting, easy for a quick Mierta. Franklin Con- the best. college background in a.m. and 2 p.m. and 4 392-1004 evenings. After 8/26, learner. Great opportunity to valescent Center, Rt. 27, INTERIOR Designer - utility contractor. Must accounting and cor- p.m. Warren Plaza West learn publishing business. Lincoln Hwy, Franklin Pk. talented person with be experienced. Refs. 392-2030 daily. needed. 201-566-4698. poration finance to ad- Rte. 130, Bldg. B Other diverse duties involved training in interior vance with established Equal Opportunity Hightstown as well. Full time starts im- design-w/ability to sell. Town Princeton consulting Employer M/F 8904080 REGISTERED NURSE part med. Non-smokers only. Call Residential interiors & or firm. Please send time relief. Flexible for all Thur or Fri only, 609-443-6930. DO YOU NEED CHILD office furniture. Submit Temps CHILD CARE - seeking complete resume to Box 3131 Princeton Pike shifts. Medical facility of adult CARE? Or do you want to resume with salary exp. loving care for 4 #02560, c/o Princeton Lawrenceville community. Mrs. Pfeiffer. 609- provide child care? Call our history to: Leonard Princeton Forreslal Center mos. old infant in your Packet. MAIL CLERK - The 896-1010 655-2220. 4C Family Day Care System at LaPlaca, Nassau In- 101 College Road East home in Princeton. Call Gallup Organization in PART TIME - child care in my 609-396-1583. teriors, 162 Nassau St., Princeton, N.J. 08540 201-782-9730 wkends. Princeton is seeking a KELLY GIRL Montgomery Twp. home Princeton, N.J. 08540. (609)452-1122 permanent, part time Division of PART TIME lady for medical disabled person or senior CLERICAL TOP$$$ assistant mail clerk. Kelly Services office. Typing, billing, etc.; 3 citizen with car. Children 10 & Some Heavy lifting Squai Opportunity 8. Pay negotiable. Call 201-359- PERSON - to help in hours in morning, 3 days a BOOKKEEPER - Princeton OPERATORS, exp. on PROGRAMMER / ANA- NOW IS THE TIME required. Car preferreOj Employer, M/F week. 609-896-1223 after 9 p.m. 4755 after 6 pm. imported automobile kitchen & general clean TO COME TO but not a necessity. Call sewing machine, section LYST - with up. Cranbury Golf Club, TOWN TEMPS 609-924-9600 ext. 13. An dealership has an immediate work, union benefits. growing Princeton West Windsor, Mon. thru opening tor an experienced Call or see Herman, 429 based consulting firm. E.O.E. TEACHER1 - Special Ed. N.J. bookkeeper. Work requires Fri. 9am to 2:30pm. Call Clerks Bookkeepers CHILD CARE - Dependable LOUNGE PERSONNEL - Raritan Ave., Highland Work with latest State of Mr. Hamway, 609-799- woman needed to care for Bartenders, cocktail Cert, for HS age ED. Send general bookkeeping, filing of Park. 201-249-1875. the Art statistical, Typists Word Processors resume to: Sandra Calnon, 23 service & parts department mathematical, & 0341. Stenographers KPO's infant in my home 7:45 - 4:30 waiters/waitresses, full time. Secretaries Mag Card ASSEMBLERS / FAC- pm week days. East Windsor Apply in person to Food & Vanduyn Dr., Trenton, N.J. paper work and related systems packages on TORY WORKERS Beverage Office. Hilton Inn, 08618. general ledger work. Phone IBM 3033 equipment. area. Own transportation, JR. SECY $800/Month LABORER -wanted to Whatever your reasons mature, responsi- references required^ Call 609- East Windsor. No phone calls. for interview, Z&W En- Client list includes drive truck & work in ble, mechanically incli- 443-3906. EXPERIENCED or semi terprises, Rt. 206, Princeton. Pharmaceutical, Food & are for working, let us plant. Call 609-466-2986 get you started. We have ned persons needed to experienced outside painter 609424-9330. JUNIOR TOWN Financial companies. bet. l pm & 3pm. fill existing openings. Call needed to work in Knowledge of statistical the JOBS and the WAITRESS/WAITER - Nights REPUTATION for Dan Waldman, 609-466- DRAFTSPERSON ft weekends available. Ex- Hillsborough Twp 609-448- Good typing skills, computer packages such 3400 Detail Draftsperson to support perience preferred but will 5995. coupled with 2-3 years as SAS. BMDP, or P- quality. Come in and see design and layout perosnnel. REGULAR ORGANIST - office experience can be STAT helpful, but in- EXEC. SEC - with ex- for yourself. Represent Prepare detail and assembly train. Flexible hrs. Apply in ceptional qualifications the best. erson. Buxtons Country auditions. New Rodgers comb, the key to your future terest in acquiring these drawings, bills of material, SECRETARY - our New -organ w/pipes. First Church of with this major local skills acceptable. Send for traveling executive in SURVEYOR - Ex- etc., under supervision. Shops, Dorchester & Old small financially perienced for mining Trenton Rd, East Windsor. Brunswick facility is seeking a Christ Scientist. Princeton, corporation. Any resume with salary Minimum drafting experience secretary with 1 to 2 years N.J. Call Music Chairman, medical background a requirements in con- oriented Princeton of- Town operation. Must have 3 years. Sheet Metal ex- experience. Good typing & 609-655-2153. definite plus! The win- fidence to: Princeton fice. Friendly at- ability to prepare perience helpful. Send resume shorthand skills are essential. ning candidate will be Analytical Service, mosphere. Typing at 80 Temps topographic and geology to Department LS#2, P.O. Box BABY SITTER NEEDED 8:00 handling accident wpm & shorthand are maps, construction AM to 4:00 PM in my home. This position requires a high Corp., 126 Alexander St., Princeton ForreaUl Ceater 300. Hopewell, N.J. 06525. level of accuracy and neat- WAITER-WAITRESS, for reports and safety Princeton, N.J. 08540 requirements for layouts of foundations for Experience and references programs for this diversified secretarial 101 College Road East buildings and roads. necessary. Own tran- ness. Chemical terminology a private country club, fuU & Princeton, N.J 06540 plus. We offer an excellent part time positions available. growing, dynamic firm. support. Legal ex- Company paid benefits. RESPONSIBLE BABY sportation, Robbinsville area. perience helpful. (OH) 453-1122 Send resume to Box 02698 Call 609-259-3671. starting salary & a good Experienced only. 201-359- Benefits and promotional SITTER needed for several benefits package. For further 3115. potential are excellent. Familiarity with word c/o Princeton Packet. hrs. during day in my home information please contact: Remember, never a fee SECRETARY— local processing equipment Princeton, N.J. An Equal Belle Mead beginning in Sept. insurance agency, 25-30 Opportunity Employer. Peggy Daily, E.R. Squibb & SECRETARY - The Gallup at TOWN PERSONNEL. would be a plus, but will Call 201-874-4709. hrs. per week. Ex- train. Salary com- SECRETARIES INTERESTING AND Sons, Inc., Princeton, NJ' Organization in Princeton is perience in insurance not CHALLENGING: Position for 08540, Phone 609-921-4695. An seeking experienced typist mensurate with ex- Equal Opportunity Employer necessary. Call 609-466- perience & skills. Call TYPISTS RECEPTIONIST/ SWITCH- HIGHLY EXPERIENCED college grad. Publisher needs with no shorthand inquired. Town 0520. 609-924-3535. BOARD OPERATOR TYPIST person to use phone, gather M?E/H. FuU time year long position. DICTAPHONE previous experience required. $11,500 PLUS BENEFITS information from reference Interesting work. 6094244600, Personnel Light typing & some clerical sources, use library, and in ext. 13. EOE. OPERATORS general understand how to BABYSITTER WAN- SALESPERSON — part Immediate Vacancies duties. Attractive salary plus A pleasant and professional TED - for l yr old girl. Agency MAG CARD I - II company paid benefits. To staff is seeking an excellent research a subject. In ad- Mon-Fri in our Kingston time days. Sales or arrange interview call Mrs. typist to join the team. This is dition, individual must be able PERSON INTERESTED - in Princeton Forrestal Center cashier or prior drug School Psychologist a key position with rapid to type and perform Area home. Own trans. (certificated). Full time With the children Kowalchuk at 609-466-3400 ext. Call 201-329-3170. outside Nursery work. FuU 101 College KOSHJ Kast store experience very 256. salary advancement for the secretarial duties. Call 609421- time preferred, but wiU also Princeton. N.J. 0K540 helpful, must have 7/8th grade Science, full gone where do right person. Nassau St. 6943 to arrange an interview. consider part time help during 1609)452-1122 transportation to time HS Math. you go? Princeton location. Send digging season. Arie Peters Montgomery Shopping SECRETARY - experienced Contact: I.S. Mar- As Far as your With good steno & typing for resume to Box #02672, c/o Ckrical/accts. To $155 Nursery, Skillman, NJ 609-466- Center. Call Mon- Princeton Packet. SUBSTITUTE TEACHERS Payable 3820. tgomery Pharmacy, 609- cotrigiano, Asst. Sup. ambition allows with diversified position. Princeton are needed for the Manyille ASSISTANT COOK / 924-7123 for an appt. West Windsor - Plain- KELLY GIRL Forrestal Center location. PANTRY WORKER - sboro Regional, P.O. Box Salary commensurate with PART TIME -diversified K* School District in all grade V MOTIVATION 248, Princeton Jet., NJ • Merit Increase experience plus benefits. Call levels. Certification required. EXPERIENCED CLOWN OR wanted for student : entails errands, packing, Interested parties should Needed to fit in this local MAGICIAN for 5 yr old's dining facility. Full time, 08550. 609-799-0200. • Vacation Pay 609-452 8465, 9-5 pm. shipping, some heavy lifting, apply to: Salvatore C. Cirillo, firm. Two years ex- birthday party. Call 609-443- pay commensurate with WAREHOUSE POSI- • Bonuses general office duties also Superintendent of Schools, 110 perience and any 5649. experience. Call Steve or TIONS - Labor- OFFICE CLERK - Growing j^qxtTfed. 15-20 hours per Brooks Blvd., Manville, N.J. Brian, 609-452-6198 or 921- atory supply com- Equal Opportunity Warren Plaza West week. Call for appt. 609-452- computer knowledge a Employer. imported automobile 201-722-0443. Equal Op- plus. Friendlv. home- 9843 eves pany has several Rt. 130, Bldg. B dealership has an immediate 2661. portunity / Affirmative Action away - from - home RESEARCH ASSISTANT - warehouse positions both Hightstown need for an office clerk. Duties Employer. company. Corp benefits, full-time, to help with energy full and pan time. Duties 890-8080 to include general office work, fee paid. Call for details include packing, ship- data handling and analysis. ELEC. TECH - Spec- 3131 Princetone Pike filing, light typing, some paper SECRETARY - Belle Mead and appt. Bachelor's degree required, lovely job for bright ping and receiving, work. Phone for interview. law firm. Real estate ex- EXPERIENCED - party plan cleaning and main- trometer production and Lawrenceville people needed to help in- preferably in math, science or beginner, $135. Fee paid. test. Technical school Z&W Enterprises, Rt. 206, perience preferred. However, ASK FOR engineering. Qualifications tenance. Drivers license 896-1010 Prineeton. 6004244330. wiU train ambitious applicant. troduce new fashion jewelry necessary for mail training required. Good GAYLE RIGGS desired include quantitative BANNER salary, 3 weeks vacation Call 201-359-5131. line by C&B of Pa. Excellent ability, thoroughness and pickup and light KELLY GIRL commission program & Bl S1NKSS ASSOCIATES deliveries. Experience & liberal benefits. Send TEACHERS NEEDED - attention to detail and some 228 Alexander St. resume to: R. Leverton, superior hostess programs. OFFICE computer experience. Must preferred but will con- Division of Typing, Office Practice, For appt call 201-359-8007. Princeton. N.J. 68540 sider eager trainee. 40 Princeton Gamma Tech, Kelly Services Computer Programming, love data to apply. Salary 609-924-4194 Inc., P O. Box 641, SECURJTY GUARDS - $12,000 per year, send resume hour wees in Princeton Equal Opportunity General Math, for adult Hillsborough - Montgomery POWER Route 1 area. Call 609- Princeton NJ 06540. Employer, M/F evening classes. CaU East A BETTER WEIGH at Warren Personnel to Center for Energy and area. Permanent part time Job Plaza is looking for a Mommy Environmental Studies, D329 452-1155/ Equal op- Windsor Community availablaibee on the UmidnigH to Rte 130 at Black Horse Lane Engineering Quadrangle, portunity employer. Education Center, 124 Sam shifthf , Fri. ft Sat. ft 4pm to with 1 small child to help in North Brunswick. NJ 08902 M/F. Stockton, Hightstown. 600-448- their nursery. Hrs. at » per [201] 297-1230 Princeton University, Prin- SHEET METAL LEARNING CON- SECRETARY — four 12 midnight, Sat. ft ABTNO hr. Call 609-448-4501. ceton, N.J. 08544. (An equal WORKERS - to set up SULTANT - NJ certified. Princeton, based 4783. experience necessary. opportunity employer.) and operated power Funded through federal educational Consultant. Uniform ft equipment sap- brake, power shear, spot TEACHER - Cooking grant. Lawrence Twp. 20 Hours per week on plied. Moat nave drivers YOUTH CLUB DIRECTOR - public schools. 2565 license ft transporUttoa. Direct all activities connected BABYSITTER - 5 or 7 days a welder, power press. All School. New school flexible basis. Excellent CLERK - we have an opening company raid benefits. located in modern fully Princeton Pike, at our Lawrenceville facility $3.25/ hr. to start. Abo mad with Youth Club Tuesday after week, live-in preferred, Lawrenceville, NJ 06648. several on-caO gauds toww k school. Serves grades 6-12. newborn infant light BABY SITTER - for one year CaJTDan WaJdman, 609- equipped restaurant (Le for a clerk with experience in Presbyterian Church, 466-3400 PetiteVillage, East CaU 609-8834300, ext. 364. the area of inventory control. various shifts as dsd If housework. Call evenings, 609- obi ft housekeeper needed 2 An E.O.E., affirmative This position entails a variety experience •town. 609-448-0055 or 924-5348. days ft one week night evneing Windsor) needs ex- Miss Knudsen at 609-924- per week. Hours 7:3CMpm, one perienced teacher in action employer. 5338 for appointment. jf. clerical duties including either Italian or Chinese 'Cstatisical typing. We offer an information caD 301474-att lay ft 7:30-7pm theother. 609- CLEANING PERSON • 9M-3806. cooking, one day weekly. excellent starting salary ft a day or night. needed imnwdJatriy for 1% boors in am for demo, ood benefits package. In- AUDITOR - for large hotel full Princeton home. class and 2 hrs in pm for JV BOYS SOCCER - ORDER FILLER - for gerested candidates should RECYCLE ft part time. Must be ex- References a must. participation class. Coach needed for Sept small growing cor- contact: Peggy Daily, E.R. perienced. Good salary ft In Princeton coll Please send references ft at Princeton Day School. nut Salary, $15/hr. Call poration. $3.50 an hour Squibb ft Sons, Inc., Prin- RUM AM AT benefits. Send resume to 609-924^250 letter of iutruductiou to Corky 9 am-4pm week- Call Tom Mabbury, 608- raise in 3 months. CaU ceton, NJ 06540. Phone 600421- OUR SKOALS HATE ToPkmo Box #02700 c/o Princeton for interview, vw- 9244700, ext 31. Eves: 609-452-1505 ask for Vera. 4605, An Equal Opportunity (WITHOUT Princeton, N J. Packet 4484626. Employer, M/F/H. Classified Advertising 6-B Week of August 29-31, 197* Help Wonted Help Wonted Help Wonted Help Wanted Jobs Wanted Jobs Wanted Jobs Wanted Announcements Announcements

DISHWASHER - ex- EXPERIENCED Mother. WINDOW Fashions: ^Secretary To $225 perienced. Call 609-924- BAKERY HELP - RN'S&LPN'S NURSE'S AIDE, w/exp. for HAULING, Landscape & Verticals, Woven Woods wanted, full & part time. - would like to watch your private duty. 201-846-5859. carpentry work. Call NASSAU COOPERATIVE 5555. child in my home bet- by Delmar, Levolor NURSERY SCHOOL - 50 RUN THE SHOW Lawrenceville Tw. Call Schools back in William 609-924-5792 Blinds, All at 25% OFF! 6094524876. ween 6:30 am & 7 pm after 4:30. Walnut . Lane, Princeton. Earn extra MONEY Mon-Fri. Lg. yd, near Professionally measured Offers a small, warm, lear- While the boss travels RN DIRECTOR - of Hospitals, Nursing Dutch Neck & Hickory WILL BABYSIT in my home. I &* installed. Drapery ning environment for your pre- internationally hynHHnc Home & prefer toddlers & older treatments also Nurses for small nursing Corner Rds. 6094434889. TEACHER - Mother has school child ages 2Vfc-5 yean. travel plans and appt home. Abo RN or LPN, IF YOU ENJOY - fine Relief Staffing children. Between the hours of available with retainer of Positions available in morning calendar. Typing and work such as needlepoint 7 and 4 pm. 609448-6891. openings for toddlers. part time. 3:30 pm to Creative, stimulating & $50. Designer Fabrics cooperative program,gam- steno can be me vehicle . 11pm. Inquire Ad- or crochet, we need you All Shifts, all Days Call CHILD CARE - in my Exclusively! Call Nikki noon & in non-cooperative full for this ooce-in-a-lifetime individual care. 609-921- ministrator, Sunnyfield to assemble small today! home, full or part time. 1135. Harris, Registered In- day program 9am-3pm. Call career opportunity. Well- Nursing Home, Cran- electronic components. Experienced. 609-448- RELIABLE AND EX- terior Designer for price 609-9214626 or 921-7787 or 924- known consumer co. bury, 609-395-0641. Full time employment in STAFF BUILDERS 2755. PERIENCED babvsittor quote. Professional 0566. Corp benefits, fee paid. a pleasant atmosphere. Health Care Services avail, in my home full or part Consultation for your Calf for details and appt. BABYSITTING - done in 609-924-2444-. Princeton 20 Nassau St time, any age, Manville. 201- my Kendall Park home. ENTIRE HOME. $40. RESTAURANT - Asst. Advanced Components, Princeton NJ. CHILD CARE in my 5264613. Experienced. 201-297- Why not deal with a ASK FOR Manager. Fast food Rt 206, Research Park, 609-924-0603 home for working 2373 designer at 25% off? 609- Personals GAYLERIGGS experience. Princeton Princeton. mothers. Experienced. 4434791. area. Call 609-924-5659 WRITER / EDITOR — Ver- References. Twin Rivers satile, prolific, heavy business Mr. Lubitz. area. 6094484593. COLLEGE Selection & CLERK - for flower HOPEWELL VALLEY - management experience. MATURE Woman with a THE CALICO PATCH - OFFICE Central High School has Unique talent for making love for Theater, Art, makes custom drapes, Application Counselling" - shop; experience not individuals As/small CARETAKERj LAWN necessary. Full time or an opening for a part complex subjects un- Music. Dance, seeking shower curtains - ruffled, time Home Economics MOTHER / Teacher - derstandable. Available for employment in a school valanced. tabbed, cor- groups. Dr. Michael L POWER MAINTENANCE - part time. Also, 2 high Rosenthal, 609-737-2236. person, mini-estate, school students for after teacher, (Foods II4 ni). will care for your interesting and rewarding or gallery, as Ad- niced. Plus coordinated Personnel single person, apartment school, every day & Sat. Interested candidates children, her home, free-lance assignments. ministrative Assistant or home accessories & Rte 130 at Black Horse Lane onproperty phis salary, 2 Reply to Box #02693, c/o should contact Wm. K. while you work or play. Advertising copy, speeches, Secretary, 3 days per patchwork. For in-home GAY Switchboard in- North Brunswick, NJ 08902 references. Write Box Princeton Packet. Schwab. Jr. HopeweU 201-821-8422. articles, etc. Currently week or full time. consultation call Deb at formation center. Call [2011297-1230 #02696 c/o Princeton Valley Regional School residing N.J. shore area. Call Reliable, responsible, 609448-1148. 609-921-2565. Best hours Packet District, 2 Academy St., 201-255:1242 or reply box #02685 good steno and typing. 7-10 p.m. Mon. thru WANTED - Live-in Pennington, N.J. 08534. HOUSECLEANING - c/o Princeton Packet. Phone 609455-2894 before , WAYS TO COPE - learn Thurs. TYPIST - Neat & ac- housekeeper Mon-Fri. Equal Opportunity Spring cleaning, Window 10m or after 3pm. with Assertiveness curate individual with an Care for 2 children, ages Employer. washing, Floors washed Training, Self-image eye for layout & COLLECTION TRAI- 4 & 5.609448-5076 after 6 & waxed. General WILL BABYSIT in my Kend. Building & Relaxation HIGHTSTOWN Planned production wanted for NEE - large grow- pm. cleaning. Reasonable Pk. home, weekdays. Exercises plus other Parenthood Clinic - small professional office ing company seek- REPAIR PERSON - rates. Call 609-587-0972 Playground, hot lunch. 201-297- BIG J.D. BACKHOE - Behavior Modification Monday evenings. Call in Princeton. A unique & ing responsible & experienced in repairing after 5 p.m. 5060. dump truck, owner Self-Control techniques. 609448-3439. unlimited opportunity for aggressive working LANDSCAPE MAIN- electro - mechanical operated seeking for any Group & individual advancement for the individuals. Strictly TENANCE - Mowing, devices. Must be capable job. 201-846-3686. training conducted in career minded. 609-924- telephone collections. trimming & general of reading & using 2 COLLEGE students want Princeton area. Call ALCOHOLICS Anony- 6622. labor. NJ drivers lie. MOTHER OFFERS Theresa Tomarchio & Excellent pay & benefits. assembly drawings. Call Childcare - for odd jobs. Hours available - 8 to mous, Help and Full time permanent Good pay, W. Windsor for interview ap- 4, Mon. thru Thurs. Call Assoc. at 6094664636. Information. Call 609-924 area. Could be yeaiv_ preschoolers (2-5 yrs). BABYSITTING - in K.P. position. Contact Mr. pointment, 609-466-3400. Playroom crafts, snacks, Philip, 609-8834229. by teacher & est. sitter 7592. FOREMAN-W, sheet Nowacki, 609-452-8383. round. Apply NJ Stated ext. 270 Company located CHINESE AUCTION - Job Service, Rt. 130 k crib, TLC. Twin Rivers, avail. M-W-F. 201-821- metal second shift. EOE. in Princeton NJ area. 609443-3343. 8391. VFW Post 9111, Ladies Excellent and Woodside Rd, Rob- Auxiliary, Henderson KAY'S Introduction challenging position on binsville, NJ. 08691. 609- (COLLEGE GRADUATE - Rd., Kend. Pk. Fri. Oct. Service - all ages. Meet a second shift for in- 448-0984. No fee charged. TWNHSE. APT. - Med. Seeks part time employment 5. Doors open 6:45 p.m. partner for a friendship dividual with proven PAINTER WANTED - HOUSEKEEPER - 'With optometrist for career TYPING - service. Call 201-521-1319 or 201- or marriage. 201-534- minimum 2 yrs. ex- homes cleaned reg. Quick, accurate, neatly mechanical background. Mature person needed to Reliable, honest. Your experience. Call 609-397-3455. 2974559 for more info. 2726. To run sheet metal perience, interior & STORE CLERKS - Must do laundry, cleaning, and done-manuscripts, exterior. 201-369-5433. place will sparkle. 609- stats., etc. 609-921-2021. fabrication dept. We be of legal age to work occasional cooking for 924-7780 9am-10pm. part time in Somerset couple in country home. "TIME OUT" - Is COST OF LIVING - got offer a fine salary & YOUNG WOMAN DESIRES sponsored for Pre-school benefit program as well Farms Food Stores Drivers license and JOB - Housecleaning 1 day per you down? If you have a as chance for career located in Hightstown recent references children by "Montgomery spare room in ~your ACCOUNTANT / EXPERIENCED Moth- #eek. $30 a day, References. Methodist Church, advancement in our 609448-9673. required. Future live in 609-799-1083. Announcements home, you can improve rapidly growing com- ASSISTANT FINAN- negotiable. Lovely er, licensed tea- Sunset Rd, Montgomery your income by selecting pany. Please forward CIAL MANAGER - situation for right per- cher, former assis- Township, (just off Rt. a housemate safely your resume to Dept. Dynamic individual PERSONNEL - Per- son. Please ask for Mrs. tant director of TR 206) on Tues, Weds, and through the Roommate wanted for expanding Smith. 609-466-2006. Toddler program with OVEREATERS Ano- Fris. from 9:30 - 2:30. So Finding Service. For ALF-3, Box 300, sonnel Clerk wanted for Experienced housekeeper nymous meets Thurs- mothers can attend HopeweU NJ. 08525. local company. Highly our Lawrenceville established Daby sitting seeks PT work in Princeton. info, call 609-924-5153. visible spot with definite business has openings. day eves, Hight- classes, appointments, facility. Good statistical Call 609-9244382. stown. " Call for "in- career potential. Public typing skills with an Finished playroom, meetings, etc. Children DENTAL ASST - full experience and yard, nearby formation: 609448-2481 may come any time SENSITIVE - Attractive time. 4 Vfe days. Including ability to work with knowledge of in- numbers. 2 to 3 years playground, daily or 443-1060. during these hours. woman in mid-twenties seeks Sat. AM, must have exp. ternational con- GETTY outings, meals & snacks Will care for aged or con- Beginners Sept. 7. For relationship with man who Salary commensurate experience required. solidations. FEE PAID! , Knowledge of employee provided. McKnight valescing person in my home. infor. contact Ruth appreciates Jewish culture with exp. Congenial TEMPS School District. Call Private facilities. 24 hr. care. THE FOURTH Way is a Barry 609466-1754. and humor. Enjoys music, art, Mont. Twp. office. 201- records function helpful. GETTY PERSONNEL We offer an excellent 609448-0406. Weekly, monthly, or per- method of self- dance Outdoors, biking, etc. 874-5100. Route 130 INDUSTRIAL manent. Call after 5. 609-259- development, introduced PLANTS - need help? Trained Nonsmoker. Reply Box #02664 starting salary and a TEMPS Hightstown ood benefits package, 2359. into America by Mr. horticulturalist available for c/o Princeton Packet. 609-448-6500 Gurdjieff. AKHALDANN consultation and regular f'or further information Warehousers WELL KNOWN - and PHYSICAL THERA- 609-896-2323 contact eggy Daily, E. II is a school in the maintenance. Call 609-924- PIST - full time Assemblers reliable mother wishes to Fourth Way led by an 4382. R. Squibb &Sons, Inc., babysit day or weekly. {VIBRANT FORTYISH staff position in 375 bed Princeton, N.J. 08540. HOUSEMAN - chauffeur, experienced teacher. 609- teaching hospital, Receiving Located across the street 443-1898. "FEMALE — wishes to meet Phone 609-921-4400. cook, valet available. •warm, intelligent, trim man modern department. ACCN'T. CLERK I9-9.5K from the Ethel McKnight 201-363-8753. NUMEROLOGY — Equal Opportunity Earn extra $ while School. 609448-5338. ASTROLOGY Combination with fantastic sense of humor Must be NJ. licensed or Employer M7F/H eligible. Excellent salary TRAINEE TOWN looking for a permanent Birth Charts for more ex- (under 55). Box #02669 c/o RIDDERING DAY Princeton Packet. & benefits package, job. Nursery School has tensive and informative including fully paid Start your fall off in Work Temps! TYPIST - Excellent- reading. One hour con- PRINTING • ^ Business HONEST PERSON-seeks day several openings for sultation. $30. 6094484286. hospitalization, major glowing colors with all in Princeton needs seeks evening work. children 2'<2 to 5 yrs. old. medical, dental plan, fife the golden glory of a Long or short term work. Call 609-394-1167 after 5 Your office/my home. Half or all day, flexible someone to work in assignments. Never a PM. PROFESSIONAL WOMAN insurance & pension. magnificent opportunity bindery dept. Full time 201-257-7553. hours for working INT. — classical music, Personnel Dept. in this entry level ac- fee! Call or visit our mothers. Hwy. 27 bet. sports, sharing a meaningful position requires office today! CREATIVE PLAY GROUP - HeleneFuM Medical counting spot. The working with folding & Kingston & Kendall ages 3-7. Mornings / af- relationship with man 40-50. successful candidate WRITER - seeks freelance, B.U. MSW "76 • seeking Park. State licensed. Call ternoons at peaceful farm Write Box 02662 including Ctr. must have a minimum of cutting machines, & GETTY TEMPS part-time or full time work. Trenton N J 08638 collating & binding part time social work 201-297-1956. near Rocky Hill off Rt. 518. phone number. six accounting credits Route 130 Heavy ad copy experience, position. . Clinical or Licensed teacher. Concern is 609-396-6391 and knowledge of ac- various printed Hightstown have published numerous EOE materials. Good oppty. training; evenings an- with happy natural growth of counting procedures with 609-448-6500 articles & 2 books. Masters d/or weekends. Ex- child's being. 201-297-0382. CONGENIAL - Cultured man, a strong goal to work in a for beginner who wants 609-896-2323 Degree in English & Library EXPERIENCES in to learn printing perience - child abuse, Living - Learning - Learnv Marjorie. age 35; responsible, good- fast moving aggressive Science, 609-921-9454. family work, and looking, loves traveling, seeks accounting department. business. Will train. Call to identify and fulfill CLEANING WOMAN - Terry Nist, 609-921-7434. training. Open to personal needs, increase position as companion or Reliable. 1 day a week. Company will train to positions with aged, etc. escort to woman traveling their system as well as EXPERIENCED CAR- self esteem and improve References required. PENTER - Able to CHILD CARE in my home. Call Ellen, 609-896-2053, interpersonal com- LOOKING - for jewelry? Try anywhere. Please call 201-246- 609-924-2857. offer outstanding evenings. 3443 late pm or early am. benefits including tuition do all phases of car- Good meals, activities, lots of munications. These the Cameo Collection. Order refund. Come to TOWN Clerical To $170 penter work. Call 609448- tTLC. 201-5264362. themes and others will be from local distributor. All PERSONNEL im- 0310 after 5:30 p.m. explored in a supportive prices below retail. Call 609- FEMALE 25, loves classical TEACHER - Kin- mediately for your FIGURE ON THIS SPECIAL - Quality child setting through group 9244382. and country music, the beach, dergarten. Experienced; personnel interview with care for 1 child only in interaction. Certified the mountains, camping, Jewish studies. Approx. the "company. P.S. We Your experience with LIGHT BOOKKEEPING - sm. my home. Kingston area, group leader. Offices in singing.playingrecorder.seeks medical terminology can Resumes - business in my heme or Call 201-3294793. Princeton and Kendall 18-hrs. per week. Day need two (2) fall win- NURSERY SCHOOL - male who shares these in- school, Trenton area. ners! land you this interesting business. Reasonable. 201-572- Park. Contact B. Blank, terests. Reply to Box #02680 Call 609-599-9585. spot using your pleasant 0005. 201-297-9567. Trinity All Saints' ' Nursery c/o Princeton Packet. phone manner, math RESUMES BY Gene WRITER - Educator - School program for' 34 year ability and own Ryan - Your personalized olds, 5 days per week, 9am- Musicologist - seeks full 11 :*4 5, non-cooperative, correspondence to & effective job time position with CAROL'S PLACE - ATTORNEY MAKES House HEALTH FOOD - Store Town process claims and marketing tool. Evening EXPERIENCED MOTHER publisher, Reply P.O Personalized stationery, located at All Saints' Church, Help wanted Mon. Wed., will babysit for your children, off of Terhune Rd. Call Mrs. calls on wills (from $34), house payments. Corp benefits, appointments available. Box 973, Hightstown, invitations and gift items closings ($200-buyer, $100 Fri., and Sat. 609496- Personnel fee paid. Call For details Dayton, N.J. 201-329- Hot meals included. Reas. at discount prices. Call Rolph 609-921-1628 for in- rate. 609443-6874. N.J. 08520 formation. seller), Unc. divorces ($10). 0446. and appt. Princeton 2431, 201-3294210. 609443-3141. All plus costs where ap- Agency location. plicable. James E. DeMartino, Princeton Forrestal Center LOOK, LOOK, LOOK. GESTALT TRAINING Hillsborough, NJ 201474-5636 MODELS'. ACTORS> ASKFOR RESUMES - For DELIVERY SERVICE & light WE WILL — Clean your (leave message). DANCERS. No exp. nee. 101 College Road East There is parking at PROGRAM - an opportunity Princeton. N.J. 08540 GAYLERIGGS scientists and engineers. Hauling. Van and Driver house. $25. Call 609-392- Princeton Station. Rates Photog. pro. needs A full resume service rented by the hour or day. 609- for professional development [609] 452-1122 3153. 50 cents per day. $1.00 for using both an experiential & models. Testing, port- specifically for scientists 4484337. overnight, by the week folios. For appt. 201-297- and engineers. Includes didactic approach to Gestalt. YOU - good-looking successful OFFICE $3.00, qv the month $8. Open to professionals & businessman / professional 2768, 9-5. typing & reproduction. The only overnight Telephone Dr. George graduate students. Bucks type; mid-30's to 40's; single DENTAL ASSISTANT - WOMAN DESIRES — caring EXPERIENCED - genUe parking in Princeton. County Institute. Call Marie long enough to appreciate a full or part time some POWER Hazelrigg for evening for sick person, 20 years ex- loving woman to care for 609-9244976. appointment. 609-924- Fenton, 215-752-5713 or Sally sincere relationship with a RELIABLE CLEANING experience necessary perience & references. Call your toddler. Good refs. Mallery, 215-968-5384 woman; too busy with work It Personnel 0446. evenings, 609-394-8406. situated on Rt. 518, 2 mi. PERSON - needed 1 day 609-448-0278 Rte 130 at Black Horse Lane keeping in shape physically fc per week, Twin Rivers, from Rt. 206. 609466- mentally to meet a quality North Brunswick, NJ 08902 0546. CHILD & FAMILY 609-443-1 [201] 297-1230 HOME COUNSELING female in today's conventional! SECRETARY RESUMES Unlimited - EXPERIENCED At their own home, child PCNS meeting places. Me: career* challenging 12 mo. Your complete one stop Housekeeper desires work 5 & family learn how to the businesswoman also too busy! HOUSEKEEPER - Live position in vital area of JUNIOR - Football coach resume service featuring days a week. Good references. MOTHER THERAPIST - cope with problems cooperative to try to be at the right place at in. Professional woman, independent school. needed for Sept. at resumes professionally Call 609-7994160. offers child care for pre- arising from emotional, pre-school the right time £ tired of daughters 8 and 10. Some dictations Ex- Princeton Day School. written to highlight your schoolers (2-5 yrs) physical or develop- experience* revolving door romances. A English speaking, local cellent typing, ^easing Call Tom Mabbury, 609- qualifications, expertly PlayroonL crafts, lunch, mental handicaps. moment to write about references. Excellent telephone manner typed & offset printed. snacks, educational yourself and to enclose a photo required. Forward 9244700, ext. 31. Eves: RELIABLE - & experienced atmosphere, spacious, Priscilla Maren, 609466- salary. 609-924-7487 ext 4484626. For personal, con- babysitter available in my 2039. if possible might be the best 250. resume, refs. min. salary fidential service call lovely surroundings. investment you've made in to Box #02692 c/o Prin- RESUMES UNLIMITED home. Full or part time. 609- Plenty of tender loving some time! Reply to Box ceton Packet. at 609448-0701. 4484486. care. 201-521-3589 #02679 c/o Princeton Packet. PAINTER - needed by WAITRESS / WAITER - WHERE ARE YOUR FEET area contractor. Ex- TAKING YOU? Is there a experienced preferred, HORSE EXERCISING - : necessary. Call PERSON - to make but not necessary. Good THE PLAIN TRUTH ABOUT CHILDCARE IN MY home. discrepancy between where PRETTY. ATHLETIC, 34 days per week. 5 yrs. you are and where you want to deliveries & do general pay h tips. Pleasant RESUMES—will just have to Hillsboro area. Just off Route stable experience, also professional woman, 32, 57". stock work. Musi have working conditions. Can wait We will be on vacation 206. Hot meals, experienced. be? Join Women in Transition, no dependents, wishes to meet grooming. Age 15. 609- a "group for women to en- Princeton Cooperative Nur- NJ drivers Be. and able 600 406 3000. " Aug. 15 to Sept 4. PRIN- 201-874-6392. 3924076. attractive intelligent man, 30- TECHNICAL. EDITOR - to drive std. shift auto. 22 CETON WRITING ASSO- courage growth k awareness. sery School - an open space 45 for sharing, caring, fun, Dynamic individual with Amer. Sew-vac. Prin- CIATES. 201-359-5948. Professionally trained leader. ' facility with multi-age travel. Reply with photo. Box - proven management ceton Shopping Cen- WELCOME WAGON For information call 609496- programs (2Vi-5). We provide 102686 c/o The Princeton desired oy eat- ter,Princeton, NJ *iiPBiiiiiK» ID 1 NEED WORK - to do at DISCO-We DJ and move 0323 or 6094964618. a warm supportive at- Packet HoD€weJoD€weJl TwTwpp other CAREER, JOB SEARCH & home. Fast, varied exp. Call our $2000 unit to you. $40 mosphere where your child ; areas, for energetierge c self- EDUCATIONAL COUNSELL- Julie 609448-6099. It up. 609443-1656. can learn at his own pace. Call concepts . electronic co starter with car. Flexfide ING — Testing * Resume MONTESSORI FAMILY 2014744797 or 069406-3112 or ENTHUSIASTIC GAL — neewnry. FEEE PAID! YEAR-ROUND - Gaf- hours. training included: Dr. Michael L. SCHOOL - of Mercer County - write PCNS Membership, 407 seeking cultured male com- TotMfc. den-mischelper wanted.' provided. Equal Op- Rosenthal, 609-737-2236. now accepting applications for Nassau St. panionship, 4S-5S, over 5?" to From agelws. Pern* TRAVEL AGENT CHAUFFEUR - private 197940. Multi age programs * non-coop openings also. share the Arts, outdoors, GEfTY PERSONNEL Established Agency requires famines. Available. 201- (2>*-5) for pre school & EX- The Princeton Cooperative dancing; conversation, quiei Neck area. Call •- nmrZml after sum: or experienced Travel Agent. SIS. . write S Ann St Ber- EFFECTIVE RESUMES • 367-2899 after 5:30pm. TENDED DAY ENRICHED Nursery School Admits times. Reply to Box KOMI c/o nudsvilte, NJ. 07924. over 10 yts. experience as a Cafi Marie, 609443-1400. KINDERGARTEN. Located Students Without Regard to Princeton Packet. personnel manager fc in Lawrenceville AMS cer- Race, Creed or National tified. Call 609-7714172. Origin. . I can GENTLEMAN WELL TO DO WAITERS udina ROD MAN/w - Transit men/w. RELIABLE - & ex- - driving to California win which Draftsman/w. Some ex- perienced babysitter new vehicle. Would like to wffl _ to stand out perience perferred. Salary RECYCLE ED'S AIRPORT TAXI - . Apply GaBmetget available in my home. meet an attractive younf «5&gssr . Copper Bell To Maw* a fromtbe commensurate with ex- Full or part time. 809448- THIt Transportation to all Airports. lady .-for companion. Ne V RteT 180, E. perience. MJS. Kacbonki * Or, if you prefer, Ed wiD drive smokers, no Reply only. After 5 pm Associates, 2B1-725-943S. 448* you in your car to the airport or elsewhere. Call 6994U-7339. Packet Box fOMK.

