PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. ESTABLISHED JOE 88. 18CS--T0L. .6. PORTLAND. FRIDAY MOKNIk5T5^0BEH It, 1378 TERMS ,8.00 PEE AEnYm, IS ADVANCE THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, BUSINESS CARDS, EDUCATIONAL REAL ESTATE. Those Published every day (Sundays excepted) by the _WANTS THE Cipher Despatches. Men and Women PBESS. Mr. Tilden appears to be ciphered out of Ex Governor Fenton appears in a “personal” PORTLAND PUBLISHING C< ». B IT I IL DEBS. Situation Wanted. lif 'V 17 17 to lean on first class Real Estate Mrs. Merrill the 1880 races.—IV. Y. Mail. lfXvJL* Sji X Security, in Portland, or vi- FRIDAY Evening in the Paris Figaro as 'M. Jenson, Senator and At 109 Exchange WIDOW Laiv wishes a situation as house- Will be to see her M0RNIN8, OCTOBER 11. Stm Portland. Rents taxes paid, &c. on Com- pleased pupils and any The moral ot Marble: Be sure The have this associated them Call at cinity. collected, who your cipher Governor of New fork.” And some folks undersigned day A keeper mission. to F. G. Dealer In may desire to take lessons in yet Terms: Eight Dollars a Year in advance, To selves under tne firm name ccDiilw* 28 Apply PATTERSON, sing- will find you out.-IV. Y. together, Atlantic Street. Real Street.nolftdtf ing. at Express. pretend to that not an- mail subscribers Seven Dollars a Year if in a Estate, 379j Congroas 11 Henry St. say France is ripe for paid 00 * CUMBERLAND COUNTY This would ▼ance. cod2w CONVENTION seem to be an appropriate occa" other Pittoo cSo JDouglity lor revolution, House and Land $1,200. — — OF sion for Mr. Marble to toll that fire-bell in new and will on business as am The beauty who has risen Lon* carry Carpenters Partner Wanted. houso. No. 55 Alder street. Six just upon THE MAINE STATE PRESS Builders, at one-story Otis Place the night without for further in- don and THElargo rooms, Sebago, good cellar and drainage. Nchool, waiting any eclipsed the former Inminary, Mrs. is published every Thursday Morning at $2.50 WORKMAN skilled in his art, wishes to find a PAT- REFORM CLUBS structions from Y. with A good bargain for someone. Apply to F. G. Gramercy Park.—N. Tri- is an Irish year, li paid in advance at $2.00 a year. Rear of Sager’s Stable, Oak St. A partner $3000 or $4000, for a busineBJ Langtry, girl from Limerick, a No. street.seplldtf — — bune. yielding 40 per cert, indispensable to the toilet, una- TERSON, 3794 Congress BOSTON- AT daughter of a retired officer of the British army H. H. PITTEE. bated of demand, and which don’t exist in the State Isn’t it about time Rates of Advertising : One inch of tl 16 G. for Democratic news- and in space, WM, DOUGHTY. of Maine. F. FLORY, SCHOOL of the highest character for young Ctcrhnui, IVcilce.day and Oct. rejoices the nnromantic came of Gub- length of constitutes a March House for Sale, llmridny, column, “square.” 11th, 1878. *marlldly N. Box 172 The course of for the to run out that old woodcut of S. J. T. $150 -— Gloversville, Fulton Co., Y., study prepares 30th and 3fst. paper? bins. Sbe is described as of tbe most per square, daily first week: 75 cents p sr No. 601 corner of High St., Harvard Examinations tor being week oc7 d2w* Congress St., Women. after; three insertions, or less, $1.00; contini in Portland, J. M. Heath. UD‘,er carof'jl with an Ah Sin smile on it? And they must of Celtic and is said in* other HOUSE lately occupied by bo,?e "Ui eryiston is Fully the results charming type beauty, to every day after first week, 50 cents. This houso is in excellent condition,finished through- provided tor boarding pupils. realizing good arising from our Mason and earnest and persistent labors in this not forget to put under it, in all her rivals in Hall square,three insertions, or less, 75 cents; oi ; Builder, lias and is located on ah school great and good large caps: quite surpass attractiveness. out, Sebago water, pleasantly ^DCJU^,nS Instruction au! work in : 90110.a\«.»U8 board, which we are in and “Honest Tilden.” The week, $1.00 50 cents per week after. one of t he best corners in the For farther in- I^r year. Address the engaged, rescuing re- Sammy Tribune has Lot men tremble to win Residence 227 Congress Street, city. Principal, storing to manhood all those the band of woman, Special Notices, one third additional. 50 Laborers Wanted at the house or of who are addicted to been Daniel in formation, enquire and recently playing deciphering Under head or “Amusements” and “Auctio s Agent lor tho Pettengill Iron Chimney Can. Or- stroug drink, also of making homes and families unless they win with it the utmost of at Iho office of the Portland Water JOSEPH A. LOCKE. Hits, some sent this man and passion $2.00 three ders for all kinds of attended to CLARA :lAU\ii.S tlAKflN happy, which once sad and despatches by “good Sales,” per square per week; insertioi g Masonry promptly APPLYCompany, No. 33 Plum Ht, Portlaud. Corner of Midd'c and Exchange Streets. w;re unhappy by the her heart. Else it be their for- or $1.50. All work done me warranted to satisfaction. Demon Rum. It is that true,” that exhibit the true character of this may miserable less, by give 8epl4 dlt oc9 Jieierences—Rev. F. H. I). Mr. earnestly hoped all the Advertisements in _d2w Hedge, D„ HcLry clubs m the county will be wbeu some inserted the “Maine Stai * N- Loogfellow, Pint. Oliver WtEjel! Holmes lully represented and apostle of modern lelorm.—Ringhampton Re tune, mightier touch than their Press” has a JAMES CUNNINGHAM. awaken a new impetus in order to a (which large circulation in every D0V* • make more pro- own pa Horses lor Sale. weo »17 in publican. may have awakened all her sensibilities, of the Stale), for $1.00 per square for first inseruoi Portland, April 23,1878.apr24tnov1 gress furthering this good cause of Temperance. PAIR (f fine Horses will be sold The citizens ol Gorham to bo and 50 ce uts per square for each subsequent insertioi WANTED. very carriago will give all a hearty wel- We can put Mr. Tilden up to a d’etat : reproached even for the calm content, tbe if sol i this week. to UIBW1G come will coup Address all communications to WILBUR F. A low Apply TEilfcaT, and cater for all delegates. A cordial in- marble image of happiness, wbiob will have LUNT, JAS HOPKINS vitation is to by which he can turn the tables PORiLAND PUBLISHING CO. SMITH, extended clubs throughout the State, completely j imposed upon her as the warm reality —Haw oc8 314 Exchange Street. PROFESSOR OF also to all who are. or wish to at Daw. Uadies interested in Water Color printing LANGUAGES, become friends and upon those who are striving to bring him to thorhe. Attorney workers in this noble Temperance work. Office in YOUNGto examine “Flowers and Ferns” by L. Prang Graduate ol a German Po&t Office Building, Portland. Maine For University, Arrangements lave been made with the grief by the to his de- Neither American courts or postmasters sanc- ENTERT Will & Oo. at Shumway’s Pub. House, 177 Middle St, Sale, Railroads publishing key cipher AINMENTS. attend promptly to business iu Cumberland and torthe following rates ot fare for the round York Portland. pleasant House at Woodford’s Corner. GERMAN. trip: spatches. Let him before a tion the opening by husbands of letters ad- oclCd3m* Maine Central and one and one go notary public Counties._ oclOdlw Office hours l to 6 P. M. Ten rooms, and summer kitchen. Also a branches, third AVERY good fare; or commissioner of deeds and make affidavit dressed to their wives, but it is otherwise in stable. All nearly new. A bargain for some one. FRENCH CONGRESS CORTLAND Grand Trunk R. R. one HALL, , FRANCIS 8. Address REAL ESI ATE, Press Office. fare. that in the sentence “Reform is necessary”— England, where the divorce case between Lord LORD, Wanted LATIN, Portland & Ogdensburg It. R. one faro. oc5dlw* PRFFIf inscribed cn the which he bore in and Desatt out of his Friday Evening, Oct. 11, ’78. at No 16 PorUaud & Rochester. Portland and Westbrook gonfalon Lady grew opening her Gentlemen boarders FAJL3I0UTII no : SiT* Saco 1870—Reform For Sale. 50; River and HoUis 4°; Centre Waterboro 69; was a typographical error for London love letters, while her mother-in-law . myrtle St; also table boarders ac* dGm South Waterboro Alfred ATTORNEY AND __ 75; 85; Springvale $i.(o. Flaud.—Albany Journal. COUNSELLOR, houses, and rented to on was opening others addressed to the in AGRM DCOIG ER1 comraodated. good centrally located, Delegates the Portland & K. lady tenants. Ogdensburg R. If — dtf first-class This is will be lurnished with the Tribune's translations are BY THE — 23 Court Boston. sepl2 TWO property paying Instruction in English and Class* return tickels by tho Secre- correct, Switzerland. It docs not often to a Street, but to of business the owner has happen well, owing change cy* Delegates on Grand Truck, Maine Central, and the silence of the attention to move to another State. Address RECORD, this and Portland inculpated parties to have her letters at bothenda HUGHES ISPTarticular given to collections, In- Girl Wanted. ical Studies Rochester Will enquire at ticket of- lady intercepted BROTHERS, solvency and Commercial t ocl0d6m office. ocSdlw* fice for ieturn tickets. leaves little room for doubt that a Litigation, To do house work at they are, by husband’s rage in London and a mother- the celebrated WELSH VOCALISTS, assisted b general rilven to private papile bj the »abw:rit«r. Per order of Committee of Cumberland Coontv. 329 DANFOltTH ST. G. W. MURCH, President. then the peculiar friends and agents of the in-law’s hate amid the Alps. ni^ALICE Contralto. I.CARI.G, MATT ADAMS, aug21 dtf G. H. LEFAV “Reform” Schliemaun has MR. JO IIIV L. Nil AW. Basso. OR, Secretary. candidate for President in 1879 Doctor telegraphed from MKN. JOHN Ij. Pianisl Richmond’s Island J. W. Ithaca to SHAW, Constable for Portland, OOLOORD, were guilty of the most unblushing attempt Athens; “We have made a great dis- We do not at covery. Oa tbe which extends toward Admission 25 Cent**; Children under I: I Art i» LOST AND FOUND ! read anonymous letters and commual bribery which ever failed of success. And plateau ie*rr. IO C«dim. Kenerred 8eati. 115 C**ul* FOR SALE! S4*f Pea 1 8ttr«flt'l.. cations. The ame and the western Coroner for Cumberland address of the writer are in all this telegraphing came to Gram- shore of the southeast part of the Doors open at 7 o’clock. Commence at 8 o’clock County, JaU24 -ltf all cases naught. this well known for sale. It indispensable, not necessarily for publication island we have found iu houses Tickets for Reserved Seats may bo obtained at Con 01 I-a offer property is ercy Park was to digging, ninety EXCHANGE STREET. BOARD. but as a of willing pay money—its Hall Ticket Office, from 9 to 12 A. M. and 3 WE one of the best farms in tne State of Maine. guaranty good faith. of au to tbe gress t were in the field to cyclop- construction, belonging 5 P. The Island lies oft Cape Elizabeth, two miles south POUT LidO ACAOEilI i. We cannot undertake agents buy up Returning M., Fiiday, Oct. 11th, where plan of Hall ma Service of precepts of all kinds a specialty. Con- to return or preserve com- Homeric city of Ithaca to bo seen. of the Ocean three quarters of a mile from Impossible express fidential advice and services rendered in I he Rooms to let with No. 12 Houfe, Fall Term at Rsoiu munications that are not used. Boards, but the unfortunate of Mr. I given, board. the main and miles from Portland. It tMgins Neptemter'jd, temper here the methodical reeult of our Those win have purchaspd ?5 cent tickets fan ex detection and arrest of criminals. Business attended land, eight No. 7, Br»wn’a Bloch, corner of excavations. contains about two hundred acres, divided into Uougrcng Tilden stood in the of success. He change them by paj ing difference iu price. oe9d3t to at all hours. Winter St, Prices to suit the times. pas- and Brown Hirrcts. way The winter rains have washed into the sea all ture and a house, two large barns and Jan8dtf I ocl d3w* tillage, large The usual course ot studv for ol both sexes, wanted to and He It now cuts about a hundred pupils Evany regular attache of the Press is furnished temporize postpone. the ancient for tbe island. All the other outbuildings. French lessons by Prof. Masse. Elocution Grand Ooncort tons of and of arc raised taught with a Card certificate not make hav, large crops vegetables by Mrs. Currier. countersigned by Stanley T. could up his mind that the time lovers of antique souvevirs will hasten to visit — — BY P. C. annually. For further of Pullen, Editor. All gteamboat and for action had come. We have PAYSON, TO LET. The Island is with the main a particulars enquire railway, hotel pointed the of connected land, by ETTA A city Homer.” CHANDLER’S BAND breakwater, partly and when FILES?, Principal. managers will confer a favor upon us by out that Mr. Tilden’s fatal lack of de- CONCERT finished, completed au?d3m 43 Brown Street. demanding Thomas Evans, tbe at St. Helena will make a good road. credentials of cision had cost him dear on more than one gardener --- every person claiming to represent ooi witliMru.C. K. HA at The will a ; has WES, Vocalist, Attorney Law, property be sold at bargain. For further onmal. occasion. It appears that it lost him the vote during Napoleon's confinement, just died and CJ. A. To Let. information inquire of A. CUMMINGS or ST, PAUL’S FABRELL, Harmonica Soloist COLLEGE, of which he and his were on the island at the patriarchal of 90 rooms, seven dollars Florida, agents age years. — SMALL tenement of four AT — NO. 30 8. II. EXCHANGE STREET, at 11 LAFAYETTE ST. CUMMINGS, and ready to purchase and which his agents had He entered the Eoglish at the of 19 A per mcnih, Enquire MAINE, for young men, boys ! If the Uuioa was worth fighting for it is army age lltb oc9 dlw No. 48 over lo years of The first the refusal of at a The Reception Hall, Friday Ev’g, Oct. j Exchange St., PORTLAND, age. year begins worth for. given figure. lawyer- years and was actively in the Penin- Portland Maine. 1878. For circulars, terms &c. address paying engaged Tickets 35 Ont«. For sale at Stockbridge’ between the hours of 10 and 1 o’clock in the fore- Sept.23d, like desire to adjourn prevented Mr. Tilden’s dim MISS MARTHA A. SHARP, sular war, losing an eye at the battle of Tou- and Hawes’ Music Store. oc8d5t sep30_ noon, and 3 and 5 in the afternoon. friends from actually buying up the Florida A Nice Rent dtf sep9dtt Portland, Maine, louse. After Waterloo hiB regiment formed sep30 “TUden and Reform.” Returning Board, but if the evidence now be- tbe which the French GILiBEJRT’S S. P. M. Of eight rooms, gas and Sebago fore the public is permitted to stand uncon- guard accompanied Em- RUGG, D., The water, very pleasantly located on Good Farm For Sale. CITY ADVERTISEMENTS mighty interesting serial the Tribune tradicted, the moral stigma will attach to the peror on the Bellerophon to St. Helena, and Dancing Academy ! fine street, next west ot Emery is now publishing does not meet with the ap- transaction just as firmly as if it Had been be was employed for several years as gardener street. Wm. H JEUUIS, In Scarborough, only six miles successful. The evidence of NO. 316 CONGRESS from acres, in ol proval of those Democratic editors who attempted at the Longwood House. To bis dying day STBEET, K«»l Estate A ire nf. Portland; ninety good City Portland. stop The second lesson of the Evening Class will hi state of cuts about 40 bribery in Florida will destroy the effective- dlw* cultivation; is that the “Joint Stnud- “fraud” to of it. tbe veteran gossiped about Napoleon and the FRIDAY iu I oc8 tons of some hereby given crying long enough speak ness of given EVENimti, when the lirst hay: iruit; 4U0 cords inu Pniimiitf -** n>. luvino mi* !Vuw the cry of “fraud” and ruin Mr. Til- NOTICE was Btructions in the Waltz will be given. — --—--hard and soft wood of wa- to its low moral tone. It cer- great wars, and bis last request that he tt ll having been Plenty »tree»»” to wioui w as referred au order They object den as a possible Presidential candidate. It A Juvenile Class* will be formed ok ter: house; seven room®, in nice order. Barn directing good them to out a new street on will also discredit the should be buried with military honors. SATURDAY. ool0d2t lay LoDg I-land. trom taiuly is a story ol shame,but given for warn- moral censors who, i the wharf landing at “Ponce’s Hotel”. Island, Tbo WM. H. JEKRIS, Real Estate Agent. Long not for fresh from attempts at bribery and corrup- I young ladies of Pemigewasset, New to some point across the Island, will meet at the ing and example. The “reform” of Hallasp^ spp24 (I3w* tion, which failed the to raise a Congress to E. A. Mayor’s on the only through procrasti- Hampshire, eager money for library, Dances. Parlies. Lectures, &c by applying office, City Building, SATURDAY, which so much was said the cam- inst. at 9 in the during nation ot their have denounced SAWYER. 161 Commercial St. or Jus. A. WHIT- 12th o’clock torenoon. to hear all par- principal, have invented a new hind of entertainment, FORTLANDJFHEATRE. oc7dtf For Sale. ties iuterested and then detemiue and it of 1870 to have been reform in with the NEY, 178 Middle St. adjudge pub- paign appears refreshing effrontery turpitude of wmcn will donbtless and Oak Woodford’s a first-class two- convenience that a street should be laid become popular. It Is a Thursday FrUIay Evenings. St, Corner, public require the manner of the their political story an-I French roof HOUSE. Hot and cold out, and if should so then and there filling Presidency, The opponents.—Graphic "Ida drill.’ A Oct. 10th and lltli. ON they atMudge,will company of charming young water, mantles &c ; nice stable and desira- lay out, said street and lix the as re- grates, damages Democratic leaders endeavored to fill it by ladies in Marie Stuart ruffs and lH)LET. ble lot; will be so'd very low and finished to suit. quired by law. powdered hair THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY A house—9 cement new instead of ballot. STEPHEN two-story rooms, cellar, M. M. BUTLER, n purchase by Mr. Tilden [Correspondence Burlington Hawkeye.] Zb all the evolutions and motions of a BERRY, j Committee through First Class Brick store No. 185 Middle and nice; will be sold cheap or rented for a term ol JAMES E. HASELTINE, mHE Street, declined to “raffia for the Presidency” be- Three People Always Met on the Train. military company, using their bright faos in Book) Job and Card I recently occupied by E. A. Marrett as a whole- years ISAAC D. CUSHMAN, ! Printer, sale and retail drv is posted, 100 Also a good House-lot for sale and money fur- ALBERT SMITH, f Lasing cause he didn’t care to take chances. He Coming down on the Minnesotaaud St. Louis the most effective manner To these are added No. goods store; high any S) PLUM STREET. on the entire nished to build if desired. on the premises ISA AC Minstrels! feet deep, has shelves both sides length, Enquire HAMILTON, I v.. °S, railroad I hawk tactics of their own of J. P. JACOB W. J,ew Slreet8- preferred to buy it,—and perhaps would have to-day, glanced my eyes along many devising, including Bryant’s plenty ot draw ers, tills and counters all in good order; TYLER.sep24dlm ROBINSON. J the aud X 1851. Organized in 1851. 1898. is on the northerly side of Middle Street, and one of Portland, October 4, 1878. oc7«16t succeeded had he not to drive so coach, lo, saw the woman who is "flatters,” all in perfect time, and to music. For Sale. attempted the best located on the street for the dry goods busi- afraid of the She are the the a While he was over dost. palled down the win- There ‘‘angry flatter,” "haughty The largest, oldest and best Minstrel organization ness. NICE clean Stock of goods, good stand and lo- sharp bargain. haggling in the over Nos. 185 and dow and made to suffocate. Then she the “modest and the “co- world, from Bryant’s Opera House, New York, Scklotterbeck’s Also the 3d and 4th stories 187, A cation for business. Will be sold low if ap- the the is to be ready flatter,” flatter," 26 with Comedians, and price opportunity passed—it comprising performers, seven well adapted for manufacturing purposes, light plied for soon. Address “BUSINESS,” knotted a handkerchief closely aronnd her quettish flatter,” ending np with a grand headed by tbe great William Arlington, who is en- iooiny. Apply to oc5dlw* Press Office. hoped never to return. neck—no she a woman never ties march. Each instead of a gaged at $300 per week salary Orchestra and Brass DRUG N. S. The pinned it; young lady wears, Baud of ten STORK?, GARDINER, deciphering of these despatches that pieces, under the direction of Prof. anything that she can pin; then she tied a comb, a small Japanese fan in her hair—an ex- Adolph Nieholfs, of Oratfola’s 7tli Regiment Band. Centennial Block, Furnished House to be JLet. between Park and Tilden’s passed Gramercy doable veil over her hat and and New York. Tiio performance will conclude eacL Or E. A. NORTON, or DAVID KEAZER, house, centrally located, well fur- Staples, face. She sat in ceedingly pretty becoming head-dress. with the new Plantation 501 agents in Florida make clear the of evening Extravaganza, Congress Street. Commercial Street. 