
Beggar Thy Neighbor A History of Usury and

By Charles R. Geisst When he finally returned to , he did found in almost all societies since antiq- so a wealthy man. uity. Charging on is the Seven years before the assassination The problem caused to coin a oldest financial practice. It has also been of Julius Caesar, an acrimonious dispute name for the practice which became a decried almost from the beginning as broke out between Marcus Tullius Cicero, cornerstone of Roman law. The story was predatory, with the lender seeking to take at the time the provincial governor of told innumerable times over the next 1,800 advantage of the borrower. Whether loans Cilicia, and Marcus Junius Brutus, a young years. The Roman historians dutifully were made in cash or in kind, unscrupu- provincial Roman administrator. The elder recorded it, and Adam Smith alluded to lous lenders were said to be practicing a statesman chided the younger man for it in . According to beggar-thy-neighbor policy by ensuring using his administrative post in Cyprus to Roman law, simple interest was permit- that the borrowers were disadvantaged to earn ill-gotten gains at the expense of the ted, but compound interest was anathema. the point of losing their collateral, or in local people. Cicero received reports that Compounding had been used in many extreme cases even losing their freedom Brutus had been lending money in Cyprus ancient civilizations, but the Romans even- or families. Charging simple interest was at four times the maximum rate stipulated tually made it illegal. By doing so, they also barely condoned, but charging compound by Roman law. To make matters even established a tradition that would create interest was unscrupulous, immoral and worse, he did it anonymously through an much confusion in the centuries to follow. rapacious. It was also practiced with near agent who did not mind using strong-arm They did not make all interest illegal, only impunity. tactics to collect the . When Cicero compound or “accumulating interest.” The problem was clear in the ancient brought the matter to his attention, Brutus Prohibitions against excessive inter- world but became obscured over time. ignored him and continued to lend money. est, or more properly usury, have been Over the centuries, usury prohibitions

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Left: Bust of Marcus Tullius Cicero (106 – 43 bc), provincial governor of Cilicia, who accused Brutus of using his administrative post in Cyprus to earn ill- gotten gains at the expense of the local people through usury. Right: Statue bust of Marcus Junius Brutus (85 – 42 bc), who loaned money in Cyprus at four times the maximum rate stipulated by Roman law.

became part of civil law, and that unwrit- world, but they remain at least partially Today, usury is considered excessive ten law of nations generally referred to as illegal in many jurisdictions. Many Ameri- interest, but that definition is relatively the . But it was still practiced can states still retain laws against criminal new in historical terms. Originally, usura widely and openly by the accursed money- interest, or -sharking. At the same time, was interest and its actual rate differed lenders who quickly became part of legend it frequently is ignored in the same places from place to place. The debate over it and literature. This uneasy combination with impunity and only becomes the center was intense. Excessive interest in many of theory and practice is partially respon- of attention in poor economic climates or in ancient societies was interest on interest, sible for the uneven patterns of economic times of capital shortage or high inflation. or usurae usararum, which added to the development found in Europe from the Perhaps that is why it has remained part of principal of an unpaid loan. In the ancient decline of Rome to the . In the universal canon of proscribed practices. world and Middle Ages especially, this the early Middle Ages especially, all inter- Usury prohibitions firmly are part of the was anathema. The tribal tradition of the est was considered usury by the church. natural law tradition, in that natural law Hebrews prohibiting from lending to Compound interest became “Jewish inter- specifies what cannot be done. Since the fall each other at interest was cited by medi- est,” suggesting that it had dark, magical, of Rome, there have been more centuries eval churchmen as the major Old Testa- non-Christian qualities that could be used characterized by what is known as capital ment source for proscribing all interest, for expropriation by the lender, consid- shortage than there have been of periods of not just simple interest. The great irony ered a societal outsider. sustained growth and general prosperity. It was that Jews were exempt from lending Through its long history, interest and is not a coincidence that the outcry against to and accepted as moneylenders usury have gone from being anathema to usury has been most shrill during those dif- by the church in the Middle Ages. That being big business in the contemporary ficult times. loophole allowed them to compete with

