LOGOS A Journal of Undergraduate Research Volume 13 Fall 2020 ii • LOGOS: A Journal of Undergraduate Research © Copyright 2020 Missouri State University ISSN 2153-1560 (print) ISSN 2153-1579 (online) LOGOS Honors College Missouri State University 901 South National Avenue Springfield, MO 65897
[email protected] iii EDITORIAL STATEMENT Dear readers, The LOGOS student and faculty editorial staff are pleased to introduce Vol- ume 13, arguably one of our most ambitious editions to date. As we reflect on this year-long production cycle, it is difficult not to think about the historic circumstances surrounding it. Like many people during the COVID-19 pan- demic, the student editorial team was required to adapt to the challenge of navigating our new, remote world. Beyond that, our student authors respond- ed to the pandemic and the situations they saw in their own communities with quality research and insightful submissions. As we began accepting pieces for publication in Volume 13, two distinct themes began to present themselves. The first, and most obvious, was that of social inequality and the pursuit of social justice. The second was that of family and making sense of grief. While not by design, as Volume 13 was not explicitly a themed edition, it seems our students have a finger on the pulse of current issues in their world. These pieces represent the concerns students have, what they are thinking about, and what they are seeing and experiencing as opportunities to make positive change. The pieces in this Volume work together to tell a cohesive story about the state of our world as students experienced it during the last year.