4G00Dbiicknished, can be had on very favorable terms. meaning the middle of the seat and drew her duster A Parisian milliner announces a ‘'huntress's written expressly for the Bryants, by John P. Smith, Rent payable in board to 4 he right party. PROPRIETOR oct5 that peculiar phrase—peculiar a3 applied to around her. She looked at her feet in velvet and satin. Boots Esq., entitled LIFE ON I HE OLD PLAN- _d3w oeBdlw* WM. H. JERRIS, Real Estate A gait, tightly ooitnme,” reaching TATION, most Plantation In this department still illustrating accurately To Eel politics—“a hunt.” It means the bribery from time to time, aud sighed gloomily wLen nearly (o the knee, with small genu- Life in the the Steamboat cur stock is tassels; South; introducing Race, especial- Small Farm tor of electors aud original Cabin Melodies, the Mississippi Flat Boat, fflanu- board, one sunny front chamber in pleas- Sale, canvassing boards. The candi- she saw the dust was clustering around them. ine trousers of satin snch as wonld delight Dr. etc. all the and ly complete, ant and convenient furnished or un- at Walnut No. 12 etc., The Bryants carry scenery WITH location; Rill, Yarmouth, Shoe date of the Democratic Its chosen She rode from to Waseca and and a real coat of Inclining the greater Address Store, party, lead Minneapolis Mary Walker, satin, with effects for the proper production of this Extravagan- furnished. References exchanged. SITUATEDmiles from Portland, and known as the Sarn’J Bargain never looked out of the window za. Full particulars in other announcements. part ot the prepara- sep28d2w* ROOMS, Daily Press Office. Jhalbourn property, consisting ot about 20 acres of er, entered into a conspiracy with certain never moved; caffs, close-fittiog at the wai3t, where Popular price*, 35, 50 and 7* Cents. tions ourselves, and aud, with 2 story house and barn. The house cou- and once. A sociable there are four other men to buy up the Florida only spoke passenger, battens, worn over a long black oc8U4t C. H. HICKS, Agent. clerks sins 8 finished rooms well arranged, good well of returning B employ iug only &c. This is located No* 5(> Union thinking she looked kind of desolate, said: velvet waistcoat, which it shows at the breast TO LET. water, property very board. The this is who pleasantly St,, evidence of irrefutable. are graduates of within 5 minutes walK of Walnut Hill station on the kind an’ is to let in the rew block ou Clark The “flow o’ coolin’ refreshin’ like it to and b9low the waist—these, with a small and ot Pharma- SI. C. R. R., and ►caool and is in an excellent conspiracy only failed because of the Colleges etreet. of JOHN SWEETSIR, No 5 house, all TENEMENTSInquire Will be sold at a on has see these clear lakes aronnd ns, when the gentlemanly tie at the throat, and a high hat, and cy.our customers can Neal street. neighborhood. bargain, easy recently purchased several retailers’ habitual procrastination of the chief sep30dtf :erms. For lurther of J. S. conspira- rely upon the particulars enquire stocks of Boots and Shoes, them day is so clear.” almost of the sugar-loaf form, with a baud of quality Stan wood, No. Yarmouth, or ot F. O. BAILEY &• amoug J tor. The result of the must be the Kellogg-€ary. the Leavitt & Davis stock exposure said: dust is and and purity ot our TO LET. 20., 35 Exchange St., Portland, Me. sel2dtf which contains And she “The peifec.ly awful.” velvet flowers, make up the costume. It Is political ruin of Mr. Tilden. To use hi3 own Tlic Portland Army and Navy Union goods and the cor- all first class goods, as the firm made a And she [shuddered. worth mentioning that the “Scottwoman" is r'c,ncss 01 tb*vitri- Store Post now For Sale or to Let. SPEC1AL1Y OF FINE HOODS. Those vigorous language: “The American have the honor to announce one rnnmniie opposite Office, people I have always noticed that the dustier and one of the styles in travelling suits most compounds pre- by Maher & Co. Second Three Story Brick House No. 6 Street who are about to purchase will do well will never condone fraud.” mMllljlLlJ.ous occupied Gray grimier I get on a train, the more vicious and affected, tbongh it is rivalled in popularity by Grand. Ooncort at our establish- of same .now occu- rHECan be examined any day after 10 o’clock a. m to call and examine the of these pared floor building quality The Tribune to the For further particulars call on as are to be softlat less promises supplement hateful I feel toward the people who keep the “tartan of the Forty-second Clan.” to be given at ment. New articles pied by J. Castell, Jr. Inquire ot goods they prices J. F. RANDALL & CO., than Messrs. Leavitt & Davis exposure already made with the of thimselves neat aud clean, Thus looked Bismarck his recent are constantly added J. D. & FESSENDEN, ECdlOtf 126 paid for history during o ^ Commercial St. ^ T i to tilts department as dtf them..which will bring them brio- the to swindle the out Jast behiud this woman I saw the woman speech on “As he raised his eyes for ’__ _ attempt Repub'icans Socialism; 1 ~ 1 — MONDAY EVENING, Oct. 14(b, JEPor SaleT' Herewith I give jcu a list of a few Whr. x.—a f.tltnn Ift ntaro, Stio tit I the first time. and. contracting his bnshy eye- intimates that Mr. the station a little and had to a brows Into a looked round We claim to have a kinds the amount saved Manton Marble, who Tale, make frown, the House Tiie new built showiug by pur- figl Miss Clara Louise Kellogg, SopTano; and thoroughly as by lull and complete list HALL TO LET. chasing these goods us nres in the deciphered sometimes rush for the train. When she reached her seat rapidly, though taking stock of his foes, his Anuiv Loui«e Cary, Contralto; 8iguor house § Ellsworth St. Very pleas- immediately you despatches II oi Herbs and Roots, will be unable to obtain of so as her hat fell off. She got it bat it face wore an look that boded evil to Itosuati, Tenor; Mr. tieo. A. Coaly, Basso; n hLa antly situated; in (he healthiest goods fine “Moses” and again as “Mobble” will have oo, toppled angry M **** known as “Arcana Hall,) having been leased part bargain of and those “traces of ourpreviouslargeas- MISSION disposed who come first will en it her hair came rector. will be let on most reasonable in the marbet this season. up, tumbling down. She proceedings. Judging from his appearance as sortment over three j by the undersigned, be sure of gettiag the best money payment are darkly visible.” The j Tickets 81 OO each with reserved scat, are I terms for Concerts, Sociables. Meetings, on the bargaius lost her ticket twice before the conductor he stood whilst Lectures, Apply premises. matter thus afforded will be subsequently np speaking, it now lor sale at oc2dtd and hundred dillerent Fairs, &c. at the opposite good material for Stockbridge’s. Suppers, Apply Hall, J.H. AVER1LL. Ladies’French Kid Button baud re- reached and would have lost it if he seemed that be has added We leel sure House. Boot?, sewed, her, again a stone to bis i/eight kinds. Casco Engine JalyS' dtf tail piice $7.00, now for $4.75. the Potter Committee to work and we R. M. BARTON. upon, bad not taken it from her. She reached since last and that bis that can aplGeodtf 1 away Jane, health is still far everything Ladies* French Kid Button Boots, Bennett & Bar- to see that devote its atten- hope august body no to the bucdle in the rack above from what his oar FOR SALE. nard, retail price 6.00, now for $4.00. pat her friends mast wish It to be. His T) nnmn be lound at store, To Eel. tion to these latest One or both of the Brick evidences of fraud. and burst the collar button off her duster is more CliMDpiWKE KI II I I \ in this line, which is elegant Dwelling Ladies’ French Kid Button Boots, A. F. Smith, re- bead, delivery broken and spasmodic than PLEASANT upper tenement at 15 Salem St., Houses on tbe corner ot Pine and Carlton tail 6.00, now for While lilli price $4.00. waiting further disclosures concern- and stuck her fingers on four pins in her dress ever; he with some difficul- AvUV/XIJ|j,enrr.|||y kept only A comer of Clark. Enquire at 19 Wiatcr Street. JillilLstreets. iu tbis city. struggles obviously BOSTOBTB POST. BO. GRAND ARMY. Ladies’French Kid Side Lace Boots, ‘“Bristol” re- the before she could fied one that she dared to take 2, at regular Botanic oc7 dtf l'be Houses are now being finished and are open for ing attempted “great steal'’ it is interest- ty of breathing, and is obliged to panse from tail price 6.00, now lor $4.00. out to the as she have the honor to announce the following course Stores. inspection. repair damage. Then, just Drug ing to learn that there is a fair of time to time (eveu in the middle of a sentenoe) ot entertainments to be given at To Eet For particulars apply to Ladies’ French Kid Button Boots, other makes, j prospect thought she bad got comfortably settled, her from 2.50 to $3.59. getting at the true inwardness of the little little hand valise, packet to bursting with apparently to gather strength or control his TAATIT The celebrated Prout DESIRABLE RENT in lower part ot house No. V. D. FASSETT, Architect, Ladies* Fine Curacoa Kid Butlon Bennett & enough things to load a Saratoga trank to the His bands are at fora CITY HALL. AW AJA-Tooth Brushes, (from A 77 Carlton street, with all modem conven- Centennial Block. Exchange Street. Boots, steal of the Marquette Iron Mine books, In temper, hardly rest J Barnard, recall price 3 00, now lor $2,25. muzzle, exploded, and she nearly worked het- which the bristles are ! iences. Enquire on tbe premises, Portland, Ang. 5,1878. auTnltf that moment—either they are twisting a huge lead Ladies’ Fine Curacoa Kid Button Boots A. F. transaction, too, cipher despatches con- self into fragments gettiog it together again. Oct. 31. warraniea not 10 sep24-tt Smith, at his caffs Thursday Evening, pi Afpjr retail price 3.00, now lor $2.25. Then the time she the valise shut pencil, brushing or clatching at the ViiUia spicuously figure—despatches that passed by got up Rote of Castile by the IVlariiuea come out.) we keep her hat tumbled off and the time she breast-buttons of his dark cuirassier Opera To Let. Ladies* South American Kid Button Boots, A. F. last moDth between agam, by shining English Opera Company. in assortment. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Smith, now for $1.7-5, Marquette and Gramercy the hat back into Us her large got straightened place tunic. Bat bis gray eyes are as bright and AND No. 37 St. To persons, one as Also a full line of High responsible, Goat Button Boo re- Park. Singularly the is the hair tumhl: 1 dowo again, and soon as she two furnished without Ladies’Straight s, “Bristol,” enough cipher fierce as of and his voice at moments of 14. AT unfurnished anil rooms, tail now hair twia' id and it with yore, Nov. __ English and French Accountant and Public. price 3.50, $2.75. same got her up, harpooned Thursday Evening, board. References exchanged. Meals may be ob- Notary that was used in the attempted Florida Ladies* Pebble Goat Button a couple of hairnius, the valise went off, and paramonnt excitement, rings oat as defiantly Atkinson llAlll Tooth Brushes, Wail, tained at next se20dtf GEO. C. CODUAiil,-Ofllc. !«». IN4 Vlid- Boots, Tinkham, retail niirn7inon 7T..J7 III a l_ a 1. in f'ostome by Prof. door. --- Readings now for 25. III/ 1I1U IUUVI IUO when she off at New she tacked and IRisn Eva Infants’ and Cloth die Ntreet, fortknd. EOv26dlyGm* price 3.00, $2 got Prague aau menacingly as ever, altogether ne is tne Phillips. the ou-ninc* valise under her arm and tried tn Ladies’ Fine Kid Foxed Button A. trouble to translate Music by Chandler's Band. DDIItf Df?C I Brushes of all kinds. To Let Boots, F. Smith, it, and put a new brand most remarlabie incorporation imaginable of Book Binders. retail nrice 3.00. now for S2 25. corral her topplicg bat and wandering hair I styles and prices. In NICE rent of six rooms, about of fraud upon the brow of “honest conscious power ami restrained anl it Illlli\||lu\L (6) ready Sept. Ladies’ Fine Button Sammy with one hand, and as she went flattering and passion, we corner State and Sherman with •*31. A. Room Printer*' 8erge Boots, 18tbd, Bennett & Nov. 28- H,iir Brushes offer A 1st, streets, teClWCS, II, ioto tbo one is not to be wondered Thursday Evening, So. Ill St. Barnard, retail price 3.50, now for 2 25. Tilden.” straggling depot, couldn’t help at tbat weaker natures modern Call at 260 State street. Eichange, Exchauso __ v » tt the solid Back Brush, improvements. that it would be safer and more con- Grand Concert by the Weber Quartette au2D dtf inai.e a- r,o. 33 peso* Ladies’ Fine Serge Button Boots, lOlhd, A. F. thinking positively cower before him when be is one of ,he celluloid, the smicnronn, retail The Massachusetts Democrats of the venient to ruo her iu sectious and her assisted by a tiS»'y Vocalist uad Slrcel. Smith, ptice 3.00, now for 2.U0. tlag his reckless and desperate moods.” IFire Brush, and a 1 have seen this woman Cornet Soloist. To Let. Ladies’ Fine Serge Button A. F, Fourth District have done themselves credit against evervtbing. Boots, 12thd, There are three heirs to de variety ot Eng- retail 1.75, now for 25. on several other trains, and she has never been Cyprus—Lomo Brushes large No. 1 Fore street, Eastern Prome- Horse Shoeing, Smith, price $1 the Morse. by renominating Hon. Leopold If able to herself There seems a Thursday Dec. 12, lish, French and nade. Pleasant lor small witn all mod- Ladies’ Fine Serge Congress 20ttid, keep together. Lusignaa, serene highness, prince royal ot Evening, TENEMENT family, by S. VOPSE! A CO., Practical Horn Boots, very fine, than manufac- retail now for any Democrat is to be sent to from to be more average humaoity about her ilia** and American ern improvements. oc8dtf Shoers* 70 Pearl St. Phillip Estes, price 2.50, $1.75. Congress Cyprus, Jerusalem and who lives in Eecture on the Electric Telegraph, about ber neater sister. She isn’t so Armenia, ture, with a Ladies* Fine the old there is irnie-s with and a large together Serge Congress Bools, !2thd, retail Commonwealth,—a supposition we are St. and seems to be 8ierj*opiicon now for but she keeps you is a state of Petersburg recogn'zed of Electric foil line ot Celluloid To Let price, 1.25, $l.0u. aggravating, collection Apparatus. KeaJ Estate Agents. loth to entertain—that Democrat should be for never know where and his SETfcj. Ladies’Goat S.wed retail agoniziag suspense, you there; nephews. Gay de Lusignan Music Chandler's Band, Sets. Brick house, No. 290 Cumber- JOE’S C. So, 93 Buskins, price. 1.50, now by PROCTER, JLxehr.ug* for .75. Mr. Morse. His action at the time the Pot- she is going to give way next. of Jerusalem and Arme- ATHREE-SrOEYland street,—12 rooms, hard and soft water, Street. prince royal Cyprus, terms. Ladies’ Fine Kid Button retail Moreover, I saw the boy who wanted a drink Dec. bath ub. cas Ac. Will be let on reasonable Walking Shoes, ter was ordered was a man of and Evening, 19, now for investigation wise and —a nia, gentle distinguished bearing, Thursday Apply to S. W. ROBINSON, 191 Middle St. au8tf price 2.50, $1.50. restless, questioning, uneasy, thirsty boy. of Pnrf Fu« Fetch nuil great variety tail on bis who lives in a modest mansion in the Avenue Art EreniDg by BfflBRUSHESlJcp'in Ladies’ Fine French Kid Slippe-s, retail piice 2 00 patriotic. He has an additional recommen- He let the window lingers before tailberp. Jollities. at to con- 1 rrnwrTe and prices now for $1.50. the train had gone a mile. He stood ont on O'Eylan, Paris, and is his son to en- XU tr filiS PLEASANT ROOMS TO LET. dation in that he is one of the hardest of preparing form with the times. Ladies’ Gored retail the nutd be was incrusted two inches The tickets for the Course have been at thi Serge Slippers, price .65, now platform ter the French navy; and Korene Nar placed .45. men. aud das’ aud cinders. Bey, ONE DUI.LAK. For sale mem requisites ot the for hard-money deep with ashes He low price oi by And SPONGES.*11 of rooms on second floor; plenty ot sun- of of Beshiktash- ai Bath. Ladies’ went to the water-cooler and got a drink; then prince Lusignan, archbishop hers ot tbe Post and tbe usual places. SUITElight, air and water. Heat and gas furnished. Serge Lacc Bools, retail price 1.25, dow for M Ke-erved Beats lor tbe course. BO cents. For sab .75. The adoption of hard-money resolutions he came back and told his mother he was hot, Constantinople. The last named Also one room on third floor. References exchanged. New reprecented tick York 136 Course Boots. at I. C Stockbridge’s Exchange St. Of Lubin’s, Atkin- Ladies’ Rubber Boots, retail price 1.50, now for and went back anl got another drink. He Stable To Let by the Missouri Republican conveution is not Armenia at Berlin during the conference. Ha ets will be for sale at same place. ocldtf son’s. Breidenbach’s $1 20. drank about four times per mile, seldom of- in the of Ad- Misses’ Caracoi Kid Button retail ice 3 a surprise, but is noue the less was rather above the average height and very Situaled western central part city. M. G. 230 Middle has a Boots, pi 00, gratifying. tener, unless las was seized with a sudden un- and Farina’s mans- PALMER, Street, now for dress L. E. T.t Press Office. $2.00, was with black a clear with Daily complete line in all widths and is the Only Au- The most significant incident in the session controllable spasm of thirst. If he drink- fine-looking, long hair, high lactnre. together jel2 dtf Misses’ Curacoa KM retail A"n Walking Shoes, price ing, and someoody else came after a drink, the large a thick black beard Illnrray & thorized Agent for My Goods in the city of now lor of the convention was the of a resolu- forehead, deep eyes, Colgate's. 2.25, $1,50, offering bay would sudleniy seize the cup he had just Eauman’s and others Maine. and a very fascinating smile. His voice was Portland, Misses’ Oil Goat Button (School Bools) retail price tion nominating Gen. Grant for President in set down and re till it. and drink as though he A OllCt of American and For- 1,50, now for $1.25. and his bands and feet (FORMERLY JOHNSON’S.) nxr e w E3>;VIN C. BURT, 1880. The resolution “was received with had wrapped his stomach in the desert of Sa- melodious, betrayed manulactnre. Misses’ Fine retail eign 1878. IVew IT oi k. Serge Button, 18thd, price 2.00, hara, glaring suspiciously over the top of the his aristocratic origin. He had a mild, beei 1 Aug. SIS, now lor 00. This popular saloon having Extracts ot dlt- $1 tremendous applause,” the press despatches at the as he drank. WofAwa torty enp waitlog passenger rather He wore a and is 1 Misses’ Kid and Goat modest, melanoholy bearing. refined painted, agaiu opei T? diLCl brterent odors, which In addition 'o the above I have the EXCLUSIVE Croquet Slips, retail price 85c, say, “but it was thought inexpedient to adopt When he was in his seat, be watched the aisle now for 50c. loose dress of bine-black or dark moire, with to the public. The prf-seut pro we sell in any quan- FALL STALES (SALE of it.” narrowly, and if he saw any passenger get up French Kid 2 prietors will endeavor to inerii ih< desired. Children’s Newport Ties, to retail _ aud move toward the water-cooler, he would wide sleeves, the hood of which, drawn over tity price 1.00, now 5 c. liberal heretofore be It is now the jump up and race for it. If he got there first, his head, left his his and patronage Banister & Ticlienor’s Newark Americon Kid proper thing for Democrats only beard, month, stowed and to increase iti i The celebrated Lit- Boots, Children’s Button Boots, 2 to 5, retail ne would drink and snore over the cup until propose n<. , Just Received! for 1.00, now lor 60c. to curse Randall. The his eyes visible, concealing his long hair and reducini 1 A bin’s. men, price Speaker responsibility tne thirsty traveller forgot what he went down popularity by generally w( Pear’s, Bailey’s, Pearl forehead. He wore a star of ■ wv"al w Children’s aud Bismark Ankle 2 diamonds while main A FULL LINE OF Tie?, to 6, re- for the Ohio defeat is upon him. He in- there alter. People began to wonder how repre- the cost ot food, (tally Low’s. Cowdray’s, tail now for put WOODMANSEE & GARSIDE’S price 1.00, 50c. much the was gauged for, aud if he wasu’c the surmounted a (he quality and quantity. Cliardin’s, Colgate’s, stigated the in that State. bay senting episcopal arms, by tabling If AOiAtitr ITmlAwnraifiw T? n i I All O Children’s Kid Ankle 2 to retail 5?c gerrymandering rather his The remotest Ladies’ band and several other superior man- Ties, 6, ptice straining capacity. crown. These throe men are the descen- Ac All the dittereuf sewed, now for 30c. royal STREET. ufactures for women and Had it been successful he would have been hint or was enough to send him to *9 EXCHANGE men, children, together suggestion dants of the who .Toilet Powders and a Children’s Curacoa Kid When the train rau over a creek Luslgnans, bought Cyprus mart. dtf POWUFBS Fringes, Corsets, Worsteds, with largo stock of medium and Button Boots. 