www.MoAF.org | Spring 2013 | FINANCIAL HISTORY 21 the Lombards and Cahors who about the future value of a were allowed to lend at interest. unit of currency and, most In medieval Europe, these famously, how many rabbits groups were the main mon- would be the result of an origi- eylenders before the arrival nal pair, assuming continuous of the Jews. Curiously, none rabbit compounding. But he was condemned for it, and the avoided the usury issue, as did Lombards were responsible for his equally-famous countryman the development of the money Luca Pacioli two centuries later markets in the 14th century. The when he discussed double entry Italian bankers in particular bookkeeping. Fibonacci did, became financiers to monarchs however, tackle the problem of and princes as far north as Eng- debasing a currency, a politi- land. Their experiences with cally correct topic in the 13th Edward III in particular were century for kings and princes. unpleasant, but their skills were There is a great temptation highly sought after in countries to criticize various usury and where the treasuries were either interest ceilings as being incon- low on cash or management sistent over the centuries. The skills. Despite the general ban on medieval church adopted a ban interest, the moneylenders were on usury, similar to the one tolerated and even occasionally in the Muslim world, only to put the feet of monarchs to the see it circumvented with great fire when the interest bill was frequency between the 12th and overdue. Jewish lenders usu- 19th centuries. Different com- ally were less fortunate. This mentators had sundry opinions apparent contradiction can be © Michael Nicholson/Corbis on the subject, but all agreed explained by a combination of Adam Smith, considered the father of free market that interest needed to be con- tradition, religion and law. The economic theory, favored a ceiling on interest. trolled. Even Adam Smith, con- Lombards were the barbarian sidered the father of free market tribe that conquered Rome in economic theory, favored a ceil- the sixth century; the Cahors for money lending because the Scholastics ing on interest. But as usury and were the descendants of the Visigoths accepted ’s dictum that money was interest approached the 19th century, it who settled in France. Neither group had sterile, having no intrinsic qualities other became more clear that there was a great any provisions against interest or usury in than being used as a . deal of consistency in the way they were their laws because both came from societ- It could not beget itself, and therefore usury treated, given the differences in cultures ies that originally used barter or payment was not useful. Unknown (or ignored) and political motives of those opposed to in kind rather than money. Natural law in was the discovery of Justinian’s Code in them. The tendency to abuse one’s posi- the late assumed a com- 1130. In it, the prohibition against anato- tion as a lender was recognized by most monality among civilized societies, but cismus (Cicero’s term) and alterum tan- commentators regardless of their political that did not include barbarians. Neither tum compound interest. Normal rates of or moral position. group had a tradition against usury; each interest were tolerated, but adding interest The term “beggar thy neighbor” today is continued to pursue its newly-acquired to outstanding principal was banned. But used to describe an international prac- money lending skills without interrup- medieval church law would not even admit tice where one nation attempts to establish tion. No loud objection was heard until to ordinary interest despite the distinction advantage over its trading partners through the Lombards were conquered by Char- between the two in Roman law. restrictive trade practices or policies. This lemagne in 800, but by that time their Compound interest would not become derives from a mercantilist idea that owed tradition was established. a math exercise until the Middle Ages, its origins to an era when colonial pow- The barbarian invasions also relegated when the Italian mathematician Fibonacci ers exploited their far-flung colonies and much of Roman law to the shadows of discussed compound interest questions ensured that they exported more than they history until the general revival of learn- and puzzles. Because of the usury prohi- imported. Before the mercantilist period, ing in the 17th century. When many books bition, he carefully avoided discussions however, the term was associated more that had been missing for centuries reap- about loan values and instead focused on simply with borrowing and lending. The peared, those of Aristotle became the main future value problems, an issue medieval of the world exploited the Anto- reference for many churchmen, including philosophers were not acquainted with nios, seeking to extract their pound of . This complicated matters and did not discuss. He posed questions flesh, when Christian principles demanded