A Week of August 29-31,1979 7-B Personals Bargain Mart Bargain Mart Bargain Mart Bargain Mart Bargain Mart Bargain Mart Bargain Mart Bargain Mart

THE SELECTIVE EYE ONE SINGLE - Stearns BEDROOM SUITE - ATTRACTIVE - fool still SPRING MEADOW ANTIQUE POOL TABLE — OAK COFFEE — table, solid UPHOLSTERED - Easy Bridge ft Main Streets (mahogany) Pine trestle ''searching for a feminine MATTRESS Farm freezer beef, 5'xlO', IV slate, totally oak handmade w/handmade chair with slip cover. $50. & Foster boxspring it MONGER New Hope, Pa. 18938 mattress on legs $50. One table ft benches, 2 i miracle who's 21-33, petite, naturally raised. No restored - Impressive looking tile inlaid top. 20"x50", $250. Call 609421-8776. bureaus, 1 dresser, pretty & still believes in $2195.00. Can PrincetonPool 609-896-0869. 3 drawer oak bureau, $50. steroids. Also nitrate- Study & desk lamps on 1-walking chair, $10, 1- single bed, cot, 2 easy atonogamy & miracles. Box Visit our Dank, Dark, free ham, bacon, Tables 609-466-1717 or 201-359- sale $14.95 to $34.95. Wall, #02683 Princeton Packet. Dingy, Dismal, Wret- 0260. white painted 6 drawer chairs, bookcase, table ft sausage & corned beef. clip-on & plant lights on bureau, $15, upholstered floor lamps, calculator, ched Repugnant, 609-466-2937, after 6 and FREEZER BEEF Ra thole. KIDDIE KORNER — Back to sale $11.95 to $37.95. Ken- chair, $10 & 1-all oak end tables, coffee tables, weekends. School Fashions at low Tech AM/FM Digital rolltop desk, $700, 5- small dining table, knic MATTRESS FACTORY SWIMMING POOL SUP- Home grown naturally TRANSPORTATION - SEE THEM MADE discount prices. Infants, Clock Radio $42.00 NOW drawer maple bureau, knacs, collectables, old . CARPOOL - from Plainsboro PLIES — Deal with wholesale toddlers, boys & girls, 4 to 14. fed steers. Cut to your $29.95. Mason Micro partly refinished, $40. tools, antiques, oak RIGHT on the TRIO TAG Sales, Inc. - distributor - Lower prices - own specification, Cassette Recorder $52.00 to Pennihgton School by 7:50 PREMISES 15 N. Union St., Lambertville, 609-921-0487 after 5:30 dresser ft mirror, walnut am. return 5 pm after sports. "We do aU the work." special deals on swimming 609-397-1231. wrapped and frozen. NOW $36.95. Braun Table p.m. vanity & bench, walnut Will start a carpool or join one. We personally Profitable sale of entire pool covers & filters. Pool Kaufman Farm. 609-466- Lighters 25% off. highboy single bed, oak 609-799-8996 after 5 pm. manufacture, with our or partial contents of service also available. 201-359- 0773, Master Chg. avail. lamp, table, tool box for own grubby, sweaty little your home. hands, everything we sell 0260. REMODELING, MUST SELL 215/862-2982. Hours Mon SIMMONS CRIB with pick-up truck and much Professionally conducted - 15 feet of dark pine kitchen to Sat 10 to 5. Sun Noon to mattress, $45; High more. 609-259-7232, 324 and we can demonstrate, at your convenience. 609- PITNEY BOWES - 3 PM We pay all parking SERIOUS DRAMA - Student prove and GUARANTEE 6 USED AIR CONDITIONERS cabinets, top & bottom sec- chair, $10; Cold water Sharon Rd., Rob- 883-3535, 215-493-6858, or — 5 refrigerators, 2 washers, 6 tions, very good condition. Copier, $200 takes this & fines with a $25 pur- Humidifier 4 gal. cap., binsville, N.J. off Rt. seeks aspiring actress as tor 10 YEARS that our 609482-1864. older unit, just serviced chase. scene partner & to accompany- mattress is SUPERIOR! dryers, 3 portable dishwashers $150.; 1 dble. stainless steel $20; Sears portable Elec #130. l wood wardrobe, 1 metal kitchen sink, 43"x2lV, 1 yr. to assure good operation. Heater, 13 amps, $40. All to New York Drama classes. There is absolutely 609-452-2929. ss Reply Box #02687 c/o Prin- NOTHING BETTER THE RESALE Shop - 901 wardrobe. 201-369-3718. old, $90.; 1 Frigidare custom in excellent condition. ceton Packet. MADE, ANYWHERE Camplain Rd., Manville. deluxe dble. self-cleaning MUST SELL - 2 pc sect, 609-448-6041 between 9 BIKE - girls. 20" Sch- ANYTIME, AND Buying and selling - You oven, 4 burners, 1 yr. old, gold, couch, 2 chandeliers 4 a.m. & 8 p.m. winn Breeze, yellow, exc. WHOLESALE FIREWOOD - 39"x36", $390.; 1 16 ft. wood SAVE MONEY - and lvrm chairs. Very cond. Call 609-896-0595. PRICE. name it! Antiques Unsplit, cut in 24-34" sections. In our eleven years we furniture, tools and garage door, $100.; 1 lg. red & reduce your heating reasonable. Call APPLES - Pick your, EXPECTANT Seasoned hardwood. Call 201- gold couch, $50.; 2 hanging expenses. Buy a WOOD evenings. 609-448-5352. have manufactured and useable items. 201-526- 297-9301. own. Forman Farms, PARENTS - Desire sold over 17,630 Mattress 3761. Spanish bronze lamps, small, STOVE before price friendship with others in increase.^ Tempwoods, Hightstown-PerrineviUe units to 17,630 of the most $20., Lg. $60.; iron window, Rd,m 8am-6pm. 609-448- It is easy to use! easy to same situation. Twin suspicious, sagacious, $30.; interior & exterior doors, Quakers, Hunter fur- HINBALL machine - read! easy to un- Rivers, East Windsor, TYPEWRITERS many sizes, $10. each. Call 609- naces, Insulated pipe, 2216. derstand! easy to buy! cynical, sapient, Electric, manual, por- HOT TUBS & JACUZZI'S — excel, cond, $350. 609-448- Hightstown area. Write sophisticated, sarcastic, we are one of the best, with low 924-4525. and other air tight stoves 7598. and easy to sell! WHH #0947, P.O. Box 146, table, office models. available. Call 609-466- WASHER-DRYER, apt. spnerebreaker buyers in New - reconditioned. prices. Call us today, 201-359- Hightstown, N.J. 08520. NJ. 0260. 1835. size excellent condition If you are interested in ONE PRICE ONLY ADDERS. CALCULA- ANTIQUE SLEIGH with $200. Call 201-874-4286 information about either TORS. Name Brands. shalves, good condition, $300. DRESSER - Broyhill evenings. buying or selling, Phone This Is The FACTORY! Rentals. Repairs," Trade- Italian Prov. triple We do not give SMALL ANTIQUE - ornate All Craft 80 gal. gas hot water OIL PAINTING 609-737-0286 and ask for ins , CENTER tank used 3 mos., like new framed, 62 x 49, wooded dresser. Cherrywood Charlotte Holcombe. L- Bargain Mart Discounts Off of T^ic- BUSINESS MACHINES, wood and coal burning stove. veneer finish, cedar titious Retail Prices Excel, cond. $350. After 4:30, $200. 6'-2 ft. metal exec, desk landscape. 609-655-0157. 183. 104 Nassau St. 609-924- and swivel chair, $100. drawers, very good cond. PING PONG TABLE & (which not even the 2243. 609-921-8485. Best offer. 609-443-1170. Air Hockey by Brun- idiots pay) and we do not Relocating to Fla., must sell. CONCERT TICKETS for DISCOUNT Lighting - AH offers entertained. 201-359- swick. $150. Call after 6. "No Nukes" at Mad. Sq. run SALES, 365 days a ORGANIC - Pesticide! 609-443-1290. The Roosters Coup. year. ,- DISCOUNT GUNS MAN'S COASTER BRAKE 4611. Control insects at home KITCHEN TABLE and 4 Garden Sept. 19. 2 Ex- - Lighting fixtures, lamps, &AMM0 bike - good condition, $50. 609- or garden as well as fleas matching chairs. Solid cellent seats. See J. shades, parts and Crib Size $20.00 Shotguns & rifles 924-2991 eves. & ticks with fresh & salt maple with walnut stain. Browne, J. Tayler, B. repairs. Clocks, gift MISC. SELECTION - of finest Raitt, Doobies and more. Bunk Bed $36.90 $10 over wholesale quality chairs, silver, china, water derivatives. Earth Table-glass covered. Ex. AAAAA FACTORY items & fireplace cond. $225. 201-359-6676. OUTLET - Million- Best Offer. (609)921)3669. equipment. Huge Twin 39x75x6 $59.90 Ammodiscounted LAMPS - Meditteranean crystal, cut glass, etc. For & Guard. Send for free Double 54x75x6 $69.90 10% off most hand guns brass, 50" tall with shade, $55 information &7or appointment brochure to Agel, Box aires! Just be- assortment of brand Queen 60x80x6 $99.90 Reloading supplies 965, Hightstown, N.J. cause you have money names at discount pr. Call 201-874-4539. send your name, address & is no reason not to save. SIMMONS - 53 inch fude- King 78x80x6 $120.00 DISCOUNTED telephone H to: Box #02670, c/o 08520 or call anytime 201- BABY FURNISHINGS - a-bed with slip cover. prices. THE ROOS- Deluze Frames $13.00 Buy, Sell & Trade 462-3377. Reasonable, crib & Select Stiffel Lamps from TERS COUP, on Rt. 29, 4 NEW DARK CHERRY - Pa. Princeton Packet. Private 118 styles. Some at 40% $100. Call 609-921-8776. Box spring same PRICE Murphy's Sportsmen's House chairs, rush seats, $65 buyers only. mattress, feeding table, Lambertville, N.J. Den stroller, portable play OFF. FURLONG LAMP OPEN 7 DAYS, 609-397- 3152 Rt 27, Kendall ea. $250 all, 609-466-0992. yard, dressing table & FACTORY ' OUTLET 0027. King Set with SEWING TABLE - Old largest for a 99 mile FOR SALE - Motobecane Box Springs & Frame Park style, makes a good desk, lamp. 609-799-2262. 50V moped, 6 mos. old, in Off Season Hrs., GOLD ROLEX 18K - COLLEGE SELECTION & radius. 5 miles South of $262.00 too. $20 or best offer, 609- Lahaska's Peddler's great shape, $400. Small Queen Set & Frame Tues.-Wed. 12pm-6pm DAY/DATE, Chronometer. APPLICATION COUN- 896-0253, 5 to 9 p.m. component stereo FOR SALE - large Thurs.-Fri. I2pm-9pm Rolex guarantee. Asking SELLING - individuals & DANISH MODERN DINETTE Village on Rte. 263, $210.00 Furlong, Pa. Weekdays system 1 year old, like selection reconditioned Sat. 10-6pm $2400., 33 % disc. 609-683-2410, small groups. $>r. Michael L. SET - 4 chairs, 2 leaves, pads, new, $100. Call Chris/609- refrigerators, freezers, Sun. & Mon. - closed days. Rosenthal, 609-737-2236. 78x38 open, $100. 201-874-3360. 8-8, Sat. 10-7, Sun. 11-7. CUSTOM SIZES MADE WOOD BURNING - Micro Dot Pricing (215) 924-8778 days, 921/7128 washers, dryers. AT NO EXTRA 201-297-3357- eves. & wknds. Guaranteed. Can deliver stove, "Majestic" free 794-7444-5-6. CHARGE. standing. 2 yrs. old. Exc. COMPLETE LIVING and do electrical or gas . No Excuses, No Alibis, CARPETING - SAVE GAS - I ROYAL LITTON electric ROOM Set. It. Prov. All hook-up. 201-369-3718. No Double-Talk, We will come to you with a load of typewriter - 5 yrs. old, excel, cond. 201-329-4589. in excellent condition. IF CINDERELLA HAD POTTERS - Clay, Kilns, samples or you may visit my cond. $350. Call after 5pm, 609- MONEY she would have FRENCH PROVINCIAL guarantee our Mattress 609-448-2235 after 7:30 - liivingroom furniture. TEN FULL YEARS wheels, tools and Metchen showroom. Ail 298-5147. p.m. bought Dresses, Tailored FUEL Efficient Heating chemicals. STANDARD carpets just above wholesale. DISHWASHER - Sears Slacks, sizes 2 to 494 in $50 and up. Call after 5 - Burn wood or coal in a Our Mattresses are p.m. 609-882-1693. SIX Solid Inches of cool, CLAY MINES. Open 609-921-1061. 1977 Kenmore "power 87 pastel shades, with high efficiency, air tight Mon-Sat. Skillman, N.J. DON'T BE LEFT IN THE Miser" convertible. 4 ARIENS - riding mower, coordinating Blouses wood stove or multi-fuel breathing, Allergy-Free, 609-466-2986. COLD — wood or coal fur- wash & 2 dry cycles. Polymeric" Crystal- working cond. $50. Zenith (Blice), all at Micro Dot furnace. European & RIVER RUNNER — 12' raft naces tie into non-electric heat Coppertone with formica console stereo with Lamp prices. All ap- American brands. Pipe & liferous Foam. 15" SONY - Trinitron with accessories. Call 609-921- system. Interested write butcher block top. Under am/fm radio, $150. proved by Prince color TV, remote control, venting supplies. Harr Unconditionally 30 day 8843. Energy Mate, 52-K West maintenance contract. Marble top coffee table 3' Charming. "My Favorite Bros Wood Heat 1605 Refund if unsatisfied STAINED GLASS Millstream Rd., Cream Ridge, Excel, cond. $195. 609- 18 mo. old. $360. Sony Supplies - Distributors & dia. $150. French Shoppe" inside The stereo;$140. Also ail North Olden Ave., THE FOAM FIRM NJ: 08514. 443-1170 Provencial vanity Lamp Outlet at Furlong Trenton, NJ. 609-393- OUR NEW STORE Discounters. Custom electrical goods- CB designs. Repair & STEREO AMP - Dynaco, w/chair $50. 609-924-8119. (above). radio. Steam iron, 7550. - 157 Main St. ST416, kit & C-100 power mod. MAN'S WATCH - Omesa Peapack restoration. Lamps, BIKE WOMEN'S — 26" hairdryer, humidifier, mirrors, planters, etc. Never used. $704. Call 609-799- Raleigh/ Dunelt 3-speed. $40. Speedmaster Profes- •"BENJAMIN ROOM" cassette recorder, Peapack is a right turn 3925, 7-lOpm. sional Mark II. off Rt. 206,28 miles north Princeton Stained Glass, 609-924-9089. SOFA - excellent con- features Spode, Royal toaster oven, lamps, etc. EDISON FURNITURE —. is 38 Spring St., 609-921- Mint cond. Sacrifice $150. dition. Humidifier, like Worcester, Bing & 609^799-3105. of Princeton and worth 609-771-0468 after 5. still open at the same location. the drive! 1311. ETHAN ALLEN HEIRLOOM new, Lg. metal closet, 3 Grondahl bone china and For USED FURNITURE of FURNISHINGS - 29 Station tables & 6 chairs, etc. quality brass home II A.M. to4 P.M. Drive, Princeton Jet. Next to TABLES - 2 end, 1 drum, 1 every description come see us. & 6 P.M. to 8 P.M. COMPLETE Sharpening cocktail, $100 each. Dining rm 609-448-2382. furnishings. (215) 794- Rt. 611 south of Doylestown, Service - Circular saws, railroad station in rear FALL 5242 GOLD TWEED - sofa, T Pa. 9-4:30, closed Sunday. Saturday-10 to 4 chain saws, hand saws, warehouse. Open Tues., Wed. table, 38 x 56 w/2 -12" leaves, READY TO WEAR long. $175. Lge. solid THE FOAM FIRM shears, knives, scissors. Thurs. evenings 6 to 9 pm $150. 2-Queen Anne green BED FRAME - with wood desk, $150. 609-924- 201-234-1622 Also lawnmower and only. velvet chairs $100 each. 609- For your Back to School headboard, heavy oak, 1263. HOW TO Increase Your Work small engine repairs. 737-9296. needs. Corduroy suits, box spring, $30. Also arm Productivity — 7-point plan Ward St., Hightstown. knit dresses for parties. chair - black vinyl/wood PEACHES - Pears, Great sweaters, wool $20. Assorted white Apples - Fresh fruit time for working better, not harder. 609-448-1792. TWO PHARAONIC COLONIAL SOFA - & Money-back guarantee. Send SOAPSTONE - Green, skirts. Do come over plastic tables. Call - just harvested fruit 5 SPEED - schwinn White, soft stone, easy to Mahogany one-of-a-kind loveseat, ideal for den. $125. soon. Bruce, 9-5 p.m. 609-452- from Terhune Orchards tandem w/baby seat. $1 to Millstone Publications, stands with their vases all Ping-pong table, $25. 609-395- GE. frost ' free POB, 3054, Princeton. NJ carve. White, pink, 25,000 BTU air conditioner. inlaid with mother of pearl, 3179, after 5 p.m. 609-924- is one of the best things translucent Alabaster, 6,000 BTU air conditioner, 50 1306. RED BARN CASUALS 7262. about August in Mercer refrigerator, separate 08540. ivory and copper. Call 609-921- freezer. Purple shag Carrara Marble, African ft. chain link fence. 201-469- 4715 morning and 896-0611 Rt. 206, Belle Mead County. Come out to the Wonder Stone, power 0391. 201-359-3305 farm just off Route 206 carpet w/foam pad. afternoon. 2 PC. — orange velvet sofa, ll>/2xl6'4" Like new. 201- POOL TABLE SALE — Used tools and accessories, Early Amer. Chair, lamp. 5 BICYCLES - good and Carter Rd. and have 7' table w/new cloth, 1-pcs Sculpture House Inc., condition. Hotpoint fun selecting tree 359-3314 after 6pm 10 PC. PLACE SETTING - Eves, 609-448-6968. 3 OLD COCKERY WINE ripened fruit from many slate, good condition. $499.Off: 8' Open Mon-Sat, Skillman, FIREWOOD — Tree Service, JUGS — Best offer. Also, Dryer, asking $50. 609- used table, new cloth- l pcs N.J. 609-466-2986. Wedgwood china "Asia," Wood stoves, Nashua Double 448-6866. varieties now available. pert. cond. $3200. accept best Heat. Ton's of firewood & die tools. 609-882-5808. Now is the time to get slate $499.00. 9' table w/3 pcs SOLID OAK & old 54" round TREES - for land- 1" slate - special price $600.00. offer. 609-443-1794. Tree Cutting Service. 609-466- your peaches for canning scaping. White Pine. 2666 eves. table with 3 leaves, $200 firm, and freezing - don't wait. Many more available -Call with 4 chairs $300, also 2 MEN'sBIKE - 26", 5 Austrian Pine and Princeton Pool Tables - Store RUBBER STAMPS speed, Schwinn 94" MED. black flower Cold Soil Rd. 609-924- Spruce. Dig your own orange plastic couches with printed sofa. Good 2310. Open daily 9-7 Sat. 609-466-1717 or warehouse 201- School or College ad- AMISH KITCHEN SET - table, large corner table $65. 201-359- Suburban. $65 or best any size. $5.00. 201-782- 359-0260. dress, Home, business, 4 chairs, dated & signed. Eves. BEIGE VELVET SOFA - slate offer. Call Dave, 609-883- condition. $250 or best & Sun. 10-5. zip code. Rubber stamps 201-297-9079. top cocktail table, baby fur- 6569. 5497 after 9 a.m. offer. Also portable dish- of all kinds and sizes niture and clothing. 609-443- washer, Westinghouse, made to your order at: 5725. $65. good cond. 2 marble STRAW - Rye, Barley, Wheat, OLYMPUS OM2 - Camera, PLYWOOD SHEATH- CAR PORT - $40. WHY? - do more and Mulch by the bale or ton. base Med. lamps, $30/ea. MAGNAVOX MODEL with 28 50 mm & 135 lenses. ING - Ext. 3/8" 609-448-6498. Weldwood, you remove educators and parents 609455-0270. HINKSONS STEREO — AM - FM and T.V. GIRLS BIKE - 20", good cond., 609-921-8843. $6.88; Vi", $8.28; 5/8", buy the "World Book" 82 Nassau St. carefully & quickly. 609- combination, call 609-924-0828. 3 spd:, $25. New unicycle, 20" $10.88; 3/4", $13.88. 924-4588. than any other en- tire./$15. 201-359-8842. Andersen wdws. to 35% cyclopedia? A-l TOP SOIL - Call 609-259- METAL WARDROBE, 42"; 2 disc. Also, lumber. T 1-11 PICNIC TABLE 6', 9604. white hutch shelves, Kenmore typewriter. corner 2 BEDROOM SETS — 2 Canister Vac, coachman's plywood siding, $11.88, vanitv with book case - BMX-DG bike - All new AIRLINE - Discount CASH - for your old 7 YEAR OLD — entire kitchen Asphalt shingles, $6.80. special parts, exc. cond. coupons for sale. 609-921- for sale. Wall cabinets, island couches, 1 club chair, 1 hifi bar lamp, 3-tier metal table plus white, bicycles, 1 man, 1 jewelry, diamonds & console, 1 dining rm. table & many toys. 609-799-9410. bdl., R.R. ties, 6x6x8, woman, Heatolater with $185. 609-896-1750. 1732 after 6 p.m. estates. MacDonald cabinet with butcher -block hutch with 4 chairs, 1 kitchen $6.55. 215-493-1868; 215- 7 YEAR OLD, almost new, counter top. self-cleaning gas 949-3636 (eves.) fan. Call 201-359-2106. Kenmore gas dryer, $90. 609- Jewelers, Yardville, N.J. oven, 18.5 side-by-side refng. table with 4 chairs. LEATHER & Chrome WHIRLPOOL TRASH - 921-7543 7-9 p.nV. 609-585-4716. 609-443-3436. Reasonably priced. 609-443- LIKE BRAND NEW - Wassily chair, was $300, Compactor, $200. Cir- 5696 or 609-443-6372. refrigerator, washer & dryer. FOR SALE — 24 x 4' SMALL OAK SERVER - now $75: maple Captains cular saw. tilt table ft Reasonable. 609-259-3803 after round alum, pool, at- $50, lg. Viet, bookcase table w/formica top, $35. stand, Delta 8" w. 4" 5 pm. tached fenced, filter, $50. antique high 609-924-1272. jointer ft accessories. ALMOST NEW • complete REGISTERED or Not -1 HAY FOR SALE — several beauty salon equipment in- FURNITURE — Bedroom, skimmer, cover. Call mahogany dbl. bed $60, $250. One Delta drill will buy your guns kinds & grades to choose from, dining room, living room "LOGER" MODEL, cast iron Sharon, 201-297-3621 old buffet $10,2 dr. metal press w. stand, light, ft cluding 6 cherry red barber legally. I am licensed USED furniture: chairs. Must be seen to be also straw, mulch. Will deliver furniture for sale. Reasonable. woodburning stove, 8 mos. old, cupboard $20, mahogany Sofabed, couch, coffee accessories, $250. 609- and will pay a good price. Vfe ton minimum, reasonable Call 609-924-1926. hall stand $10. small files 921-2580. appreciated. Sacrifice $5400 or Call Bert 609-924-3800 good cond. 201-297-6890 aft. 5. BEAUTIFUL - table, end tables, chairs, best offer. 609-924-4875 or 924- distance. Call eves. 609-466- $5,7 pr. matchstick cafes rugs, etc. Other misc. days. 3596. mounted rare animal $5, lg. blue bathroom 3194 eves STEREO - Radio Shack 8tt, head from Wyoming. 4 sink $20, lg. items. 609-921-0967. turntable, AM/FM, MPX, 2 DISCOUNT LIGHTING - The points, $150 or best offer. SCHWINN BIKE - boys, Roosters coup. Lighting mahogany/brass tray 3 spd., fair condition. spkrs, $l00/bo. 609-7994366. 215-295-1916. $10, old press camera SAVE MONEY - and reduce BARN BEAMS For Sale - PORTABLE WASHER/ fixtures, lamps, shades, parts LAST WEEK OF LABOR Physiotherapy table old' oak beams, hand DRYER - Whirlpool deluxe. and repairs. Clocks, gift items $35, 6 pr. interior shut- ' DAY sale - Some w/neavy vinyl cushion. your heating expenses. Buy a ters $10, mirror shadow WOOD STOVE before price hewned or sawed, 6-28', Ideal for apt $3O0./pr. GE & fireplace equipment. Huge TRADITIONAL - queen remaining items. Set of 609-466-2184 eves ft 201-247-2810. refrig., 22 cu. ft., side by side, 2 ROOMS - light green assortment of brand names at box $20, patio glass doors ladder back chairs, early wkends. increase. Tempwoods, size sofabed. Like new $50, post rail fence $75, Quakers, Hutner furnaces. frost free, almost new, $350. carpeting & padding, 12 x 14 & discount prices. THE cond. $350. After 5 pm, brass bed, chests, 201*369-5109. 13 x 19, modern loveseat ft ROOSTER'S COUP, on Rt. 29, cane seat rocker $20. 201- woodware, pewter, tole, Insulated pipe, other air tight 609-799-4096. 297-4767. stoves available. Expert in- matching chair, a bar, ass'td Lambertville, N.J. OPEN 7 iron items. Until Labor GIRLS BEDROOM SET - stallation service: 609-466-1835. WINDOW Fashions: lamps. 201-359-6410. DAYS, 609-397-0027. Day only. Warren K. antique white, 64" Verticals, Woven Woods TRAVERSE RODS - START YOUR children Moser, antiques, 201-874- dresser, night table, by Delmar, Levolor FURNITURE - Just like Excel, cond. 7-48" rods 8026. headboard. Best offer. Blinds, All at 25% OFF! having a relative in the on a hobby - collecting KITCHEN CABINETS - fine $5/ea; 2-120" rods stamps and start at the 609-443-3690. INDIA DISCOUNT Store Inc. Professionally measured business. Obtain manufacture RECORDS - all speeds. 6 for nudity, individually styled & $10/ea; 1-144" rod, $15. & installed. Drapery & all accurate code numbers. Consolata Village! - 3001 Rt 27 & Finnegans $1. Juke box, $950. Call John crafted. Also refinismng or 609-771-0468 after 5. Vatican, UN and Israli Lane, Franklin Park, N.J. treatments also Call 609-921-1061 for a price 201-356-3494. Stereo - Toshiba receiver • available with retainer of just above wholesale. resurfacing existing cabinets mint sets, US plate Belgian Blocks - 60c ea. 08823. Indian groceries - nrith wood veneer ft new doors. blocks on and-off paper; Glen Burn turn table and apprpx. 175. Call 609-737- garments- 110-220V appliances $50. Designer Fabrics PARK LANE CABINETS, 201- speakers $100 609-466- - saris - gifts - cameras - film - Exclusively! Call Nikki OAK - Bedroom set, barrelsful of stamps! 0367. Harris, Registered In- 374-4151. wooden kitchen set, 2 Men's, women's Samsomte luggage - Indian MOVING SALE - refrigerator, children's clothing; records. Call 201-821-7775. terior Designer for price MOVING - Selling 19" solid sofa beds, china service quote. Professional washer ft dryer, 3 air con- SHEEPSKIN COAT - full for 12, 2 end tables. 609- furniture, housewares, ditioners, sewing machine, state BW TV in excellent VIVITAR TELEPHOTO Consultation for your condition, floor lamp, coffee length, size 12. Call between 4- 466-1299 after 6 p.m. collectables, books & MOVING SALE - Sofa, ENTIRE HOME, $40. kitchen set, living room fur- 6pm, 609-924-6380. records. Rt. 27, - zoom lens, 85 - 205, with SOFA BED like new, twin bed niture, portable dishwasher, table, pictures, 14' aluminum macro close focus, to fit 96", exc. Cost «00, + mattress and box spring, not deal with a ladder: old wash bench, kit- Somerset, Sat. 10-3 201- Quick sate, $l». Crib * •al2S%o0?fl»- dining room set, beds, 2 Konica. $150. Call Dave, mattress, exc. US. H- plank-bottom chain, many wardrobes, lamps, cedar chen electric dock, 4 antique WALNUT VENEER-dropleaf ELECTROPHONIC 297-9191. 201-725-3302 days, 201-297- misc. items. Moving oat of 91. rushbottomed chairs 984-4237. chair, $12. King sixe state, aoi-359-2106. chest 301-3694419 or 369-5426. dining rm. table w/4 chairs; sole stereo, BSR, 1498 eves. rotisserie, 130. Lamps, 9x11 brown nylon carpet 609- turntable, 8 trade fine SAVE MONEY - Heat dishes, ironing board, 896-0635 after 6 pm. player, recorder, $m your borne completely on etc. Garage sale, Thurs- ToMocoa Olympic weight lifting wood. Wood central Sun., lO-6j>.m. l Glen 3 WOODEN Doorway FREEZER - 17.4 cu. ft. set, 340 fi». with bar, Arches - 4fL x 6ft 8m. ADS AT heating system. Add on RECYCLE View Dr., Princeton, off KATE Cokfepot upright, exc. cond, FOR SALE - GJB. ref. 11.5 cu. asking ^300. Bench for to existing furnaces. Alexander Rd. with trim, 609-921-8717 eves, keep trying. ft $50 ft Whirlpool 1»6 cJ. lifting, W 201-359-3719 THIS after 6 pm. Complete fine of wood 8413. frost free ref. askTor Vince or Bill stoves, etc: 609-587-7819. NEWSPAPER 60*4144160 4871. Classified Advertising Week of August 29-31, 1179 8-B Bargain Mart Bargain A/Vart Bargain Mart Bargain Mart Antiques Antique,