6 to 10, ictail crowned with garlands. As it is the Demo- the cooler. price 2.25, now for $1 75. the water made him think of his thirst. When from Richard the Lien Heart, and reigned Canvases, Embroideries, crats are flowers for his funeral. nttr rtTTTn mnfhPT) A ITT) "DTT T?Q Children’s French Kid Boots, 2 to 6, retail price ordering it rattled over a long stretch of dry prairie, the there some three centuries, and claim the XX LI X/ X iJJLiw < LOW PRICED RELIABLE they \jr.L1A kJXXXX XXUXXIXIXII We ,,ave a fo!t Shetland and German- 1.25, now for 75c. absence of water drove him mad. I was afraid rw A MATe ™ry GOODS, which neither the spoliation IttAlUls so that every customer can be suited for a It is evident that criminal carelessness on »h waier wuuiu out, uesuie me "rights unjust and pliable Chamois. town Wools, Kid reasonable Children’s Goat Boots, 2 to 6, retail price 75c, now me supply give O. Jordan was a of the Venioe nor even the Ottoman B. so dressed that ii w ill price. for 50c. the Dart of some one in of the Old buy was filled up, and he rather small RepablicoE and Buch- employ removed to Alfred where he has lacill Gloves, Children’s Gra Sewed retail dow boo, too. His interior circumference, I think, VUU<{UV.OU u uvoyuutu tuvu Uli 4UOJ UdlO "has improved not grow hard, and Bals, price 1.25, Railroad caused the disaster at Wol- the manufacture and sale of for® 1.0 J. Colony must have enclosed an area double in extent to ties for may be washed when ings, Bows, M. G. PALMER. united in a memorandum to Lord Salisbury, Ifilra, Car and Carries tubs 1 Children’s Gra retail now laston. The facts in the case will doubtless that inclosed by tbe exterior belt. Near Watesoa Mhip Timbvf, soiled. Ot Chest Pro- Yarns, Ac. aug33 dtf Pegged Bals, price 90c, the new state of but with aa Stock. for 75c. we ran nearly a mile Without tbe boy making a accepting thiags, lectors and Vests a be brought out at the which will cer- ® „ These Goods were BOUGHT FrtR CASH inquest at the tank. I nervous reservation of their to be I shall continue to run the Biddeford mill and the Children’s Long Leg Kip retail 1.50, now stop grew very now,for express rights, Protectors, assortment. and will be sold at the lowest possible ices. Be Boots, price it bn able to till all orders at shortest po: Bible nctio good pi for 1.00. tainly be held. Until then is simple justice I was fearful that daring such an unheard of olaimed at the Lord it sure and examine stosk before proper time. Salisbury, stock on hand. my you purchase. abstinencs from water his wou'.d run Large always Men’s Fine Calf Congiess Boots, retail price 3.50, to withhold our judgment. pumps 1*'. O. Address—Alfred, Me. oddly Our Store is kept and he need hardly be said,has not yet acknowledged Special Bargains in nil grades of Inli now lor 2 50, dry, rust out, might blow up. Sal open MIGHT and leaned over tbe of tue seat and said care- the document. The prince residing at St Pe- CTOni? W. E. and Winter Men’s Fine Calf Hand Sewed re- Two Democratic candidates for the Presi- edge Plants of description very low. DAi-a feature not to PJLUilIJlEIt, Congress Boots, every )JlvlliJ tail price 5.00, now for $1.00. lessly. “By George. I am thirsty. 1 wonder if tersburg has made a declaration to the effect be found in any other 453 St. dency are very low indeed, and their recov- there is any water on this car?” Congross Men’s Fine Calf Hand Sewed Leg Boots, retail price that on the lOih of April, 1821, his father’s oc9 dtt want to understand me as ! Ovmn city ol its size iu the UNDERWEAR 6 00, now for $5 00. ery is despaired cf. The cipher telegrams You now, record- ! ing aud without mental reser- treasure, to wit, 4,800,009 dneats (of Holland). I United States, and is Men’s Fine Calf Machine Sewed Leg Boots, retail did the business for and the Ohio very plainly, any Choice Flowers GOOD ALL WOOL TildeD, vation, tbe fact that the sitting 493,000 donblooos (of SpaiD). mahrnou- iTTfl ■ ill |at ALL TIMES in price 4*50, now for 3 50. bay’s mother, 170,000 election put Thurman on his back, Bay- beside, him, was no fool. Her eyes snapped ilies, 200,(100 toupies, 3,1119,182 Spanish dollars For Parties and Funerals at lowest rates. charge ol a compe- Men’s Fine Calf Hand Sewed Ties, retail price 1.50, IM I ItH I Scarlet Under Shirts and now lor when she beard my careless aud innocent re- 000,000 roubles (of Russia), was seized by 11 lv XX X tent person. This in< Drawers, $3.75. ard is the coming man. Ar NON. Randolph mark; she look in every syllable of it, and she Turkey. He proposes to bring an action Will. MORTON Boynton. novation is one in ALL Men’s Pure Guui Rubber Boots cn’y $3.00. 139 Kxcbangc SF sizes, turned on me in a Hash with "I wish you would against the Porte for this sum, with interest and the A bad omen is the report from Massachu- which public mind own business and let my bjy alone.” Greenhouses at Allen’s Corner, Leering. my2Stt This stock inclades a large assortment your should be interested, setts that a majority of the voters of Hull A low murmur of applause went through the i'b 1.50 Bacli. of io numerous to Currency Question. goods enumerate here lor some of and show their ap HES are Butler men. That as Hull so will car, a little of it the mother, it for DAl, and at gees B. F. PRITCHARD, of. will be sold correspondingly lew thechaiity boy, but most of it forme. She predation HILL & doubt the State has been a in Jlr. Hewitt Expresses Ilia Scalimeali. WAT_0 €©., llgares. Without this is the finest go long superstition suppressed yours truly most effectually but it 1 Cleaned and Tor The sale of Cigars Warranted, $1.00 stock ever offered in this market at so Massachusetts. was too lat--. Long before she finished tbe Broke. '* /y i* “ HINDER “PREBLE HOUSE.” The interview with the Real Estate and Fire Insurance Is one of Mainsprings 1.00 low brief sentence her boy was down at the water- following Hon. Alvtn 1,1 (rar^ ourspecial- “ “ prices. eoiltl his shut to tbe Hewitt in the want* a ties. A great varittj Case springs .75 se30_ SJ^Any one Derson making a purchase Copies of Gotham’s greenback letter can cooler bolding eyes tight keep H. appears New York Post: Mortgages and loans negotiated. $25,000 wACjUiiO water from ont of them, while he business 11 l- of the best ai to Ten Hollars will be a rnnning “Will Governor Tilden to invest in first-class mortgages. All brands, Clock* ooil Jewelry of all kind* repaired amounting given now be had cheap. That gentleman would again be the Presi- t°» Omcfr and flooded bis system as though he had taken a trusted to rue will be promptly attended the lowest prices, is ti wery low prices. pair of Boots or Shoes, they having the dential candidate of the Democratic party?** Me. have done credit to himself never being contract to op a p. renmal Baptist revival Farrington Bloek Congress St., Portland, always to be found at privilege of selecting from a lot, by keep “The answer to that ciuestion involves the ie3 eodtl inside himself. our store. «*ur sales Prelile 482 s eepl9 dtf born. answer to the questions whether or not there is Opposite House,1 Congress a Democratic if there whether are larger than those au28 eodtf ULMER party; and, Is, HEHR, the it will Eurvive till the next Presidential elec- ol dealer in tin Accidents do not pay. On news of Notices. any EMTABLISHED I 500. FOii SASL.E. Magazine tion.” THE Wollaston disaster the stock of the Old Col- 0WE¥7 State, CUTLERS. The numbers of LitUll's Living Age for the “Does the Syracuse platform represent the Have removed to ony Railroad fell sixteen cents on a hundred. Weeks Oct. 5;h and 12th, have the fol- sentiments of the Demooratio party?” We are Agents lot RANDAL H. FOOTE, BANKER, KINSMAN’S Gls "FITTING ES- ending contents:—Henri Greville’s “1 think it represents very largely the think- STABLE Geo. Tiemann & Co’s JO Broadway New York. lowing noteworthy SALE tunc Wilt S'o. 91 St * TABLISHMENT. There were two disastrous tornadoes in ing men of the Democratic party. The; stand celebrated Exchange Sketches of Russian Life, by W. R. S. Ralston, and M Kllll 111 Surgica lieea for twelve years a member of New the where Silas Wrigbt Matey stood. They §| FBASiaiK STREET. UUilUll/Jli ant Nixt Door to Iowa Tuesday. One of them struck the instruments, HAVINGYork Stock Kxcbange and Vice-President ol Old Stand. The undeisigoed oilers for sale the stock and fix* Nineteenth Century: Cyprus, Macmillan; Mr. are hard-money men, and party has always ■ is I have in stock Elec Gold Board, the highest character and experience turers in store No. 12S Exchange street, Portland, Democratic-Greenback allies. Froude’s Life and Times of Thomas Becket been a bard-mouey party. would rather lose also With better facilities and we are Elastii ; guaranteed. Stocks, Gold, and Bonds, Stock extra workmen, so long occupied by John Kinsman. A tine oppor- the election entirely than to have com- fiAHD. trie Batteries, better than ever any RUFUS Tv, nlni as “straddles,” and ab'e to wait upon our customers. for one who wishes to in by Edward A. Freeman, part Contem- Belts contract-, such '‘puts,” “calls,” tun'ty any engage the The Canadian Mackenzie cabinet has re- IV,, cn that question. The platform is Hose and ! on and sold on location in the promise aptll_« 1HS LI 11“ large or email amounts, bought regu- plumbing business. Ihe best city. porary Review; The Chinese as Colonists, Nine- sound.” Shoulder Braces, o I lar commissions and inoderare Pamphlet PERCIVAL aud Sir John MacDonald is entrusted margins. BONNEY, signed, “Is the Greenback ; entitled "Wall and stock tables containing ULMER & HE in of John Kinsman. teenth Century; Au Indiscretion iu the L fe of party as formidable as it and Stand for Sal* **,e most dcsirabli Street,” SIR, Assignee Bankruptcy with the formation of a new Stock TnQTiTC! valuable mailed on ot lie. dtf ministry. looks?” # information, receipt an a Thomas New iilUllbiJi Trusses, dee aep30 heiress, Story, by Hardy, “X I patterns, au26 "rixo have no knowledge of the Greenback to make a change In hr s- let Batterie s eodly omiewx Tbe Career and Per- mu E subscriber wishing w e also oca J2ff of the Potter committee, Quarterly Review; Pnblio party other than that which I get from the and stand in N Come, gentlemen I iuess otters hi< stock situated A c. the week or montl ilook .'tore sonal Character of James Hill. The sto ?i &c., by Cheapest be down to work ci- Francis Bacoo, by newspapers; bnt 1 believe that it represents Yarmouth, Me., near •‘Walnnt getting again. Those in stor is. on reasonable terms TO MY rather the spirit of discontent with the present consists 01 the usual variety kepi country FORMER PATRONS. Rowley, Fraser; Child’a I’lay, Corubill; Soiling CHA Health Lift Rooms, IX THU WOULD, pher telegrams demand your attention. state of than economic or For Inrther particulars enquire of the A Fetish City, thiDgs an; particular Porllai * Soul, Contemporary Review; members are dissatisfied McLA UGH LIN & CO St Commercial St., sold to Dr. G. E. DOW, -my Dental Still opeu in Portland, at Wo. 119 I£xcliuaj;e Si. political views. Its remises. in New books at the Ben Sark and its Caves, Gentleman’s the latter or the subscriber on tbe SCIILOITEltBECK’ 5 I 237 Aliddle Street, HAVINGottice and good will, I cheerfully recommend Great reductions prices! cost! Apparently job of conciliating Blackwood; with the old parties because have ot t WOOD 'hmah former worn books tor almost Open and for S. STAN my patrons as a competent person Shop uothing! day Hill was a The is The Relation of Memory to Will, instituted the means general pecuniary re- mylO-eodtt&w to till the lor Old books and sold or "snide” affair. prospect Magazine; position l have occupied in Portland evening. magazines bought, Re- lief.” PORTLAND. ME. tte past fifteen exchanged. Old Bibles taken in exchange lor new that it will have to be done all over again. Spectator; The Habit of Reading, Saturday Viuilts cleaned 501 Congress St., jears. “What is the future of the Greenback ones. Call at store lor Catalogue. view; Garden Parties, Spectator; Au Ameri- A NL taken ont at short notice, from *4 to $6 J. H. DR. A.J. party?” ME. GAUBERT, LOCKE, ALBERT COLBY Ac SONS' The result of the October elections is a Mall and A. cord or *3 a load, by addressing PORTLAND, can ZolleveriD, Pall Gazette; choice “The Greenback party has no experienced A. LIBBY & CU., Portland. P. 0 0c7 d2w Ja22dti PROPRIETOB. eepldeodtt 491) l.g Congress S». Publishers and Booksellers. and therelcre I think nov-’tdtf terrible set-back to “bold, bad Ben.” poetry and miscellany. lea lots, it will disiu- FRIDAY MORNING), OCTOBER 11. FEVER. St Paul. .30| in Montville, Oct. 5, Edwin G. Davis ot Knox and YELLOW St Paul prefened.... 65 Hiss Mary F. Neal of Freedom. SPECIAL NOTICES. MISCELLANEOUS. CLOTHING. MISCELLANEOUS Fort Wayne. 97* In Noriidgewock. S*pt. 23, Alvana D. Brackly of Chicago & Alton... 82* Portland and Miss Katie E. Watson ot Nor- after the If we & Alt »ii tegrate present election. pur- No Relax in (he Npr>ail of the Disease. Chicago preferred...Iu2* idgewock. sue a sound financial policy there will be a Ohio & Mississippi.... 1} In Cnestcrville, Sept 28, Fred W. Allen and Miss 5Tm. 10 —There are no new paison&co” 1878. New Oct capes speedy revival of basiuess. Discontent will York, Delaware & Lackawanna. 52} Ella M. Sampson, both ot Wilton. OCTOBER, in Cairo. Cue death occurred last night. The Atlantic & Pacific ALLEN & CO. than disappear, and, with it, the pariy founded Telegraph.27 weather is damp. The following were the *u discontent. If the resumption party, on the closing quotations ol Pacific DIED. At Memphis it has rained since Railroad securities: 32 contrary, should be overthrown—which I do eomiuuously Exchange Street, All Wool Pants with no immediate of Boston, Hartford <& Erie miitiunco the arrival and not same yesterday nuoo, prospect 1st. 27* I, opening expect—then we shall retorn to the | Sreat Reduction clearing up. The fever has appeared at every Guaranteed. -j7j In this Oct. Mrs. Annie Mahoney, aged 41 evils from which we are now emerging, and Central Pacific city, 9, DGALEBNIN station on road Bonds.. *.iof.| of a of in the Louisville between Mem- years. there most be a reconstruction parties Union Pacific.. 116} at o’clock, from with phis and Paris. Tenues ee, excepting Stanton [Funeral services this forenoon 8J IN TIIC rKICE OF SQ.SO. which Democrats will unite Laud Grants ...... 105 hard-money her late residence, corner of Neal and Ca'roli streets. the and Bell’s stations. 18,000 ra'ions received to- hard-money Republicans in order to rescue Sinking Funds,.100* In viiiou Bradbuiy Richardson, And a guess as lo tlic amount ot that day. 45 new cases. Bar silver, Plantation,OM.8, country from an overwhelming distress curiency .....112} 83 yeais G months. At New Orleans the weather is Bar sil ver, aged CHINEE PILLS that I he Glass inns' follow to cloudy. gold.Ill * In Mrs. Lucinda Peikins, Government CHOICE STOCK aoy successful attempt prouuce Do Pittsfield, Sept 12, aged Bonds, Deaths cases 113 l discount inflation.” 48; reported. Coin. * @ 57 years. Bottle contains wliieh may entitle ■ At Osyka there are 3 uew cases. In Mis. Sprague, aged VV is the of the hour?” harmingdale, Oct. 4, Charity FURNITURE, uat, then, duty lo trout to $25.00 ill At Canton there are 7 new cases and 3 deaths. 81 years. roil $10.00 “The hour is a critical one, so far as the California CONSIS TING OF very Tbe is Minin* Slocks. In Daniel W. Burnham, or financial is concerned. No Compromise fever abatiDg. Kugcomb, Sept. 25, Capt. CITY & TOWN i Bold Coin. question Octobei 10—The following are STATE, At Grand .Innctiou there are no new cases .i®Ai* aged 73 years 4 months. BONDS, the should be made by which the right of the gov- closing official nrices of mining stocks In D. Jewett, aged 56 and but oue death. to-day: Dlxmout, Oct. 3, Joseph I ernment to establish any other currency than ...Kentuck.8} years 1 month. At Port Gibson the _ gold and silver nnder the constiiuton shall be fever is spreading .10 Leopard. 1 Railroad Bank &c. !0MH0N,MEDIl!lU 1\D PARLOR C. D. B. FISK & throughout tbe gefcher....Bes & Bonds, Stock, Co., admitted, f am not only opposed entirely to county. Belcher.26* Mexican.782 In Rock there are esses Bullion...... 15* Northern OKPAHTOBIl OP OTKAiWkBIPx Fall and Winter the whole Greenback doctrine, but to the com- Springs many new Belle. 9} Preble House, Congress St. and several deaths. Coii'Olidated Va.. .. 14§ Overman 24* York. Kingston, Ja. .Cct 12 SUITS suggested Senator Thurman. I Cleopatra.New “Called*’ Corprament Koudu cashed or promise by I ... California.13* Ophir ...... "esi York. .St homaB .Oct 12 think'hat at the earliest momeut the Atlanta, Ga,, has sent three physicians, 50 Bermuda.Now exchanged for other security. possible Raymond & York 15 OF THE BEST beds aud large contributions to Chattanooga, Lb0[jtjr.59} Ely. 5} Alps.New Aspmwall.Ot au7 dtf GRADES. government should divorce itself t orn the Conhdence.12* Silver Hill.. York. .Havana.Oct 16 and will and maintain a Santiago de Cuba..-New issue of in or equip hospital there Caledonia.... Oct paper money any shape form.” ...4* Savage.. 23 .. New York. .Liverpool. 12 t II the fever has Crown Point. Adriatic New House lor A Full Assortment ol passed. 9* Seg belcher..'*'m Devonia .7.. .New York. .Glasgow.Oct 12 Sale. At Baton Rouge these are 4G uew cases but Exchequer. 7* Sierra.Nevada.212 12 CASSIMERES, Gould & Sardinian.Quebec-Liverpool.Oct One-half ot double House No. 770 no deaths. Curry.21} Union con.... hk Montana.New York. .Liverpool.Oct 12 Congress Street, j Hale& Fellow now completed and ready tor occnpuucy. Said house At there are and Norcioss.29* Jacket '.i*'*' 321 York. .Liverpool.. ..Oct 16 1 Chattanooga three deaths Kussia.New first class in respect. room, PINE CHAMBER Impenal. Eureka.con... 17 is every Dining sitting j BY TELEGRAPH. 24 new cases. it Frisia.. .New York..Hamburg.Oct bath room and kitebtu in hard Ju.ia couBol’id’td.... 7} Grand Prize m \ room, finished wood. 9 —Liverpool.Oct 19 1 Suitings At Bay St. Louis there are 23 uew cases aud Alta Polynesian.Quebec Plumbed for hot and cold water. White maible SEW LISE Justice.9* .V. ! York.. Oct 19 AND 10 deaths. V.16* Britanic.New Liverpool. mantles, grates. Ac Cemented cellar and Aucboria.New York .Glasgow .....-Oct 19 Ac, first aud will be sold at a verv low York 22 everything class, and MAINE. Wisconsin.New .Liverpool.Get of Chicago Cattle Market. York.. Liverpool.Oct 23 price. Enquire A. M. SMITH, j THE OLD COLONY ACCIDENT. Scythia.New aul9?necdtf Eud of Portland Peir Chicago, October 10.—Hogs-rreceipts 15,500 head; St Laurieut.New York. .Havre.Oct 23 Mii’S FANCY CHEVIOT SKITS, .Oct 24 better; choice heavy at Oeltic.*_Now York .Liverpool... Black Walnut Sets, 3 60 ?bade FARMERS’ FES T* VALN. @3 90, light at 3 40; mixed at 3 10 Farthia...New York.. Liverpool.Oct 24 packing @ — Dfaih of the Master—Other* who 26 — ONLY Fair ai Bristol. Baggage 8armatlan.Quebec.Liverpool.Oct ^THINK OF IT ! Were Injur'd Doing Well—The laves:i- Cattle—receipts 6600 head; shipments 1580 head; City of Berlin.New York. .Liverpool.Oct 26 Sideboards, Wardrobes, &c., OVERCOATINGS I Bristol fair Steers Damariscotta, Oct. 10—The easy Steers 3 80 ® 4 60; good Wes- Ethiopia.New York .Glasgow.Oct 26 gntiou Beginning. tern Cattle dull^shipping closed today. It was most the successful as aud shade lower at 3 25 @ 3 50. Boston, Oct. 10.—The wounded iu the Old Sneep—receipts 149U head; market THE Marble Tables shipments 1690; Aimaaar...October 11* Top regards attendance, character, and extent of Colony accident are doing well with the excep- dull at 3 00 @ 3 75. Alnatart exhibits ever held. At the trial in the tion of James Gilfeather, the ge» eral Sunrises.., .*.,....6.10 | High water 10.35AM of engine baggage every description. arc agent, who will probably die before nigbt. J. Domestic Market*. eon sets. 5 23 I Moon rises PM Besureaud see them; they afternoon for a prize of $45 for beBt play, the MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE and GENTLEMEN E. Green and Jobu Linuehan are in a precari- New YoitK.October mark- very nobby perfect titling. of Waldoboro hundred 10—Evening.—Cotton CO, HAT TREE*?, Triumph played one ous both bad a et firm and quiet; Middling uplands at 10 New condition, having leg amputat- 5-16c; or NEAV and ninety feet and six inches. The Taniscol ed. Orleans at 10 9-16c; forward deliveries 5 @ 7 points MARINE 'iSTICWS. YORK, WHAT NOTS, higher aud moderately active. 14,- will Und it to their to of Newcastle one hundred and A later despatch says that James Gilfeather, 161 bbls. Flour-receipts BOOK CASES! C. D. B. FISK & advantage played sixty- without decided change,little better export; ASSETS OYER CO., tbe baggage master, died this forenoon. sales PORT OP PORTLAND. fonr feet and three and one half inches. 18,700 bbls; No 2 at 2 60 @ 3 25; Wes- The as to tbe Cause of Superfine investigation the dis- tern aud State at 3 5u @ 3 8o; Western and State at will be sold cheaper Ilian at any aster began today, before tbe railroad commis- 3 80 (@ 4 10, choice Western aud State at 4 15 @ 4 75; Thursday, Oct. 10. other place in the city. Preble Street. White Wheat House, Congress sioners at tbe Kneelaud street depot with clos- Western extra at 4 80(0)5 50, Fancy ARRIVED C1LL11 SELECT STILES Fire in Lewiston. ed doors. White Wheat Western extra at 5 50 @ 6 75; extra Ohio at 3 90 5 extra Steamer New Boston for i A ol 25; St Louis at Brunswick, great variety m Lewiston, Oct. 10.—The buildings of Solon @ 4 00 @ 6 25; Winchester, $85,000,000, Patent Minnesota extra 6 On @ 7 00: choice at 7 05 (a) E^stport and St John, NB. Staples was burned this 8 25. U 8 steamer Portsmouth. morning. The fire THE IOWA ELECTION. including 3400 bbls City Mills extra at 5 00 @ Myrtle, Foster, Since its organization 1ms paid to is 5 75; 1300 bbls low grade extra at 3 80 Sch John H Converse, to while the assortment complete. caught in the barn, aud is supposed to have @4 90;6lc0 Cofliu, Philadelphia—coal its policy-holder!, the enormous Winter Wheat extra at 4 00 @ 5 25; bbls Min- Portland Steam Packet Co. Lounges been set 5,400 sum ol b; tramps. It was insured iu the nesota extra at 3 90 @ 8 50, closing quiet aud Sch Kit Chisod, Lawrence, Philadelphia—coal to $121,146,559. Organized Better Better heavy. on hand which are offered at aud Every Day. Mouthern Flour is active; sales 4200 includ- S Rounds & Son. ! in 1843, this is at the rate ot very Merchants, Newark, which will cover the loss. bbls, 1 low Des 10.—R turns from ing 3500 bbls for export; extra at 4 05 5 Sch Ceylon, Kelley, Philadelphia for Addison. or prices. Fire in Moines, Oot. {,4 ^ 50; range 83,461,330 per year, $288,444 Falmyrn. 4 no @6 25. Kyr Fiour is at Sch Mary Shields, Linscott, Port Johnson—coal to ORDERS counties, wht :h cast over halt the vote of thB steady 2 70@3 3o. per moil ill. or $66,564 per week, ! Cormeal at 2 20 Maine Central KK. Just Received Newport, Oit. 10.