Devoted to the Study and Appreciation of Ohio’s Birdlife • Vol. 37, No. 4 Summer 2014 An Ohio breeder, this Great Crested Flycatcher paused while gathering nesting material for this study by Victor Fazio III on 06 Jun at Pickerel Creek. On the cover: This Cattle Egret chose a beautiful setting for a lovely portrait by photographer Christopher Collins on 26 Jul on Cedar Point Drive, Erie. Vol. 37 No. 4 Devoted to the Study and Appreciation of Ohio’s Birdlife EDITOR OHIO BIRD RECORDS Craig Caldwell COMMITTEE 1270 W. Melrose Dr. Paul Gardner Westlake, OH 44145 Secretary 440-356-0494 295 Acton Road
[email protected] Columbus, OH 43214-3305
[email protected] PHOTO EDITOR Laura Keene PAST PUBLISHERS
[email protected] John Herman (1978-1980) Edwin C. Pierce (1980-2008) LAYOUT Roger Lau PAST EDITORS
[email protected] John Herman (1978-1980) Edwin C. Pierce (1980-1991) Thomas Kemp (1987-1991) CONSULTANTS Robert Harlan (1991-1996) Mike Egar Victor W. Fazio III (1996-1997) Victor Fazio III Bill Whan (1997-2008) Rob Harlan Andy Jones (2008-2010) Andy Jones Jill M. Russell (2010-2012) Laura Peskin Bill Whan ISSN 1534-1666 The Ohio Cardinal, Summer 2014 COMMENTS ON THE SEASON By Craig Caldwell counts of 10 review species and one review genus are included. Reports of three of them (Western Grebe, Jun was wetter than average, with a rainfall total Fish Crow, and Common Raven) had insufficient data in the top 20 of the 120 years with records. Only the for evaluation and so will not be part of the formal re- south-central counties’ rains were near normal.