Bibliography from ADS File: Demarque.Bib June 27, 2021 1

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Bibliography from ADS File: Demarque.Bib June 27, 2021 1 Bibliography from ADS file: demarque.bib Stello, D., Basu, S., Bedding, T. R., et al., “Solar-like oscillations in cluster August 16, 2021 stars”, 2010AN....331..985S ADS Ventura, P., Penza, V., Li, L., et al., “2D solar modeling”, 2010Ap&SS.328..295V ADS Lee, Y.-W., Chung, C., Demarque, P., et al., “Discovery of strong progenitor Stello, D., Basu, S., Bruntt, H., et al., “Detection of Solar-like Os- age dependence of type Ia supernova luminosity standardization process and cillations from Kepler Photometry of the Open Cluster NGC 6819”, discordance in cosmology”, 2021arXiv210706288L ADS 2010ApJ...713L.182S ADS Spada, F., Demarque, P., & Kupka, F., “Stellar evolution models with Robinson, F., Tanner, J., Basu, S., & Demarque, P., “Comparing Properties of entropy-calibrated mixing-length parameter: application to red giants”, Convection in the Surface Layers of Stars With Different Masses and Evolu- 2021MNRAS.504.3128S ADS tionary States”, 2009ASPC..416..357R ADS Spada, F. & Demarque, P., “Testing the entropy calibration of the radii of cool Li, L., Basu, S., Sofia, S., & Demarque, P., “Calculation of Solar p-Mode Os- stars: models of α Centauri A and B”, 2019MNRAS.489.4712S ADS cillation Frequency Splittings Based on a Two-Dimensional Solar Model”, Spada, F., Demarque, P., Basu, S., & Tanner, J. D., “Improved Calibration of the 2009ASPC..416..321L ADS Radii of Cool Stars Based on 3D Simulations of Convection: Implications for Penev, K., Barranco, J., Sasselov, D., Robinson, F., & Demarque, P., the Solar Model”, 2018ApJ...869..135S ADS “Direct Calculation of Turbulent Dissipation in Convective Zones”, Bond, H. E., Gilliland, R. L., Schaefer, G. H., et al., “Final Hubble Space Tele- 2009AAS...21361205P ADS scope Astrometry of the Procyon Binary System”, 2018RNAAS...2..147B Penev, K., Sasselov, D., Robinson, F., & Demarque, P., “Dissipation Efficiency in ADS Turbulent Convective Zones in Low-Mass Stars”, 2009ApJ...704..930P Spada, F., Demarque, P., Kim, Y. C., Boyajian, T. S., & Brewer, ADS J. M., “YaPSI: a new database of evolutionary tracks and isochrones”, Bach, K., Lee, J., Demarque, P., & Kim, Y. C., “Evolutionary Status of 85 Pe- 2018IAUS..334..362S ADS gasi”, 2009ApJ...703..362B ADS Bond, H. E., Schaefer, G. H., Gilliland, R. L., et al., “VizieR Online Data Mazumdar, A., Mérand, A., Demarque, P., et al., “Asteroseismology and inter- Catalog: Historical and HST Astrometry of Sirius A,B (Bond+, 2017)”, ferometry of the red giant star 2 Ophiuchi”, 2009A&A...503..521M ADS 2017yCat..18400070B ADS Carraro, G., Villanova, S., Demarque, P., Moni Bidin, C., & McSwain, M. V., Bond, H. E., Schaefer, G. H., Gilliland, R. L., et al., “The Sirius System and Its “VizieR Online Data Catalog: Velocities and photometry in NGC 2112 (Car- Astrophysical Puzzles: Hubble Space Telescope and Ground-based Astrome- raro+, 2008)”, 2009yCat..73861625C ADS try”, 2017ApJ...840...70B ADS Demarque, P., “Isochrones for late-type stars”, 2009IAUS..258..383D ADS Spada, F., Demarque, P., Kim, Y. C., Boyajian, T. S., & Brewer, J. M., “The Li, L., Sofia, S., Ventura, P., et