—The fatm with a unchanged;Yellow @ 2 75; Bran- buildings sute, give Republican majority on tbe state 2 w or $9 509 per and Call In and See dywine 90. Wheat—receipts 106,440 bush; opened Sch Clara Klwell, Long, Elizabeth port—coal to day, Holidays What I Have. contents, consisting of seventy tons of ticket of 12.200, being a gain of 2380 on tbe better and closed Randall & McAllister. Snndats included Think ot hay *c quiet with scarcely so much it, can vote of last 11 this ratio and a Sch Ellen then be left farming tool*, grain, &c., owned by 0. R, gubernatoiii! year. strength lighfr export demand, mainly specu- Momsou, Orne, New York—coal to Sami 89 509 PEB DAY FOR THIUTY- The Handsomest Assortment of increase continue-, it will give a Republican lative; sales 691,00o bush, including 491,000 ut on Rounds & Son. 1 Pratt of Palmyra, were fire Iasi and Sch FIVE YEARS paid to policy- destroyed by majority of fully 15,000. The Greeubackers spot special delivery; 75clor ungraded Spring: 82 Mary Brewer, from New York—car wheels to — OF — a holders! Who that Lite In- night. The loss will be about $4000. Insured elected Weaver io tbe sixth district by about 85c for No 3 do; 92 @ 94c for No 2 do; 9t>c M l 05 S T Corse r. says ENOCH for 1 04 Sch Neilie LORD, 1000 and Gillette in uugraded lied; @ 1 04* for No 2 do; 1 05 (5> F, Huntly, New York—coal to William surance docs not accomplish any- for $2800. Cause uoknown. moj irity, the seventh by 1 for No 1 1 For Future 05* do; 02* @ 1 02* for steamer No 2 do; Spear. ! Delivery. about 500. 1 00 1 05 for thing Bound Over. @ ungraded Amber; 1 02 @ 1 02* for Sch Clement, Beal, New York for Jonesport. APPLY TO No 2 102 Oct. do; @109 lor ungraded White; 102* lor Sch Iowa, Babbidge, Boston—burning oil to J Con- 130 St. Camden, 10.—Wm. A. Miller, alias No 3 Exchange CHINA. do; 1 06 lor No 2 do; No 1 White, 32,0u0 bush at ley Son. dtf Dime Miller, was brought before trial justices 107* @ 107|; extra White, 1200 bush at 1*09*; White CLEARED. W„ D. se23_ State 1 LITTLE, and 07* @109; No 2 Spring for October at 92*c Ever shown in this We Talbot Miller, chargtd with the robbery oi 9oc Steamship Franconia, Bragg, New York,—Henry city. guarantee every pair bid, asked; do November at 90c at 93c Fox. a closing bid, to fit to the best Custom matte and we otter Before purchasing elsewhere C. P. Hobbs last in default of A Between Missionaries and Wa- WCIA4UC1 cu. GENERAL equal week, hail, Fight closing hen Heniy Lippett, Howes, Matanzas—Plnnney & AGENT. REMOVAL! at 1 02 1 asked 2 sel6 sntf them 50 cent below $1500, was committed to Wiscasset tt ves. bid, 024 ;No Wimer Ked for October, Jackson. per Custom prices. jail today bus 11 at 1 01 I ■ 72.000 @ (,4J, closing at 1 04 bid 1 041 Sch Ocean NS—master. for trial at the December term of the San Fhancisco. Oct. 10.—The steamer Btl- do Lily, Morrill, Westport. Supreme November, 58.00U bush at 05 ® 1 051, closin'* at Sch NS—a D The g'C has arrived .vith dates to 1 U5 1 do Lucknow, (Br) Sloeomb, Annapolis, Great European Novelty Court. Hobbs’ loss in monev and notes is Gong Kong Supt. bid, 054 asked; December at 1 054 bid,”l U8 Wbidden. C. D. B. FISK & CO. i/'muuinro umuwobii asked; 40,000 bush No 1 White loreigu ounsuita for remainder mouth Sch Clvde, (Br) Merritt, Thorn’s Cove, NS—master. MAHER & €0. $500. at 1 071 is 1 16,000 No X Red for missionaries and Dative fauaties continue in 08; November 1 08. Sch Hiram, Warnock, Calais-Natb’i Blake. The Fair* Kye dull and lower at Topsham the province of Fu Kien. Churches and 55® 58c for Western: 60® Sch Klenazi, Merritt, Ellsworth Nath’I Blake. 61c lor State; sales 8,H)i bush 2 will remove from store now them Oct. 10.—The schools have been No Western at 674BOX MEBOHANTS’ EXCHANGE.1 affirms that its richness in sur- conflicts. F. S ungraded, for No 1; 51 ® 52c lor No 2 White,481 Liebig aperient salts 2.30 class. John Gilpin won. Tune 2 37. In desultory Haffatn, Deputy for Western that of all other known waters.** Want steamer lor Ar at Bordeaux passes Do You of the Court of Yellow; October at 47# a, 9th inst, brig Clara Jenkins,Dodge OVERCOAT Registrar Supreme Hong KoDg at THE BRITISH MEDICAL JOUR- the 2.50 class, Kentucky Girl won. Time 47Je, closing 47*c bid, 48c asked; do for November New York. 2.45, bas absconded to the Portuguese Colony of 48c bid, do NAfi.—“Hunyadi Janos.—The most agreeable, sai- The 484c asked; December 471c, closing at 47c Ar at Kochetort 9ih inst, barque Elinor Vernon, Farmiaatoa Nhow. Maooa with some His arrest for some No 2 tor st, and most efficacious aperieut water/* Hats, $70,000. bid, 471C October &c., asked; 471 Copp, New.York. Caps, @ 48o, closing ai PKOFE8MOR Berlin — — — foiled Farmington, Oct. 10 —The exhibition at the time was impossible, owing to tb« absence of 47|c bid, 48c asked; do November at 482 (a) 4yic VIRCHOW, AT A BOM FALL OVERCOAT ! it will be advantageous to and an extradition closing 49je do December in EM OKI AIV “Invariably good prompt success; most valua- fair was treaty between England and bid,49lc asked; 4sf, dosing DA. today very fine, the best for years, bid, 5U2c asked. ble*** IF SO examine oar Portugal. But special orders for rendition 4J^c Oats—receipts 39.2*0 busk Brig tt B.Gove, Hodgman, from New York, arrived The attendance is estimated at five without decided change and lairly PROFESSOR BANK BERGER, Vienna thousand, were Anally telegraphed from Lisbon and the active; sales 167 at Moutroae, Scot, 4tb inst, with cargo on fire. 000 busn; rejected 26c; No 3 at No 3 ‘I bave*presciibed these Waters with remarkable GRE1TLY REDUCED PRICES! Examine our Pile. In the three minute race there were four en. offender is now on trial. 27ic; White ai ! Sch Lizzie M Stewart, before reported sunk in Gil- Huge 28j;is28ic; No 2 No 2 White at access.’* at-29c; 30J@30ic‘ key harbor, struck on Grtndle’s Point, in a thick fog, and it was won Dick Mixed PRoFEHgOR SCANZONI, Wurzburg. tries, by Moore in three and filled with water. A large of her cargo of ^c^.l»vLd°,Whitehc» j Winte Western at Westemat2^ | part “I prescribe uoue bat this.** Boys’s Hats 37 cents miNOK 2^ $ 35c; Mixed State at 28 I corn washed out through the hatches. The vessel are the Boos straight heats, MollieS lark second and TELEGR1H8, White State at PRoVEmOR LAUDER HBUXTON ‘‘ They 1 Tommy 29 @ 33c, was Men’s Hats New and 3£4Ci including 96,000 got afiout by assistauco of residents ot the town, 50 Desirable third. Best time 2 The of bas bush No 2 at 29c. Ml !>., F. R. 8.. Loutlou.—“More 51. In the sweepstake race municipality Bordeaux, France, Chicago Ciwtfee is unchanged and and was afterward towed to Belfast. She has been pleasant voted 2000 fra DCs f oi the relief of dud* quiet and fair than its rivals, and surpasses them in efficacy.” Genuine Scotch there were three entries: the yellow n?u*ar Bteady .* to good re miug placed on the railway and found to be badlv twisted, Caps $1.00 Geo Maynard, Inc at PKOFE«»OR AlTKEN. ML. D., F R. fever sufferers in the United States. 7i@*3c; prime 72e. JMLaluNgea dull It ice un- forefoot gone,&c. Damage about $100. ike remains Buck Gloves 1.00 and Shooting Star. This race was changed. •Viroleuui dull and 8.. Royal military Hottpiial. Netley —“Pre- Driving C. D. B. fTsK & very sharply heavy: 20.000 bbls of her cargo was sold for 25 cts per bushel. The Republicans of the seventh Missouri united at 82£ @ crude at ferred to tohna and Friedrich shall.** Men’s Kid Coy STOCK cooded. Geo. won tbe 84g; 5$; refined 9J. T «I- Sch G A1 Porter, (of Calaie) Curtis, at New York Gloves 1.00 Maynard two first heats, district have nominated Mr. McMillan for low is heavy at 6* Nayai StoreN-Koaiu quiet. from Key West, reports heavy weather the entire Preble St. 2.38 2.41, Ino the last ■ arpemiue at 29. A Wineglassful a Dote. House, Congress three, 2.39J, 2.40, 2.40, CoDgress. steady Eggs unsettled at 15 @ passage, and when off Hatteras took a SE gaie and Coal firm. Hides m and and Star a close third. Mr. The Democrats of the twelfth buyers lavor. Wool steady sprung toremast. MAIIE~R& Shooting Woodman congressional and quiet, VmrU active: I In clispensble to the T rveling Public. CO., district of New York firmer; spot futures very | Sch Carrie Bell, on hauling up her anchor in the exhibited the stallion have renominated Clark- dull; sales 133d bbls mess on trotting Carabassett, spot at 8 80 m 8 90 Kennebec liver 8th, brought up an old anchor and 209 son N. Potter. fancy 9 75;1C0 bbls thin mess 9 Every genuiue bottle bears the name of The Apol- OPPOSITE POST which showed a 2.30 25;50 bbls extraprimo feet to be years old. OFFICE. gait. 9 25. chain, supposed aboutJllO LiNARis Co. London. of The United States tancy Beef is quiet and scarcely so firm. Beet (limited), 5dtf Fertilizing Company’s bams dull and lower at 16 50 @ 17 60 for Wesieru. FISHERMEN. works at Camden, N. J., were burned Wednes- . We invite and lion. Neptuue pow.ler Spring higher at 81 ® 8ijc * bid keep from to inspection defy Competition. cash; iSr New London. tield K. due A Destructive Eire. mills at Bellam, N. Y., were blown to ateais October; 8a ® 82|c and closed at 83c It. Receiver, May 1st, 1893, interest bid for Novem- YA—Ar 7th, sch Helen Thursday by an explosion of ber; No 3 Chicago Spring at ® RICHMOND, Maria, Look, 7 per ceut. semi-annual, payable iu Boston, are now A fire caught this afternoon in a stable in the nitro-glycerine. 684 70c; rejected at Nortolk. 624 m M Me. Lorn is lairly fir,A ottered tor sale by the undersigned. c. D. B. FISK & CO. rear of the chair of K. W. at A severe gale passed over North Troy, No 2 and , aoti'v? anf liigt? Sid 7th. sch Joa Far well, Farwell, Rio Grande. We believe that for tbe reasons this loan 6 factory Meyer Vt, High Mixed closed at. 34 following Sts. and fences and (a) 3iic cash 3ic BALTIMORE— Cld Drum- No. 331 Fast 31st street and spread rapidly and yesterday, trees, buildiogs were bid seller tor October; 35c and 8th, barque Astoria, will commend itself to investors: Temple 34| & closed at 34|c mond, Bordeaux. Preble se28 dtf caught a large pil^ of lnmber stored in tbe rear blown down. Nothing has occurred like it for tor November;'rejected House, St, 32|@ 323c. Oats lairly ac- sets Kate Miller, and T J Mar- Congress of the is tive and uuckauged: No 2 ai 188c Ar9ib, Vansant, 1st. loan is in factory which six stories in height, years. cash; 18 uusn oats, bush 4th. SiDce its tlie ,uTk^ 1,U0U rye,J * 2,- Rock port, Idaho, Rockland ; opening receipts 61st to 62u street od F'rst curity of the Trebizoude route. 800 bush Eldridge, Agrlcoia, $2 50 Is entitled to one guess ns to Aveuue, embracing barley, Whitmore, Somerset. have exceeded the expenses, and interest, the numbers from 1113 to 1131, and a row ot A San Antonio 421 the numocr ot CHINEE PILES special says that additional Cincinnati, October 10.—Pork—jobbing at 8 50 @ Cld 9ih, baique Adolph Engler, Williams, lor Bor- leaving a handsome surplus. Congress St., tenement douses on East 62d 252 to confirm the ln demand; current Martin that the bottle contains, now in street, Nos, particulars reported murder of _ make at 6*: deaux; Henry Knight, Pendleton, Gibraltar; GAS AND WATER keille 7 Bulk W STEAM, 3G7 inclusive, were totally or partially destroy- three girls and a boy of the Downey family by (g 7J. Meats firm; shoulders at 44; Brett, Pendleton, Gibraltar; scbs Pride ot the our window. The three best PIPE, Tolal clear rib at 5J; clear sides at 5 10 5 40. Laina Cobb. of Gold Boot. ed. loss $30,000. No lives lost. alleged Mexican raiders near Kerville on the @ Bacon ill East, Lord, Mayaguez: Cobb, Trinidad, Price 95 and Sign will receive BRASS AND IRON good demaud; shouluers at 4 Interest. guesses $25.00, $15.00 5th instant 9u; clear rib at 53 a, 64; Hudson, Colemau, Bridgewater, NS; Swallow, car- FITTINGS, clear sloes at and $IO 00 in Gold Coin. This is 6J @ 6J. Whiskey is active and ad- low, Calais. N. B.—Ladies’ Seamless Button a specialty. PLUMBERS GOODS. Stealing fr -m (he Government. Charles Everman and a neighbor, catting vanced to 1 07. NEW LONDON—Below 7th, brig H B Cleaves, fm no EOTTEKY or GKAB-RAG, but corn in a field near Hogs quiet and firm for and New Haven for Matanzas. sep27__eodtf St. O ;t. 10 —Kansas Decatur, Illinois, b-came light dull for heavv simply a “Yankee Prerogative.” RUBBER PACKING. HEMP Louis, city dispatches common at 2 40 @ 2 80; at 3 10 it PROVIDENCE—Ar sch’Abner PACKING, that State engaged in an altercation, wnen Everman light 3 20; naokimr 9th, Taylor, Dodge, Woodbury & Moulton. EVERYBODY GUESS. say Treasurer Elijah Gates was ar- at 2 00 @ 3 10; butehe s at 3 15 3 Perth ASBESTOS struck his neighbor three b ows on the neck tg 20; F 3233 Amboy. tep25 eodtf PACKING, rested there on four indictments found shipments 1668 receipts E to-day with his head; head. Sid 9th. sch L Gregory, MoLain, Rockland. a corn-cntter, eeveriog his bead from his EVER! MM by special grand him with un- FALL RIVER—Ar sch Allred Robin- RUBBER jary charging lu-—Wheat is No 1 White bth, Chase, HOSE, body. mo?w^°’.3St.0,,erat quiet; son. New York. lawfully deriving benefits from deposits of Michigan 94Jc; extra White Amber C. 1). B. FISK & Two Michigan 96c; SOMERSET—Ar sch Gen fm CO., Steam Gauges,Water Cocks public monies. Ex-Treasurer Joseph W. Aler- brothers-in-law named Catron and Lewis Michigan on spot at 92c asked, 91 Jc bid; seller Oc- 9lb, Hall, Simmons, Gauges,Gauge tober at Philadelphia. LOOK HERE ! oes was also arrested on the same and bad a difficulty in Dallas, ICy., yesterday, in 9lJc;Mo Amber Michigan at 90c; No 2 Red BONDS charge VV inter NEWPORT—Ar Boston for Preble St. STEAM KADI for embezzlement. It is expected the trial of which Catron shot and killed Lewis. The on spot and elier October at 92c; No 2 seller 9th, fsch Anita, Small, House, Congress ATOMS, November No 3 Red at Fernandina. I am now to make them will reveal all the financial latter had tried three times to shoot Catron 94c; 89c; No 2 Dayton an prepared clothing from all the operations, Michigan Red No 1 In port, Ech Veto, Thorndike, from Thomaston for new an t fashionable at the Earc« Pnnipi, Dfcp Well Pomp,. Ciairra and of the beloae the latter returned the fire. The atyljc: Western Amber 923c; goods, following prices political, alleged treasury ring. The affair Amber Illinois at 97c. Corn New York. for cash. Put,,pH, Drive Well Peima, was caused No0- quier; High Mixed dispatches also mention the probable indict- by family trouble. at 38Jc: No 2 on spot at seller VINEYARD-HAVEN-Ar 8th, brig Mary Bart- 37c; October 34 jselier ■ Hot Water or ment of John T. tb* November at No 2 lett, Smith, Windsor, NS tor New York; schs Chro- Government. 4 s and 4 1—A’s Heating by Steam, High or Low Pres- Crisp, Democratic candi- In tbe United States Circuit Conrt at 37ie; White 39c; rejected at 364c. A Good Badness Sait from sure. and Exeter, mo and from Kondout for $15.00, 25.00 Plumbiog Gas Fitting. date for Congress for the Kansas district N in tbe Oats quiet;No 2 at 2Ujc; White 244c. Clover Angola, Boston; Ralph Portland -.t.’s •• “ “ “ City H., yesterday, case of John 11. Poor Seed- Dress 25 Personal attention given to work in town or coun- for acts in prime 4 35 4 30 hid. Howes, Amboy for do; Hairy Percy, Hoboken lor 00,35.00 connection with this ring. of Boston against tbe Hudson Insurance Co. asked, Bath. (i's “ “ “ try. Estimates Free. of Receipts—OOu bbls flour, Dover; Trade Wind, ao for Rockland; B •i Fellows Fall Overcoat 15 00,30.00 au'-’Odjm New to recover C4,000 bush wheat, 16 000 'I homuston.(i’s “ “ Jersey, insurance on the buse corn, 1,000 bush oats. Hillsboro lor New Vork; J C Nash, Machias tor do; Winter “ “ Oceanic Isle of which Mott-Haven, Calais for Ida Hudson, and Cincinnati. 7>s 17.50,35.00 Hotel, Shoals, was de- Shipments—0,000 bbls flour, ICO,000 bush Wheat, do; May 1 Rockland for Ada S Allen, and WASHINGTON. stroyed by fire, a verd c; of $2,58G81 was ren- 3,00u nush com, 2,000 bush oats. Munroe, do. Quody, Maine Central It. It. 7’s I am for Mattie tor constantly having Iw AM) dered for plaintiff. October Windsor, NS, do; rlolmes, Bangor Ce- ELECANT DISPLAY Milwaukee, 9.—Flour is dull and un- dar Maud Wedeter d-» lor New ‘ Keys, Fla. Haven. — — chaugee. Wheat witn for OF Hughes, tbe defeated pedestrian in the re- opened Jc advance and closed | brig Bartlett; schs Clara W Elwtll, Mail lilghest price paid Called” NTew Goods A quiet and No I Sid, Maiy Disputed Question. cent match with O’Leary, has been before the farmer; Milwaukee bird at 1 00; No l Victor Express. Otranto, Fred C Holden, F Nicker- Government Bonds. Give us a call and .examine Milwaukee soft at No 2 and can from of or — conrt in New Yoik 83c; Milwaukee at 8i3c* Raven, Mattie procure samples any the Boston Washington, Oh. 10 The request of the and charged his backers seller October son, Ralph Howes, Angola, Quoddy, Portland what we have to sell lor LIT- 81fe;seller November at 84c; No 3 Mil- Bertha J Teunes-ee Maud Web- houses, at short notice. Rememb.r these your IVOIEjNr’S collector of internal revenvo at Little for with obtaining the gato which waukee at ! Holmes, Fellows, Bock, money ($1,750.), 67c; No 4 at 58c; at clothes are made in the latest and a fit TLE ONES. Our was to rejected 50Jc. Corn ster, Harry Percy. Chromo, Ida Huuson, Nellie F, 8WAS &, styles, good Clothing troops a«l him in d. utroying illicit distillei- by contract belonged to him. He was referred farmer; No 2 at 34c Oats are BARRETT, weaker; No 2 at 183c Trade Wind, aud Mott-HaveD. guaranteed. NEVEK SO STYLISH, SO PHET- iee, will he considered the to-mor- to an up town judge, who will Rye unchanged; No l at 43c. by ctpinet probably hava Barley higher; No 2 HYANN1S—Sid 8tb,aehs Mary Shields, (trom New 200 MIDDLE STHEET. SO CHEAP. row. The War the case Spring at 94 (to£ 91 at TY, Department officials express investigated. Jc; November 96Jc. Provisions York) tor Portland. aull sneodtf Fine Neck Wear. are quiet and Mess the opinion that it will be impossible to furnish easy; Pork at 7 85. HUSTON—Ar 9ih, schs Fred C CHAS. S. steam at Lard-prime Holden, McRae, COBURN, BRING IN the aid asked withoat violation of the bg. Weebawken; do; Sea THE posse bbls Terrapin, Wooster, Breeze, We have oomitatus clause iu Receipts—7,500 flour, 96,000 bush wheat. and Senator Grimes.'.lark. Port Johnson; I NO. 62 ST. LAWRENCE just received the .largest stock oi the leceut army appropria- FINANCIAL. AND COJmEKt'IAL bbls Greelev, OR KENT. STREET, RISING tion Shipments—4,500 flour,80,000 bush wheat. S E Jones, Phiuney, and Castilian, Means, do; Em- GENERATION. bill. CC5 TIIOJOV HILL. dtt DitTaoii, October 10.—Wheat firmer* extra WIiUp ma F Hart. Pouutain Hoboken; Sea Queen, Dyer, Michigan at No 1 white do; Cba*e, Kondout. Scarfs and Clearing House Transactions. 93J@95Jc; Michigan at 94c King The best first-class Office for a TAIL- €. ». B. FISK & Neck Ties THE INDIANA on spot; seller Uciobei 94Jc; November 94lc Ar iUih, schs P Hazeltine, Sweit, Brunswick, Ga; CO., RESULT. October 10 ever seen in Fobtlatvd, Receipts—80,000 bush Wheat. M A Wiley,Wiley, aud Thoa N Stone, Pilcher, Phila- ORING ESTABLISHMENT IN THE CITY this city. Most ot these good* were The made Clearing House of the Portland Banks report Shipments-78,000 bush Wheat. delphia; Express. Rich, So Amboy; Garonne. Wal- Second Story, Corner of Middle and Preble House, St. expressly for our trade, and are in the latest Congress styles and richest We the transaction ot business as follows lace, Perth Amboy; E F Hart, Baird, Elizabetbport, Streets. Fresh quality. shall sell these good* The Official to-day: Cotton steady jMiddlii g Temple Apply to very low and for cash Figures Given. Gross Rising Sun, Jones, and Victor, Perry, Weekawken; Styles. only. uplauu^atfZ*’Uctor N. Exchanges .$104,4-’8 36 Angola, Wooster, aud Achoru, S. GARDINER. Indianapolis, Oot. 11—The following offi- Net Mobile, October Mansfield, Kondoui; au26 OXE PBICU FOR ALL ! Balances. 23,273 66 10.-Cotton quiet; Otranto, Hammond. 8ntf Just opened a new line ot cial are reported in the ninth Con lands at Middling up- Kondout; Chromo, Wooster; majorities 9jc. das Holmes. Helen Please call and Kyucr, do; Thomppon, Bradford, examine our goods and will boo gressionpl district: For Ortti, R^p., Warren NE* yon koEK Ootober lO.-Cottcu is ao; Opbir, Thomas.,Port Johnson; D S Lawrence, that we not only have the largest and choicest conntv 685. Benton Tippecanoe 711. For Foreign Expor.'s. at firm; Middling8 REMOVAL ! hut stock, 16, nplands 10 6-l(io. Davis, Ellsworth; Matilda, George, Wiscasset. we se 1 at lower prices than house iu Boone MATANZAS. Schr H any this city. McCtbe, Dem., 15, Fountain 254, Clin- Leppett—6831 box shooks, October Cld 10th, schs Ida May, Falkingham, P E Island; Soft and Stiff Hats .016 7ils shooks and 50 Augusta, 10,-Cotton is linn; Middling Addle E M PRINCE ton 785, Montgomery 261. Orth’s majority in hoops, heads, bbls poiatoes, npUuds at 9 7-ltic. Snow, Thorn, do; A Heyer, Crockett, ror ALBERT 50 do apples, 250 kits mackerel. FOR the district 9,279. There is no change in the Bangor. YOUftG MEN. Schr W-—Colton is NEWBURYPORT-Ar schs H A result :n the result in the otht-r from WESTPORT, NS. Dreadniurbt—30 bbls of CrmS Middling 8th, DeWltt, Also the and districts 2 J largest most complete assortment of Charles flour, do 1 do onions. uida'iif NatAyi’c°Ct0l:'er Mauson, Philadelphia; Warren. Eaton, Bangor. Custis & last night’s reports. The congressional delega- pork, E. A. Co. October PORTSMOUTH—Sid 9ih, sch J S Crow- Marred tion the stateis Democrats 10-—Cotton quiet; Middling Moulton, jn 6, Republicans 6, ley. Jouesport; J W Drisko, lor Coats and Vests! 493 CONGRESS National upand33li)'(LLE’ Haskell, Bangor; STREET. 1. Corrected and official returns for Domestic Parallel, Rice. Machias. Gents’ Daily Receipts. New urleans,October 10,—Cotton has removed his ot business Driving Gloves MW&Flt the legislature give the following results: Sen- irregular ;Mid- MILLBR1DGE—Sid 6th, sch Lexington, Leighton, place lor the sale ot -0c7___ By water conveyance—1000 bush corn meal to G dling uplands at 9Jc. IN PORTLAND. ate—Democrats 25, Republicans 24, Nationals W True & Co. BarDadoes. $16.00, $18.00 $25.00, 12 House—Democrats NORFOLK, October 10.