! ! " ! ## $ ! # % &&# ' !()*). Kitchener 2001 Batoche Books 52 Eby Street South Kitchener, Ontario N2G 3L1 Canada email:
[email protected] Table of Contents The System of Nature. Volume 2 ............................................................... 4 Chapter I. Of the confuted and contradictory ideas of Theology. .............. 4 Chapter II. Examination of the Proofs of the Existence of the Divinity, as given by Clarke. ........................................................................... 19 Chapter III. Examination of the Proofs of the Existence of God given by Descartes, Malebranche, Newton, &c. ......................................... 43 Chapter IV. Of Pantheism, or of the Natural Ideas of the Divinity. ......... 55 Chapter V. Of Theism or Deism; of the System of Optimism; and of Final Causes. ......................................................................................... 66 Chapter VI. Examination of the Advantages which result to men from their Notions on the Divinity, or of their Influence upon Morals, upon Politics, upon the Sciences, upon the Happiness of Nations and Individuals. ............................................................................ 84 Chapter VII. Theological Notions cannot be the Basis of Morality. Comparison between Theological Morality and Natural Morality. Theology Prejudicial to the Progress of the Human Mind. .......... 97 Chapter VIII. Men can form no Conclusion from the Ideas which are given them of the Divinity: Of the want of Just Interference in, and