Multimodal Logic Programminrr U Using Equational and Order-Sorted Logic*
Theoretical Computer Science 105 (1992) 141-166 141 Elsevier Multimodal logic programminrr U using equational and order-sorted logic* Frangoise Debart, Patrice Enjalbert and Madeleine Lescot Laboratoire d’lnformatique, UniversitC de Caen, 14032 Caen Cedex, France Abstract Debart, F., P. Enjalbert and M. Lescot, Multimodal logic programming using equational and order-sorted logic, Theoretical Computer Science 105 (1992) 141-166. In our previous works a method for automated theorem proving in modal logic, based on algebraic and equational techniques, was proposed. In this paper we extend the method to multimodal logic and apply it to modal logic programming. Multimodal systems under consideration have a finite number of pairs of modal operators (Oi, qi) of any type among KD, KT, KD4, KT4, KF, and interaction axioms of the form qiA+ 0 jA. We define a translation from such logical systems to specially tailored equational theories of classical order-sorted logic, preserving satisfiability, and then use SLD E-resolution for theorem proving in these theories. Introduction In our previous works [4,3] we proposed a method for automated theorem proving in modal logic, based on algebraic and equational techniques. The aim of this paper is twofold. Firstly, we extend the method to multimodal logic developing [9]; secondly, we investigate its application to modal logic programming. The multimodal systems under consideration have a finite number of pairs of modal operators pi = (0 i, 0 i) (“modalities” in this paper) declared with some arbitrary “modal type” among KD, KT, KD4, KT4, KF. The standard possible-worlds seman- tics is straightforwardly extended: with each modality pi, a binary “accessibility relation” R, between worlds is associated, with the properties corresponding to the assigned modal type, respectively: seriality, reflexivity, seriality and transitivity, reflex- ivity and transitivity, or functionality.
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