—Cotton is steady;Middling BANiiOR—Ar 9th, scbs Millie Trim, and 54, Republicans, 41, nplands at 10c. Boynton, PI) mouth Buck, Oil Tan and Castor 398 Nationals 5. Majority on joint ballot 6. Prize, Palley, Porciand; M Sewall, Dean, aud New CONGRESS ST. Boston Ntock Market. Zealand, Haskell, do. Gloves a Specialty. $22.00, $25.00. Wilmington,October 10.—Cotton quiet; Middling8 nplands at LSales of the Broker’s Board, Oct. 10] 9Jc. DRY GOODS BuAalo Robes and Horse Blankets By lar the largest and he9t assortment Is where a large variety of October f OKEHIN PORTS. First Call. Baltimore, 10.—Cotton is dull; Middling6 as low as can MARINE NEWS. Ar at be found elsewhere. 81000 Eastern uplands lOJc. Port Elizabeth, CGH, —, barque H A Blan- Railroad 3’s, J906 701 Table ‘IN TOWN.” Portland. Saco October chard, Smith, Bay. .1 "AT TT Tb Tb TT a /M & Portsmouth It. K.874 ® 88 PriLAOELrniA, 10—Cotton steady; Mid- Ar at Port Alfred sell At Eastern —, Robert Palmer, Denni- Retail Railroad. — 14 dling uplands logo. Pickrd S eou, Table Bay. n. ii. rLiiit i up Adrift. Boston & Maine October to the new s, Railroad.108J@109J Galveston, 10,—Cotton is barely steady; Ar at Bordeaux 8th in*t, barque Frank, Wallace, and commodious store in C. D. B. FISK & Hamburg Port CO., Boyal, Oct. 10 —Ship Beir of Maasa- Middling upands 9jc. Richmond, Va. 245 ChuBetta, waa lowed in heie last night deserted. October Sid fm Havre 5th Minnie M middle New Vork Ntock anil Money Market. Cincinnati, 10,-Cotton quiet; Middling inst, barque Watts, Street, She was picked op and ia a total uplands lUc. Watts, United States. Opposite foot of Free Nlreet. Under Preble by pilots New Yoiik, October House, Congress St, wreck. The mahogany is in 10—Evening.—Wall street Ar at St Nazaire 7th inst.. harnno Ada P CrnOiv good condition. v.wc™ uuwtwni on accouut Anderson A fine line of Ladies’ and Gents’ iceiiug or Silk Umbrella Sbe is to strength Crostiy, Philadelphia. Block, supposed be from Mexico. anil of vith activity g Id aud money markets, gold hav- Sid tm Aberdeen Ivory handles, just received. ocjeodtf Edgings Sept 25th, barque Alex ing been advanced to and Campbell, axe selling at 101, currency loans to 7 per London,October 10—12.30 P. M.—Consols at 91 7-16 Bunaer, New York. ,the cent. Sharp talk ot an old TEMPLE fashioned loek-up* was for money ami for Sid tm Loudon 9th Almira STREET. nBTE«B»LV«lCAL. current. 94$ account. inst, barque Robinson, Tarbox. SW Pass. active and London, October 10—12.30 P. M.—American secu- INDICATIONS FOB THE NEXT TWENTF-FODB Money strong, advancing from 4 to 7 per Sid tm Carditt 9th Gerard C CHILDREN’S VERY LOWEST PRICES. cent on rities—United States new 5’s inst, karque Tobey, OPPOSITE FAIUHOIJTH New Fall shades in HOURS. gold call, latter the rate to nearly clos* when bonds, 67s, 107$; 108: Yokohama. HOTEL, Ms brokets l°5®; 10 at Eli0 11,inoia Crowell, balances were loined att 5 per cent. Sterling 40S* 108i; 13*; Cen~ At War Office Chief traf 8$’*' Callao Sept 19, ship Charter Oak, Staples, for and invites the to an Dep’t, Signal > Exchange weak at 4791 @ lor and 4s34 public examination of his slock 479£ long 4 ^ Meji.lones, to load guano for United Kingdom or of Officer, Washington, D.O., 484 for demand. Liverpool, October 10-12.30 P. M.—Cotton- new goods. SWEETSER & > Hamburg at 40s 6d; barques Ada Wiswell, Wiswell, 1878. MERRILL Oat. Gold strong and advanced from more Middling at October f, oc7sndtf 11, (1 A. M.j) 100J to 101, closing business; uplands 6 5-16d; do Or- troui Pimentel, ar 15th; Edmund Phiuuey, Berry, j cent KID GLOVES have ar- at 1002: ) Par Hew England per 3-64 of led; 10,000 bales, including 1000 irom Iquique for New rudder broken. Overcoats I J**_.nf percent, the bales for York, per day; finaUransaciiotiH were made speculation and export; receipts 2900 bales, At C M rived and the Middle ll*t The Mejniones Sept 3, ship Davis, Koopmau, THE GREATEST liAKGAIN States, northwest hacking to clearings were large, $>3,662,000. The including 2,00 American. for V K P. northeast customs Europe NICE wiuds, stationary or lower tempera- receipt* to-day were $377,Ouo. Treasury Futures firmer; October 6 5-32; October and No- At St ASSORTMENT, dbbursenjeiits for vember at 5 Valparaiso Sept C, barque Lucie, Meniman, I have a stock of ture, increasing cloudiness in the Southern $60,000 interest and $79,000 for 31-32. uncertain. — that — are without a doubt the Bankrupt Governnient8 a trifle Flour at 20 ^nd weaker. 23; Winter Wheat portion and possibly rains. State bonds ^ at 8 8 (a) 8 11; Ar at Rio Janeiro Sept 12, ship Jamestown, Kidder. I REASONABLE PRICES- d2udB’ Spring do at 8 11 @ 9 6; California averages atf 9 9 Cantionary signals continue at Sraithville, The @ Carditt. transactions at the Stock Exchange to-dav lOjclubat 10 @ 10 3; Corn at 22 6 d) 22 Peas at Ar at Port SYRUP OF CUJDROY Wilmington, Macon, Caoe Hat- 33 8; an Prince Sept 25, sell O H Macomber, , Lookout, Cape aggregated 168,000 shares, 46.0<'0 shares 6. Provisions, &c—Pork at Beef 67 6:Ba- Hawk including 46; Googins, Wilmington NC. teras, Kitty and Cape Lake Snore, 36,000 shares North 32 65 Lareries of money Ucaltli-Dcfttroying Vapor 5 cents each or Thu following were the Bronchitis, and all Disease* of the 0 for 25 and ireigut from tbe Tens & Pacific and the closing quotations of Gov- Is generated by the action of the Preble cents, eminent securities: sun’s rays upon Throat House, Congress St. Houston & Texas Central Cheat, Lnngs and JG3 MIDDLE STREET, iml I railroad have been United State. 1881 damp decaying vegetation, and ocl 8’1)28 dtf consider this the I and 6s, reg. 1087 stagtfcmt pools, SPECIAL NOTICES. dtt greatest bargain ever bought detected, many men in high business and Uuited States low Blood, lu.st think of it! 6 lor 6s, 1881, ....1088 marshy, lying tracts. The true nature of this Havanaolgara 23 cents The social standing, including conductors Uuited States Ilian It officers, 5-*20s, 1861, new, reg. 103 miasma is no any other remedy. will not disappoint you. 1 and an 1 citizens United States by means clearly hut there agents, from St. Louis to Gal- 5-20s, 1865, coup. in:$ understood, Ask your Drugeisi for a circular. Sold everywhere. I United are two facts in it ASSIGN KISS* SAJLE. > veston, are implicated. Arrests will be made Stales 1867, reg. ... relation to that are. The first is, HA cent, «u«l !8 .OU a b.nle. ! Unite States 1*67 that today or to morrow. coup.los! the periodical levers which it breeds are of the ! THE ENTIKJS STOCK & CO , F. United States 1868, reg OP WloGIM Proprietors. .1073 most virulent the second that the Confectionery type; maladies Uni'eti States 1868, coup.... 1071 is, Kockiund. iHo. 0ELAV1XA, Uuited are Republican Victor,-. States 1U-40S. reg. 10G rarely cured, although they may be ameliorated, Jewelry, Watches, silver Ware, oc3 ecdsnlm* 84 Exchange United States ihc NEW FIRM. St., Portland, Me. returns 10-4o»,coup, 6 by ordinary remedies employed to overomie Hartford, Coud., Oct. 10.—Fall Uuiied States new from Vs, reg*.. lti4g them, Tne true antidote to the FRENCH ri o one and All. Men the town the Lnited effect of miasma is ! elections snow that States CLOCKS, Repub- new 5*», coup...,.*. .1054 Uuited from a Working licans carried 80 Democrats 55 and states new HoitiUter’s Stomach Bitters. This one Are Buttering towns, the 4J*s, reg. ... 1034 medicine is you Cough. Cold, Asthma, Johnson & Redlon 300 towns Re- UmieJ Stales new or any of the various trou- MPORTANT^TTvebYIoDSEK £ BP £fi. evenly divided. Last year tbe Ij'*’, coup ;!7737! !!!!103I Df the most popular remedies ot an age of successful BRONZES AND OPERA GLASSES Bronchitis, pulniona

-- _3 Parllnnd Fra'ernity—Annnal Meeting. Female Provident Association—Annual The Fair at Fryebnrg. Mrs T C Shirley, Fryeburg, pillow sham 25e. Closing of the ^Grangers’ Fair at Gor- MrB A A tidies 25c. NEW THE PRESS. annnal of the Portland Frater- Colby, Denmark, ham. ADVERTISEMENTS. AUCTION SALES The meeting meeting. The weather for the last flay of the exhibition Mrs I. Jordan, Danmark, pin ball 10c. Lucia J 10c. The second and of the nity occurred at their rooms last evening and The annual meeting of the Female Provi- was very as the thunder shower of Colby, Denmark, motto closing day Grangers* favorable, Mrs F P 25. Furniture. at FRIDAY 11. dent Association was afternoon Wpson, Denmark, rug fair was not as well attended as on the first Carpel*. Ac., Auction. MORNING, OCTOBER was well attended. The president, Mr. T. C. held yesjetday the previous had cleared and cooled the Mrs J K and evening Mason. Frveburg, pil'ow liily 40c. SATURDAY, Oct. 12th, at 10 a. m. at Sales- at the Common Council Mrs. Dr. Hutch- Mrs bed 25c. day, but a largo number of visited Hersey, presided. The annual report of the room, air and settled the roads. The of Betsey Smith, Denmark, quilt quite people ON room 35 Exchange St., we shall sell new and dusty display Lizzie M 10c. Smith, Denmark, bookmark the ball Tbr. premiums were all second-hand Parlor Furniture, new and second- Till PBK8M board of directors.embracing the reports of the inson, the vice president of the association, stock and of fruit and Annie F a-varied, crops, garden products, Smith, Denmark, bookmark 10c hand Chamber Sets, Marble Top Tables, Extension The C. \V. Anna mat 15c aLd there were none slighted May be obtained at the Periodical Depots of Fei several officers and committees, was read by presided. secretary, Mrs. Coe,made of household manufactures, and ef needle work Bean. Brownfield, lamp intentionally. Tables, Tapestry and Ingrain Carpets, Plate 1 Ware, Mrs H R and toilet article) not ienden Bros., Brunei & Andrews her which as and which Allen, liiratn, tidy The ca»t!e were brought back upou the new Crockery and Glass Ware. Cook, Parlor, Office Marquis, Co., the secretary, Mr. E. C. .Iordan, and accepted. repott was follows, and articles was as as good and 50c. Wentworth, Moses, N. B. Kendrick, and Chisholm fancy perhaps and Air tight Stoves, Hair and Excelsor Mat trasses, was Florence &e. 35c. grounds again after baiog taken the Bros., oa all trains that run out of the city. The following is the gist of it: accepted: better than that of former years. The receipts, M Day, Ftyeburg, painting. away Feather Beds and Bedding, Kitchen Furniture, Ac. Mrs Susan case 20c. At of L. Hodgdon and H, B. Kendrick. Id the we Ualev, bryebutg pillow night before The fair was a success in Also at same a lot of Furniture order of W. Saco, The results of the work of the past year, closing np the record of past year fall as the usual attendance M rs B F judged time, by At Bath, of J. O. Shaw. however, behind, Smith, Denmark, Tadics’ garments 50c II. Constable. find that though at first our way seemed hedged Martha every and another year will show Seaverus, At Lewiston, of Stevens & which is the eighth of the organization, are was reduced on the first the forbiddirg E Swan Frjburg, tidy 10c.; Alts G S Bar- particular, “HIE SEW MODEL. SHARP’S F. O. Oo. about, yet through the liberality of our friends day ty RIFLE, BAILEY A CO., Auctioneer*. of its Sixteen rows, Fryeburg, do 15c. what the Gorham Grangers can do io the way DOCHVRD <*10 f Hubbard squash—W Merrill 1st prem; R Powell day in town. Ou band "Sun- generation potato things they would show to ghbor if the Court in place at all times: The amount iu bank is di- 2d do. D.1878, before Portland, in said District, STATE OF MAINE. the account of the §21 32. §1179.42, • $200 to permanent bail A fine specimen of Waterloo oats, weight he should cal) at their and let all have a B at 10 o’clock A. M., and that the second of rise,” best Haxall; “Sea Foam,” fancy do; bouse, Turban squash—W Merrill. meeting is a balance in the hands vided as follows: Permanent fund, §1000; B W B the creditors of said be held before James fond, there 13 lb<. to the bushel, from E P. Lamson, Con- free look for a day, and take them bick at Purple top turnip—tl Cres.ey 1st prem; Bankrupt, Land Offck, “Tulip,” St Louis; “PlantsExtra” do; “Morn- Merrill 2d do. D. Fessenden, Register, on the second day of Novem of the treasurer of $223.79. who available money, $179.42. H. Peanut fresh and Augusta, Sept. 13,1878. Many way, N. vines, green night. There is not much mach uery about D Uo: ton 1st W B ber, 1878, at 10 o’clock A. M., and the third meeting ing Star,” do; “White Bose,” do; and all Rutabaga turnips—E prom: Notice is that, to the contributed liberally last year have not been The following officers were elected- with the nu!s from E. W. Bur- Merrill 2d do. of tho same on the thirtieth day of November, 1878, hereby given pursuant pro- ripe attached, our society. Our fund is uot large enough to visions of ”An Act additionol to live ot other grades of Choice Family which I Carrots—S B Brown. at 10 o’clock A. and that notice thereof be pub- chapter ihe Flour, oalled at all this or for a mod- President—Mrs. E. A. Waterhouse. M., Revised upon year, only bank, Fryebnrg. bonds of the treasurer. We have eoar- lished in the Portland Advertiser and the Portland Sta'utes, relatiog to the public lands,” ap- can and will sell by the barrel or bag lower Vice President—Mrs. M. J. Hutchinson require Pumpkins—N H Johnson 1st prem; W S Brown Press in said once a proved ftbruaiy 19, 1878, sale will be made at Public erate earn. The work of the institntion is now The exbibitiodof fruit wus remaikable a 2d do. newspapers printed District, C. W. Coe. quite mittees who, at subsequent iu the at the Hall in on than same grades can be bought elsewhere. Secretary—Mrs. meeting W S Biown. week lor three successive weeks,and once in the week- Auction, City Bangor, so well appreciated by the public thatnhere is Treasurer—Miss H. Radford. to the at the State Parsnips, oc8 dtf —superior display average evening, report on the article) entered in tb6ir Citrons, E D Horton. ly Advertiser and Press, the last publication to be no fears for its financial success. The total O. Beckett. at least before the of and Thursday the 21st day of Nov. uext, Depository—Miss fair. The Isabella, Delaware, Hartford, Clin- several deparmente. Our premiums are com- Onions. Town Farm; J A Libby, 2d. thirty days day hearing, Children's Merino Vests and Drawers Advisors—Vlrs. P. Mrs. I. P. that all creditors who have their debts and for enrrent have been M, Emery, and Seed Cucumber R Lowell, 1st; W B Merrell, 2d. proved at 10 o'clock a m., of all lands belonging to the expenditures expenses ton and Concord grapes were ripe large— mending mention the committees in other in at time aud 20 cents, at Cailton 495 Congress Farr-ngtoo. Mrs. M. J. Hutchinson, Mrs. U. by open Bell Peppers, S R Clement, persons interest, may appear said State. Terms Cash. Kimball's, place, and show cause, if the A $1,411.66. H. Miss 0. M. Patten; and Miss H. Pear- the latter having the preference of ^hibitore. meeting iu the town ball where all are invited. Sweet Potatoes, Nathaniel Jobcstou. any ihey have, why schedule of these lam’s wid be published in the street. octll-2t Hall, prayer of said Petition should not be is finan- BULLS. granted. Bangor Dally Whig and Courier, ou or before the As the finance committee the g'reat son. There ^eie seven plates of pears, and more usual match with a threble load WM. P. _ The drawing PREBLE, twenty-first day of October next. Dutch Low 20 cents for stews, cial so tbe class committee is the than a hundred of of'wll the well known Bull, Augustus Libby. Clerk of DLtrict Court, for said District, EDWIN C. BURLEIGH, Frichs,—Only oyster element, The Hughes Brothers’ Concert.—This apples, of stone on a drag, took place, when the pa- and S A Roberts Jersey Bull, W Strout cell dlaw3wF&wlw!2 gepl6dtnov2l Land Agent. fries or at Timmons & Hawes' oyster great operative element of the institntion. and standard kinds. and D roasts, evening the Hughes Brothers givo their con- Maple sugar syrnp tient oxen, with their look of intelligence,were Ayshgre Bull, S Horton. houses, Commercial street and Market to the increase of scholars and tbe were and the nu- Durham Bull, S Roberts. Square Owing large cert at assisted Miss Carle of excellent quality, samples compelled to draw their utmost pound, and the BANKRUPTCY.—District Court ot the F. O. BAIEEF * tO„ Congress Hall, by WORKING OXEN AND FARM TEAMS. 0CI9 3t wide range of studies it has been merous. The thirteen of and IN United States, District of Maine, in the matter pursued, and Mr. and Mrs. John L. Shaw. A very packages buttery driver wished the spear in his goad was a little Pair lour year olds, Matthew Johnson, IstjStephen of John W. Adams, Bankrupt. THE GREATEST BLESSING. found difficult to provide teachers for the six of cheese, deserve special notice—as well as This is Auctioneers and Commission Hnrchant* pleasant evening’s entertainment is assured by longer to enable him to force.tfaem another foot Wescott, 2d. to give notice that a petition has been pre- A many as it does a of 21. the table filled with bread and cake. In the Pair five John N Chas sented to the Court, this seventh of simple, pure, harmless remedy, that cures classes, requiring corps a at the forward, notwithstanding they were groaning year olds, Newcomb, 1st; day October, Salcartcnt 33 and 37 Exchange Mi. glance following programme: 2d. by John W. Adams, of a every time, and prevents disease by keeping Persons who are willing to volunteer their of household manufactures, aud Deering, Portland, Bankrupt, Pianoforte Duet. department in their agony, all for the good of agriculture Pair six year olds, Ansel Stone, tst; Isaac John- individually and as a member of the firm of Babb, V. O. BALLBT, 0. W, 1UIB. the blood pure, stomach regular, kidneys and one services iu this direction evening in the Miss Carle and Mrs. Sbav, needle work and fancy articles, time would fail son, 2d. Adams & Gammon, praying that he may be decreed liver is the ever con- and ‘‘the improvement of the breed of oxen,” active, greatest blessiog STEERS. to uavu a um uiscnarge irom an ms dents, individual week are urged to band in bis or her name so Duet—“Army and Navy”.Cook should we or Regular sale of Furniture and General Merchan- ferred npon man. Hop Bitters is that remedy, attempt description enumeration, wueu 16 wan piaiu tuav it was me 01 leam- and provable under the Hugbes Brothers. Three year olds, C W copartnership, Bankrupt Act, dise every commencing at 10 o'clock a. m. and its are blessed thou- that they can be called on as occasion occurs. were worthy of both. Probably Deering. and upon reading said Petition, Saturday, proprietors being by he although they sters that needed improvement—the oxen were ttonsignmenU solicited. oc3dtf sands wbo have been saved and cured Song—Should Upbraid...Bishop Two year old, Daniel Johnson, 1st; Ezra Thomas, It is ordered by the Court that a be had by it. The school began work in Octobsr and con- Miss Alice L C&ile. deserving contributions fail to be noticed hearing many well enough. Alter the oxen did their best 2d. upon the same, on the second day of December, A. D. Will you try it. See other column. _1_ C_V. of cnnnn tinned until some of the classes ~ ~ A F Jane, though Trio—Larboard Watch.Williams LU -t Yearlings, Johnson. 1878, before the Court in in said 61VIJ Wm. who drives F. fl. Booly’s horse Portland, District, and Brothers. Low, at 10 o’clock A. and that suspended operations some weeks earlier. The Mr. Shaw Hughes award as follows: M., notice thereof be pub- Committee on his of chestont which lished in Superior Court. Son o'—Tlif» RnVhfnl ATan. .... team, pat pair leaders, the Portland Advertiser and the Port- number of pupils w^s larger than ever before, List of Patents bearing date of Oct. 10 land in OCTOBER CIVIL TERM. 1878—SYMONDS, J., PRE- David D. Hughes. HORSES. without punishment drew the same load as far Press, newspapers priuted said District, once a week for three SIDING. there ;90 names (164 boys and 26 girls) best issued to residents of Maine for successive weeks, and once in being Quartet—Moonlight is Sleeping.Linly L A Iugall?, Denmark, trottiog stallion, §1. as the oxen did with all the aud loud 1878, reported the 4 brading weekly Advertiser and Press, the last Hilton & Co. vs. B. F. on the list, whose azes ranzed fiom 15 to 38 Miss Mr. Sliaw and Brothel s. A Charles, Fryeburg, best trotting year old colt, publica- Thursday.—Howes, Gray. Carle, Hughes of the the Portland Press by Chas. E. Foster, Patent tion to be thirty days at least before the ot §2; T J Bragdou, Fryeburg, 2d do, §1. talk. The weight pair of horees was day Action to recover a balance of account amounting to I This is an inc ease over last year of 43. The Patriotic Song—The American Star.Dr. Parry 0. hearing, and that all creditors who have proved Jas Walker, Fryeburg, best breeding mare, S3. 2500 the heaviest was solicitor, Washington, D. in set off. Evan G. Hughes. pounds, and, oxen proba- their debts and other persons in interest forty dollars. Defendant files an account attendance of the teachers has been better M Chandler, Fryeburg, best family horEe, §2; E M. J. machine for may appear -O 4000 Egerv, Bangor, edging at said time and place, and show If any they anu lor me ueitnuaut in Trio Restless Sea.White Ballard, 2d do, §1. bly pounds cause, Testimony argument pro- in and Fryeburg, lumber, 207,59(5. the ot said Petition should than any previoos year, the success of Miss Carle and Hughes Brothers. G W Moulton, Denmark, best horse for all work, have, why prayer not be The plowing match was contested sharply by O. WM. gress. A V SteveDS, Fryeburg. 2d do, Sl. Gifford, Gardiner, reissue, car coupling, granted. P. PREBLE, their efforts correspondingly greater. The Song—The White Squall.. §2; Clerk of for Jitrout & Holmes for F S N pair matched four teams and as many plows The show of 8,392. District Court, said District, plaintiffs. John L. Shaw. Hayes, Conway, H, horses, $3. ocll total number of scholars in all branches the W Andrews. best 3 old C Jf H. L. for dlaw3wF&wlw42 C. Hale for defendant. Duet -TheTwo Hunters.Abt E Stow, year colt, $2; fruit, especially apples, was inaguificent, said Leonard, Bangor, joint fishing rods, past year was 478—98 more than the previoos Wakefield, Brownfield, 2d do, §1. 