Australian Government Takeovers Panel Index of Reasons By Legislation 2000 – 30 June 2019 Takeovers Panel Index of published reasons - By legislation - 2000 to 30 June 2019 The information in this index is current as at 30 June 2019. This index is provided by the Panel for the general assistance of parties and the public. It makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of the information contained in the index. The Panel will update the index from time to time. If you have any suggestions in terms of improving the index, please email
[email protected] Corporations Act s9 'Panel Proceedings' GoldLink IncomePlus Limited 04R [2009] ATP 3, [11] s9 'Relevant Agreement' Isis Communications Limited [2002] ATP 10 Winepros Limited [2002] ATP 18, [26] World Oil Resources Limited [2013] ATP 1, [52] Touch Holdings Limited [2013] ATP 3 Merlin Diamonds Limited [2016] ATP 18, [34] Molopo Energy Limited 01 & 02 [2017] ATP 10, [49 Molopo Energy Limited 03R, 04R & 05R [2017] ATP 12, [53] s9 'Voting Share' The President's Club Limited [2012] ATP 10, [77] Condor Blanco Mines Limited [2016] ATP 8, [34] s9 'Remedial Order' Molopo Energy Limited 03R, 04R & 05R [2017] ATP 12, [280], footnote 80 s11 Molopo Energy Limited 01 & 02 [2017] ATP 10, [53(a)] s12 Taipan Resources NL 03 [2000] ATP 17, [72]-[79] (Corp Law 12) Winepros Limited [2002] ATP 18 Anzoil NL 01 [2002] ATP 19, [52]-[60] Aztec Resources Limited [2006] ATP 28, [37]-[41] BigAir Group Limited [2008] ATP 12 Mesa Minerals Limited [2010] ATP 4, [41] CMI Limited [2011] ATP 4 CMI Limited