Horizontes Antropológicos 52 | 2018 A religião no espaço público The days Argentina stood still. History, nation and imaginable futures in the public interpretations of the Argentine crisis at the beginning of the twenty- first century Sergio E. Visacovsky Electronic version URL: http://journals.openedition.org/horizontes/2710 ISSN: 1806-9983 Publisher Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) Printed version Date of publication: 30 September 2018 Number of pages: 311-341 ISSN: 0104-7183 Electronic reference Sergio E. Visacovsky, « The days Argentina stood still. History, nation and imaginable futures in the public interpretations of the Argentine crisis at the beginning of the twenty-first century », Horizontes Antropológicos [Online], 52 | 2018, Online since 03 December 2018, connection on 14 November 2019. URL : http://journals.openedition.org/horizontes/2710 © PPGAS Provided by OpenEdition CORE Metadata, citation and similar papers at core.ac.uk Espaço Aberto Open Space http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S0104-71832018000300012 The days Argentina stood still. History, nation and imaginable futures in the public interpretations of the Argentine crisis at the beginning of the twenty-fi rst century Os dias em que Argentina parou. História, nação e futuro imaginável nas interpretações públicas da crise argentina no início do século XXI Sergio E. Visacovsky* * Centro de Investigaciones Sociales, Instituto de Desarrollo Económico y Social / Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científi cas y Técnicas – Buenos Aires, Argentina
[email protected] Horiz. antropol., Porto Alegre, ano 24, n. 52, p. 311-341, set./dez. 2018 312 Sergio E. Visacovsky Abstract This article is focused on public interpretations of the Argentine “crisis” at the begin- ning of the twenty-fi rst century as necessary conditions for the constitution of the event.