207,665. Hughes Brothers. best 2 old A judges to be the bist ever collected in BANKRUPTCY.—District Court of the Brief Jotting*. A V Stevens, hrveburg, year colt, $1; by good D. W. Palmer, Detroit, sulky plow, 207,674. year. of Dublin 2d do 75c. INUnited States, District of Maine. Indhe matter Song—Oh Boy .Dupperin W Gray, Brownfield, the state. The yield has beenafioe one, and H. A Wood, Bangor, wood-burniog furnace, Mr. Warren Flint of Baldwin picked 103 Many of tbe scholars, being obliged to work Miss Alice I. Carlo L A Ingalls. Denmark, trained 2 year old colt §1. of John W. Welch, Bankrupt. Great best colt the sieze and uncommonly good. The 207,788. This is to give notice that a has been bushels one last week. A Duet—A Good Oren 0-goo(l, Bryeburg, yearling $1. quality _ petition pre- Bargain? cf apples day good all day for a livelihood, are somewhat irregular Jolly Laugh.Thomas sented to the this thirtieth Hughes Brothers. James Walker, Fryeburg, best 6 mos. colt §1; E show came off so late in the season that the Court, day of September, day’s work. in their attendance and lack in their study at Ballard, Frveburg, 2d do 50j. BTATE NEWS. by John W. Welch, ot Standish, a Bankrupt, — in Quartet—Sleep Gentle Lady.Bishop early fall fruit had gone by, but this favored praying that he be decreed to have a lull Maine are crab Wilson Webb, Fryeburg, best trotting horse $5, may Many people sending apples home, which is a drawback to a rapid Miss Mr. Shaw and Brothers. from all her debts advance, Carle, Hughes time 2.53— 2.51—2 50; H W Cousins, Fryeburg. 2d do the exhibit of grapss, which to ripsn in our lati- discharge provable under the to Boston, where they are in great demand at but under tbe circumstances they deserve great S3, time 3.10—3.01—3.01; I Garland, Conway .N H, Bankrupt Act, and upon reading said Petition, Davis tude must remain on the vines "util the frost It is ordered the Court that a from two to three dollars bushel. Anxious to Help the Familv.—Mr. gratuiiy §3, time 2 52—2 56—2.50. AROOSTOOK COUNTY. by hearing be bad per credit for giving as much time from their re- the on Ash and Pine admonishes us that must be upon same, the second day or December, A. D. Walnut, was at Silver Lake at tlie time of the NEAT STOCK. they gathered. The potato trade in Honlton last week was One day this week forty carloads of cattle creation as they do. The primary object of 1878, before the Court in Portland, in said District, and did not hear of it until the There were several of all the leading brisk. The number of barrels were at 10 o’clock A. and that and over the Maine Central rail- accident A A Colby, Denmark, best native bull, §3; FA samples purchased M., notice thereof be pub- sheep passed the Fraternity is to draw these young or lished in the Portland people he heard 2d do, 2. varieties of grapes, that will mature here 5234, 13,085 bushels. E. Merrill & Sons Advertiser and the Portland this from to Bos- next morning, when, at 10 o’clock, Quint, Fryeburg, road, through city, Bangor away from unwholesome surroundings Into ao J E Osgood, Fryeburg, b^st native cow, 3; FC bought 1584 Darrels; Charles Kimball & Co Press, newspapers printed in said District, once a week the particulars and of the death of without protection. Mr. Albert Keunard, at for three successive weeks, and once in the Ad- ton. of and refinement: and Reagan. Bord. Frveburg. 2d do 2. 1050; O. P. StepheusoD, $1000; Kobinson, 800; weekly atmosphere parity vertiser and the last to be CHAMBER 2 old O of Press, publication SETS The after at the fiaish of the H W Stevens, best year beifer, 2; Oszood, the cutlet Scbago Lake, exhibited wild Walker Rod 800. The thirty vs. Hall was latter, crossing Stimpsou, prices ranged at The case of Bletben entered, then, if, wish to be do 1. days least betore the day of hearing, and that all they taught something, 21 from a vine which he discovered on the from $1.40 to $1.50 barrel. race, rowed alongside of Davis and congratu- 2 old milch grapes per creditors who have proved their debts and other neither party by consent of defendant’s coun- are to J E Osgood, Fryeburg, best year beifer, per- they afforded tbe opportunity learn, but sons in interest, at said a lated him are the better lake shore a few years ago, and removed it to Thirty-3ix hundred *sbeep have been driven may appear time nd place, sel instead of settled as stated in yester- saying, “Mike, you 2] and show if PARLOR being their entrance into and continuance in the A R Jenness, best 1 year old heifer, 2. from Aroostook county to Danforth .within the cause, any they have, why the prayer ot PITS, man.’’ Davis felt the death of his his orchard, where it has covered two apple said Petition should not be paper. keenly op- A R Jenues, best beifer calf, 1. past two weeks. granted. day morning’s classes is entirely voluntary. Oo the whole, The flavor of WM. P. and expresses a desire to alleviate the E Ballard, best bull calf, 1. trees, without any cultivarion, PREBLE, AND Alii. KINDS OF The of the residence of Hun. J. B. for the of ponent, FRANKLIN COUNTY. Clerk of District for said cupola the general result year the school J W Barker, Fryeburg, best yearling bull, 2. is but it is the size of Ibe Court, District, wants of his family, who are left destitute. the fruit good berry ocll dlaw3wF&wlw42 Brown is being cleaned of its mastic work pre- has been quite satisfactory. A coarse of ten JW Davis, Denmark, best 3 year old steers, 2; The September term or S. J. Court adjourned D Ballard. 2d do 1. that attracts notice. Some of the grapes are L. to a of the ontside of the Frveburg. yesterday. B. Stoyell, convicted of a mur- paratory re-painting familiar Saturday evening lectures by citizens Congregational Conference.—The next W best 2 oli steers. 2. BANKRUPT©Y.—District Court of the J Davis,|Denmark, year an inch in diameter. derous assault, appealed aud gave bonds in Furniture. which will its looks. A A best 3 old matched IN United States, District of Maine. In the matter house, greatly improve of this city, whose services were gratuitously meeting of the Cumberland Conference of Con- Colby, Denmark, year $6000. steers, 2. There was a fine txhihic of late pears, but the of Marshall H. Moses, We shall offer this week our entire stock ol Furni- steamer will make a to Bath Bankrupt. The Expiess trip on instructive was will be held with Willis- KNOX COUNTY, This is to that a given, themes, successfully gregational churches A Y Stevens, Fryeburg. best 2 year old matched show of overshadowed all other fruit. give notice petition has been pre- ture at prices that cannot fail to guarantee a ready wish witness 21 1. apples sented to the Court this thirtieth sale. We have one the Saturday to convey those who to given during the winter, and wilt be continaed ton church next week, Tuesday and Wednes- steers, 2; H W Stevens, Fryeburg, do. O. FI Hobbs’ dwelling at Camden was enter- day ot September, of largest and bes t stocks of J A best Steph There are an; orchards iu town, and most by Marshall H. Moses, of a Furniture in New the of the two new chips from the Head, Denmark, yearling steers, 2; ed on Tuesiay night of last week by robbers Gorham, Bankrupt, England. launching the coming',winter. Rev. A. P. Tinker of Anbnrn preaches Chandler, 2d do, 75 cents. praying that ho may be decreed to have a lull dis- day. Stow, farmers have improved their oil trees by graft- who found their way to Hobbs cham- of Gosse & Stow, best steer calve*, 2. sleeping charge from all his debts, provable nnder the Bank- yard Sawyer. Near the end of the school year an enjoyable the sermon at 11 o’clock Steph Chandler, took his clothes outside and robbed them opening Tuesday E Fessenden. b st trained ing, and have set some new ones. The cider ber, rupt Act, and upon said The Cadets are Frank BrowDfield, reading Petition, Temperance rapidly improv- exhibition, in which scholars took part, was A is ex- under 2. of $175 iu mouey, between $100 and $200 io It is ordered the Court that a morning. very interesting meeting steers exhibited by boy 18, days have gone by by hearing be had G. of Lieut. notes aud other small articles. Ad the on the second & ing in the Grill under the instruction held. Fall will be J A Head, Denmark, best bead neat cattle, 8; C D attempt was upon same, day of December, A. Co., pected. programme published 2d 6. From the samples of potatoes exhibited no also made to enter the of James Sew- D. 1878, before the Court in Portland, in said A.Whitney of the Guards. There Fessenden, Brownfield, do, dwelling District, Murpby Montgomery Tbe nsnal thanksgiving dinner to the benefi- next week. at 10 o’clock A. M., and that notice thereof be TOWN WORKING MATCHED AND outsider would suop s that we were compali- ard, bat the noise awoke the acd the pub- Wed- TEAMS, OXEN, family, lished in the Portland Advertiser and Manufacturers of and Dealers In will be a meeting of the members next ciaries did not occur until Christmas week ran the Portland BEEF CATTLE. ed to the beetle so persistently. Toe orop burglars away. in Hall Funeral of Mr. Stevens —The fane ral of ligh, Press, newspapers printed said District, once a nesday evening, at Kavanagb when it was must bountifully before a PENOBSCOT COUNTY. week for three successive spread Town of Fryeburg, best town team, §16; town of is not as large asnsur1, nor the tubers of so weeks, and once in the Officer Burnham arrested Mr. W. C. Stevens took place yesterday after- 2d 12. weekly Advertiser and Press, the last to Jasper Harvey, larger number than ever before sat at our board. Denmark, do, is The Mr. Abner Benjam'n of Carmel was thrown publication town team 3 old siz i, but the eating q raliiy good. be thirty days at least before the ot and the of to- noon from his late residence at No U Green Town of Denmark, best year steers good from a whilo out oue day heariug, aged 18, of East Machias, for larceny Tbe and music upon the occasion carriage riding day last that all creditor* who nave FURNITURE,BEDDING, ML, &C., speeches 12. is secood to the of proved their debts and street. There was a large attendance of potatoe crap oaly hay crop week and received serious bacco from Lang’s store on Portlond street. added to tbe of the feast. very James Walker, Fryeburg, best working oxen 3; injunes. other persons in interest, may appear at said time greatly pleasure state in and and show If for the friends of the deceased. Rev. W. E. Gibbs Edwin Pingree. Denmark 2d do 2 the Importance. SOMERSET COUNTY. place, cause, any they have, why Harvsy stole one lot Wednesday and sold it There has been little in the dar- the of change library John Colby. Denmark, best matched oxen 3; A O All the vegetables were in.abundance. prayer said Petition should not be granted. officiated in a very feeling manner. The floral gardra Silas Whittier, a young man of Cornville, 75 centp, and another lot yesterday which was the there been but few addi- Pike, Fryeburg 2d do 2. WM. P. PREBLE, 46 ing year, having to St. the beets would ‘Generi." go died of on fine. The remains were in- best fat cow 2. Some of oblige heart disease the morning of the 6th Clerk of District for said District, fonnd in bis offerings were very E Billard, Fryeburg, Court, Exchange are 833 volnmes possession. tions. There upon tbe shelves A Denmark, best fat oxen 4. his levatir to get one to bis inet. Tb's death was very startling to the ocli terred in Evergreen Cemetery. Ingalls, twice »*tb up _dlaw3wF«fewlw42 sel7 dim for use at the present time. The rooms have H W Stevens, Fryeburg, best fat heifer 2. community of Athens and Cornville, where the The Result of Dime Novel*. slicing room. BANKRUPTCY.—District Court of the — SWINE AND deceased was well known aud huan t-Ant. in a vprc ilph! anjl a—> Perivial. SHEEP, POULTRY. respected. Only the hill wece cover d with IN United States, District of Maine. In the matter and in and The walls of the day before he was fencing on his farm. age, named Frank W. Dana of Charlestown, J. everything about them is in excel- W. S. Dennett, Esq cashier of the Second C W Waterhouse, Fryebuig, best long wool sheep, of Sargent P. Coe, Bankrupt. A V 21 coverlids and comforters, This lent order. An additional class-room has §3; Stevens, Fryeburg, do, §2. quilts, counterpanes, WALDO COUNTY. is to give notice that a petition has been pre» Watkins, F. J. Neally, and F. L. Gowey of nec- National Bank of Bangor, is at the Falmouth. best short 3. James Walker, Fryeburg, wool shetp, thrt the industrious, and skillful sentetl to the Court, this fourth day of October, been on favorable W best Bbowiog Dell Whitney, a boy twelve years of age, liv- Cambridgeport, took the boat at Belfast for essarily hired, terms. One He goes with his wife to the White Mountains C Waterhouse, Fryeburg, long wocl ram, 2; by Sargent P. Coe, of Portland, a Ira 2d 1. housewives had not that a Norlhern ing in Waldo, was last Bankrupt, praying room is now let to the for the Smart, Fryeburg. do, forgotten quite severely injured that he may be decreed to have a full from Portland. Dana, before starting, got posses- city “Comb this morning. Yorkshire week a horse tail He had discharge A R Jenness, Fryeburg, boar, 3; Essex winter is nnmiasr. Toese are intended for by having upon him. all his debts, provable under the Bankrupt Act, and n inohr thu or m a 1 in tha fi.it.< o nrt rrnltiniv An sion of some $50 at borne, Nealiy $10, and School.’’ boar, 1; best breeding sow, 3; best litter nig*, 2. upon reading said Petition. for Debt. Richard-on, Light 1. comfort as well as sbjv. The rig rugwad it is There has been received for rent of the hall Imprisonment S Fryeburg, fowls, Brahmas, bis b tck, was udiog towards tbe boose. lo oruerea oy tlie uourt that a hearing; be bad Watkins $2. They arrived here Tuesday morn- George B Barrows. Frveburg. fowls. PJvmouth Mr. few in much aod pitient labor. a tbe horse and the upon the same, on the second day of December, A. D. and rooms $249. Editor—Combaratively people 50c. ingenuity crossing ledge, slipped fell, ing and struck for Falmouth, where they Rocks, 1878, before the Court in Portland, in 6aiil District, this state are aware that imprisonment fur debt M Brahma Iodiau corn is the handsomest growing crop boy’s leg beiugcanght underneath. at 10 o’clock A. M a boat for and went It has not been deemed to famish Randolph Howe, Fryeburg, Light and that notice thereof be pub- bought $10, cruising. They expedient 1. An schooner that had lished in is a common,- every day occurrence. It is not, chicks, of oar clients, and is maguitic-iut when triced English discharged a the Portland Advertiser ami the Portland the rooms for tho on account A R probably imagined themselves pirates of the Gymnasium of Jenness, Frjebuig, Plymouth Rock chicks, cargo of plaster rock at Kaler’s mills, ju com- Press, newspapers printed in said once a so much for the of and in rows, as that on exhibition was Di-trict, howeve*, pa-pose actually 50c. np bang down tbe river last ran week for three successive and once in main. They hauled up Tnesday night •---J- ing week into the pier weeks, the Spanish the debtor within the R M Howe. Fryeburg, Toulouse geese, 1. native Indians should bs remem- weekly Adertiser and Press, the last the institution. The confining wills of a today. The of the lower bridge. Tbe concussion was so publication to at one of the islands in the harbor, where they deportment of the young F Shirley, Fryeburg, Rouen ducks, 1; silver games be thirty days at least before the of and prisoD,—because while so confined the creditor bered with for this g'ft to lb; starving heavy as to dislodge the plankiog of the pier, day bearing, persons and the attendance the 50c. gratitude that all creditors who have proved their debts and bought some supper at one of the houses, and of, “evening upon which were James Crockett is obliged to pay the board bill of the A R Jenness, Fryeburg, Light Brahmas. 50c colonists. standidfe other persons in interest, may appear at said time NOVELTIES! out for the a la committee” has been better than ever before prisoner, aud Luther and all were tumbled into then camped night Bobinson Ge:> B Barrows, Fryeburg, Plymouth Rock chicks, P^rry, and place, and show cause, if any they have, why as of so frightening him as to induce h:m to There were hundreds of articles of interest the Crusoe. Wednesdav morning thev started The efficient services of the janitor (Jos. C. $1. the water together. The men were hauled out prayer of raid Petition should not be granted. of some relative or of S Richardson. Fryeburg, Light Brahma chicks, 50c. cannot be noticed for waut of time. Of ubipjared. WM. P. Woodill) ar3 beg friend, possessed that PREBLE, again in tbeir boat, bat discovered she was fittingly acknowledged. Tbe H K Allen, Hiram, best fleece long wool, 1; 2d do, Cletk et District Court, for said District, Ja&t receive 1 iresh from New York markets all the property, to sign a bond with him. The 1. course the committees have not yet reported the faster than could bail her committee on members which has been object 50c; best fleece short wool, ocll dlaw3wFi&wlw42 very latest in leaking they, out. quite Few are aware of the of check- styles of this bond, which must bo given for doable CHOPS. of stock on prints.. importance ran her ashore on active the past year report held fourteen snperiority They therefore the main having a or common cold in its first the amount of the bill and officers Oliver Allen, Hiram, best crop wheat, $2: HR WORKING OXEM. ing cough stage. and started for meetiogs, at which collections were to costs, fees, 50 lend, Portland, buying some reported Allen, Hiram, 2d do, 1. That which in the would to a DOZEN &c., is to throw the pleasant duty of finally Entries hv John It, Williams. Richmond beginning yield on the amount of and $303.50 has been re- H R Allen, Hiram, best seed wheat, 1 50; S Ben- bread the way. They reached the city about $554.11, A. A. Elliott. A. G. mild if soon the paying the bill and costs ou this nett. Denmark, 2d do, 75c. Mayberrv, Calvin Merrill, remedy, neglected, preys upon Neck 1 when Watkins ceived by other members, making the total col- confiding Thos. E i midnight, got separated from A R Jeuness, Fryeburg, best seed corn, 12 rows, 1; Rogers. 0. W. Hall, Merrill, Stooe, Dr. Bull’s afiords instant Dressing friends. Lungs. Cough Syrup the lected on account of members the S Denmark, 2d 75c. D Kdiviu Hiinnewal', Otis Hnane- largest line ever shown by ns, embracing all the his companions and was found by the police past year Bennett, do, O. Small, 25 In order to the sheriff for his ard- S L best seed 8 Baker—12. relief. Price cents. $859.64, which came from 247 207 pay deputy Plummer, Sweden, corn, rows, 1; wel1, Benj. M. roaming the streets. Be was taken to the sta- individuals, A A Colby, Denmark, 2*1 do, 75c. uous duty of filling out a printed form of bond PLOW TEAMS. New Patterns, Colors and Shapes. tion and told his story, when office* Bell went of whose names have been entered npon tbe S Chandier, Stow, best crop beans, 2; best crop the debtor must pay at once the sum of two beets 2. Eulrles Wm. A. Chas. W- Turkish Towels books. The collection of for by Thompson, on a tour of discovery and succeeded in bring- money benevolent W REDDY. a C Waterhouse, Fryeburg, best crop potatoes, 2. Elwin two others—4 teams- dollars. Thus, man who has been ill and un- Hall, Hunnewell, jnsi received and ing in the others, about 3 a. in., tired out. The aDd charitable purposes has been exceptionally S L Plummer. Sweden, best crop turnips, 2. selliDg ior able to work f ir a time was sued for one FOUR OX TEAM. A long FEU IT AND GAEDEN boys’ friends were telegraphed. In tbeir pos- difficult. sewiog Bchool was established in PEODUCTS. PAJAMAS ! month’s ren'. The rent was fifteen dollars. Entries by John L. Morrill—1. 35 and prosperously continued O P Saunders, Sweden, best variety of apple?, §2 ; BE IT KNOWN^fO ILL PARTIES CENTS EACH session over was found. are January §40 They bright, weekly 1. The costs of court, as he was nnable to pay F I Pingree, Denmark. 21 do, FAT CATTLE. AT The Latest for Dress. good-looking lads who have read too till May. The course of six dances givea by Z G Whitney, Denmark, bes; winter 1. THAT tients\Night evidently when the rent was was apples, Entries Wm F. the the demanded, five dollars. J G Denmark, best fall apples, 1. byStepben Maybsry, Haj- much dime literature, Fraternity daring winter at the City Swan, Hannewell—2. A novelty only;to be seen to be admired. He was to a bond or be carted off J Walker, best 1. bery, Edwin to be soccessfol both obliged give Fryeburg, seedling apples, Hall, proved highly so- J Ricbaidson, Fryeburg, crao apples, 25c. COWS AXD HEIFERS. MEAHER & Bryant’s Minstrels.—Bryant’s Minstrels, to jail. He borrowed two dollars and paid the Jos best J M CO., cially and financially, being the most success" Chandler, Fryeburg, grapes, 1; BeaD, Thos. E. M. a friend 2d 75c. Entries by Morrill. Varney W. 0. REDDY a well-known and favorite in officer, sigoea the bond with Brownfield, do, AND XjIJVKJV troupe Portland, ful ever in this An annual course having Altnon Hall & CONGBESS FEEBLE STS. given city. A A Colby, Denmark, best pears, t. Johu N. Morrill. Libby. Senter, ocll \ him. This was done wlien there was no food dtf appeared at the Portland Theatre last eveniDg is uow an established fact. Chandler “Heath, Conwny, N. H apples, 50c; M Charles Jones, Frank S. Hawkes, George W. TUBAS OU r AS before a and in in the house for wife and little and Lang, do do, 25c. Anderson, Mo.