TOP QUALITY STEREO - 2 AMERICAN - Airline EVERETT GRAND ongregation ANTIQUES PLATED * FREEZER-COLDSPOT, 19 equip. Brand new or excel, GOLD TWEED - sofa, 7' lo SUMMER HEAT WAVE $175. Lge. solid wood dc Discount tickets. 609-921- - WANTED TO BUY - PIANO - needs work. 609- SALE POLISHED • 21S-493- at. feet, frost-free. 1200. 201- cona. w/warranties. Eg - 1570. Scrap metal, light iron, 924-4455. of Israel Sisterhood 5483. «9-1983. asking or best offer. Pioneer $150. 609-924-1263. steel, batteries, SX626, $230. Cannon 1030, radiators, copper, brass, FLEA MARKET 10% discount on 'all mer- GUITAR - for sale, ex- chandise over $5. Larger $235/pr. Philips 877, $170. SAE A-l CONDITION - aluminum and used discounts on specially marked Pets ft Animals 2200, $355. More! 609-921-7765. Refrigerator, suitable machinery. Currently cellent cond., F.W. SUN., SEPT. 9th items. »PC TWIN bedroom set - CINDER BLOCK - chimney for apartment After 2 paying the highest prices Fifcher med. blue coat Italian Prov. excel, cond, block and second hand lumber p.m. 609482-4145. in the area. Payment at and hat with velvetine" 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. SMO. Pr. lamps, $150. 201446- 7,500 BTU AIR CON- given away free. CaU bet. 6-10 time of delivery. trim excellent cond. ™E TO A^XACT0RY ZEBRA FINCHES - $15 a pair. p.m. 201521-1615. Corner Greenwood & »14 DITIONER - Not new but Receiving hours 12-5 child size 6. Plaid blue Chestnut Aves. Hamilton Ave.. HieweU.N.J. «M»WI4i between 64 pm. works perfectly. $50. 609-737- CRIB & MATCHING p.m. Mon. thru Fri. 8 to 5 wool line English duffel Trenton, N.J. 3886, after 6 pm. " DRESSER - $100. Other on Saturday. No quantity coat with matching line too large or too small. slacks good condition Now thru Labor Day baby items also. 201-359- BARGAINS GALORE! Air Conditioned 1938 EPIPHONE "F" hole BICYCLE - woman's 5 spd., 0630. Gale Industrial Scrap child size 5. 609-7374735. BEAUTIFUL - fluffy kittens, $485'. Camerroon idol & mask, free to good homes, male and FRIGIDAIRE A/C-5000 BTU, exc. cond. CaU eves. 609-921- Iron and Metal Co., TABLE RENTALS $6.00 150 years old, $525. 1880 0518. North Valley Road. Open 7 days a week female. 201-369-5325. beveled edge crystal mirror, 1 yr old. $135. 609-448-3975. Roosevelt For info, call 609-466-9833 $375, marble coffee table, SEARS ROTOTILLER - 609-448-2679. PIANO - Electronic Clothes Toys Jewelry dining^ table, ice box, pain- Consolette 88. ExceUent And Lots More WATER DISTILLERS - for 4hp, used only 4 hours. Rain date: fings, plants, chairs, etc. 609- the home or office. 2 HOLIDAY SPA - lifetime $150. Window - 5' x 6* condition. Must seU. 609- MAGAZINE ANTIQUES - in SIAMESE KITTENS 921-7569. good cond. $75. CaU after 587-5583. Sunday, Sept. 16th binders (1950, '52, '53, '54, '59- Bluepoint, CFA reg. champion Reasonably priced units will membership, regularly, $700. ORIENTAL RUGS - we produce clear, clean, distilled asking $350. Call 201-526-4457. 5 p.m. 6094554012. 60 issues) Complete $90, stock, show quality shots, $180. water. Call 609-921-3775. pay cash for antique & F.O.B.; others over 100 cop. $2 609-448-4390. semi-antique oriental BUNDY TRUMPET - FLEA MARKET - each. CaU evenings 201-725- COUNTERTOP - range. rugs. One or many. 609- Dealers Wanted with ,>binet k hood, $25 each; golf case & mouthpiece. Mint 7208. INEXPENSIVE - Blond dining 392-7337. condition $120. 609-924- own table. $7,504'. SeptV shoes $20. After 6 pm 201-381- set 7 pc.. Living room set, SOFA - Custom, French, 9th from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. 1968 APPALOOSA - Brood_ - 'SWEET BLUE PLUMS — 0266 eves. tars X Immediately after Labor Day. Sofa, Chaise lounge, washing elegant, blue motif, exc. Congregation Sharri TIFFANY CANDLE STICKS - mare by Mr. Bud Ban 157 Oak Lane, Hightstown. mach., sewing mach., Antique cond. 201-329-3626. CASH FOR GUNS, Shofom, 454 E. Old Cherry and pine cupboards, Arrapaho Dove. Come see her mirror, Schwinn bike, SWORDS, military Georges Rd., Deans, off potbelly stoves, large selection produce at the farm. She's a GOOD QUALITY - Alfalfa & Typewriter chair, 200 Nat. items, coins. Licensed FOUR YEAR OLD - Rt. 130. Rain or shine. bargain at $2000. 2014464283. Timothy hay. 201-8744608. Yamaha studio upright, of fireplace equipment ieUy Geo. 609-443-3857. Collector/Dealer will CaU 201-2974272. cupboards, mirrors, benches, CB RADIO- w/full luxury 40 HP Johnson Out Board pay more. Bert, 609-924- walnut finish with bench, Moter $30. Wheels with 3800 days. $1950. 609483-2644 desks, clocks, juke box, ice antenna, base station, 23 snow tires for 77 RUMMAGE SALE — Save up boxes, lamps, 1902 tricycle, GIRL'S BICYCLES - 20" & channels $100. 201-821-9513 aft. MOVING — Must sell spindle brass bed, wash stands ana WE BUY AND SELL 7 pm. Maverick $50 a pair. 609- to 70% on summer mer- LIVESTOCK - Kaufman 24", $20 each. 609-4434380. back sofa bed, spinet organ, 799-1646. chandise. Kiddie Korner, 15 blanket chests, copper-brass, contemp. sofa & chair, double USED BOOKS Needed - Farms, Skillman, N.J. for Brandeis University. LUDWIG DRUM —set, 8 North Union St., LambertviUe. much, much more. 609-466-0773. - bdrm. set. children's fur- pc, good cond. $350. 609- 609-397-1231. M1LLER-TOPIA niture, tables, lamps, swing [TYPEWRITER - Royal We recycle your old & . Phone 609-914-3107 eves. table. File cabinets, WANTED Flea Markets ft 658-3759. Wed. thru Fri, 274 Alexander St. typewriter table, secretary only, excel, cond., best MiMWHtippi Please fftll 10-5, Sat k Swx. 104. Princeton chair and metal coat rack. 201- offer over $225. Call 201- CONN TENOR SAX - Mar- us at 609421-1593 or 609- 6094244134 BEFORE YOU SELL Rummage Sales 921-1689. Visa k Matter Charge. 3594409. 4394965. ANY CHINESE OR ching band. Good condition. PERSIAN RUGS LET $150. 201469-3657. VICTORIAN MADA- MINI-BIKE - $150. Excellent WHEELHORSE - mower US MAKE YOU A CASH FLEA MARKET Sept 8, HANKINS Antique*, 169 A400. $400. 201- OFFER. Sell direct to LLION -back sofa PONY FOR SALE - or condition. 609-921-3193. . Ladies Aux. Higbtstown Mercer St, Higbtstown, with 2 matching chairs. the European buyers; NJ. we buy * sell fur- Appraisals free. We go BP.O.E 1955 Hickory Victorian dmtna room oldpondpyy who a dud may Corner Rd. off Rt. 130. niture, china, glass, set, 1800 GenOemens hhav e fulflll use to att our anywhere, anytime, Table space $5. Dealers jewelry, lovely things. barn for her OOLOR TVS • Magnavox RICYCLE 16 cu. fu. FRIGIDAIR - anyplace. portrait EngUah school. $S0 ea. EtaTstove, welcome. Call for Come in and browse. Mach more Sarkk an- buy for $409. Sa refrigerator and freezer. reservations. 609-448-7794 Open 11 to 4:30 Tues. to well at shows. 8 yean old. 609-4484816. tiques, 44 Spring St. Sa^ 608-443-4102 or 448- Princeton, NJ MM* 104 6771. Mon-Sat Week of August 29-31, 1979 Classified Advertising 9-B Pets ft Animals Pets ft Animals Pets ft Animals Lost ft Found Autos For Sale Autos For Sale Autos For Sale Autos For Sale Autos For Sale

MERCURY 76 - Colony Princeton Small REGISTERED BAY LOST - Our Yellow Lab CLASSIC '61 - MGA 1600. 1971 VW BEETLE 1967 PONTIAC Lemans SOMEONE IS MISSING — th* THOROUGHBRED — mare Wire wheels. Original Rebuilt engine has only Park Wagon, 9 pass, only It's not gorgeous but it A.P.A.W. Animal Rescue League NUGGET who forgets 43,000 mi, full power, car buy of the year. My 1977 Animal Placement 16.2h. Has been shown and she's a lady. Please call good body. Needs motor 35,000 lSHes. Very runs. $300. Call 201-874- German Ford Capri V6, 4 spa. hunted successfully. Great work, ripe for reliable, good condition. exc. cond. $2900. 609-466- 4782 after 5pm. Agency of the 921-0179 or 924-2200. 0201 eves. is still for sale. Mileage is a Windsors. Inc. disposition. Price negotiable restoration. $1,000. 609- Owner moving to NYC. mere 20,000, and options in- 112S.PostRd, CaU Georgi Krause at 609-737 443-3993 after 5 p.m. $1,000 or best offer. 609- clude sunroof, am/fm, rust- 0018. 896-0253, 5 to 9 p.m. proofing, mag wheels, ah- W. Windsor, LOST - watch, Omega, THUNDERBIRD - 1963 79 TRANS AM - 403 T- Open Daily~- Ford. One owner, 80,000 top, auto, PS PB, PW, dam, sway bars, and konJ Nassau St. - near miles. Excellent con- t shocks. This is one of the finest 9 am to 12 noon University, $50 reward, '71 MERCURY - Mon- 75 NOVA - 4dr., standard PDL. tilt whl". cruise. 609-799-1263 GOLDEN RET. PUPS - AKC, dition. 609-921-0179, or AC, AM/FM cassette. Capris in the state, and Champ, lines, great pets. no questions. Call Mark terrey, low mileage, runs 6 cyl., excellent gas 609-921-0110. combines 22mpg with out- Adopt with confidence Sire/Dam on prem. Ready Dukas days, 609-924-6710, good. Make offer. 201- mileage. Call 609-587- 9,000 mis., showroom standing performance. Call Dogs & Cats now. 609-896-0320. eves. 799-9122. 359-0892. 3559. cond., $7600. 201-821-9656. 609-924-8996. 76 PONTIAC Sunbird - 5 speed, zeibart, low low ALL BREED dg PRINCETON DOG 1970 CHEVELLJi - black miles, 25 MPG, excellent MAZDA 75 - RX3 rotary (SAVE) TRAINING CLUB - Obedience w/gold stripes exc. cond. HONDA CIVIC - 1975, 4 condition, $2600 201-297- FORD T-BIRD 1978 - Town grooming. Your pet will Autos Wanted spd. excellent running engine, 4 spd. standard. ask to come back after a PUT NEW LIFE IN classes. Beginning Sept. 6. 396 eng with headers, & 2 1532. 2-dr coupe, 53,000 mi. Landau, all options including Beginners* Intermediate* new tires. Best offer. 201- cond. Good body & int. moon roof, take over lean visit to the Pooch YOUR HOME...with an new rubber and many Engine rebuilt at 46,000. Parlour. Free pick-up adopted pet from SAVE. Novice*. Show handling. Pre- ALL JUNK CARS and 359-3255. AM/FM stereo, all new $225/mo. thru March 1980. 808- registration required. For new parts. $2000. 201-369- 737-3765. and delivery in the trucks wanted. Free 4236 or 359-4121. IMPALA - 70 2 dr., P/S, radials, $1850. 201-846- Princeton - Hightstown Female 5 tno. old pur- information call 609-585-6006. towing $15 and up. P/B, Runs well. Clean 3327. area and north.' For aa bred yellow Labrador. Scarpati Auto Wrecking, •68 TOYOTA CORONA - body. 609-395-0749. appointment call 201-821- Male 2 year old 609-396-7040. good condition, $450. 201- Chocolate Labrador FREE — abandoned kittens, 874-3260 after 6 p.m. 1968 PONTIAC GTO - 400 73 PONTIAC LeMans - 30,000 beautiful colors, had first T-BIRD - Hardtop, 1961, miles, excel, shape. A/c, p/s, Black female spayed cub. inc. engine, 4 barrel "69IMPALLA CUSTOM her transmission out Collie type dog, 1 year shot, Vet certified. Healthy & JUNK CARS dual exhaust, new p/b. reg. gas. $1800. Call small V8, new radials; engine salvagable, and between 6-7 pm. 609-924-2238. old medium size. happy 609-799-1151 eves. FREE TOWING starter, generator, water exhaust system; car DOG FOOD - Frozen WE PAY THE MOST'. 75^ FORD F-250 Camper pump, master cylinder, body waiting to be Male 4 year old purebred buretor, shocks, tran rescued. An excellent meat: beef, chicken, Airdale. 609-448-7027 Special, auto 360, ps/pb, tires & battery. Must am/fm stereo, bedcover. smission is solid. A/C, restorable or parts car. tripe & kidney. 2 & 5 lb. Male purebred 1 year old SNAKE - 6' L^a, healthy. Call or sell, leaving for school. p/s, p/b, recent tune^up. packages. Also handlers 201-828-5110 Call 609-448-4852 after 6 Asking $350. 609-466-3238. You tow it away for $200. MAVERICK - 70, 6 cyl. 3 spd of WAYNE Jim Dandy Sable &White Collie. 609-924-8315. p.m. Excellent mechanical Call (609) 921-2339 for good cond. needs nothing. $525. Female 2 year old Blue cond. body fair. Asking details. Science diet dog food. Merle $500. 609-921-3218. 609-448-3958 Call Kauffman Kennels SHETLAND SHEEP DOG '68 KARMAN GHIA 609-448-3114 Rt. 130, So. of Male 4 year old German JUNK CARS WANTED 1977 TOYOTA - Corolla Shorthaired pointer Show quality male, 6 mo old, Deluxe, 2 dr. silver, convertible. Must sell. Hightstown. excellent temperament. Dependable trans. New purebred. ANY CONDITION radials, 5 spd. am/fm, 8 70 MONTE CARLO-454, 1974 OLDS - Toronado. Female spayed 1 year Housebroken & Show trained. trk stereo, 30 mpg top. 609-924-1455, keep Fully loaded. Excellent 79 CHEVIE VAN - C-20 Fully CaU 609-443-6171. trying. 4 barrel eng., auto, PS, equipped, mint condition, only old Collie-Springer 609-448r6582 around town, 18,000 PB, AM 8 track stereo, condition, uses regular Spaniel. Outside dog. miles, like new. $3850. gas. $950. 201-359-8969. 4000 mi. Must be seen. Asking TERRIERS ONLY - dog good cond., $1000 firm. $6000. Call after 6 pm 201-874- grooming, fine quality, Female tan & white 609-921-3547 after 6 p.m. 609-448-8844, ask for Chihuahua type dog, IRISH SETTER - puppies pet or on weekends. '74 DATSUN - B210, 4 8394. plucking & stripping & show. AKC papers, shots, spd. Man trans. Good Barb. hair. Princeton 609-921- picked up on Soutn '67 MUSTANG - 6 cyl, 3 Harrison St. ready to go. Championship CARS WANTED mileage, $1650. 609-799- 0630 day or evenings. lines. 609-737-9013. 1080. spd., good cond, many Three-2 year & 1 year old COLLECTORS ITEM, new parts. Asking $900. Shepherd type dogs - are AMERICAN AND 1976 DODGE Dart - V8 72 MERCEDES Benz - 260 outside dogs. automatic power 1972 ELDORADO 201-297-9640, Andrea. FOREIGN steering and brakes, air CONVERTIBLE — Mint 60,000 miles, call 215-855-48)1 PONY BOARD - Small Male 2 year old FREE - Male Beagle, approx. '71 FORD Maverick - 4- condition. Fully loaded, Mon to Fri 9 to 4, $5,500 clean. Dalmatibn Top Dollar Paid condition, good mileage, dr, blue, 49,000 miles, 6- private barn. Ring, 4 yrs. old, found wandering, new tires. 72,000 clean low mileage, beige w '72 MAVERICK - 2 dr. b jumps, trails, pastures & Male 6 year old purebred cyl. Excellent. 609-448- Bichon Frise. half starved. Health good condition $1595. 609-466- green top. $8750. Mi cyl., reg. gas auto., p/s, coral. Instruction in checked by vet, needs good N'ebbie Chevrolet 0308. 6518/eves. Howard, 201-763-8400, 9-b. p/b, 52,000 mi. 609-7 1975 AUDI - 4-dr. sedan, local showing. Busing home. Call 609-466-2082. 9049 after 6 p.m. from Montgomery, PDS Call us about our female Rte 130Hightstown, N.J. 100LS. 65,000 mi, 23mf & Stewart school. spayed & altered male 609-118-0910 587-8226 OLDS '75 - 98 Regency 2 PORSCHE - 911E. gas, good cond. $120/mo. 609-466-2028. cats, also declawed cats dr. a/c, am/fm, p/s, p/w, Burgandy 1970. Ex- eves £ wknds. & some kittens. FREE, DALMATIAN TYPE, cruise, tilt, mint. cond. cellent condition. $6000. 1965 CHRYSLER 75 CORVETTE - T-tqp, male, 2 yrs. loving, gentle, Aft. 6, 609-921-6842. 609-466-2006. L82, 4 spd, loaded. Only To claim or adopt a pet Newport - 70,700 miles, 1978 Buick Century Wgn-mid SCOTTISH - Terrier obedient, needs good home. MACKEY'S Towing p/s, p/b, radio, heater, 8400 mi. Asking $9000. puppies, 3 males, 7 wks. please call Mrs. Graves 201-828-4253 or 201-297-0889. 609-888-1650. size, 6 cyl auto, green for an appointment, 609- Service - wants your junk very good cond. $300. 609- Wwoodgrain sides, fully old. 2 blk, 1 brindle. $250 car. Any condition. Call '69 DODGE DART 655-3126. firm. 201-874-5370 after 5 921-6122. Hours 8-4 p.m. DATSUN 280z ' 2+2, 125,000 miles. Needs equipped, incl air cond. 60ft- Sat. 10-12. Report lost 609-443-6259. dark blue w/white in- 448-6986. p.m. BEAUTIFUL BLOND work. Good slant 6 and found pets within 24 terior, late 1977, 30,000 engine. $200. Call 201-359- 75 CHEVY MALIBU hr. period and call the COCKER SPANIEL - AKC miles, new tires (2 snow) Wagon. Mid-size, all female, 4 mos. to good home 2003 after 4 p.m. STANDARD POODLE - police if you find an in- WRECKED / Damaged air conditioning, am/fm,, MERCURY COMET extras, new tires, low jured pet. only. $250. Call eves. 609-737- Foreign cars wanted. reg. gas, like new cond. mileage, wood grained. 1972 PLYMOUTH SUBUR- Very large, AKC, 11 1575. 73 - 6 cyl. air, p/s BAN - Station Wagon, 78,000 wks., blac, male, $250. Call Carl. 201-297-6159 6-9 $7500. 609-448-4700 bet- 1969 MGB - Runs well, am/fm, reliable, dented Cream Puff. $2950. 609- p.m. daily. ween 10-5. Ask for Fran. 466-2868. mi. Best offer over $300. CaH Ch. • Wyciiffe line. Ex- Pirelli tires, wire wheels, back fender, $995. 609- 609-466-3150 or 924-3377 6 to 7 cellent show or pet. 609- stereo tape deck. 609-921- 882-1078. HORSES BOARDED - Box BEAGLE PUPS - available 6176. pm. 882-6487. stall, pasture, riding ring, now, eligible for AKC unlimited trails, Plainsboro. registration, from good JUNK CARS Wanted 73 MAVERICK-6 cyl. A. DATSUN 1200 - 1972, $20 - $100. 201-548-6582. 67,000 miles. Exc. Cond. Mike - 609-799-1413 Bub 201-297- hunting stock. 609-655-1521 blown engine, new tires, DRIVE A CLASSIC - 2 Early POODLES - tiniest S736. after 5:30. $1,000 Call after 5 p.m. MECHANICS Special new carb. 609-443-6762. pockets ever, Toys & 201-297-3851. '74 NOVA SS - 350, auto, '72 Datsun station 60s Mercedes for sale. Models small miniatures. $100- PROBLEMS HAVING YOUR p/s, p/b, Rally wheels, wagon. 510. $400 or best 220 & 220S. Both running and 250. Himalayan highbred small or foreign car reparied? new tires, new Monroe offer. 609-799-9275 eves. inspectable 609-452-2288, 5-7 Call Carl. 201-297-6159 betw. 6 shocks, $2000. 201-874- pm best. kittens, $50. 201-359-8436. DATSUN 1977 - 280Z, 1974 HART HORSE TRAILER AIREDALE PUPPIES-AKC, & 9 p.m. daily. Personalized 1972 BMW - 3.0 CS. White, 3229. auto repair. blue leather interior, 2+2, 5 spd, air, exc. $1500. Cart & harness for male & female. 609-882-4983 or cond., $7100. 609-443-5234 7* CELICA LT — good safe TOY POODLES - AKC, small pony, $100. Western 609-397-1179. stick, all power excel, 77 BUICK - Century Wagon, 33,500 mi., all after 6 p.m. transportation & running Registered. Black or saddle, 15", like new, $110. 201- condition, $8,500 firm. LAST CONVERTIBLE - cond., needs washing £ silber, 8 wks. old. 609-397- MOVING? 609-921 7822. electric. 609-799-2855 or 821-9121. 1967 Chrysler, needs 201-289-8473. waxing desperately. After 5 0313 or 2631. BEING TRANSFERRED? some motor & trans, pm 609-799-4621. RED DACHSHUND-3 year old MUSTSELL YOLK' \R" work. OK body & top. 1968 VW FASTBACK female, $50, 13 week old male, We buy cars outrig!-> Call $400. or best offer by 89,000 miles. Rebuilt eng. $125, papers. After 4 pm, 201 VISTA MOTORS lor details. 1975 MONTE CARLO - Mon. 9/3. Call 609-921- 1976 VW RABBIT - at 57,000. $500. 609-921 BORZOI - Elegant pups, FLASHY BLACK - thorough- 3288 eves. 66 VW BUG — good tran- bred gelding 15 h. Aged, 821-6166. 201-725-5800. 52,000 mis., $2000 '68 0071 before 10 p.m. fm/tape deck. Very well champion lines, lovely Chev., front end work maintained. Only 28,000 sportation. $695. Call 609-799- temperament. Call championship hunter, mi. $3,500 609-799-3105. 3577 or 799-0466. Phyllis, days, 201-469- Dressage . potential, terrific $50. 201-359-2367. 1979 CHEV - 4x4 Scott- 6100, eyes. & wkends, 201- trail horse, outstanding stable POODLES - Std. puppies M & 1*70 BUICK ESTATE 534-9219. manner. Powerful mover. sdale, model 10. Never wagon - p/s, p/b, am/fm F - brown, black and cream; snow plowed, 3500 miles, 72 BMW 2002 - Runs Needs experienced rider. Sire Ch. Stormy Lane To Sir Auto Parts 63 CHEVY - Impala - v. radio, hitch air shocks. 1966 MERCURY — 4 dr sedan, Price negotiable. 609-924-9263 twin gas tanks,350 eng, well, mech. sound. Int. Runs & looks good, great good transp. excel, tires 4 w/Love by Ch. Bel Tor good M.P.G. good cond. auto trans, p/s, p/b, new exc. Minor body work. HORSE Boarding & Bringin' Home the Bacon ex throughout. $200. 609-921- 2nd car. $350. 201-359- Battery, trailer hitch. $300.609- Repairs/Services Wilson cap afl alum, Asking $3000. 609-921- 4192. Training at Mojli G Ch. Bel Tor Awishin' & 7870. 9455. 799-1354. Ranch in Belle Mead. chrome front bumper, Ahopein', Dam by Ch. Tor rear step bumper, all Large airy box stalls, HORSES BOARDED - Family Simon of Story Tale; OFA training ring, many stable, box stalls, excellent gauge dash, all Ziebard hips; Home Raised; Whelped MGB PARTS - 1001 used 1976 PLYMOUTH & undercoat. Many other 71 CHEVELLE 4 dr., miles of open country pasture, ring, beautiful trails, 7/19/79 - 609-924-5479. PINTO 1976 - Good cond.. 1971 VW SUPER BEETLE • 4 TLC, $100/mo. English & parts for your "B" Must Volare Wagon, 8 cyl, extras. $8200 package hard-top, autom.. A/C, spd. new stl radials, extras, . trails. Leather & blanket come & see. Call 609-921- auto, air & power. good mileage, call after repair work done. (201) western lessons. 609-924-8271. selling price $6895. 609- P/S, brown, orig. owner, 4pm 609-896-1354. 70K Mis., $1300. 201-359-494V. 3442. Original owner-mint 448-3022. overall good cond., uses 359-2316. BEAGLE MIX, female, condition. Asking $3350. reg. gas, $500. 201-297- spayed, all shots, 1 year old, 609-799-3568 eves & 6414 aft 5:30 p.m. HIDEAWAY FARM J BAR W RANCH INC. needs good home, free. 609-799- TRANSMISSION Service wkends. CUSTOM VAN - '77 Ford, 76 VOLVO 264 blue / leather offers the very finest for 4442 after 6 pm. - foreign & domestic, all 30,000 mi., all extras, 18 int. fully equipped, HORSE work fully guaranteed. mpg, must sell. 609-448- Michelins, sunroof, cruise, 4 boarding or training your 1974 FIREBIRD - 6 cyl. F1AMC 77 PLYMOUTH Volare spd. + OD, SW car uses any horse. Super sized indoor TRANSPORTATION Call Walter. 201-359-2103, wagon - a/c, rear 3594. and outdoor rings, am/fm, asking $2100. 201- defroster, $4300. Eves. gas. Must sell. Excellent FIREWOOD LABRADOR PUP - black/- 238-4420 from 4-7 p.m. condition. Best offer. 609-488- heated lounge. Stalls white markings. 12 wk. old 609-443-1919. 2427. /leaned daily. 24 hour 609-466-2229 female, playful and healthy. JAGUAR & MG Repairs - supervision, top quality 609-924-9459. reasonable prices, MUSTANG 1969 - good running /care. Lindberg Road, quality workmanship. CADILLAC - 1969 Conv. cond. Dealer maintained, ' Hopeweli. 609-466-3426. Spirit Uflbacfc '68 PLY. FURY HI - 2-dr, 73 MERCEDES BENZ 280C - Call Joe; 609-585-0134. Beige, good condition. v/top, 1 owner, v/g $1000 or best offer. 609-448-4304 fully equipped. AC, sunroof, Runs well. Reasonable. eves. & wknds. HANDSOME - TB/ QH geld. PU — AMC Colonial cond., $395. After 6 p.m. low mileage. Call anytime 609- ADORABLE KITTENS - tree 609-466-2006. 609-259-7940. 586-4551. 15.3 H, 8 yrs, extremely well to good homes. Have had1 NEW SEARS 48 12 volt bat- Motors Logo 22nd an- RiverviewStables mannered. Childrens hunter shots. 609-737-9454. 7 niversary clearance Belle Mead. N.J. or equitation mount. Easy to tery . 201-725-3023. ride. 100% sound no vices. 609- 1966 CONVERTIBLE of the all new Spirit, 1974 PONTIAC - Wagon. 79 CHRYSLER - Fifth Avenue 75 AUDI FOX — a/c, am/fm, Boarding Instruction 585-1451 after 2. Oldsmobile Delta 88 Concord, and Pacer — 64,000 mi., good con- Edition. Loaded. You name it, 27 Jiwy/22 city, $2900 or best Indoor Facilities Perfect cond., ps/pb, Greater Savings, Bigger dition. Must sell. 609-466- this has it. Selling due to offer. 609-924-2389. Lost ft Found CAR REMOVAL & REPAIR auto trans., real classic. sickness. 8300 miles, $8700.201- SERVICE - Call 609-883-3233, 8- Selection — No salesman 1078. 201-874-3484 or Call after 6:30 p.m. 609- commission. 329-6748 CaU between 4-7:30 201-359-5090 SMALL STABLE - In South 6. Mon-Sat. 924-4978. pm. Brunswick, has box stables 67 WHITE FAIRLANE avail, best of care. Manure LOST—SMALL MIXED-breed COLONIAL MOTORS 74 FORD GALAXIE dog, black with patch of white U.S. Rt. 22 West STATIONWAGON - good cond. for sale. 201-329-6259. small V8 eng., exc. cond. except for minor transmission HORSE Boarding on chest. Answers to Ruffie, North Branch 44,000 mi. Good mpg, HEADERS — for Ford 360, 4" FORD GALAXIE - '73, VW RABBIT - 75,4 dr. deluxe, problem. $250 or best off«r. Harbourton - Mare & foal last seen Aug. 14 vicinity of $800. Excellent condition, 201-722-2700 $1900. 609-466-1386. am radio, exc. mpg, best offer care - 24 hour supervision Beekman Rd., Monmouth tube roll bar. $35 each. 609-466- Valerie, 609-924-9522. ENGLISH SADDLE - Borelli .1299 after 5. Air conditioning, stereo, over $2000. 201-359-3539. - box stalls - indoor Mercury 17'a supple leather, Junction. 201-297-2344. etc. White with black exercise track - outdoor very good condition. $250. 609- vinyl top. Call between 2 1972 2 DOOR - Super ring - race track lay ups 396-4647. & 4 p.m., 609-921-3644. NO MONEY??? Beetle Volkswagen, new 1974 OLDS CUTLASS - full daily turnouts NEED A CAR??? engine, Micheun tires. pr, a/c, radials, gd. cond., rehabilitations. 609-737- REWARD OFFERED - for LEASE YOUR NEXT CAR! 1976 VOLVO 264GL - all luxury Many makes and models $1300. 609-921-2509. sedan w/economy. 28,000 $1950. 609-921-2994. 2099 or 737-2074. return of 3 mo. old tan & white Call 609-799-4574 after 6 pm for available. Also trucks DOBERMAN PUPS — AKC, kitten. Vic. of E. Windsor Elks information. '75 TRIUMPH - TR7. pampered miles. Fully club. 7/28 609-443-4288. Belongs 55,000 mi, 4 spd, 25 mpg and vans. We need equipped, power, sunroof, top quality. Champion Customers who can CAMARO 1979 - auto, 6- stereo. Very reluctant sale, background. Docked / cropped to heart broken 6 yr. old girl. $2000 or best offer. Must '68 PONTIAC Firebird - Vt, PIONEER PET Care sell. 201-821-8903. qualify to just make cyl, 23mpg, p/b, P/s, air, moving to Manhattan. $8000 / shots. 201-762-1883. payments on our in- 350 CID. auto tran, p/», Finest facility in the APLIANCE chrome wagon am/fm stereo, sport firm. Serious inquiries only, state boarding & ventory. Call dealer at wheels/mirrors, tint 609-799-4910. metallic It. blue," very good to grooming all breeds. 201- wheels for 6-lug Chevy truck, 201-725-5804 for in- glass, new snows, maint. excel, cond. in and out. A SHIH TZU PUPS — AKC, 9 LOST - Tues. Aug. 21- size 8x15. After 6 pm, 609-466- formation. log, 21K Mi-mint, yellow classic, $1500. 201-359-8461. 369-3955. 3714. 1973 OLDS CUTLASS Weeks, healthy, shots, miniature female boxer a/c, p/s, auto., am/fm, ext, blk int. Replaced by irresistible fluff balls. 201-545- named "Teeker." About new tires, good cond.. co. car. $5600 (?). 609-799- 79 FAIRMONT Squire Wagon- 6148. 12" high. Light brow with 8645 aft. 7 pm. Burnt orange firemist HORSE TRAILER, 1968, $1500 or best offer. Call '72 FIREBIRD - Esprit 1978 VW Scirocco - Speda) Hartman Quarter, good cond. white markings. Very after 7pm 609 448 6684. w/woodgrain. Air, auto, small black spot between TIRES — 4 8.75x16.5 on Chevy silver w/black vinyl roof, am/fm stereo, PS/PB. chrome black ft white edition. Fuel Asking $1,000. 201-329-6933. rims, brand new $75 each. 609- black int. w/bucket seats injected, 4«pd, oraiae contr«, PURE BRED ARABIAN eyes. Tail not cropped. luggage rack. Spotless. 7000 Not wearing collar or ID. 655-0270. & console, auto, 60,000 VOLVO - Station Wagon mi. See at Crestfield Acres racing bucket seals, am/fm •» gelding chestnut, flashy, 10 mi. good cond. Asking 1972. Std. trans, air cond. track w/4-speaker stereo, CB, yrs. old, 15.2 h, professionally Age 14; Under doctor's Trailer Park, Rt. 130, East FREE - part Lab/Springer care. 609-924-7515. FIAT 1978 - 2 door, ex- $1,600. 609-466-3072. Keep Good condition. $1700. Windsor. front spoiler, rear taivap, spaniel 2 year old pup. trained, shown successfully, cellent gas, just tuned, 2 trying. After 5 p.m. Call 609-799- cloth interior, 26mM dty/ll Healthy. 609-924-8315. many championships. Serious new tires, asking $2600. 8663. hwy. $8995. Caff BuSUm inquiries onJy,609-393-€958. Autos For Sale Must sell, returning to Mon-Fri. 9-5. LOST - small Male school. 609-443-6691. '77 FORD LTD - Very Dachshund. "Fritzi" clean, attractive 4-door; 1969 BMW 2002 — white, 4-cyl, Millstone Twp. area air. power pre-emission, 25mpg STD POODLE puppies -AKC, Family pet, reward. 201- 1977 PINTO - 2-dr, excel, TRIUMPH '62 - TR 3 minimum, sunroof, am/fm BMW 2002- brakes / steering / seat. parts. Body is In Princeton call males and females. Out- cond, 4-cyl, 4-spd, a/c, 1970 BARRACUDA - 383 Michelins. AM/FM Classic Mint condition. stereo, needs some body work. 609.924-3250 standing pedigree. Gorgeous sunroof, trim pkg, 35,000 mi. engine. Tan, Black vinyl Restored bottom up. Low Good investment for BMW trans, drive train. roof. Excellent running stereo search, tilt wheel, mileage. Red w/black New Koni sh To Mac* a heads. Also some young adults ZEKE IS LOST-Syr. old Best offer over $2990. 201-297- cruise control, 72,000 mi. bugs. Days 609421-4259, eves. radials. $450.00 available. CaU 609-397-1486, let 6549 after 7pm. condition. Two new snow interior. $5500. 201-267- 924-1456. ClatsffiMlAd orange male tiger. tires. 86,000 miles. Asking $2750. 609-883- 3700 9-5. ring/ 9736. •**.< Please call 609-443-5839. 737-2042. V«B Classified .Advertising 10-B Week of August 29-31, 197* Autos For Sale: Autos For Sale Autos For Sale Autos For Sale Motorcycles Trucks Recreational Instruction Instruction Vehicles JAGUAR 1978 — new 12L 1974 ALFA ROMEO — coupe 5 75 FUEL INJECTION - VW SPANISH Lessons - by •75 PINTO SQUIRE WAGON - bus. Standard trans, gas 1974 YAMAHA YZ250 - mono- DUMP TRUCK - 1963 college teacher. Native GUITAR LESSONS iuperior condition -gas saver, leftover. $5630 below label spd, purchased '75. Rust Songwriting/Vocal coaching price of comparable 1979. V12 proofed, must sell this week. saver, very good condition, stock, excel, cond, never G.M.C. heavy duty. speaking. All levels for asking $2400. After 5pm, 609- must sell going to school. Call raced. After 6 pm, 609-466-3714. Looks like hell but runs COLEMAN TENT business & travelers. For by professional artist. Boo engine, PS, PB, auto., air, 32 609-7994218. •- .,-• • Korman, 609-921-3669. 586-1149. miles, $18,500 excl. tax & M.V. 609-466-2532. real well. Asking $1250. Camper - 1975 Valley foreigners - English as T & T Motors. Inc., Auth. Dlr. 609-924-0746 or 448-8496. Forge model. Steeps 6, second language. Call 210 Woodbridge Ave., used only 12 weeks. after 4pm, 201-297-3471. 1973 FIAT - only 35,000 miles, Highland Pk., N.J. 201-572- 1972 FORD GRAND TORINO CLASSIC 1956 THUN- 1973 HONDA 450 - chrome Camper has always been PIANO—ORGAN INSTR. - In food cond. needs some work, 2577. Brougham, loaded, low DERBIRD - exc. cond. Serious engine, Hog wheel, king & garaged & is in excellent your home. Roger P. Turney, 9750 as is. 609-921-2645 before mileage, $1200.Call 609-799 offers only. 201-874-5790. queen seat, exc. cond., $1500. condition. Asking $1500. SAILING Instruction FA.GO., L.T.C.L. 609-921- 9am or after 6pm. 0638 after 5pm. 609-758-7846. 1976 Half Ton Ford Call 609-448-8265. Experienced University 8309. 1973 MAZDA RX2 - parts pickup. Short bed. Small instructor teaches novice available. Sam. 609-921-7312. V8 with automatic. 16 to and advance sailors ages 18 MPG. $3200. After 5-95. Lessons given 1973 VW SQUAREBACK 76 RED PACER ^a/c, good 74 TOYOTA COROLLA - S/5, MOTORCYCLE TRAILER - 5pm. 609-466-0767. COLLEGE PREP MUSIC auto, very good condition, Holsclaw, 1978, rated at 750 Boats locally. Bay, ocean and INSTRUCTION - Call eves. condition, ready to go, 36,500 5 spd., stereo tape deck, 30 Caribbean lessons 12150. 609-448-7795. 1974 CHEV. Suburban - 46,000 mi, 609-737-2450. mpg, $2000 firm. 609-448-1197. pounds, 3 rails, less than 50 609-921-0518. mi., p/s, p/b, 9-pass, full miles, $250. 609-924-2710. arranged on any type carpeting, trailer package. DUMP - Stake body, 14 boat. Handicapped 609-448-7310. feet, 1973 Ford F-500, KOLIBRI - 12 Ft Sloop & welcome. Certified 1970 COUGAR - XR7 - 351 cub. never worked, less than trailer, German Import, ex. 1980 AUTOS, trucks and vans • 1979 CHEV. CAPRICE - 9 pass. 1974 YAMAHA — 500cc street Maisa 0877. Call 609-921- PIANO LESSONS inch Cleveland. Runs ex- Station wagon, fully equipped 12,000 easy miles. Asking cond. $995. Call 609-452-8951. 8632. experienced, reasonable, Save up to $750. Franklin Auto cellently, 8 trk. CB & new bike. Excel, cond, aluminum $6900. 609-924-0746. and Truck Broker. Call (201) with nearly all options. Like wheels, low mileage. 45mpg. good w/children. Call '76 CHEVY LAGUNA - 8 cyl. brakes. Asking $850. 201-359- new, 11,500 mi. $7400. 609-737- Karen Holl at 609-921- 246-7452. auto, a/c, p/s, am/fm stereo, 7792. 609-448-7310. 3774 after 5 pm. 1978 DODGE VAN TRAILERS — & accessories 9613. bucket seats, exc. cond. Must for small sailboats, canoes, MATH TUTORING - by &'•• : . sell. 609-799-3724. customized int. auto, a/c, Ph.D. High School & 1973 PLYMOUTH Duster - 318 low mile, $6000. 609-799- yachts & power boats to 30*. ART LESSONS - private, f "73 CAPRI - New shocks, 74 GRAN PRIX - Needs some l^'KAWASAKI KD100 - dirt Golf cart models, motorcycle, College. Preparation for z brakes, tires, exhaust,- eng, p/s, p/b, 3;spd. 105,000 mi. 3797. SAT Exams also Painting - acrylic, water 1977 CHEVELLE MALIBU work, $2200. Call anytime, 609- bike excellent shape, many tractor, snowmobile & utility color, other. Drawing AM/FM 8 track, gd. cond., 30 737-9023. good cond.. $1000 or near offer. models. Also, fuel saying available. 609-448-3690. • MPG. $1300. 609-921-6164, CLASSIC - 305 V8 engine, 609-924-2852. new parts, $395. 609-799-3328. tech. 609-448-4988 after 8 power stering, power brakes, models, kits & parts, special 7 p.m. air conditioning, saddle 1974 CHEVY PICKUP - multi-purpose types designed brown, white wall radial tires. 1977 YAMAHA 650-5,000 & built. Delivery. 609-921-8632. 70 MERCEDES - 250 cp, needs '•2 ton-Hurst, 3 spd. good STEINWAY - Console for 1971 PINTO - Auto, 4 cyl., $500. 19,000 miles, $4500. Excellent X-l/9 FIAT—Why pay $7400 for miles, $1325. After 5 cond. $1900. 609-695^778. DRAKE BUSINESS rent. 40 inches high. 201-359-2686. condition. 609-466-2327. a new one When you can have work. $3,000, write to Thomas p.m., 609-799-3254. COLLEGE Kidd, 146 Witherspoon St., 14' BLUE JAY sailboat - Excellent instrument. my 1976 with only 13,000 miles Whitney fiberglass, Call Dielhenn Music for $3400. Never driven win- Princeton, N.J. 08540. 17 Livingston Ave. FORD VAN - 71. aluminum, mast & boom, peak School. 609-924-0238. 1965 CORVETTE - exc. cond. ters - as new. In Princeton. trim, racing sails, vib., main New Brunswick, N.J. 1978 CHEV. MONTE CARLO - 609-924-1240. FUEL Efficient Mopeds, Worktruck or camper. Complete Secretarial $7,000. Call Tom, 609-448-0667 Landau, fully equipped with and spinker, seats and rigging. GUITAR - Lessons all Motorcycles & Scooters - Carpeted, paneled, in- Stallion trailer with fights. and Accounting Courses Serious inquiries only. nearly all options. Executive CLASSIC 1969 AUSTIN in stock. Financing sulated, closet; optional levels, all styles, taught auto, like new 10,700 mi. $5650. HEALEY 3000 Mk II engine Ready to sail; nothing needed. Day and Night Courses available. Harr Bros icebox, sink. Best offer. Telephone: 201-249-0347 by Berklee College of 609-737-3774 after 5 pm. trans, good,'needs body work, 609-921-8279 or 201-246- $600. Call 609-888-3495 after Music graduate. Call Ed 1966 PONTIAC TEMPEST - 6 spare transmission, $650. or Yamaha, 1605 North 4pm. cyl., 20 mpg, fully equipped. Olden Ave, Trenton, NJ 8110 (Mr. Mark) Cedar 609-443-5163. PORSCHE - 1969 911T Targa, best offer. Call after 5 pm, 609- $400. 609-443-5916. 587-2403. 609-393-7550. no rush, rebuilt engine, 5 spd. 4 WHEEL DRIVE - Jeep. exc. cond. extras. $7000. 609- 1973 CHEVY Impala - Auto, Heavy duty jeep pick-up 16 FOOT LUGER — Sailboat, PIANO LESSONS 896-2549 or 8964)891. p/s, p/b, a/c, 4 new tires. $700. running lights, compass, PIAN^O Instruction Moscow Conservatory MGB 1977 - Overdrive, wire truck w. snow plow. Very Recording artist will 80,000 miles. 609-921-9495. good condition. Asking motor mount & other extras. former professor is CLASSIC - 72 VW Karma nn wheels, AM/FM Stereo, tape, '68 BSA 650, GOOD cond., Luger trailer. Unused past teach Rock 'n Roll to accepting limited I Ghia conv., needs work. Call Tonneau cover, excellent $500. 201-828-7808, 7 am- $3600. May be seen at intermediary students & number of students, I'rinceton Industrial three years. Exc. cond., $1250. 74 TOYOTA CELICA — 4- after 7 p.m. 201-874-5883. condition. Asking $4200, call 3pm. Randy. 201-479-4761. will also teach Theory & intermediate & advanced 75 MG MIDGET - Convertible, evenings. 609-448-6176. I'roperties, Rt. #1, bet. Scales to beginners. 609- levels only. 609-466-2587 spd., 77,000 mi., good cond. 35,000. Rebuilt engine, new Alexander & Washington 443-4117. $2200. 609-448-8059 after 6 pm. clutch, brakes, tires. Ex- Rds. 609-924-0746. 1974 PLYMOUTH DUSTER - 1976 FIAT X19 - Yellow, ex- TRAILER - Parts and cellent condition. $2,595. 609- 72 KAWASAKI Sll — no PIANO STUDIO - West 466-3089 after 4 pm. good condition & good gas cellent condition, cassette, 30 kits to build your own. lights, set up for trail. PIANO, FLUTE Lessons Windsor Beginners to mileage, $1400. 609-466-1949 MPG. Day 609-448-9687, 22nd Anniversary Almost any type and advanced, all ages VW THING 1973 - Great in the after 2 pm. evening 609-655-1634. $300. 201-329-2269. CU'iiranci' size. 609-921-8632. - Experienced, certified snow, Great in the sun, Great teacher. AH ages, all on gas, and lots of fun. Ex- '68 FALCON - 140000 miles, levels. Hillsborough. 201- cellent condition, 12,000 miles, well maintained. Good body, GMC TRUCKS 874-4709. hard + soft top, Blaupunkt brakes and radials. Needs 1967 PONTIAC - a/c, radio, 1971 MARK II Toyota - 1971 YAMAHA .- 175cc, MASTER MUSICIAN - am/fm, $2700. 609-466-3151. good tires & engine. Needs BOATS - Sunfish, Sun- clutch and battery. Engine has recently inspected, good cond, street & trail Knobbys & bird, sidewinders, family Will except limited some life. Good for town or body work. Best offer. 609-443- $950. 609-924-1769. street tires. (food cond. number of students, 6924 after 5 pm. boats, small trailabJe SCHOLA parts. $125. 609424-7231. low mileage, firm price yachts. AMF/ALCORT, PRINCETON PRIVATE beginner, intermediate & $300. Call 201-297-3253 MFG. Princeton Sailing INSTRUCTION adv. Piano/Voice, 609- TOYOTA COROLLA "77 - after 5pm. 448-8941 stereo, 5 spd. - 35mpg, asking 2 CARS BY OWNER - 1972 BUICK LE SABRE — 1969, School & Marine, 609-921- SERVICES $3500. 609-799-9018 or 394-9635. Buick Sportwagon & '68 Ford exc cond., new transmission, 1974 VW 412 STATIONWAGON 8632. Delivery. -remedial help, support. Galaxie, exc. transportation, •tires. A/C, some body wear, - 25 mpg, new brakes, new fuel enrichment some rust, call after 5pm, 609- reliable transportation, $500. injection, good cond. $2300. 1975 HONDA MT125 - -all school subjects as ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 921-3816. «09-924-4527. 609-392-4610 or 888-3675. trail & street legal, low BUY NOW well as writing, study - private tutoring for PORSCHE '69 - 912, A-l cond. miles, exc. cond. $400 or DURING SPECIAL 14' LASER - sailboat. skills, editing college-level courses. iMw paint & engine, 30mpg, best. 609-896-2524 Light blue hull. Ljttle -English as a Second 201-369-5765 eves. 1976 LINCOLN Mark IV - FACTORY Language lam/fm SW & cassette. Best 72 COUGAR XR7 - 351 V8, ALLOWANCE used. With aluminum joffer, 609-466-2427. CHEVY BLAZER 1979 4-wheel Moon roof, special series, gold trailer. 609-799-3105. -Young people & adults drive automatic air and high miles, good cond. inspect. PROGRAM Aug. good price, $975. 609-924- on gold, new paint, loaded, low Call 609-924-2457 or 921- THE GREEN OAKS Cheyenue pkg. Many extras. mileage. $6795. 201-297-7884. 71 HONDA 35OCL - exc. 7731. at Princeton Call 609-587-4768. 9640 9-5 pm. cond., 2 new helmets Save many hundreds — 1973 VOLKSWAGEN - Savings never offered Station Wagon, deluxe 412. included. Asking $600. 28' FIBERFORM - new French • Spanish • 609-799-1322 days. 609-655- before! — Pick-ups, A/C, automatic, AM/FM 71 CUTLASS SUPREME vans, 4 WD's. 78, F.B. cruiser. T/225 Portuguese • German • radio, exc. cond., 48,000 miles. 72 PORSCHE #914, new paint, 78 PONTIAC SUNBIRD - g6od body, perfect 5066 eves. Chryslers for cruising or Japanese • Italian • Hatchback. 14,000 mi., auto, 4 Any gas. Eves: 201-572-2883. excel, cond. 79,000 miles. Best engine, 455 Rocket. Ends Sept. 4 fisning. Loaded. Latin • English Oral & offer. Call 201-821-7900 days. cyl., a/c, am/fm radio. Asking Quick, dependable ana Sacrifice. $26,995. 609- Written Coin- $4500. 201-369-3926. good looking. 15 m.p.g. COLONIAL MOTORS 859-3131 or 267-8901. munications. Native Need $ for school, must TECUMSEH - 172 CC teachers & translators. '67 CHEVY Nova - 2-dr, low mini bike 1974 Great "Truck Center" mileage, as is, best offer. 609- sell. $825. 609-921-3262. Small classes & private AUSTIN HEALEY 3000, 1967 - condition 200. 609-466- U.S. Rt. 22 West 16' CORONET instruction for children 452-1900, ext. 15 days. Original, unrestored, excellent 73 CHEVY CAPRICE - fully 0367. North Branch loaded 4 dr. hardtop. Reg. gas. RUNABOUT - 75 hp and adults • Tutoring • mechanical condition. Best 201-722-2700 Evinrude and tilt trailer. 'Related Arts Course* offer over $3500, 609-399-8495 $750. Call 201-297-5637. JEEP 78 CJ-5, 4 sp. Good condition. $675. 609- A UNIQUE Approach to after 10 pm. Keep trying. excel, cond., fully 71 HONDA SL 70 - ex- 883-4535. language learning. 25 •77 GREY MAVERICK - 4- loaded, originally $8,000. languages. Native Call 924-45389-4:3* cellent condition looks Mon& Wed. to 8:00 P.M. dr, AC, good cond.. 66.000 mi. Asking $6,000. 215-862- like new & runs good. Machinery & teachers and translators. $2800. 609-452-2111, days, 9-5, '77 BUICK SKYLARK S/ R - 9579 after 6 p.m. Instruction for children P.O. Box 1137 1957 T-BIRD - Classic 2 seat $225 Call after 6 pm. 609- 12-14' BOAT - trailer, Princeton ext. 361. mint, w/ w, snows, blue in- convertible with hard & soft 443-1273 Equipment and adults. All levels. XI ext, 30,000 mi, asking $4000. exc. cond. $135. 201-685- Brush-up, conversational tops. This car is in excellent 0751. 609-737-3777. condition throughout with and literary classes. CHEVY "69 - Wagon, «xc. expensive restoration. White '69 CUTLASS - p/s,, p/b, THE 1973 GMC 10 ton wrecker — Intensive courses for Entertainment cond., snow tires, new battery. w/red interior, p/s, 4 way and a/c. Excellent 1980 'travelers and business Factory air conditioned. Good people. Tutoring. Call $500. Call 609-924-6612. 1977 MONTE CARLO - Lan- power seats, p/c, radio, auto, running condition. $550. HONDAS bond. 201-247-7491. dau, Red exterior, white in- with 312 engine. This flawless Call 609-921-8116. are in! Mobile Homes 609-921-3063 or 924-9335. terior, fully equip. A/C. p/s, Classic is mechanically ex- DISCO Extravaganza cellent & perfect in all details. p/b, p/w. power door locks, 1 VAN NORMAN 303 Sr. brake Weddings. Birthday dual front seats passenger side An appreciating investment RANCH MOBILE OFFICE TRAILER, GUITAR LESSONS - jazz & Parties. Any Occasion. '76 ELDORADO CON- against rising inflation. Must drum lathe. 1 60 ton Lempco reclines, cruise control. Call Motorcycles Mon-Fri. 10-8. Sat 9-3 10ft. X 40 ft., 2 rms., carpeted, rock, a few places available Competitive Prices. VERTIBLE — 50,000 miles. 609-896-2700 9-5, after 6 pm 609- sell. Sacrifice. $11,900. 609-771- press, hydraulic. 1 777-S bath, A/C, heat, exc. cond. for enthusiastic students. Excellent D.J. Ralph $7800. 609-737-2824 after 6pm. 924-7685. 9487. Ki «33 Hamilton:square boring bar. Call after 6 p.m., $5,000. 201-329-6933. Robert Davidson, 609-924-6279. Matarese, 609-448-7790. MOPEDS — BUY DIRECT 609-587-6354 201-545-3915. FROM THE #1 GIANT - 1972 DATSUN 240Z - tinted FOR SALE -1976 Dddge Dart, PRICED LOW AT $269 MINI BIKE - 3 hp. B & S "DISCOVER FLYING glass, a/c, 4-spd, special Rally clean, good gas mileage. $1650. 79 BUICK REGAL - V8, 13,000 JONJIETHE (FINANCING ARRANGED). engine. Throttle cable AMF TRACTOR - 8 hp, Instruction LESSON " - $10. Raritan MAGIC CLOWN wheels, am/fm radio, excel. call 609-466-0308. mi. Blue, 2 tone, warranty. LICCARDI, RT. 22, needed. Call after 6pm, $375. Good condition. 201- Valley Flying School, Kupper cond. $3500. Days 201-874-2326, $6500. 9-4pm 201-234-5232. GREENBROOK, N.J. 201-752- 359-8264. airport, Manville. Ap- eves. 609*799-1354. 609-799-1532 Magic comedy & balloon 1972 OLDSMOBile 98. 4-door. 7373. TUTORING pointment: 201-722-5111. animals. Available for Loaded. Tape deck. Uses READING ENGLISH Sill. . school shows, birthday regular gas. Exc. con. $1400 1967 DODGE VAN - Stick six, YAMAHA 350 - completely 78 HONDA-CB 750F, STUDY SKILLS parties, grand openings CHEVY IMPALA '61 - 4 dr 73 motor, new clutch, new '66 TD20 B - dozer, auto. 80,000 miles, $200. 350 w/snow tires. 609-882-6621 or rebuilt, & improved, better 4800 miles. Black $18,900. 78 Intl. 175C WRITTEN AND ORAL OIL PAINTING LESSONS - and fund raisings. For 771-1400. water pump, new carb., FM than new. 2 step seat, hi-rise showroom condition. Still loader, 4 in l bucket. COMMUNICATION further information call Buick engine, auto, trans. Best Stereo, carpeting, paneling, Adults & Children Call Eli evenings, 7-10 pm, 609- offer. 609-448-6978 eves. bars, custom paint, very fast, under warranty. $2100. After 5 p.m. 201-755-4431. 924-8483. 201-254-6374. chrome wheels, excel, cond. $800 firm includes many Call Tom. 609-587-0459. THE LEARNING VEGA 73 - new tires & brakes, Very dependable. Asking $950. spares & helmet. 201-722-1034 EXCHANGE good cond. Std. Best offer. 609- 201-526-2848 9am-6pm. bet. 4:30-7pm. 157 S. Main St. SAXOPHONE - ALL 924-6500 ext. 229, before 5 pm, 74 KAWASAKI - 175 LEVELS - Exp. instructor and DISC JOCKEY FOR HIRE CONVERTIBLE — 1968 Olds Enduro, 48 mi., $500, Hightstown 609-771-6998 after 6 pm. Recreational 609-443-4113 soloist BA-MA former student Weddings, Parties, Dances, Cutlass, needs engine work. showroom cond. 201-369- Live Band Sound. For low asking $200. 609-896-1222. 1976 CADILLAC COUPE HONDA — 350 SL, good cond. of V.J. Abato. Frank Miller DEVILLE - white with black $600. 201-297-6890 aft. 5. 4663 aft. 6 p.m. Vehicles (609) 585-8110. cost, any type music - Disco, 76 CHEVY CHEVETTE— vinyl fop, fully equip, am/fm PIANO - European 50's, Pop, Elvis, etc. Barry auto., 2-dr hatchback, 50,000 stereo radio, please call 609- Conservatory Teacher is Davison, 609-587-1355. 1975 HONDA MT. EL Sonar 1978 CHRYSLER NEWPORT - mi. Good cond, $2000. 609-799- 896-2700 9-5, after 6 pm 609-924- 1965 WHEEL CAMPER - now accepting serious GUITAR AND BASS 1122. 7685. 125. New motor, dirt bike 1972 HONDA 350 - 4 cyl. ""Chuckwagon", hardtop, LESSONS - teacher with low mileage, fully loaded, $450.201-521-1431. Ask for students in the Princeton mint condition. Cheap. 609-448- parts for street use. 1976 sleeps 8, new canvas - needs area. 609-921-0778 or 924- music college experience, | MAGIC SHOWS - For HONDA 125 CR El Sonar. 201- Doug. assembling. 609-586-6667. 1760. , reasonable rates. 609-924-2755. children's birthday parties. OS1 after 5:30. 359-5434 after 5 pm. HONDA CIVIC 1977 — red, w. PLYMOUTH VALIANT - 2 Balloon animals included. Have performed in Princeton blk. int., 4 spd., radials, fine door sedan, 1972 44,000 mi., GUITAR LESSONS - Jazz, 1976 ALFA ROMEO condition. $2975. or best offer. auto trans, a/c, radio, always MINI-BIKE - 3.5 H.P., B & S & surrounding areas. Call M9- Trucks 1971 SMOKEY travel trailer - PIANO TEACHER pop & folk. Beginners fun- 924-4109. ALFETTA - 18,000 miles, a/c, 609-448-4794. garaged, one owner. Snow engine, Sears blue and silver 17', excellent condition. $2250 damentals to advanced frame, new throttle, $95. 201- Conservatory Graduate. am/fm cassette, 5 spd. 23mpg, Ores on wheels. $1500. 609-924- or best offer. 609-448-6611. 201-297-2322. diatonic and poly modal im- J6000. 201-545-7243. 7515. 722-5573. provisation. 609-924-2946 MUSIC ON THE MOVE - disc OFF TO COLLEGE - '71 jockey service for any oc- Challenger 318, p/ s, FORD F100 - good cond., reg. gas, asking $1800. 609-799-4459 1976 APACHE - solid state pop- FRENCH Lessons GUITAR INSTRUCTION — casion, disco, rock 50's or Bif automatic, needs paint, $700. 1969 FORD VAN - 6 cyl., auto, HONDA 1973 CB350 - 4-cyl, 4- Beginner, Intermediate, Bands, complete sound 1973 TRIUMPH TR6 — New 201-297-2142. after 6 p.m. up, no canvas, easy tow, sleeps Experienced teacher will give custom mags, 75,000 mi., stroke, 13,000 miles, excel, 8. 2 tables, stove, ice box, Advanced. Conversation system. 201-821-9864. exhaust, dutch, brakes, top, $1200. or best offer. 609-799- lessons in your home. cond. $800. 201-359-4368. heater, 2 LP gas bottles, many & or Grammar. 609-448- Openings for Sept. Beginning 50K mis. 201-359-4940 eves. " 1673 after 6 pm. 2908. CLASSIC CONVERTIBLE - extras. Used 2 seasons, excel, thru Intermediate students, CLOSE-UP MAGIC - Per- 1964 Cbevelle Malibu SS. This 2 DODGE VANS - 76 B100, 6- cond. $1800 or best offer. 609- fciightstown' East Windsor formed for dinner' parties, is the first model convertible cyl std, 19mpg, perfect, 737-2911 eves or weekends. area. 609-443-3542. 74 GREMLIN - $1295. orange, etc, Have performed in 1971 VEGA WAGON — new built by Chevrolet, it has a 283 MOPED 1976 - Motobecane, $3450/offer. 73 Maxi, 50,000 6 cyl., air, just inspected, 26 Princeton k surrounding motor, no aluminum, radials & V8 engine, auto trans, p/s, p/b, 2000 miles. Good cond., $300. miles, runs good, $1375/offer. mpg. 72 MAVARICK, $750. areas. For further information radial snows, new shocks, electric top, spoke wheels. Call Pete, 201-8744912 after 5. 609-655-0002. Free kitten with PIANO — Experienced 609495-5547. 23 FT. MH - 29,000 miles, good KUNDALINI call 609424-4109. AM/FM. 1 owner. 201-359-3539. This car is in immaculate each purchase. teacher, good with children. cond. Cen air/110/auto, $8000. YOGA Woods Road School area. 201- cond. and only has 56,000 orig. 609-397-1861. miles. Best oner. For further 359-6778. EVENING CLASSES MAGICIAN AVAILABLE - for 1918 OLDS CUTLASS - 4 dr., details ask for Jerry at 609-587- 1973 BUICK REGAL - full pwr, 1977 YAMAHA XT500-exc. 1967 F250 FORD PICKUP - For information call a/c, p»/pb, low »tfJ«8evg«J 2368. Serious inquiries only. am/fm stereo, small V8, gd. all occasions, private parttsx cond. $1100 or best offer. Call new cap, new steering system 3HO FOUNDATION & birthday parties a specialty economy car, asking $4895. cond., must sell, best offer. $750. 609-799-3749, 3-7 pm. FOR SALE - small travel PIANO - Theory lessons with GriTafter 5:30, ,609-799-3132. 609 800-8469. after 5pm, 609-466-1154. camping trailer. Nearly new, 6tM9»-8238 expeiieuued pianist - teacher. 609-921-0180. HELP—I'm looking for a new lightweight, save on gas. 201- B. Mus.. Mi. - Juflliard in- home. I'm a. "78 Concord DL, 873-2927. termediate and advanced 2 tone brown, with many ex- In Princeton coll STORAGE TRAILERS - 35', students preferred. Recom- 1973 PONTIAC LEMANS - i 1969 CHOPPER BSA 650 cc - $900. Can be seen at the corner RECYCLE mended in the Juilliard gfry.V»t a/c, rafr gaa, exc. tras. I get good gas mileage •09-924-3250 twist springer front end, lots 1975 MOTOR HOME - 20\ all and Fm in showroom con- of Old Trenton Rd. ft South THIS Private Teacher Directory. cono., exc buy. $17QQ. 909-587- To Place a more chrome. $1100. 609-448- Main St., Cranbury N.J. 609- extras, 2-30 ga. gas tanks, 350 609421-0991. dition. Call and come and have Classifi«! Ad 2751. cu.""in Chevy motor, 16,000 mi. NEWSPAPER a look. 201-399-6017. 395-0350. 201-359-5310. Week of August 29-31. 1979 11-B Entertainment Furniture Restoration Vfe're Here For \bu.TM IT'S MAGIC FURNITURE Refin- From spectacular stage ishing & Repair - shows to intimate close custom built to up magic. Children's specifications. THE birthday parties, YARDLEY CABINET banquets, any event. MAKER, 215-493-2654. Each show personally planned to your needs by a professional magician. Reasonable rates. Call Business after 6 ran. 201-247-3807. Carnefie Realtors, 134 Nassau St. Princeton. __ Ask for Ed. Smoot. Services 609-921-6177 and Princeton Grcle, Rt. 1, Princeton 609-452 21M WeVe the Nri^iiuihoud -• • - ' - .-. :• . < Profession's MAGICIAN - shows for RESUMES Unlimited - school, cub scouts, Your complete one-stop ••*•* parties, clubs & more. resume service featuring Audience participation & resumes professionally balloon animals; Low written to highlight your price! Call Ted, 609-921- qualifications, expertly 1549. typed & offset printed. For personal, con- •I 1 fidential service call RESUMES UNLIMITED Cotering at 609-4484701.

