Region 3 Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Transmittal Form U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service WSFR Bishop Henry Whipple Federal Building One Federal Drive Fort Snelling, MN 55111-4056 Date Received: Date Approval Requested by: Friday, September 25, 2009 (Region 3 FA Date Stamp) Date Submitted: Thursday, August 27, 2009 Project No.: To Be Determined Project Title: Prairie Fen and Associated Savanna Restoration in Michigan and Indiana for Species of Greatest Conservation Need State Contact: Eric Sink FWS Biologist: Mike Sweet, (612) 713-5129 Telephone Number: (517) 335-1064 e-mail address:
[email protected] Track (check one): Routine = 15 day Non-Routine = 30 day Non-Routine = 45 day Type(s): Grant Proposal (GP): GP Renewal: Grant Segment: GP Amend: Segment Amend: USFWS will complete USFWS will complete Obligation Intent: Sub-Account Federal Share Circle or Check if Applicable: WR Regular 5220 $ In-Kind Value Program Income WR Sect 4 Hunter Ed 5210 $ SHPO WR Sect 10 Hunter Ed 523 $ NEPA (EA Letter or EA) Section 7 WL Cons. & Rest. 5511 $ Lobby Certification SFR Regular 9514 $ Other (describe in Note/Special Instructions section below) SFR Aquatic Ed. 9511 $ Needs funding condition (describe in Note/Special Instructions section below) SFR Boat Access 9521 $ COMPETITIVE ( ) or NON-COMPETITIVE ( ) Other : $ 864,020 Competitive SWG Notes/Special Instructions (check): Biologist Fiscal Land Secretary Mike, until we can get the Section 7 consultation and biological opinion documents, can you approve with the caveate that no work is to be done