Social and Ethical Challenges of HBP
Social and Ethical Challenges of HBP ! Abdul H. Mohammed Linnaeus University and Karolinska Institutet Växjö and Stockholm , Sweden 1st HBP School, Alpbach, Austria, September 8 – 14, 2014 SP12 Ethics and Society Jean-Pierre Changeux (dir.) Kathinka Evers (dir) Institut Pasteur, France Uppsala University Nikolas Rose Abdul Mhammed King’s College London, UK Linaneus University, Sweden Bernd Carsten Stahl Yadin Dudai De Montfort University, Leicester, UK Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel Lars Kluve Kevin Grimes Danish Board of Technology, Denmark Karolinska Institute, Sweden Christine Mitchell Barbara Sahakian Harvard Medicla School, USA Cambridge University, UK Richard Walker Benjamin Simmenauer EPFL, Switzerland Institut Pasteur, France Ethics • ”In a civilized life law floats in a sea of ethics” • Earl Warren, (1891 – 1974) • You can turn away from ethical questions, but they will not go away • Ethical dilemma – morally problematic situation, where you have to pick between two or more acceptable but often opposing alternatives that are important to different groups. (”right-versus-right” decision) Neuroethics • Encompasses a wide array of ethical issues emerging from different branches of clinical neuroscience (neurology, psychiatry, psychopharmacology) and basic neuroscience (cognitive neuroscience, affective neuroscience). • These include ethical problems raised by advances in functional neuroimaging, brain implants and brain- machine interfaces and psychopharmacology as well as by our growing understanding of the neural bases of behavior personality, consciousness … The goals of the HBP ethics and society pillar: to explore the project’s social, ethical and philosophical implications, to promote engagement with decision-makers and the general public, to promote social and ethical awareness among project participants, and to ensure that the project is governed in a way that ensures full compliance with relevant legal and ethical norms.
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