TRUCK & WINDOW AUTHENTIC ITALIAN - Lettering - show cards, and continental paper signs. Herbert C. cooking. Prepared lor Rodgers, 201-297-1648. your home or office. Call '609-924-1165 ask for Lenore. PROFESSIONAL TYPING SERVICE - Carduner's Shopping WE CATER Anything - Center. Kte. 130 £ Picnic to banquets. 5 to Princeton / Hightstown A SCENIC WOODSY LOT 500. Special dietary Rd., Hightstown, NJ 609- LOOKING FOR LOW platters available. 448-6707. Your complete grace this beautiful East Chicken Inc. 609-924-5659. secretarial service RIVERSIDE - well-built Cape Cod in excellent condition - Windsor raised ranch with UPKEEP??? GO featuring Error Free prestige area. Two fireplaces, breezeway. Easy access to brick front has 3 bedrooms, CONDON! Two spacious Automatic Typing-every bedrooms, two full baths, ' page an original. Also University. Compact home economical to maintain for lovely family room, the smaller family $128,000. fireplace, formal dining upgraded carpeting, lovely HILLSBOROUGH $109,900. Photography letters, resumes, theses, wallpaper, 5 appliances, disserations, addressing room, central air, 2 car GRACIOUS COLONIAL - JUST REDUCED & mailing, Xerox copies. garage. Super shaded central air. $34,900. Equipment: IBM Large 5/6 bedroom home located on cul-de-sac. Brick DO YOUR "Homework" property with super house. fireplace in family room. - before vacation. We will Correcting Selectric II 4 make a photographic and^-an IBM Memory $91,900. We also have 1 bedroom inventory of your writer. condos from $25,000. property and prized possessions. PHOTO- PROOF, P.O. Box 1158, Princeton, N.J. 201-359- 4332, 201-359-6955. Princeton Packet Inc.* has some Press Time Available Web Offset Press NATURAL Color Portraits, Bar Mitzvahs, Let us print your Weddings, social events newspaper or in-house from $125. Remarque organ. Camera ready Studio. 609-448-7938. mechanicals or PENNINGTON BORO • Our 4 bedroom Colonial on King negatives required. We pnnt regular standard George Road has great warmth and charm. Spacious 3% TILLABLE RURAL ACRES pages or tabloids. Livingroom, Formal Diningroom, Fireplace, Large bright for super garden. The older Kitchen and Breakfast Room opens to patio area. 3 bedroom home requires PASSPORT & I.D. IMMACULATE CONDITION describes this fantastic mini- Photos - instant color, 2 Your paper can be $112,900. some loving attention and is printed on regular 30# estate located in Neshanic. It offers over 3 acres of for $8. Turner/Russo newsprint or 50# white an ideal property for the do- Photographers, 2nd PRINCETON JUNCTION - Charming 3 Bedroom Colonial wooded land, three bedrooms, beamed ceilings, and an offset stock. There is a it-yourself type. $65,000. DELIGHT YOUR FAMILY. floor, Gallery 100, 100 nominal extra charge for in excellent condition. Older neighborhood. Modern oversized detached garage with framed out floor plan for Nassau St., Princeton. Our 5 bedroom split level in 609-921-8486. a second spot color, if kitchen with breakfast area, large livingroom. $67,900. that extra apartment or studio. It must be seen to be you so desire. E. Windsor has just been appreciated. Asking $110,000 Call 874-4700, or redecorated and upgraded. Our capacity for your evenings Stu 359-2010. needs is 24 pages Minutes from major tran- EXCEPTIONALLY Cre- standard and 48 pages sportation and turnpike. ative, yet highly . for your tabloids. Lovely kitchen - family area, economical approach to large panelled rec room and weddings & portraiture. Call Mr. Hutchinson or Zurich Photography, 609- Mr. Burke at (609) 924- nicely landscaped lot. 883-0226. 3244 for particulars on $89,000. your printing needs. WEDDING Photography •(We have won state & -. at the right prices. national press awards CONVENIENTLY LOCATED Favors, invitations, call for quality press work.) 3 BEDROOM HOME, in Metaxas, 201-526-1835. historic Allentowh. This well maintained property offers large rooms plus 4 major Piano Tuning WOODSTOVES - Nashua appliances, formal dining Double Heat, firewood, tree PLAINSBORO - Walk to Village shopping and school service. Tom's Firewood & room, 2 car garage. Call from our Better than New two year old 4 bedroom NOW! $45,000. Tree Cutting Service. 609-466- gracious Colonial in perfect condition. $82,900. A and Z PIANO Tuning 2666 eves. SPLIT LEVEL Townhouse and Repair. Call 609-799- with 3 bedrooms, 2% baths, 2477. - SOUTH BRUNSWICK - Fresh Impressions - Immaculate finished basement, gas grill HILLSBOROUGH TWP. $149,900. TYPING, ALL KINDS, phone ranch, separate living area with Cathedral ceilings, plus more. Completely CHARM OF A BYGONE ERA dictation, professional Spacious Gourmet Kitchen, Family Room. $81,500. upgraded in mint condition. PIANO TUNING secretary. Reas. 201-297-6298 Regulating Repairing aft. 5:30. This completely restored 3 story Victorian home is a rare ROBERT HALLIEZ $64,900. P.T.G. Registered WEST WINDSOR • Traditional 4 Bedroom Colonial with find. New country kitchen with custom cabinets, Craftsman 2% Baths near schools and, of course, excellent com- LEASE OR BUY - Industrial breakfast room, bay window sitting area in master SINCE 1951 TYPIST - Technical, books, muting. Family Room with Fireplace, beautiful kitchen. building in Hightstown bedroom, 2 fireplaces, parquet floors. Aluminum sided. 609-921-7242 languages, etc. 6 yrs. exp. 609- Patio for outdoor entertaining. $130,000. HILLSIDE TERRACE exquisite 6,800 square feet with rail Call today. 201-874-4700. eves. Frank 201-249-1764. 443-4178, Debbie. garden complete with brick and 20 ft. ceilings. Masonry bar-b-q and outdoor lamp building. $150,000. Furniture posts. The family room HARRIS JANITORIAL COMMERCIAL BUILDING Restoration SERVICE — Floor waxing, boasts a brick fireplace and rug shampooing. Completely exposed beams. This 3 FOR RENT - 4,000 sq. ft. in insured. 609482-2251. bedroom ranch also has Robbinsville. Suitable for CHAIRS - CANED - natural colonial wood doors offices or stores. Good Rushed - reglued, and molding throughout. parking, near major arteries. tightened. Furniture STONY BROOK ELECTRIC & $917p«rmo. refinished. Years of $99,900. experience. Free pick-up LIGHTNING PROTECTION and delivery. t>09-896- CO. 1.6 ACRES • zoned com- 0057. ELECTRICAL & LIGHTNING PRINCETON TOWNSHIP - Shady Brook, spacious mercial, 484' highway. Rte. CONTRACTORS cheerful 3 bedroom Ranch. Full wall fireplace. Recreation 33 frontage. Ideal for strip CALL 8W-W6-3217 stores. $80,000. B.M. RIDER Furniture - LIS. H 5925 Room and Family Room. Loop bus available and N.Y. bus repaired & refinished. at end of street. $149,500. Antique restoration 38.6 ACRES - E. Windsor - Zoned P.R.D. $3500 per acre. Caning & Rushing. Hand NEWEST LISTING • Hamilton Twp. - 4 Bedroom split level stripping. Pick up & TYPING SERVICES - Offered delivery service. Our in my home, IBM executive 10 in perfect condition - Family Room - Study. Inground Pool 2.15 ACRES • wooded only location rear of 75 years exp. 609-924-9011. with beautiful cabana and enclosed picnic area. $69,900. residential lot, E. Windsor. Main St., Kingston. Open $17,500. MONTGOMERY TWSP • Two story colonial in move-in Mon.-Sat. 9-5, 609-924- HERFS THE ONE YOU'RE condition. Home features gas hot air heat, central air 0147. PRINCETON - wooded lot, all utilities $65,000. WAITING FOR I A Buster LAWRENCE - Longacres Building Lot $52,000 BUILDERS ATTENTION - 7% conditioning, redwood deck with gas barbeque, fireplace Crabbe inground pool goes acre parcel situated in LAWRENCE - secluded 9 acres per ac. $18,000. in family room and a tennis court. Asking $132,000. Financial with this fine 3 bedroom residential area of Hamilton BIX FURNITURE MONTGOMERY - beautiful wooded lot $20,000. ranch in Hightstown. The Stripping - "there is none Services "Twp. All utilities. $75,000. better" in the Lace finished basement has an SOMERVILLE - Commercial lot 244'X150' - Level and RENTALS Works Building, Lam. equipped kitchen and family Automobile - cleared. Zoned for body shop or other commercial use. bertville, NJ. 609-397- INCOME TAX SERVICE NEW PRINCETON COLLECTION - 4 BR 2% B $650. room with bar. Call for more All city utilities. $65,000. 8498, safe for antiques. Personal and business. Call for free appointment to review FRESH IMPRESSIONS, SOUTH BRUNS. 3 BR $600. details on this super home Agency 1979 taxes. Remember, FURNISHED 1st ROOT Apt., Princeton 2 BR $460 for only $69,000. waiting til April 1980 is too late For Sole DIP 'N STRIP - free pick-up & to plan. 201-874-8514 or 874- delivery. Hand stripping, 6965. refintaMng, repairing, caning, * rushingrOur refarenoLvaur neighbors. DIP "N STRff, 49 Main St. Kingston, NJ. 609- Special Services nt-58*. Open Moo-Sat 9-5 pin. DRESS MAKING & COLONIAL HILLS ALTERATIONS - eBMBMBlS. CANED & Rushed - Clip MA for future reference. CARNEGIE Makean old chair better. REALTORS SCS AGENCY REALTY Give ft a new seat Ex- REALTORS pertly done. ( 134 Nassau St., Princeton Princeton Circle, Rt. 1 409 Route 206, HOsborough PAINTINGS RESTORED 307 N. Main St., Hightstown ART* ESTATE RECYCLf APPRAISALS 609-921-6177 452-2188 201-874-4700 KALENSFINE ARTS PALMER SQUARE SIXOFFtCBSOVINGCBfTRALNEWJaaiY PRINCETON REALTORS 609-448-0113 HOME HUNTER'S GUIDE 12-B Week of August »-31, 1979

Donald Bartusis Betsey Harding Lorraine Boice Charles Hurford P.O. Box 685 • 350 Alexander Street Larry Collins Marjorie Ken- Princeton, N.J. 08540 Sheila Cook (OOK Ted Kopp ted David ^.^ Ir COMTANY 609-9244)322 Elizabeth Lo HOW DO WO SPELL SEIVICEf Jo Ann Dwulet ESTABLISHED 1893 Joan Quackenbush A COMPLETE REAL ESTATE ORGANIZATION S-U-S-S-M-A-N!! Barbara Ellis Cecily Ross A TOUCH OF CLASS • Harriet Eubank REALTORS Ralph Snyder Distinctive SO year old homa shines with a quality of an earlier day handsome FIREPLACE, hardwood floor*, lovely old woodwork PLUS a charming private garden, 3 bedrooms. 2 large 1 smal. Beautiful oak kitchen remodeled one year ago. Fresh paint inside and out. All on B quiet street in PRINCETON borough within walking distance of Riverside school. Immediate Occupancy. YOURS FOR ONLY . S120.000!

