Welcome to Silver Falls Silver to Welcome N

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Welcome to Silver Falls Silver to Welcome N C a i m a r T p d g n r u o o u r n g d p n 214 T a r a C i l CAMPGROUND = Cabin = a Are Pet = = Wildlife Viewing Blind Viewing Wildlife = s th Pa oot F = a Are y-use Da = Gate = To le ab rv rese & , E D B able v nonreser A = Picnic Shelter Picnic = A Restrooms A AD = s Restroom = i. ground ay Pl = m 10 / a Are Picnic A AD = 6 a Are ercise Ex t Pe a e d r n A u o g n i gr m p m i m w a S C o T r Ba k Snac Fire Road Fire D E 214 B LLS FA H SOUT a Are Picnic Lodge Shop l i a A r Gift T m i n Cabi R a Are g Lo Picnic Shelter Stone S FALL B E FRENCHI i C k A PARKING e a P a t h n M y a o n p l T e r a R i i l Fire Road d g F PARKING PARKING e T r a i l 63400-8652 (3/2012) Printed on Recycled Paper onRecycled 63400-8652 (3/2012)Printed oad R n Conference Center Conference i a t n u o M t u o k o o L permit; valid during the length of your stay only. stay your of length the during valid permit; ★ Trailhead k e e r disintegrate. 214 C h t i Your camping receipt also functions as a daily daily a as functions also receipt camping Your m S lava engulfed living trees, causing the wood to to wood the causing trees, living engulfed lava k listed in the National Register of Historic Places. Historic of Register National the in listed fee collection stations located throughout the park. park. the throughout located stations collection fee e e k r e C e 214 walk behind North Falls. These formed when when formed These Falls. North behind walk r To Salem To d r C a inals. The lodge and 10 surrounding acres are are acres surrounding 10 and lodge The inals. w r the symbol on the park map in this guide for for guide this in map park the on symbol the o e H v l i the many tree “chimneys,” or casts while you you while casts or “chimneys,” tree many the S k r - orig the among are today lodge the inside tables Camp year day-use passes also are available. Look for for Look available. are also passes day-use year o F Viewpoint h t Youth u of the falls. Look up and see if you can spot spot can you if see and up Look falls. the of o S chairs built from only two myrtle trees. The The trees. myrtle two only from built chairs CAMPGROUND and the North Falls trailhead. Annual and two- and Annual trailhead. Falls North the and Camp Horse time and created natural pathways behind some some behind pathways natural created and time S i l used as a restaurant, diners ate on tables and and tables on ate diners restaurant, a as used (winter) found at the South Falls day-use area area day-use Falls South the at found (winter) v e r Swimming The softer layers beneath the basalt eroded over over eroded basalt the beneath layers softer The R king i Picnic d built the South Falls Lodge in the 1930s. Once Once 1930s. the in Lodge Falls South the built yellow vending machines (summer) or fee tubes tubes fee or (summer) machines vending yellow g Office Ranches ailhead e Tr Park R o Lodge resting on softer, older rock. older softer, on resting of the Works Progress Administration (WPA), (WPA), Administration Progress Works the of daily permits at the entrance booth, or from the the from or booth, entrance the at permits daily a d Area Day-Use k South Falls South e r t h o N F o e r r k S i l v e C flows lava basalt thick over tumble falls The r The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), part part (CCC), Corps Conservation Civilian The Day-use permits are required year-round. Purchase Purchase year-round. required are permits Day-use alls aterf W Group Camp Group North Falls North Historic South Falls Lodge Falls South Historic Geology of the Falls the of Geology Day-Use Fees Day-Use H u k l l t C e r e e e r k C r e v l i S To Silverton To 214 swimming area. area. swimming Campground & Center Loop To Conference To Cabin To Salem To for relaxing. Or, enjoy a swim in Silver Creek along a developed (but unsupervised) unsupervised) (but developed a along Creek Silver in swim a enjoy Or, relaxing. for To Ranches and Youth Camp Youth and Ranches To Y ONL T EXI perfect are area day-use Falls South the at shelters picnic and lawns spacious The TH BOO TION REGISTRA 214 bear, coyotes and cougars live in remote park areas. areas. park remote in live cougars and coyotes bear, OFFICE ARK P Area Y ONL Day-Use swordfern. Pacific blacktail deer thrive in the lush, temperate