al., “Two-Dimensional Stellar Evolution Code Yale-Potsdam Stellar Isochrones”, 2017ApJ...838..161S ADS Including Arbitrary Magnetic Fields. II. Precision Improvement and Inclusion Bond, H. E., Barstow, M., Burleigh, M., et al.: 2016, HST Obser- of Turbulence and Rotation”, 2009ApJS..182..584L ADS vations of Astrophysically Important Visual Binaries, HST Proposal Penev, K., Sasselov, D., Barranco, J., Demarque, P., & Robinson, F., “Dissipa- 2016hst..prop14342B ADS tion Efficiency of Turbulent Convection”, 2009AAS...21431402P ADS Tanner, J. D., Basu, S., & Demarque, P., “Entropy in Adiabatic Regions of Con- Han, S. I., Kim, Y. C., Lee, Y. W., et al.: 2009, New Yonsei-Yale (Y 2) Isochrones vection Simulations”, 2016ApJ...822L..17T ADS and Horizontal-Branch Evolutionary Tracks with Helium Enhancements, 33 Bond, H. E., Gilliland, R. L., Schaefer, G. H., et al., “Hubble Space Telescope ADS Astrometry of the Procyon System”, 2015ApJ...813..106B ADS Guenther, D. B., Kallinger, T., Gruberbauer, M., et al., “The Nature of p-Modes Horch, E. P., van Altena, W. F., Demarque, P., et al., “Observations of Binary and Granulation in Procyon: New MOST Photometry and New Yale Convec- Stars with the Differential Speckle Survey Instrument. V. Toward an Empirical tion Models”, 2008ApJ...687.1448G ADS Metal-Poor Mass-Luminosity Relation”, 2015AJ....149..151H ADS Yi, S. K., Kim, Y.-C., Demarque, P., et al., “The Y2 Isochrones Getting an Extra Boyajian, T., von Braun, K., Feiden, G. A., et al., “Stellar diameters and temper- Dimension”, 2008IAUS..252..413Y ADS atures - VI. High angular resolution measurements of the transiting exoplanet Demarque, P., Guenther, D. B., Li, L. H., Mazumdar, A., & Straka, C. W., host stars HD 189733 and HD 209458 and implications for models of cool “YREC: the Yale rotating stellar evolution code. Non-rotating version, seis- dwarfs”, 2015MNRAS.447..846B ADS mology applications”, 2008Ap&SS.316...31D ADS Boyajian, T. S., von Braun, K., Feiden, G. A., et al., “Empirically determined Carraro, G., Villanova, S., Demarque, P., Moni Bidin, C., & McSwain, M. V., properties of the K-dwarf HD 189733 and implications for evolutionary mod- “The old open cluster NGC 2112: updated estimates of fundamental parame- els of low-mass stars”, 2015AAS...22525703B ADS ters based on a membership analysistextdagger”, 2008MNRAS.386.1625C von Braun, K., Boyajian, T. S., Feiden, G. A., et al., “Fundamental ADS Parameters of the Two Hall-of-Famers HD 189733 and HD 209458”, Demarque, P., Basu, S., Robinson, F., Hunter, C., & Kallinger, T., “Effects of 2015AAS...22525702V ADS Chemical Abundances on the Structure and Dynamics of the Solar Atmo- Guenther, D. B., Demarque, P., & Gruberbauer, M., “Modeling Convective Core sphere”, 2008AAS...212.1707D ADS Overshoot and Diffusion in Procyon Constrained by Asteroseismic Data”, Demarque, P., Virani, S. N., Murphy, E. J., et al., “A cgi synthetic CMD calcu- 2014ApJ...787..164G ADS lator for the YY Isochrones”, 2008arXiv0801.0451D ADS Tanner, J. D., Basu, S., & Demarque, P., “The Effect of Metallicity-dependent T-τ Demarque, P., Robinson, F. J., & Straka, C. W., “Turbulent Convection in Stars: Relations on Calibrated Stellar Models”, 2014ApJ...785L..13T ADS Some Recent Advances”, 2007ASPC..374...27D