BREAKING AWAY - into the peace and quiet of TIMBER GLEN K bedroom Bl LEVEL with 2 Vi baths. ULTRA kitchen, NEEDED: BUYER WHO ENJOYS BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIAL ENERGY EFFICIENT!! panelled family room with INTO WN CONVENIENCES! MOVE IN Jl"ST IN TIME FOR SCHOOL FIREPLACE and sliding glass to This immaculate "Lomimpadow" colonial was beautiful tree shaded lot, The former owners have left now and this home laundry. 2 car garage. CEN- built with energy-saving in mind. The Penns is ready for the right family. Enjoy the con- A living room, dining room, study with a TRAL AIR YOURS FOR ONLY The timing would be perfect for you to occupy veniences of a Princeton Junction location. This fireplace, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, and a garage Neck location is ideal for the growing family. $79.f00l this split level in Princeton. An oak-floored well-arranged colonial has 4 bedrooms, 214 make this Princeton home a real charmer! There are 4 bedrooms, a large center hall, a entry, L.R. with a fireplace, a dining room THE MAIN EVENT - Traditional baths, a family room with a raised fireplace, a There is a lovely private yard, a new roof, and a family room, and much more. For the artistic connected to a screened-in porch, and a modern LAWRENCE colonial with dining room with a chair rail and silk wallpaper. dry basement. You can *oncl your children to eye. there is magnificent wallpapering and eat-in kitchen a wonderful 1st floor parquet floored foyer, 4 Move the children in just in time to meet new Princeton Twp. schools in September. All thi* lovely fixtures all included in our price. The bedrooms. 2% baths, gracious home needs is a hiiyr who enjoys the luvuries of design. There are also 4 bedrooms and 2 baths. commuter can walk to PRR yet have a friends and start school. Just reduced! dining room, kitchen designed Available in September $129,500. for easy cooking, sliding glass $128,900. the Princeton atmosphere. . . Asking $ I I .".000. PRINCETON address. LISTED at $110,000. from den to patio, full basement. 2 car garage, CENTRAL AIR. all AP PLIANCES YOUR'S FOR ONLY SH.M0I

THE IN-LAWS - will love this 5 bedroom LAWRENCE colonial. 2Vz baths, family kitchen. BRICK fiteplace in family room. PATIO and basketball court. TREES and flowering shrub- bery A stone's throw from schools, shopping and I-9B. YOURS FOR ONLY $107.0001

THE MUPPETS will delight in this 5bedroom PRINCETON FARMS colonial SLATE en TENNIS ANYONE? trance foyei, 2'h baths, family WATCH AUTUMN ARRIVE room with FIREPLACE, eat-m An Espenhorst tennis court is> always available kitchen. 2 car garage, car LAWRENCE TOWNSHIP to the owner of-this 4 bedroom colonial. In peting, all APPLIANCES, From this very private yard. Located on a quiet OWNER ANXIOUS TO SELL! laundry CENTRAL AIR, Penns Neck street, this home offers such addition there is a redwood deck and gas BBQ professional landscaping. This 3 bedroom. 1 V-> bath home on a lovely amenities as a fireplai-ed living room, a 33 x 12 for after-game delight. Inside, you are graced This ranch is just across the Princeton border in YOURS FOR ONLY $103,000* street in Lawrence Township is perfect for any screened-in porch, a basement, garage and with a slate entry, a living room, dining room, Montgomery. There are 3 bedrooms. I bath a family. There is a den, family room with family room with fireplace, an eat-in kitchen THE LONGEST HUNT will be shop. All on a beautiful landscaped lot offered living room, dining area, an eat-in ki.trhen and over when you see this Con- fireplace, and nice trees surrounding the house.. and morel A bargain.in Montgomery for at ; $99,500. more. Pricejust REDUCED to ST<).0. temporized 30's Roosevelt Don't miss this opportunity $79,000. .'.$132,500. home ULTRA kitchen with REFRIGERATOR. 4 bedrooms includes master bedroom suite.' """"' """"""" ™" imi raw im imi imi JBU HI 1HW lHTf HITf Hill I1"' r\mnmr&ir xmr i»\» T»nMnMnigMiTnTMrwnf\TTM/^™n» 1 DRAMATIC oak spiral stair- case, family room with fireplace. 2 baths, beamed ceilings and sliding glass. Three zone heat insures energy Special Services Home Services Home Services Home Repairs Building conservation Garage and separate studio with fireplaot. Services YOUR'S FOR ONLY . $74.«0M PROPER CARE - of your CESSPOOLS NEED HELP WITH YOUR HOME REPAIRS & trees should not be a Alterations - Edward Independently Owned AND REMODELING IDEAS? HILLSIDE BUILDERS, guessing game. If your SEPTIC TANKS Custom Carpentry. Call Schlinski, Roosevelt, NJ. and Operated INC. trees are showing signs CLEANED SANGEET SINGH. 609-799- 609-443-5180. Your Neighborhood of trouble or if you are 7 Trucks - No Waiting 8238. General Contractors Realty Group considering a preventive 'WEIDEL FEATURED HOUSE OF TflE WEEK" MASONRY & Carpentry All types masonry & maintenance program, KISSKI.I.KKIIHO. call a company with an Work - Fireplaces, ad- ceramic tile work. New owner of over 15 years HOMESTEAD CHIMNEY ditions, remodeling, construction as well as 20 Years Experience kitchens & home im- repair work. 609-921-9099 experience in the field. 201-873-2534 201-356-5800 SWEEP. Clean. Reliable, Tree Care, Inc., 201-297- Service. Experienced & Fully provements. Free 9300. Insured. "Certified Member of estimates. W.A. Wor- National Chimney Sweep telman. 609-448-0165. CARPET CLEANING ALTERATIONS & Ad- SPECIAL - Any size room Guild. Full-time. 24 hr. Ser- vice. Inspections & Repairs. ditions, skylights, Building YOUR HOUSE AT- steam cleaned by experts. DOVE'S HOME Im- greenhouses, basements, $24.95. New Dawn. 201-446- 201-735-7708. Woodstove Sales provements - all repairs, TRACTIVELY SKET- & Installations. decks, windows, etc. Services CHED and 60 good sized* 4313/800-882-8928. interior and exterior. Free est. & design. 201- cards with envelopes by^ Free estimates. Call 609- 238-5538. Miss J. Shaw, 158 Mercer CUSTOM MADK WE ARE RE-INSULATION 448-6563. BRONSON WOODHULL JR. mill St., Princeton, N.J. SLIPCOVERS SPECIALISTS - Using 08540. Cellulose Fibre To Save You CARPENTY J.A. CONSTRUCTION New Homes, Additions, BRIGHTEN YOUR HOME Money Year Round. Enerev Patios, sidewalks, Renovations & Kitchens GARAGE DOOR - hard YEAR ROUND - Your fabric - Conservation Inspection. No ADDITIONS asphalt and stone Quality Workmanship to open? Call for all Labor only. Call for yardage Obligation. Wasco Builders. REMODELING driveways. Good, points check, springs, needed. References on 609-586-6230. KITCHENS reliable work at low 609-466-279fi or 466-0276 cables, pulleys. Free request. BOB'S SLIPCOVERS RESTORATIONS price. Free estimates. 609-655-1573. CUSTOM BARNS Call 201-369-3128. CHOICE•LAWRENCKVILLE CAPE - A most charming and moder- estimates. Steve Hover, Central vacuum, LAMP SHADES — Lamp ROOFING & RE- nized homo on a tree shaded street close to schools, shopping and chur- Burglar, Fire Alarms, mounting and repairs. Nassau 609-259-7940 Peter Wikoff MODELING. Free esjs. ches. Ultra modern .kitchen, delightful dininsr room, with view'of rear Garage Door Openers & BROWNING FERRIS Interiors, 162 Nassau St., MASON - Concrete, Dependable. Reas. Call 201- grounds, family room with Franklin Stove, four bedrooms, full Repairs. 201-297-1816. INDUSTRIES Princeton. brick, block, repairs & 1297-3522. HOME IMPROVEMENTS - other types of work. Free basement, one car garage, lot size 10(i\ I I 'I. Call For a personal showing. Repairs & alterations. Interior est John. 609-882-1696 Don't hesitate at : $(i3.000. LOOKING for a char- Residential & Industrial FLOOR SANDING — hard- BEEN PUT OFF — need the ming personalized Refuse Collection & exterior. Free estimates. wood floors sanded and 609-448-8021. job done'' Call us today. Soil unique wedding favor? Cranbury Station Rd. finished. Phone 609-585-8235. NELSON GLASS & logs, septic systems, tren- Calf 609-448-7084. Cranbury, NJ ALUMINUM ching, grading driveways at 609-443-4818 45 SPRING ST. more. 609-397-8458 anytime. WEIDEL REAL ESTATE ALL HOME & APARTMENT PRINCETON Home Services Home Repairs REPAIRS - plumbing + 609-924-2880 TREE WORK - ALL TYPES carpentry + much more. Very MIRRORS 2681 Main St., Lawrenceville, N.J. reasonable. 609-443-4694 - J&D AUTO GLASS Painting & DO YOU NEED Pruning, Topping. Feeding. 609-896-1000 Removal. Storm Damage, HOME REPAIRS - HOME REPAIRS, call bet- PLATE & WORK — done around Exterior. Metal & ween 6-9 pm. WINDOW GLASS Paperhanging the house? Attics, Land Clearing & Chipper Service. Firewood & wood shingle roofs, gutters, cellars, yards. Give a chips available. Competent garages, porches, fen- call. 609-585-0370. work at a fair price. Fully ces, hauling, land- MASTER CRAFTS - Quality EXTERIOR & Interior insured. Free estimates. scaping, painting, home improvements & repairs GENERAL painting, Roofing, repairs. Special Services Special Services Special Services Consumer bureau registered. carpentry, insulation, done with old fashioned pride. CONTRACTORS Experienced reasonable rate*. WOOD STOVE IN- 609-737-3126. masonary, patching, Reasonable rates. Twin Free estimates. Call 809-934- STALLATION - please call stairs, glazing, etc. Rivers - 609-448-2186. 2158 (save this ad for future fyANT CLEAR PURE MARMARIA IDA NACCARATO — THF P Guarantee. 609-921-1135. New homes, additions, THF Scott Demme, 609-924-0469. garages, driveways, needs). JWATER f-' with no uniden- Ladies custom tayloringyg, , m«AGSA FE tified floating objects in it or informal & formal wedding ™££ S CARPET CLEANING - steam roofing, custom S HAVE HAMMER will travel! masonry, fireplaces, chemicals? Purchase a pure gowns. All kinds embroidery & shampoo. Quality work at Quality workmanship by New BUILDER - Robert swimming pools and _water home distilling machine and monograms. Alterations, LOCKS — security deadbolts best prices. Phone estimates. skilled craftsman. Siding, VANAK's SERVICE* ,'reasonably priced. Princeton Lessons. 60*896-1577 after 5 Paulmar Floor Care, 609-890- Novobilsky. Interior & patios. Full line of Professional Painters certificates & entrance locks, Exterior Work. Addition, roofing, alterations & ad- aluminum products. • "Home Inspection Service, Inc. professionally installed. 609- 0518. ditions. No job too large or too Interior & Exterior \5(j Nassau Street Princeton. Alteration, Siding & Custom Paper Hanging 448-1666. [Roofing. 609-466-0926. small. Fully insured. Free est. WM. FISHER W 08540, 609-921-3775. CHIMNEY SWEEP - have Call Doug Renk, 201-329-3616 Longstanding Reputation CARPENTER — All forms of BUILDER'S, INC. Local References A SOLID DECK — needs a your fireplace, wood/coal carpentry, designs, included or 201-329-2489. Serving Princeton area DRESSMAKING AND smart design & a professional burning stove cleaned. Air out Fully Insured witnfree estimates. Call 609- CERAMIC TILE Repairs for 30 years. Financing -M-7M-8238 ALTERATIONS - Janice approach. Deck design and for the summer months. EXPERT HANDYPERSON — 466-1752. - tile installed per- arranged Wolfe. Call 609-448-2125. construction by Alan Trovato, Clean, efficient vacuum No job too small, efficient + manently with new 609-799-3818 student of architecture. Free system eliminates soot on reliable. Call Eric 609-924-5792. cement board. Bathroom Fencing PRESSURE WASHING — for estimates & design sketch. carpet or furniture. Call remodeling, lowest INTERIOR k EXTERIOR homes, motor homes, trailers, After 6 p.m. 201-5264)622. Robert Ackers, HOME PRACTICO ASSOC. - expert prices. Tile for do-it PAINTING — free estimates, trucks, boats, etc. Cail COMFORT, 609-466-3011. housecleaning. Call 609-396- yourself ers. DELA- ALL TYPES OF FENCING — reasonable rates, clean work. AVAMIAN 8735. Watkngton's Painting, 609-799- Appliance WARE VALLEY TILE, installed at low prices. Free FLEETWOOD CON- Call T. Laski 609-7W-1462. "f?020 or 443-4790. Repair ftServic e 29 years of experience. estimates.Quality work. 201- STRUCTION - Masonry, COLLEGE SELECTION & HOUSECLEANING - Air Conditioning Washers 609-888-1067. 494-1951. carpentry, deck*, patios, APPLICATION COUNSEL- Established couple. Refrigeration Dryers sidewalks, stone work. In- COLOR SEPARATION - LING - individuals & small References, Reliable. Rocky Heating Dishwashers RECYCLE terior and exterior PROFESSIONAL -. Hill area. Call 609-737-1669 or CUSTOM HOME Repair and renovating. Paperhanging ft Painting. Call Scanning surface, nigh quality roups. Dr. Michael L. Ranges, etc. Reasonable!!!! THIS STEEL WIRE -1" mesh, 2 2x Santos, 6W-7W-41M. :»nd reasonable prices. 201-534- osenthal, 609-737-2236. 466-2637. All work Guaranteed - carpentry, dry wall. We rolls, 10'xlOO' each/best offer. I quality work. 201- 3484. 609-M349M or 6«9-443-«98> NEWSPAPER cater to all kinds of .home 609-259-2431. askfofjeff repair. 609-924-1760. HOME HUNTER'S GUIDE Week of August 29-31, 1979 13-B

Specialists Since 1915 OUTSTANDING WEIDEL. LISTINGS One of this areas oldest, largest and most active Real Estate Companies.


*> •

A SPECIAL LIVING EXPERIENCE can be yours when you move into this outstanding 4 CUSTOM RANCHER in lovely Hightstown neigh- bedroom 2V4 bath contemprary set on 4 + acres of borhood. Large living room with brick fireplace; compact paradise. Every one of the large, interesting rooms look kitchen appointed with abundant wood cabinets, double onto the natural wooded landscape. This exciting home HOPEWELLTWP. RANCH self-cleaning ovens, dishwasher and convenient pass- boasts a 2 room master bedroom suite, fireplace in living Just a short jog to Pennington, with 3 bedrooms, living through bar to dining area. Three bedrooms;, two ceramic and family rooms, 3 zone energy saving heating and a/c room with fireplace, dining room, 2 kitchens (one in IDEAL FOR IN LAWS - Charming Lawrenceville Cape tile baths; hardwood floors throughout; full basement with system, full bsmt., redwood deck and an ultra modern eat- basement), detached garage with screened patio. A great Cod with first floor modern kitchen 2 bedrooms, ceramic laundry area and plenty of storage space; double carport in kitchen you won't want to leave. There's even a private bn\ for ' $72,DOO. tile bath, living room, second floor offers modern kitchen, and beautifully landscaped lot. All these quality features swimming pond. Located in a perfectly beautiful executive one bedroom, ceramic tile bath, full basement with for $68,000. area just 20 min. from Princeton $159,900. recreation room, in-ground pool set-up $73,900.

lil .-»*• \

BETTER THAN NEW two-year old rancher that is A LUCKY FAMILY spotlessly clean. Welcoming living room and dining room; HOPEWELLTWP. SPLIT LEVEL will be able to take advantage of this owner's relocation. newly carpeted TV room with sliding doors to patio; eat-in Our perfectly lovely, quite new, totally customized 4 Attractive brick front. 8 extra large rooms, 2'/2 baths, x kitchen; three bedrooms with large closets and two full 24xlo family room, formal dining room, 100x432 lot on a II bedroom home - on a professionally landscaped h acre lot just 12 minutes from Princeton, has all oversized rooms, baths; full basement; one-car attached garage. Extra in- quiet residential street. Outstanding value for $76,900. II sulation to keep- heating costs down. All on a^ well central air. full bsmt., sewing and laundry room, automatic manicured corner tot. See it before it sells at $77,900. lawn sprinkler, and the most tasteful decor. Close to transportation, schools and shopping. Asking only $109,900. LAWRENCE 2 FAMILY - Well cared for property. Two bedrooms, dowmsone bedroom up, finished basement, sun porch, nice yard with oversized one car garage, quiet dead- end street. Asking \. .":• .« $70,000.

MANY PLUSES can be found in this four-bedroom SOME WORK Cranbury Manor colonial: large screened-in porch: a ELEGANCE. CHARM AND QUALITY by an enterprising person can make the small investment fireplace in the living room and another in the den; % acre Stone and frame txterior, a treed lot, 8 rooms, IVi baths necessary to purchase this 4 bedroom cape grow quickly. wodded lot. There's plenty of room for a large family. See featuring a large formal dining room with French doors The V4 acre lot is a gardener's delight. A full basement, this unique listing offered at $88,500. leading to a screened porch, a top suburban location in the new roof, nice sized rooms and convenient location com- low $60's. plete the pictue. $55,700.

u n Q v

EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED - Outstanding home with a gorgeous family room addition with colonial split FORMAL OR FUN - this three-bedroom split rancher is stone fireplace, accent lighting, new bath, new kitchen, RECIPE FOR JOYFUL LIVING designed for both. Elegant entrance gallery. Living room PLEASANT SURPRISES AT EVERY TURN central air. three to four bedrooms, aluminum and stucco Take a beautifully decorated, quality built Dutch colonial and dining room excellent for entertaining. Carpeted and Seldom do you find 2800 sq. ft. on one floor, but this with 4 bedrooms, 2V$ baths, double entrance foyer, 2-way panelled family room for comfort and relaxation; dream exterior, plus lovely oversized rear patio. Only . • • $54,900. beauty provides 4 bedrooms. 2V£ baths, 11x16 elegant fireplace, french doors and wood beam ceilings; put it on a kitchen with lots of cabinets, storage pantry and adjacent dining room, a gorgeous family room with a full wall stone gorgeous 2OO'x3OO' wooded lot on the edge of Griggstown; laundry area. Private fenced yard and patio for outdoor fireplace and sliding doors to a scenic 10x20 raised deck, add a terrific neighborhood and you have the ingredients enjoyment. Call today for an appointment to see this lovely immediate jx>ssession •_ • • • Asking $112,300. for a great family life $114,900. and immaculate home available for $89. W0. ROUTE 130, EAST WINDSOR 2681 MAIN ST. (Rl. 206) 2421/2 NASSAU ST., PRINCETON ROUTE 31, PENNINGTON, N.J. LAWRENCEVILLE 609-896-1000 609-448-6200 609-737-1500 609-882-3804 609-921-2700 WEIDEL11 Offices REA and 6 Multiple Listing ServicesL ESTATE REALTORS — INSURORS International Relocation Service Interior & Exterior Color Photos Richard A. Weidel. Pres.

Painting ft Painting ft Painting & Painting ft Painting ft Electricians Plumbing Roofing Roofing Paperhanging Paperhanging Paperhanging Paperhanging Paperhanging ELECTRICIAN PLUMBING - Lie #4621. Need Residential, Commercial, a plumber, free estimates - all ALLIED ROOFING—New and CHRfSTENSEN ROOFING Industrial Wiring types of plumbing. Call Mike old roofs of all types repaired. Asphalt Shingling V/AN? THE JOB DONE PROFESSIONAL PAINTING JULIUS H. GROSS — NEED A PROFESSIONAL? - CAPITOL PAINTING - in- Free estimates anytime day or night. Phone Fill and driveway stone with RIGHT? Call a professional. - interior and exterior. Ed Professionally painting the Wall-papering & Graphics. terior & exterior, reasonable 609-443-5239 609-586-0266. delivered. AH work guaran- Craftsmanship Painting, dry wall, masonry,. Noebels. Phone 609-443-3559 town of Princeton for 22 years. Call.SANGEET SINGH. 609- rates, fully insured. 609-883- teed. No job too small. 609-448- at Free estimates, reasonable after 6pm. 609-924-1474. 799-8238. 1537.• 5707. Free estimates. Unbeatable Prices rice*. W.PP. CONTRAC-i Guaranteed. Insured 3RS, 609424-6300. ALL- TYPES OF ELEC- PLUMBING Consumer Bureau Registered DARBEE BROS. WATLINGTON'S PAINTING TRICAL WORK. Call 201-359- SERVICE-REPAIRS 184 Carter Rd. Princeton Res. Comm. Interior & exterior painting & PAINTING & 3387. C. ALBANESE iWhv wait until the roof leaks?] PAPERHANGING <-» Frank — Recommends to have dirt Plan ahead for your roofing 609421-1277 609424-7787 home repairs. Fully insured. removed by pressure washing 609-452-1666 CUSTOM PAINTING SER- PETER F1UMENERO, JR. Free estimates. 609-882-0891 r Janda, 292 Dutch Nee* Rd. License #3329 needs VICE — Residential, com- Call (609) 448-3578. before painting. Call for NEW ROOFS REPAIRS 924-7726 further information. 609-799- G. J. DEGREE - Roofing. mercial. Interior, exterior. All. painting & paperhanging NW. MAUL 4 SON Gutters, masonary. General work guaranteed. Call now for spray painting 2020 or 443-4790. COOPERk 8CHAFEK LOUIS BALDING & BROS. — U.S. Hwy. 13* & Griggs Driv*- Contracting, Repairs. Small Sbecial Spring rates. 10 years 609-799-3657 eves. 201-329-4656 I'ARK ACRES PLUMBING & 63Moran Princeton jobs welcome as well as major experience. 609-924-1760. DOMJNICK PINTINALL1 JR. Painting & Decorating In- — Painting Contractor - In- HEATING - Installation & ' 609-924-3063 construction. 609-448-1395. teriors & Exteriors PAINTING — Int. & ext. terior & exterior. Residential Wallpapering 609-921-7728. Repair Service repair of all your plumbing & commercial. Free Paper-hanging. Quality work. Electrical Power & needs. Lie #5648. 201-297-7538. PAINTING - Interior, ex- NEW ENGLAND PAINT estimates. Call any time, 609- Guaranteed, insured. Free Lighting Installations BELLE MEAD ROOFING - lerior, wallpapering, light CRAFT — Interior, Exterior 882-1631. estimates. 201-548-6346. ' ' ' "Maintenance 28 yrs. in business. Free Moving ft carpentry. Quality work. Call painting. Experienced & in- CUSTOM INTERIO. PLUMBING & HEATING - estimates on all type roofing *Sr^60sE6551598/655»15 sured. 201-874-3347 (local call) PAINTING - no job too small, call after 5:30 pm and weekends. 201-359-8977. and leaders and gutters ana Hauling from Princeton. free estimates, reasonable HOUSE PAINTERS - Two ELECTRICAL WORK - No chimney flashing. Call PAPERHANGING - Excel, prices. Willis Paine, 609-924"- experienced house painters Waiting, reasonable. License anytime, 609-924-2046 or 201- work, low rates. Ref's. Also 6300 would like to paint your home. 359-5992 (local call from '. PAPER HANGING For a estimate call Peter - 609- #3143. Call 201-356-7373 before 9 ', WILL HAUL IT — Cellars, g PRINCETON PAINTING paper removal. 609-921-0690. a.m., after 6 p.m Roofing ft Siding Princeton) SCRAPING PARTNERS-Quality work 924-4252 or Bill - 609-883-2277 attics and garages cleaned, w for your home or business, int. Call 609-7M-MM. C feonpt personal service. AD HOUSE PAINTING - Airless Bureau Registered or ext. Top references on paint spraying company of HOOFING Snap at wall covering. request. CaifTom or Mark for PAINTING - by Jess EXPERT ELECTRICAL ROOFING CONTRACTORS, **" Pre*«timaS NJ. Inc. Fully insured, free All Kinds a Tree estimate * special Savaq-ge. Int. & Ext. WORK-Free at., old hoiiM* specializing in Kendall Park Free Estimates rwopey saving offer. 6&-9J1- Satisfaction guaranteed. Call estimate, references. 608-737- ran welcome. No job too smaC. homes. For estimate, call aft. LIGHT fc HEAVY HAULING SI*. 609-882-5199. 9142 or 215-403-anO. Diamond Electric, 201-729- 6 p.m., 201-821-8439. — long or shan WILLIAMSON Reasonable rates. 5176. CONSTRUCTION CO. ttd I) HOME HUNTER'S GUIDE W-B Week of August 2»-31, 1979 Van Hise Realty Realtor TWIN RIVERS HOMES Pennington, New Jersey FOR HOMES FOR LIVIN. Tel: 609-737-3615 or 609-883-2110 FIRST FLOOR END UNIT CONDO featuring private entrance and private landscaped patio. Living room, dining room and modern THREE YEAR OLD RANCH featuring 3 bedrooms. 2 full baths, kitchen, 1 large bedroom, central air, wall to wall carpet, 5 major beautifully carpeted living room and formal dining room, large eat- appliances and more $29,S00. in kitchen, panelled family room with sliders, laundry room and 2 car garage. Maintenance free siding and convenient location SUPER TWO BEDROOM CONDO featuring upgraded beige car- peting throughout. 12x18 living room and formal dining room, $59,900. modern kitchen, sliders to balcony. 2 full baths and central air. $37,500. MOVE RIGHT IN THIS quality 4 bedroom, 1 V4 bath split level in established Cranbury Manor section of East Windsor. Living and HOME OF THE WEEK dining rooms, remodeled kitchen, panelled family room, basement "Attention Twin Mvws Hoimowmnlll" We and garage. Beautiful brick patio with private rear yard, air, etc. need your HELP. Demand for quality TWIN RIVERS properties $74,900. has seriously depleted our inventory. We have many QUALIFIED BUYERS ready, willing and able to purchase COOLING SCREENED PORCH offers a relaxing view of this private your home. Please cad now for our COMPLIMENTARY treed ft acre site in East Windsor. New customized eat-in kitchen MARKET ANALYSIS. Richardson Realty promises TOP with dishwasher, 4 bedrooms, 1 54 baths, picture windowed living DOLLAR results with PROFESSIONAL SERVICE. Our Homes for room and formal dining room, panelled family room with fireplace, Living Network can help you move screes the street or across finished basement and garage. Call us to view this beauty $77,900. MNNCETON SOMMJGN the nation. KM VIEW • front view twice as nice. Entrance foyer, formal SUPER SPlfT featuring 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, comfortable eat-in dining room, large living room with log burning fireplace, new SUPERIOR QUAD I THREE BEDROOM townhouse featuring formal kitchen, carpeted living room and dining rooms, central air, family modem kitchen, 1 14 modern baths, family room, 65' x 150' living and dining rooms with upgraded carpet, kitchen/family room room with brick fireplace. Treed rear yard, garage and more. Ready professionally landscaped lot, stockade fencing around rear of combination with no wax floor, frost free refrigerator, dishwasher and waiting for you. Just listed $70,900. property, central air, one car garage, immaculate and well kept. and self cleaning oven, brick patio with gas grill, 2ft baths, full r $139,900. basement, wood entry foyer, central air, central vacuum, freshly CHESTERFIELD COLONIAL located on well established ft acre lot in painted and more. Won't last long $57,900. East Windsor. Huge entry foyer opening to large picture windowed living room, formal dining, bright eat-in kitchen, % bath and family FOUR BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE featuring 4 bedrooms, 2ft baths, room with warming Franklin stove. Upstairs features large master CLASSY CAPE located in the love acre lot kitchen with all modern appliances, family room and full finished Additional features include 2 car garage, full basement, central air. surrounds this 4 bedroom, 2 full bath home. Eat in k. basement. Upgraded carpet throughout, central air, gas grill. and patio. Just listed at $19,900. country kitchen with beamed ceiling and no-wax . finished patio, and more. Ready for your viewing $64.900. floor, formal living room, new 16 x 22 patio, central LOVELY COLONIAL: Located on a mature 129x124 site with air. basement, and garage. All of this for only CALL FOR YOUR established quality landscaping and backing onto beautiful, quiet , $7«.9O0. " HOMES FOR LIVING" orchard and wooded area sets this East Windsor Colonial in a class MAGAZINE by itself. Beautiful foyer. Dictum windowed living room with brick HOPEWEll TOWNSHIP L AND NATIONAL by itself. Beautiful picture windowed living room with brick PRINCETON FARMS - large well designed Colonial. Modern LISTINGS room opening to a 14x20 proch, convenient laundry room. kitchen with eating area, formal dining room, spacious living Ask About Our room, entrance foyer, attractive family room with log burning TRADE IN fireplace or gas burning, 4 generous size bedrooms, 2 54 modern GUARANTEED SALES PLAN baths, 2 car garage, patio, close to Princeton, Trenton and all $91,500. major highways $99,000. MLS RICHARDSON 448-5000 TALTORS

