Bibliography from ADS File: Demarque.Bib June 27, 2021 1
Bibliography from ADS file: demarque.bib Stello, D., Basu, S., Bedding, T. R., et al., “Solar-like oscillations in cluster August 16, 2021 stars”, 2010AN....331..985S ADS Ventura, P., Penza, V., Li, L., et al., “2D solar modeling”, 2010Ap&SS.328..295V ADS Lee, Y.-W., Chung, C., Demarque, P., et al., “Discovery of strong progenitor Stello, D., Basu, S., Bruntt, H., et al., “Detection of Solar-like Os- age dependence of type Ia supernova luminosity standardization process and cillations from Kepler Photometry of the Open Cluster NGC 6819”, discordance in cosmology”, 2021arXiv210706288L ADS 2010ApJ...713L.182S ADS Spada, F., Demarque, P., & Kupka, F., “Stellar evolution models with Robinson, F., Tanner, J., Basu, S., & Demarque, P., “Comparing Properties of entropy-calibrated mixing-length parameter: application to red giants”, Convection in the Surface Layers of Stars With Different Masses and Evolu- 2021MNRAS.504.3128S ADS tionary States”, 2009ASPC..416..357R ADS Spada, F. & Demarque, P., “Testing the entropy calibration of the radii of cool Li, L., Basu, S., Sofia, S., & Demarque, P., “Calculation of Solar p-Mode Os- stars: models of α Centauri A and B”, 2019MNRAS.489.4712S ADS cillation Frequency Splittings Based on a Two-Dimensional Solar Model”, Spada, F., Demarque, P., Basu, S., & Tanner, J. D., “Improved Calibration of the 2009ASPC..416..321L ADS Radii of Cool Stars Based on 3D Simulations of Convection: Implications for Penev, K., Barranco, J., Sasselov, D., Robinson, F., & Demarque, P., the Solar Model”, 2018ApJ...869..135S ADS “Direct Calculation of Turbulent Dissipation in Convective Zones”, Bond, H. E., Gilliland, R. L., Schaefer, G.
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