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[email protected] [email protected] We cover your world Vol. 20 No. 8 Jamaica: 655-1479 THE MULTI AWARD-WINNING NEWS MAGAZINE Fitzroy Salesman, the Jamaican- born ex-com- missioner for the South Florida city of Miramar, is appealing his misdemeanor firearm conviction. Among his claims is that evidence, which prove his innocence, never came out in court, page 2. The United Nations says the battle against HIV/AIDS is being won in ~ Haitian-born entertainer Wyclef the Caribbean. According to Jean has been honored for his Michael humanitarian work, especially his Sidibé, execu- efforts to alleviate poverty and suf- tive director of UNAIDS, a “major, fering in his homeland, page 7. major breakthrough has been made during the last five years of increasing the coverage of treat- ment” for HIV/AIDS in the region, page 11. ~ A 6’ 5” male Jamaican will be seeking top honors at next month’s IAAF World Ah pastries, the sweet slice of Championships in Athletics. United life. Most Jamaicans are known States-based 400-meter hurdler Isa to have a sweet tooth. Puddings, Phillips is hoping to match the excel- cakes or candy will always get lence of another illustrious countryman their attention. So Caribbean who fits that description, and in the Today is offering a sample of process shatter American dominance in Jamaican pastries – just in case you might be tempted to make the event, page 23.