HOPEWEIL BOROUGH Gardening & Paving Wanted To Rent SMAU OR LARGE FAMILY - would fit nicely in this attractive Cape Cod on a well landscaped corner lot. Modern kitchen with TOWN* COUNTRY SPECIALISTS Landscaping eating area, formal dining room, living room with bay window, 2 CHRISTIAN - man and bedrooms and full bath on first floor, 2 bedrooms and full bath DRIVEWAY wife, quiet university INCREASE GROWTH & CONSTRUCTION students, seek apt. witr on second floor, full basement, 1 % blocks to Public tran- VIGOR - Hydro-chemical tree & MAINTENANCE sportation, children bused to school $69,900. Weidel is Proud to Present kitchen, and either: 4 shrub feeding. Now is the We've been serving Central double bedroom and time to call Tree Care, Inc. Jersey for over 12 years. living room or 2 WILBURTHA TERRACE 201-297-9300. UMBERTOP1RONE bedrooms 609-924-7493. 609-452-9182 « (Exclusive Ewing Twp. Area) M.H.D. LANDSCAPING "Working Couple Seeks - NEIGHBORHOOD Complete landscaping service. 1-2 bedroom apt or small (Quality Built by B&sswood, Inc.) Lawn maintenance, shrubbery cottage in suburban REALTYGROUP trimmed. Merion sod in- DRIVEWAY CONSTRUCTED Trenton, w/utilities. stalled, top soil & driveway — with asphalt, crushed stone $250/mo Please call stone delivered. Please call or concrete. Back Hoe service, after 5 pm (609) 585-8017. 609-921-1691. top soil, etc 609-924-9555 Need 60 day notice." US.A. anytime. HOPEWELL TOWNSHIP SCENIC CREATIONS, INC. . TWO - working women 3 WOODED ACRES • is the setting lor this custom designed Designing and planting, lawn home with a contemporary flair. Modern kitchen with eating seek 2 BR apt. in Prin maintenance, sodding. Com- ceton or surrounding area, laundry area, formal dining room and entrance foyer have mercial and residential. Free Wanted To Rent area. Oct. 1 occupancy. Vermont bluestone heated floors, living room with log burning estimates. Call 609-890-90bu. Refs. available. Reply fireplace, den, family room, study or library, 3 bedrooms, 254 Box #02694 c/o Princeton modern baths, screened m porch with barbecue grill, large Packet patio, 14' x 18' completely equipped greenhouse, 2 car carport, •Central alr-condlttoitlng. woH-to-woll eorpot, DOERLER LANDSCAPES RURAL HOUSE, low rent in Forrest Blend area. $210,000. ftr#ptoc#s OHO much, mucn moi# are exchange for upkeep. 201-821- standard in our hornet —NOT OPTIONS Landscape Designing 9269 or 2O1-297-5551. COTTAGE / APT for 2 and professional, handy Check our package and compare! Contracting females Rent / care- C09-924-1221 taking. 201-668-0797 Some ready for immediate occupancy APT MATE SOUGHT - to to start the school year. (iKOKGK'S CRKKNKKY look for 2 BR apt. late 20's, TALENTED & * n • *- •• 30'S. $150 ea. 609-799-4635 • 2 car garage* Landscape Design & responsible University- * OOV-lfl kNCROlM • V4 acre lots en cul da WK Maintenance employed family of 3 • tint floor lowtdrio* Commercial & Residential seeks mutually I .awn cutting, spraying, IEACHER — seeks small beneficial house ren- • woM/woll corpotlng rotas (M year) fertilizing and field cutting cottage or apt. in Princeton ting / caretaking / fix-up $99,500 •go* hoot BulMor pays dosing costs Front end loader rental area. Prefer country. Willing opportunity in "Princeton to housesit. Call 201-889-6616 area. Exc. refs. 609-452- located1 /toff off Mfesf Upper Ferry Roarf 609-382-8237 5220 days, 734-0365 after 5 p.m. HOPEWELL TOWNSHIP Prettiest setting framed by tall trees, this handsome 5 bedroom for AppH. at Anytimm —Call 896-1000 RESIDENTIAL DESIGNS - RETIRED GENTLEMAN — Colonial Split with 2ft baths plus finished basement; 2 car WOODED SETTING • is what this attractive Colonial offers. Opon for InspmcHon — Sat. A Sun. 1-4 PM. and professional planting Seeks room and Board in garage professionally converted into an office area, ideal for live- Modern kitchen with breakfast area, formal dining room, en- consultation by accredited Princeton area. Replv Box RETIRED COUPLE in professional or mother-daughter arrangement. Walking trance foyer, large living room, family room with log burning WToIWoW*: PftM >•*• tw^nsi OT ••^nn SM «nnT SI HMIMnM M. WWIBJOM Ml landscape architect. # 02665. c/ o Princeton Packet. looking for 2 BR house on distance to tennis courts, swim club or library. Possession can fireplace, laundry area, 4 bedrooms, 254 baths, full basement, 2 Hifc..rt— >t In HI Cn.ly Afcpjrt. TICT ritiK « «w« >>!» •»< mm.,! — Reasonable rates. Call 609-586- estate. We will trade rent be immediate. Call now! 2957 after 5pm. for complete main- car garage, patio. Princeton Farms. tenance Reply Box ...; .- ::..... $119,900. Offered* fjrdwsrvefy Throoori: RESPONSIBLE FEMALE #02688 c/o Princeton : PENNINGTON BORO looking for 1 BR apt. in Packet 609-890-2000 WEIDEL REAL ESTATE TREESCAPE - Tree care & eneral Princeton area, Landscaping. Create outdoor xcellent references, also STATELY VICTORIAN - one acre, 4 bedrooms, 2 54 baths (NfW HOMES DIVISION) thave 2 verv well behaved cats, SMALL LOW COST HOME or •.'.•...... $(5.ooo. living spaces. Design & Independently owned and operated 26S1 MAIN STREET maintenance. Tree removal & i.e. they don't destroy apts. & apt. needed for refugee EW1NG TOWNSHIP WRENCEVILLE OFFICE pruning. 201-846-0251, 609-586- references trom previous family. 10 mile radius of Princeton. Please call 609-799- Realtor 3692. landlords supporting this. QUALITY BUILT COLONIAL • fireplace. 3 bedrooms. 1 % baths 896-1000 y^S Needed by 9/15/79. Please call 0703. ".'.... $79,900. 609-799-4742 after 8 pm. RENTAL — HOPEWEU TOWNSHIP GROUND COVER - for sale. KINDERGARTEN TEACH- Rktolfi Realty Myrile iperi winkle), ER — at Littlebrook needs RAISED RANCH - 1 acre. 3-4 bedrooms. 3 full baths, 3 car pachysandra Delivery. 609- YOUNG PROFESSIONAL - housing for herself and garage, central air, fireplace.. . .-..$695. par month plus utilities Gardening & Gardening & 921-8632. looking for l bedrm apt or loft one child. Desire bright space '• I " near Princeton. Rent under in family neighborhood Landscaping landscaping $320. 600-883-1068 eves. BUY LAND: THEY DON'T MAKE IT ANYMORE Moving & Moving & JviUMS. field grown cushion, reasonable rent. Leave name, CoH in for more information on th» abovo listings. piany varieties. Wholesale & number for Eileen Lawrence, Hauling Hauling retail. Buy direct from 609-924-4677. Will call back. 15.B ACRES • Hopewell Twp. Residential Zoned. GARDENING & LAND- LAWN & GARLEN MAIN- grower. Tindall's PRINCETON - Univ. student . . . $4,000 por ocro. SCAPING • If you need gar- TENANCE — pruning & preenhouses, 609-259-2431. needs to rent garage for car dening and landscaping, lawn mulching. Also indoor plant near Campus for the school WORKING COUPLE seeks 1 30 ACRES • Hopewell Twp. Residential Zoned.. $2,000 par ocra. JOVING - HAULING - Small mowing for RESIDENTIAL & care. 609-448-5031 after 6 p.m. year. willing to pav or 2 bdrm apt up to $300/mo. krge.Call David at 609-882- rat Free commercial just call Vittorio reasonable amount. Call Starting Sept. l. Leave LANDSCAPES - trees collect 309-6»l-2509 or write: Mamber Mwtttpte Listing Sarvlea estimates. 201-526-0646. °irone, 609-924-6489. relocated, new lawns, top soil, message for Debbie, 609-924- Holidays Coll: D. Lebau, 503 W. Northgate 7342. HLBER'S LAWN SERVICE shade trees & .ornamentals & Rd., Peoria, Illinois 61614. io» Willow. 737-0441 Cathy Nomorh, 737-3051 COMPLETE LAWN root feeding. Call Tree Care, Theresa Jorvis. 737-0033 Bav«rfyGlas»oit, 737-3727 GOT A PROBLEM getting rid LANDSCAPING & GAR- MAINTENANCE Inc. 201-297-9300. of leaves, grass, brush, junk, Gardening & DENING WORK - etc.? Need a small move or a Residential or Commercial. Sod & reseeding Maintenance MATURE, PROFESSIONAL SINGLE WORKING MAN small haul? Call (201) 247-4847. Landscaping Lawn mowing, sod, seeding, & planting of trees & shrubs. WOMAN • seeks 2 bdrm apt. SEEKS - Log cabin, cottage or shrubs, trees, clean-up & All work guaranteed. 609-586- TOP SOIL, STONE & FILL — (Is. 1 bdrm. possible) in mnet BuncaJow south of MentoPark Moving & j Moving & hauling. Also sidewafts, patio, 4505 after 6 pm. Bulldozer work, trench

Diane F. Chariotte McLaughNn Pete Cat Terry Meii'ick PatCehM M RootilinQ, WiHa Stackpoto UndaHoff Katharine G. Wart Judy McCaughan ..Callawa Eleanor Young REAL ESTATE 4 NASSAU STREET • PRINCETON, NEW JERSEY 08540 609-921-1050

STOCKTON STREET Luxurious one story house situated on over 4 incredibly lush acres, over 100 specimen trees, shrubs, plants, rose garden 20x40' pool and a pond for fishing. Hand hewn beams, two fireplaces, large windows and brick wall compliment the living areas. EAST AMWELL TOWNSHIP Three bedrooms and baths. Large cedar closets, sophisticated fire and burglar alarm PROVINCELINE ROAD system, central air conditioning, heated garage and a brick pool house with separate New Contemporary situated on 3 wooded acres on Zion Road. Gracious entrance hall, dressing room and bath. This rare property is completely fenced and borders the MINI ESTATE - natural shingled Colonial with spacious rooms for entertaining, two raised living room with fireplace and cathedral ceiling and a formal dining room. Battlefield. $460,000. stall bam, tack room and three fenced paddocks. Five bedrooms, three and a half bath. Kitchen has a breakfast area and pantry. Den or first floor bedroom and a very large Family room, hobby and game room, den and solarium. Three fireplaces. Centrally air family room. Spacious master bedroom with walk-in closet and bath, two more conditioned. Very large railed redwood deck to enjoy a peacefuf setting. Two car bedrooms and hall bath on the 2nd floor. garage. Over three acres. $329,000. $175,000.

CRANBURY MANOR LAWRENCE TOWNSHIP Generous living space and many special features are offered by this at- ELM RIDGE PARK tractive one and a half story house. Wall to wall carpeted living and dining A friendly neighborhood and a convenient location for a two story house. Panelled A private park-like setting for a Thompson Designed Colonial. Living room with hall, wall to wall carpeted living and dining rooms, eat-in kitchen, family room, laundry rooms and study. Large kitchen, breakfast area and a fireplace between living and family rooms. Five bedrooms, four baths and a large game room fireplace, den, eat-in kitchen, dining room and an attractive study with solid oak built- and powder room. Four carpeted bedrooms and bath on the second floor. Large railed ins and separate entry. Four bedrooms, two and a half baths. Game room and two car deck Overlooking the back yard. Good garden spot! Full basement and a one car with built-ins. Mature trees and professional landscaping. J garage. Property backs up to acres of untouched woodland, unique secluded garage. Price reduction - $72,900. $225,000. neighborhood setting. . $225,000.

Wanted To Rent Aptis./Houses Apts./Houses To Shore To Shore NASSAU HOME WANTED - Furnished room or share aptmt. Young, professional female. P'ton VEGETARIAN FEMALE Boro preferred. Kathy, 609- TEACHER and delightfully ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A 924-7125 a.m., 921-2600 p.m. precocious 4 year old son need LOVELY — Little cottage or of Princeton is offering the foUowinf cheerful person (s) for large, estate. Excellent location, kttsforftatrigfat or custom package*: lovely Kingston home. Room beautiful surroundings, PROFESSIONAL COUPLE — for another 1 or 2 non-smoking, reasonable rent. Share this wishes to rent an apt house or non-drinking, neat & orderly cottage with Career-minded 2 umnauJwd lots in Princeton cottage in the Princeton - female. Call 609-924-6872 eves. country setting lot in HopeweB __ Hightstown area. Preferably people. Child O.K. Leave name, number for Eileen heavfly wooded lot in Montgomery with charm. Exc. refs. Please Lawrence 924-4677. I'll call call 609-397-3631 or 397-3090. back. Anyom interested pleaae call brand new Mitinn called CUT YOUR RENT COSTS IN Pheasant Hollow with disliiutivt HALF! Select a compatible one and two bedroom TEACHER — desires to rent 'roommate safely. References apt. or small house in Prin- SHARE HOUSE in Hight- thoroughly checked. Call for apartment*. ceton or Hightstown area. stown. Moderate rent. 609-448- information. Roommate 800-821-0070 For more information, phone Susan 609-921-6964. 6579.Keep trying. Finding Service 609424-5153.

CHRISTIAN PROFES- FEMALE ROOMMATE — Housesitting SIONAL WOMAN — Look- wanted to share comfortable ing for roommate - single house near New Brunswick. STOREFRONT parent with child OK. To share $137.50 plus utilities*. Prefer TWENTY NASSAU STREET HOUSESITTER - avail, -my semi-furnished 5 room grad student interested in tin Philadelphia apartment. Princeton collective living 201-249-8932. New York'train. now. In or .near Prin- Township car a must, non ceton. Male, college drinker, non smoker Approximately 1,000 square feet with large \nd now. it's more grad. Do not smoke or display window on Chambers Street, the most drink. Refs. 609-452-1169 preferred. 212-989-7318 eves. YOUNG MALE - Professional available than llam-9:30pm. seeks similar person or grad exclusive Princeton Shopping area. ever: we've just student to share luxury opened a SHARE LARGE PRINCETON apartment. 609-921-6221 HOUSE - Ouiet,. sunny, evenings, weekends. OFFICE SPACE • 1800 square feet, could be (nine to the Princeton HOUSESITTER AVA- comfortable - for very divided or partitioned, suitable for display room, ILABLE - Mature wri- reasonable rent. Own Meadows Life! It's active: ter, teacher, non- bedroom, bath, study". Indoor SHARE APARTMENT - rent architects or large business. sw miming, tennis, golf, and smoker, non-drinker, pool & sauna. Laundry. Uti& free in exchange for our private clubhouse with highly responsible, local included in rent. Write: PO babysitting nights. Woman lounge and disco are just a references from previous Box 521, Princeton, NJ 08540. with 1 child OK. Bound Brook. few steps from your door. It's homes. 609-921-6525. Or telephone 609-921-1519 Best 201-356-5244. I Call 609-924-70271 time: 8-10am. Keep trying! fun: historic Princeton, with ROCKY HILL - Share great 4 its endless shopping and PROTECT YOUR HOME - BR house with 3 young Apts./Houses Apts./Houses entertainment possibilities, is and property while on professionals $170 + utilities. minutes awav. Nearbv. too. is vacation. This full-time house COUNTRY LIVING - lge. Call days, 609-921-8550 ext. 334. sitter will provide needed home on 12 acre mini-farm. Eves: 201-297-7432. To Share To Shore security, pamper your pets, Has for rent beautiful fur- even feed 4 transport your nished room, $U5/mo & teenagers. Over 5 Vears ex- another $145/mo. Kitchen HILLSBOROUGH — Person to YOUNG PROFESSION- perience in the Princeton privileges. Hopewell Boro FEMALE, MID-20S, seeks tff 609-921-8672. same to share spacious two. share expenses on new house, AL woman-looking for area. 609-466-3328. bedroom apartment in Central fully furn, utilities included. quiet, comfortable room Hopewell. Please call 609-466- $330 per month, 201-359-2041. to rent or apt to share 2-3 TO RENT - master BR 3331. Early morning or late nights per week in Apts./Houses w/private bath in shared evenings best time. Plainsboro area. Call house 15 min. walk from Univ. MALE/FEMALE — grad or 609-799-8950 ext. 380 Moo - Non-smokers, those willing to professional to share 2 bdnn Thurs, 1-4 only or 212-744- To Shore share cooking only. $M5+util. PRINCETON BORO — Share Lawrencevilk apt. Aubrey, 1864 after 7 pm or 609-921-7533 for David or weekends. Nadja. 2 bdnn house. Avail. Sept 1st 609-89641753. ^ROOMMATE TO SHARE Walking Dist. to Univ. 1200 iTwo bedroom auuUuent in month plus util. deposit. Call HOUSE TO SHARE —female -tkumtSL $158 + V4 utilities. WANTED-2 person to share Tom 924-2117. PART-TIME GRADUATE roommate needed for house .OOtOMaB-3968 after 6 pm. STUDENT seeks quiet, tidy, large house in Hopewell. Call person to share smal ant. in w/other graduate students. 4 Davia d afternoonft s or evenings, SHARE SUNNY, charmi Lawrencevffle. Available blocks from.University. Must 609-4S8-44W4W. «i room house wit share cooking ft bonMBuki «/ 5/ 79, $135 mo. Cafi Dan chores. Rent $150 * utib. Non- professional woman in 60*896-1052 eves. 6094S24481 smoker. 60M52-3M7 days, or Princeton Junction near train days. 924-4067 eves. FEMALE ROOMMATE station. 9190/jno includes rranr professional Call Susanoe SHARE - a comfortable country nov can m-m-mt.



On* Mil* Rood and Princeton-Hightstown Rd. (opposite McGram Hill) East Windsor. N. J. 1 and 2 Bedrooms

A gracious Bucks County community of pres- from $260. per month Bucks County has a new prestige address tigious Single homes. HAMPTON ESTATES in Lower Makefield Township Pebble creates new standards of excellence as the Creek Elegant single homes on extra large measure lor all others. On rolling terrain, IN THE RURAL AREA of Franklin Park, on one acre of tall shade trees Features: lots in a magnificent community Luxuri- these stately.homes of varied design in pri- giving seclusion in your back yard for relaxation this summer, this 3 • SWIMMING POOL ously comfortable homes of varied design vate cul de sac settings are picture-perfect and superior workmanship in their country environment. bedroom, 2 full bath excellent ranch house with central air and wall-to- • PLAYGROUND FACILITIES Models are priced in the loyv nineties. Models priced from Upper $70'S. wall carpeting $84,500. • OFF STREET PARKING • AIR CONDITIONERS From 1-95 YardleyNewto,wr • KITCHEN WITH DINING AREA Exit take 332 west • THERMOSTAT CONTROLLED HEAT into Newtown proper then south on 532 to Middle (included in rental) To reach Pebble Creek HoJIand Rd Right to St Leonard s Rd then nqh • WASHER & DRYER FACILITIES take 1-95 to Yardley-New- NE Phila north on Bustleto • RESIDENT SUPERINTENDENT town exit at Route 332 Ave continuing on • MASTER TV ANTENNA Take 332 East 1/2 mile to 532 Buck Rd . past Buck Creamery Road Turn left to Hotel continuing on 532 Quarry Road then to Middle Holland Rd right to models Letfito St Leonard s Rd MODEL APARTMENT OPEN DAILY Open 12-6 everyday except then right Wednesday & Friday Phone: 968-0116 Phone 493-2741 Open 12-6 everyday NEW CONSTRUCTION ON WOOQED LOT - Immediate occupancy (609) 448-5935 except Wednesday and convenient for commuters. 4 Bedrooms . 2 Vi baths, spacious living, ^^and Friday. dining and family room with fireplace. Modern kitchen with eating area, central air conditioning, aluminum siding, storms and screens, deck and two-car garage- Call Hilton for an appointment to see this super house. . $135,000. BUCKS COUNTY

Apts./Houses Rooms For Rent IN MONTGOMERY TWP ToShare ROOM CRANBURY - area, private ".oi i- wc-king gen r EMALE ROOMMATE-. tleman, references. 609-655- Wanted to share ex-» 0230. penses in furnished 3 br. apt located in large 130 MAGNIFICENT YARDLEY ESTATE yr old Victorian Mansion HOOM KOH KFNT - in in Neshanic Station. l.awrtMiifville Complete _ Elegant 2 story Georgian Colonial home on an acre of beautifully Paneled l.r. with house privileges and parking. ' landscaped and shrubbed grounds. This lovely home is the fireplace, large eat in 609-8W. 94K7. 3 BEDROOM SPLIT LEVEL. Just freshly painted inside- large living epitomy of elegance featuring a huge living room, formal dining kitchen, 3 bath, Vi hour room and dining room combination, big family room, V/2 baths, 1-car room with entry to a rear brick screened porch. PaheHed family from Pri nceton, New garage. Close to New York and Phila. trains $83,900. room w/fireplace, study or sitting room, powder room, modem Brunswick, and Somerville. Call 201-369- fully equipped kitchen and separate laundry room. The second ROOM FOR RENT - avail floor has 4 large bedrooms, 3 baths, and a separate wing for 5068. immediately. Central Nassau guests or maid's quarters. Central air. 2 car side entry garage. St. low rent. 609-9">4-2040. Overlooking a heated in-ground pool (20x45) is a large concrete patio deck with built-in BBQ. Poolside is a fully equipped MATURE WOMEN - Cabana House with a kitchen, full bath, sauna and sitting room. needed to share homes at ROOM FOR RENT — 1 block What a place to raise your family! Excellent commuting con- modest costs — for from Nassau St. Call 609-924- venience to Phila. or N.Y. A world of beauty priced at •2BB.000. companionship — for 3993. limited motherly duties. For info, call Roommate .i bedroom. 3 bath colonial surrounded by almost 2 OPEN HOUSE Finding Service. 609-924- PRIVATE ROOM - in shared acres of trees. Stained hardwood floors throtichoiii. Sunday 1-4 p.m. 5153. house, prefer responsible Immediate Occupanc\. $ I I middleaged female. All house privileges. 609-466-23%. •s* TEACHER - female - late 20's seeks non-smoking female to share 2 BR apt. LG. SUNNY ROOM — w/bath, Hightstwon. $125+ lb park-like surroundings. Walk GRANDER Agency utif Available Sept. 215- to Palmer Sq. Min. kitchen REALTORS WELL BUILT 5 BEDROOM COLONIAL RANCH on a lovely one 459-2018 or 201-689-2070. priv. 609-924-1723. Station Sq., Rout* 206. B*IU M*ad acre treed lot with an orchard of miniature fruit trees. In the country yet close to shopping and transportation $145,000. 201-35941222 RELATIVELY straight LAWRENCEVILLE — lovely YOU WILL LOVE THIS 4 bedroom, 2 V4 bath, centrally air conditioned female professional, 34, room in private home. Non- seeking roommate smoking gentleman. Refs. Ranch located 5 miles north of Princeton. Close to two railroads, preferably female, same required. 609-883-0916. Rooms For Rent Apts. For Rent shopping just 4 minutes away and schools 5 minutes by car. The coun- to help pay mortgage. tryside is beautiful and neighbors friendly. This can be your home. Call Modern 3-bedroom Lawrenceville town- ROOM FOR RENT - ONE ROOM EFFICIENCY Hilton .. '. $135,000. house, furnished. Call refrigerator, parking. Call SO. BRUNS. - 1 furn. APT. — Available im- Elegantly pioportioned 2 story Colonial with 4 large bedrooms Ellen, 609-292-1676, days. after 5 pm 609-921-3816. rm., priv. entr., female mediately $225 per month YOU DONT HAVE TO BUILD - We have a less than year old two- Ondudmg a master bedroom suite) and 2% designer baths. Thi» only, parking, $40 wkly. walking distance to Nassau St. ^ story Colonial on a wooded lot. The home is in excellent condition with 4 RESPONSIBLE - young 201-821-7051 anytime; 609-921-0977. dwbnctive home has many luxurious features such as Wash- FURNISHED MOTEL rooms 201-329-2965 aft. 6. bedrooms, 2'/2 baths, large living room, dining room, den with fireplace, bum custom window & door trim and 4 inch crown mokfing in professional to share spacious with a/c & TV. Hightstown- large modern eat-in kitchen, full basement, two-car garage. The redwood living room, dMng room, den and foyer, also a custom built-in home. Air conditioning, land- Windsor area. From $70 per PRINCETON BORO - walk to circular stair. There are fireplace* in the fiving room and dan. scaped ground, garage, 1 mile week. 609-448-8637. everything. 4 room apt. deck has a built-in California hot bath. There are many other extras .... The cedar paneled den includes a wet bar. FuRy equipped from Princeton Jet. station. HILLSBORO - Private modern kitchen with kitchen with custom rficfcory csbinets. Rro snd smoke storm Call 609-924-3769 or 452-3341, washer/ dryer ft dishwasher. $139,900. ask for Rasin. home has 2 rooms to rent and Security system. Situated on 1K acre naturally wooded tot to females only. Avail. Sept. Wune 1. Not IN PRINCETON TOWNSHIP. 16 acres of wooded land with brook. with landacaped entiance area. Everything in this home was LARGE - desirable room, no suitable for pete or children. smoking, no cooking. 2 Bedroom & study with 1750 foot frontage and zoned residential $165,000. built with quality workmanship and care. PLAINSBORO - Share minutes to campus, parking. private bath & Kitchen Security deposit ft references Hunters Glen 2 bdrm apt. 609-924-4474. privileges. Quiet country required. Avail, turn, or ua- FAST FOOD SERVICE BUSINESS in Princeton area. Well designed DIRECTIONS: 9mm*mwmm._ for academic year. Must furn. $495/ mo. including heat setting & convenient & parking. 609421-0027. for food operation. Ideal for franchising. Take 1-95 to New Hope exit, north and thru in- be responsible, non- location. Perfect for tersection of Taylorsville Rd. and Washington's smoker, love music, able student or career person. HOUSES FOR RENT at $850.00 each per month. to do without TV. 609-799- ROOM FOR RENT - In private 201-369-5194 eves. Crossing Rd. (Rt. 532 & 32). Take next left on 4633. home. With 4 adults $125. Woodhill to Highland Rd. and Timberridge. includes kit/laund. privs. No W. TRENTON - 1 BR, newly HOUSE FOR RENT IN LAWRENCE TOWNSHIP. Immediate remodeled, new carpet. EM. occupancy. Call Hilton for further details. lease. Princeton Jet. 609-924- FOR RENT — Room in PROFESSIONAL - 9209, days, 7994542, eves. location. All utils paid. 609-739- large private home. 9360. woman wishes to share Cooking & laund. NASSAU ARMS - Efficiency and One Bedroom apartment available. On her home near high privileges avail. Walking bus route and 2 blocks from shopping. school with non-smoking distance, Princeton Jet; moderate person. Call HlGHTSTOWN SUBLET - 2a* MANVILLE - Rm. for train station. Call after 609424-9791. 5:30. 609-799-0137. floor Garden apt. w/balcon», RENTALS: Houses and Apartments. rent, prefer gentleman. central air, free gas stove * 201-526-8378. heat, l BR, Ige. bath, wak-in MEMBER: open 7 days till 5 p.m. TO RENT - bedroom in ROOM FOR RENT - in closet. 5 months lease. Con- large farm house in W. venient to Rt. 130, Cranbury. Princeton Real Estate Group Evenings and Weekends Call: shared house; 15 min. walk from campus. Windsor. Share rest of Occupancy Oct. 1st. $247/mo. Mercer 8- Somerset County MLS TWO FURNISHED house. $175/mo. All utils. Call 609-448-8457 after 6pm. William Schuessler, 921-8963 Nonsmokers only. Must BEDROOMS - 1 block included. 609-799-3937. AffHistejd Independent Brokers Harvey Rude, 201 -359-5327 be willing to share from Nassau St. $130 per (Nationwide Referral Service} Rita Margolis Apts./Houses Apts./Houses cooking. $130 4; util. Call month. 609-924-8362 eves. 609-921-7533 for David or 609-921-2806 ext. 225 EWING -1 BRapt. in 2 family Allen D'Arcy, 799-0685 Nadja. FURNISHED ROOM - Russ Edmonds, 201 -449-9357 daytime. avail immed. $l60/mo. home. Lge. yard, quiet To Share To Share residential neighborhood LR. 194 Nassau St 609-921 -6060 Jim Ajamian. 466-1592 Kitchen privileges, laundry privileges, eat-in kitchen, pancUM AsaG Moweryr. 395-1671 porch/den, air conditioner Hilton Bldg., 2nd Floor FEMALE WANTED — To ROOM FOR RENT - parking. Bus every Vi Friederike Cooc, 921 -0460 share bouse. Bedroom with 3 BDRM HOUSE - in Princeton hour to University. 609- Sd floor. Avail. Sept. 1. Adit Rooms For Rent very near campus. professionals preferred. $SM. closets and private bathroom. Twp. Desirable residential Separate entrance. Call 921-0845 home. 609-452- Near Princeton Univ. and area. To share with single 609421-1234. 4276 or 452-4279 office. 60MS»47U. train station. $250/mo. & share man, $285/mo. Utils. incid. ROOM IN Family Home of Utilities. Call 609-799-0942 or 609-924-8527. w/kit/laund. priv., parking. ApH./Hou»es Apts./Houses 609-771-3090. Male pref. Avail. Sept 15, $140 mo. 201-297-0757, 9110 or 8584 H1GHTSTOWN - 1 ROOMS - nicely fur- ALLENTOWN, NJ.- ToShare To Shore anytime. bedroom ft bath, kitchen nished, use of nized k redecorated 7 To Share LOOKING — for responsible YOUNG PROFESS- privileges. $195/mo. 609- refrigerator. Profes- with lVi baths, large person, steady income to IONAL • Woman 448-8943. refs. sional man pre- rm w/fireptoee, large PROFESSIONAL PERSON — looking to share H00M 4 SEMI-EFFICIEN- ferred. CaU after 4 21 x 21 with h/c VE LARGE-4 BR boose in student wanted to share house share bouse with S others. 2 CIES — at weekly rate. tanks, 1 mate, preferably sonny, two-bedroom, pm, 609-921-6242. panelled dayroc toahamwUn in HopewelL $135/mo. plus centrally - located Princeton Manor Motel, oining rm, Ua^^ i4177MI 9244062. 6°99. 821-6042. Cafl Dave. NEWSPAPER HOME HUNTER'S GUIDE Week of August 29-31, 1979 IT-B

Choose your next apartment carefully... A HOME FOR EVER YONE you'll live there for many years. LAND ft INVESTMENT PROPERTY Consider the $45,000 - Treed building lot of 2.55 acres can be finest... subdivided. $65,000 - 6 acres on Route 1 near turnaround. $180,000 - for 5 houses - fine income on 2 acres. •East Windsor 100 stunning acres • PR. "RFO" area - farm assessed. In the Princeton-Hightstown 49 Acres • Industrial Land - Washington Township. area. Luxury garden apartments 24.43 Acres - Contiguous to American Cyanamid. in quiet, suburban settings. All WITHIN WALKING DISTANCE OF VILLAGE OF have private balconies and SPECTACULAR REDWOOD CONTEMPORARY HOME LAWRENCEVILLE, this brick and frame colonial has Commercial building in Hightstown. $95,000. spacious, well-kept grounds. double doors at front entrance, 4 bedrooms, 2Vi in Princeton Township situated on 2 plus acre lot! ' Wall-to-wall carpeting. Free off- Stained Glass Studio in the heart of Princeton. baths, full wall fireplace in family room, full basement, Featuring 4 bedrooms, 3% baths, living room, library, street parking. Swim Club. study, family room, 2 fireplaces, fantastic kitchen, $40,000. 1M from $2*4 central air and 2 car side-turned garage. $117 500. 2 BR from $296 central air, and 2 car garage, this custom con- STUNNING MONTGOMERY RANCH on 1 acre lot. 3 temporary has everything you could possibly want in a large B/R's, living room, dining room, kitchen, den and LAND IN PRINCETON JUNCTION: Heirs must settle home. An added attraction is the heated Sylvan Pool delightful screened porch, and 2 car garage. $99,900. estate — We have been instructed to sell the WYNBROOK WEST with lighting both inside and out. $350,000. following strategically located property: 68+/- Dutch Neck Rd. acres (with farm house "as is") Zoned Residential. Mr. Er Mrs. White 448-3385 Plus 18+/acres - Research-Oftice-Lt. Mfg. Excellent frontage - Top location plus potential. To induce a BROOKWOOD GARDENS package sale, property is being offered below market Hickory Corner Rd. Mr. Ptashinski 448-5531 value. Only $5500 per acre. CHESTNUT WILLOW * Dorchester Dr. Mrs. Ash 448-6960 A GOOD BUY - 3 bedroom ranch with large modern eat-in kitchen, panelled family room, 1 full bath, 1 car • Robbinsville garage and central air. $42,000. Rural setting with acres of THE PERFECT PRINCETON LOCATION - next to the breathing'space around lovely Herrontown Woods - watch the deer browse and the apartments. Extra large rooms birds feed. 4 bedrooms, 2% bath Colonial on wooded THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF WEST WINDSOR EXECUTIVE SIZED COLONIAL - Expansive in size and with wall to wall carpeting . 154 acre lot. Large living room, formal dining room, awaits you! Come see this spotless center hall colonial in move-in condition, your family will love this 4 Free parking for 2 cars. Con- eat-in kitchen with deck for outside dining, family bedroom, 2% bath, 6 year old home. With a huge venient to all highways. with 4 bedrooms, 2!4 baths, family room w/fireplace, room with full wall brick fireplace, full basement, 2 car separate dining room, living room, kitchen, centra! air living room, formal dining room and lovely family side-turned garage, and central air. Landscaping by & 2 car garage. $129,500. room, it lends itself to gracious entertaining and is SHARON ARMS Ambleside. $169,900. within walking distance to a fine new elementary Sharon Rd. across from The school. , $83,500. Country Club. Just East on Rte. 130 at Rte. 33 North of 1-95 at Exit 7A N.J. Tpke. Mr. Sheehan 259-9449

* Ewing Township

Luxury apartments with private ATTRACTIVE INCOME PROPERTY - The ultimate pools. Efficiencies to oversized hedge against inflation. 3 good houses on 1 property - 2 bedrooms. Large rooms. a 3 bedroom ranch home to live in or rent, 2 rental Beautiful landscaping. Con- houses with new kitchens and roofs and fine tenants, veniently located. Free off- street parking. For future oc- numerous outbuildings on 20 acres of land for far- cupancy, call our Resident LARGE AND LOVELY IN LAWRENCE is this 4 ming, horses, etc. Terms for eligible buyer. $115,000. Managers. bedroom, 2 V4 bath colonial with living room, dining QUALITY C INTEGRITY PERSONIFIED I Our favorite 3 room, eat-in kitchen, family room w/fireplace, central bedroom custom ranch has a lovely entry, living room, CUSTOM COLONIAL UNDER CONSTRUCTION WOODBROOK HOUSE air and 2 car garage. $119,500.. dining room and super country kitchen, full basement IF YOU'RE LOOKING FOR A HAPPY ENDING TO featuring large rooms throughout. 4 bedrooms, 2% 865 Lower ferry Rd. and 2 car garage. Handsome and maintenance free, it 5 story elevator bldg.- HOME HUNTING, this could be it! 3 bedroom ranch baths, separate dining room, family room w/fireplace, Mr. Lazzari 883-3335 sits well back from the road and has a deep private with living room, separate dining room, kitchen, bath, kitchen w/separate breakfast area, central air, full yard with large shade trees. Enjoy top school system, full basement and garage. $59,000. basement and 2 car garage. Wooded lot w/Greenacres HIGHGATE commuting convenience and the satisfaction in in rear. Occupancy, Sept. 15th. • $149,900.

Olden Ave. at Parkway 5 story owning the type of home that "nowadays is hard to *:• - elevator bldg. Mr. & Mrs Van find"! Reduced to $85,500. DeWeghe 883-4626 NEW LISTING - Jewel of a house set on a beautiful Vi acre lot. 3 B/R's, L'R, dining area, all butcher block kitchen. Many amenities. $52,900. EASTGATE Parkside Ave. 2 story garden apts. Some with private balconies and com- RENTALS pletely carpeted. Mr. Johnson 883-7537 STORE FOR RENT - Princeton Borough, approx. 1,200 THE CHARM of this 80 plus year old Victorian home sq. ft. $900 per mo. PARKSIDE MANOR located in Hightstown Borough becomes evident as Parkside Ave.- you enter its high-ceilinged double living room, dining OFFICE RENTAL - center of town approx. 2,200 sq. ft. 2 story Garden Apts. - will consider subdividing New building. Mrs. Singer 882-3930 room, kitchen, 3 bedrooms and 2 baths. Conveniently NOW'S THE TIME TO INVEST IN YOUR FUTURE! We located. Walk everywhere. $39,500. $350 per mo. IN CLOSE PROXIMITY TO SCHOOLS, SHOPPING OFFICE SPACE on Nassau Street VERSAILLES offer you a Princeton Contemporary brick ranch with 4 ; AND SWIM CLUB, this East Windsor ranch features 3 220 Sullivan Way JUST LISTED • SITUATED ON WOODED 'A ACRE LOT, bedrooms, 2 full baths, living room w/brick free- bedrooms, 1 Vz baths, garage, full basement, eat-in IN-TOWN • Apartments £t Townhouse. Opposite Trenton Country this 4B/R, 2- V2 bath home has UR, D/R, eat-in kitchen, standing raised hearth fireplace, dining room, family kitchen and Jiving room and dining room w/cathedral $300 ft $500 per mo. Cljjb. 2 story garden apts. | panelled family room w/fireplace. $71,900. room, central air and 2 car garage. $169,900. Mr, Pergola 883-4550 ceiling. . $71,500.