-es li. Little, Wm. G. Morrill, large appreciative audience, The net receipts of the coarse were $270. children, 'VIIV DON’T VOT TBIT Eliphalet Weeks, Chatham, N. H., apples, §3. W. W. Geo. W. Chnte—12. and Collars and made of that da not at- do wood or coal with which to build a fire. Webb, Good Style Seat Fitting; Garments Caffs I part up people usually The thaDks of the committee is re- T Day, best carrots. 25c. especial Fryebmg, AND Smith’s Patent Perforated minstrel shows. did well to for When that bond runs out the debtor or his F Fryeburg, best beeis. 25c. DRAFT OXEN HORSES. Fresh tend They go, amed to tli9 (or the Sbirley, as any house in New England. liacks&in styles jast opened. city daily papers vary S S'ickney, Brownfield, best parsnips, 23c. Geo W. lr* Thos. Undergarments. was clean and and the friend most pay dollars—besides the Entries by Chute, Brown, the performance bright, valuable aid extended them—which contrib- twenty S Ricbardnon, Fryeburg, best turnips, 25c. by Eli Stone, Town farm by Ocntiemen are not compelled to come in They atlord to of its hind. The vocal and instrumental two dollars the officer—or he must E L & A W Eastman, best 25c. Merrill, Edwards, persons, snsceptib'e Something New and Nobby in best uted to the success of the already paid Sweden, onions, nnd have n Uont Baistcd aud tried on to cold, undoubted course. T Day, Fryeburg, best cabbages, 25c. Edwin Hunnewell—6. protection agaiuet music was and the “olio” had many new deliver himself into custody, or Day for what is btfore llaiabing it. Pneumonia, while anil and good, The were elected officers for the en- Geo B Barrows, Fryeburg, best 23c. STALLIONS. they prevent Standing Torn-orer Collars. following a “disclosure” squashes, cure Rheumatism. and features. The technically called and take the T Day, Fryeburg, best tomatoes, 25c. Recommended by very entertaining perform- V. L. Moses Hunt—2. We to fit old and No all and suing year: poor debtor’s oath. This “disclosure” is a S Kicoardson, Fryeburg, best 25c Entries b; Hill, guarantee young. altering. Physicians, awarded the ance closed with a new called pumpkin®, highest American Institute plantation piece President—T. C. very fuuny affair. The fees are somewhere A R Jenness, Fryeburg, best naif bushel of pota- MARES AND COLTS. prem- Hersey. iums for eight years “Life on the introducing the Vice President—S. J. from fifteeD to doliors. If the man has toes, 25j. confecutively. DRIVING 11 STREET GLOVES Plantation,” AndersoD. twenty Entries Charles F. E. Hiram Warranted to satisfac- S Denmark, best sweet corn 23c. by Jones, Irish, give perfect cotton fields in full and Treasurer—H. C Baxter. no properly and has no one owing him an; Bennett, Good Suits to Order tion or steamboat race, bloom, E W best and L Hawkes, Charles Hunnewtl1, Wm. H. Var- money refunded. Send ior -ix- Directors—W. W. J. P. M. money, be simply makes that declaration and Burbank, Fryeburg, greatest variety circular. a number of Southern cabin melodies. It evi- Thomas, Baxter, of vegetables $2. M. F. B. s wears to it and then the two ney—5. FOR Butler, Gerrisb, W. I. Tnom. Mrs. pays justices five E W best 1. SHEEP AND SWINE. ». to the audience. The Burbank, Fryeburg, garden seeds, C. HILL & CO OH Tanned Dog Skin, Antelope and Buck, dently gave pleasure C. S. Fobes, Mrs. B. Bradbury, Mrs. J. E. Fer- dollars each for tbnir courtesy in listening to Geo B best Barrows, Fryeburg, seedling pota- Eulries Wm. A. Long, Wm. G. Morrill— JO* Plain and Bryants give their last p rformaucj tonight, nald, Miss M. T. Hersey. him, and the sheriff for his great trouble an- toes 1. by Broadway, N. V. Fancy Back, other five dollars. This last charge is under E W Burbank, best and greatest 2, $18 to $20. and will no doubt have another crowded bouse. Fryeburg, validy Manufacturers also under 1 the largest assortment ever shown. various headings, like “officers fees,” potatoes 1; Geo Barrows, Fryeburg, 2d do, 50c. BOLLS AND CALVES the Andrews patents. had at the theatre hour of Portland Providen t Association Annual “writs,” OCll ond‘)m Seats can be any the &c, &c. Such is the law in this state of F G Bradley, Fryeburg, trace pop corn 23c. Entries by Hall & Senter, Edwin Hnnewell S best 25c. FINE SUIT, day. meeting;. Maine. I do not know of any other state in Richardson, Fryeburg, turnips —2. _ The annual of BEEAD AND DAIEY PEODUCTS. STEERS. Bit. meeting the Portland Provi- the Union where imprisonment is allowed for to KENISON, Some Kcm Sold.—The sheriffs It is a relic of Mrs John best $35.00 $30.00 I deputy dent Association was held last at tbe dept alone. barbarism that the Locke. Fiyeburg, wheat bread 50c; Entries John It. Rollins. Richard From 145 Tremont evening Anna 2d do 25c. by May- St-, made eleven seizures of different kinds of liquor Congress of the United States set its face Barrows, Fryeburg, Calvin Wm. A. Boston, will bo at U. S* room of the association, at the City Hall. The Mrs A R Jenness. 25c. berry, Morrell, TbomnsoD, against at so early a date as 1792 (vide Eliot’s Fryeburg, gratuity Charles Girments Cot, and Trimmed at rea- Hotel Room 15, for Three yesterday, getting quite a quantity in several of Mrs T S Pike, Fryeburg, best cake 50c; Anna Bar- Albert Knights, Hnunewdl, Thomas President, Mr. Francis K. Swan, presided. Manuel of United States History, page 3g4) W. Day* only, commencing the Three were made with warrants as rows, Fryeburg, 2d do 23e; J A Bennetc, Denmark, Morrill, Charles Hall—10. sonable rates. places. The of the In New American vol. Tuesday, Oct. 15. ()orn«, reports several officers were made Apple'oa’s Cycbpedie, gratuity 10c. FOWLS AND Kuniou* follows: At T. B. Pollard’s corner the statement is made that iu PIGEONS. and Ingrow- drug store, and 1, page 765, the Louisa J Haley, Fryeburg, brown bread 50c; Anna Parlies in llie most remote part of tbe State can JV accepted. Tbe amount of cash on hand Walter BL. Willis A. Sen- ing ails treatel with- Danforth and Clark W. F. United States “mere imprisoomeut for debt is Barrows, Fryeburg, 2d do 25c. Entries by Senter, semi goods and measure, and we assure you a good out streets; Coggins’, commencement pain. ocltdlsr at tha of the year was $443. for the most part abolished.” mis w wiBweu, rryeourg, pest cneese josie ter, Wm. Whittier, Gee. W. Anderson. Isaiah fit. HILL & on Fore street, and A. J. Little’s in Staf Day, 2d do 1. Eli W. C. CO., The total receipts have been $1,760 93, and the Since 1831 imprisonment for d„bt has been Fjyebu'g. K. Merritt, Stone, Hussey,—7. and without warrants Mrs S Stickpey, Brownfield, best June butter Cleansing an4 PreniflS by a ford block, eight 3; AND VEGETABLES. Repairing. To Let. exnamlitures SI.172 17. leaving a halanrp on Mrs H R Allen, Hiram, 2d do $2. GRAIN co in pete at workman. Under Preble House. as follows: Two in the old Printers’ Ex- certain cases like fraud, embfzzlement, &c. Mrs J two-story dwelling house, corner ot Danforth seao eoltt of is an W Colby, Denmark, best tall butter 2; Mrs Entries Geo. W. Anderson. Benj. Brown, hand $1,031.76. There invested fund Other states fallowed the by and Tate streets. Just in order. change building on Fora street, and one each rapidly example of H R Allen, Hiram, 2d do 1. Wm. A. Thompson, Mark Jor- THE pnt complete of New York. it is a well known fact Calvin Morrell, Twelve rooms, gss. Sebago and with a $0,000. Today that PRESERVES Frank furnace, large HONEY, SUGAR, AH D PICLES. dan, Isaac Jordan, Wm. Jordan, E. stable. to N. S Real Estate to the the amount the system of coersion in collecting debts by Apply GARDINER, According agent’s report A V Stevens, Fyreburg, best maple Cobb, W. B. Hamltoo, A. T. Rogers, F. B. agent, Centennial Block. oclleodtf White Dress Madison etreets, respectively. Policemen Han- process against the person is generally ab ilisb sugar, $1;S 418 BROADWAY, spent for provisions was $035: fuel, $230.33; Bennett, Denmark, 2d dt 50 cents. Merrill, G. H. Hill, E L. Trne.Cbas. W. Read, ft FATS’ son and Miles also made two without warrants, ed England in 1844 followed the United A A best and Colby, Denmark, maple sugar 75 cents; George H. Harding, John R. Rollins, Sewall Shirts, pure boots shoes. $61 50. 1,210 pieces of wear- States in giving np this absurd practice of im- S S 21 do 50 Lost. as follows: One barrel of ale aDd some parcels Plummer, Sweden, cents. McKeoney, Albiou Senter, Chatles Jones, ALWAYS REDDY. one who could not bis debts. W H. best E VALUABLE Newfoundland DOG with collar linen all laun- ing apparel have been distributed. The fol- prisoning pay Stickney, Brownfield, bees honey. 1; Wm. Thompson, Lss’er Adams, E. C. Hall, oc5 dtf bosoms, of liqnor at the corner of York and Maple sts., In France the law in respect to th s subject Weeks, Chatham, N H, do 1. A marked “A. J. Peltengill, 73 High St., Port- lowing officers were elected for the ensuing Mrs H A BaDj M. Baker, Amos Hawkes. Wm. F. Saw- Me.” The tinder will he rewarded dried i and fonr barrels of ale at McQuade's stable on has been so thoroughly modified that virtually Farrington, Fryeburg, apple jelly 25 land, suitably by eady for use, at 50 Sarali J do 20 Thomas McDonald, E. R. Woodbury, Wm him at above address. oclld3t* year: there is no imprisonment for debt there. cents; Oigood, Fryeburg, cents. yer, leaving Danfortb Mrs S E Ward, Fryeburg, pear preserve. 25 cents. H. Varuey, Ezra Whittier, Samuel Djlley, Otis cents each. These street._ President—James P. Baxter. In Maine, of the one of the enlightened New goods Mrs G A Frye, Fryeburg, tomato preserve, 20 Smal', Hiram Chase,—27. Wanted. Beal Estate Tbansfeks.—The following Vice President—Ezra Carter, Jrmes Bailey, England states, where the Maine law is in foil cents. cannot be duplicated, and a that CANNED FRUIT. a Eben Corey. force, in community boasts of it murals, Mrs H A Farrington. Fryeburg. 25 iespectable woman, washing and ironing. transfers of real estate were reorded in this crab-apple jelly Gloves! Has hail four Treasurer—William H. Stephenson. of its virtues, of its civilization, of its Chris- cents; Ann* Barrows, Fryebunr, do 20 cents. Entries by Mrs. Jacob Merrill. Mrs. Geo. H. BY years experience in first class will be sold at this laundry. Price per CO to 75 cents. at price county yesterday: Secretary—C. C. Haves. a poor debtor is shut np ia prison with Mrs T J Haley, Fryeburg, cranberry preserve 25 Miss Sarah M. dozen, Apply tianity, Hill, Hawkes,—3. oclldlw* 57 Cumberland St. a Portland—Melvina K. Savage to George F. Advisors—T. C. Horsey, J. R. Thompson, malelaotors and criminals of the deepest dye. cents. only for short time. Mrs C E and BUTTER AND CHEESE. A genuine Kid Glove, in nil the new land on Green street. Samuel Rolfe, Oliver Gerrish, John Veaton, There is not a man in this state that does not Perkins, Denmark, cherry grape pre- Hitcbings, serve, 75 cents. Charles Oliver fall In and at Wanted. Jane to Martha land on W. W. Browo, El ward P. know that the law as it now is a and Entries by Joces, ItobinsoD, shades, also. Opera Black, Phillips Boston, Chase, Henry Fox, is, deep Mrs W H Abbott, canned fruit. 40 cents. B. James T. the honor of Fryeburg, C. M. Merrill, W. W. Webb,-4. the low price of ^>1 00. war- CATHOLIC lady or gentleman to introduce a Fore street. Sylvester Beckett. McCobb, Ed- burning disgrace upon the state. MrsTj Haley, cucumber 25 Every pair Fryeburg, pickle ranted This is an A newwotkin this city. Call at Sbumway’s William S. Murray to Hannah Murray, land ward Gonld, George W. Parker. Isaac F. Stnr- Tha law is a plain discrimination against the cents; Mrs A R do and mixed FRUIT AND HONEY. extra good Glove, Jeuness, Fryeburg, 20, pub. house, 177 Middle St from 1 to 6 o. in. street. Richard Alfred maD. if a merchant owes aud pickle, 20 ceuts. and one of the best ever offered and buildings ou Washington tevant, Cole, Woodman, Wil- poor $10,000 Entries bv Geo. H. Harding, John F. Fel- bargains oell d3t ONE CASE Elizabeth—Andrew J. Nichols to liam A. Aldeu J. William has $2000 with which to pay the law In its Fryeburg, sweet pickles 25 cents. R-v. in this Cape Quincy, Blethen, if, ^Pu’8aMrs J VV lows, John R Rollins, F. A. Parsons. L. city. Sophia T lot of land. Hammond, L-wis Pierce, W. S. Francis beneficence, allows him to compromise that he Colby, Deumark, catsup, 25 cents; Josie & Hammond, Dana, do 20 cents. Wiswall, Chas. P. Senter, Hall Senter, To Let. H. K. Alfred come to the front in Dav, Fryeburg, Deering—Oliver S. Backlell to Eliza Swan, Haskell, George W. Baker, can with, many cases, no Mrs G A Charles L H. Janes Gaotge F. month Ribbed Shirts and Frye, Fryeburg, Chili sauce and chow Jones, Jordan, desirable lower rent or six rooms, Holmes, land on Pearl street. J. J. Gerrish. better capital wbewith he can commence busi- 50 ceuts. H. F. B. Mor- gas chow, Stephen Webb, Sarah Proctor, and located in a first-class on a oash basis. AVERYSebago. Centrally at 75 cts. Eliza C. to E Ina A. Merrill, land on ness again There aie many Mrs T J Haley, 20 Geo. H. Dennis Wm. H. Drawers, each, Kelley Fryeburg, cranberry pickle,* rell, Hill, Edwards, neighborhood, impure ar 05 Exchange street, up Verandah street. business firms all over the country which have cents. Farrell’s Coxcet.—The concert at Varney, E. M. Varney, Dr. B. F. Dunn, Joahna CORSETS. Stans. cclltf for all sizes. We think all Recep- NEEDLE WORK Westbrook—Isaac Koight to John O Knight, obtained their capital wholly in this manner. AND FANCY ARTICLES. Tukey, A. Kallock, Geo. W. AndersoD, Benj. tion Hall should be well attended If on the other hand, he or is forced John homestead farm. tc-night. goes into Mrs Ward, Fryeburg, best vaiiety needle Brown, F E. Irish, Oliver P. Haskell, D R. who examine these he comes out with a clean E M goods Scarboro—James F. Small to Dominions J, Chandler’s band, Mrs. Hawes and Farrell on bankrnptoy, record, work, $l; Chandler, Fryeburg, 2d do 75 cents. Wm. W. G Morrell, I have an extra bargain to offer in a Mrs B best Tukey, Goold, Alley Prout et als,, lot of land. although it may be shown that he has been Smith, Denmark, beu quilt, 1; Mrs A E. S Chas. Hun- German woven will them the the harmonica, form a strong attraction, and A 2d do. Hawkes, Wm. Goold, Trne, genuine Corset, both in acknowledge Yarmouth—David M. F. living far beyond his means, and has Swan, Denmark, Lawrence to J. indulged Mrs E G File & Co best newell, M. E. Hawkes, Wm. Varney, Hiram Colored aud White, at the low price of best laud and the prices of tickets are within the reach of all. in speculations that wonid take an honest Fryeburg, exhibition mil- bargain ever offered Mouutfort, buildings. linery, 1. Chase,—34. 45c. This is a job lot, and wonld be The following is the programme: -man’s breath away. No mark the contrast. A Louisa Haley, Fryeburg, best drawn mg 1; Mar- MISCELLANEOUS. cheap at double the money. in Portland. Akt Notes.—Two of Stanwood’s pictures Overture-Dido...Mercadante poor man without sufficient money to indulge tha A Day. Fryeburg, 2d do 75 ceuts. Entries by S nail & Knight, cabinet organ; I also have some extra bargains to of- in Hale’s window Band, in the laxary of a court of bankruptcy, is press- Mrs R W Thorn, Fryeburg, best woven rug 1; Mrs now on exhibition command S B George F. Jordan, sewing machine; Alfred fer in new Fail Dress Goods and from ed remorselessly to the wall, and if be cannot Charles, Fryegurg, 2nd do 75 cents. Black and are of more than ordin- Cara Nome, Rigoletto.Verdi Mrs M B U. Freeman, butter general attention is cast into If be owes aod Barker, Fryeburg, best braided ru*: Ka- Libby, creamery; George Cashmeres. PIANOS, Mrs. Hawes. pay prison. $10 tie E Abbott, 2d do 75 ceuts. worker; Mrs. Almira J. ancient squash ary merit. The Cimbria at Southwest Harbor cannot pay it, how can he be expected to pay Fryeburg, Lowell, Please call at 253 Middle St., and se- Selection—Peiichole.Offenbach Mrs Jobu Ward, Fryeburg, best painting and shell,—5. not from the inter Band. $15 or or $20 to secure immunity from jail? If cure some of the many bargains we have attracts special notice only drawing, 1; Florence M Day, Fryeburg, 21 no, 75 CUT FLOWERS. he owes two or three people $10 each, and they cenis. to offer. mannei Whirlwind Galop—Harmonica.... est of the subject bat from the striking secure im- Mrs Entries Calvin Martha J. STOOLS, COVERS, MOORE & BULKY. Mr. Farrell. execution in each suit; if he escapes John Locke, Fryeburg, best cut flowers 1; E by Mrs. Merrill, on, in which that subject is treated. It shows a prisonment he is required to make this “dis- M Chandler, Fryeburg, 21 do 75 ceuts. Boody, Mrs. Mink JoidaD, Mrs. Wm. Goold, oc7 dtf Telephone waltzes (new)...Heilman Mrs C col »r and a sentiment not closure,'' which costs from $15 to $25, in Perkins, Denmark, rugs and tidies. 65 -4. warmth of delicate Band. cents. answer to each sub. If a bankrupt had to pay HOUSEHOLD MANUFACTURES. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. usually found in Mr. Stanwood’s paintings Overture—ltomantique (new).Keler Bela Mrs W Wiswell, Fryeburg, rug 25 Mrs A W the charges of bankruptcy as mauy times as he cents; Entries Mrs. Sewall Clara ORGANS. Band. do by McKenney, of a vessel before s Gray, Brownfield, 25 ceuts. iuau with $2000 iu cash that can good Bat the pietare going had creditors, the matter would not then be Mrs S Anna Mrs Joshua Tukey, give When the heart is Buck Bennett, Denmark, cravat 15 cents. Hawkes, Hawkes, ANYreference as to honesty cm hare a salary ot above the Cimbria young.Dudley for he to have Aunie Mrs. The spanking breeze, hung jast Mrs. Hawes. equ ilized; might easily arrange Osgood, Fryeburg, hood, 15 ceuts. Miss Melissa J. Tukey, Miss Ellen Goold, largest assortment fnm which to select. S.I5.«IO per week guaranteed, and t ike the en but few creditors, and to owe each of them H W fr|2S(l&fftftudley ditUreuc manufacturers tire bed of a calls for even warmer approval* by those whe Air ,Steven3’ Fryeourg, quilt, &c 60 A. J. Merrill, Ella Bsuoett, Mrs. J. Fellows, Eight represented. charge large establishment. First c'a*s se- Varie...Mayseder large amounts. An honest poor man dreads cents3 Miss Jennie Mrs. J. J. Mis. curity given for money. Address an It is broad and Band. Sarah J Mason. Fellows, take interest in art. strong to to avoid going there he will make Osgood. Fryeburg, tidy and cushion 23 “THE Buyers can save T. W. €., Electic going jail; cents. L'zzie Ho'mes, Emily Jooes, Mrs. Eli Stone, MINING RECORD,” money here, in general the drawing is aud March. Harmonica effort that can be made, even to Albion An- effect, perfect, Mr. Farrell. every getting M™ M B Mrs. Hawkes, Mrs. Sarah Hawkes, 61 Broadway, New York. 275 Street, Bc.ton, .Tlaa*. of some faithful friend Barker, Fryeburg, pillow, tidy and quilt Washington the color though subdued and a trifle cold, ii 1 the name who will even- j nie Merrill, Mattie Varney, Mrs. Almira J. The in the United ,13t Medley.Catlin the bill. only paper States exclusively QCtO_ tually have to pay For the law to au- Mrs John Lowell, Mrs A. P. Ayer, Mrs. Simon Libby, devoted to S. very pleasing. Bana. Ward, Fryeburg, pencil drawing 25c. THURSTON, a of terrorism as is a Mrs M B V ___ thorize such species this, Meluure, Maria W. G. Fryeburg. bed quilt 25c. Mrs. Pope,—22. MINING TO LOAN cinelty which even semi-civilization ought not Eva Walker, Fryeburg, card case 25c, INTERESTS. $20,000 Staffobd Block Outdone.—It is said tha t A Natural l 8 Free stree Curiosity.—Mr. E. P. Doyen As a rale, poor Mrs * Fryeburg, woven bair 10c. Full latest Block, Portland, to permit. people pay their 1. Last Friday Mr. Renben Drew of Corrina accounts from all the great sep23 On First flat. Pmmmer block on Middle street is ahea 1 rich. Maggie B Farrington. and match dtf narigage.orCln.il Note*. the of Newbury street, found inside a seed cucum- bills better than the It certainly is not Fryeburg, tidy met with a severe acc deut. While threshing Gold and Silver Mines of America. is safe 25c. of the notorious Stafford block, on "hotels" 1 her a small wise any more than it Christian to pat un- Mr. Titcomb the beater his hand, yesterday, plant of a vivid green H A Farrington, Fryeburg, tidy and quilts for caught ONLY $3.00 A YEAR. burdens debtors, it easy for bis arm as as to 1. One of the police force is ft r and equal npon making ^Mrs teariog into sbrds far the elbow, for Min- Houses and Stores For Sale and To Let. to authority color well developed leaf. It can be seer unbearable for Orders executed the purchase and sale of Apply them owing muoh and them Mrs S C Ward, Fryeburg, infants 50c making it necessary to amputate the limb for this statement. at this office. clothing ing Shares Subscribers. Information given free. W. H. WALDROX, Real Estate Broker, 180 Middig | owing little. Jostihias. I Ulliau B Ward, Fryeburg, motto 10c. above the elbow. oc5 dlw* Street, Up Stairs eep24-eodtf. ^———— ,4 POETRY. The commissioner of internal revenue rule! Tiie Rates of Postage. EXCURSIONS. STEAMERS. that persons who sell medicated liquors are aE Postal STEAMERS. RAILROADS. RAILROADS. cards, one cent each, go without further ~ In liable to a special tax as liquor dealers, but in charge to all parts of the United States and Canadas Praise of Sleep. BO INTERNATIONAL STEAMSHIP CO. asmuch as this is a reversal of former rulings it with an additional one-cent stamp they goto all parts EAST €AEL ! 8TON PORTLAND & OGDENSBURG R.K Fast Trains and Special Boats.

