Comment on the Kohimarama Comprehensive Care Retirement Village Fast Track Application 1. Contact Details Please ensure that you have authority to comment on the application on behalf of those named on this form. Organisation name (if relevant) Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga *First name Susan *Last name Andrews Postal address PO Box 105 291, Auckland City 1143 *Home phone / Mobile phone 027 202 3935 *Work phone 09 307 9940 *Email (a valid email address
[email protected] enables us to communicate efficiently with you) 2. *We will email you draft conditions of consent for your comment about this application I can receive emails and my email address is I cannot receive emails and my postal address is ✓ correct correct 3. Please provide your comments on the Kohimarama Comprehensive Care Retirement Village Application If you need more space, please attach additional pages. Please include your name, page numbers and Kohimarama Comprehensive Care Retirement Village Application on the additional pages. Kohimarama Comprehensive Care Retirement Village Page 3 of 7 1. Archaeology The archaeological assessment of the subject site prepared by Clough & Associates in 2015, updated in August 2019, appears not to consider the possibility that terraces (which they identify as natural) located within the south western portion of the site may be an extension of archaeological site R11/1196 (terraces with a stone artefact) and that subsurface archaeological remains relating to Maori settlement on the terraces may be present. (See New Zealand Archaeological Authority ArchSite database extract and annotated 1940 aerial below). Kohimarama Comprehensive Care Retirement Village Page 4 of 7 This possible connection was established following a survey of the site completed by Russell Foster in September 2015 for an assessment for the Glen Innes to Tamaki Drive Shared Path1, which resulted in relocation of R11/1196, previously located some 170 metres to the south of the subject property, to a location now only 70 metres south of the subject property.