KRIEGMAN& SMITH,.«. Property miMprnwit Adlerman, Click & Co. Now Building For All Area Listings Joan Alpert Phyllis Levin Don Focclni Suki lewin BROOKMEAD Realtors and Insurers Rot Greenberg Dorothy Kramer in Montgomery Twp. (609)924-0401 4-6 Huffish St., Princeton, N.J. Barbara Pinkham Jane lamberty (609)586-1020 Sarah laroch Natalia V. Kati Evenings (609) 924-1230 Esther Poigrebin EdKimble. Jr. Wm/Bucei Myrna Ahmad Mariana Horovitz Builder, Inc. Esi. 1927 Member: Princeton Real Estate Group, Multiple Listing Service, World Wide ^location Service Rotary O'Neill Edyee Roienthple

For information call "Our Competent Staff Can Show You Any 6 Every Home in th<- Area" 609-9244906

Apts. For Rent Apts. For Rent Apts. For Rent Apts. For Rent Apts. For Rent Apts. For Rent Apts. For Rent Apts. For Rent Apts. For Rent

UNFURNISHED - new luxury EXCEPTIONALLY NICE - 2 DUPLEX - 4Vi rms. with PENNINGTON BORO, 5 LAWRENCEVILLE AREA - PENNINGTON BORO — 5 bedrooms, living room, dining ONE & TWO BEDROOM LAMBERTVILLE - large 1 CHEERFUL RESIDENTIAL ROOM APT., 2 bedrooms, lvg. apartments. 1 & 2 bedrooms. basement, yard, driveway APTS — for immediate oc- BR, private entrance on — 2 bdrm. apt. w/living rm, Ten minutes to Princeton - $335 and up. Meadow Lane room apartment: living room, room, full ceramic tile bath, priv. Couple w/1 child room, kitchen with diniqg First floor apartment; 3 dining room or study, eat-In kitchen with refrigerator, cupancy at Windsor Castle. E. ground level. Recently new kitchen, conv. to shopping area, study, basement, garage Apts. 5 minutes to Princeton preferred. No pets. 201-725- Windsor Twp. From Princeton redecorated. Walk to town. No & bus lines. $300. 609-921-3632. bdrrns & bath; living rm Jet. Call 609-452-2104. kitchen, two bedrooms, and stove, dishwasher, disposal, 1576. and rear yard available on or w/fireplace, large kitchen bath. Available August l. $395 rear roofed deck, l garage take 571 to Old Trenton Rd., lease, no pets. Security about Sept. 1. Asking rental space, feels like a house! make a right then proceed to required. $325. 609-397-2168. w/separate dining area. excluding aU utilitfer 12 West the first left beyond a couple $395. excluding all utilities. 12 Finished basement w/paneled l' BR LUXURY APT — Delaware Avenue. 609-924- Avail. Sept. 1. $560. Firestone PENNINGTON BORO, 8 MODERN 2 BEDROOM West Delaware Ave., 609-924- walls & w/w shag rug to use as swimming & tennis, $300 / mo, 0746. Real Estate. Realtors 609-924- hundred feet from Old Trenton 0746 or 921-1061. ROOM APT., 5 bedrooms, lvg Road. 609-448-5995. FOR RENT - Apartment APARTMENT - new ap- playroom or den. Plenty plus mils. 215-862-2162. room, kitchen with dining pliances, washer & dryer, storage. Front & back en- completely furnished except wall-to-wall carpeting, central area, recreation room, 2 fun linens, centrally located, with 1 BEDROOM - modern apt. trance & yard. Rent includes 2 BR APT. — living room, 2"BEDROOM Duplex - wood oaths, basement, garage and? 4 ROOM APT - 2nd floor, air conditioning, private heat. Avail. Nov. 1. Call 609- CENTRAL PRINCETON walking distance to Nassau St. accessibility to university and Village II New Hope, sublet 6 modern kitchen w/dining burning fireplace, fully car- rear yard. Available an or seminary, one block from backyard Landlord pays heat 883-1928. peted, lovely location with BORO - first floor apt. 2 about Sent. 1. Asking rental Parking facilities. $430/mo. and utilities. $500/month. No mo, $325 plus elec. 609-924-4212 area. 1 large bedrm, 1 medium bedrooms, living room, mnit^g Security. Available Sept. 1. Nassau Street. Living room after 6pm 215-207-8445, ask for sized bedrm, new tile bath & tennis court privileges. $550. excludingaUutfflties. 12 with fireplace; bedroom with pets, please. Call 609-921-2467 $350/mo. Security and .room kitchen, and bath. W. Delaware Ave. (on bus One year lease. Call 609-921- after 6 pm or anytime Barry. private entrance foyer. Available September. $525 7242. bath, den (with sofa con- weekends. NEW HOPE, PA — Private Suitable for 2 persons; references required. 609-397- monthly. Telephone 609-924- route) 609-924-0746 or 921-1061. vertible to bedroom and ac- entrance & walled patio. Sm. discount to est graduates. 2168. cessible to bath); dining room, THREE ROOM APT - Ponds apt 1 bedroom; liv. rm., mod. Approx. an 8 minute jog to 0133, 609-737-9377, or 201-793- kitchen. Rental $285+ sec. T with outdoor deck; kitchen, country setting. Avail. Sept 1 Nassau Hall, or 3 minute walk DARIEN AT VILLAGE 2 - (furnished with gas range, PENNINGTON BORO — 8 or at once. $250. Call dep. Ideal for l person. No to Princeton Hospital. Asking OLD FASHIONED CITY ••LAMBERTVTLLE-1 bedroom New Hope, Pa. Modern, caretaker, 201-297-9194. dogs 215-862-9300 after 5 p.m. ; apt. Victorian accent. electric refrigerator/freezer, room apartment: living room rental of $315 excTudinK all I LIVING — 640 West Apart, YARDLEY luxury, 1 bdrm. apts. ana dishwasher, clothes washer eat-in kitchen, dining room or utilities. Avail. Sept 1. for a ' merits 1 BR, decorator's Townhouses. All modern and dryer. All utilities, in- study, 5 bedrooms, two bams SUBLET - Hunters Glen, minimum rental term ot l delight. 2 BR, 2 bath, also -conveniences, free swimming, cluding one car garage, $800. and large parking yard. LAWRENCEVILLE year. Premises shown by appt. available to 2 working _per- pool, 4 tennis courts, sauna. Princeton Meadows, 2 BR, 2 Townhouse apt avail. Aug. 26. "per month. Reply Box 108873 Available August l. ffi» ex- baths. Sept 15. $329. 609-799- only. Please call 609404-0746 I sons. Please call Mrs. Kenney" Immediate occupancy. 215- c/o Princeton Packet cluding all utilities. 12 West $185+ekc. Females only. Call leave name & number. at 609-393-2753, Trenton. 862-9133. T_7^ Delaware Ave. 609-9344746. 3724. 609483-1899 eves. HOME HUNTER'S GUIDE

18-B Week of August 29-31, 1979

RESTORED ALL BRICK COLONIAL: Located on a two acre lot with old shade trees with some storage buildings in the rear. PROFESSIONAL LOCATION: Excellent one acre corner lot in There are four nice size bedrooms, two baths, family room, Dayton, South Brunswick Twp. zoned commercial House fireplace in the living room, formal dining room. The kitchen and consists of 10 rooms and 3 baths; municipal water and sewer baths are remodeled. Basement has partially finished rec room. facilities. Presently used as a two family income property Several extras to be left with the home M9.500. Owner will hold mortgage for qualified buyer $143,000. REAL ESTATE

Electronic Realty ly[s2S Associates, Inc.

1.9 ACRES IN RURAL CRANBURY: Exceptionally large rooms, TWO STORY WITH ALUMINUM SIDING Its amazing what can front and back stairways, circuit breakers and aluminum siding be done with an older home. The interior walls and ceilings are a few of the nice features that this stately turn of the century have been replaced with sheet rock and panelling. The rooms home in Cranbury Twp. offers. There are two buildings besides are larger than you'd think and contain hardwood floors Living the house: a heated 3 car garage and a storage building. The room, dining room, eat-in kitchen, 2 bedrooms, bath. There is house has an entrance foyer, living room, dining room, family plenty of storage space, screened porch, basement, asphalt room, laundry, mud room, kitchen, 5 bedrooms and 1 h baths . driveway, and about a V« acre lot $55,000. .$119,900.

AN IS'x 60'BARN Rolling hills, meadows, 2 brooks, even an orchard make this country home on 14 acres a delightful retreat. This chaTTWTig 3 bedroom home with 5 room apartment can easAy be recon- ""*" *•-""£. verted to a 7 bedroom home. Thre are many poawbWws for -subdivision which, combine with the apartment income, make PRINCETON BORO this a very appealing property. WARRANTED FOR 1 YR. 34 bedroom Colonial in top condition within short walking $145,000. distance of schools and shopping. This charming home features living room, dining room, eat in kitchen, screened in porch. One COUNTRY HOME WITH FIVE ACRES UNDER CULTIVATION: and a half baths and a 2 car detached garage. Also included are Home has recently been modernized and it.'dpcot.itcc) Run all appliances and wall to wall carpeting bedrooms, two ceramic baths, lovely living loom, dining mom $124,900. LAKE FRONT HOME LOCATED NEAR PEDDIE SCHOOL: Nice presently used as a TV room new Quakei Miiid kitchen with deep lot with plenty of privacy, old shade trees, garden area and numerous cabinets and counter space plus lauje fating ;»e>a lake frontage. Home has six rooms, 1 V4 baths, spacious attic, Also has a screened porch and an oversize 2 car blork yar.iqe full basement, copper plumbing, baseboard hot water heat, with auto door opener. Underground winrm .opp.-t PI.,MI|HM tctiutt", Sul< possession $49,000. division is a possibility $125 000


This 3 bedroom. Two and a half bath colonial, 1 car garage, fill 160 Stockton St. Hightstown. N.l. basement, central air and vacuum , private yard facing open Office: 609-44S-4250 field is located in a friendly community of Twin Rivera. Only After Hours I Sunday Call: minutes from Princeton and 60 minutes to N.Y.C. REALTOR* m.m. Kicliiird \ an Ilix' W ;irrrn ( (I-M'II 1SW .900 GETS YOU ALL THE ROOM Jriui K-i-h 4-Mt-11 Tit Mi-Kin Kn-|>~ 'u YOU ALWAYS WANTED \l;iuricr Jiiint'>. Jr. \na*t;iMa K—I PREFERRED HOMES- but could never find and this 2500 plus square foot. 2-story colonial is located in a prime area in E. Windsor It features 4 spacious bedrooms plus a library or den; a family room with 11 beautiful oak peg floors Many more extras " Apts. For Rent Apts. For Rent Houses For Rent Houses For Rent

ONE & TWO BEDROOM 3 ROOM APT • 1st floor. UNFURNISHED » I UMSIIKI) I APTS FOR RENT Walking distance to iMJ and lawn WEST WINDSOR p.m. Mon-Wed-Thurs, charming large 3 BR. Cornelia Weller maintenance al owners AFFORDABLE RT. 1 FRONTAGE - POSITIVE CASH FLOW. Real Estate THE ENERGY SAVER Fri. Sat. 12-4 modern eat-in-kitchen. expense Available Scarce 1 acre lot in West Windsor, great location, present use 609-S2l-Oi:iO September 1st A 4 bedroom. 2 bath cape within easy walking distance Of laundry room, living gives positive cash. flow. Future beyond imagination. Possible $790 (Mi month. Weidel train, schools, and shopping A screened bree^eway. patio and WINDSOR REGENCY room" w/working financing (to qualified buyer) APARTMENTS fireplace, bath, front & Real Estate Inc . 242'- 2 car*)arage on a wooded '••; acrt; lot make this a most desirable Nassau Si Princeton $165,000. East Windsor, N.J. rear entrances. Avail. 4 BEDROOM - 2-'2 bath pmpoMyat only $87,900. Oct. 1 $575/mo. no pets. Colonial split in family neigh- 609-921-2700 HANDY HANDS. OPEN MIND can make this 3 bedrooms. 1 6WMI8-29&! 609-448-6553 Call 609-737-2117 between borhood. 8min. to train station bath. C A full basement ranch into a real beauty, on one acre of 6-9 p.m. and all shopping. Major ap- KASI WINDSOR land in rural E. Windsor can be yours for only pliances included, centrallv AYUI.AKI.r: APT. - Avail. Sept. 1. S5S.S00. air conditioned $625/ mo. Call SEPT. 1st Near center of town. FOR RENT • East 609-799-9560. I I PLENTY OF PRIVACY IT A.r.«. of beautiful woods in a secluded Kitchen, living room, 2 Windsor bi-level. 4 , Lovely 2 story colonial 4 bedrooms & bath. Heat )bedrooms. 21- baths, area of rural Allentown A house sits on the property - 2 bedrooms, central air. Hamilton Square, 3 bedrooms bedrooms, living room, kitchen, bath and a full basement. Just included. $435 per month. modern kitchen, car- Krntral air. all ap Call 609-924-0633. Eves, $500 East Windsor 4 plianees. 2 car garage, sit back, close your eyes, and think of this lovely area with peted, drapes, asking bedrooms. $525. Montgomery 737-9377. No answer 201- $600 mo. Peyton Assoc. great family neigh- sunshine glimmering through the trees with all its many 793-7993. Home, 5 bedrooms, immediate *a» possibilities All this for only - $100,000 Realtors. 609-921-1550. borhood $650 month occupancy $750. Princeton. 4 plus utilities RENTALS bedrooms, Sept 1 occupancy 4 BR Split Level in West Windsor, walk to the station, screened HOPEWELL BORO $750. Call Realty AFT. - Central location. f ROOM APT Former World/ Audrey Short. Inc 609 \\ridel Krai Kstatr, Inc. THIS IMPRESSIVE COLONIAL in porch kitchen bedroom & bath $625- mo. Attractively renovated. 3 921-9222 has 4 bedrooms. Two and a half baths, family room spacious room first floor aprt. in of once much larger apt foyer, and closets which can even accommodate a teenage girl1 Princeton Twp. - Furn. Contemporary, 34 BRs, AC . FP. 'stately old Victorian. located near Princeton Make an appointment today to see this bright ,mci well mam inground pool 2 acres High ceilings, light & hospital. Asking rental of UNFURNISHED 2 BR $790- mon. $235. 609-924-0746. UNFURNISHED lamed home in a convenient, friendly neighborhood ».o nnn airy, Ig. rooms. No pets. CETON • Contemporary, house 2-car garage. Heat & utilities not in- excellent location for schools, Lawrence Twp close to cluded. Refs & sec shopping & commuters. 4 BR. Princeton Large living deposit required. LAMBERTVILLE 2 Baths, large LR with rmw fireplace. $425/mo $300/mo. Avail. Sept 1. TOWNHOUSE Pleasant fireplace, family room, study plus utils Lease & 609-924-8691. 4 room apt newly Avail. Sept. 1. $650. Call H09- security Avail Sept 1 Sheila BramaAde Lois Fox Jerry Lancaster painted, carpeting, 921-2726 or 924-4186 BROKER-W Bricklev ~": Joy Capwell Alice Hollander Maureen Longer paneling, own ther- 609-924 7474 V EFFICIENCY APT -2>z —iMMi* Coggin Sharon Knight Arlene Mulry miles south of mostat. Avail. im- ,'' V. mediately $250/mo plus PRINCETON TWP NY Connie Oarrow HalKuehn Kay Tighe Washington Rd.. on US 1. 609-924-5792 after 4 30 Utils 609"-397 3736 or 201- busline 4 BR. 2 bath. LR COUNTRY HOUSE For Howard Eldridge Janet Lachapelle Was Umphrey 6& 782-0527 w/fpl.. DR. kitchen, fam rm . Rent Magnificent 6- garage & full bsmt Avail late bedroom country estate Patrica S. Bell Ruth W. Bly Aug for 1 yr. or longer house offered for rent APT FOR RENT - Houses For Rent $G75/mo. 609-921-1713 after fi Starting Kail of 1979 for a MIS Pennington Boro. Avail, p.m. negotiable period of Open 7 Days a Week • 799-8181 immed. 2 bdrms, liv. time Large spacious rm., bath & new kitchen. living rooms, use of 50 Princeton-Hightstown Rd., Princeton Junction LOVELY - 4 BR Colonial in No pets. $460/mo 609- FOR LEASE - Twin Rivers swimming pool and 737-2117 bet. 6&9pm. 1 Penns Neck. Close to trains. tennis court. Splendid Townhouse, 2 BR. I * bath. W Windsor schools Avail Call between 8 to 5 609-298-2234 location offered at an now Call NY. Callaway, asking price of $1100 per or 443-4228 after 6 pm. Realtor. 609-921-1050 PRINCETON BORO-1'* month. Call us for room efficiency, private details Peyton EAST WINDSOR Beautiful 2 Associates Realtors, entrance, professional or COUNTRY LIVING - but business person BR split level Twin Rivers i609i 921-1550 near large shopping townhouse. finished basement, preferred. Single oc- center, railroad station. cupancy. $205 monthly 5 appl. jnahy extras. Walk to About 2 miles to Prin- NYC bus. school, tennis, pool. includes utils. No pets. ceton. Fine-2 BR house in Lease & security. Oct. l 5 min exit 8 Tpk. No pets COUNTRY HOUSE 20 Apts. For Rent Apts. For Rent Apts. For Rent Apts. For Rent Apts. For Rent secluded wooded area of Available immed. $440/mo mins west of Princeton. occupancy. Please phone farm. Affording full 609-924-3887. 609-443-5675 after 4pm on or Quiet & secluded 3 BR. privacy. $400 including after Aug. 24. deck, attic, garage, TWtN NEW 1 BR. APT. - For LAMBERTVILLE - a lovely 1 heat. Starting Oct. 1st. fireplace in living rm., arde n KIVKRa s S modern rent in Pheasant Hollow. 8 ROOM APT - Pen- STtr£2:' « P' finished or nington Boro. (on bus bedroom, fully carpeted and 201-463-0920. $480 - utils 609-397-8148. bath 2nd floor corner apt, modernized, private en- HUNTERS GLEN - 2 BR entrance, unfurnished. Kxc. lease «long courts & route) Six Ig. bedrooms, SPACIOUS 4-5 BDRM *£start term) 609-448-7792. 2 full bate, eat-in kit- trance on ground level. On apt. avail 9/15, $335 plus Colonial house in rural setting chen, living rm., full quiet street, walking distance utils. 609-799-4107. ONE YEAR OLD - 4 of Hopewell Twp. 1 yr. lease, BRICK townhouse. 4+ basement, gar, It to everything. Heat and hot bedroom, 2 story call eves. 609-883-5777. bedrooms, eat-in kit- BOROUGH parking yard. Located at water supplied. $325/mo PRINCETON TWP - colonial. 2 acres in chen. Ivg rm. dining rm, gg Yardfey Canal, 2 12 W. Delaware in Boro Security and references newly remodelled 1 BR, country near Hopewell. fenced in yard. Lam- room Inumlmuse with required. 609-397-2168. near mass transit and No pets, reference bert ville. easy walking kitchen and bedroom of once finished 3rd floor, living room, COTTAGE - 5 Rooms & of Pennington (next to 4-5 BEDROOM 2 bath house in larger apartment. Located at Bath. Baseboard hot Post Office) Asking Nassau St. Sep. entrance required, available Sept.. distance to stores, canal, kitclii-tt, utility room, small & parking. Avail. Sept. 1 1. $700 per month plus excellent condition, 1 acre of river. New Hope, etc. 25 38 •* Leigh Avenue (near yard. $250 plus heat and other water heat. Furnished. rental of 1550. plus utils. FURNISHED STUDIO APT - privacy. Good Ewing location. Princeton Hospital). Available $350 negotiable. 609-799- Lease, sec. & refs. 609- utils. air, parking, bus. 609-924- foe 1 year lease. $375 utilities. Call collect 219- min to Princeton. $4C5 utilities. Adults. No pets 609- including utils. 609-921- 272-5021 ask for William 20 mins. from Princeton. plus ulil. 609-397-8434. September l. 609-924-0746 466-2363. 1068. 924-0746 or 921-1061. 0719. Avail. Sept. $475/609-882-3966 between 8-9 a.m. or PM only. 0608. Meyer for appointment. Keep trying. HOME HUNTE&S GUIDE Week of August 29-31, 1979

gce£on cAo66fioatU pfunctton cAohhKoadA ptunciton cAo&&fioad6 pnJuntiton cAo&AfioadA pKinc.zA.on. cAOAifioadA p&tncefcm cAo&6Koad& ptunczXon cAO&AKoadA ptuncvton cA.othn.oadA pnAnctton

to- ft. p CROSSROADS PRINCETON CROSSROADS , I REALTY, INC. 195 NASSAU STREET 609-924-4677 PRINCETON CONTEMPORARY - Walk to schools, shopping & LARGE HOUSE. SMALL t*RICE- Low maintenance, shady garden. 4 public transportation. Cathedral ceiling, fieldstone fireplace in LR. bedroom Princeton Colonial, close to town $139.000. N $114,000.


I C g E

T3 T

WKST SHORE DRIVE New construction. Luxurious Living! 5 EXECUTIVE HOME IN TALL TIMBERS - Top notch quality; Four LUXURY LIVING IN DOWNTOWN PRINCKTON - ^ on ..»•- it to O BR all brick home in Elm Ridge Park. Gracious 2 story foyer with bedrooms plus an in-law suite. Florida room overlooking the yourself to see this award winning townhousc. hour bedrooms, 2' j liiill g balcony. ' $225,000. professionally landscaped grounds. $265,000 Charming garden. SIK>.(MMI o o- r> o N Aniuta Blanc Linda Carnevale

$•• Lois Fee Hazel Stix


LOVELY VIEW - Four bedroom colonial with a large living room; UNIVERSITY from this spacious Riverside area 5 LATEST LISTING IN PRINCETON - Walk t.. >, n.«,ls. sh<.,.,.in and family room with fireplace. Walk to New York bus. $118,000. K bedroom home. Study, family room, fireplace, central air and much transportation. Cathedral ccilmK and firoplaco m I.vmu room, r n.-ndly I more> $179 500 neighborhood. Quite cul-de-sac. $1.50.(KM). ^ ; : ; ?ice£on oAo&&n.oad& pnJLno.eX.on cAo&6n.oad& pfunceton cAo&6n.oadU pfunctton cAoi6Jioad& pnUncvton cAoA6Hoadt> ptUnavton cAo66Koad6

Houses For Rent Houses For RentHouses For Rent Houses For RentHouses For Rent SALE BY OWNER

FOUR BEDROOM - 2 BUNGALOW — l'u BR. BEAUTIFUL - 3 bedroom NEW HOPE - 2 BR home located in nice area of FOR KENT - half of double story colonial, with luxury twnhse in Village $275/mo. Plus utils. Woods, house in Princeton Boro. ^riarcrest Ewing. Fully carpeted, large garage, in nice area II, all appliances, w/w near Hopewell, 9 miles to Living rm, dining "L," kit- Hamilton Sq. few Princeton. Some furnishings. shaded yard, garage. No carpet, no pets. $425 + maintenance needed, No pets. chen, & powder room on first at Ewing Tbwnsh ip minutes to Princeton Jet. . utils. 609-924-7484 eves till 609-737-2342 day or night. floor, 3 bdrms & bath on 2nd $435 per month plus Convenient to Princeton area. c ( 11 p.m. $450. 609-883-8537. fooor. Garage, 2 year lease utilities. 1 year lease. required. $475/mo. Available the Possible Dream Call 609-448-0?80. PRINCETON T W P Oct. 1. 609-896-0321. HALF OF DUPLEX -in COLONIAL — 4 bdrms, 2>2 PRINCETON JCT - 5 year old Lambertville, nice location, 3 baths, liv. room, din. room, colonial split 5 bdrms, ex. 'Sf^r-^ ONE FAMILY HOUSE - bdrms, bath w/shower, eat-in fam. room w. fireplace, eat-in location. 2 to 3 miles to R&R, LAMBERTVILLE HOME — 3 for 3 adults. Minutes kitchen, large living rm, kitchen, 2 car gar., full school & mall, minutes to BR, (2 furnished) w/w car- from exit #8 NJ Tpk & professional couple preferred, basement, central air. Princeton. Formal living rm peting throughout, kitchen NY bus stop. $375/mo. floats. Call 609-397-2568 after $825/mo. 609-882-0687. with fireplace, dining rm, equipped with modern plus utils. Call at 151 4 pm. family rm, dishwasher & eat- freezer/refrigerator, . self- Wyckoff Ave., Hight- in kitchen basement & brick cleaning oven, washer & PRINCETON JUNCTION stown. patio, 2>2 baths & central air, dryer. $390 plus utils. Call 921- LAWRENCEVILLE AREA - SHORT TERM RENTAL - 3 carpet on hardwood floors, 2 7600 ext. 38 days, 609-397-0011 Save gas, and time, walking distance to train Ten minutes to Princeton - bedroom home in Montgomery car garage. Avail, early Aug. 1 eves. GRIGtiSTOWN / First floor apartment; 3 Twp. Unfurnished. Month to year lease. $675/month plus. station, schools and shopping. Features a large Modal it op»n for Inspection •v.rydoy (12-5) PRINCETON mailing bdrms & bath; livinR rm month basis. 201-359-8469. Call 609-448-2028 if no answer living room with raised brick hearth fireplace, (closed Thursdays) address, renovated w/fireplace, large kitchen call 609-799-9552 after 5 pm. graceful bow window, 3 bedrooms, lots of closet farmhouse on 3 acre w/separate dining area. Resort Finished basement w/paneled space, large ceramic bathroom, large kitchen with From estate, 3 bedrooms, eat- PRETTY — 4-bedroom. 2> - in kitchen, wall-to-wall walls & w/w shag rug to use as 2 Properties tots of cabinets and separate dining area, full with 20% down playroom or den. Plenty bath, clean Colonial on dead- carpeting, dining rm., end street in Lawrence. LR THREE PLUS BEDROOM basement with Outside entrance, oversized 2-car ' living rm. with fireplace, storage. Front & back en- RANCH - near Lake Carnegie, $67,990. with beamed ceiling and garage. Nicely landscaped - Just waiting for You! 30 year term to enclosed sunporch, trance & yard. Rent'includes avail. Oct. Gas heat, central OCEAN FRONT - Long 9V2% heatolater fireplace, separate basement, use of 25 x 50 heat. Avail. Nov. l.'Call 609- air, w/w carpeting. Call Beach Island, beautiful qualified buyers 883-1928.. DR. eat-in kitchen, family , inground swimming room, attached garage, full N.T.CALLAWAY, 609-921-1050. bbathh s FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AND pool. Avail. Dec. 1. spectaculanew 3 bedroomr view, , w/w Welcome. We are pleased that you have stepped basement, gas hot water and APPOINTMENT, CALL: (609) 799-0847 prefer professional TWO PRINCETON carpeting, washer/- into the possible dream. Come, journey with us KINGSTON - 4 BR, 2'i bath heat. Wall-to-wall carpeting, Mid$90,000's couple with 1 or no drapes, many extras. Lovely CONTEMPORARIES dryer, dishwasher. through acres of a country setting witness the children. No pets. Colonial. Fireplace in family Summer rentals. Low rm.. central air, 2 car garage, yard and neighborhood. green elegance that adds just the right touch of References. $425 plus Convenient to 1-295, walk to Beautiful views from every season rates. 201-445-5856 utilities. Write J.G., RD beautiful condition. Walking or 609-494-6410. distance to N.Y. bus. 6 mins. to NY-Trenton bus. $650/month, window of this 3-4 bedroom warmth and peace for family living. #1, Box 274. Princeton, available Sept. 1. 609-924-7545. architect designed home, set NJ. 06540. Princeton. Avail, immed. for 1 Featuring 3 and 4 bedroom homes - ranches, on 4>2 acres, minutes from yr. or longer. $650. per month. colonials, multi-levels all with 2-car garages. •" Princeton Crossroads Realty, center of town. Unfurnished, LONG BEACH ISLAND - available Sept. 5, one year or Harvey Cedars, 4 BR PRINCETON - Con- 609-924-4677. longer. $1000/mo. house, all appliances, Mod»l phon*: (609) 883-4490; 4494 .• temporary, 3 large BUILDING LOT WEST AMWELL TWP. - 3 or 4 close to ocean. Avail. Exclusive agent Ideal Realty Co.. Inc. Realtor (201) S4I-6724- bedrooms," 2 full baths, EAST WINDSOR RANCHER bedroom rancher. Wooded HANDSOME • modern ranch Labor Day week, walk to town. Singles or seclusion with large family $250/week & weekends. Large building lot on exclusive Province Une Road DIRECTIONS: (Only 30 minutes from New Brunswick! Take Rt. 1 • * family. $750 per month. — Lovely Hickory Area on Autumn Hill wooded lot Section, 5 Bdrm, 3>s bath, room, and redwood deck. $500 with swimming pool, 3-4 — Also, 3 BR apt with view in the Princeton Area. (2.6 miles from Nassau Hall) south to I-95 south to Exit 71B (Federal City Rd.1 Follow through^ Princeton Crossroads plus util. 609-397-1288. of bay. Reduced prices in Realty. Inc., 609-924-4677. central air, 2 car garage. $600 bedrooms, fully furnished. Approx. 4 Acres. Heavily wooded. Beautiful area. to Ewingville Rd. Turn left and follow to models on your rights* plus utilities, after 5. 609-443- Available Sept. 1 for one year. Sept. 609-494-8484 or 466- FROM PRINCETON: Take 206 South, to I 95 South to Exit 71B|» 0852. $75,000. Offered by principal: 609-924-2721. 4787. $790/mo. and follow as mentioned. FROM PA.: 1-95 to Rt 31 South. Turn;» 2 BR COTTAGE - avail, PRINCETON JCT. - 6 yr. old left at Ewingville Rd. Models on your right. -# on lovely estate in' house. 3 mins. to station, 5 Princeton Crossroads Realty 609-924-4677 Lawrenceville. Fire- mins. to Princeton. Exc. ADIRONDACK place, screened WESTERN SECTION - school system. 4 BR. 24 baths. Hideaway - Private Lake porch & garage. $600 mo. residence with beautiful LR,~iamily rm., formal DR. knotty pine Lv. Rm. Reply Box #02689 c/o landscaping & illuminated eat-inkitchen, 2 car garage, & 3 BEDROOM Duplex - in w/fireplace 2 Bed. Rms. Resort Resort Resort Resort •: beautiful Boro neighborhood, l Princeton Packet. tennis court. $1200 per month bsmt. Wall/wall carpet. (Gas available) 518-829- block from University and plus utilities. Avail Oct. 1. Call Central --vacuum system, 7786. Properties Properties Properties Properties:* 609-924-6290, no answer, call {refrigerator, washer & dryer, Nassau St. Available Oct. l. EAST WINDSOR - 924-8089. 1 yr. lease. $650/mo + utils. Call 609-924-7624 eves after 5 townhouse. 3 bedrooms, €09-799^491. pm. CAPE COD — On private bay FLORIDA, NEW 2V* baths, 5 appliances, MAINE COAST - 3/4 acre cove off Wellfleet Harbor at LUXURIOUS condominium in VACATION IN — Vermont's WALDEN. VERMONT — 2600 c/a, w/ carpel, pool & approx. building lot, National Sea Shore. Unspoiled Clear-water Beach. Beautifully finest townhouse con- sq ft. 5 year old contemporary tennis privileges in- STRIKING PRINCETON mouth Kennebec Riv. beaches, trails, fishing, tennis. furnished; all appliances, dominium. 3 BR, 2 bath. LR, house with 18 acres of land on CHARMING - 9 room Colonial cluded $500. 201-536-6754 CONTEMPORARY - 3/4 overlooking Atkins Bay, Sunny deck, fireplace, sleeps private beach & swimming DR. & fully equipped kitchen. town road. View of Mt. in Middlebush Village, (local call). bedrooms, views from every historic Fort Popham & 2 6. Uncrowded Sept-Oct. $115- pool, 2 bedrooms, 2 $275/week includes heated Mansfield. $60,000. 201-874- window, set on 4 beautiful 5~Avair"nrii"RVnfv Somerset. 12 miles from pool tennis, linens, firewood & 8745. j. Avau now Reply princeton Available Sept. l. lighthouses: Seguin $170 per week. Fosters 201-621- bathrooms; a terrace with a acres. Avail. Sept. 5 for 1 yr. or (highest on coast) and 0229. In Aug write Box 352 pretty view. Dec.-May, washer/dryer. Call 201-297- 3485 after 5 p.m. for free folder ROSSMORE RENTAL - longer. $1000 per month. 609- fHightstown, N.J. 08520. Pond Island. For details South Wellfleet Mass. 02663. $12007month. Call after 9 p.m. Single home in adult 924-4677. & directions 201-359-4121 617-349-9490. 609-896-1223. & info. HEART OF THE POCONOS - community unfurnished or 369-4236. 2 bedroom 1'2 bath mobile br, 1 bath, Ir, kitchen, home, all electric. Cable TV, •TOWN HOUSE - In Lam- VILLA FOR SALE - or rent VACATION HOUSE - in Big enclosed patio, excellent LAWRENCEVILLE - lovely in poconos, has all con- Bass Lake of Poconos 100 shed & awning. Completely bertviUe for rent 6 charming LONG BEACH ISLAND - furnished, including TV & location. Club house and brand new 3-4 bednn Bi- In Princeton coll veniences, plus 3 outdoor ocean front lovely modern miles from Princeton. Indoor recreation activities. **"*• Panelled family room 609-924-3250 ENJOY THE SHORE IN pools, l indoor pool, golf Stereo. Nice small parkrf dryer, and small house, 3 bedrooms, sleeps 6. swimming, tennis etc. Off- Golf dub on grounds SEPTEMBER—3 BR home & course on Shawnee Country season price until Xmas. minutes to big lakes, skiing & ToPtacso 2 BR apartment in Beach 1>2 baths. Avail. Labor Day shopping. Adults, no pits. extra. 609-924-6536 Club grounds. Shawnee ski run week $300. After Sept. 7, Weekly & weekends. For evenings. Classified Ad Haven Terrace. Avail, with $9900. (717) 253-5888 Or rfntr , 609-799-2678. is nearby. 609-443-4288 for $225/ week. 609-799-2235. further info. 609483-4315 or anapp reasonable rates. M9-737-04S2. information. 7994140 eves. (201)297-4046. HOME HUNTER'S GUIDE

20-B Week of August »-31, 197»

OPEN HOUSE CRANBURYAREA REAL. Sat., Sept. 1,1979 K'M ESTATE PEYTON & Sun. Sept. 2,1979 1 to 5 PM ASSOCIATES LIGHT 246 NASSAU STREET • PRINCETON. NEW JERSEY Karl and Pat Light, Brokers REALTORS 609-921-1550 Realtors 247 Nassau St. 609-924-3822 DONT MISS THIS CHANCE

