On the Complexity of Dynamic Epistemic Logic ∗ Guillaume Aucher François Schwarzentruber University of Rennes 1 - INRIA ENS Cachan - Brittany extension
[email protected] [email protected] cachan.fr ABSTRACT knowledge change of multiple agents, and more generally Although Dynamic Epistemic Logic (DEL) is an influential about information change. logical framework for representing and reasoning about in- The theoretical work of the above mentioned research formation change, little is known about the computational fields has already been applied to various practical problems complexity of its associated decision problems. In fact, we stemming from telecommunication networks, World Wide only know that for public announcement logic, a fragment Web, peer to peer networks, aircraft control systems, and so of DEL, the satisfiability problem and the model-checking on. In general, in all applied contexts, the investigation of problem are respectively PSPACE-complete and in P. We the algorithmic aspects of the formalisms employed plays an contribute to fill this gap by proving that for the DEL lan- important role in determining whether and to what extent guage with event models, the model-checking problem is, they can be applied. For this reason, the algorithmic aspects surprisingly, PSPACE-complete. Also, we prove that the of DEL need to be studied. satisfiability problem is NEXPTIME-complete. In doing so, To this aim, a preliminary step consists in studying the we provide a sound and complete tableau method deciding computational properties of its main associated decision prob- the satisfiability problem. lems, namely the model checking problem and the satisfia- bility problem. Indeed, it will indirectly provide algorithmic methods to solve these decision problems and give us a hint Categories and Subject Descriptors of whether and to what extent our methods can be applied.