22 FINANCIAL HISTORY | Spring 2013 | www.MoAF.org fairness and lenient lending policies. Equity in scope and sophistication, actually speci- writers cited scripture to illustrate the and Christian suggested that lend- fied the maximum rate of interest that pitfalls of lending money. In early 19th- ers should treat borrowers as brothers, lenders could charge borrowers. They did century Ireland, the Reverend Jeremiah members of the same community. The idea not ban lending rates but only sought a O’Callaghan refused the to a was practiced only rarely. level of interest that was considered prac- dying man until he recanted his alleged stood apart from that commu- tical and viable. usury, an incident that eventually got nity; his religion and tradition were differ- To borrow an idea from Adam Smith, the priest banished to the wilds of north- ent; he was allowed to lend to non-Jews, the more prosperous and wealthy a society, ern Vermont. When the a well-known, widely-circulated biblical the lower its rate of interest. It has been finally reconsidered its ban on usury, it fact. Coincidentally Portia, who success- suggested that the history of usury is noth- did so quietly through a letter by the pope fully defended Antonio against Shylock in ing more than an exercise in intellectual to the Italian bishops in the 18th century, Shakespeare’s court, was also the name of history. Accordingly, usury is an idea with not through a papal encyclical as would Brutus’s second wife, which was probably a long history, riddled with enigmas and have been expected. One hundred years not a coincidence since Shakespeare was inconsistencies, that exists mostly in the later, the ban would politely be ignored. well acquainted with Roman history. minds of economic historians. That is true, After centuries of condemnation, the lure The lending tradition became a nasty but it ignores the subtext, which has proved of investment returns finally circle of recrimination and counter- to be one of the most powerful notions in all became too great to resist. recrimination that lasted for centuries. societies for 3,000 years. As part of general Despite the colorful vignettes, it has Lenders and early bankers, whether natural law, it reflects societal notions of always been easier to denounce the prac- they were Jews, Lombards, Cahors or fairness and equity that have transcended tice than actually pass a useful usury law. the Templars, realized that their finan- ancient, medieval and modern societies. When the British government finally abol- cial expertise and alien status in many The power of interest, and especially com- ished its usury laws in the early 19th cen- European societies made them subjects of pound interest, cannot be understated. tury, many of the arguments in the debate envy, derision and ultimately retaliation Usury and interest have been con- later surfaced in the United States. Banning from many hard-pressed sovereigns. As a demned together for centuries, although usury was bad for business and, therefore, result, many of them charged compound it is not always clear whether critics dis- the usury laws should be abolished. No one interest to compensate for their business tinguished, or even understood, the differ- could forcibly argue against the point, but risk or disguised interest charges as hid- ences between the two. Compound inter- no one could totally agree either, given the den, discounted fees. The risks they faced est has commanded little discussion by abuses to which lenders often subjected were more than simple counter-party risk itself until recently. John Maynard Keynes borrowers. Advocates of maintaining a because they could be expelled from their recognized the problems compound inter- ban often cited the , and it homes, sent to the Inquisition or expro- est would cause for Germany in paying became a major source of speech material priated. The fact that many well-known World War I reparations. Albert Einstein for legislators in the 19th century. bankers in northern Europe prior to the reputedly called it the eighth wonder of While much of it sounded like hell, fire Renaissance came from distant locales the world for its ability to produce future and brimstone, the laws that subsequently attests to the fact that foreigners were values far in excess of present value. The followed sounded very tame in compari- often sought as lenders precisely because English clergyman Richard Price tried to son. Usury laws lived on in the United borrowers could on loans to them use compound interest to retire the siz- States for another 100 years. The fact that without much fear of reprisal. able British national debt in the 18th cen- a major crisis followed within a few The history of usury usually has been tury. American lenders are now required decades did not seem to faze proponents of divided into a general discussion sur- to state the annual percentage rate they leverage and free market interest rates who rounding borrowing and lending on the charge customers on unpaid balances, apparently were not aware that the South one hand and the legal treatment of usury but the rates themselves have been left Sea Bubble, the Crash of 1929 and most of by various societies on the other. Since untouched by federal regulators. In the the American panics of the 19th and 20th the early years of the Roman monarchy, early 1980s, several large American centuries all were caused by excessive bor- through the republic and ending with the went to great lengths and expense to rowing and high leverage that spilled over empire, Rome always had what is known establish facilities in states with into the equities markets. as statutory usury. Laws governing inter- no functional usury laws in order to avoid est were embodied in the law, at first in potential prosecution for charging high Charles R. Geisst is Ambassador Charles the Twelve Tables and then later in Justin- interest rates, ratcheted even higher by A. Gargano Professor at Manhattan Col- ian’s Code and Digest. The latter incor- daily or monthly compounding. lege and the author of 19 books. porated the writings of many prominent There has been a clear distinction rhetoricians and philosophers, so together between misgivings about usury and the Reprinted from Beggar Thy Neighbor: A they were an excellent compilation of the law of usury. The misgivings certainly History of Usury and Debt by Charles R major ideas on usury in Rome for the have been more colorful. Dante relegated Geisst with permission from University of previous centuries. These laws, different usurers to the while numerous Pennsylvania Press. © 2013.

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