DCUGHTFUl ENCUSH WOODLAND DESIGN - Lovely old Colonial. Magnificent stairway rises NESTLED AMONG STATELY TREES - from stately center hall. Many visible fireplaces, SURROUNDED BY NATURE'S SOUNDS AND pumpkin pine flooring, living room, formal dining VIEW. Center foyer. Library or music room. room, library, dinette, solarium - greenhouse 10' x Casement windows in living room and dining room. Secluded study, can be guest room. 25', 5 bedrooms, 2 full baths, full basement. One Pegged, wide plank floor in family room with acre landscaped lot. fireplace, sliding doors to rear, wood deck. Four 28 Station Rd. Sale 111 5,000. bedrooms, including Master bedroom with dressing area. Three ceramic tiled baths. REALLY Cranbury Village Rent $650/month. WOODSY. THIS ONE AND OTHERS FROM $132,000. DIRECTIONS: Rt. 206 to Cold Soil Road ,Rrst right PERFECT LOCATION on Woodfield Lane in Hudler Farms. for a wee Town House. Pleasant cul de sac just off Nassau Street, walking distance to stores, theatre*, a hop and skip to the bus. A warming fireplace separate.*, the living and dining The time is slipping away and we may not be able to offer this very special rooms, there is an attractive bow window with door to a fenced investment property much longer. If not sold very soon, present owner terrace. Two bedrooms. 1V: baths — a small house with real may decide to keep the property for his own investment. 2 excellent rental potential for a discerning bu\er. units, each with 3 bedrooms, attractive living rooms, and separate dining Offered at $125,000. rooms. Each unit has modern kitchen. There is a garage and a beautiful yard. An ideal arrangment for an owner who would like to live in one side and rent the other side to carry expenses. Give us a call today to discuss WOULDS'T BUILD? the financial advantages of this beautifully located Village property. GRACEFUL DETAILS EMPHASIZE THE FINE \X e are pleased to offer a most allrarli\r lot just over an acre - Asking $127,000. BEAUTY IN THIS PROVINCIAL COLONIAL ON niceU wooded, and with a stream running across the back. PROFESSIONALLY LANDSCAPED LOT. Gracious This 19th century home has a center hall, living- room with fireplace, large formal dining room, 22' Convenient Grover's Mill location, with new sewer in the street, center foyer with 2 guest closets. Bay picture hook ups scheduled for 1480. Buy mm. get your plans in order, windows in living room and dining room with family room, den, modern eat-in kitchen, and two and plan to start building next year. A good bu\ at just double chair rail, crown ceiling moulding. Back half baths, all on the first floor. On the second floor $20,000. 921-1550 lawn view from bright, ultra kitchen with desk are four bedrooms and two full tile baths. unit for the family meal planner. Brick fireplace in the family room a favorite spot for gatherings. Also featured are a screened porch, combination Four large bedrooms, including Master bedroom storm/screens throughout, main and back r with, basin vanity unit in the dressing area. staircases, detached three-car garage with second Pleasing colors in 2V4 ceramic tiled baths. floor storage, and a % acre treed lot. REALLY IMPRESSIVE. MANY ITEMS IN- CLUDED. Bonus: Additional kitchen off family room. EXECUTIVE HOME IN BEAUTIFUL CRAN- IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY $121,000. Easy conversion to two family or mother-daughter. BURY — FARM RANCH IN WYNNEWOOD. Five ." S. Main St.. Cranbun . .' $135,000. large bedrooms, three full tile baths, living room with wall of bookcases. Large formal dining room, den with bride fireplace, large ultra modern eat-in kitchen with all appliances, brick exterior, screened in porch, large patio. Three car garage with automatic openers. Home is LOADED with extras. Professionally land- scaped, four zone heat, large finished family room in 1 flllfl'l" HllilH' '' basement, oil fired electric generator. 300 gal. in- CHARM AND GRACIOUS ARCHITECTURAL LINES REFLECT THE INDIVIDUALITY ENHANCED ground gas tank with pump, so you can avoid gas lines, BY A BEAUTIFULLY LANDSCAPED LOT. Spacious YOUR OWN PRIVATE PARK central vacuum system, six phone and T.V. jacks, in- foyer with semi circular stairs to second level gallery hall. Wide sill picture window in living ' tercom and F.M. speakers thru-out home, hardwood room. Delightful dining room for formal en- GOES WITH THIS 4 BEDR(X)M. 2'/4 bath Montgomery floors and wall to wall carpeting. This is truly the most tertaining. Sparkling, ultra kitchen with special Township colonial. At least that is what the beautifully land- details and time saving conveniences. Antique scaped, well kept grounds - backed by old woods - look like. comfortable and convenient home available in a The house, with living room, dining room, panelled den with briok fireplace in paneled family room with Under the shade of^the largest horse-chestnut secluded residential area. $200,000. parquet floor, sliding doors to rear, wood deck. fireplace, good kitchen with eating area and buement Four large bedrooms, including front to back tree, a truly unique Granbury Colonial Town playroom with bar, has everything for comfortable family Master bedroom with three closets (2 walk-in), House, with sparkling new kitchen; 5 bedrooms. living. A quiet slree( and desirable neighborhood add* to the basin vanity unit in dressing area. Softly colored 2 !/2 baths, formal dining room and living room, a appeal of this already attractive house. Men & Shilts Go. 2 ceramic tiled baths. REALLY HANDSOMELY cozy den with a brick fireplace. A real find at DECORATED. MUCH MORE INCLUDED. INSURORS • REALTORS IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY S1M.S00. 3 Station Rd., Cranbury $95,000. SALES ASSOCIATES Princeton *«af Htmtu Grmmp CALL US ABOUT THE OTHERS MulHpl* UtMttf Swvlca CALL US ABOUT NEW CONSTRUCTION Constant* Brau*r jon*t Mattmon »failte John Cartwright Stuart Mlnton Mercy Crlmmins Carl Pop* Cornelia Dl*lh*nn Braxton Preston Realtor 106 S. Main Street 37 N. Main St. Cranbury, N.J. Marg*Dwy*r SperialLits GUayi Wright Hightstown, N.J. 08502 Cold Soil Rood and Woodf i*ld Lan* Davs: 609-395-0444 Evenings: 609-359-1258 448-0110 JKMTOR* LowroncovIIU, N.J. 609-896-0005 Resort Properties Business Business Business NOW RENTING Properties Properties Properties GRAND OPENING SEPT-Oct. -Vermont lake- front cottage. Avail, by week, BEST HOMES ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL LONG WEEKEND. Com- 2 R"OO\t STORE/OF- FOR RENT - 4M0 sq ft NKW OFFICE BUM.. PRINCETON ARMS pletely private on 8 mi. long FICE - with office building near to Exits 8 HMK) and" 1500 sq. ft. gross area Lake Bomoseen. (near housekeeping facilities. & 8A This building was built to suites for rent. Separate Luxury Apartments Rutland) 3 bdrms., liv. rm., Located at 38 Leigh Ave., be able to accooiodate a electric. HVAC, tel. trunks, kit, deck & fam. rm. in neighborhood computer operation (with parking 15 MainSt, Kingston. 1 and 2 Bedrooms overlooking lake, Exc. business district extra AC and floating floors) 609 452-8866 days. 921-7085 swimming &. fishing. Boat adjacent to Prin- or it can be used for general included. Perfect location to ceton hospital. Asking offices. Maurice H. Hageman. enjoy tell foilage season. rental, of $235. 609-924- Realtors, 609-448-0600. $175/wk., $110 for long 0746. PROFESSIONAL OFFICE Starting at $280. weekend. 609-448-7439 bet. SPACE Main St. Flemington, Aug. 18 & Sept. 3, call 802-273- OFFICE BUILDING FOR 200 sq. ft. to 900 sq. ft., From per month 2319. ;ALE — Pennington Borough, $125 and up. The Hunt Agency, OFFICE SPACE rge Victorian Townhouse N.C. Hunt Realtor, R.D., «, Available to nsisting of 13 offices with 3 Old York Road, Ringoes, N.J FLORIDA - new condominium Psychotherapists, good laVatories. Located adjacent 08551. 201-782-2044 or days 782- Features: near Clearwater, beautifully location in New Brun- to Pennington Borough Post 6956 eves. The Brookwood-CUSTOM BUILT FOR LOT OWNERS furnished 2BR, 2 bath- swick. 201-828-4253. Office.Will renovate to suit. overlooks 18th fairway, golf, 609-924-0746. Wall-to-Wall carpeting over clubhouse, tennis, pools, HOPEWELL BORO - STORE SPACE AVAIL. To help us celebrate our 22nd concrete in 2nd floor apts. covered parking avail, no pets, HOPEWELL - Approx. 524 minimum 3 mos. lease in Attractive, 1300 sq. feet, OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT All utilities except Electric can be used many ways. sq. ft. in small active shopping Anniversary we are giving every season. 201-635-2515. — central Nassau St. Small or center. 609-466-1937. Individually controlled heat Corner location, 1/2 bath, large, avail, now, low rent. Best Home buyer a FREE all-ma- 4 lg. windows, adequate Telephone secretarial services 2 air conditioners parking. Immediate available. 609-924-2040. sonry FIREPLACE for a limited POCONOS — wooded building occupancy, month to EAST WINDSOR - 2 room Private entrances lot. Year round resort month or long term suite at Warren Plaza West, time only. Choice of 3 styles. Walk-in closets location. 1>2 acres. $7800. Call lease, very reasonable $260/mo. including utilities. 609-799-3046 rent. 201-782-5971. MONT. TWP. — new office V/z mo. security required, l Individual balconies space for rent. 1000 or 2000 sq. year lease. CaD Debbie 609- feet. $4 sq. foot. Ready to go. 448-6586 weekdays 9am-4pm. The Brookwopd model can really be custom built to yoiir needs and your budget. The home Storage room within apt. Rt. 206, across from Foodtown POCONO ROUND HOUSE — 3 can feature • 3 or 4 bedrooms • 2Vi baths • big eat-in kitchen •' separate dining room e Laundry Rooms PRIME CORNER Shop. Ctr. Call Builder, 201- bedrooms, deck, TV, fpl. 359-5837. full basement • extra full thick insulation plus thermal break storm windows. Everthing is Weekends or weekly avail. LOCATION - on Nassau Superintendent on site. St. 3 room effice suite, OFFICE FOR RENT - r custom-built on your lot by skilled craftsmen. Call or write today or visit oar samples. We After 6pm 609-586-4442. Pennington Borough. Large also have a building consultant in your area—no obligation. first floor. Avail. Sept 15. FIRESTONE REAL AVAIL. IMMEDIATELY - 700 Victorian house consisting of Othmr Bmst Homes priced from ESTATE, Realtors, 609- so. feet of air conditioned 13 rooms with 3 bathrooms: BEST HOMES Open Mon.-Fri. SPECTACULAR BARNEGAT 924-2222. office space in professional formerly residence and Rout* 202; C*m*r SquarST Pa. 19422 LIGHT DUPLEX - 50' from building zoned for medical or doctor's offices. Located •34,990 to'81,990 12:00-5:00 p.m. beach, avail, all Fall. Heated. allied specialties. At door off adjacent to Pennington NAME 609-924-1272. street parking. Near shopping Borough Post Office. Will center on bus lines. $400. per i renovate to suit; ample AOORESS. PRINCETON OFFICE month. Call 609-9244036 or 924- parking. Lease all or part. 0w- SPACE - available im- crrv 4952. §244746. ttfc Cafcct (215) 247-7310 * ui c**« ftr free c*r cat*f 609-44^-4801 LONG BEACH Island - mediately in small atpricefct STATE -ZIP Lovely ocean front professional building. 1780 sq. ft, may be STORE FRONT on Nassau St. bouse, 3 bedrooms, 1-Vfc Approx. 1800 sq. ft. $1550 per klOBILE OFFICE TRAILER, PHONE Front Princeton! Princeton'Hlfjlnstoww Ks** tv< baths, available May, divided, on-sfte parkins. OW Trwrtoa Rd.. Vi mil* turn (aft o»d Wow sigre. Call landlord at 609-7»- mo. plus utifs. Plenty of to ft. X 40 ft, 2 rms., carpeted, BESJWc Do you own a lot? YES NO. June, Sept. $40/day, also parking. Call NT. bath, A/C, neat, exc. cond. PB.1M22 low weekly rate. 609-799- 1700. 2235. CALLAWAY, Real Estate, 609- $5,000. 201-« 921-1050. HOME HUNTER'S GUIDE Week of August 29-31, 1979 21-fi


RESEARCH PARK Fqodtown Shopping Center, Hunt & Augustine Inc. Highway 206 Hillsborough 1101 State Road, Princeton, N. J. 1,080 sq. ft. can be expanded $3.50 per square foot net, net to 1,6000 sq. feet (24x45 or 24x66) HOAGIAND FARMS: New construction center hall Traditional areas up to 30,000 square feet. colonial. 12x30 deck-cathedral ceiling-skylights-oversize'lot Total investment ' $119,900. Directions: Rte. No. 206 to River Road to Co. Rte. No. 20 to Available Immediately Hoagland .Farms j_ 427,000 square feet in Park Occupied by approximately 50 Tenants Suitable for retail store, service store or professional office. Princeton Mailing Address and Phone Number For details call EXCITING AND IMAGINATIVE CALIFORNIA CONTEMPORARY, on two secluded wooded (201)722-7555 acres at Bedens Brook with spectacular panoramic view of the golf course. Kitchen-family room with CALL: Research Park fireplace and greenhouse; living room with cathedral ceiling; first floor master bedroom and \ 609-924-6551 bath; front and back stairs; 4 bedrooms and 2 baths on second floor and large studio-den with skylights Cream Ridge Area - and cathedral ceiling. 3-car garage. Front garden 1^1 this two-family, ii oducing home, your family will court, U-drive, patio decks. All amenities including enjoy the charm of a 150- old home which has been partially Western Monmouth County air conditioning, central vacuum system. Utilities restbred to expose the beams and brick wall in the living underground. Central sewers. A house and a room. Call us for more detail! . $68,000. location that cannot be duplicated in the Princeton HOUSE FOR SALE BY OWNER area. 2-3 months delivery. 1 3 acre lots nicely wooded $25,000. 16 acres beautifully wooded with stream $4,000 per acre. 8-9 LOTS: acre lots prtially wooded $45,000. 47 acces with 12 Six new lots available including three on The room farm house $220,000. 40 acres $2,500 per Bedens Brook Club golf course. acre. 50 acres $150,000. 123 acres with 3,400 ft. Contact William W. Augustine. * hard, surface road frontage $2,500 per acre. 176 553 Rosodale Road acres with 3,450 ft. hard surface road frontage $2,200 per acre. Personalized Real Estate Service. If Princeton. New |ersey 08540 • Phone 609-924 9OI2 we don't have the land you want, we will find it for YESTERDAYS ARt Silt HERr TODAY pioneers who learned from the pioneers of days gone by. you. You'll have as much privacy today as they did only your eight- SALE BY OWNER plus acres will be close to civilization in nearby Princeton and Hopewell. You'll experience the excellent insulating qualities of natural log homes as soon as you step inside this three Melton Realty Company bedroom, beautifully finished Belle Mead adventure. This custom log home features ceramic tile splashbacks in the 609/758-2549 kitchen, cathedral stairway, raised hearth fireplace, no wax LUXURY COLONIAL/SPACIOUS/CONVENIENT floors, and beautiful inground pool. Early pioneers never had it so good! A front-to-back living room, two car log garage, and beamed ceilings throughout will leave you beaming as you step up to the past. $155,000. This highly desirable home on a wooded 2/3/s acre in Wesl Windsor is m mini conation Us ai- tractiveness in enhanced by outstanding schools, close proximiiy to NYC trams ana to Princeton A new 40 redwood deck overlooks a lusn woods Four large bedrooms 2' . Dai's ivmg toom •with fireplace, formal dining room panelled family room with extensive buiit-m txiotcas.-v large tfiY/i country kitchen and central air are only a few of'the features you must see m :r-.is dream house Pnced to sell quickly1 From $390.00 inc. heat D 609-799-3214 o Princeton Borough Cedar Colonial [Ql IP Located on a beautifully landscaped lot in the KROL, REALTORS Business Riverside section of the borough. This elegant 5 Business Land For Sale bedroom, 2% bath architect designed home offers "Working Partner* lor People on the MOVE! many extras - spacious rooms throughout, hard Properties Properties W. WINDSOR - 2, 1 + 1000 State Rd., Princeton acre lots Perc tests wood floors, dining room with French doors to a lovely rear yard, family room with built-in bar, 609-924-7575 PROFESSIONAL OFFICES approved. Ready to 201-874-8700 OFFICE SPACE WANTED - FOR LEASE - Hightstown, Rt. bund. $17,000. Call 609- central air and much, much more. Walking distance 1500-200 sq. ft. On or about Jan. 33 at NJ Tpk. 3200 sq. ft. Will 587-1151 or 396-8156. to the University, NY bus and the center of town. 1, 1980. Call Dr. Hurwitz, 609- subdivide and renovate to suit. 924-1555. Ample off street parking. Call Reduced for quick sale $147,500. 215-295-0557 or 609-448-3115 EXCELLENT - in- after 2pm. vestment opportunity in HOURS: PHONE: For an appointment call (609) 924-9797 FURNISHED OFFICE desirable Pennington NEW CUSTOM HOMES SPACE — in downtown Boro on Kings Court 11 AM -6 PM 609-921-1155 leave name and number PRINCETON JCT., NJ. Princeton available Sept. 1. PENNINGTON CIRCLE -1700 adjacent to Charleston Princplon Avenue Perfect for one or two people. sq. ft. office/ retail space for Riding. Dry sewer (not Montgomery Township. New J<*rtey Eliminate your 2nd car - within Reasonable rent. Utilities and lease. $4.25/ ft. ViS. Borden connected), underground extras included. 609-921-3092. Realtor, 609-883-1900. electric, gas and FOR SALE BY OWNER walking distance to train telephone connections, sidewalk and curbs. Two TWIN RIVERS - ad- i2 acre lots left. Priced at STANDARD FEATURES INCLUDE: ministration building for sale. $34,5O0/ea. Lombardo 7400 sq. ft. prime office space Garages/Storage Agency Inc., Realtors, with approved expansion. Call 609-396-5700 Eves & 1) Energy saving design 201-549-2600. -for Rent- wkends 609-882-3347. sropr 2) Anderson thermopane windows 3) Fireplace STORE ON WITHERSPOON DRY STORAGE - space WATERFALL - brook, trees, rock ledges, very ENGINEERED INSPECTION SYSTEM, INC. 4) Gas forced air heat ST — Princeton, (RB-Zone 440 Avail, in Kingston. Call sq, ft. Also suitable for office.) for further details after 6 scenic. 12 acres in West 5) Poured concrete foundations Contact P.O.B.307, Hewitt, p.m. 609-921-1567. Amwell. lots of frontage, N.J. 07421. multi family a nkjMr bnuf, tf CM|M'MVtst tfftcc 6) y* acre lots- possibility. Asking 7) City water & sewer $68,000 make offer. STORAGE SPACE FOR 8) Maint. free alum.-brick exterior HIGH VISIBILITY OFFICE RENT - HIGHTSTOWN SPACE - on Rt. 206 in Mon- AREA. 609-448-0325. JACOBS CREEK - 3 tgomery Twp: 1000 sq. ft: acres along the stream, Nestled on a beautiful wooded lot in East Windsor, this well FOR FURTHER INFORMATION $550/mo plus utilities. plenty of trees. Good maintained four bedroom colonial offers a tree-shaded patio, Firestone Real Estate, wood lot, frontage. Good 201-431-t5SS screened-in porch, oversized two car garage, living room with WANTED - Closed 0 Call (609) 799-0550 Realtors, 609-924-2222. investment. $15,000. •Of-7724538 P ^*«"" ^W" rVfnewtwn) 215-94S-0U0 raised-hearth brick fireplace, formal dining room, attractive eat- garage in Jefferson in kitchen with new butcher block countertops and floor, Rd./Moore St. area. Call Serving aB of Central Jersey and Delaware Valley 609-921-8854 GROVEVILLE - 2+ panelled family room with quality carpeting, open beams arid BROKERS PROTECTED acres, quiet neigh- njjp built-in bookcase cabinet, 2% baths, convenient first floor OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT borhood, good builders laundry, painted basement, large panelled playroom, central air, — 400 sq. ft. or less. Secretary ground. $23,000. many extras. On a quiet, picturesque street in a friendly available. Princeton Area. HOPEWELL — 2-car garage 609-924-3770. W.S. BORDEN Land For Sale Land For Sale neighborhood. Assumable mortgage. MS ,000 storage space $60. ('2 $30) 609- 466-2363. REALTOR OFFICE SPACE - Luxurious -1900 BY OWNER IN EWING TOWNSHIP 4'2 ACRES APPROX. - in CALL 609-448-4674 Colonial/traditional facility MONROE TWP. — 22.8 acres. Montgomery. Prime land. Mountalnview Area located on major road, a few NESHANICyAREA: 10 miles 779' frontage. Wooded, rural $39,500. Only part down. Op- miles from Turnpike exits 8 & to Somervule or Princeton. setting. Owner will hold portunity. Needmoney. Call Three apartment complex in A1 residential area. 8A, near Clearbrook and Real Estate Beautiful 2 and 3 acre lots. mortgage with 29% down. after 8 p.m. 20^359-5960. One 3 bedroom, 2% bath apartment; two 2 Rossmoor retirement villages. Belgium block curbs, paved Asking $88,000. Sentry Broker, FOR SALE BY OWNER bedroom, 2 bath apartments. Luxurious 4,800 Suitable for a variety of uses, Wanted street, sidewalks. Natural gas. 201-521-1611. approx. 2650 sq. ft. $9.50 per Prestigious area. $32,900 and l plus acre. West Windsor ' , square feet. Only one of a kind on % acres. 20 sq. ft. phis utilities. 609-924- $33,900 each. Also same MILLSTONE — 6 acres, 435,000. 3 phis acres, wooded, minutes from Princeton, off 1-95. 1 miles from beautiful wooded lot by owner. 7757 between 9-5:30. DESIRE TO BUY - location 21 lots with final protected by Green Acres, Mercer Airport . $129,900. duplex, north side of approval ready to be im- 609-448-7568. mUsboroughr $36,000. Prin- FOR RENT -1700 square feet. proved. Builders welcome. ceton Township 2.9 acres. Ideal for retail or office space. Manville, $55-65,000. Coll for appointment 215-493-3835 Send information to Box 201-5344088days; 201-469-2411 MIDDLESEX COUNTY - $45,000. ^all Realty Fully carpeted, paneled & nights and weekends. Builders! Approved 8 lot World/ Audrey Short, Inc. 60»- central air. Avail, im- C-2, c/o The Manville News, 240 So. Main St. subdivision. 955,500. firm. 921-9222. mediately. Call 609-448-4800. Sentry Broker, 201-521-1611. Business Business WOODED CRANBURY BUILL. *G LOT — located in 45 ACRES - WaMen, Ver- HIGHTSTOWN - 4; 100 x 150' Properties Properties ATTENTION - Doctors, HOUSE WANTED - Male lovely village of Cranbury .89 mont, 15 acre field, remainder lots. $16,000 each. One Mt acre Lawyers, etc., etc. Unique with small business needs acres, municipal water 4 forest, town road, electricity, lot, $17,000. Or will build to EAST WINDSOR RANCHfR ultra-modern office bldg. for house located in suburbs or sewer, $41,tf». $23,000. 201-874-8745. suit. Call 609-448-3572. house on farm with l or 2 Excellent move-in condition . Five bedroom*. 3'/4 b«th«. Urge K30JN OP LAUNDRY and Dry PAftELLEEt OFFICE lease all or part. 37,500 sq. ft. rooms, hardwood floor*, central air. basement. 2 car garage. on 5 acres. 18 executive of- storage buildings. Willing to E. WDTOSOR TWO HALF ELM RIDGE ROAD, HOPE- —mere with right location, SUITES - 450-990 sq. ft. offices. ACRE WOODED BUILDING 6% aMiunable mortgage. Available Sept. 1 for 184.900. i machines & expose for a Ewing Twp. Modern air fices, conference room, plus lease at least 1 yr. Must have WELL TOWNSHIP — bor- PRINCETON AREA—Wooded Labs & Research. Parking. Rt. space to run business. 1 or 2 LOTS — Municipal water k dering Stony Brook; 3 large lot, 8 acres, prime location. After 5 (609) 921-2116 ' n and inflation proof conditioned office building. All sewer, curbs existing, $22,900 lots 2.3A, 4.0A, and 11.5 Acres: ,. Owner must sell, custodial services. Ample 208 next to Montgomery acres. Willing to share house if Peres approved, ready to Call 9-5 (oO?)924-S«ot Or „ to Florida. $75,000. ridng. Ideal location Jor Shopping Center, finmed. fate enough. Mature respon- each. partially wooded beautiful build, many extras. Out of occup. 609-921-6464. sJOemalem late »'s, 609-448- RICHARDSON REALTORS area. Perc Approved. 201-892- state owner selling for $68,000. (609)4434717 i 201-35SM6W. 4658. i rentals. 609-^1-0083. 4963. Ask for Ted. 609-882-4193.

.<••. HOME HUNTER'S GUIDE 22-B Week of August 29-31, 1979 Land For Sale Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate X-*\ RENDALL- For Sale For Sale For Sale For Sale For Sale ELM RIDGE PARK — 14 For Sale acre lots. $45,000 & up. Wooded OPEN HOUSE - Sat. & HOPEWELL - Secluded lots, $65,000 net. Call 609-737- CONDOMINIUM — Twin CRANBURY - 7 vear old KENDALL PARK - by Sun. 12-4 p.m. Desirable LAMBERTVILLE - by owner. (0 OK 2203. custom built colonial situated owner, 3-4 bdrm ranch, living showplace. Personally 3 BR brick townhouse. Modern ^—^ fc COMPANY Rivers. 1 bedroom & den, H'boro townhouse condo planned so nassersbv can't see •carpeting and ap- on one acre wooded lot. En- rm, dining rm, den, eat-in End Unit. Spacious 2,250 a thing! All the treasures are kitchen, laundry on beautiful ESTABLISHED 1893 pliances.$27,900. 201-297-1846. trance hall with ceramic tile kitchen, panelled hobby room, street. $67,500. 609-397-3188. floor; living room with brick many extras, mid $60's. sq. ft. Many extras, for the owner to enjoy in REALTORS EXCLUSIVE 3 acres — perk fireplace and bow window; Principals only. 201-297-3485. immed. occupancy, low privacy. 2 stOry brick, 3 approved. East Amwell Twp. formal dinine room; hard- 60's. From Somerville - bedrooms, on approx. 3 acres, P.O. BOX 685 • 350 ALEXANDER STREET 15 min. to Princeton. $36,900. wood floors throughout with 206 south to Triangle Rd., This home features 2 full SELL BY OWNER - 3 bedroom 215-943-8446 after 5 p.m. wood-stained molding turn right. Turn at first baths, dining room, fireplace house plus a lot on USl PRINCETON. NEW JERSEY 08540 BELLE MEAD — large Split left, Farm Rd., go to in living room, flagstone Lawrence Township. Price sawtooth molding around screened front porch, modern $41,500 call after 5 pm. 609-924- 609 924-0322 ceilings in living room, dining Level It- acre. 4 BR, 24 second right, 8-9 Car- room and hallway; extra large baths, dry bsm't, 2 car gar., dinal La. Kripsak Agcy. kitchen, new appliances to be 5779 or 924-6814. I panelled family room with paved driveway, walk to 201-725-3335. Eves. 201- picked by purchaser. Owner A COMPLETE Real Estate circular fireplace, window school & much more. 201-534- 359-4880. anxious to sell. Reduced to GRIGGSTOWN - Custom built REAL ESTATE ORGANIZATION 4484 eves. & wkends. Owner, $109,000. The Paulus Agency, For Sale seats and skylights; large 201-545-2400, MLS. stone ranch. 4 spacious- kitchen with extra cabinet and $99,000. KENDALL PARK — bedrooms, 2 fireplaces, 2-4 counter space with laundry $85,000. 4 bdrm, fully baths, large formal dining- HOPEWELL - 3 BR room adjoining it; 4 bedrooms LOVELY EAST WINDSOR carpeted, central air, lg. ESTATE TYPE RESIDENCE room, full basement, 2-car: PRIME NASSAU STREET Ranch, 2 acres, 2 car NEW LISTING - twin with master bedroom having •RANCH in immaculate con- screened porch, fur- - situated on 7 wooded acres garage. All on 2.7 acres. Many, garage & efficiency apt. Rivers four bedroom access to the fourth bedroom •dition on 4 acre wooded nished. Huge dining rm. overlooking the Delaware many extras. Also includes a RENTAL SPACE over garage. $82,500. 609- townhouse priced right. .— ideal for nursery or library; professionally landscaped lot. w. bar. Lg. liv. rm & den, River in Stockton, N.J. House Princeton address. Call Mid- 466-1388. Offering finished 24 baths with ceramic tile; Includes 3 bedrooms, 14 24 baths, eat-in kit., consists of 4 bedrooms, large Jersey to see now. basement with guest (ull basement with panelling baths, vinyl aluminum siding, many extras. Must be living room with stone Approximately 500 sq. ft. store front. room, paneled family and carpeting; 2 car garage finished basement with seen. Visit Sat-Sun, 10 fireplace, large family room MID-JERSEY REALTY HOME INSPECTIONS - with asphalt drive. All ther- with skylight and a sleeping Rt 206 Belle Mead. N.J. Call for details. by licensed professional room, brick patio, mopane windows, central air, fireplace & bar, large patio. Steven Rd. Call Mon-Fri, recessed lighting, no wax gas heat with humidifier, Principals only. $83,500. 609- days, 212-695-0418. loft for guests. The main bath 201-359-3444 engineers wjth con- kitchen, all draperies 448-3761 after 4pm. has sunken tub, his and her 1 struction experience. central vacuum system, in- sinks, bidet, shower and sauna I Hn - mil llHl llffl WIT™ " "*" ™" 'Hf'MrMfnwfMrMg Princeton Home In- and shades, and many tercom system and many extras. $66,900 more extras. Asking $133,000-. TWIN RIVERS - Split room. Large country kitchen HAMILTON SQUARE - 8 room spection, 20 Nassau St., Level Townhouse 2 BR, with wood burning stove. Colonial, 2 years old, borders 609-921-3775. Princaton-Hightstown Rd. PRINCIPALS ONLY. Call 609- 1 655-0107. I ? bath w/tm bsmt, Outdoor facilities include Green Acres, was model EoitWindior. N.J.M512 separate formal dn with 20x40 swimming pool, tennis house. Near Mercer County PRINCETON - In very DIDONATO REALTORS - open landscaping court, barn suitable for horses. College, principals only. good condition is this 2 • (609) 448-6555 LI overlooking livingroom Asking $220,000 by owner. $90,000, call 609-586-7818. story house with- 3 incl eat-in kit, & all appl More acreage plus income HOUGHTON REAL ESTATE bedrooms, formal dining COMPLETELY — custom (washer, dryer, slfcln property available. Reply Box CB room, knotty pine eat-in renovated is this Hightstown oven, ff refrig & dw) + W02682, c/o Princeton Packet ELM RIDGE PARK - by kitchen, full basement, $5500 DOWN — 90% MOR- home, situated on a 150' x 140' new custom cpt 4 TGAGE — 7 room Princeton adj. park corner lot; within is drapes. Ref required. owner. New 5 BR Cape, 24 maintenance free siding, ROSSMOOR baths, panelled family rm low taxes. An excellent Township house. Presently 2 a zoned 50' x 140' lot. Roofed For further info call 609- family dwelling can be con- stone built barbecue and RED CARPET 448-6432. CONDOMINIUMS w/fireplace, full basement, 2- starter home. Call us verted lo original single hedged in picnic area. Large 2 car garage, central air, 14 PRIME ACREAGE now to see. Only $55,900. family home (or live in bnt story double garage barn, NEW LISTING - Twin Delaware Model - 2 bedrooms. acres with woods behind apartment and rent the other). attached 2 fenced in dog runs Rivers three bedroom 14 baths, move-in condition, house, 609-737-3639 or 737-2203 MID-JERSEY REALTY townhouse with finished TWIN R1VKKS - 2 $182,000 Located on John Street near w/concrete floor & drain. bedroom decorator $55,000. Rt. 206 Belle Mead, NJ Leig.i Avenue. Asking $55,000 Paved driveway exits to 2 basement, upgraded 201-359-3444 Dwelling Managers. Inc., 609- streets. Fully landscaped lawn, carpeting and flooring, townhouse. Sunny, Penna. Model - 2 bedrooms, 2 81.3 acres of land located on Clarksville Road, 201-297-4700 924-0746. five major appliances, immaculate, move-in baths, den and enclosed patio. BY OWNER - Expanded trees, evergreens & hedges. re-designed kitchen with cond. Upgraded car- $75,000. Colonial Cape with 2-car West Windsor Township. Excellent road frontage, The home features upstairs, 3 butcher block counters, peting plus all upgraded garage in prestigious Hanover zoned research, office building, light manufac- EAST WINDSOR — 2 BR bedrooms w/built in closets brick free patio and appliances. Large land- Hills next to Hanover Country HORSE FARM NEAR Virginia II - 2 bedrooms, 2 turing. Suitable for Office Park . $12,000 per acre. townhouse located in the most sliding doors & varnished red decorator extras $65,900. scaped backyard. Prime baths, eat-in kitchen, covered Club. 4 bedrooms, family room ALLENTOWN. N.J. -101 desireable section, Quad IV. knotty pine floors, bath location. Walk to NYC with fireplace, sunken living acres completely fenced patio, oversized garage, W/w thruout, C/a, dw, gas w/shower & aluminum siding Open House, Sunday- bus. school, shopping and $73,000. room with fireplace, formal and in pasture, 41 stalls, BBQ, all drapes, full partially glass doors, ceramic tile, Sept. 2nd 1-5 p.m. Quad II pool. Assumable mor- dinine room, huge country hay barn, 'equipment fin. bsmt. Asking $43,900, custom built in cabinets, - 482 Madison Drive, tgage. 609-448-5355. kitchen with dishwasher and John H. Huughton. Licensed Broker shed, paddocks, run-in ALLEN &STULTS CO. Immediate occupancy. American Standard fixtures & Follow Signs Realtors compactor, wood deck oft New Jersey and Pennsylvania sheds, driven well, pond, Assumption 9 1/2 percent carpeted floor. Hall & quarter kitchen, 24 baths, private bar 4-car garage with turn open stair w/wood railing PrincctOfi-Highfttown Rd. 609-655-2770 mortgage with $7000 down to East Windsor, N.J. 0*51 J TWIN RIVERS - 2 and many extras. $120,000. 8 Palmer Square E., Princeton. N.J. 08540 storage room, nice four- qualified buyers. Call 609-448- & carpet. Downstairs,"'hall £ Principals only. Call 609-758- MEMBER OF bedroom Colonial home 3025 evenings, 448-7895 days. large living room wVvarnished DIDONATO REALTORS — bedroom townhouse. Multiple Listing Sennce (located al the Nassau I nh-building) Quad IV. Upgraded 2403 after 6pm. Mercer. Somerset County and much more - red knotty pine floors. Kitchen (609) 448*555 UJ WEST WINDSOR - By 609-924-1001 $560,000. w/formica counter, trash' carpeting, ail ap- owner. Lovely 4 bedroo,m . t'ARKIMi PMHtK SOI

or business rsaday a week ks a year ad Monday-Friday Sands results themselves.

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