rainforest. Black Black rainforest. temperate lush, the in thrive deer blacktail Pacific swordfern. ENTRANCE p Cam Youth and To Ranches, Conference Center, Conference Ranches, ARD Y MAINTENANCE Campground through Douglas-fir and western hemlock flanked by Oregon grape, salal and and salal grape, Oregon by flanked hemlock western and Douglas-fir through To Silverton To ENTRANCE mountain bike on more than 25 miles of multi-use trails. Park trails wind wind trails Park trails. multi-use of miles 25 than more on bike mountain 5 I- YTON STA Take a stroll on the paved four-mile bike path, or ride your horse, hike or or hike horse, your ride or path, bike four-mile paved the on stroll a Take oit Detr To Guide Trail 22 Building Capitol 214 of Silver Creek. Silver of State State Park State Silver Falls Silver S SALEM 22 and under some of the stunning waterfalls of the north and south forks forks south and north the of waterfalls stunning the of some under and 214 hikers and photographers. The eight-mile hiking trail passes by by passes trail hiking eight-mile The photographers. and hikers 213 The park’s most famous feature, The Trail of Ten Falls, thrills thrills Falls, Ten of Trail The feature, famous most park’s The 122°40’0"W 122°39’30"W 122°39’0"W 122°38’30"W 122°38’0"W Park 122°37State ’30"W 122°37’0"W SILVERTON scenery. spectacular of acres 9,000 than more offers Falls ilver N 2100 0" 4’ x 873-8681 (503) Phone: Park 31 °5 Falls Silver 44 Welcome to Silver Falls Silver to Welcome N 0" 4’ °5 44 Silver Falls State Park State Falls Silver 214 1600 1400 1 2 1700 SOUTH FALLS LOWER 177ft. SOUTH 1400 1200 This 177-foot waterfall FALLS Trail of Ten1300 Falls Double 93 ft. 1200 can be seen from several Falls 16 points along the canyon 0 About one 1100 0 "N 30 3’ °5 r k 44 4 rim. Walk behind the mile down i l F o 3 r a Lower falls and experience its the trail T "N n 30 o 3’ n y °5 C a North mystical beauty. is Lower 44 Falls 11 Drake A loop trail leads to a South 00 1 200 Falls 1000 r t h Trails Restroom footbridge. Falls. The N o 5 Walkway / Sidewalk ADA Restroom trail drops 1000 1300 Trail - Paved / Hard Surface; 9, 7, Hike Middle DRAKE FALLS Vault Toilet 6 S i North Falls down 185 steps and continues behind North 5 27 ft. Bike Path l v Group Camp a 93-foot curtain of rushing water. LOWER NORTH DOUBLE FALLS Trailhead Falls 0 e 130 r W 3 4 178ft. Trail - Unpaved / Loose Surface 0 30 ft. 0 FALLS Stairs 14 Drake Falls, at 27 feet, is the Roads & Parking i 3 n Take a 1 /10 mile hike from A short trail near the foot-bridge SOUTH Trail Intersections 1500 smallest of the Silver Creek Lower TrTrailsails Public Roads & Parking (Paved) ReRestrostomroom t e Lower South Falls to Lower over Hullt Creek leads to Double Canyon falls. It is named for 15 South r M 00 Public Roads & Parking (Unpaved) WaWalkwlkayway / S /ide Sidewawalk lk1400 1500 ADA Restroom 140 ADA Restroom T FALLS Falls a North Falls, which forms a 16 Falls. Although a double drop, Silverton photographer June 0 0 r 13 p 0 Twin Day-Use Area 2 Contours 00 TraiTrlai - lP -aved Paved / Ha / Hard rdSu Surfacrface; e;9, 9,7, 7,Hi keHike a 30-foot drop in the north fork of l at 178 feet, this is the largest VaVaultul Ttoil Toiletet Falls C Drake, whose photos of the falls e C r e e 100 foot intervals i a 130 l 0 n y Silver Creek. in the park. R BikeBike Pa Path th 8 o n T North Falls brought prominence to the area. 140 0 r i Water Features TraiTrlhaieadlhead a i l d. d 7 k North rk R g TraiTrlai - lU -np Unpavedaved / Lo / Loosose Sue Surfacrface e 9 Trailhead Fo Streams & Creeks 170 Falls e Winter rth StaStairsir0 s Winter Falls No Park N 0" Falls 3’ l T i °5 Park Boundary R a Upper 44 RoRoadads s& & Parkin Parkingg i m T r Office 0 0 r Trail Intersections Trailhead 12 Trail Intersections l North 0 a 0 OPRD Ownership i Registration 13 PuPublicblic Ro Roadads &s Pa& Parkirknging (P av(Paveded) ) i Falls N a 0" Booth l 3’ °5 r PuPublicbPARKINGlic Ro Roadads &s Pa& FParkirknging (U np(Unpaveaved) d) 10 44 T 0 0 14 n 0 0 Contours W 15 o Contours y i n 100100 foot foot in terintervalvals s PARKING A n a Frenchie t e C Water Features WateFar Featlls ures r StrStreameams &s Cr& Creeeeksks R 17 0 0 i 16 1 180 m 5 6 0 0 0 T 0 7 PaParkrk Bo Bounundadaryry r a i l 0 e r i m e t e r South 1 Lodge P T r a i l OPOPRDRD Ow Ownenershirsphip MIDDLE WINTER Falls 1 9 C 0 NORTH 0 r e FALLS e 0 FALLS 134 ft.
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