ADS Tanner, J. D., Basu, S., & Demarque, P., “Helium-abundance and Other Com- Jung, Y. K., Kim, Y. C., Robinson, F. J., Demarque, P., & Chan, K. L., “Sur- position Effects on the Properties of Stellar Surface Convection in Solar-like face Convection in Sun and a Population II Star”, 2007ASPC..362..306J Main-sequence Stars”, 2013ApJ...778..117T ADS ADS Tanner, J. D., Basu, S., & Demarque, P., “The Chemical Com- Straka, C. W., Demarque, P., & Robinson, F. J., “Probing turbulence with seismic position Dependence of Stellar Envelope Convection and Overshoot”, observations of α Centauri”, 2007IAUS..239..388S ADS 2013ASPC..478..377T ADS Robinson, F. & Demarque, P., “Comparing convection in the Sun with Procyon Spada, F., Demarque, P., Kim, Y. C., & Sills, A., “The Radius Discrepancy in A”, 2007IAUS..239..358R ADS Low-mass Stars: Single versus Binaries”, 2013ApJ...776...87S ADS Bach, K., Kim, Y.-C., & Demarque, P., “Calibration of Stellar Parameters of 85 Tanner, J. D., Basu, S., & Demarque, P., “Variation of Stellar Envelope Convec- Peg System”, 2007JASS...24...31B ADS tion and Overshoot with Metallicity”, 2013ApJ...767...78T ADS Penev, K., Sasselov, D., Robinson, F., & Demarque, P., “On Dissipation in- Tanner, J. D., Basu, S., & Demarque, P., “Comparing the Effect of Radiative side Turbulent Convection Zones from Three-dimensional Simulations of So- Transfer Schemes on Convection Simulations”, 2012ApJ...759..120T lar Convection”, 2007ApJ...655.1166P ADS ADS Bernard, E. J., Monelli, M., Gallart, C., et al., “Short-Period Variables in the Spada, F. & Demarque, P., “Modelling fully convective stars in eclipsing bina- Local Group Dwarf Galaxies Tucana and LGS3”, ries: KOI-126 and CM Draconis”, 2012MNRAS.422.2255S ADS ADS Jiang, C., Jiang, B. W., Christensen-Dalsgaard, J., et al., “Modeling Kepler Demarque, P. & Virani, S., “The hot stars in orbit around the M 31 central Observations of Solar-like Oscillations in the Red Giant Star HD 186355”, supermassive black hole: are they young or old?”, 2007A&A...461..651D 2011ApJ...742..120J ADS ADS Tanner, J., Basu, S., Demarque, P., & Robinson, F., “Variation in convective Mazumdar, A., Basu, S., Collier, B. L., & Demarque, P., “Asteroseismic diag- properties across the HR diagram”, 2011IAUS..271..401T ADS nostics of stellar convective cores”, 2006MNRAS.372..949M ADS Tanner, J., Basu, S., Demarque, P., & Robinson, F., “Characterizing Convection Mazumdar, A., Basu, S., Collier, B. L., & Demarque, P., “Asteroseismic diag- in Stellar Atmospheres”, 2011JPhCS.271a2080T ADS nostics of stellar convective cores”, 2006ESASP.624E.109M ADS Esch, L., Demarque, P., & Basu, S., “Evolutionary scenarios and chemical inho- Carraro, G., Villanova, S., Demarque, P., et al., “NGC 6791: An Ex- mogeneities of extended horizontal branch stars”, 2011JPhCS.271a2039E otic Open Cluster or the Nucleus of a Tidally Disrupted Galaxy?”, ADS 2006ApJ...643.1151C ADS 1 Bach, K., Jung, Y. K., Kim, Y. C., et al., “Dynamical Characteristics Of Surface Gallart, C., Zoccali, M., Bertelli, G., et al., “Testing Intermediate-Age Stellar Convection In The Sun And A Population II Star”, 2006AAS...208.0602B Evolution Models with VLT Photometry of Large Magellanic
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