of — Souud Hue oil shall be enforced only from Nov. 1. Europe. ahd Si. Only sumiay. Eastport, Calais, John, N. H., Annap- FALL AKRANVEiUEMT. BY PHILIP BOUBKE MABSTOX. All letters, to all parts of the United States and S» Miles without n Mop. CRUDES AND CASUALTIES. olis, Windsor and Halifax. N. s., Canada, three cents Every Day in the Fear, Alvah of was per half-ounce. A* Charlottetown, P. E, I. C'omixit tic i eg nONDAY^cpi. 30,1878. Haynes, Burliugton, Vermont, P — — or $2.50 $2.50 BY MK Uocal, that for the or $250 IL.ADEL.PHIA arrested with his “drop’* letters, is, city * There is a Land where I Tuesday, charged ravishidg trains leave Portland for New Vork & nightly repair. town where deposited, 2 cents if delivered by car- FALL AKRANGKMENT. Passenger Nnv England Builroad. At whose dim gate 1 lay my cross aside, srom 11 to 13 He is about Svi- '«r,*-Fab>an’s and intermediate stations, daughter, aged years. and 1 cent Excursions Sicaraship Line. 1 1 Til SETS Stretch out my aims toward Rest, as toward a riers, where there is no carrier system. Autumn .'^7 15 ». m and 4.43. p. in. TO NEW VOItK 50 a two thipsTeb week. years old and has been long time resident 7.13 it. m runs through to Burlington and Swan bride, Newspapers, daily, semi tri weekly and fisavn oacb And am witual Ah! even weekly, THROUGH port every WedVy & Sal’<5’j connecting at Wing lor all on assuaged. there, of Burlington and both himself and family have weeklies, regularly issued and sent to regular sub On and alter Monday, ton, Road, points Bevond false the stress of prayer, Septem- Boston, Concord *!C Montreal R R; at 8t. Johus- hope, beyond in The crime was Beribers, 2 ceuts per pound, at the office of ber 23d, tbe Steamers New Sold only al ‘il>5 W„»hi,.«ioii al., atul at Beyond 1 he hutt and smart, ot wounded formerly stood well soclsty. payable with Pass am sic R. R. tor Newport, Slier- pride, publication, newspapers and magazines published Brunswick, Capt. D. S. bury tb** depot, foot ot Niiinim Mi., Horihu With no more lor sweet things Wharfage, Hall, brook, &c; at hast Swanton with Central Ver- hunger denied, committed Sept. 0 1878. less frequently than once a week, 3 cents per White Mountain Notch and City of S. Train leave depot at O 1*. M.. and Mv heart has rest and respite from pound Portland, Capt mont R. It. for St. Joliu aud Montreal; at Swan- Reuniting despair. the candi- Transient newspapers, books from H. Pike, will leave Kail road Wharf, foot of State Boat leaves Pier 40 North River, at A p. M. 0 Lan ot mvstic shapes and languid pleasure! Wh'le A. 0. Bunman, Greenback magazines, pamphlets, Long Wharl, Boston, i p.n ton with Central Vermont for via and 1 cent tor each or — — Odgeusburg Staterooms at Waste of handbills, two ounces fraction TO Prom Pine Street Phi:*, street, every Monday, and Xhuisday, at 6 P. M., lor usual prices. Berths free. Supper fields poppies, without track, it seems; date for was a meeting at thereof. All other Wharf, Ogdensbuig & Lake CbamplaiD It. R. Congresst addressing miscellaneous matter, including at 10 a. m. Eastport and St. John. 50 cents. O j^centless lilies, oy the voiceless strems unsealed delphia, 4.43 p in runs through o Crawford’s and Fabyan’s. Thom- circulars, book manuscripts, proof-sheets, Insurance one half Rei,aminy will leave St. John and Eastp ft on C'onurctiitg traiti indbrs no nup at any Where come my ghosts and dance a silent Burlington, Iowa, Wednesday evening, and return. the rate of Train- arrive in Port! md from Fabyau’s and inter- measure, photographs, &c., and also seeds, cuttings, bulbs and Crawford’s, Fabyan’s reesels. same days, and Portland the next at 5 Nt«ii»ia beiwreu lio«loii anti the boat No Hold my lost joy now in dear as chief of was sailing morning A, mediate ^tatious at 11 05 a. m. only drtauis; lloper, the p dice, assassioattd, roots, aud merchandise not exceeding four pounds in M. for Boston. atop onr, Give back to me, sometimes my . 1 From Vermont 6.30 p. m and man No cause weight, cent for each ounce or fraction thereof. freight for the West Connections made at for 'liekets good on day of sale for continuous another seriously injured. THE by thePenn. ft. R.,andSonti Eastport RobMmton.Si. J. HAMILTON. Supt. only pas- y connecting lines forwarded iree of Commission. Andrews and Calais. sage, and l.y the couneetiug boat. II. is The following are the rates with Portland, Sept.27. 1878. sep28dlf assigned. postal Europe; PASSAGE TEN DOLLARS. Connections made at St. John for Digbv. Annapo- CHARLES P. CLARK, A. C. KENDALL. 1 Lave no heart in me for The rates for Love’s delight. In Woodbridge, Connecticut, Sunday, tha letters are for the half-ounce or trac- for freighter Passage apply to lis, Windsor, Kentville, Halifax, N. S., Sh'ediac, Am- Gen. Manager. Gen. Pass. Agent. How sweet the summer was. 1 know its tion PORTLtNi) & MffiSBURB R.H. herst, Pictou eepl3 dif spell. of Mrs. Jacob 34 thereof, and those for newspapers for tour Snmmerside, Charlottetown, P. F, Who tare not now what stars have to tell. clothing Kuoz, aged years> as K* If, SAIWPHOHi. I. N. and all may ounces or will offer cheap excursions above, through the Agent Fredericktown, B., stations on the In- For me the fraction thereof:— day is void, and void the night. caught fire from a kitchen fire. In her (renzy week commencing MONDAY, Oct. 7, 1878, The jn23-ly 10 l,ow« Wharf Bonu tercolonial Kailway. Grand Upon her dim and inaccessible height To Great and made tor two H¥“Freight received on of ant 4 Trank It. R. Co. of Canada a the Britain Ireland, letters 5 ceutr* tickets will tic good days. Trains day tailing ifame stands above me. the woman rushed into barn, rolled about o’clock m. robed and crowned. Ah. newspapers 2 cents; France, leave Portland at 7 15 a. m and 2 45 p m. p. well! letters5cents, news’ For Portland & Rochester R. R. t&.: On and ami after 7th, floor, set the hay and birn on fire and rendered papers 2 cents; Spain, letters 5 cents, 2 liiitcM at CrAwford II a*** Si 50 per day, vroiSL’so'rDa^ Lias Circulars, with maps of routes, Tickets, State MONl)\Y,Oct Let those who love her find newspapers Rooms and trains wilt leave Port- her pleasure able. after certs; all parts of FrnrtioiiN of a day at rale of 75 ceum pi r any further information apply at the 1878, passeuger She hath nor giaco nor merit in her situation more critical. A moment Germauy,.including Austria, land as follows: my tight. letters 5 cents, newspapers 2 Denmark! uieni or l«difin' Company’s Office, No. 4 Milk St., (opposite Ocean In- OCTOBEU 7, 1878. I only am in love with ceuts; surance 7.10 a. ni. for Auburn ami teu-ier Sleep— she rushed out with her clothing all burned off letters 5 cents, 2 ceuts: Tickets be obtained at office ot Portland & FOR NEW Co.,) or of Lewiston. on newspapers Switzerland, may YORK, l>ew my sari, unfruitful flower of letters 5 sep211t) A. R. STCTBBS. A 8 a. in. for Gorham (Mixed). life, and her black roasted. To cents, newspapers 2 cents; Italy, letters 5 Ogdensburg railroad, No. 3‘J Exchange St., and at ,-R. Wharf. Train* will run um follow* Of which uo man the memory may body being literally 12.25 p. m. for Auburn ami Lewiston. keep. cents, newspapers 2 cents; Russia, letters 5 cents, depot. J. HAMILTON, Supt. A H K A U O A’ AI L A T O E K «. O most divine forgetfulness ot ease her she into a well 1. 30 p. in. for I&laml Pond, Quebec, Montreal ami strife, sufferings jumped deep newspapers 2 cents; Norway, letters 5 cents, news oc7 dtf Leave Crnad I’runk Depot, My ssy is not too gray, my path too steep. 2 West. and was drowned. The bums were severe papers cents; Sweden, letters 5 cents, newspapres jrhls is ihc HOTEL DIRECTORY, t'oritnau * 7.30 a. at. und While thou art mine, for for for Oufy l»si£- dopes and Trefethen’s and Hog Islar-d Steamship Company at Portland 12.10,5.10,8.C0, p m. of swine on D. second and by stunning aud then bleeding. Let of Khyber pass. The Ameer is making a levy 3, Wednesday evening; Ivy, ofK., Landings at 7.00, 8.45,10.45 a. m., 2.15, 4.45 p m. PEAK’S ISLAND. For Scarborough Reach and Pine Point us and fourth Saturday of each month. ee9 *eml» Weekly Cine to Sew York. and Old Orchard at try get out of the old ruts, and see if and thousands are dtf Union House—W. T. Jones. Beach, 6.15, 8.45, a. in., flocking to him. An ad- ProprSctos. 3.15,5.30 there are not better ways than those our Encampment—Machigonne, first and third Wed- pm. vance on Cabal will soon be made. Eastern Star, second and fourth Wednes- For 4t*co, Hiddefoi d and Kennebnnk at fathers even nesday; Steamers Eleanora & F< anconia PARIS followed, in killing hogs. first and third HILL. G 15,8.45 a. m., 3.15, 3.45 and 5.30 m. A St. Petersburg despatch says the Russian day; Portland, Friday; Falmouth, p. No. 11, first and tuird Tuesdays. Will until farther notice, leave Franklin Wharf Hubbard Hotel, H. Hubbard, Proprietor For Wells, No Berwick. Nnlmoo Fall*, papers are relative to MONDAY and THURSDAY, at 6 Great growing saucy Afghan- Portland, every Falls, Mover, Newmarket* Exeter, Are and their aim What Is a Thoroughbred t P. M. and leave Pier 38 East North employed, highest Is to give per* istan. TEMPLARS OF HONOR. River, New York PHILLIPS. Haverhill, Andover, Lawrence. feet satisfaction by While every MONDAY and THURSDAY, at 4 P. M. Andover and Lowell at 6.15, 8.45 a. 3.45 well informed, practical men have At Ho, 100 Barden m., The rnmor of the betrothal of Prince Louis Templars' Hall, Exchange Street• These steamers are tttted up with flue accomo House, Samuel Farmer, Propri- p. m. little contreversy on this it is amaz- etor. subject, Council—Maine, first and third Monday in each dations tor passengers, making this a eery conven- For Rochester. Farmington and Alton never Napoleon to Princess Thyra of Denmark is ing how ending is the discussion in re- month. ient and comfortable route For travellers between Bay at 8.45 a. in., 3 45 p. m. lation to revived. New York and Alaine. the Summer For and it, by men interested in the various Temple—Forest City, No. 1, every Wednesday During mouths PORTLAND. Woltborough Center Harbor at these steamers will touch at Haven on 8.45 a. m. rings that have been established by dealers Dr. Pettrma nnn, the eminent geographer evening. Vineyard Am4ricin House, corner of Middle and their passage to and itom New York. Passage, in- India streets. D. Randall & For Manchester and Concord (via New- in mere has committed Son. pedigree. snicide. cluding Slate Room, $4. Afeals extra. Goods ie- market Junction,) at 6.15 a. m., 3.45 p. m (via Law A Forist City Commandery No. 16 convenes at obtained in the United 1 ned Perry’s Hotel, 117 Federal St. J. « Pern, thoroughbred, thoroughly, bred animal, The Glasgow bank has failed with liabilities for Inventors, Slates, Canada, beyond Portland or New York forwarded to reuce) at 8.45 a. m. P. O. S. of A. Hall, Plum St., on first Thursday of and at reduced rates. With our lestinatiou at once. Proprietor. is one whose ancestors have been bred to a Europe, principal For further information apply to The 3.45 p, m. traiu from Portland does not s;op at of It was one of the each month. located in the HENRY City certain $50,000,000. largest Office Washington, directly opposite FOX, General Agent, Poitland. Hotel, Cor. Congress and Green St. Scarborough Beach, Pine Point or L'ld Orcbaid Excel lence of Work. standard of form and for such United Stales Patent we are able to attend to all quality, banks in Scotland and bad 133 branches. Of Bosworth Post G. A. R.—Meeting every Friday Office, J. F. AAIES, Ag’t, Pier 38 E. R„ New York. J. K. Martin, Proprietor. Beach. a number of that this standaid is in Patent Bust ness with greater and Tickets and 8tate can generation evening Mechanics* Hall, corner of Congress and promptness despatch Rooms be obtained at 22 Falmouth O, M. Shaw & Morning Trains will leave Kennebnnk late its dividends have been twelve cent. less cost, than other who arc at a Excb ange street- Hotel, Son, pro- in the per Casco streets. patent attorneys, decl6tf for Portland at 7.20 a. m The 3 45 m. uniformly reproduced offspring. stance and who prietors. p. has There is a of the of the Portland Typographical No. 75- from Washington, have, therefore, train from Portland connects at Boston with Experience established that by the use of prospect reopening Union, to employ associate We make Preble House, Congress St.Gibson dkCo.. Second of each month. attorneys.” prclim- all rail lines for New York. males of the old such as Short- Eastern The Turkish has left Saturday "'Vary examinations and furnish op inions as to Proprietors. races, Devons, question. envoy pat- CLYDE’S Through Tickets to all Poiats South The Job is stocked with Portland Society of Natural Hist y— free and all who are interested Department thoroughly Horns, Herefords, etc., in cattle,upon good and consternation has been Pliability, of charge, C. S- Hotel, Junction of Congress aud Fed and West at lowest rates. and other material tor the Vienna, produced At their room, Hall, on the first and in new inventions and Patents arc invi’ed to send type cows of common or mixed blood from to library City for eral Sts. McDonald A: Newbegin, Propri- Trams on Boston & Maine road connect with five in tbo Austrian and third Monday of each month. a of our Guide PxUentswhich cabinet, considerable evenings copy for obtaining Ptiiladelphla & Now Lino. etor. all steamers between Fortlandand Ban- seven generations, we establish in the progeny is sent free to address, and contains in- England Steamship running irritation in tbe miud the Turkish Sovereigns of Industry—Dirigo Council, No any complete gor, Rockland, Mt, Desert, Mac public — ias, the charactistics of the by structions how to obtain Patents, and other valuable FBOM — Eastport, ./wed superior breed. meets every Friday evening, at Arcana Hall, at 7i 8KOWHEGAN. Calais, St.John and Halifax. connect with circular sent to the them to matter. We refer to the German-American National Also, Hence, the Short Horn Herd Book pub- powers requesting o’clock. turner House, W. G. Hesclton, Proart- Grand Trunk trains at Grand Trunk Station, and Bank, Washington, J). C.; the Royal Swedish, Nor- Maine Central lished by the association of the breeders of compel Austria to couform to the declarations Independent Order of Good Templars— etor. ana Portland & Ogdensburg trains at wegian, and Danish Legations, at Washington; Dm. BOSTON, Transfer Station. Great admits to Arcana, Monday, Congress Hall, 4204 Congress late Justice U. S. Britain, record bulls having of her plenipotentiary at the and to Joseph Casey, Chief Courtof Claims; in connection with old coloav RAIL- AM Congress, west nsnruwBiJii. __ tat Exeter ten 8t.; Mission, Wednesday, Williams* Block, Congi'ss to the the U. S. Patent and to Sena- mlnntesfor refrenfc- five crosses of recorded and cows with Officials of Office, ROAD. * sires, stop tbe advances aud excesses of her street; Mystic, Thursday, at Sons of Temperance '“>‘ina Members State. House—-A. J. Pro- Transfer Lawrence four such troops te of Congress from every Harpswell Merryinau, Station, Exeter, arnTtSoston.1 only crosses. The American Herd JAS. T. Gen. f UFLlUATiUJM OF FUUA3 pending tbo decision of the powers, declaring dress: LOUIS IS AGGER & Co., Solicitor* BOSTON TO THE SOUTH. prietor. FUKBKK, Supt. Book admits all animals to Patriotic Order Sons of No 8 H. STEVENS, Gen. Agent, Portland. tracing imported America—Camps Patents and at JLe Droit to that unless this is done the Porte will consider 1 and 3 convene at P. of A. Plum of Attorneys Law, Building WEST NEW FIELD. oc5 dtf stock,or stock previously in that work. The O. S. Hall, Quick Tim*. I.ovr Rule., De- street. i\o. 1 on No. 3 on Mon- I>. €. Frequent West Ncwlleld House. R.G. Holmes.Pro- American Short Horn Record admits all trac- Austria a violator of international law. An- Tuesday evening; Washington, parture*. day evening of each week; No 2 at School House, prfetor. an *_ s’*_a_s ing to imported stock. And in both these dressy last week assured Herr Tisza, the Hun5 Turner’s at Island, Cape Elizabeth Friday Evening. tor mechanical de- Freight received New and Spacious Iron Freight works the descendents of animals imported nifllll IT mriobtained Hrmc OifLiLio Physiology publish- ul VIA In response to inquiry the Treasury Depart a m. Close at 7.15 a m. ed.”—Roston Herald Lewistoi and Auburn. Arrive at 2.C5 and 8.51 1 nestled iu the bottom of meut states that the legal tendei quality of thi “Hope Pandora’s box, a. m., and 3.50 p. m. Close at 6.30 and 11.30 a. m and her wings anew, since the is hereby given, that the subscriber has after hope plumes issuing United States notes wilt remain assurnp and 4.45 p. m. of these valuable works, by the Peabody MOOSEV& NOTICEbeen duly appointed Executrix of the Will of 2 Castioe, Deer Isle, Sedgwick, S. W. Harbor, Mt Medical which are MEANS, DAVID W. late of tion as before, and the circulating notes of thi Institute, teaching thousands KINCAID, Cape Elizabeth, JHILI PREPS JOB PR1NT1M Desert, Macbias, Machiasoort, East Ma- how ro avoid the maladies that HOUSE' Jonespert, sap the citadel of in the of deceased, and Boston and Return national banks will bs redeemable in Uniter cbias, and Bar Harbor, via each steam- County Cumberland, has Millbriuge life.” —Philadelphia Enquirer. No. 189 cor- taken heiselt that trust as the law er. Arrive at 6 9 m. Commercial, upon directs. All States notes. a. m. Close at p. “It should be read bv the young, the East middle-aged persons having demands upon the estate of said de- port, via each steamer. Arrive at 6.00 a m 1 and even the old.”—New York Tribune. that thi 1 ceased, are required to exhibit the same; and all The Post-office Department decides Close at 4.45 p. m. “We that the book of ner Center 35.00 ! earnestly hope ‘Science Street, persons indebted to said estate are called Foreign Mails, via New previous to Bail find HE FIRST-CLASS STAMERS upon to productions of the lypt-writer cannot be re York, day Life* will not only many readers, but earnost make to iag ot steamers. Close at 8.15 a. m. Times have for sale Coal of all the best for payment OF L disciples.”— giaaes domestic John Brooks and Forest City will run alternately as ABIGAIL B. NO CHANGE CARS as printed but must be treatei and ArrJvi » •n KINCAID, Executrix. garded matter, Express, Augusta, Bangor the East. An illustrated sample sent to all.on receipt of six and other purposes, at the lowest rk« nrices. follows: Leave 2.05 a m. Close Cape Elizabeth, Oct. 1,1878. ocldlaw3wF* BETWEEN is 200 or 301 I at at 3.00 p m. cents tor postage. Also OAK, KlbtH nud PINE WfldD 109 Exchange Street, correspondence. WbeD, however, Skowbegan intermediate offices and the north Address Du. W. H. PARKER, No. 4 Bulfinch st., for kindling. PORTLAND AND are deposited with a Arrive at 3.50 u m. Close at 11.30 a. m. FRINKLIY WH4KF, Portland, ICE is hereby given that the subscriber has BOSTON. envelopes post-master Bost n, who as well as the author, may be consulted 1878. also closes July 16, jyl7dtf been appointed Executrix of of which are Skow began at 9.00 p in. on all diseases requiring skill and experience. NOT duly the Will of the contents exactly a'ikp, tbougl and every evening at 7 o’clock, aud Canada intermediate offices, via G. T« R. Ar hours—9 m. to 6 P. m. REUBEN late ot Two it is Office A. RUBY, Portland, Through Trains each Way written by a type-writer, prima facie evi rive at 1.*.0 p. m. Close ai 12.45 p. ra. jau23 eod&wly in the County of a Nova Scotia and Prince Edward’s INDIA WHARF, BOSTON. Cumberland, deceased, and has tak- Daily. deuce that the is a circular, and i Island. Clost en upon herself that trust as the All production 11.3 a. m and 9 p. m. PRUSSIHG’S law directs. &i demands can therefore be sent at circular rates. and intermediate MRS. DR. every ev» uing at 5 o’clock,(Sundays excepted.) persons having upon the estate of said l eaving Grand Ttunk R. R. Swanton, Vt., offices, via P. & WELCH, are to Station, Portland, at PORTLAND, MAINE. m deceased, required exhibit the same; and all 7.30 a. n>. and l.'O week the letter o O. R, K. Ar«ive6.40 p. Close 6.45 a. m. p. m., arriving in Boston at 1.13 At the cabinet meeting last The persons indebted to said estate are to Me., aud intermediate < only fii8t*clacs Passengers by this line are reminded that they se- called upon p. m. and 0,33 p. m. Fryeburg tfices, via P. & make payment to the General was giving thi R Ariive 11.15 a. m. Close 2.15 cure a co'nlortable night’s rest and avoid the e»- Attorney approved, O. K. p. m. ANNIE Vlass anu inie. dieuiite tesH and iucouvience of arriving m Boston late at M. RUBY. Eicecntrlx. BETEKNING, VINEGAR pense railroad cat Worcester, via P opinion that the Utah and Oregon offices, ! A SPLENDID Portland, Sept. 1878. Leave Bo-ton, Loaetl snd «S It K It. Ai live 1.20 p m. Clo.-e 12. <0 p. m. LADY CHIROPODIST ARTICLE, nig»t. 17th, sep27dlaw3wF* Nashua R. R. Station, 1 at 8.10 h. ni. and 5.35 pass through the Btuuock Iudiau reservation Rochester, N. H.. and intermediate via P (E^FTifkets and Staterooms for sale at D. H. Boston, p m, arriving in Port- ■ offices, Made from pure of ts in the will open Rooms again at the Juice apples. Celebrated for 266 Middle St. land at 1.20 p. m. and 11.00 p. m. was not & R. R. It. Close 7 a.m. country, and tv arranted to YOUNG’S, Th« with the B»nnocks recog for a purity, strength Jlaror. keep pickles. Vaults Cleaned aud Ashes Bemoved treaty Boston and »he South and West, A ■> aJR. UuttiSE, tew weeks Through Tickets to New York, via the various LI Sunday only wishing an nized as a law of which is considerei All diseases of the leet successfully*treated. Par- Housekeepers absolutely pure vinegar Sound Lines, for sale at very low rates. SATISFACTORY PRICES. All orders TRY TOE Congress, Arrive 12.45 p. m. should not fail to try this, l or Sale all NL1V ROUTE ! treated at their residences without extra by Grocers. taken as usual. at or address- and the the t Carriers’ deliveries at 7 03 aud 10.03 a. m. and 1.01 ties charge. Freight AT promptly attended to by calling superior to it, gives company righ Outof town until Oci. 1st. E. L. I'ltl SSIXG Jk CO.. and 4.00 p. m. Collections at 7.00 aud 11.03 a. m. Chicago. J. B. COYLE, Jr., General Agent. ing J. M. LUJfT, Sunt. line. eodtflm* dll oc2dtf tv follow a prescribed and 2.30 and 8.00 p. m. au23 ijis V3m dec30-76 R. GIBSON, 588 Congress St. J. W. PETERS, Gen. Ticket Agent. 20atl
